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Old 12-22-2014, 04:24 PM
PSDave PSDave is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
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As I have said on numerous occasions, this board is riddled with insecurity. This poor dude has read a problem into a sign that early states the obvious. You are not swimming in an all male pool so wear something that is appropriate for mixed company. At last check, that includes just about any swimsuit. Being so insecure he has to ask us cuz he hasn't the balls to ask management what is meant by the sign.
As usual, it is lets bash the U.S. and their attitudes about swimwear. Again, you can't take a nation of varied attitudes and lump them up as all having one attitude. Generally, it is the person saying the US males are too shy to wear a speedo when it is actually the person writing that is too insecure to wear what he wants. I have traveled all over the US and always worn a 2" black Speedo. Never have I had a comment or been told I am inappropriate. Don't blame the US preference for the more practical board shorts for your own insecurity about wearing what you want to wear.

PS before you all jump up and say that you hate board shorts, remember you are being as judgmental about them as you say they are being about your speedos.
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