Part 17: Something Red
“I never realized Belgium had a coastline,” Alex said as the band boarded the bus to head from Oostvorrne to Ostend, Belgium. The left shortly after morning practice, leaving no time for a morning swim workout. However, on the bright side, since they had no events to attend, the dress was summer casual, meaning shorts were allowed. Many of the guys wore board shorts and bright colored shirts. The all looked beachy and ready for the two day stay in the resort town. They had a concert planned for the second night, giving them a full day to explore the beach.
“Yeah, many people don’t realize it, but Belgium has about a 40 mile coastline,” Len chimed up as they all boarded the bus. Len had found a circle of friends that heavily included Alex and Patrick. Even Chris had become a best friend, despite the stormy start. Len wore a pair of Khaki style cargo shorts, underneath he had on a sleek pair of jammers that almost poked out from under his leg opening. It was a tight fit, but the sensual grab would make for a fun and arousing bus ride.
Patrick and Alex climbed in the fifth row, Alex near the window, Patrick on the aisle. Len was directly behind, sitting next to Kevin, a drummer they all hooked up with at the pool the prior night. Kevin was a muscular guy with a strong physical build. Len was sure he was straight, but he did think Kevin was hot. In fact, Kevin made Len respond in very arousing ways. Chris sat across the aisle from Patrick. The window seat was empty. Chris wanted to sit there, but he also wanted to be close to the conversation of the other guys.
“I’m gonna sit next to Chris,” Sarah whispered to Alex as she saw the empty seat. “See if I can get his attention,” she laughed.
“Good luck with that,” Alice replied.
“Mind if I sit there?” Sarah asked, pointing to the empty seat next to Chris.
“Sure,” said Chris. He got up, his white boardies clinging a little too tightly to his bulging anatomy, making Sarah smile. Chris never even noticed. As he sat back down, Sarah’s eyes watched as the bulge of his manhood rested itself between his legs. Despite her certainty he had a boner, he was actually just normal. Well equipped, but very much soft.
“So cool we got tow ear shorts,” Sarah said as she kept gawking at Chris’s crotch. She so badly wanted to feel him, but she knew better. It would be a long bus ride. What she did not know was that underneath those sexy shorts, Chris was sporting a very hot looking Tyr swimsuit, it’s red color ever so slightly showing through white nylon of his boardies.
“Don’t start,” Alex whispered to Patrick as Patrick slipped his hand onto Alex’s upper leg. Patrick smiled coyly, but eased back. “I know you got that Netherlands suit on,” Patrick whispered.
“Yeah, love it,” Alex replied.
“Me too, or you in it,” Patrick responded back.
All accounted for, the two ultra modern busses wheeled away from the hotel. They were off on another adventure. Chris snapped a selfie and shot a text to Sheri “Leaving Belgium, one country down, six more to go.” It was middle of the night back home. Sheri would see it when she woke up. Chris wanted to see her so bad.
“How long have you been a swimmer,” Sarah asked as the bus rolled south toward the border to Belgium.
“ Since I was five or six,” Chris replied. “How did you know I swim?”
“Well, you smell like chlorine,” Sarah replied straight faced. Watching as Chris blushed.
“Seriously?” he asked. “I mean I guess it makes sense.”
Sarah stared laughing. “No, not really, just kidding. Alice and I saw you at the pool.”
“Oh, yeah, I think I saw you both there, too.” Chris replied. “After my swim workout.”
“Yeah,” Sarah replied. She wanted to add that she thought he looked stunning in his tiny swimsuits, that she wanted to tackle him and have her way, make him want her, but she left that stuff out.
“You swimming in college?” Sarah finally asked after an awkward silent moment.
“Well, I wasn’t going to, but then the coach at pool saw me and now he wants me to swim for the college we stayed at. So maybe.” Chris added. “I mean, yes, I am. I can’t really believe it yet.” he smiled.
“That is so awesome.” Sarah added.
“What about you, do you swim?” Chris asked.
“No, not really. Truthfully, I just came to see you that day,” she finally confided. “You looked so hot after you swam, it was worth it.”
“Oh, thanks.” Chris replied.
“So, you have a girlfriend?” Sarah asked.
“Yes, I do. She is a lifeguard at the pool.” Chris answered, not really specifying what pool.
“That’s great. I bet she enjoys watching you swim,” Sarah replied.
“How about you, a boyfriend?” Chris asked.
“No, not really,” Sarah replied.
The two sat in silence after that. Sarah felt a bit let down that Chris was spoken for. He was so hot looking. “Surely, he will want to have some fun on the trip,” she thought to herself. In an instant she decided not to give up. “By the time this trip is over, I am going to get him in bed,” she proclaimed in her mind.
“Hey, can I ask you something.” Sarah finally reopened the conversation. Chris was reading his newest Baldacci novel on his iPad.
“Sure,” Chris looked at her.
“So, if you go to the beach, do you wear shorts or a swimsuit like what you wear swimming?” Sarah asked boldly. “I mean like the one you had on at the pool?”
“Well, sometimes I wear shorts, like board shorts and sometimes I wear a swimsuit, maybe mostly I wear a swimsuit.” He answered, looking a little perplexed.
“Maybe we can go to the beach together in Belgium,” she answered.
“Maybe,” Chris replied. Clearly he had left the door open, whether he intended to was not as clear. Sarah eyed his crotch, hoping to see him in a greater state of arousal. Despite the reality that he still not aroused, she was convinced he was showing attraction to her. Surely he wanted to get to know her, she convinced herself.
It was absolutely wonderful weather when the busses rolled into a restaurant for the lunch break. The sky was a perfect shade of blue, a few scattered clouds, but virtually clear. The temps were warm and the wind was virtually nonexistent. Too bad they would be cooped up in the bus for a few more hours. Alex and Patrick just wanted to go have fun with each other somewhere. Chris was ready for a good swim and maybe some time in the sun. Len wanted to make a connection, explore his inner most feelings with someone, maybe find himself. The busses emptied as everyone headed to get some lunch. Chris slid out of the seat and stepped back to allow Sarah to go out before him. As she slipped by, Chris adjusted his shorts. She smiled at him and thanked him.
“Want to eat lunch together,” Sarah asked,
“I was going to sit with the guys, but you are welcome to join me.”
“Oh, that’s okay. I promised Alice I’d eat with her, I guess,” she replied. “See you back here?”
“Yeah, for sure.” Chris replied with w smile, which she took as attraction. Sarah quickly hooked up with Alice.
“Dude, I think she likes you,” Len said from behind. “I mean she really likes you,” he added slowly with emphasis on the really.
“Ho, she is just being nice.”
“No way, she made a point to sit with you and the whole ride she was checking out your equipment, I mean her eyes were on your crotch the whole ride.” Len continued.
“Yeah, I think Len is right,” Patrick chimed in. “and what were all those questions about your swimsuits? I think she likes you naked.” All the guys laughed.
“Well, can you blame her? I mean I am the best looking of the bunch,” Chris replied in jest.
“Yeah, if you like goody guys,” Len teased back.
“And you win that one,” Patrick said to Len giving him a teasing shove.
“I think he had a boner the whole trip,” Sarah said to Alice. “I mean either that or he is huge!”
“What, did you look at that the whole time?” Sarah asked.
“I couldn’t help it, his bulge was like in my face.” Sarah replied. “I wanted to do more than look.”
“I think he is just well equipped,” Alice replied. “I mean you have seen him in his swimsuits at the pool. Those pretty much tell the story, right?”
“Want to know something funny?” Sarah whispered.
“What?” Alice asked back.
“He is wearing red underwear or maybe a red swimsuit under his shorts.” Sarah replied, blushing a bit.
“How do you know?” Alice asked.
“Well, his shorts are white. When he was sitting, I could see the red coming through right around his bulge and then when he stood, I could see it around his butt, whatever he has on under there, it is way more sexy than boxers.”
“You are bad,” Alice replied.
“Not yet, but I will get bad with him before the end of this trip.” Sarah replied.