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Old 08-19-2014, 11:25 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Join Date: May 2014
Location: Maine, USA
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Smile Swim

Originally Posted by dorcas3
I think that the best way to get guys comfortable in wearing speedos is to get them to swim-preferably doing laps. Everything points to a brief suit as being the thing to wear when trying to optimise performance. If you get to wearing them in the pool you will gradually feel more at "home" in them-starting with your time in the pool area, locker room and walking between them. At times I have jumped out of the pool and gone to the parking lot in them to check the meter. As for washing windows at home and vehicles it may seem a little strange to others as it would if you went shopping. You gotta have shorts with pockets for that! I really feel for guys that continue to be shy about wearing them because they feel so great. Nude is of course better but that would be a little over the top-maybe 20 years from now. I continue to wear mostly Caussies and Turbos-each are somewhat different.but enjoyable. If you can't swim take a few lessons and begin by wearing speedos it shows your dedication and the instructors-guy our girl will understand. I have found that female instructors have a lot more patience with you and will be wearing a suit as brief as yours! Do It.


As usual your remarks are very well thought out and make complete sense. As most people on the board know, I am a new serious swimmer, not quite 3 months. I started out wearing briefs that I already had, but none were tight enough to be comfortable swimming laps. I got several new ones, some Turbos, some Nikes, and some Sportis, all low cut, tight with 2-2.5" sides. I've been swimming in them exclusively at a my local Y among a very nice, friendly group of men and women. A few guys wear speedos that have longer side seams; mine are, by far the smallest. I feel perfectly comfortable wearing them and there hasn't even been a hint of disapproval. So, I fully agree that if you wear brief suits to do lap swimming, it is the natural setting and activity and those swimming along with you will not bat an eyelash.

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