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Older lifeguard at the country club
I appreciate that most of these stories are fantasy. This one is true.
I grew up in a beautiful suburb in NY. Small lanes, tree lined streets, a place where at 14, kids could safely ride bikes everywhere. Summers were spent playing baseball, maybe some tennis, and taking off to the country club swimming pool. There was always something special about swimming pools. Peeling off your clothes, the feeling of the water on a hot steamy summer day. The sparkle and reflection. Laying around in the sun, and occasionally playing games in the water. At 14, I was in the early post puberty phase. Awkardly aware of my body transforming (joining the swim team helped) - on one hand 'proud' that I was starting to look more like a man, but with a long way to go. Hormones were raging. The club hired college guys to be lifeguards. Most were from the swim team. Super wide shoulders, V-shaped torsos down to small waists and long thin legs. They waked with the ease of a confident athlete, and as swimmers, were totally comfortable wearing their nylon speedos (most often well-worn, thin, and a bit loose) that hid nothing. ***** The 'official' lifeguard uniform was dark nylon shorts with a white vertical stripe on the side with 'Guard' in red stitched letters. In that this was a small, private club and everyone knew who the guards were, wearing the shorts were optional, so depending on the day, weather, mood, they might wear the shorts over their speedos...or just a speedo. I watched these older guys with the amazing bodies (and amazing packages) with some combination of amazement, respect, envy...'what would I do with that body?' I also wondered if these amazing bodies so casually walking around had the same effect on others. Two guards in particular warranted attention. Larry was 6'3"...lanky, bronze tan, hair streaked in blonde blotches from the combination of sun, chlorine, and his time spent on the University of Hawaii swim team where he was a junior. A bit shy, quiet, and a favorite of the girls. Chad couldn't have been more different. 5'11 ish, amazing muscular body, tight blonde curls, blue eyes, and unlike Larry who wore his speedos loose and non chalant, Chad wore them deliberately to be noticed. Whereas Larry always wore his black nylon speedos with orange side panels, Chad rotated between bright orange, white, and a pair of leopard print that he could just apparently squeeze into. ******* I wanted to be like them...and with plans to be on the swim team when high school went back in session, it was the perfect opportunity to go buy my first Speedo. Because I found the idea and vision of a speedo to be so stimulating, going to the town sporting goods store was to get one was both exciting and a little scary. Do you try them on? How do you know what size to pick. Certainly wasn't going to ask mom or dad to help with this. They had a size 28 in black. I went to the dressing room and tried it on. I couldn't believe how good the nylon felt. I also couldn't believe how 'everything showed'. Maybe if I found a print suit, things would be more camouflaged. I also didn't know how to position myself inside the suit, so tried a few different ways and became very aroused, which left few options. Put my clothes back on, went to see if they had any patterned suits and discovered it was either black...or white. Black sure seemed 'safer.' I rode home on my bicycle, with the suit bunched in my pocket....and couldn't wait to go home and try it on again. Several of the older guys on the swim team had been overheard explaining that to 'break the suit in' (get it to conform to your body), it was great to wear it under your clothes for a few days...as well as sleep in it. Thought it was worth a try. *************** |
I went to bed with my pajama bottoms on, but once under the covers, slipped the bottoms off and my black 28" speedo on. It felt unbelievably sensual, and in moments, I was fully excited. Laying on my stomach, I slid across the sheets.
Well, here's what I need to confess. Up until that point, I had only one wet dream, and was very naive about how 'things work'. So to my surprise, being in this very sensual speedo and enjoying the total feeling had me reach a point that was a new experience. ***** |
great story! I can't wait for the nexy chapter!
A really strong start to this story. It seems very much like a coming of age story of an adolescent boy. I like your narrative style which tells a lot without the use of dialogue. Looking forward to the next chapter. D67 |
Just putting the black speedo on would get me partially aroused, so I knew I wasn't ready to wear it at the pool around others. In a suit that size there was no way to 'hide' anything. So I'd wear it mowing lawns, or playing softball, and within several weeks, when I put it on, the nylon had clearly formed to the curves of my developing body. What I couldn't figure out is if every guy felt this way and it was just something no one talked about...or was it just me?
At last, one day, I mustered the courage to wear it in public. I told myself over and over it wasn't a big deal, after all the two lifeguards were in speedos half the time, and there was an older high school swim team member who did as well. I dropped my shorts in the locker room, rinsed off, and tried to walk nonchalantly to one of the reclining chairs. So far, so good. Somehow, laying on my back was fine, but when I rolled over on my stomach, it was impossible not to get aroused...and took a long time to 'relax' after. Do the guards have the same issue? Larry was friendly but quiet. Would engage when you said something to him, while Chad was the more gregarious. Leave it to Chad to walk by my reclining chair and say 'nice suit. new?' Was I happy he noticed and commented? Was it odd? Just being friendly? |
The girls were naturally attracted to Larry. His tall lanky body, the clean but tousled hair, and his seeming humility. Between afternoon and evening, the pool was closed for an hour, and Larry would take the opportunity to use it to train. His body cut through the water like a knife, lap after lap, seemingly with no particular effort...flip turn after flip turn. Broad shoulders, tan back and legs that just broke the surface with every kick. I found myself staying more frequently at the pool during the break, mostly admiring his swimming, and noting the occasional girl or two who watched through the chain link fence. One in particular returned often, and after a week or two, after his laps, Larry walked over to the fence, still dripping, with the nylon clinging to every curve and ridge of his body. They talked at the fence, she, obviously flirting, and him being polite. Fortunately he had brought a towel with him, for when he turned away from the fence, it was very clear that he had enjoyed the visit, and as much as he tried to casually hide his semi erection, it was evident to all who were watching...or was it just me. I longed to be him...with the girl admiring my body, and me reacting to her presence...and watching the two of them had me aroused.
More and more afternoons were spent at the country club in the black speedo. No longer self conscious, it felt normal...and wonderful. Black might have not been the best color in the hot summer sun, but until the sporting good store was restocked, it would have to do ... or would it? I craved the idea of trying on other suits. In order to get to know Larry and Chad better, I started hanging around pool closing time. Before they locked up, all the deck chairs needed to be lined up properly, towels picked up...basically everything in order. Chad was normally the one to close. His physique was amazing. All muscle, tightly packed into an almost-too-small-for-him suit. (well, the leopard one was too small). He'd lean over pick up the large lounge chairs over his head and reposition them in line in one deft motion, every back and arm muscle activated. And bending over each time certainly accentuated his very firm, round, yet very compact butt.
So here's a confession, nothing I'm proud of but, well, I did it. We were cleaning up after pool closing...all the work was done, and it was time to go home. Chad had already gone in the locker room, changed into his street clothes, and I headed in to do the same. Hanging on the edge of his locker was his bright orange speedo. Just seeing it caused a tingle. I walked up, touched it, with what felt like an electric response. Picked it off the locker. Do I tell him he left it there? What I really wanted to do was take it home. Not steal it...but take it home, and try on the suit of the guy who was such an amazing physical specimen. Quickly, I tucked it down the front of my own speedo, and put my jeans on. I figured if he asked where it went, I'd play dumb. The plan was to return it to the locker room the next day. He didn't come back to the locker room, we locked up. He stopped me in the parking lot, and asked what my plans were. Did I want to grab a burger? Now what? I said 'yes', we jumped into his old convertible and headed into town. I felt 'cool'. Warm summer night. Passenger in this cool old car where I was sure many of his female admirers had sat. We drove into town, enjoyed our burger, and he asked a lot of questions about me, what I did for fun, and was particularly interested in the plans for swim team. Of course, I wanted to know about college life. He lived in the 'jock fraternity' at a big midwestern university, and admitted that being on the swim team had significant advantages socially.
We headed back to the club so I could grab my bike and head home...HIS speedo still tucked into the front of mine. Could not wait to go home and try it on. Arrived home. It was late, and time to go to bed. Went into my bedroom, locked the door and pulled out his suit. It was hard to explain, but before trying it on, I just keep feeling it, and even put it to my face. Why was that exciting? Tried it on, and became immediately aroused. It was formed to his body, not mine, and a 32" as well. The butt fit perfectly - snug actually, but the front was stretched out from his larger manhood. I looked in the mirror, and discovered a wet spot had formed. Kept everything inside, but found myself rubbing through the material to the point of no return. O man, I need to clean this thing out and get it dry so I could return it tomorrow or the day after! Keeping it was not an option. |
Well, the suit was not dry in the morning, so I had to keep it for another day. Managed not to get it wet or messy again, but certainly tried it on a few more times. There was something amazing about knowing how tightly he was packed into this speedo...and now it was on me. Yes, I slept in them...but knew that returning them the next morning was the right thing to do. Now...how to return them?
As before, I stuffed them down into my black speedo, under my jeans, and headed back to the club. Chad and Larry were leaning against the front desk, Larry in his usual black and orange speedo...but Chad was wearing his super tight leopard print speedo. What did he think happened to his other suit? I casually said 'hi' and went into the locker room. The plan was to take them out of my suit, and put them on the top of the lockers, hanging over the edge as if someone had found them and just tossed them up there. What I didn't know was Chad had followed me, and was just around the corner, enough to see what was happening in the locker room, but not present enough for me to see him. I took his speedo out of my shorts, nervous, and put them on the lockers. Just then I hear 'hey Ray, what's that about?' I FROZE. Caught. Now what? I turned immediately bright red, started to stammer, and he walked over to me, stood very close to me, picked the orange speedos off the top of the locker, and held them an inch from my face and asked 'why did you have these?' What could I say? "I dunno" "you don't know? where did you find these?" "Well they were left in the locker room late last night. I thought I'd take them home and return them today." I started to sweat. He was so close to me, within an inch of touching me. Would he hit me? Was he going to tell others? I was terrified and very embarrassed. He took the orange speedo that had been down my own suit and held it to his nose. What next? |
As Chad was standing so close to me, grilling me on why I had taken his suit, the sound of Larry's voice saved the day 'Hey Chad,time to hit the chairs, we're opening.' Chad looked at me - not with anger - but very deliberately and said 'don't leave today without talking with me.' I spent most of the day trying to avoid him, but on some level, he must have enjoyed torturing me, because he'd walk by my lounge chair and deliberately bump into it...or walk by with a sly smile on his face, which I interpreted as he had 'something on me'.
In the afternoon during the break, Larry suggested 'chicken fights', when one person sits on another's shoulders, and battles another team to see who falls into the water first. Larry picked me as his partner. I'd be on top. Larry would swim under water, position me sitting on his shoulders and stand up, so I was fully out of the water. To maintain balance, the 'bottom' would usually place their hands on your thighs so if an opponent had you leaning one way, they could use their hands to brace you and try to lean the opposite way. Larry put his large hands at the top of my thighs (the bottom of my speedo) for leverage. His fingers were almost touching my bulge. Was he aware? Did he even care? Another member of the high school swim team was on Chad's shoulders, but in some sense the chicken fight felt like me against Chad. We played for what must have been a half hour, until complete exhaustion, and Larry and I were most often the victors. It ended with a high five, and Larry telling me he'd be my 'horse' anytime. Beyond the competition, the experience was sensual. Sitting on the shoulders of a super strong guy, who's head (even if it was the back!) was pressed against your bulge, and whose hands were holding your thighs to tightly. That game of horse seemed to 'break the ice' with Larry...he became more open and conversational. I was curious, and he was willing to open up about his life at college, and particularly his dating. Turns out he had a 'high school honey' who didn't attend U of Hawaii, and while both dated others, they were always happy to be back together. Here, far away from her again, he enjoyed the attention of girls. And whereas most guys spend a lot of time trying to find girls interested (or try to convince them to be interested in) sexual exploration, the girls who saw Larry at the pool and pursued him were already interested. While 'low key' (he did not want to be seen as a 'ladie's man'), he obviously enjoyed their attention, and sneaking a kiss from one with discretion. One afternoon, I went into the 'boiler room' (pumps, filters and where they washed the towels), and walked into Larry and a beautiful blonde. She was laying atop a heap of clean towels on the floor, and Larry was on top. Her top was undone, and Larry was showing her beautiful breasts wonderful attention. I was so embarrassed when I walked in on them, the both turned around to see who was there, and laughed, and I quickly shut the door and left. An hour later, I saw Larry and apologized profusely. 'No problem, it's not the first time that's happened'...'hey, she's got a girlfriend, do you want us to fix you up and hang out after the pool closes tomorrow night? Something easy...I'll just be wearing my sweatsuit, and we could all go to a drive in movie.' |
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