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Old 03-29-2015, 11:47 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default 17 continued

The guys found a table at the far end of the picnic area. Most of the folks around were speaking either Dutch or French, Alex and Patrick sat on one side. Len and Chris on the other. Grant was alone, so Chris called him over. Grant took a seat next to Chris. Kevin had gone off to lunch with the rest of the percussion section. Len was disappointed that Kevin did not stick around, but they really were not hitting it off as well as he hoped.

“So, we have today free after the trip. I say we hit the beach if it is still nice.” Alex announced. “I could use a swim.”

“You just want to show off your new swimsuit,” Patrick teased.

“Wait, what new suit?” Len chimed in.

“Someone got a new Netherlands swim suit.” Patrick replied. “He thinks he’s hot stuff in it.”

“You two are weird,” Len replied. “Funny, but weird.”

“Well, maybe he can show it to you. He has it on under his shorts.”

“I like the beach idea, I am game,” Chris chimed in. He was answering between texts to Sheri. He held up the ipad and snapped a group picture of the guys, which he shot off to her. “Grant, are you in?” Chris turned to the quiet, shy young man next to him.

“Maybe,” Grant said back. “But I didn’t bring a swimsuit or shorts with me.” He added. Grant was one of the few guys in long pants, actually dressy long pants.

“Dude, Alex has got you covered.” Len chimed in. “He is the king of swimsuits.”

“Me, you should see Chris’s collection. He only has one pair of pants, bet he has a whole store of swimsuits in his luggage.” Alex replied.

“Anyway, Grant, we can square you up with any kind of swimsuit you want.” Chris answered back . He felt bad for Grant, who seemed sort of lost amongst the crowd.

“All right, so lets see this hot new swimsuit.” Len demanded teasingly. “Strip down, dude!”

“No way, not here.” Alex replied. That started a chant amongst the guys encouraging Alex to show his new swimsuit. After enough peer pressure he finally relented and slipped down the side of his shorts to reveal the new Turbo Netherlands suit. That got him a round of cheers from the guys.

Patrick laughed. “I can’t believe you actually fell for that!” he said. “We should have had you stand up and model it.”

“Don’t even go there.” Alex replied.

The guys finalized their plans for the rest of the day. The lead chaperon started calling everyone back to the busses. Sarah was already in her seat when Chris climbed in. She smiled as he slid into the seat next to her. She could not help but scan his crotch both to see if his bulge as any smaller, it wasn’t, and to scan the red outline under his shorts. He looked so hot, and her conversation, a very hot and erotic conversation with Alice has made Sarah all worked up.
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