Well last night's swim at City Center Aquatics was very nice, it was very crowded in the leisure lanes and hot tub. The five lap swim lanes only had about three to four swimmers each except the fastest one which was just myself and another fellow.
As the pool is a 50 meter with a center bulkhead dividing a 25 yard shallow pool from the deep end, that left room for a water polo game going on, it seemed to be a big deal. There were a lot of spectators on deck all around it.
As for Speedo count there was myself and the guy I swam with, another in the next lane, and an older fellow with a huge gut waddling around. Not a pretty picture. Otherwise there was all the water polo players of course.
As for non swimmers and kiddie pool waders and hot tubbers there must have been a hundred of them in the standard board shorts which really don't hide the fact that most of the wearers are in no better shape than old Mr. Not Pretty Picture, lol.
I had no complaints of indecency directed at me, the lifeguards did not once blow the whistle at me and order me to put on something more appropriate. So I conclude this report by saying that particular public swimming location is Speedo friendly, just like every other pool I have ever been to.