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Old 01-22-2015, 04:25 AM
sharky sharky is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 23
Default Speedos and the wife

If we lived in Europe my wife would have no objection to my wearing speedos at any beach or pool. She thinks I look good in them and loves the tan. That said in the US, I wear board shorts over the speedos and exercise judgement....depending on the crowd will slip the shorts off to tan or swim... I swim and lift regularly so I'm in good physical shape. If there's a delineated lap lane at an outside pool, I will usually swim in briefs. She also knows I hate wet clingy board shorts and understands I have a bit of a fetish for speedos. Like you I swam on teams in my youth and have always been a fan of swim briefs. Have fun shopping !
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