Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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-   -   Guys that LOVE Speedos (http://www.MensSwimSuitBoard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1902)

underwearphil 05-19-2016 08:40 AM

Guys that LOVE Speedos
There has been so much written about why guys are so reluctant to wear Speedos or similar swim briefs. Americans, and more and more Europeans seem obsessed with guys covering themselves from navel to knee with board "shorts" - note the advised use of the word shorts!
Australians still seem happy with briefs - it was the Australians that started the Speedo company.
Look no further than all these posts of happy Aussies showing off their BudgySmuggler briefs worldwide and posting their pics on Facebook and tumblr.
What other nationalities still love briefs - I suspect the far east nations, China, Japan, SE Asia?


PSDave 05-19-2016 06:47 PM

I don't know where you are, but all the boardies I see at the pool or beach are riding so low on the hips they are as low, if not lower, than speedos. No where near the navel. While the style about ten years ago was at or below knee, boardies are now mid thigh. Personally I find them really sexy on guys with nice flat abs and a little air creeping up over the waist band.
Why it matters what other guys are wearing is still a mystery to me. If you want to wear speedos -- wear them. If they want boardies -- so be it. Respect the differences of personal taste and comfort.

underwearphil 05-25-2016 08:11 AM

National Geographic May 2016
National Geographic has a major article in the May 2016 edition on Yellowstone National Park. Amongst the beautiful pictures of wild animals and hot springs there is a lovely picture of "the swim team from Santiago High School in Corona, California", enjoying Boiling River. All the guys are in Speedos. This show that teenagers, even in the US, are happy to wear Speedos in relaxing situations and not just when they are racing or training as part of the swimming team.


NE_OH_thonger 05-25-2016 01:52 PM

Slightly off topic, but underwearphil's post brought back a memory. As part of my grandmother's estate, I came into several boxes of back issues of "National Geographic." I was in high school. and still working on grasping my sexual orientation. Anyhow, I found myself constantly coming back to the issues that had photos of men in brief swimwear (And there were quite a few in the issues from the mid-1980s). I think that was the point when I realized that I am most assuredly not straight.

schneiderc2004 06-04-2016 08:01 AM

2 Attachment(s)
The ongoing mystery of why men's swimwear has gone backwards! I remember seeing a guy in a sexy bikini at the water park in the early 1990s. Some people say that the swim brief is "out of style" and it is "old school". Blame this absurd phenomenon to long basketball shorts, hip-hop culture, baggy fashion, and religious puritans in the USA. I do not care for neither one of them! See attached pics of a USA Beach in the late 1980s. Guys used to show more skin! I also remember the tv show "The Bikini Open" in the early 1990s. The show featured girls and guys in bikinis competing for the best look! The good old days...lol:) Swim briefs forever!

Take care,


schneiderc2004 06-04-2016 03:03 PM

Ok, the pics are up! See above...


schneiderc2004 06-04-2016 03:14 PM

Here is a link of a clip from 1992. I remember seeing this when I was 13 on either ABC, CBS, or NBC. This clip made me question my sexuality at 13!...lol:) Those were the good old days!



ohiocowboy64 06-13-2016 06:24 PM

I remember also looking at National Geographic that showed guys in tight swimwear and was drawn to how nice the package was on the guy then pictured I was with him.:)

fitnessjock 06-14-2016 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by schneiderc2004
The ongoing mystery of why men's swimwear has gone backwards! I remember seeing a guy in a sexy bikini at the water park in the early 1990s. Some people say that the swim brief is "out of style" and it is "old school". Blame this absurd phenomenon to long basketball shorts, hip-hop culture, baggy fashion, and religious puritans in the USA. I do not care for neither one of them! See attached pics of a USA Beach in the late 1980s. Guys used to show more skin! I also remember the tv show "The Bikini Open" in the early 1990s. The show featured girls and guys in bikinis competing for the best look! The good old days...lol:) Swim briefs forever!

Take care,


Those were some great styles from the 80's and 90's. This style comes close to what there was back then.


lapswimmer 06-14-2016 09:47 PM

Quite the pecs there Jock... I still have a 80's Speedo brand mini-suit with 1/2" sides from that time. Sailed the shit out of it on my Catalina 25. I posted it on the board a while back.

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