Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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-   -   who s reading this board, if lots why no replys (http://www.MensSwimSuitBoard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2181)

louis 08-17-2017 12:14 AM

who s reading this board, if lots why no replys
Is there any guys outside of the US, reading this board, theres allways bla bla about the US guys shy about wearing speedos, or not liking hem yet all I see is responses from US guys, if Europeans Asians prefer wearing speedos compared to Americans, then why so very few responses, after all when it comes to loving speedos there is no nationnality. ARE WE NOT ALL IN THE SAME BOAT.
ESPECIALLY YOU AUSSIES after all that is were speedos were born were they not ....... so how about some speedo talk from elswere THEN NORTH AMERICA.
As we used to say our old motto on th old board BEFORE HIS ONE , SPEEDO ON;....

lapswimmer 08-27-2017 09:25 PM


I have been thinking about your post and wonder if the reason we get zero to practically no responses from outside the US is that the issues mostly discussed are US based issues. Europeans and Asians love Speedos, or tiny cut bikinis. They think nothing of donning a suit and taking off to the water, wherever that might be. They have no issue with wearing a Speedo in public. So, why enter into conversation where so many on the topic are concerned about appearance? Just a thought.

SwimTeamSpeedo 09-03-2017 02:24 PM

I agree with lapswimmer that a lot of posts are about where one can and can't wear a speedo. I think that lots of guys are insecure in themselves and then blame "others." I don't think most beach goers really care if a guy is in a brief or boards. Certainly, it is not an issue at a pool. I know I have decided to ignore most posts where the question is about speedo appropriate beaches, water parks, etc.

Napoleon44 03-22-2018 08:29 AM

Well I’m a uk wearer and I read it . Based in Newcastle I wear speedo or briefer in the pool and right down to a thong at my favourite beach . I think it’s particularly interesting and relevant to hear from people in ones region because what is an issue in USA for example might not be here . I’m always the one with the smallest suit in the pool for example but in the uk I wouldn’t want to push it any further than maybe a 3/4 back 1 inch side suit . Maybe in a hotel pool a half back tanga is nice late on . I think if you intend to go to the same pool regularly however you don’t want to make an issue by minimising too much . Keep in touch ,Paul

swim suit eddie 03-31-2018 09:40 PM

Who's reading this board.
I'm a member and read it at times. I'm an American and do wear Speedo swim briefs that feel comfortable either swimming or as summer underwear. I don't worry nor care what my fellow American prudes, both male or female think. If they fit well and look nice on you, don't worry what these people think. I'll bet some of those shy guys wish they were wearing them and don't know what they are missing and probably look good in Speedo style swim suits.

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