Originally Posted by sebbie
There was some discussion here as to whether the Aqux suits available on Web sites surch as aliexpress.com are authorized by the Japanese company that apparently owns the trademark at least in Japan. The complicating factor is I dont think Aqux is a US registered trademark, in which case another company, say in China, can sell a suit with an Aqux brand name without violating US copyright law.
This gets pretty complicated. Even the Speedo company that sells that brand name is not really the same company that sells Speedo in the US, and the suits are often very different in design.
The Aqux suits I have ordered from aliexpress such as http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Aqux-...649398301.html
have all been of excellent quality. They fit very tight, and low in the back, but that is the whole idea. You pay for these using Paypal, and the money is held by Aliexpress until you receive the merchandise, typically in 3-4 weeks
I an new to the board. Hi all from Texas. I have order two of these Aqux suits from the link provided. They are cheap enough to try. I just received an Adidas 3 strip black from the UK. It is a nice suit and worn it this past weekend at the hotel when traveling.