Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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need4speedo 04-25-2019 11:40 AM

Best Online Retailers for Speedos
I've ordered numerous suits from various online retailers. Does anyone have a favorite or obscure place where they shop from? I feel that there aren't many online shops to choose from anymore that have a good selection.

speedorob86 04-25-2019 02:18 PM

Here is a list I have curated over the past couple of months:
Addicted https://addicted.es/en/
Argyle Grant http://www.argylegrant.com/
Aronik https://aronikswim.com/
Arena https://www.arenaswimwearstore.com/
Aussiebum http://www.aussiebum.com/
Bang! https://bangclothes.com/
Bone Swimmer https://www.boneswimmer.it/
Budgy Smuggler https://budgysmuggler.com.au/
CA-RIO-CA https://cariocawear.com/
Christiano Rinaldi http://yesiam.bigcartel.com/
Charlie https://www.charliebymz.com/
Cheap Undies https://www.cheapundies.com/
Concupisco https://www.concupisco.com/swimwear,briefs/?
Corka http://www.corka.com.au/mens-swimwear/
Desiderio Beachwear https://www.desideriobeachwear.com/
Dessue http://www.dessue.com/mens/swimwear/
Dietz https://deliodietz.com/
Estevez http://www.estevezusa.com/
Funky Trunks https://www.funkytrunks.com/
Gary Majdell https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...?ie=UTF8&psc=1
HAC Swim https://holmesathleticscanada.com/collections/swim
Hardcore https://hxcsport.com/
Hunter & Crew https://hunterandcrew.com/
International Jock http://www.internationaljock.com/
Jaked https://jaked.us/
Kiniki https://www.kiniki.com/
Little Rok http://www.littlerok.store/
LOCKWOOD51 https://lockwood51.com/
Manus https://www.swimmanus.com/
Marco Calendra http://www.marcocalandra.it/categori...tto/beachwear/
Marcuse http://www.marcuse.com/
Mensuas https://www.mensuas.com/
Modus Vivendi https://e-modusvivendi.com/
N2N Bodywear https://www.n2nbodywear.com/
New Male Wear https://newmalewear.com/
Nit http://www.nitswim.com/
Parke & Ronen https://www.parkeandronen.com/
Perfect-Wear http://perfect-wear.com/
Pretty Snake https://prettysnake.com/collections/mens/Swimwear
Proswimwear https://www.proswimwear.co.uk/
Quid & Buck http://www.quidandbuck.xyz/shop-1/
Q Swimwear https://qswimwear.com/
Sluggers http://sluggers.com.au/
Speedo http://www.speedousa.com/
Splish http://splish.com/
Summer Suits https://www.summersuitsswimwear.com/
Sweet Banana http://www.sweetbanana.it/
Swim Inn https://www.swiminn.com/
Swim Outlet https://www.swimoutlet.com/
Taddlee https://www.taddlee.com/
Teamm8 https://www.teamm8.com/
Turbo http://www.turbo.es/
Walden Athletic https://www.waldenathletic.com/
WAPO Wear https://www.wapowear.com/
Yesiam https://www.yesiam.shop/

solarguy 04-26-2019 12:01 PM

Great post SpeedoRob!!! It's gonna take hours to go through all of them!!! I've checked out a lot of the sites on your list, but there is quite a few there that are new to me!
Thank you!!!

devildog 05-09-2019 09:53 AM

That is a great post indeed. I don't know all of them yet. I have to check them all when I get back from work.

misko-online 05-10-2019 02:16 PM

I discovered WAPO Wear recently and Im really happy with my purchase, so far the quality is great and cut and design in fresh plus they have free shipment often

Joopidooo 05-17-2019 11:54 AM

Great post SpeedoRob86! It's been a year since I posted this inquiry http://www.mensswimsuitboard.com/for...ead.php?t=2262 so I've decided to take a "test drive" :) Since then I've ordered a few times now from www.concupisco.com and have had nothing but positive experiences. Delivery was free and quick. Great communication and on the top of everything got a free gift with my orders over £50. Also I'm really happy with Arena and Modus Vivendi. Dietz and Marcuse offer free shipping as well.

misko-online 01-08-2021 10:01 AM

Just received my order from Charlie by MZ and from WapoWear

Have to say Im really disappointing in Charlie, not only they are quite pricey but shipping was like 30 euros and they arrived same time as Wapo where they charge 10 eur for shipping and the quality is not very good. They are very light, see through, cheap looking.

On the other hand I have to say WAPO become my favorite swimwear brand together with Versace and Dsquared

outsider71 01-23-2021 12:17 AM

another retailer

Schoolspeedo 01-30-2021 07:42 AM

I'm going to order from www.budgysmuggleruk.com just to stick 2 fingers up to people who take the mickey out of brief swimwear. They are an Australian make and have some wacky and bold designs which are obviously intended to be in peoples faces. The aussies have a wicked sense of humour.:p

Greenleaf 05-07-2021 01:50 AM

another briefs retailer
Really nice looking briefs on noodlebagz.com

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