Hey guys. I didn't mean to generalize about the entire U.S., nor do I have anything against people who prefer board shorts. I myself wear board shorts whenever I go to the beach. However, you have to admit that in general there is a bit of a negative attitude towards brief-style swimwear here, at least on the beaches.
Anyway, last night I decided it isn't necessary to ask management. They have a lap pool, swimmers wear briefs at lap pools, so that was what I was going to wear to their lap pool.
By the way, these are the trunks I wore:
The sides are about 1.6". Definitely less than 2", but not so revealing as the 1". Bottom line, they're great for laps.
The result? Aside from a few brief stares, no one in the locker room or pool reacted at all. There were at least three other guys in the locker room and eight people in the pool area, two of the latter being management staff. Not one person said anything.
I wonder if other guys will start wearing brief style swimwear? Will keep you guys updated