Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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Malcontent 08-09-2018 10:01 PM

Just want to toss this little story to you guys. I think I once had this guy think I may be a serial killer...:eek:

It was last summer, I was at the beach late in the afternoon /early evening, like around 6:30 pm (still light out, being summer) and this big chunky Russian guy in a red speedo bikini and baseball hat was coming on to me. He was eyeing me up and licking his lips. HE WAS NOT SUBTLE.

I tried to not paid him much attention and as it was starting to get dark, i noticed he was eyeing me, lying on his stomach and he was grinding his pelvis into the sand.

So...I went up to him and said hi. His eyes lit up and we started talking. Let's say that as it started to get dark, we started making out. He was a slobby kisser, practically drooled all over me.

Eventually he was laying on his back and I got on top of him and I could feel his erection through his speedos. THAT really turned me on. Anyway, we continued to make out and then while I started to nibble on his neck. He was moaning and while his guard was done, I clamped my hand over his nose and mouth so he couldn't breathe.

He looked at me confused for a while. I just laughed at him. I told him that I heard when a guy can't breathe, he gets a bigger erection. He moved his head back and forth but I didn't let go. He waited for a few moment and when I realized that I wasn't going to let go and, and I guess the need for air overcame him, he made a frantic muffled noise and his fingers flew to my hands to pry it off.

I gripped tighter. He made a frantic muffled noise again and his body started to writhe.About 45 seconds in, I heard him practically shrieking for air and his fingers dug into the back of my hands. He then bucked his body to throw me off, and around the third or fourth time, he tossed me off him.

I heard him gasping for air, taking huge gulp making a high pitch wheezing noise.

He called me "fucking crazy" and he grabbed his bag and towel and ran off.
I guess I was lucky he didn't beat the shit out of me, but I guess he was so startled and scared that he decided to beat it in case I also have a knife or something.

Teamdiver 06-23-2019 04:04 PM

Summer fun

Speedos or swim shorts for this?

Abram Jule 06-25-2019 12:37 PM

Swim Shorts
I think it became wild. There is nothing like controlling breathing leads to more erection. The body needs the flowing blood down there, so we breathe more heavily. He could have died. You could have covered the buldge wearing Erogenos G-String underwear. I had tried it before many times, it's still in my list. I was in the sauna after changing. At the swimming pool, I was having an erection. Therefore, I rushed sauna and changed my Erogenos swimming shorts which are very comfortable, into Erogenos g-String underwear.:p
Suddenly, one girl appeared and saw me sitting there in g-string underwear. I thought that she won't be able to make out about my erection but, I was wrong, unfortunately. I think she was interested in me, maybe! I seduced her. She came close to me and smiled and wrapped me in arms. We came close. Then, we kissed but, thanks to g-string the erection was okay! She didn't find out that I was desperate enough :D

Malcontent 10-27-2019 05:06 PM

It was wild alright. Actually having that guy writhing and kicking and struggling underneath me and hearing him struggling to breathe turns out to be quite a turn on. Maybe next time I will keep the guy from breathing even longer and sees what happens....

Torchwatch 10-30-2019 12:29 PM

David Carradine of Kill Bill and Kung Fu fame died in a bizarre strangulation event in his closet. Stopping breathing is dangerous, don't do it.

swim suit eddie 02-28-2020 06:51 PM

I Know What I Did Last Summer
I got to wear a bright red one piece singlet, a size smaller on me. It did show a lot of my still decent shaped male anatomy, as it was wedgied between my rear cheeks and my having an outlined full erection from the soft, tickling and somewhat tight polyester material. It was especially nice to swim in it. The other guys at the all male swim club wore Speedo bikini swimsuit and letting it all show under their bikini swimsuits. After swimming, the guys were in the showers and helping one another out of those sexy tight fitting Speedos, What a sight to behold, a lot of squirming male bodies with a healthy hard on springing out as their Speedos are stripped off while in the showers. I went into the shower room wearing the tight bright red singlet,when seen by the now naked guys in the showers and asked if they could strip it off me, as I shyly agreed to letting them get me out of that tight fitting singlet, exposing my lower rear buns and outlining my hard penis. The warm shower water really felt relaxing too. The two guys soaped and massaged my singlet clad body, then one guy would slowly tug on the clinging wet shoulder straps, while the other would continue massaging my wet body. Now he had the other shoulder down and began trying to peel the tight wet bright red singlet off my upper torso. Slowly it was coming off me, as both guys continued peeling down. It certainly felt so arousing for me and they were enjoying stripping that tight wet revealing singlet off. One guy said for me not to be embarrassed being hard and enjoy having it soon free and exposed including all my male assets, as they all have erections in or out of their Speedo swimsuits, especially in the showers. After a lot of bashful resisting, they had that bright red singlet almost down to my knees while in the shower with the singlet still clinging between my rear cheeks. After some more pulling and tugging it down, the tight wet singlet slipped off my wet, naked and erect body. Feeling that tight wet singlet being stripped off was sensational with my had penis bouncing free, as it being unwedgied in the showers, as they soon had it peeled down to my ankles, then stripped off me. Before leaving the showers with them, I had a strong ejaculation and got some happy cheers from the guys. I did know these two guys a few months before, but never realized how they let their sexual or Speedo fantasies out at the swim club. I saw them again this past winter and we remembered our fun last summer, as I Thought I KNOW WHAT I DID LAST SUMMER and it was a great happening.

Yaebalmenyasosali 03-03-2020 04:15 AM

I think that was pretty wild, bearing in mind, you barely knew this guy.

swim suit eddie 03-30-2020 09:20 PM

What I did last summer
Did know him well for period of time and he did like peeling off my tight wet singlet in the shower and certainly felt good.

swim suit eddie 05-13-2020 10:02 PM

As I answered before, I knew this man for quite a some time, including most of the other guys in our swim club. Much to my and some of them, another guy was in a very snug singlet just before the club closed for the 2019 season. He got to swim for a while in his tight fitting singlet, but like me, it was stripped off him by the other guys in the showers. He really enjoyed being helped out of his tight clinging singlet. It was a great way for him and all the guys in the swim club to end the swimming season 2019.

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