Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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sebbie 11-30-2014 06:31 PM

How old were you when...?
1. How old were you when you first got to pick/out buy your own underwear?
2. Did you want to gravitate toward snug-fitting briefs?
3. Did your parents prefer that you wear something bigger, as in loose-fitting boxers?
4. If so, how did you deal with that?
5. How did you deal with all of this dressing for gym, as in PE class? Were you different from your friends?

Extra credit
What were the circumstances where you got to wear your first strap (as in athletic supporter)?

We may be discovering the roots for your love of swim briefs here.

miloandtock1 11-30-2014 07:57 PM

Ok I'll bite...

1. How old were you when you first got to pick/out buy your own underwear?
About 14 or 15.
2. Did you want to gravitate toward snug-fitting briefs?
It was the early 80s, and Jim Palmer Jockey Underwear ads were pretty common, so Jockey elance and Micro3 bikinis were my first non-white briefs.
3. Did your parents prefer that you wear something bigger, as in loose-fitting boxers?
Neither said anything, Mom actually encouraged and bought them for me too.
4. If so, how did you deal with that?
5. How did you deal with all of this dressing for gym, as in PE class? Were you different from your friends?
I was not alone, by 8th and 9th grade a lot of guy were wearing them.

Extra credit
What were the circumstances where you got to wear your first strap (as in athletic supporter)?
Only wore jockstrap back in 3rd grade when I took karate/judo lessons. We had to wear one provided with protective cup. Never wore one since.

knikon 12-01-2014 03:33 AM

1. How old were you when you first got to pick/out buy your own underwear?

Hmm don't remember I was picky about my undies as early as 10 from what I remember. I owned thongs by 13

2. Did you want to gravitate toward snug-fitting briefs?

To an extent. I always wanted 2" sides or less which was hard to find in stores (lol even harder now that I am an adult due to style changes)

3. Did your parents prefer that you wear something bigger, as in loose-fitting boxers?
Yes but my mom just gave up in that department as I would always toss baggy stuff)

4. If so, how did you deal with that?

As above. She discovered it was easier to turn me loose in the store with a $20 than to listen to an "inappropriate" tirade about the discomfort of generic undies. In addition I was doing my own laundry so she never really was too keen about my choices

5. How did you deal with all of this dressing for gym, as in PE class? Were you different from your friends?

I was homeschooled...

Never wore a Jock until I was in my 20's... By then I already had about 10-15 speedos

PSDave 12-01-2014 11:47 PM

1. I don't remember not having a say in my underwear.

2. All the cool action hero and cowboys underwear was briefs so that is what I wanted to wear

3. Parent didn't care what I wore for underwear. ( as long as it was clean )

4. N/A

5. Don't recall that it was a problem. I wasn't the only one with colored or theme briefs. For gym we all wore jock straps. Snapping the ass straps was a great sport then.

tawniessam 12-02-2014 01:41 AM

1. Had to be in junior high some time. There weren't many options that was interested me. The first I remember wanting and getting were Jockey Life briefs, relatively brief and colorful with contrast stitching.
2. Always. But then we had all always worn white Jockey shorts (style, not brand) as long as we could remember.
3. Don't think they cared. Dad wore white briefs too.
4. N/A
5. Didn't like it at all and managed to avoid it through most of high school....though it was somehow oddly exciting.

E.C. The P.E. teacher encouraged boys to have a jockstrap as part of the P.E. uniform. I bought one with my uniform and always wore it when I did P.E. Some boys did. Some didn't. No questions asked.

Torchwatch 12-02-2014 02:11 AM

1. My brother was 5 years older than me, when he grew out of clothes they were cleaned and put in the top cupboard until they fit me. Since I followed him through the same schools I rarely had new clothes and just wore what was passed on to me. When I was about 15 I started school team and club running, I bought new running shorts, that were short, shiny and split up the sides. The standard Y front briefs that everyone wore then showed under the shorts so I bought my own bikini briefs, as brief as possible and the same colour as the shorts.
By the time I had finished with clothes passed on to me they were worn out so my younger brother who went to different schools was bought new clothes.

2. I had nylon swim briefs when I was at primary school, when I moved to secondary school I was given square cuts to swim in and hated them, I felt imprisoned in them, I disliked the thicker fabric, the fake fly front and pointless button at the top. When I left school I bought my own 3" black nylon Speedos and felt free swimming in them again.

3. We had an enclosed garden, my mother actually wanted us to wear our swim briefs to run around in the garden and play with water on hot summer days. We filled an old wooden chest and paddled in it.

4. Since both my parents played tennis and squash they regarded sportswear as normal and so we tended to wear shorts a lot. My mother thought my favourite pair of red Umbro running shorts too short though, when I was 18. We were pushing the envelope in those days, competing for the most extreme running shorts.

5. The PE teachers made us go commando under out PE and rugby shorts and to have showers after PE. Nudity in the changing rooms was normal and rarely noted. In the first year we had showers, in the 2nd year we would wet our hair whilst naked.
The school running squad used to hang out in the gym changing room during breaks, we often ran around the park at lunch time and were constantly getting changed in front of each other.

I bought my first jockstrap to go under my red Umbro running shorts, so it too had to be red. I bought it in another town away from home and was really embarrassed asking for it. I really liked how it felt and got a black jockstrap to go with my black shorts next time I was in that town.

When I ran out of my brother's passed down clothes and had to start choosing and buying my own I had great difficulty finding anything I liked except for running shorts and speedos which I love for their exciting fabrics and colours. In day clothes I knew I looked shabby and unfashionable in running or swimming kit I knew I looked good and could turn heads.

area51tazz 12-03-2014 07:29 AM

1. Don't remember.
2. Always briefs...never thought about why.
3. Nope, I honestly thing if I would have told them I wanted a speedo, they would have bought it for me...instead, I stole my first speedo from JCPenny and wore it at our lakehouse when they weren't there :P
4. N/A. They did start buying my speedos when I joined the swim team in High School
5. In Jr High, we just didn't shower...they didn't start enforcing that until after I moved on to High School. In High School, I was in marching band and swim team, so those fulfilled my PE requirements. As far as changing for swim team, we all just took turns in the numerous single-showers

Extra Credit: They were required at a certain point for American Football...which I also played for 6yrs. I don't remember when I started wearing it

weedge 12-14-2014 02:12 PM

1. How old were you when you first got to pick/out buy your own underwear?

14 or 15 if I remember right, when I started to buy my own. Before that would try and nag my mum, "I like those ones" that often worked, unless Xmas or birthday gifts where she got me what she wanted to.

2. Did you want to gravitate toward snug-fitting briefs?

Yes I did. I always preferred the skimpier styles, anything with narrow or high sides. I would have loved thongs etc but non about then as what I bought was what was generally in the high street shops. No internet shops then alas.

3. Did your parents prefer that you wear something bigger, as in loose-fitting boxers?

Mum expressed surprise and a generally slightly negative vibe but nothing too bad. Had a bought thongs get the impression something would have been said.

4. If so, how did you deal with that?

Guess I got on with it as did she.

5. How did you deal with all of this dressing for gym, as in PE class? Were you different from your friends?

Most guys at school, 80%-ish wore Y's but a few guys wore bikini briefs so I was not the only one. As my briefs got more tiny or colorful would get the odd remark from friends and never wore anything too daring for changing rooms until I was older. Nearly everyone wore a Speedo or similar brand for swimming anyway so no problems there.

Extra credit

Was always looking at pictures of jockstraps in catalogs like Kays, Littlewoods etc but couldn't not figure how they worked as pictures just of the front but remember looked wonderful with the pouch. At school never saw one as about 13/14 at the time, maybe the older guys did but no way of knowing. I bought my first when about 15 and kept it hidden and wore at home when no one in or under jeans at weekend. I did wear them for sport when older and friends took the micky but put up with that. Hell was in a jock and loved it !

uktrunks 12-21-2014 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by sebbie
1. How old were you when you first got to pick/out buy your own underwear?
2. Did you want to gravitate toward snug-fitting briefs?
3. Did your parents prefer that you wear something bigger, as in loose-fitting boxers?
4. If so, how did you deal with that?
5. How did you deal with all of this dressing for gym, as in PE class? Were you different from your friends?

Extra credit
What were the circumstances where you got to wear your first strap (as in athletic supporter)?

We may be discovering the roots for your love of swim briefs here.

Right ... here goes ...

1. I guess I was around 13 when I started buying briefs and swimming trunks. It wasn't that easy in the 1970s because the shops where one could buy tight-fitting briefs and trunks weren't self-service. I remember going into one mens' outfitters when I was around 16, and there was a rack of what I was looking for on the front of the counter. I tried to look at ease as I flicked through the little boxes of HOM underwear, while the old man who ran the shop watched me like a hawk. 'Can I help you?' he said at last. I mumbled something and lifted a little box out of the stand. He pointed to a drawing on the box and said: "These will cover you just that much". I think I had selected a white nylon thong. Still trying to look nonchalant, I got out my money, handed it over, and left the shop as quickly as I could.

2. Yes of course.

3. I was an only child from an extremely repressed family, and my mother forced me to wear woollen underwear of a type not worn for a century. Yes, that is literally true. For swimming, I had to have royal blue nylon trunks, because it was a school requirement, but they were massively large, coming halfway up my chest. They were so large that it was like jumping into the pool with a balloon around my waist. I used to look enviously at the other boys, whose trunks weren't particularly small, but at least finished around the belly button. By this time I had found some old bodybuilding magazines and that really got me hooked on small, tight-fitting nylon trunks. I began to save up my pocket money to buy skimpy nylon briefs and swimming trunks, and would spend hours trying them on during the school holidays when my parents were out of the house.

4. See last question.

5. As I have said, I had to wear the most ridiculous long WOOLLEN pants and vests. It was massively embarassing in the changing room and at the annual medical. Most of the boys wore ordinary white y-fronts, which weren't that sexy but at least looked reasonably manly. One year, when I was nearly 18, we went to the medical as usual and for the first time I realised that I wasn't just interested in wearing speedos etc in private, but also had a liking for fit well-built men wearing them, and wanted to associate with such men, especially in sporting venues.

There was a guy in the waiting room already, a bit older than me, whom I had known most of my life - we played a lot of cricket at one time but I hadn't seen much of him for a couple of years. Well, I watched him strip off to the most AMAZING tiny royal blue nylon briefs! He had obviously been working out a lot in the gym, and his penis and balls were huge, weighing down the front of the unlined bodybuilder-style trunks. He seemed a bit on edge, flexing his muscles and adjusting the position of his cock in his pouch. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing, but I knew that I wanted to spend time with this guy - or someone like him - swimming, sunbathing and sweating our bodies in the gym.

I was also beginning to discover that I was bisexual. I really wanted sex with girls - I still do - but at the same time I was finding male athletes extremely attractive. As you can imagine from my upbringing, I was extremely shy. The other guy wasn't and I was green with envy at the way he behaved with the nurse. Before going into the doctor one had to go to the nurse's room to be weighed and measured. The nurse was a very sexy woman, probably around 30 - an unbelievable choice for a boys' school, but this is all absolutely true. Some of the guys used to banter about giving her 'a good seeing-to', daring each other to feel her up when we were in her office. But of course none of them had the balls to do it - except my old cricketing pal! I couldn't see what happened when she measured his height because the ruler thing was hidden by the door, but then he went and stood on the scales - one of those devices where you have to slide little weights to get the proper reading. The nurse had to get very close to do this, and I could see that he had his arm around her waist, as if he was steadying himself on the scales. She brushed him aside and went over to the desk to write down his weight. His bum looked amazing in the thin nylon trunks, as he followed her to the desk and looked over her shoulder, his hand again trying to grope her. His penis must have been extremely close to her bum, if not actually touching. Well, that was too much - the nurse spun round, pushed him aside and firmly shut the door. I don't know what happened after that - but what I do know is that the nurse left for good at half term!

EXTRA CREDIT At college, when I started playing rugby.

7_of_Fine 03-21-2015 06:18 AM

1. 14; However, I chose to go from ftl tighty whitey's to boxers. To this day, I still hate tighty whiteys, even though I prefer a more "brief" cut. It just accentuated the wrong parts on everyone I've seen wear them (including me). I would go back to briefs around age 23, though the cut and fit was, in my opinion, superior (bikini briefs, thongs, string bikinis). I will say that I had worn similar items when I was gogo dancing at 21, but it was more as a "uniform" rather than "what I like to wear". I will say, though; I have good memories of owning satin and silk boxers.

2. Well, I was always fascinated with spandex; how it hugs the body and makes for a "more naked than naked" look. I just didn't think that I could enjoy it until I gave myself permission to enjoy it. And on that day, the last fuck I had was set free, with no more left to replace it.

3. Not really; my mom is Japanese; she thought that my boxers were "old men's undies". My dad never really had an opinion, but he never had to wash my undies/see what I wore.

4. n/a

5. didn't have to. everyone wore boxers. my gods, our taste in undies sucked.

Extra Credit: When I started to gogo dance. But I purchased one that I actually liked (made of smooth, silky spandex) when I was 26. You could probably clone me from the amount of DNA I've shot through those things.

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