Forum: General Mens Swim Suit Guy Talk
09-29-2019, 02:16 AM
Replies: 29
Views: 23,112
Forum: General Mens Swim Suit Guy Talk
10-10-2017, 11:00 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 10,503
u got it right.... my point is more or les what u showed in the web link...
pirnt can be very fancy , bulge part can be shown , just not fully designed for bulging... though this is my fetish...
Forum: General Mens Swim Suit Guy Talk
10-10-2017, 03:38 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 10,503
hello swimteamspeedo
thanks for the quick reply and input.
He actually wears speedos, or brief type swimwear, but very sober monochrome colours, nothing fancy, and as he is not really comfortable in...
Forum: General Mens Swim Suit Guy Talk
10-09-2017, 11:58 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 10,503
old school speedos
Hello guys,
I got 2 questions:
About me first:
always been turned on by tight speedos at the beach that most mature guys were putting on, then discovered that not only the feeling of the fabric but...
Forum: Mens Swim Suit - Buy or Sell
10-09-2017, 11:38 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 10,030
yes i am very much interstd in retro speedos
my mail is