Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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KLY2007 01-21-2015 05:54 PM

Swim Briefs and the Wife or Girlfriend

New Member, appreciate the PM welcomes.

First a little history. I'm mid thirties and married professional with two young kids, I swam on the swim team as a kid and through high school. I've always worn brief style swimwear discretely, meaning in college with my then girl friend or now with my wife. What I also mean is on a beach, or vacation hotel pool with my wife. We are members of a pool at home and I wear trunks to the pool there, but will wear conservative square cuts at my inlaws lake house.

I'm a bit different, I wear brief style swim wear because it's the most comfortable, and while i don't focus on getting a tan it's a nice accessory to speedo style swimwear.

I'm a very active fit individual but by no means am I ripped, when my kids were little I got a little soft and the last two years I've lost all that weight and find prepping for kidless vacations with my wife wear I want to wear a speedo motivating to stay in shape. I do still like my beer and while you can see my abs I'm far from having a six pack.

I'm wondering how many of your wives or girlfriends appreciate your choice in speedo style swimwear? My girlfriend in college never had an issue with it, and my wife now does not either, but I'm not wearing them in front of their friends or even mutual friends, a couple of a best friends that we vacation with I wear the square cuts from time to time.

I've always asked my wife if she was OK with the suit I planned to wear that day, she's never said "no" and I have no reason to not believe her. It's fun to shop for and pick out new suits to wear on vacation.

We are headed to Grand Cayman in four weeks and I've got some new styles for her entertainment. My wife is in fantastic shape and on vacation will wear cheeky and thongs for my pleasure, it's fun to escape the feeling of always being a parent.

I'll see if I can find some pictures in a bit.

LeanHunk 01-22-2015 12:29 AM

Welcome to the board, KLY.

I wish my girlfriend had the same attitude as your wife. In the past, my gf thought speedos were weird, but I'm slowly convincing her otherwise. At this point she's kind of accepted that this is the only swimsuit I'll wear to swim laps and has settled into a nonchalant indifference whenever we swim together.

I guess indifference is better than outright dislike, but hopefully she'll come to actually like them.

That's great that you and your wife are in excellent shape. What kind of exercises in addition to swimming do you guys do to stay that way?

Dooley67 01-22-2015 12:29 AM

Welcome to the board KLY2007. I think you'll find the discussions interesting, sometimes controversial and maybe even heated, but folks are respectful of others' opinions.

I'm in my late 60's and have been wearing brief suits since I was a teenager. My wife of 45 years likes me to wear briefs and since I added several suits when I began to do endurance swimming about 7 months ago, she helped me choose which ones to order. Clearly, she feels good about my wearing briefs.


PSDave 01-22-2015 02:00 AM

My ex wife liked it when I wore speedos or bikinis in our pool or on vacation in Hawaii or the Caribbean. However, if we went to a pool party or where she would have people she knew she wanted me in more conventional suit. (I wore a pair af very short trunks) It seems that when she showed pics of a pool party we had when I was wearing speedos to someone in her office she looked and asked who the gay guy was in the banana hammock. From then on she said that she knew the truth but didn't want her friends thinking or gossiping that I was gay. So in the pool house I had two drawers of swimwear --speedos and trunks. Oddly enough none of my male friends ever brought up the speedo/gay thing since they knew I had swam in high school and college.
After the divorce I wear what I damn well please!

California Dolphin 01-22-2015 02:28 AM

Recalling my old high school days back in the 70s, girls would frequently comment about how sexy some boys looked in their PE suit -IE- short gym shorts for land sports and briefs for the swim team.

sharky 01-22-2015 04:25 AM

Speedos and the wife
If we lived in Europe my wife would have no objection to my wearing speedos at any beach or pool. She thinks I look good in them and loves the tan. That said in the US, I wear board shorts over the speedos and exercise judgement....depending on the crowd will slip the shorts off to tan or swim... I swim and lift regularly so I'm in good physical shape. If there's a delineated lap lane at an outside pool, I will usually swim in briefs. She also knows I hate wet clingy board shorts and understands I have a bit of a fetish for speedos. Like you I swam on teams in my youth and have always been a fan of swim briefs. Have fun shopping !

KLY2007 01-22-2015 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by LeanHunk
That's great that you and your wife are in excellent shape. What kind of exercises in addition to swimming do you guys do to stay that way?

We don't swim, well I had an accident a year ago where i broke my pelvis and some ribs and I did plenty of water PT and water aerobics but that was different.

I do 30-45 minutes of cardio five X a week, varied three of those days I do pretty high intensity stair climber, I also do sprints and walk on the incline, some days I run a bit, some days I crank out the elliptical. Four times a week work out like a girl, meaning I do some crossfit type stuff, lots of stretching, high rep light weights, example dumbbell curls on the bosu ball I don't want to get big muscles I want a strong core and flexibility and lean.

My wife does work out classes, an hour three times a week then some tapes.

The real key though is eating right, we eat a fairly low carb diet, I also do at least one mini fast a week, the 16-17 hour fasts. This works really well in my opinion.

sharky 01-23-2015 01:09 AM

So sorry about your accident...sounds like you reprioritized a bit and have figured out a solid regimen, incorporating pt and feel really good about it..good for you!

50 Free 01-23-2015 02:45 PM

My wife loves my speedos and she likes to hear about what the ladies at the club think of them too. It gets back to her. Last week she found the JOK half mini thong on sale for $3.99 and ordered one but I doubt she will want me to wear that around people she knows. She actually tends to prefer I wear just slightly less whenever possible and even still will often just absolutely throw herself down to her knees in front of me. One of our swim team moms who is reputed to be quite the swinger has asked to see more but I have to refuse, sorry, let's not upset my bride... look all you want but behave, sweetie!

LeanHunk 01-23-2015 11:08 PM

KLY2007, I'm sorry about your accident... It sounds like you are doing much better despite what happened and I admire your discipline and commitment to staying in shape.

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