Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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lucas 01-06-2012 09:06 PM

Perfect Front Fit?
1 Attachment(s)
Is this a perfect front fit?

Do you like (or need) a pouch in your suits?

Byron 01-06-2012 11:03 PM

bod to die for
:) Yes for sure*


*what's the tiny symbol to right of centre seam of suit?

Dolph952 01-14-2012 12:16 AM

Suit brand
I think that's the Joe Snyder logo?

Byron 01-14-2012 02:58 AM

sexy JS guy
:) Thank you. I think I see it here on white and yellow


Byron 01-14-2012 03:16 AM

JS corrected
:o :o http://www.joesnyderuk.com/bikini/js01-bikini/

(the wine one is on that page too)

Dolph952 01-16-2012 09:48 PM

JS 01 bikini
Just had to have this one ... in 'wine' ... like the marcus pic! Unfortunately my bod won't do teh suit the same justice Marcus does!

Torchwatch 01-17-2012 09:27 AM

As a suit gets briefer the need for a pouch increases, things get well crushed in a tiny smooth front bikini. Then it is your choice ......

A pouch on a square cut is boasting rather then a necessity in most cases.

Tight Speedo 01-28-2012 09:33 PM

Looks great! As long as it's comfortable, that's what matters.

SwimTeamSpeedo 01-28-2012 10:48 PM

Boasting is fun...some of my favorite suits are square cuts with those pouches... especially if I am feeling horny...lol..;)

Dolph952 01-29-2012 12:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I bought the suit ... happy to share a pic but please, no negative comments. I know I'm no oil painting - just sharing. First time I've tried to upload a pic - hope it works.

Byron 01-29-2012 01:08 AM

good choice
Very nice - the JS looks like an excellent fit for you.
Well done for getting the pic up successfully - I must learn the same.

SwimTeamSpeedo 01-29-2012 12:16 PM

Hey Dolph, hot pic and that suit looks great.... Looks like u have a great pool, too.

solarguy 01-29-2012 12:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I love my Joe Snyder swimsuit! I am hesitant to wear it publicly, as it shosw a bit too much.

Byron 01-29-2012 01:55 PM

from grape to orange
:D Wow, looks good - let's keep the Joe Snyder thread running.
As for places to wear, be bold as NJH says.
Btw, what larger suit was being worn when you created the tan lines ?

SwimTeamSpeedo 01-29-2012 05:30 PM

Hey solar, that is a very daring suit, especially in the orange, but it does look great. You fill it out really well, too...;) Nice pic.

solarguy 01-29-2012 10:47 PM

tanlines are from my speedo solar suit. that is what i wear 90% of the time. Like i said, I'm hesitant to wear the Joe Snyders with others around. They make me feel a little shy, although, I have worn the black suit with others, as it doesn't show as much!! They are very tiny. You really need to pack the boys in there

Tight Speedo 02-02-2012 04:20 AM


Wear the orange Joe Snyder in public. You look great and confident!

solarguy 02-02-2012 11:24 AM

I do admit to a little exhibitionist tendancies, but the orange suit is definately too much in a public setting. I will wear my black Joe Snyder in public. Its a bit skimpier than my normal comfort zone of a speedo solar, but it wont show the goods!!

dorcas3 02-02-2012 08:33 PM

Half Noticed
Wear the orange-that way they will look directly at you because being that "daring" they will know that you want them to motice. If you do it enough my guess is that more will do it themselves by at first being a little more colorfull. Most guys deep down want to be noticed and most on lookers like to notice guys that want to be noticed! Do it.

Dolph952 02-03-2012 08:45 PM

Solar Guy's suit
Great pic mate. I agree these suits are a bit too revealing for most public beaches and pools but in your own home it's your choice!
Cheers, Dolph

davearoo 09-21-2019 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Dolph952
I bought the suit ... happy to share a pic but please, no negative comments. I know I'm no oil painting - just sharing. First time I've tried to upload a pic - hope it works.

This suit looks great on you. Very hot!

lapswimmer 09-27-2019 01:10 PM

Neptune Scepter Bikini
2 Attachment(s)
I just recevied these Neptune Scepter suits and for me, they are the perfect front fit. Just enough pouch to hold the package in place and unless I get aroused there is a smooth front. With arousal there is a nice VPL. Back coverage is good too.

lapswimmer 09-27-2019 01:11 PM

2 Attachment(s)
The other suit.

lapswimmer 09-27-2019 01:12 PM


That suit is perfect on you. a stunning example of a great body in a great suit.

Bikiniman 09-27-2019 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by lapswimmer
I just recevied these Neptune Scepter suits and for me, they are the perfect front fit. Just enough pouch to hold the package in place and unless I get aroused there is a smooth front. With arousal there is a nice VPL. Back coverage is good too.

Great looking suit, both front and back. Would love to see it wet and also how prominent a VPL it shows when aroused.

bulgefr 09-29-2019 02:16 AM

amaaazng pic and better than an oil painting btw :-)

lapswimmer 09-30-2019 04:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Bikiniman
Great looking suit, both front and back. Would love to see it wet and also how prominent a VPL it shows when aroused.

Well, my girl took it to this point before it wanted to emerge from the suit. Not much room for arousal in these suits. The tight fit does feel good on a swelling penis. The suit is virtually the same when wet visually.

swim suit eddie 10-16-2019 08:34 PM

Perfect Front Fit?
Those are great photos. I like the swim briefs more coverage in front up to the belly button and seeing the swimsuit logo on the lower front side and there's room for an unavoidable erection that can happen underneath the silky light colored inside lining while feeling snug and secure in it. A swimsuit like this outlining a guy's healthy hard on underneath with room underneath looks and feels great to me. What I like about the logo in front is when stripping off that snug nice feeling and fitting suit is when it's almost off and seeing the outside swimsuit logo disappear with the bright colored outside material and seeing only the light colored inside lining still keeping male privates still snug and secure a little longer before the sexy nice perfect front fit soon slides off, as the beautiful perfect fitting swim briefs rolled down showing only the inside lining soon come down and off and bearing it all.

swim suit eddie 10-16-2019 08:52 PM

Perfect Front Fit?

Originally Posted by swim suit eddie
Those are great photos. I like the swim briefs more coverage in front up to the belly button and seeing the swimsuit logo on the lower front side and there's room for an unavoidable erection that can happen underneath the silky light colored inside lining while feeling snug and secure in it. A swimsuit like this outlining a guy's healthy hard on underneath with room underneath looks and feels great to me. What I like about the logo in front is when stripping off that snug nice feeling and fitting suit is when it's almost off and seeing the outside swimsuit logo disappear with the bright colored outside material and seeing only the light colored inside lining still keeping male privates still snug and secure a little longer before the sexy nice perfect front fit soon slides off, as the beautiful perfect fitting rolled down swim briefs is showing only the inside lining while being stripped down and off and now bearing it all.

A nice snug swimsuit with a little extra room and perfect front covering excited genitals and feeling so secure in them can be very sexy and really nice for a guy to wear while still on him.

BikenSwim 11-07-2019 09:34 PM

Flat front on public beaches
I always liked to wear smooth flat-front suits at public beaches. I've worn all of these except the first one this year https://photos.app.goo.gl/yLX4ZXfZfmj9ECKH6

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