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Old 03-20-2015, 02:38 PM
drawstringz drawstringz is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 12

Having always been a swimmer, mine started back in the day when lifeguards only wore speedos, it was pretty much the norm around here and nobody gave it a second thought. Speedos were also fairly easy to come by, keeping in mind this was pre-internet. I've always worked, even from a young age, back then I had a collection of about 3 to 5 suits. I also had a good friend who worked part-time as a lifeguard who only wore swim briefs, and as he would grow out of his suits , he'd pass them onto me.

I can remember looking forward to the Spring/Summer catalogues that would come out so I could see what styles were coming out for the new year. Or I would go to the corner convenience store and pick up the latest International Male magazine. Of course with the internet, I now have a few speedo-themed websites I enjoy visiting on a regular basis to get my fix.

I have a good sized collection and I wear one proudly for my daily swims. I enjoy seeing other guys wearing them and I'll probably continue to wear them as long as I can.
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