The other day my wife was talking on the phone with our daughter who lives in another state. She said that she had bought her sons new Jammers as one of their Chanukah gifts because they had outgrown their older ones. They swim on a local team in their community where the boys wear Jammers. My daughter asked my wife what I wear to swim and she replied that I wear speedos. My daughter said they they're so revealing to which my wife replied, "that's what Dad says are most comfortable." It's ironic because when my kids were growing up, they saw me in briefs at the beach all the time but maybe with me as a grandfather, my daughter feels differently about me in speedos now. I think that people's perceptions are governed a lot by context - as a girl growing up seeing her father in a speedo was okay; as a parent with sons wearing Jammers, a father in a speedo might be a bit unnerving. No offense was meant and none was taken.