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Old 12-27-2014, 03:28 AM
raymcc raymcc is offline
Speedo Member
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 38

Thoughts of Chad, and trying to understand whether our play was just guys being physical...or if there was an attraction persisted. My conclusion was he enjoyed keeping me guessing, knowing that his sexuality was a tool.

Meanwhile, Larry and I became better friends, double dated a few more times, and to my eye, he was a magnet for girls - well, I guess you could call them young women...and women. Occasionally I could overhear some of the younger and more attractive women commenting to each other about him...and some even flirted. He shyly seemed to enjoy it, but largely not pay much attention. The plan was to return to college shortly, finish his degree and move right on to grad school. Our relationship became casual enough that I could just pop into the office announced. The 'office' was actually the size of a large closet, with a one way mirrored window that enabled those inside to see out...without those outside being able to see in. It was late on a very hot afternoon, and I popped in unannounced, wondering what he was doing that night. I was plenty surprised.

He was standing, his back to the door, and on her knees in front of him was one of the 'hot moms'. His head was tilted back, and she had clearly undone the strings of his speedo and popped his dick out the front, and from the sounds of things, he was getting an amazing blow job (something I could only dream of at that age). They were so busy, they didn't hear me enter. I must have however uttered something, because he quickly turned around at the precise moment he had his orgasm. I walked out immediately and shut the door. By this time, what I saw had created my own erection, and now was not the time to return to the pool deck. Time for a cold shower? I went into the showers and tried to cool off, and who should walk by but Chad, who glanced at me and asked 'hey bunky, you OK in there?' "uhh, yeah" "looks like you need to take care of business" Well, that wasn't an option. I but on my board shorts and returned to the pool deck, dazed. Chad could tell, and in a concerned voice asked 'what's going on?' "Promise you won't tell?" "sure" "I walked in on Larry, who was getting a blowjob from Mrs Wallace in the office". Chad laughed "Bunky, that happens every other day here." "Wait, to you too?" "If you only knew how many times I've shot a load in that office, you'd be amazed...all the while no one out here knows what's happening." That sealed it. I knew I wanted to be a lifeguard.

Later, Larry approached me and apologized. "Hey, sorry about what you saw...please don't tell anyone" I confessed having already told Chad and he laughed "Chad uses that office more than I do. In case you haven't noticed, he deliberately wears his speedos too small to let anyone know he's available." Now things were starting to make sense...a bit. Still, lifeguarding was certainly in my future. Larry told me they had a code. On days when they wore only speedos, they were 'available and interested'...if not, their blue nylon 'guard shorts'. Larry intimated that Chad had taken it a step further, with his see thru white suit, the leopard suit, and the orange suit indicating different possibilities. I asked for the 'code' and Larry said 'you should probably ask him, but didn't I hear about you two wrestling when he had his white suit on?" Wait. Chad had told him about that?
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