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-   -   Zac Efron Potentially Wearing a Speedo - What Do You Think? (http://www.MensSwimSuitBoard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1829)

ReservedEnthusiast 04-11-2016 10:40 AM

Zac Efron Potentially Wearing a Speedo - What Do You Think?
Ok, so early last month, some photos surfaced of Zac Efron on set for his upcoming remake of the classic Baywatch series. Link here to some of the pics: http://www.celebuzz.com/photos/the-b...of-baywatch-2/

When I first saw the photos, I sort of passively overlooked them probably as yet another Buzzfeed article ("oh, look who can't keep his shirt on again"). But, I saw the photo set again and looked closer. You cannot miss the American flag-patterned garment sticking out above his dark grey/black shorts.

Take a close look at this photo in particular: http://img.wennermedia.com/article-l...3206d83404.jpg

On his right hip, I think you can see the BOTTOM seam of whatever garment it is sticking out above the shorts' waistline. To me, it resembles an incredibly brief pair of briefs! Could he be wearing an American flag speedo in the movie???? I think so! And, Baywatch was famous for slow-motion running down the beach, so if that's used as an element again with Zac Efron in speedos...

If such a popular [post-]teenage heartthrob starts wearing speedos publicly (not much of a stretch considering his extreme lack of clothes in Bad Grandpa or whatever it is), maybe they'll catch on again! :D

What do you all think?

ReservedEnthusiast 04-11-2016 10:57 AM

For further reference, here's a Buzzfeed article which reveals he has started swimming to stay in shape too: http://www.buzzfeed.com/sheridanwats...ow#.muyBWra12o - Though this time, he's just in a skintight racer legs down which don't reveal much at all. But, it shows he's open to appearing in skintight swimsuits...

Also, there's a photo in this Buzzfeed article (http://www.buzzfeed.com/lyapalater/h...on#.am2xA4ep2w) a few photos down which features some - what was it you call it? Butt cleavage? Someone posted a thread about that on here, I think. Definitely workout inspiration, to say the least.

PSDave 04-11-2016 05:23 PM

The movie is about lifeguards, there is a very high probability that speedos will be worn by the actors. To presume that because if an actor wears one in a movie or on TV will start a huge craze of guys wearing them is very wishful thinking. Justin Timberlake wore them in a movie, "the Rock" Duane Johnson wore them for years wrestling, not to mention swimmers Ryan Lochte in all his appearances at parties in speedos, Michael Phelps in Commercials wearing one or Tom Daly seeming to have no other clothing, have not had any noticeable impact. To think that one actor that has worked out 6 or 7 hours a day for a perfect body will influence millions of men will run out and buy a speedo falls into the same thinking that the Tarzan movie would bring back loin cloths.
The only thing it may do is let some closeted speedo guys say girlfriends or other friends that they looked good on Zack so he is gonna wear one too. It may start off as a joke but it gets them worn (providing it is worn as a swim suit and with confidence. If the guy has enough influence on his friends and shows no sign of embarrassment wearing it, there may be a couple to follow.
There is something else to consider -- what if the movie bombs?

ReservedEnthusiast 04-11-2016 05:59 PM

PSDave, you raise some good points. But, the Justin Timberlake movie was a farce so the speedo situation was exaggerated, The Rock wearing them is for wrestling, and everyone expects Lochte, Phelps and Daley to be in a speedo constantly because that's what they're expected to do: they're swimmers/divers. What could potentially be different this time is that Zac would be an "average" hot guy wearing speedos at the beach, albeit a lifeguard (and none of the lifeguards I know would/could wear speedos). The loin cloth in Tarzan is a bit more of a stretch because that's not a semi-normal piece of clothing in a very much not normal situation.

So what my theory is, then, is that the closeted speedo wearers would be more open to it happening, and that the college-age "bros" would consider following the trend (or at least their girlfriends would want them to do it to be like Zac and then it becomes more of a norm again).

And, yes, very true: what if it bombs? Who knows?

Anyway, it was just a thought. And while it may not cause an immediate change, it could at least start a trend. Look at Dan Osborne: he initially refused to wear a speedo for "Splash!" but then fell in love with them, apparently.


Wyld1 04-14-2016 02:20 AM

In a recent interview Zac has said that he is wearing a American flag speedo under the board shorts he wears most of the time in the film. I am hoping we get a great shot of him wearing them and nothing else.

ReservedEnthusiast 04-14-2016 07:41 AM

Hey Wyld1 I see that you're new like me! Welcome! Do you have the link to that interview? I haven't seen it yet and I'm curious.

Wyld1 04-14-2016 08:33 AM

Here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=129_ina-qN0 it is only very briefly and at the end

cjkreitz 04-15-2016 03:19 AM

That's definitely an american flag speedo hes wearing. Can't wait to see him without the board shorts :0

speedorob86 04-15-2016 08:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
very obvious :)

speedorob86 04-15-2016 08:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
there HAS to be a scene with him in just a speedo. theyre not stupid. this movie will definitely be pandering to gay audiences!

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