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Old 04-05-2015, 12:02 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
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Default Part 18: Meeting Melody

The band arrived at the hotel at 2:30PM. The rest of the day was free time until dinner and band meeting at 6PM. Within thirty minutes the guys were in their rooms, same room assignments as in the past. Chris and Alex were on the top floor facing the beach, Patrick was one floor below, They all agreed to grab their beach stuff and meet back downstairs. Grant was on floor six.

“Grant, why don’t you drop your stuff and then come up to our room and we can get you set up with a swimsuit,” Chris suggested.

Grant nodded, a man a many words.

Alex was ready in as long as it took to get outof the shorts. “Can’t wait to show this off on the beach,” he exclaimed. “Love this suit!” He stood there bare-chested in just his Netherlands swimsuit. Chris smiled at him.

“Yeah, it does look pretty awesome on you,” he replied. “Maybe I’ll wear mine,” Chris added as he shed his boardies to reveal the red print Nike that had been driving Sarah wild with curiosity. “Plus I am ready to get out of this one." .

“Cool!” Alex replied as he walked to the door to answer the knock. “Must be Grant.” Alex opened the door to see Grant standing there still in his long pants and button shirt. “Hey G-man, how’s it hanging?” Alex greeted the guest.

“I was thinking maybe I’ll just stay in my room and read a book,” Grant said. “Not really a beach guy.”

“Hey man, whatever floats your boat,” Alex replied. “It will be fun, though.”

“See you guys,” Grant replied as he turned to head out.

“Whoa, Grant, wait a second,” Chris chimed in, now changed into his own Turbo Netherlands swimsuit. As usual, he looked stunning, muscular and masculine. He was the perfect specimen of a swimmer in the tiny, well form fitting suit. “Alex, go catch up with the guys. I’ll meet you in a few on the beach. Let me talk to Grant, alone.”

“Whatever,” Alex replied. “Don’t be late,” Alex grabbed a towel, threw on a T-shirt from a band event back home and headed out.

“Grant, you doing alright?” Chris asked with genuine concern. The two guys were now alone.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Grant replied.

“Well, in Amsterdam you never went out, I don’t think, and we never saw you in that small town, and now you want to hang out alone.” Chris paused staring at the lonely guy standing in front of him. Maybe he should just leave it alone, he thought. Chris felt bad that grant was clearly not having a good time. “We are in Europe man, I just hate to see you miss out.”

Grant’s eyes watered a bit. He was almost on the verge of tears. Chris had hit something in him. “I feel kind of lost,” Grant finally said. “I mean all you guys are good friends. I don’t know anyone.” Grant continued. He wiped a tear from his cheek. “I think I’d rather just go home.”

“Grant, come here and sit down,” Chris replied. He waited as Grant sat in the chair opposite Chris, who was sitting on the bed. It was a contrast between the Turbo clad Chris and the fully dressed Grant. “I think you are just homesick, man, “ Chris continued. “And staying in your room is just going to make you feel more alone.”

“I was thinking of asking the director to let me leave when we get to Brussels.” Grant continued. Now the tears were flowing. “I just am a small town kid, I’ve never been any place else. It is not easy for me to make friends.” Grant wiped more tears onto his sleeve.

“Grant, you don’t get smaller than Northern Maine where I am from,” Chris laughed as he said it, breaking some of the tension. “Look, none of us knew each other before we got to Boston. You just have to join in and it will all be cool.” Chris added. “Let’s make a deal. You hang out with me for the next several days and then if you still hate it, go home. But let me at least help out. I can introduce you to guys and maybe even a few girls.” Chris proposed.

“You’d do that?” Grant asked.

“Sure man, and that whole homesick thing is just between us. Now let’s get you a swimsuit. You can leave your clothes here.”

Grant felt better already. At least he was willing to give it a go. “I really like blue, if you got one blue,” he chimed up.

“Blue it is,” Chris replied, throwing Grant a blue and gold Nike swimsuit. “I know you probably never wore a suit like this before, but it is all I have.”

Grant held the suit up. “No, but it’s fine.” he said. He went into the bathroom to change.

“Girl’s like guys in swim team suits, so you might really make a new friend,” Chris said as Grant closed the bathroom door.


Patrick, Alex, Len and two other guys all had found a good open spot on the beach. Alex was in his Netherlands suit, Patrick wore one of the Turbo suit’s the guys had bought back at the sports store, the California Republic print, and Len was in a pair of blue splice jammers with red white and blue panels on the side. The other two guys were in board shorts, one in Hurley brand and the other in a pair from Pac Sun. No one made a comment about any of the suits. They all tossed their stuff on the sand and headed to the water.

Sarah and Alice watched from their top floor balcony as the guys headed into the surf. “Wow, lots of speedo guys in this band.” Alice said to Sarah. Their room was actually right next to Chris and Alex’s, a reality that had not figured out.

“Yeah, just the way we like it. Show us what you pack,” Sarah responded, the girls both laughed.

“Let’s go crash the party,” Alice suggested. “Maybe that sex machine Chris will show up,” she added. They had already given him a secret desirous nickname. Within minutes they were both in tiny bikini swimsuits, the kind with string sides and hardly enough material to cover their private areas. Sarah’s was yellow, a very bright yellow while Alice had on a red bottom and red flower top. They were so scantily dressed that any straight guy would have a hard time not exploding at the sight of them.

“Hey guys,” Chris called out as he approached the gang, now all wet and laying in the sun. “You all know Grant, right. Trombone player.”

“Did you say bone player?” one of the guys teased.

“Very funny,” Alex replied. “Just not yours.”

Grant smiled at the jokes. Chris was relieved to see Grant find the humor.

“Hey, what’s with the matching speedos?” Chad pointed out the Alex and Chris. “Aren’t you two a cute couple.”

“Yes, we are,” Alex teased back. “Got a problem with that, Chadster?”

“Just call them like I see them,” Chad replied. That set off a fake wrestle between the two guys.

Grant actually looked pretty hot in his blue Nike suit. Once he uncovered, he was actually fairly muscular, a nice chest and modest abs that showed definition. His legs were pretty strong looking, too. Not that everyone was looking, but he also filled the suit out almost as well as Chris filled his out. Grant was ripe for getting the attention of the ladies.

“So, Chad, are you a swimmer?” Len asked. “Cool swimsuit.”

“No, I run and play baseball, but not swimming. It’s Chris’s,” he said referring to the suit he was wearing. “I was a dope and did not pack any swimsuits.”

“Cool,” Len answered. “Hey, you are really good with that T-bone.” Len added setting off a conversation between the two.

Three more guys joined the group. A mix of boardies and one Funky Trunks swimsuit. The collection of guys would grow as the afternoon went on.
“Hey guys, mind if we join the fun,” Sarah called out as the two very cute girls approached the group. They looked practically naked in their very slight bikini swimsuits. Chad almost popped a boner right there, his board shorts starting to tent.

“Not at all,” Chad replied. A big smile on his face, his hand pushing down the front of his shorts. He wasn’t erect, but he was getting there very fast, as were several others. Even Grant was swelling a bit, his tight blue suit showing a more prominent bulge. “In fact, you can share my spot,” he said to Alice in particular, her cute red bikini was making him very aroused and very lustful.

“Aren’t you the gentleman, Chad,” said Alice back, making her way over to his towel laid in the sand. Chad sat down, spreading his legs a bit, his shorts now fully tented up from what was now a true erection. Alice took notice, the pop tent look was clearly on display. “Cute boardies,” she said. “But, why aren’t you in a speedo like your buddies?”

“Probably a good thing I am not,” Chad laughed. “Not with you too in your itsy bitsy bikinis.”

“Maybe…” Alice faded off. She wasn’t really all that interested in Chad, he was more beefy and not really her type. She liked her guys leaner, but she was having fun teasing him a bit and watching him fuss with his boner, trying to conceal it any way he could. “Hey, want to go walk in the surf?” she finally asked. “Maybe get a little wet?”

“Good idea,” Chad jumped at the offer. He tugged at the ends of his shorts as he stood. She slid her hand on his butt. He could not get to the water fast enough, his shorts sticking a good seven inches in front of the rest of him.

“I think Chad likes her,” Alex whispered to Patrick.

“What ever gave you that idea?” Patrick replied in jest.


Last edited by SwimTeamSpeedo : 04-05-2015 at 11:23 AM.
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