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speedo fetish, wene,why,how, where
It would be interresting to know just how, and why, how we devellopped our speedo fetishes, no doubr we would have different stories on this phenomenon, I described on the old speedo fantasy board site how is did its a long story, but I know exactly why and when and how my love for speedos origined.
All I know is that Im not ashamed of it knowing that everyone has a fetish of some kind (You would be surprised to know just witch ones(lol)) I enjoy being a speedo lover speedos to me is sunshine, the beach, eye candy (you name it) Gay or not theres many like us we are not alone. My apologies for my orthographc missppellings english is my second language being a french Canadian Speedo on guys, this is what this site is for us speedo lovers. |
".....not ashamed......." and "........I enjoy......"
Seems to me that summation is all that needs be said and constant analysis will only have us going round in circles. I know someone who would admit to an over indulgence in chocolate - I guess that little "fetish" simply doesn't carry the same degree of fear of moral condemnation. |
Born in H2O
We were in water in the womb , bareass for 9 mos. Why should we not continue after birth. The ideal would be to have all sports performed naked including of course swimming. A speedo is the nextbest thing. They also should go back to much more abbreviated basketball shorts like I used to wear. I played before huge crowds and no body commented on my occasional show of a strap on the jock when I bent over or sat down with knees up on the floor to listen to the coach. Before T shirts we wore athletic or tank tops regularly. We have become a great deal more prudish in this country in the last 30 years. This is stupid! If a guy or girl has a great body they should be told so and not be considered weird.
Dorcas... well stated. By the way, what ever did happen to those hot, short basketball shorts. Love to watch BBall, but the shorts today look like capri pants...lol. At least swimmers still have race style suits...aka Speedos.
Actually, if you're viewing the player from the side, today's basketball shorts look more like a 1950s era woman's skirt. I sarcastically wonder if the next thing uniform designers will come up with will be a matching purse or hand bag!!! :confused: CD |
I'm not
Soorry to say it in this way-but-it seems that some "homophobes" felt that the shorts (mine were satin-shinny dark blue with white piping) somewhat took the players "manhood" away. I must say that even the girls used to say that I had great legs-and I guess I did and still do-especially after a great sailing summer with a tan and a fair amount of black hair! They were in no way indecent-we also had tank tops where we were able to show our chest and pit hair-some more than others. At the same time football pants became more hugging-especially in the basket area as well as baseball uniforms! Watch the guys on the field scratch their dicks or see the jock leg straps through the football pants as well as the buns! Kind of funny how that happened. We did have warmup long pants and jacket tops which we wore-especially on the bench when we werent playing-kind of drafty here in Vermont gyms when it was zero out with 25 knot winds. We all had crew cuts and were clean shaven. Favorite expressions of coach Hard was "Who do you think you are-the Prince of the ruling family? Your warm dry and well fed to what are you complaing about!
Cultural Effects-shorts length
-As a think about those days of yet ever longer basketball shorts it may well have some thingto do with the increasing number of Afro-American participation in more conservtive dress. Their great physiques certainly had nothing to hide! Or maybe I'm just full of crap! There was a lot of change during the post Vietnam Days.
speedo fetish....... (and all that jaz)
Lol what basket ball shorts have to do with a question referring to speedo fetish, but I agree they were very sexy at the time and tennis shorts to.
All related
It all boils down to how much skin you want to show. Part of the speedo fetish is like how daring and revealing should I be in my inner feelings about my body and and displaying the suggestive parts like my ass and dick. It also feels great when you are laying on your back on the beach in briefs with your dick at 12 oclock but not out becuse youll get sunburned. You then can turn over on your towel make some room for your goods in the sand and dry fuck your towell. My basketball shorts had a button fly which give easy access to my dick . They in a way were more provacative than speedos with their notched leg and your guy friends were more apt to play grab ass while at the same time appearing to be just guys fooling around. The you could "graduate' to speedos. Great to grab your friends leg straps a do a wedgee.
My first awareness of Speedos was when I was about 10, spotting one on a mannequin at the sporting goods store, surrounded by stacks of the boxes they used to come in. I remember it clearly, so it made an impression even though I didn't get my first Speedo for another couple years. From the very first time I wore one, I knew they were Special (with a capital S).
This guy's Speedo pic made it into school yearbook!
:confused: Well, interesting reminiscences but Louis sounds a bit frustrated and understandably so as he did after all start this thread as when? why? how? and when?
correction for above
Last one where ?
Good point, Byron. Sorry louis...
Not sure when I really got turned on by Speedo type suits. I swam since a kid, on Y team, school team, club team, AAU and then college. I spent more of my teen years in a speedo than any other piece of clothing, I think, given all the practices. I think about 14 or so I discovered my swim suits made me excited in a way different from swimming, especially when I got to see all the hot guys in theirs. They also seemed to make the girls interested, too. I have written some stories based on my swim team life. To this day, I wear only Speedo type suits, and they still have the same effect. |
Yes, and well written as I recall - must have been much enjoyed by those avid readers who demanded the next chapter......
Early start with Speedos
My interest in speedo style suits goes back to entering puberty. I think early on I found them attractive on other guys and being a bit of an exhibitionist, sexy to wear myself. Around that time I got a hand-me-down speedo that belonged to my father (gold satin-like material with a palm tree on one side!) and I loved it. Shortly thereafter we vacationed in Florida and when my mother took me to buy a new suit, I picked out a speedo style. After that, no looking back. I've never worn anything else. My intro to the style certainly had sexual overtones but I soon discovered how comfortable and practical they were too.
A note on basketball shorts. I too miss the old style shorts but I doubt they will be back. On a professional level basketball is a much more physical game than it used to be. You see players wearing long compression shorts that stick out under their already long uniform shorts, and elbow, wrist, and knee braces that cover most of their arms and legs. Old uniforms were designed for freedom of movement. Now players are dressed for combat. Maybe football style pads are next. Styles trickle down so I don't expect college and school uniforms to look any different than the pros. |
Big guys
Boston: You are correct; Many sports are no longer ones of grace but of a kind of bruit force. Individual sports lake diving, swimming, skating etc. have been the holdouts therefore allowing briefer attire.
speedo fetish ...and all that jaz
Thats ok SwimTeam Speeo, but you are not going to get away with it (LOL)
To compensate you must send Mike (our moderator) a new or used speedo to offer on the board. I already sent him two myself. lol just kidding,but yes the more speedos he gets the more will be offered on this board. |
Fetishes (& basketball shorts)
I started my interest in them when my college roommate wore speedos for swimming (white ones -- I posted a story about it here) at the pool, and Jockey Elance bikinis for underwear. He looked great in them, and when I bought them I realized how comfortable they were.
How did they become fetishistic? That's a good question. Certainly there's a moral side to it. Someone who collects, say, political campaign buttons and wears them isn't considered to have a fetish any more than a guy who wears nothing but jeans and t-shirts having drawers full of jeans and t-shirts. Those are both perfectly acceptable, and even though they display some part of the wearer's personality -- I like politics! or, I want to fit in! -- they're accepted as part of our "normal" culture. Speedos, bikinis, and other tight-fitting swimwear are seen by most people as outside the norm. When worn by guys, that is -- women and girls who wear the tiniest triangle tops with a g-string are seen as strong, confident women. But that's another topic. When we guys wear our skimpy swimwear people wonder why we don't just fit in with the crowd, and since we don't, there must be something odd about us. Add to that America's prudish obsession with sex and you come up with guy + speedo = deviant. (It's a double-standard, since woman + two-piece bikini = the popular girl.) So we have to enjoy our interest underground, on web sites and winking to one another at pools and on beaches. Is that part of the fun? Not for me. I'd rather everyone wore them (well, as long as they're reasonably h/w/p). But others may take additional pleasure in speedos' borderline acceptance -- and that's totally cool. Maybe we become so connected to them because we have to band together to promote them lest they become totally impermissible. --> On that basketball shorts note -- the "skirt" comment is spot-on. I remember seeing a similar comparison on a fashion blog, where street fashion (as opposed to runways) is the subject of the photos. The blogger had a shot of a young black kid (late teens) on a NYC basketball court. He was posing for the camera in his long white t-shirt, shorts that were both super-long (to his calves) and billowy, and tall black athletic sox that must have gone nearly to his knees. Next to this photo was a photo of a 20-something white girl, slim, wearing a long, billowy skirt (to her calves) and black stockings. The blogger made the point that both looks were so similar that it was impossible to say anything but the male athlete's look was a direct descendant of the women's 50s-style skirt & stocking look. It's so odd to me that these basketball athletes -- certainly at the college and pro level -- who claim to need every last advantage to perform at 110% will wear clothes so bulky and loose that they've got to be slowed down by them. If bulky clothes made your fast break faster, why don't track runners wear them? The answer: Fashion, and all its cultural baggage. |
Good summary
Fashion = manufacturers who want you to keep spending on their trendy clothing at exorbitant prices and with frequent design changes the product is tweaked here and there so that the trend afficionadoes are out there buying more because what they have is no longer perceived as cool.
The true and simple needs in sports clothing are therefore just forgotten in this marketing strategy. The little speedo offers scant opportunity to raise sales figures in this way but the more the fabric the more space available to experiment with art, color and logo presentation. (It is done a little differently in Formula 1 as someone somewhere must sit up all night sewing multiple sponsors' badges on to drivers' racing suits). |
I can't pinpoint when it all started, but it came into focus one day as a teenager that while masturbating in my speedos after a swim, I didn't quite pull my dick out in time during the end part, and even though I had drenched my suit, I was totally fine with it; which then turned into loving it, which turned into a very busy night. After that, whenever I would go swimming and I'd see other speedo wearing guys, I'd daydream about our bulges touching (which would one day evolve into a heavy preference for frot rather than penetrative sex; in speedos, a given). It just seemed like a natural progression of instinctual sexual development for me.
I'd like to one day find a guy that shares my proclivities, as my boyfriend and I have very different kinks (though he does don a sexy black 2" speedo, or a nice grey and black thong when we go to pool/jacuzzi events), but as I've experienced, it is rather difficult to find others in our kink circle locally. |
I've always worn them, since I was a little kid. I think I was the only one left wearing them after the board shorts revolution and I kinda liked the attention they brought. My wife, then girl friend liked me In them too. She says it showed confidence! I wouldn't say I have a sexual fetish about em, I just like wearing them.
Having always been a swimmer, mine started back in the day when lifeguards only wore speedos, it was pretty much the norm around here and nobody gave it a second thought. Speedos were also fairly easy to come by, keeping in mind this was pre-internet. I've always worked, even from a young age, back then I had a collection of about 3 to 5 suits. I also had a good friend who worked part-time as a lifeguard who only wore swim briefs, and as he would grow out of his suits , he'd pass them onto me.
I can remember looking forward to the Spring/Summer catalogues that would come out so I could see what styles were coming out for the new year. Or I would go to the corner convenience store and pick up the latest International Male magazine. Of course with the internet, I now have a few speedo-themed websites I enjoy visiting on a regular basis to get my fix. I have a good sized collection and I wear one proudly for my daily swims. I enjoy seeing other guys wearing them and I'll probably continue to wear them as long as I can. |
My mother bought me my first "Speedo" when I was 10 or 11. Green and white color block and very small.
I did not understand my arousal when I first put it on, and even more so when I was around others, especially girls. When I was in my teens and going to swim parties I always wore Speedos which I bought myself. Guys were a 50/50 mix of briefs and jammers. Stopped wearing them in mid life, but now I enjoy them again. Guess it's true, life is a circle that completes itself. |
I've worn brief suits and square cuts since I was a teenager in the 60's. I eventually stopped wearing the square cuts (I don't like the way they look anymore) and have continued wearing briefs to this day. Like Turbofan, I don't consider wearing brief suits a fetish; I just like them, they way they look and the way other guys look in them. My wife really likes them on me and when I was looking for new suits when I began to swim seriously last June, I found the style and brand I liked (with input from Turbofan, Shaulis and STS) and she picked out the suits she liked the best.
D67 |
I found a speedo retail store in a mall when I was a teenager...it didn't last long but if it was still around I'm sure I'd have a store credit card with a huge balance by now...lol. Have any of you guys ever been to one? It was fantastic, racks filled with every style, I even got a blue thong from there. I still have the thong and a squarecut and a 3" side from that store and I had to throw out 2, 1" sides from there that just wore out. Since then my collection has grown so much from online stores that I have more suits than opportunity and places to wear them. Recently I've purchased a few suits from h&m in store and they seem cheaply made but are cute. Has anyone had any luck with h&m?
my interest in speedos started strangely enough not with swimming but with watching pro wrestling, back in the days when it seemed all the guys wore brief trunks. I loved the look and envied them their bodies. From teens onward I always admired and respected guys who wore speedos at the pool, it was such a declaration of self-confidence!
It took until my early 30s before I gained the level of self-confidence required to wear speedos to the pool. To me the appeal is the practicality, the comfort, and the appearance. They feel great to wear. And I feel like I'm ten times more the man than guys in baggy shorts coz I have the confidence in my own appearance to wear them. And glad to see that there's plenty around here who feel the same! |
I'm not new here, but have mislaid my login details. I found the constriction of nylon briefs great when I was passing through puberty ~ and have been hooked ever since. |
My interest in Speedos started in my teenage years not with swimming but with school PE and athletics, when some of the sportier boys wore them underneath their shorts.
I had seen them being worn during swimming lessons and noticed how the material went shiny when wet. I also noticed how the material was just enough to cover the private parts and no more. Speedos were skimpier than the underwear that was worn at the time and in some ways resembled girls’ panties. The reason I spotted the being worn under shorts was that the shorts were white and see-through. It seemed to be so daring as it drew attention to the suggestive parts of the body. It made a great impression on me, although it was not until a few years later that I got a hand-me-down pair of Speedos. The first time I put them on I got a full erection. I used to go running in them under white shorts. As well as being sexually arousing, Speedos are also very comfortable and practical, even with an erection. I don’t have the confidence to do that any more, but I have worn them as underwear and also in private. With the internet I have been able to buy a good sized collection in most colours and I wear them regularly for private exercise. To this day Speedos still have the same arousing effect. I have a running machine and I always wear Speedos underneath my shorts when I use it. |
I got into them when I was in young teens. A friend and I used to experiment, or whatever you want to call it. On time he had on a speedo under his jeans. As soon as I saw and felt the smooth, cool material on him I was hooked.
I consider myself very lucky to have been able to discover and investigate all that we could think of together with someone who I had plenty of chances to be with. It also bloomed into a love/fetish of not only speedos but anything skimpy and smooth. I hope I answered correctly. |
When I was a young teen I remember watching the Olympics and all the hot guys in their tiny little swimwear. I told my mom I wanted a speedo. So she took me out and bought one for me. I remember when I was able to buy them for myself. I guess I do have a bit of a speedo fetish. Love looking at other guys in speedos. One time in Vegas I was staying at a hotel and I saw this hot guy in a speedo by the pool. I wanted to go down and rub my face all over his speedo. God I feel so dirty admitting that to you all. Hope I don't get in trouble.
Do you get "excited" at the checkout in a sports shop with a pair of speedos in one hand and cash in the other ?
My first speedo
My first time wearing a speedo was at my dads friends house I was 14 and was baby sitting for his son that was 7 they had a pool and said we could swim if we wanted. I told him I didnt have a suit with and he said to follow him to his room and he would get me a suit to wear. I was shocked when he handed me a speedo. But I stoll put it on in the bathroom. I walked out wearing it and I think I had a semi boner but not too big. I was standing infront of everyone and they were all staring at me.. It was the first time I ever was in a speedo in public you might say. I just jumped in the pool and started swimming. They went to dinner and I swam with the son for a while and we went inside and played some board games and I was still in my speedo. The boy did comment on my stuff being larger than his. I have been into speedos ever since and have over 30 pair now.
P.S The boy I was sitting was not wearing a speedo. |
I dont think it is a fetish for me but I certainly have been attracted to brief swimwear since I was a kid.
I think I developed a love of Speedos as a way to express my homosexuality as a pre-teen (and teen) since it was not accepted where I'm from and I didn't know how to deal with it. I remember seeing the Olympics in 1996 when I was in middle school and being mesmerized with the swimmers. I was definitely attracted to the men, but I told myself I just liked Speedos. I didn't wear one until I was a freshman in high school; I was the swim team assistant and I saw an extra Speedo laying around in the office, so I took it in the pool bathroom and tried it on. I didn't start actually wearing Speedos, though, until just a few years ago when I started doing laps at the pool. So far I still wear classic trunks (shorter ones, 5" inseam at the longest -- cannot abide board shorts) when I'm around my friends and family, although I really just want to make the switch to all Speedos all the time.
as a child wearing swimming trunks on hot summer days ! trunksfan
I have always been drawn to minimal swimwear, but never actually wore a bikini until I was boating Lake Michigan with an ex girlfriend who had an AMAZING body. She'd wear Wicked Weasel thong bikinis every time we were at the boat. So, with this hot woman by my side in a minimal bikini herself, I gained the confidence to try a bikini.
It took some time for me to get comfortable wearing a bikini in public, but now my swimsuit collection consists primarily of bikinis, some square cuts, some thongs, and some ultra low-cut MateGear styles that show plenty of crack and the rear just cups the bottom of my ass cheeks! The ex girlfriend who got me into wearing bikini style swimsuits and the awful style that I started out with! ![]() ![]() ![]() And one of my more current styles... ![]() |
Speedo fetishes
I'll wear speedo style and brand swim briefs. I like wearing Arena, TYR or THE FINALS brand swimsuits. Yes it does seem like a fetish, but they all make great swim and summer underwear for me. The fits are great and know a lot of guys like wearing them during the summer, other than swimming. One of my favorite speedo style swimsuits were shiny lycra polyester Arena water polo briefs that fit just right, feeling snug and secure in them. I like after swimming with her, how she wants to get them off me. I do have a nice hard on too which is well outlined under them. My speedos and other swim briefs feel the same, making feel like a little boy not wanting to take them off yet after swimming. It's a beautiful feeling when she takes them off, being a long ticklish process, as she gets my privates and erect penis unsnugged from the clinging soft speedo swim briefs:D . I'll get a gentle sat on my naked behind by her as the tangled briefs drop to my ankles and seeing my bouncing erection. Yes it can be a fetish, but for me wearing speedo style swim briefs are like a summertime security blanket, keeping privates snug and secure in them, before, being she begins peeling them off me either after swimming or just as underwear.
I kinda think my speedo fetish is born from my childhood, where I was home most of the time. My memory of BATTLE OF THE NETWORK STARS being my almost shocking unbelievable extreme excited sex. I also remember Donahue's once a year exotic dancers episode.
@7offine: yes to all of this.
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