As the summer drew to an end, Chad and Larry had both become 'older friends'. Larry was someone to 'aspire to'...the kind of college guy I hoped to become. Beautiful body, humble, great swimmer, and seemingly oblivious to the impact he had on girls - and some guys. There was an electricity with Chad. He was much more overtly sexual. He 'put it out there' for all to observe. It would seem that based on what had happened with the suits, that he shared my (was it a fetish?) for speedos. He seemed to know I was attracted to him, and though I was still young, he enjoyed seeing and being with me.
There were many times that thinking of Chad, being with him, or imagining events, provided inspiration for self satisfaction. I didn't have the courage or confidence to pursue him...nor did I suspect he'd risk his job by doing anything with me. So it was more in situations where either of us could 'read into' what was happening.
A good example. I explained that often I'd hang around until closing time, help him out and often, Chad and I were the last two there, with the pool area already locked up. Collecting the towels and putting them in a heap in the boiler room was the daily ritual. They weren't dirty, having only been used to dry off, but nonetheless, were freshly laundered. Also at the end of the day, the laundry crew had laundered and dried a fresh batch of towels, an they were spread on the floor, awaiting us to fold them for the next day. One evening, I had an armload of towels headed for the the boiler room. As a joke, Chad kept tossing more and more in my arms, to the point where I could barely balance them, and couldn't see forward. 'Don't drop them or you'll pay' Adding more and more, and playfully slapping my ass as I headed toward the boiler room. We finally got close to the boiler room, with him walking behind me and about five towels fell off the heap. "Ok, you're in trouble" he said, clearly kidding. He picked them up, we entered the mostly dark boiler room, I dropped the heap of towels on one end, and he said 'now you need to fold all the clean ones as punishment for dropping the others'. I played along, squatted down and started folding, my knees resting on some towels. He left for a few minutes, returned in his tight white speedo, (why did he change?), came behind me and playfully shoved my body into the entire pile of clean towels. He quickly started burying me in towels, and I started writhing and laughing. Just then, I reached out and grabbed one of his ankles and his arm, and used all my weight to drop him down into the pile. He tumbled right on top of me. I thought I'd wrestle him to the pinning position (which in retrospect was ridiculous given his four year age and probably 30 lb weight advantage). We started wresting, which was both just fun, and to my surprise, erotic. It went on for several minutes and I realized 'he's just toying with me'. It was also a chance to explore his amazing body without being obvious. His ass was small and very muscular. His abdomen, rippled with muscles, and his pecs, firm and round. It was dark in the room, and we were both mostly buried in towels, so there was every legitimate excuse for 'making mistakes' where we grabbed. He got my mid-section in a 'scissors hold', his legs wrapped around me, squeezing the middle, I tried pounding on his thighs with no success, so used the last resort, I full on grabbed his manhood and squeezed - not too hard, but enough to get his attention...and the release. "Playing dirty now?" he said. Remember, paybacks are hell". More open wrestling, but finally he had me. I was on my back, he was straddling my chest, with each of his knees pressing down on my arms, so they were useless under his weight. I was stuck. But stuck looking up at the shadow of this amazing body on top of me, and his package but inches from my face. The only option was to try to use my weight to 'buck him' off me. Tried twice, but with minimal movement. "I can make this harder on you. Ready to give up?" "Never" "turnabout is fair play". He reached back to grab my leg - or so I thought - and instead grabbed my package.
I was fully erect. "what have we here?" he asked. I was embarrassed - or maybe not, because in looking at his dick just inches from my face, it was clear he was well on his way also. His strong hands cupped my balls...strong enough to be just slightly painful. "now do you give up?" "Never" He moved from the balls to my very erect dick and said 'I bet I can make you give up' I quickly jerked my body and turned it sideways, and he flew off. "See, you may be bigger, but I'm more clever." He was surprised and delighted I succeeded, but quickly leaped on top of me and said 'time to finish you off'. Again, he straddled my chest, locked my arms down, with all his weight. I was spent, and while not in pain, uncomfortable. "give up yet?" "Never" With that, he thrust his crotch right in front of my face, but not touching "Now?" "Never". "Time for the smother then" He pushed his white clad dick and balls into my face over my mouth. "you'd better give up" What I could not tell was if this was a sexual move, or just wrestling. What I did notice, was inside his suit, his very thick dick was now erect, and couldn't be avoided. "OK, uncle" He rolled off me, we both laughed. If I had been older or more experienced, I might have tried to 'finish things off' with him, but I knew - and suspected he knew - that wasn't the right thing to do. We folded the towels, and our bodies relaxed, and before you know, it was time to go home. As we locked the door and departed, he tousled my hair and said 'that was fun.'
My balls ached wanting to release. I was confused. Does he find me attractive? Was that just what college guys do? I went home, took off my jeans and discovered there was a nice ring of moisture where the head of my dick had been when we wrestled. I wondered...did he see that? I wonder if the same thing happened to him. I laid in bed, imagining him on top of me, and my manhood in his hand, being squeezed. It was only moments before I shot. Up to my face and onto the wall behind me.