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Old 03-27-2015, 09:32 PM
area51tazz area51tazz is offline
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Posts: 204

Originally Posted by zentaiskeleton
Well i know this is the speedo board but my last swim was in a neck to knee racer back suit and had no issues with other swimmers or pool staff.

I've been reading the onepieceswim forums recently and don't understand the fear of swimming in a neck-to-knee's basically a triathlon suit (trisuit). There should be NO stigma attached to it.

As far as wearing a woman's one-piece...that I don't think I could pull off where I live now. Maybe if I changed pools and told them it was to cover my scars...I dunno. But I've been swimming in a 2" Aussiebum at my regular pool, so can't really use that excuse here. :P
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