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Aruspeed 06-20-2017 07:50 PM

Speedos in Aruba
Hey all. Going to be vacationing in Aruba later this year and have full intentions on wearing some of my speedos. I've actually done this twice before...but for some reason I always get anxiety about it until I see other guys wearing them.

Anyone been there recently and have any sightings to report? Seems there is a better ratio on Eagle beach vs. Palm beach.

solarguy 06-20-2017 08:32 PM

I was there last year. Stayed at the Ritz Carlton. There were a handful of other guys there wearing speedos. I took a walk every morning around 8 for a mile or so down the beach and back. Nobody even batted an eye or looked twice at me. When I went snorkeling, we walked along the beach until we couldn't. Then had to walk along the street for a while, just in my speedo. Again, I don't think anyone cared!! Have fun. Its a great island!!

Aruspeed 06-22-2017 12:55 PM

Thanks for the reassurance. You're right...no one probably cared, which is how I would expect it to me most of the time.

The funny thing is even if I'm the only one in speedos, if I'm not around a bunch of Americans, I don't seem to care. But the area around the Ritz never seemed to be super speedo friendly to me, so I kept my shorts on.

The ratio around Eagle beach seems to be more tilted towards the speedo crowd, and not necessarily the older folks. But it sure is nice when you're surrounded by a few like minded people. Lol.

speedos123 06-22-2017 12:58 PM

I am so envious. I need a vacation so badly. Just a way to get away from work. Hope you have a blast. Post how it all goes, please.

Aruspeed 06-22-2017 07:05 PM

I hope I have plenty to share.

I don't even try to be obscene when I wear speedos...in fact, I feel as though some of those very risqué styles are what make it harder to have regular swim briefs more "accepted".

The last time I wore speedos was on vacation to Vegas last spring. I wore a regular black Adidas suit, even sat on the edge of the pool in the wide open for a bit. Didn't walk around much because I was too intimidated. However, while I was relaxing and reading I noticed two latino or middle eastern guys about 6 chairs away from me were rocking black speedos too. Both had far better bodies than I do, and one appeared to be well equipped but not in an obscene way. Made me feel more confident with some "friends" nearby.

need4speedo 08-03-2017 01:38 AM

I am also going to Aruba this fall. I have full intentions of wearing my speedo every day I am there as much as possible. Do it!

Tsturbo 08-04-2017 12:29 AM

Been there several times over the past 7 years, Eagle seems to be more speedo friendly compared to palm beach, but I just find any beach with Americans there are not very speedo friendly, and I'm Amercan from the US. My best speedo experience was in Antigua at Valley Church Beach, 3 cruise ships in port, two were Italian and our (Royal Caribbean) with mostly US passengers. I wore the speedo with pride as the ratio of speedos to board shorts or trunks was like 80% speedo to the others:D

Aruspeed 08-05-2017 01:05 PM

I would absolutely agree that Eagle is more speedo friendly than Palm. I almost never see Americans in them but the funny thing is about 6 years ago when we went, there was a guy in a black speedo who was with his wife and they ended up near us on the beach at least two separate days. He had a nice bulge ...not obscene...just nice. We ended up on the same flight back home to the US.

One of these times I'll get the nerve up to wear my speedos on Palm Beach. Just seems not very speedo friendly in that area for some reason.

Aruspeed 09-20-2017 02:17 PM

7 days until my trip. I just received two new speedos in the mail from eBay purchases. One is an arena suit with relatively narrow sides, and has a glossier almost water polo type fabric. The other is a grey/silver suit by Gary majdell. It's not as slick, but appears to be relatively flattering. We are doing the jolly pirates cruise but I don't think I'm bold enough to wear them on the ship. Never seems like a speedo crowd. I'll try to post how my speedo adventures go when I return in October!

Torchwatch 09-20-2017 08:27 PM

Wear what you feel comfortable in around the crowd you are with.

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