Thread: Olympic Dreams
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Old 08-30-2014, 01:39 AM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Originally Posted by Swimmboy
Very interesting chapter. I'm a little worried - I thought Jimmy would be near the front of the pack, not back in 4th place, with two more heats to go! Hopefully those will be slower than Jimmy's heat. Of course, I'm secretly hoping Jimmy has a break-out swim - maybe his backstroke (my favorite stroke) will really 'wow' the coaches, so that a 4th place in free won't be so bad. Every team needs a good backstroker!


It's amazing how much we all root for these fictional characters as if they were real people. You, shaulis and I are all worried that Jimmy won't make the team and we all eagerly await the next chapter when his fate might be determined. It certainly shows what a convincing storyteller STS is and how much we get pulled as we read each chapter.

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