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Summer in the band
Part 1:
The ribbons and the accolades spoke for themselves. Three straight Gold medals, three state championship wins, best brass solo performance two of three years. It is often said one person does not make up a great concert band, but one great performer can make a concert band great. In this case, a concert band that was a blend of students from three high schools and a few smaller schools across the Crown of Maine, a place where musical talent never could compete with the bigger schools in Portland, Bangor and Augusta. The wall of the “band hall”, if one could call it that, was lined with the accolades. The best was a write up from the Portland Press Herald that called the Aroostook Combined Regional Concert Band the best performance to hit Maine since the pilgrims. “At the top of the act is a gifted trumpet player, Chris Hill, who can play with the best of them worldwide,” the story went on to say. Oh sure, maybe exaggeration to a limited degree, but there was quite a bit of truth in the assessment. Chris was a late child, the last of three in his family. One girl and two boys. He was lost when his family came to Maine, especially to the potato harvesting land of Northern Maine. Aroostook is way north, touching the Canadian border. In fact, it is so far up in Maine that Canada tried to claim it as their own land in the 1800’s, touching off a near war between the two countries. The real language of Aroostook is a blend of French, Canadian English and US English mixed in with an accent that makes all of it totally confusing. Not by choice, more by circumstance, Chris was really an only child. Fourteen years separated his older sister from him, so she was long gone and living in DC with her nerdy husband, a computer geek who worked for the NSA or something like that. His older brother of seven years was also his best inspiration., at least while he was around, but by the time they moved to Maine, Mickey was already in college “back home” in North Carolina. Two things finally made Chris start to like the remote world of Northern Maine. The band was the first, and Chris quickly rose to the top of the local school band and then the regional band. Swimming was second. Chris joined the local swim team. While he loved swimming, he was not quite as good at it as he was music. The top swimming spots were locked down between Zachary and Ryan, to local guys. That did not stop Chris, who balanced swimming with band and the demands trumpet lessons in Orono, the home of Umaine. Chris was a tall and handsome guy. He was over six feet, thin and muscular with a tight set of abs, muscular legs and a delightful smile. He wasn’t a bulky muscled guy, but he was softly chiseled with definitions that were clear, but not overly done. He had a fantastic smile of gorgeous white teeth, perfectly aligned. His face was soft, sweet and genuine. He was witty, fun and made people laugh. He attracted the eyes of every girl. When he was in his swimsuit he looked beyond stellar. He could well have been a model. Everything about him was handsome, well proportioned. He wore a swimsuit better than any guy on the team. Much to Ryan’s disappointment, Chris was absolutely straight and enjoyed the attention girls gave him, both at band and at the pool. He was fresh, non local opportunity in a region where family ties and small towns make for tightly knit circles. Pictures of Chris in his swim team suit were secretly stashed in the bedrooms, lockers and books of almost every girl in his school. He was cute, hot and they all wanted some action with him. It was the end of his Senior year in high school when his trumpet instructor asked Chris about his interest in trying out for a group of students who would spend the Summer traveling Europe. He had just turned 18 and was ready for an adventure. The band would play concerts in six different countries, including one in Paris directly under the Eiffel Tower. His teacher, a music professor at the University of Maine would also be one of the band directors. It was a dream come true, except that it would mean he would miss most of Summer swimming season. Still far too great to pass up. ________ The alarm went off early, way too early for Chris’s roommate, Alexander. Chris quickly shut the alarm off, but not before it woke both of them up. They were in a small dorm room at a college on the outskirts of Boston, the band’s home for the first week. The band would spend long days rehearsing and pulling together before they would begin the European journey. Chris quietly slipped out of his bed, hoping Alex would not be too much more disturbed. Alex laid quietly watching Chris’s handsome male physique crawl from the bed. Chris reached for the tiny blue and gold Speedo swimsuit he had left on the top of his luggage. He slipped it on over his naked, youthful body, tucking his male parts into place inside the tight swimsuit. Chris was still somewhat aroused, a state he often woke up in, but nothing the water would not quickly resolve. “What are you doing?” Alex asked groggily. He watched through the sliver of light coming under the dorm room door, enough light to allow Alex to see the shadow outline of Chris’s handsome body. Alex and Chris had hit it off well, in part because they had similar gregarious personalities, and because Alex thought Chris was cute. Very cute, in fact. Alex knew this would be a fun seven weeks. He did not know, until now, that Chris was a swimmer or that he’d be wearing tiny little swimsuits. “Sorry, go back to sleep. I am going to do my swim workout.” Chris whispered. He felt bad for waking Alex. In the dark light Alex could barely make out the swimsuit Chris had slipped on, except that he knew it was a Speedo swimsuit. The suit he watched Chris lay out the night before. Alex had never seen a guy live in a Speedo swimsuit, only on television watching the Olympics. Alex’s school had a swim team, but he never went to see them, despite his inner attraction to cute guys. As he watched Chris, he wanted to flip on the light and see him live, clad in the tiny little blue swimsuit. He could barely make out the dark form of the tight swimsuit against Chris’s body. What he could see told him Chris looked hot. “Have fun,” Alex said. Alex was totally aroused under the sheets, a situation he would deal with after Chris left. Chris slipped shorts on over his swimsuit, topped it with a yellow polo shirt, untucked, and grabbed his swim bag. He quietly opened door and slipped out, not even aware that Alex was actually watching him the whole time. The rest of the dorm was quiet as Chris headed off to the campus pool. It was barely six in the morning, breakfast was at 8 and rehearsal at 9. Enough time to get in four or five thousand yards. For whatever reason, Chris was still quite aroused in the swimsuit. He tugged at the front of his shorts as he walked to the pool. He preferred that his near erection would ease before he got there. “The one bad part of swimsuits,” he thought to himself. |
Part 1 continued
The pool was in a gorgeous building with a full glass side. It was a 25 meter pool with an adjacent dive well. It was by far one of the most amazing pools Chris had seen. He entered the main door, signed in with the cute young lady at the desk, She had long, sweeping blonde hair that looked soft and silky. She was wearing a red guard swimsuit and blue shorts. Her eyes were the prettiest color of blue and her smile made Chris practically melt. He was instantly in love.
“You’re with the band?” she said. “Yeah,” Chris replied. “But I also swim,” he added almost implying band kids didn’t do such athletic endeavors. “What do you play?” she asked. “Trumpet,” Chris answered. “You must be pretty good, too.” She added. “My name is Sheri, I am usually here in the mornings. How long are you here for?” “Through Friday, then we fly to Amsterdam,” Chris replied. “Well, I am sure I will see you around. The guys locker room is through there,” Sheri pointed. “Swimsuits only, as in like Speedos or jammers for guys, no shorts. Hope that is not a problem.” “No, I wear racing briefs,” Chris replied, with a bashful smile. “Perfect,” Sheri replied. “Oh, and Chris,” Sheri called out after checking his name on the sign in sheet. “Yes,” Chris turned just as he started to open the locker door. “No drowning, okay,” she teased with a smirk. “I really don’t want to work this early.” “I’ll try not to,” Chris replied with a smile. She was flirting with him, Chris was flattered. In the locker room, he slid off the shorts. He adjusted himself in the tight blue Speedo. He looked in the mirror. His nearly hard anatomy was fully outlined by the tight lycra blend, a direct result of his still very aroused state. He jumped in the shower and rinsed off, which only made the lycra more clingy. All the while, he had Sheri’s cute smile and pretty eyes on his mind, which kept his body stimulated. Giving up on any hope of calming down, he pushed open the door to the pool and walked through. The pool was empty. He was the first swimmer there, not unusual in the Summer when college was out of session. Another cute female guard sat on the guard stand. Chris walked swiftly to the second to last lane, close to the floor to ceiling glass window. He grabbed a kickboard and pull buoys as he walked by. The cute guard, watched as Chris checked his strings, then jumped into the pool. He was definitely a cute guy. By the look of his tiny Speedo, he surely had the right equipment, and he was very well put together by any girl’s standard. Chris pushed off the wall, his tall lean body gliding just below the surface of the water. If was a wonderful display of the young male body. His tiny blue suit barely visible as his well defined silhouette shimmered in the clear blue pool. The cool water had calmed him, but things in the guard stand were just heating up. |
Well, you've done it again. You set up the story for all kinds of possibilities, straight and gay roommates for 7 weeks, traveling in Europe no less, the admiration and flirting of a couple of hot women life guarding, and the question of whether Chris will be able to keep up his swimming while traveling. How is an 18 year old from Aroostook County, Maine going to react to the wonders of Amsterdam, Paris, etc.? What's Alex going to do about his attraction to Chris? Will he ever confess his attraction? So many things to consider. And, as always, terrific, natural dialogue. Thanks for starting up again. D67 |
Great story so far! Can't wait to see where this one goes! Thanks
Part 2
Writers note: I meant to post this last time: This is a work of fiction, any similarity to any one in real life is totally coincidental. All characters are of adult age.
“Good swim,” Sheri called out to Chris as he climbed from the pool. She admired how he lifted himself with one arm, his well defined pecs puffed up from his swim. She watched as his tiny blue swimsuit clung to his package, giving her quite the display of his manhood, which still looked great despite the effects of the cool pool water. She had watched many guys get out of he water with hardly a bulge left, but Chris was still well gifted, even wet. “Yes, thank you for asking,” Chris replied. “I love this pool.” Chris pulled the wet clinging suit from his anatomy and in usual swimmer fashion he tugged out his strings and untied them, letting them hang loose in front of him. Sheri smiled as she watched him, she always thought it was funny that the guys did that little string thing. She thought it was boyishly cute, though. “Yes, it is a nice pool, we have a pretty good swim team here,” she replied. “Maybe you can come to college here and swim for us.” she added. “That would be cool,” Chris replied. “Not sure I am good enough for college swimming, though.” “I think you are, plus you’d improve the looks of the team,” she said as if she was teasing him, but she wasn’t. “Must be pretty ugly guys on the team, then, if a goof ball like me can make them look better,’ Chris replied. “So, will I see you here tomorrow?” Sheri asked, still admiring the cute body standing in front of her. Sheri was only one year older, having just finished her freshman year. She was still a college girl in Chris’s eyes. He’d never had a college girl interested. “Yeah, for sure,” Chris replied. He was plating with his strings with one hand, a nervous release. “Hey, any more lap swimming here at night?” he asked. “Yeah, at five through nine, and there is recreation swimming from 3 to 5. Bring some of your band friends.” “Thank you, Sheri,” Chris replied. “See you around, Chris. And hey, you really should come to college here. You already got a friend.” She winked at him. Chris smiled as he entered the locker room. He was starting to feel the same arousal he had on his way to the pool, a desire greater than just the a passing urge. He turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up while he rinsed out his goggles. Once the water was warm, Chris jumped in and lathered up, letting the water rush off his head and ripple down his chest and across his swimsuit front. He slowly slipped the wet swimsuit off, his parts springing out like they had just been released from capture. He was, in fact, totally erect, his manhood standing almost straight upward, every vein defined. It turned out to be a longer shower than usual as Chris made sure he was ready for a long day of sitting and playing trumpet. He needed no distractions, especially not erotic desires coming from his parts. Chris dried off and grabbed his shorts from his bag. The band hall would be hot, so he was planning to wear a pair of Soccer shorts with a Brasil soccer shirt, a hold over from his interest in the World Cup. As he rummaged through his bag, Chris realized he had failed to pack underwear. “Crap,” he said to himself. He had burnt up two hours at the pool, already late for breakfast, no time to get back to his dorm, grab dry underwear and have time to eat. His only other option was his wet swimsuit under the shorts or he could go commando. Chris tried commando, but quickly realized that the short shorts created too much risk. Finally, he decided to try to dry out the wet swimsuit as much as he could using a wall mounted hand dryer. He slipped on the still damp suit, pulled the shorts over and let his shirt hang over the shorts, which were quickly absorbing the moisture left in the swimsuit. “It will dry soon enough,” he thought to himself. _________ “I was worried you had drowned or something,” Alex said as Chris sat down with his breakfast. His plate was full, the reward for a great swim session. “How was your swim?” Alex asked as he watched Chris shovel a fork load of eggs into his mouth. “Awesome,” Chris said. “The pool here is really cool. And I met this really cute lifeguard who wants me to come to college here.” “Wow, you have had a great morning,” Alex replied. Alex listened intently as Chris filled him in on Sheri and the pool, all the while watching as Chris packed in his extra large breakfast. “Hey, how come your shorts are wet?” Alex finally interjected as a very animated Chris came up for air. “Oh yeah, stupid me didn’t pack any undies, so I had to put my wet swimsuit back on.” Chris smirked as he said it. “So, it looks like I pee’d myself.” “Your shorts are like my bathing suits,” Alex replied as the guys got up from the table. “You swimsuit is pretty tiny.” “Yeah, Speedos are pretty cool swimsuits, but they are on the tiny side,” Chris replied. “Yeah, but they do look hot on the right guy, like you,” Alex replied. The comment caught Chris a bit off guard. He had never had a guy call him hot. Chris left the comment hang. Alex had actually never called a guy hot before to his face, either. The comment just slipped out. “Let’s go do this,” Chris replied. The two guys headed off to the first group rehearsal. They were opposites in so many ways. Chris was lean and athletic, Alex was a die hard musician who didn’t play any sports. Chris was a brass player, Alex played the oboe. Chris was into girls, Alex was just coming to terms with being into guys. Despite all of this, they were forging a deep bond. ________ Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition was one of Chris’s favorite compositions. The band version was not quite the same as the full orchestra version, but for a trumpet player the solo parts were showcase. The band had received the music weeks before and Chris had worked night and day to perfect the muted trumpet solos as well as the grand opening. There were two great trumpet players in the band, Chris from Maine and some guy names Len from a small town near Allentown, PA. Chris was ready, but he knew it would be a battle for the lead trumpet position, a post that would come down to how perfectly they each played the solo parts of Pictures. It was for exactly this reason that Chris wanted to make sure he had nothing to distract him, not even sexual tension coming from his discovery of Sheri. Len was equally as tall as Chris, but he had long dark hair, a skinny mustache, and he wore Tight, low cut jeans than hung hardly on his waist. He had a punk style shirt and blank high top tennis shoes. If there was ever a contrast to the clean look of Chris, Len was perfect. There was one common line between them, they both could blow a trumpet exceptionally well. For most of the morning, the two players went back and forth, trading solos and parts at the whim of the director, a tough leader who demanded perfection. He treated the band as through they were a world class symphony. He was the toughest director most of these young men and women had ever seen. “Chris, Chris, Chris,” the director yelled. “You sound wonderful, but you need to fill the auditorium with sound. Blow it like you mean it.” Alex chuckled at the thought. “Again, not give me some sound!” the relentless director added. By the end of the morning session, Chris and Len had both had enough. Neither knew what to think about their chances. “We break until 2. Go get lunch and relax.” the rather obnoxious director said to the group. “You play really well,” Chris offered to Len as they closed up their trumpet cases. “I know,” replied Len. Nothing else. “Okay then,” Chris whispered under his breath as Len turned and walked away. If nothing else, Len was certainly arrogant. Chris tugged at the front of his shorts, pulling the tight Speedo underneath from its grip on his package. He loved wearing his swimsuits, but after a while they started to feel really tight. |
2 Continued
“Hey, lets grab lunch and go lay in the sun,” a bunch of the guys from the band suggested, Alex and Chris among them. “Good idea,” Alex offered. “I just need to go get some shorts on,” “I am just wearing my boardies,” said Peter, a clarinet player who was, in fact, wearing board shorts and a Polo shirt. He pointed at his shorts as he said it. “You in?,” Alex asked Chris. “Yeah, maybe.,” Chris replied. “You already got a swimsuit on,” Alex added. “Your the most ready of all of us.” Alex was getting hopeful and excited at the image of Chris laying out in his Speedo. He was sure Chris would be the only Speedo guy. The guys all grabbed the box lunches that had been brought in for them from a local lunch restaurant. They were getting rambunctious at the thought of spending two hours outside. The guys in jeans all headed to their dorms to get shorts or swimsuits. Chris and Patrick stayed back, both guys were already in shorts. “We’ll meet you guys back here,” they all agreed. “Mr. Hill,” the voice startled Chris and Patrick. It was the director, along with Chris’s instructor from Umaine, who was the brass assistant director. “Um, yes sir,” Chris replied. “May we both have a chat with you, privately?” the request followed. “Sure,” replied Chris. “Patrick, I will try to catch up.” “We want to talk to you about the solos and about you being lead trumpet,” the director said as they walked to a table. “This is great news,” Chris’s instructor added. “You are an exceptionally gifted musician, young man, possibly the best I have seen at your age.” the director complimented Chris. He was a much nicer man in person than he was in front of the band. “Your skill is impressive. By the way, I made the decision on my own so there was no unfair advantage” the director added, a reference to the relationship with his instructor. “Thank you sir,” replied Chris. “Thank you, both “ he added. The three chatted for several minutes. As they wrapped up the director said, “I am told you are also quite the swimmer.” “Well, I am not sure about the quite part, but I do love to swim, second to trumpet,” Chris added. “It is why you have that lung power, young man,” said the director. “The good news is, I am a swimmer, too. I know where every lap pool is on our entire trip. We must go work out as we travel.” “That would be great sir,” Chris replied. “Now, go have fun. I will announce this to the band after lunch, so please do not tell anyone. I need to talk to Len, too.” “Yes, sir,” Chris replied. With that he ran off to catch up with the guys. He so badly wanted to tell Sheri, too. He would honor his word. |
Another wonderful chapter. You've answered at least 2 questions I raised - Chris will be able to find pools to swim laps, and Alex seems like he's on his way to telling Chris about his sexual orientation. The dialogue works so well to convey the mood of the characters and contributes to the fleshing out (no pun intended!) of the personalities of these characters. Keep them coming.
D67 |
Part 3
Chris woke up just ahead of the alarm, glad that he did not wake Alex, who appeared to be sound asleep. Just as he had done before, Chris quietly slipped from the bed and switched from his boxer briefs to the swimsuit he had laid out the night before. This time he chose one of his favorite Turbo brand swimsuits, a white background with California Republic displayed on the back side and a small picture on the front. It was one of Chris’s favorite suits, especially since California seemed like such a far away place for a young guy from Maine. The suit fit really snug, and it was cut much more narrow than his Speedo and Nike brand suits, also sitting lower on the hips. With all the white, it was double lined, as most water polo suits are. There really was something about the fit that Chris liked, both the way it looked and the way it felt. He tied the strings tightly, careful not to knot them. He had been knotted into his swimsuits before, nothing like thinking you will never get your swimsuit off. He once had to wear a swimsuit almost all day because he could not get the know out of it. He used a study hall to free himself. Chris smiled to himself as he thought about that.
“Hey, you going swimming again?” Alex mumbled sleepily. “Sorry, did I wake you?” “It’s okay, I wanted to see what you were going to wear swimming today.” Alex mumbled, not fully aware of what he was saying. “I saw that white swimsuit laying there last night.” “Yeah, it is one of my favorites,” Chris replied. “Let me see it on,” Alex asked. “Turn on the lamp.” Chris felt weird about showing off a swimsuit to another guy, but he went along with it. He reached over and turned on the lamp. He stood out from the desk so Alex could see him. Chris was really packed into the suit, which held his equipment out front and forward, making a prominent display of manly bulge. The material outlined the sides of his anatomy as his part tucked downward, curving down to between his legs. Chris was more well equipped than average, and that advantage showed in his tight swimsuits, especially Turbo suits. “Awesome,” Alex replied. “You look great,” he added with a smile. Chris flinched a little at the compliment, not sure how to respond. Was Alex gay or just a nice guy, Chris thought to himself. “Thanks, man,” Chris replied. “Now, go back to sleep. See you at breakfast.” “Have fun with that lifeguard,” Alex said as he rolled over. Chris quietly closed the door behind himself, leaving Alex to wrestle once again with the urges of attraction erupting between his legs. _____ “Hey Sheri,” Chris said as he reached the pool entrance. Chris had on a pair of Nylon running shorts over his Turbo swimsuit. His bulge was clearly visible, even through the looser nylon material. Sheri immediately noticed how his manhood was filling out the shorts, not to mention how he would fill out whatever swimsuit he had on. She smiled back at him, eyes on his crotch mostly. “Hi Chris. I was hoping you’d be here. I need a nice looking guy swimmer to wake me up.” Sheri replied. “I need a hot guy in a Speedo to look at.” “Ha, you are sweet and funny,” Chris replied. He could feel his body responding to her. “Hey, what is your phone number, I wanted to text you yesterday to see how practice was going?” Sheri asked him. “Oh, cool. It is 207-555-1111. Text me so I can get yours,” Chris replied. “See you at the pool,” “Oh hey, Chris,” Sheri called out. Chris stopped and looked. “Only tight Speedo suits are allowed today,” she smiled, clearly flirting with him. Chris blushed. “On no,” he replied. “No Speedo today, but it is tight,” He replied with a smirk. By the time he finished, his suit was more than just tight, it was barely holding him in. _______ Chris swam a long distance work out, swimming for almost two miles, followed by some extra technique drills. After a little over 90 minutes in the water, he decided it was time to get ready for breakfast and band. The director said it was going to be a long day. “Come prepared to play your very best,” he had told the band. He was tough, but Chris also knew he was really a nice guy, too. Chris hoisted himself out of the pool as Sheri watched. She almost drooled on herself at the sight of Chris in the tiny, sheer white suit with the California Republic emblem. Despite it being double lined with thick white lycra material, Chris had not noticed that in the right light, the suit had a slight bit of sheerness. Enough that Sheri was getting a bit more than a look at the lycra encased bulge and the outline of Chris’s anatomy. It was not obscene, just enough that you could tell something was under the material. Chris did not really look that closely at himself, and the pool at home was much darker, more of a grey light than the bright fluorescent. “Wow,” Sheri said. “You look sensational in that swimsuit.” She wasn’t kidding. He really did. “Thanks,” Chris replied as he did his little string pull. “Some of the guys on swim team here wear Turbo suits, they are really cool. None of them have that one, though.” Sheri added. “I really like this one, it is a favorite,” Chris answered. “Is it weird for a guy to have a favorite?” “Well, not at all. It is my favorite, too. Wearing white is pretty daring for a guy, too.” Sheri replied. As they talked, Chris felt himself getting hard, not just a little hard, he felt a full on spontaneous boner erupting. He glanced down and could see that his bulge was now very prominent. Being positioned down, he looked like he had stuffed a banana in his swimsuit, the detail of his erect state visible in the protrusions of the tight lycra material. “This is the only white suit I have,” Chris added, trying to be calm. He didn’t want to run off and miss a chance to chat with Sheri, but he also was hoping she did not notice he was bulging like a wild man. She had noticed, but she said nothing. She enjoyed knowing she could make his body respond. Being a swimmer herself, she had seen her share of guys with boners in their Speedos. It just happens. She kind of felt bad for them when it did. “So how long is band today,” Sheri questioned as she watched Chris place his hand strategically in front of himself, holding the loose strings between two fingers. “Most of the day,” Chris replied. The two chatted for several minutes, the whole time Chris was getting more and more aroused as he watched Sheri. Her smile was infectious, and her eyes were wonderful. She might be the most pretty girl he had ever seen. He could feel himself responding to her in ways he could not describe. He felt his manly parts surging with desire. Chris needed to get to the locker room. “Hey, we get a lunch break at noon, want to have lunch together?” Chris finally asked, his legs spread a bit as he flexed his muscled legs against the tide of desire he was feeling. “That would be sweet,” she replied. She smiled at him. She knew he was really turned on. “Have fun at practice,” she added as she reached out and touched his shoulder. That about sent Chris over the edge. “See you later,” Chris said as he headed off to the locker room. He wasn’t a moment too soon. Chris had never had an explosion in his swimsuit before, but he knew he was really close. The pressure building in his groin was intense. Too close. “Oh crap,’ Chris said to himself as he entered the locker room. He could feel himself getting more excited. He quickly striped himself out of the suit seconds before the inevitable happened. “What the ….” Chris thought to himself. He never realized he could get so excited over a girl that he could make himself do what he just did all by itself. Thankfully, he was alone. Chris had never had sex with a girl, in fact, he had not done much more than kissing. He wondered what it must feel like to really want to go that far, he guessed that it probably would feel like what just happened. He stepped in the hot shower and let himself absorb what had just happened. |
3 continued
Alex laid in bed after Chris had left, he could not get the thought of Chris out of his mind. “How am I ever going to stay with such a hot guy for seven weeks and not go crazy over him,” Alex wondered to himself. “How many of those swimsuits does he have,” Alex‘s thoughts continued. His mind raced with all sorts of fantasies. He just wanted to get up and rummage through Chris’s luggage and see what other suits he had. “But you would be mad if he did that to you,” Alex thought. His rational side won out and he stayed out of the luggage, as tempting as it was.
Alex finally got up and got ready to go get a shower. As he was putting on shorts and a shirt, he saw the blue and yellow Speedo from yesterday hanging over a hangar in Chris’s wardrobe closet. Chris had washed it out in the sink last night and left it to dry. Alex reached in and grabbed the hangar. He pulled the suit off. Alex had never held a swimsuit so tiny, he was almost getting aroused just holding it. He pulled the label out of the back seam so he could read it. Size 28. “Wow, he has a tiny waist,” Alex thought. “I would have never guessed his waist was so small with the size of his chest, and the size of his -----,” Alex’s thoughts wandered. Alex held the suit up to his own waist and fantasized what it would look like on. The suit looked so tiny and revealing. “Just put it on,” Alex’s devil side urged him. “But it is not yours,” his good guy side responded. His mind played point - counter point until he was almost dizzy. The whole time he looked at the swimsuit against his groin. “But, I am just a 30 waist, so it is not that much smaller,” Alex finally rationalized. With that he slipped off his shorts and slipped his right foot through the leg opening of the tiny blue swimsuit, followed by his left leg. His body was growing as he pulled the suit up. Finally, he pulled the suit over his almost erect manhood and tried to tuck himself into the tiny little lycra hold. Alex was not as big as Chris in the equipment area, but the suit sure felt snug. Alex stood back and admired himself in the mirror. His flabby, but not fat belly hung ever so slightly over the top waistband, clearly he was not as well defined as Chris. Still, he thought the suit looked sexy on him, and the fit was like getting a constant massage of a sensual nature. “How do swimmers wear these and not shoot their rocks off,” Alex wondered, almost chuckling at his own thought. Alex felt himself with his hands, rubbing down his chest and across his body, he played with his senses as he stroked every aspect of his anatomy from the outside of the suit. Alex admired how the suit clung to him. His male parts never looked so good, not even in the few pair of silky underwear he bought secretly at the mall. He was taking himself to a self induced sensual place as he enjoyed the lycra giving him sensations he had never felt before. Alex turned just as the door knob turned and the door to the dorm room swung open. “Holy crap, ever think of knocking first,” Alex blurted out. “What are you doing?!” came the jolting reply. |
Part 4
Alex was frozen in place, totally naked but for the narrow two inch blue and gold band of lycra that wrapped around his waist, his hand resting on his bulging anatomy. He was fully engaged in his own act of self pleasure, and his state of erotic desire showed clearly in the tight wrap of the swimsuit. “I, um, was just, um, trying it on,” came the sheepish, stammering reply. Alex was so close to finishing the job, close enough that he could feel the rumbles of the first pulsations building in his testicles. They were still there. A rush of agitation took over, “what the hell, man, you should have knocked!” he finally raged back.
“I was just coming to see if you were ready for breakfast. If you were going to jack off, you really should have locked the door!” came Patrick’s reply. “I mean, I am sorry, but I never expected you’d be yanking yourself. What the heck are you wearing?” The urges in Alex’s loins were fading, relegated to a little trickle of fluid that was now soaking through the lycra material and a few minor eruptions of what was going to be a fantastic explosion. “It’s Chris’s swimsuit, don’t you say a f---ing word. He is swimming and he left this hanging, so I tried it on.” Alex answered. They both paused. “You ever wear one of these, dude they are like, I don’t know. I just don’t get how swimmers don’t always have erections in them. I mean they fit so tight.” “Alex, you better go get showered and wash that thing up. If I were Chris I’d be really mad if I knew you were screwing with my stuff.” Patrick replied. “It is bad enough you tried it on, but…” “You think I’m weird, right?” Alex cut Patrick off, now feeling totally embarrassed and ashamed at the same time. “Think, nah, I know you are weird.” Patrick replied, breaking into a smile. “Go finish your hand job in the shower, jerk boy. Then let’s meet at my room and get breakfast. You’ll probably need the energy after playing with yourself.” Patrick laughed as he said it. “It is only the first few days and this is already turning out to be a crazy experience,” Patrick thought to himself. He also pictured Chris in his mind. “Damn, he’d look hot in that swimsuit,” Patrick further imagined to himself. A smile came over him. ----- “Hey Turbo, where u want to meet for lunch?” came the text message on Chris’s cell phone. It was from Sheri. “I have break at noon for an hour, how about at the food court? U got time?” Chris smiled as he read it. “Sounds x lent,” he replied. “No Turbo, board shorts 4 lunch,” he teased back in reply. “Oh well, ok” she texted back. Practice was going really well, except that Len was not talking to Chris, in fact he was not talking to anyone. He was mad, and he made that real clear. He was also getting mean. Rumor of the brass guys was that he was going to drop out. Some of them hoped it was more than just rumor. Just as the band broke for lunch Len gave Chris his biggest slam of the morning. “You know swimmer boy, you are not as good a musician as you think. And you swim like a brick, too. I’m telling the director that you were texting during rehearsal. You’ll learn not to mess with me.” “Thanks Len, appreciate it,” Chris replied. The best way to deal with a petty jerk was to ignore him. As much as Chris wanted to haul off and deck the guy, and he could have sent the jerk flying, he decided to hold back the urge. Len was dumbfounded. He did not know what to say next. Finally, red faced, Len turned and walked away. Chris secretly flipped him a hand gesture. ------- “There is my cute swimmer,” Sheri called out to Chris as he approached her at the college food court. Summer session was in, but the crowd was light. She grabbed him by the hips and gave him a big hug, pulling him into her. He smiled as she looked at him. “You are cute, even in clothes,“ she added. “You are cute always,” Chris replied. They held hands and contemplated lunch, taking in the options. The two finally opted for Quiznos, Chris got a meatball sub, she had smoked turkey. They both threw in a big chocolate chip cookie. As they ate, sitting side by side, she rested her hand on his leg, rubbing the material of his board shorts. She knew exactly how to tease desire into his male body. She was being very successful. She was also filling with desire. “I wish we could hang out all afternoon,” he finally said. He could feel that his shorts would be bulged when he stood, but he didn’t care. He was enjoying her company, in multiple ways. She sat quietly as he told her about Len. Her hand riding up his leg, she loved how muscular his upper leg felt. She wanted to go further, but thought best to stay a few inches away from his man parts. “What a jerk,” she responded. “You should have just knocked him on the floor.” “No, why get tossed from the trip over a dweeb like him.” Chris replied. “He’s a spoiled blowhard.” She laughed at the description. “Let’s change the subject.” Chris added directly. He had no desire to rehash Len. More important, he would not let Len’s bad attitude ruin his hour with the cutest girl he had ever seen. He wanted her to feel more of him, he wanted more of her. “So, you’ve never told me where you are from?” Sheri asked with the most precious smile. “Don’t get too excited,” Chris started his reply. “I am from Aroostook county Maine, or as the locals call it, ‘the county.’ You ever heard of it. Way up top of Maine. Like six people live there.” Chris was only partly kidding. “No way!,” Sheri replied. “I am from Millinocket, not as far north, but yeah, I know where you live. Potato land,” she replied. “My dad goes hunting up there, every year. Wow, so cool, you are a Maine guy. I knew there was something about you I really liked,” she teased. The cute couple volleyed Maine stories for the next twenty minutes. “So, how did you get to here?” Chris asked. “Oh, you know, had to come see the big city. I love it here. The college is great, I love the city.” She was excited. “You really need to come to college here,” Sheri added. “I need a way north Maine guy to show these people the way life should be.” she mocked Maine’s tourism theme. ‘Sheri, I got to get back," Chris broke the conversation. "See if I get tossed out for texting,” he laughed. “Will you be at the pool tomorrow?” “If you are coming in your cute swimsuit, I wouldn’t miss it,” she replied. “Oh, hey, wait,” she added as they stood and started to part ways. “I got something for you,” she was reaching in her pocketbook. As she pulled out the item, she continued “I asked our swim team coach if he could get me one of these,” she handed Chris a team swimsuit from the college swim team. “It’s last year’s team swimsuit. I hope you like it.” Chris held it up. “It’s cool,” he said. He fidgeted to see the size, trying to be discrete, Sheri noticed, she does not miss a thing. “I kind of guessed your size, hope I was close,” she added. “How did you know, you got it exactly, size 28. Most think I am like 30 or 32,” Chris replied. “Well, I see you at the pool. You are so fit and well built. I knew your waist was smaller than your height and size would appear. I called my brother and he said you were probably 28, maybe 26 in a Speedo.” she replied. “He is really smart. I am 28 and for swim meets I wear a 26.” Chris replied. “Thank you so much.,” he grabbed Sheri and pulled her close. “You are really sweet.” “I am glad you like it. Coach wants to meet you, too,” she added. They two held each other close, their faces drawing in. Suddenly they were embraced in a full on, deep and passionate kiss. Chris’s board shorts tented with his arousal, but he did not care. Neither did she, as she felt him touching her with his groin. He was hard and she loved it. “Go play well,” she whispered as they broke apart. His erect state was obvious, She enjoyed it, but said nothing. With his hand he tried to press it down, but failed. Neither cared. “I’ll wear it tomorrow,” Chris said as they headed off, holding up the burgundy and gold custom made suit. It really was an awesome swimsuit. Chris smiled as he pictured himself in it. |
This story is turning out so well combining swimming with music. The characters are so well developed that you begin to feel that you know so much about them even though you've really just met them. This is the first time that I've come across a negative character in Len in all of the stories that you've posted and you've drawn him very well. I'm very interested in seeing how he turns out as the story progresses. Again, the dialogue is so realistic for the age of the folks in the story. I guess winter is beginning to set in because you're writing more frequently. Keep going. D67 |
This is another great story from you STS! I've been patiently waiting for you to be inspired to write another one! Thanks!!
I am traveling for several days selling the virtues of Maine potatoes. I'll be back posting the next chapters soon.....
stick a potato in your Speedo and you will have a good-looking package!
Maybe I would use an Idaho potato for that, but a Maine pototo deserves to be enjoyed as a gourmet food.
Part 5
“That’s odd,” Chris thought as he got back to his room. “I swear I hung that up in the closet,” as he looked at the blue swimsuit draped over the back of the desk chair. Alex’s attention to detail was clearly not well developed. Chris picked up the suit, which was still damp from the washing Alex had given it. Chris was even more perplexed, he was sure the suit was dry when he left in the morning. “Oh well,” he thought. “Must have moved it or something.”
Chris was alone in the room, Alex had not come back yet from practice. Patrick and he had gone to the music store on campus to get some reeds for his oboe. Chris was glad to be alone. He quickly slipped out of his board shorts and exchanged them for the team suit Sheri had given him. It was a custom made swimsuit with the Agon Swim A logo on the right side. Chris liked Agon suits, they had a more narrow and sleek fit, sitting lower on his legs and across his front. The sides were probably two inches at most. The suit was a true race cut, nice and tight. Chris smiled as he admired himself in the mirror on the door. He walked to the far side of the room, tossed his shirt off and threw it on his bed. Now bare-chested, his smooth and muscular chest and abs on display and he in just the swimsuit, Chris turned to check himself out in the mirror from a distance. The suit looked as sweet as it fit. He admired how his bulge looked, sculptured and masculine. Chris secretly liked showing off in tight and daring swimsuits, a view he shared with nobody, well almost nobody. He had confided with Ryan back home on swim team once, after Ryan admitted that he really liked wearing team swimsuits. Voices outside the door quickly grew loud and the door opened. Patrick and Alex came in, caught off guard by the near naked Chris standing in front of them. “Hey,” Alex said in a somewhat startled fashion. Chris wasn’t doing anything like what Alex had been doing earlier, it was just that the two were not ready for such a display of the male body. “Hey guys,” Chris replied matter of fact. He did not miss a beat, in fact he felt not awkward at all. As a swimmer he was frequently in just a small swimsuit. No big deal, at least to him. A big deal for the two guys before him, taking in all he had to show. “You going swimming again?” Alex asked. “No, Sheri gave me this swimsuit at lunch, just trying it on. It’s from the swim team here.” Chris replied. “Pretty cool,” he added. “Wow,” Patrick replied. “That is a really nice swimsuit, she must really like you.” “Yeah, I guess,” Chris replied. “Any way, just wanted to see how it looked. She wants me to wear it for her tomorrow.” “I’d say it looks dashing,” Alex replied. “Dashing?” Patrick said, partly teasing. “I have never heard the word dashing.” “Dude, it is like handsome,” Alex replied. “Oh, the man is dashing,” Patrick teased back, saying it with a bit of accent, mocking Alex. Chris smirked as he grabbed his board shorts and started to change back into them. The guys watched, more like gawked, as Chris got changed in front of them. He was every bit as hot in the swimsuit as Patrick had pictured earlier. Patrick said nothing to Alex, and Alex said nothing back about the interest each secretly had in Chris. For now, their orientation remained a mystery. ------- “Hey good looking,” Sheri said as Chris walked into the pool the next morning. He was wearing the swim team suit she had given him. Just as she knew it would, it fit him like a very tight glove, tighter even the tightest of Speedo suits on most guys, letting her enjoy the sensual view of his male attributes. “Damn he has a cute package,” she thought to herself. For the last three days, all she could think about was what he must look like without the swimsuit. Sheri really liked guys, but Chris was an absolute turn on for her. The passion was shared. “I like your swimsuit,” she smiled. “Thanks, it fits great. I really appreciate it,” Chris replied. Something about Sheri made Chris get instantly turned on every time he saw or thought about her, and once again he started to swell inside the suit. The erect state came on fast and furious, even greater than yesterday. Chris had never had feelings like this for a girl. To be sure, he had been attracted to girls, but he almost never got a boner over just the sight of a cute girl, and certainly never in his swimsuits, where he had no way to conceal it. Well, almost never. He had had it happen a few times. For some reason, however, with Sheri it was different. While he would usually feel awkward if he erupted a raging bulge, he really didn’t mind it as much with Sheri. In some odd way, he liked that his attraction to her showed, and she sure seemed to enjoy it. He just didn’t want to lose control, and he was really feeling desires that could take him right to that point. “You look just like you belong on the swim team,” Sheri answered back. “One more reason why you should come to college here.” “Maybe,” Chris replied. “I need to get swimming,” he added as he jumped in the water. Truth be told, he just needed the cold water. He slid his hand down and adjusted himself inside the suit, flipping his position up, the tucking of his erection needed some relief. Luckily, the water quickly eased his situation, but his anatomy was still tingling with desire. A feeling he had rarely felt before. ________ “We finish today at 2, I was thinking maybe we could do something fun, if you are free,” Chris asked Sheri after his swim. He eyes were on his swimsuit clad crotch. Not missing a thing, she noted that this time he was pointing up, his manhood perfectly outlined before her eyes, right down to the smoothness of his uncut foreskin. She had never seen a guy who was not circumcised, but he clearly did not have the usual band at the end of himself. “Oh, um, yeah,” she replied, realizing she was mesmerized by his mid section. “What time?” she asked. “Stop looking at my swimsuit,” Chris teased with a smile. “Two o clock.” Blushing she replied. “Sorry, um, can’t help it. Yeah two is great. How about we find a private place to lay out in the sun.” she suggested. “Maybe a beach or something. I got a car.” “Perfect,” Chris replied. “You pick. I can meet you here.” “Okay, see you then,” she answered. She reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him toward her. His swimsuit clad body coming closer and closer. “This is for a good practice today,” she added and she planted a kiss on his face. They broke apart and then Chris took her into his arm, still damp from the pool and they kissed deeply for several seconds. It was a hot, passionate kiss, full of youthful lust. The kind that makes a girl tingle and guy fill with sexual urge. The kiss was magical as was evident by the way his anatomy was smashing against the tightly tied waistband of extremely packed swimsuit. His bulge was huge and the urges between his legs intense. Her sensations were not as outwardly visible, but she was feeling them nonetheless. “I better get changed,” Chris whispered, stepping back. He was hard as a rock and getting more stimulated by the second. Realizing he was about to lose all control, he quickly exited. It was another mad dash to the locker room. This time, he barely got inside and did not get the suit untied quite fast enough. “Damn,” he said as he felt his body take control. “Why does she do this to me,” he wondered aloud, finally slipping off the swimsuit. The warm shower felt good rinsing over him as he waited for his body to calm down. ___________________________ Len was still mad at the world, and most particularly at Chris. He made no bones about his hatred, not just dislike, for Chris. “Let me make this clear,” Len told Chris in no uncertain terms. “I am better than you and one day soon, when you least expect it, I am going to kick your a--.” What Len did not realize is that Chris would not be intimidated, in fact the threats just charged Chris up more. “Len, I have no desire to fight with you. I think you are a very good musician, equally as good as me, I hoped we could get along. Your choice.” Chris replied. “F--- you,” Len replied. “Well, that did not go well,” Chris thought to himself. The rest of the guys watched in total shock. “Maybe you should just stick to swimming and Speedos,” Len continued to egg Chris on. “Yeah, that’s right. I see you at the pool parading around in your skimpy swimsuits. What are you, gay or something?” Len added. Chris was perplexed about how Len saw him, but he did not ask. “Len, I am not gay, but so what if I was. It would be my business and not yours,” Chris replied. “Now lets just get ready for our trip, okay.” “Shut up,” Len replied. “Thank you, Len,” Chris answered, deciding to stop the useless exchange. Len was fuming, right on the cusp of slugging Chris, clearly for no reason. “Let’s get started. Came the call from the director. “Today we start with Pictures, and we will play all the way through,” the director instructed. “Play like it is a concert,” he added. “Chris, are you ready?” Len was beat red. He slammed down his trumpet and walked off the stage. The band was stunned, at least most of them. The director was not. “Let’s begin,” came the command. The performance was perfect. In fact, it was beyond perfect. “Give yourself applause, today you have become a band!” the director beamed with pride. Len never returned. |
Another wonderful chapter!!
Your writing just keeps getting better and better. Glad you were able to find the ability to write after your last story. Please keep up the great work.
I'm so intrigued by the character of Len who is written as a despicable person who is very egocentric and has a nasty tongue. I'm intrigued because to my knowledge he is the first character I've come across in your stories who is not a decent person. And you've given him his comeuppance in three words - "Len never returned." You disposed of him in fine form. You've also created the character of Chris to be strong, self assured, confident, talented, and easily smitten by a sexy, confident girl. This has been such an interesting story so far with all the subplots and lots for the reader to think about. I'm really enjoying it - thanks. D67 |
Part 6
“If you think he is cute here, you should see him at the pool,” Alice said two Sarah, the flute player next to her as the two admired Chris’s body. The band was on a twenty minute break and the two adorable young ladies ogled over Chris as he chatted with the trumpet guys. The two girls were from just north of Washington, DC. Like Chris, they were between high school and college, both just a few weeks over 18, and very good friends. Alice was taller and brown hair, long that ran down to he middle back. She looked younger than her age. Sarah, was shorted, and a bit on the fuller framed side. Her face was round, wrapped in a short camel blonde page boy type cut. Despite her slightly overweight size, she was a really sweet looking “girl” and had a fun personality. She was the more mischievous and the more sexually charged of the two.
“At the pool, don’t even tell me, does he wear one of those show all skimpy swimsuits?” Sarah replied. “Oh yes, and it does show everything,” Alice replied. “Yesterday he had on a white one, and it really did show everything.” “OMG,” Sarah replied. “Yeah, he is really cute looking at the pool, and by how his swimsuits fit, he’s got a big one,” Alice teased. “Stop it,” Sarah responded. “How do you see him at the pool.” “Well, he is there when I go swimming in the morning. He then finishes and he flirts with the lifeguard.” “Does he know you are there?” “I don’t think so, if he does he does not say anything. I think he is more interested in the lifeguard.” Alice answered. “Is the lifeguard cute? She is a she right? I mean I hope he is not gay. All the really cute guys are gay.” Sarah rambled on with her questions. “Well, she is not as cute as us. And if how big his bulge gets when he talks to her says anything, I don’t think he’s gay.” Alice replied. “I mean you can tell he likes her. Really likes her.” “I’d die to just have one night with him,” Sarah replied. “One hot and steamy night.” “Yup, I’d sure make that bulge huge!” Alice replied. The two girls laughed. “That’s my secret goal, to get Chris in bed by the end of the trip.” Sarah proclaimed. Alice blushed. ______________ Chris raced to his room after practice, which ended fifteen minutes later than planned. He had texted Sheri as soon as they finished. He flew through the door, ripping off his shorts as he entered the room. He flipped open his luggage and pulled out his collection of swimsuits he had packed from the trip. He had twelve swimsuits in the bag, all of them his favorites, had picked from his collection of almost fifty swimsuits back home. He pulled out his absolute favorite, and English Bulldog Turbo suit. He slipped it on and quickly tied the strings. He threw back on his cargo shorts, grabbed a clean shirt, and threw on a splash of his Polo cologne for good measure. His hair looked jostled, which was his trademark look. He stopped by the shower room and quickly brushed his teeth, avoiding dribbling tooth paste on his clean shirt. In about three minutes he was heading back out the main door. It was the second to last day before they departed to Amsterdam. Not much time to seal a relationship, but Chris intended to give it his best shot. He ran across the campus toward the pool. “Hey, Chris, where are you going?” Patrick yelled out, Patrick and Alex were heading back to the dorm. “Got a date with Sheri,” Chris replied back. Patrick looked at Alex. “Have fun,” Alex yelled back. Chris was long past them. “Sorry I am late,” a slightly out of breath Chris said to Sheri. “Not your fault, just glad you could still make it,” Sheri said as she embraced him and the two kissed. “I got you a towel, knew you’d forget that, most guys do,” she continued. “Oh crap, yeah. I am so stupid.” Chris replied. “No, just a guy,” she added with a tease. “Mind on other things. I like the cologne” “Thanks,” Chris replied, blushing. Sheri’s car turned out to be a handed down, used Ford F150 pick up truck. It was about ten years old, but in great shape. An odd contrast to her being a cute and very feminine girl. The back had a bumper sticker that read “Silly boys, trucks are for girls.” Chris laughed when he saw it. “Cool truck,” Chris said. It was a deep burgundy color, a few scuffs, but nothing major. The bed had a black bed liner and dual door trunk fixture right behind the cab. While not an extended cab, it did have two jump seats in the cab. A fake loon hung from the mirror. “How about you drive,” Sheri said as she tossed Chris the keys. She could read that he loved trucks, which he was making obvious. Like any good Maine guy, two things turned him on, cute girls and hot trucks. The two of them together was nirvana. “You sure,” he replied. “Yeah, that was I can tease you more,” she answered. He smirked at her with his boyish grin. He looked so cute and innocent. She wondered if he had ever had sex before. Not that she wanted to do that on this date, but she just wondered. “Hey, you did wear a Speedo, right?” she asked. “A guy never tells.” he teased back. “You’ll just have to wait and see.” They both jumped in the truck and headed off campus, Chris unintentionally breaking the band rules about leaving without permission. ____________ “Look at all the swimsuits,” Alex said to Patrick as they sat in the dorm room contemplating what to do with the free afternoon. They had planned to hang with Chris, but he was obviously out of the plans now. The usually organized Chris was in such a rush that he had left his swimsuit collection sprawled out over the top of his opened suitcase. His shirt was tossed on the floor, and his boxer briefs swapped for the Turbo swimsuit were laying on his desk chair. Alex tossed the shirt from the floor over the boxer briefs. “Must have been in a hurry.” “There must be a dozen of them,” Patrick replied, referring back to the swimsuits. “I only brought a few pair of board shorts.” “Yeah, me too.” Alex replied. He reached down and pulled up several of the swimsuits from the luggage. “Dude, what are you doing, you shouldn’t be going through his luggage.” “I’m not, shut up. They were on top. He left them there.” Alex replied. “I am just looking.” Alex held up a Turbo Team USA swim brief. “Dude, that’s one small swimsuit, can you imagine wearing that?” “Maybe,” Patrick replied. “I mean I am not sure I’d have the courage, but it does look like it would be fun.” Patrick added, shocking himself as the words came out of his mouth. “I mean, don’t you think swimmers look cool when you see at the Olympics?” Alex tossed the swimsuit to Patrick. “Seriously, man, hold that thing. There is not much to it. I can’t believe my roommate wears stuff that small in public.” “Dude, he’s clearly a swimmer. Look at his body. If I looked like him I’d wear this swimsuit.” Patrick replied. “I mean I bet he looks awesome.” Alex was laying all the rest of the suits out on the bed. Attentive to detail, he made sure they were all laid flat, displaying the front side of each. He then took them and grouped them by brands. “Give me that one,” he ordered Patrick, who was holding the suit up in front of his mid section imagining how he’d look in it. Alex laid the Team USA Turbo out next to the rest of the Turbo suits. “I wonder what he had on now,” Alex said out loud. “Don’t forget this one,” Patrick tossed the college team swimsuit to Alex. It was still wet, having just been pulled from Chris’s swim bag and hung up to dry on the door knob. Alex laid it next to the one other suit that had the A logo on it. It was a team suit from Chris’s high school team. “Which one is your favorite?” Alex asked Patrick. The two guys stood back and admired the collection. All laid out, there were actually thirteen suits. With the one Chris was wearing, he had fourteen in all. It was an eclectic collection of colors and prints, especially the Turbo’s with their bold prints. |
6 continued
Rather than go to the ocean beach, Sheri opted to take the two of them to a smaller lake at a nearby state park. The beach there was less crowded and she liked lakes better, anyway. She was sure they would have more privacy. As they pulled in there was only two other cars in the lot. Families really didn’t come here because there were no facilities. Instead it as a favorite of triathletes and open water swimmers, who used the shallow lake to train. The other two cars were just that, two open water swimmers who were swimming the perimeter of the small lake, about a two mile loop. The water was still cool, probably mid sixties, but by mid summer it would get toasty warm.
“This good?” Sheri asked. They were both feeling awkward, now that they were out of their element of the pool. Chris actually wished he had brought shorts, he felt like being in just his Turbo swimsuit was over the top. “Yeah, this is perfect,” Chris replied. Sheri stripped off her shorts at the truck and pulled her top off. Quickly, Chris’s feeling of being too naked vanished, replaced by fears of other problems. Sheri stood before him in the skimpiest swimsuit he had ever seen on a girl. The bottom was not much more than a band of red that ran between her legs and her top was a similar “less is more” look of red bands that just covered the most critical parts of her chest. The swimsuit had to be barely legal, Chris thought to himself. She looked stunning, erotic and stimulating all at the same time. Chris’s parts tingled. “You like?” Sheri asked as she modeled the swimsuit. “Um, yeah, I love it,” Chris replied. “I usually never wear this except in private, but….” she never finished the sentence. Her point was made. She was being totally honest. She had debated wearing it all day, even putting it one and off three times. In her bag she had a back up suit, just in case. Like Chris, she was worried she was over the top. Chris pulled off his cargo shorts right in front of her to reveal the bulldog print of his Turbo swimsuit. He stood before her, his crotch bulging with stimulation. “I love this swimsuit,” he said. “Me too,” Sheri replied. “And he red in yours matched the red in mine.” “What little red there is,” Chris thought with regard to both. “I am going to check out the lake,” he proclaimed. He grabbed their bags and headed toward the beach, the two attractive young bodies walking side by side were quite a pleasurable sight. ________ “I like the Brasil one” Patrick said as he reached and picked it up. “The colors are cool.” Patrick held the suit up in front of both of them. “I don’t know, I kind of like this one best,” Alex answered, picking out a Speedo Vortex print of orange and black. “I like the bright orange color against the black.” He held the bold colored print in his hands. “How do guys fit everything in these?” Patrick asked. “I mean there is not much room. Have you ever seen Chris in his swimsuit?” “Yeah, he just smashes it all in there and it seems to work. Trust me, if he can fit his stuff in we all can.” Alex replied. “Try yours on,” Alex encouraged Patrick. “No way, dude. I am not going to put on some other guys stuff without him knowing it. You can, but not me.” Patrick was emphatic in his reply. “Plus, didn’t you already wear that blue one?” Patrick added, pointing to the suit laying on the bed. “Yeah, you should try it. Who is going to know. Just put it one and then take it back off.” Alex encouraged him. Alex had every intention of trying out the Speedo suit. He wanted to see Patrick in one, too. “Look, Chris is on a date, he will never know.” “I don’t know, man,” Patrick replied. He was softening his stance. He was very curious. He put the Brasil suit down and started fondling some of the others. “These are pretty small, you know that?” he asked. “Plus, I am like a 34 waist. These are way smaller. Damn, Chris is really small, he looks so big.” “It is all the muscles.” Alex replied. You should see him naked. He is jacked!” Alex replied. As he talked he was slipping off his clothes. Patrick watched as Alex got naked. Alex slipped the suit over his feet, pulling it up his legs. When he got to his waist, he tucked his parts inside and adjusted them, The bulge was like a mound tucked just outside from between his legs, his anatomy positioned down. He tied the strings. “Wow, you look hot in that suit,” Patrick replied. “Holy cow, dude you should get a suit like that.” Patrick admired Alex’s body in just the tiny suit. Patrick was quickly getting turned on, his own parts growing inside his jeans. “You are really turning me on,” he blurted out. It was the first open confession of his attraction and orientation. Alex did not flinch at the outward statement of affection. He was also growing excited, which was becoming quite obvious in the orange and black print Speedo. Alex laid down on the bed, his legs spread open slightly. He rubbed his hand down and across the swimsuit. Patrick sat next to him. One ting started leading to another. -------- The sun was warm, a nice contrast to the cold water. Sheri and Chris finally walked out of the lake. They sat side by side on the blanket Sheri had laid out on the beach. Chris had his legs bet at the knees and rested his arms on the tops of his knees. Sheri say crossed legged next to him, facing him. They watched as one of the distance swimmers also emerged from the water, clad tightly in a wet suit. He was a tall and lean swimmer, older, probably in his late thirties, they guessed. He nodded to them as emerged. He stood in the shallows of the lake and pealed himself out of the tight Quintana Roo suit. It was quite a process, as he slide the suit down to his waist and then fought the grip it had on his legs. Once free, he rinsed the suit in the water and headed to his car. He was as muscular as Chris, and was wearing a red and blue Tyr swimsuit. He was the last of the distance swimmers to finish. As his car rumbled off, the two laid back on the blanket, enjoying that they had the whole beach and the lake to themselves. Chris closed his eyes, Sheri’s hand rested on his upper leg. He nestled his hand against her side. It was not long before she began to explore his leg, upward with her hand. He returned the touch, rubbing his hand across her abdomen. “You drive me wild,” she whispered. “Not as much as you do to me,” he replied. Both of them were rapidly filling with desire. Chris was displaying his desire clearly inside the bulldog swimsuit. He had never had this much urge to “do it” with a girl before. She was the same. The two virgins continued to push their own boundaries. It was just the beginning of a wonderful afternoon of new frontiers. |
Great chapter...
I sure wish a girl would have done something like that to me when I was younger. Or even now...lol Keep those great chapters coming...
Wow! One of the most erotic chapters you've written; it certainly turned me on. You really have the gift of writing sensitive erotic material without it becoming pornographic and having it clearly relate to the story line. The tenderness expressed by both Chris and Sheri is really lovely and enhances the story beautifully. And, what can I say, the dialogue as usual is so clearly age appropriate. I wonder what will transpire between Alex and Chris since Alex and Patrick seemed to have 'discovered' each other and in Chris' suits. Thanks for a great chapter.
Part 7
As he laid awake in bed, the images of the day danced in Chris’s head. He flashed back to the afternoon on the beach, how cute Sheri looked in that tiny, near nothing swimsuit. How much she turned him on, really turned him on. How sweet she was, and how much he wanted to make love to her. Chris had never had such desires this deeply before. He had fallen for Sheri faster than he had fallen for any girl. He cold not believe that he could soon be leaving her, heading off to Europe. It would be an eternity. Chris closed his eyes, it was three in the morning.
As he slept, Chris dreamed of the afternoon. They were on the beach, alone. Sheri sat along side Chris, rubbing his chest and abdomen as they laid in the sun. He had just returned from another dip in the cool water, his only means of keeping his desires in check. He smiled at her lustfully as she told him how hot he looked. Sheri watched as his body, especially his male parts, responded quickly. He was bulging out the suit. She slid her hand down and across the front of his tightly packed Turbo swimsuit, which stimulated Chris into an erotic frenzy. “Sheri, you are driving me wild,” Chris whispered. He could not believe how erect he was. He was on full display, but for some reason it did not bother him. Maybe he just trusted her, that she would understand. He had never been this erect in front of a young lady before. “I can tell,” she said back as she bent over and kissed him. Chris wanted to roll over, on top of her and do more than just kiss. She held off his advances. She had not gone that far with a guy, and she was holding onto her values. She was saving herself for exactly right moment with the right guy. Chris was the right guy, she was sure. She just did not want her first time on a beach. “This is awesome, I love it here” Chris said, referring in part to the lake and in part to the tough of her on his body. He was thinking with both his brain and his anatomy. He was stretching the limits of his swimsuit, his anatomy trying desperately to burst from the tight grasp of the lycra, as it responded to the soft feel of her hand. He could feel the urges getting stronger and stronger. Sheri laid her head on his chest, letting her hands explore the parts of him that she found most interesting. He held back as long as he could, but he was losing the battle. “You like this?” she asked as she caressed him in exactly the right places. He was about to burst. “You look amazing right now,” she added. She thought about untying his suit, but opted not to. “Oh whoa, Sheri,” Chris said. His last words as she took him beyond just deep desire. Sheri had never watched a guy reach the final stages of arousal, at least not until this very moment. She enjoyed the feel of his muscular body as it pulsated as he got closer and closer to the ultimate climax. She felt the power of his muscular frame as he pushed through to the ultimate end. She found it all exhilarating. So did he. Chris woke from his dream, his body having relived everything, exactly like it was the beach. He was breathing hard, just as he had earlier in the day. Under the covers, he slipped off the now wet boxer briefs he was wearing. Alex laid quietly, he had listened as Chris’s breathing became deep and heavy. Alex was sure he knew exactly what Chris had done. He thought about saying something but stayed quite. Chris tossed the wet underwear to the side of the bed, Just an hour now until swimming, he rolled over and went into a fast, deep sleep. ------- “Oh crap, is it already time,” Alex said as Chris’s alarm went off. Both guys had had fitful sleep for similar, but different reasons. Chris and his wild dream about Sheri and Alex had Patrick on his mind, not to mention Chris’s erotic episode. “Sorry, dude,” Chris replied as he shut the alarm. He slid his naked body out from the bed, putting himself on full display for Alex, who was watching. Chris had not put out his swimsuit, a late night getting back to the dorm. He opened his luggage to grab one of his suits, he knew exactly the one he wanted. It was a blue and white stripe Funky Trunks brief. “What the crap?” Chris whispered to himself. His swimsuits were all tossed inside the suitcase, not the way he left them. Chris was meticulous in packing, and especially with his swimsuits. He’d never just drop them in a pile on top of everything else, not folded and laid flat. “Someone’s been in my luggage,” Chris thought. He contemplated waking up Alex, but opted not to. It looked like everything was there. He counted the suits and they were certainly all there, well at least he thought so. “That’s weird,” Chris thought to himself. Suit in hand, he grabbed shorts and a shirt to wear after. He wrapped a towel around his naked body and, swim bag in hand, headed out the door. He first would take a shower, to get the residuals of his dream washed away, then head over to the pool. “What the f would Alex be doing messing with my swimsuits,” Chris thought to himself as he headed down the hall. He wasn’t sure if he was mad or confused, maybe both. ______________ Chris was tired, and the pool was quiet and uncrowned. Sheri had the morning off, so it was really just him, the lifeguard and a couple cute girls swimming in lanes one and two. Chris did not recognize them as the flute players, Sarah and Alice, but they sure picked up on Chris. Only one of them was a swimmer, the other had come just to see Chris nearly naked in his tiny swimsuit. By how he looked it was worth getting up early. “You were right, he sure is a hottie,” Sarah said to Alice. “And that bulge is amazing.” “Told you. I wonder how many swimsuits he has, he has worn a different one every day.” Alice replied. “I really like this one, brings out the blue in his eyes.” “I’d like to bring him out,” Sarah giggled. She watched intently as Chris got in the pool. “He is awesome,” she said to herself. Chris cut his swim short at an hour. He was dragging and without Sheri there, he just didn’t have an incentive to stay. Sarah and Alice had already left, a few older folks had come in, but the pool was still fairly quiet. Chris jumped out and pulled the strings from his waist. He did a few stretches at the end of the pool. Gregory, the fill in for Sheri watched as Chris spread his legs and bent at the waist, pulling his back muscles and his leg muscles taught. “Hey, you must be Chris?” Gregory said as Chris headed toward the stand on his way to the locker. “Yeah, how did you know?” Chris asked. “Well, Sheri told me about you. Said you’d be here. She said he’s the hot guy in the cute swimsuits,” he laughed. “Anyway, I am on swim team here and she said that I should meet you.” “Oh cool, thanks,” Chris replied and extended his hand. The two guys shook. “What do you swim?” “Fly, IM and team mostly,” Gregory added. “You are really good, I was watching you.” “Thanks, yeah I really like swimming.” Chris replied. “Sheri said I was to tell you to come here and be on swim team, but she is right, you’d be awesome on the team,” Gregory answered. “You picked a college?” “No, I was going to go to a school near home for a year and figure it out.” “Cool, you should really come here. You already got a girlfriend, so that helps.” Gregory smiled as he said it. “At least you won’t be cold on winter nights.” “Ha, guess that’s a point,” Chris replied. “Hey, seriously, think about it. I am going to tell coach about you.” “Cool. I gotta get going. Nice to meet you.” Chris replied as he extended his hand again. “By the way, Funky’s are awesome swimsuits, I got a couple myself. And Sheri said you like Turbo suits, too. So do I.” Gregory added. _____________ |
7 continued
From the upper workout room windows, a guy watched as Chris chatted with the lifeguard and then headed to the locker. He had watched Chris for the past several days. He did not like him. Well, he was more jealous of him, how hot he looked. It was time to make his move. He quickly headed out the door and down the stairs toward the swim locker room. Once and for all, he’d show the skimpy swimsuit guy who was in charge.
____________ Chris entered the empty locker room. Without the urges of Sheri, Chris did not have the need to head straight to the shower. Instead he went to his locker and opened it, tossing the lock on the bench. He grabbed his towel and headed to the shower, his suit still on. He had extra time, having cut the swim short by thirty minutes. A good long hot shower was exactly what he needed. It was going to be a long day. He stopped, turned back and tossed the towel. He grabbed his iPhone and snapped a selfie of himself in the full length mirror. He quickly found Sheri in his contact list and sent the photo text message of himself in the tiny swimsuit. “Missed you at the pool, Love, Chris” he texted. Satisfied with his note, he now headed to the shower. First time he used he L word. The water felt awesome, warmth running over him. He lathered up, and watched as the suds rolled over his body. He turned and washed all sides of his swimsuit, making sure he got all the chlorine out. He spend a good fifteen minutes enjoying all aspects of the shower. Finally stripping himself free of the suit, which he hung over the water faucet. ------------- The guy from the workout room entered the locker as soon as he heard the shower. He was only in there for a minute. He had no idea how long “Speedo boy” would be so he had to move fast. He scooped up all of the clothing from Chris’s locker and gym bag. Everything else he left. He tossed the clothing in his own gym bag and quickly exited the locker. Dashing back upstairs, to the upper locker room. Completely undetected by anyone, he had everything Chris had brought to wear, right down to his 2Xist briefs. ----------------- “What the hell!” Chris exclaimed to an empty locker room as he stood there stark naked, but for the little swimsuit he had in his hand and the towel wrapped around his waist. He stared at the empty locker and the empty swim bag. Chris tuned and looked all around. The locker room was empty and his clothes were gone. “Who the…” Chris was frozen in place. Frantic, he looked in all the trash cans, and started opening empty lockers. “Surely this is a prank,” he thought. “Okay, very funny, you can come out now…” he said loudly. He was sure Alex or Patrick were up to something. When nothing happened, he started to get mad. He slipped on his wet suit and headed back to the pool. “Hey Gregory, did you take my clothes?” he asked bluntly. Gregory looked shocked. “No man, what’s going on?” Gregory replied looking perplexed. “Someone took all my clothes, everything.” Chris replied. “This sucks.” Chris said in exasperation, suddenly felling awkward knowing all he had to wear was just his tiny, tight swimsuit. From his perch above, the assailant chuckled as he rode slowly on a Lifecycle, watching Chris’s commotion play out below. Whoever he was, he had it out for Chris. “Take that Speedo boy, let’s see what you do now with no clothes,” the attacker thought to himself. He started to laugh, a mischievous laugh. Gregory called another guard over and then followed Chris back to the locker room. “Must be hidden in here somewhere,” Gregory said. “It’s weird, you are the only guy here, too” he added. The opened every locker, finding nothing. They then went upstairs to the workout area locker, doing the same thing. Several lockers were locked, but they checked all the open ones. “Crap, nothing!” Chris said. “I can’t walk back dressed like this. Who the f..k would do this!” he complained to Gregory. “Not sure. I’ve never heard of someone stealing a guys clothes.” The two guys headed back downstairs. “Seriously, how can I walk back to my dorm like this,” Chris queried. “I mean, it is a swimsuit, but it is not exactly right for walking across campus.” “Let me check lost and found,” Gregory said. “See if there are any shorts in there.” “Cool, thanks.” Chris replied. He looked at himself in the mirror, now thinking how totally naked he was. “It’s weird, whoever did this left my swim stuff, my money and my id. It’s like they wanted to make me be stuck with just my swimsuit.” Chris thought to himself. After several minutes, Gregory came back. “Sorry, man. Nothing. We clean out the lost and found at the end of the school year, and no one has lost anything since, except for a red Speedo, but that won’t help. I did bring you a pair of shoes. They are mine, but it looks like you and I wear the same size. I wish I had some shorts for you.” “This really sucks,” Chris said. “Hey, just run back and maybe no one will pay much attention.” Gregory tried to be upbeat. “Plus you will give the ladies something to look at!” Gregory’s humor was not helping. “Yeah, some dude in a freaking swimsuit smaller than underwear won’t get seen.” Chris half laughed and half whined. No other choice, he headed out the door. Without realizing it, he went right past the very guy who set him up without clothing, his very belongings held in the plastic bag he was holding. Chris kept his head down and never even saw him. All he could think about was what people must be thinking as he darted across the campus in his blue striped Funky Trunks brief. He was feeling very naked, very exposed. In some odd way, it was also kind of fun. The dorm was a ten minute walk away, he’d run it in about four minutes. Four long minutes. |
I really liked Chapter 7 because it is so multidimensional with three themes going at the same time. First, Chris' infatuation with Sheri, second, the Alex/Patrick raiding of Chris' swimsuits and their budding relationship, and third, the unknown guy who has it in for Chris. The dream sequence is so real that if you forget for a minute, you would think it was actually happening. It looks like this story will be a long one (I hope) as all these threads unfold. D67 |
Part 8
Chris dashed through the dorm entrance, flashed his ID to activate the scanner, which opened the entry gates. He was a bit sweaty from his quick run across campus. A couple college age students heading to classes were coming the other way.
“Good run?” one of them asked as the two guys sized up the situation. “um, yeah,” Chris replied, caught a little off guard by the question. “Never seen a guy run in a Speedo before,” the other guy added in. “Guess it makes sense,” Chris didn’t respond. Any time advantage he had by finishing up his swim early was completely lost. He bounded off the elevator on his floor, 14, and made a quick dash into the shower where he rinsed the tiny amount of sweat off. From there he dashed into his room, now dripping wet from his quick rinse. He was sure that Alex had something to do with his clothes, but that idea quickly evaporated. Alex was still sound asleep when Chris came through the door. “Oh crap, what time is it,” Alex asked groggily, startled by Chris’s arrival. “Just past 7:30,” Chris replied. “You better get out of bed.” “Did you wear that from the pool?” Alex asked, eying the way Chris was dressed. “Yeah, some a..hole stole my clothes.” Chris replied. “ Had no choice.” Chris stripped out of the suit as he related the story to Alex. “I’m getting pretty sick of jerks messing with my stuff, this morning my swimsuits were all messed up in my luggage, now some jerk takes my stuff…” Chris whined on. “Hey dude, wasn’t me,” Alex relied. “I mean I didn’t take your stuff.” Alex was getting defensive. He also knew he had some blame for the first part of Chris’s rant. “Sorry dude, didn’t mean to take it out on you. I am just mad. I really liked that shirt and the guy took a nice new pair of shorts, too.” “How do you know it was a guy?” Alex asked. “Whoever did it, took them while I was in the shower.” Chris replied. “Wow, and you never saw him?” Alex asked. “Not at all.” Chris grabbed a different swimsuit and pulled it on. It was a red Sporti swim brief, one he got from his favorite on line swim store. He loved the way it felt on him, with its narrow cut on the sides, the low cut front, and the lycra material just felt softer than usual, similar to the softness of his favorite Tyr suits. The sweet feel of the suit always caused him to get a little stiff, which Alex noticed as he practically drooled over the hot looking guy packing himself in the tiny swimsuit. Chris slipped a pair of fairly short nylon soccer shorts over the top and a white and green soccer style jersey for the shirt. He looked more like a guy ready to play a match than a guy ready for band practice. “What’s with the swimsuit?” Alex asked. “Oh, yeah. I wear swimsuits under my soccer shorts, keeps everything nice and snug,” Chris replied. “Don’t want anything falling out.” He smirked, a little blushing. “Oh, cool, makes sense,” Alex replied. “Plus it makes your shorts fit nicer, I think,” Alex added referring to how the bulge of the suit made a nice frontal bulge in the shorts. “Guess so,” Chris replied. Alex headed off to the shower while Chris headed off to breakfast. “You better hurry up,” Chris encouraged Alex. “The director hates when someone is late!” Chris wasn’t over his anger about the jerk who took his stuff, but he decided not to let it ruin his day. He shot another quick photo of himself and messaged it to Sheri with a cute tag line, “wanna come play ball?” he asked. His Iphone made a swoosh sound as it sent the cute picture into cyberspace. _____ Sheri smiled as she looked at the picture of Chris in his shorts and soccer jersey. He looked so darn cute. She picked up instantly on the fit of his shorts, the same bulging feature that Alex had commented on. He looked athletic, muscular and totally sexy all at the same time. “He’s a keeper,” she thought to herself, totally infatuated with him. She loved his flow of pictures, from his swim suit shot this morning to the one now. “I’d play ball anytime with you,” Sheri messaged Chris back. She attached a photo of the two of them at the beach yesterday, a selfie they took. It was mostly of her. As soon as Chris saw it he felt a tingle of arousal. He smiled as he clicked the phone back to the main screen. He would look at that pic several times throughout the morning practice. _______ Chris was just finishing up breakfast when he saw Len sitting at a far corner table eating, alone. The send off concert was later that day, a chance for the friends and family to come see their sons and daughters perform before they left for the big trip. Len’s parents were coming up that day to see the concert and take their son to breakfast. Len had not told them he quit the band. They would find out tonight. Len knew his parents, especially his father, would be really mad, so he simply avoided the conversation. He told them everything was great just last night, a complete lie. “Hey Len, didn’t think you were still around?” Chris said as he approached the table. Len’s eyes locked on Chris, the anger rising in his body. “Mind if we talk for a second?” “I really don’t want to talk to you,” Len replied. “What’s with the soccer look, you look like a total dork.” Chris let the insult roll off him. “Look, I really feel bad that you’d let some feud between us make you ruin your whole trip. Len, this is like a lifetime opportunity.” Chris forced the conversation, standing at the edge of the table. “I don’t care,” Len replied. “Just leave me alone.” “I just got to ay this,” Chris pressed on. “I think you are a great musician and we could have lots of fun playing together. I also think you’ll regret walking away from the trip and I’d hate to see you f..k it up like that. We may not be friends, that is your choice, but I would be glad to go talk to the director and see if he’d let you back in the band. I think he wants you as part of the band, really.” Chris continued. “Look, I made up my mind. Now go jack off somewhere and leave me alone.” Len replied. “Before I beat the crap out of you,” he added for good measure. “Think about it,” Chris added as he turned and walked away. Chris felt better that he tried. Len glared as Chris headed out the door. Len put his head on is hands. In his heart he knew Chris was right. “That was really pretty courageous of him,” Len thought to himself. “And pretty nice. Maybe Chris wasn’t the jerk I made him into,” Len’s thoughts added. “Maybe I really have screwed up. Now, what do I do.” On the verge of tears, Len got up from the table and headed out the door. He stood and watched as the rest of the band headed to rehearsal. He stood alone. |
I love the developing story
A great story. Continue please.
Wonderful chapter which shows Chris' anger as well as his humanity, when he tries to encourage Len to try to be reinstated in the band, even volunteering to talk to the director of the band. He doesn't allow himself to be sucked in when Len verbally attacks and threatens him, showing really strong character. The dialogue just flows naturally as usual and is bery appropriate for the ages of the characters. Keep it coming.
D67 |
***(deep sigh)***
Its such a bummer when there are no new updates to the stories!! I love the stories all of you guys write. I know it takes a lot of time and effort, and I just want you all to know how much the rest of us look foward to read what you've written. If I had any writing ability at all, I would love to contribute…but alas, that is not one of my strengths in life!! Thanks again for all the efforts you guys make!! |
Solarguy, I had never written any fiction until I decided to add to the story that Sebbie started. It's really hard for me and takes a long time for me to write a section, but I found that I could write something that made some sense, not great, but acceptable. You should give it a try - maybe add to the story STS and I are writing - you may surprise yourself. D67 |
Part something... I lost count..lol
“Look at him,” Sarah said to Alice as Chris was getting out his trumpet. “OMG those shorts are so cute!”
“And so short,” Alice replied. “Just like we like them,” both girls giggled. “Except I’d rather he wore his swimsuit from the morning,” Sarah added. Chris was the only guy dressed in such an athletic looking outfit. The rest of the band guys had on either longer cargo type shorts or jeans. He stood out from the crowd, catching more than just Sarah and Alice’s eyes. A guy in the second row of clarinet players was also taking quite the notice. In fact, so much so that his jeans started to get very tight in the crotch. “Look at how much he shows in those shorts,” Alice observed. “I wonder how he can keep himself contained in those.” “Really tight underwear,” Sarah replied. Alice laughed. “No, seriously, my brother tells me that,” Sarah added. “You asked your brother?” Alice asked, shocked. “Well, sort of, I guess,” Sarah answered. “Do you check out how your brother looks in shorts?’ Alice asked, again shocked. “Well, yeah, I mean wouldn’t you? He is a guy and all. I mean we have a great relationship and he tells me everything.” Sarah replied. “So what does he tell you,” Alice asked. The answer never came. She as cut off by the band director calling the band to order. Truth was, she had seen her brother in his swim team swimsuits. Like Chris, she thought he sure did fill out a swimsuit well. Not as well as Chris, but she thought he was a good looking guy, even if he was her brother. Sara had asked him about lots of things, including what happens if he gets hard at a swim meet. She counted on him for honest answers, and he never let her down. ______ Len was outside the band hall as the band started playing. “They really do sound great,” he thought to himself. He stood at the door, trying his best to muster the courage to open the door. He heard the band stop. “No, no no,” the director said. “Brass you must be softer, let the audience hear the beauty of the woodwinds, the elegance of the clarinets… now, we try from the top. Think about the music, feel it!” he commanded. Chris noted his ire, taking it personally, as if he was the blame. Just as the band was about to start, Len opened the door and entered the band hall. He stood silently as the band began to play, not yet noticed by most. He watched as Chris played the lead trumpet, a tinge of jealousy still rumbled in Len’s gut. The woodwind interlude was [perfect. A balance of soft brass supporting the sweet melody of the woodwinds, especially the clarinet section. As soon as they finished the woodwind section the director stopped. He turned and saw Len standing there. “That was perfect,” the director said, turning back to the band. “Take fifteen. Great job!” he added. ______ Chris made no move toward Len. It was Len’s turn to make the move. Instead, Chris exited to grab a fresh bottle of water and to text Sheri to see if she was able to join for lunch. Len stood, watching Chris walk toward the door. After several seconds, he followed Chris’s path. “I though about what you said,” the voice came from behind as Len approached Chris. Chris was mid text to Sheri. He stopped and turned toward Len. “And,” Chris replied, flatly. “Well, I was hoping you were serious about talking to the director,” Len asked with a quiver in his voice. The mean outbursts now replaced by a strong dose of humility. “I never go back on a promise,” Chris said. Chris look the lead. The two young men headed back in to see if they could get some time with the director. The director and his assistants listened as Len asked to be let back in the band. They nodded as Chris offered that he had talked to Len earlier and that he felt like Len had made a big mistake and that Chris was happy to support Len in coming back. “I can learn a lot from him,” Chris added. “You know, Len, I don’t appreciate when people walk off stage on me. I have never let someone come back after that. It is not an insult to me, it is an insult to your fellow musicians. Young man, none of us is better than the other, we come to play and whether we are first chair or last chair, we are all musicians. It is kind of like swimming, right Chris?” The director looked at Chris and smiled. “You see, Chris said he could learn a lot from you, but in truth you could learn more from him. Start with that he is willing to aid your return despite how you acted,” “Yes, Sir,” Len replied. “Now go sit out in the hall. I am going to ask the band what they want to do. After all, it is they you walked out on,” the director instructed. As Len walked back toward the door the director turned to Chris, “I really admire that you stood here with your fellow musician and supported him. I don’t know if I could have done that. You are a fine young man, Chris.” “I think you are right about swimming being like the band,” Chris replied. “Every swimmer has a place on the team and despite how fast or slow we swim, we are all swimmers. I never thought about it that way.” “Len needed a little dose of humility.” the director replied. “Maybe you can take him to the pool and teach him a lesson or two along the way.” the director smiled as he said it. “Now, let’s see about is readmission. “Sir, may I have one more minute? I was texting my girlfriend about lunch when Len came over. I’d like to finish that.” “Sure, Chris,” the director replied. “How about lunch at noon, maybe we can find a nice place outside to eat,” Chris texted. “I thought you’d never ask,” Came her immediate reply. “Meet you at the band hall.” _______ “I think he’s got red tight underwear on,” Alice said to Sarah as Chris sat in his chair, his legs spread just enough that one could see up his shorts from the right angle. The two cute young ladies were at exactly the right angle. “At least he’s got something red on under those shorts.” “OMG, yes he does,” Sarah replied. “I wonder if he knows we can see his privates?” Sarah stated more as fact than question. Not really his privates, but certainly the red swimsuit was visible to them, although that it was a swimsuit was not clear, which made it even more of a discovery. “Darnn he is so cute,” Alice replied. She was getting all tingled with excitement. “I’d love to see him in just those red undies.” she added. The two girls gave each other a look, knowing exactly what each was thinking. It would have drove Chris wild. _______ Band wrapped up at exactly noon. “Okay ladies and gents, you are free to go until five,” the assistant director stepped in and instructed. “Be back here at 5 for a quick warm up and then we have our concert at 6. Be dressed for performance.” “Chris, I really appreciate what you did,” Len said. He was third chair trumpet, a concession he had to give to get back in. “Yeah,” Chris replied. “Just never forget that I went to bat for you. As they say, don’t ever screw with me again, okay.” Chris added. It was not the response Len expected and it knocked him back a bit. It was, however, exactly the response he needed. He had to know that Chris had fangs and could bite if needed. That became abundantly clear. Chris headed out the door. Len stood in silence, not sure what to do next. The second row clarinet player, Steve, watched as Chris walked by, his short and bulging shorts giving Steve quite the twinge of arousal between his own legs. Steve had not admitted his own sexuality, in fact he fought to deny it, but in secret he knew what he was attracted to, and today it was the cute guy in the short soccer uniform. Patrick and Alex watched, too. They were not the only ones. |
something continued
“Wow, you look way cuter in person that in your pic, and that looked pretty sexy!” Sheri called out as Chris emerged from the music hall. Sheri had on really cute jean shorts that had virtually no inseam. They were tight and form fitting, a cute yellow belt and a very stimulating tiny knit top that stopped exactly at her waist. Her eyes checked out his bulge, and she liked what she saw. “Those shorts look great,” she added.
Chris grabbed Sheri and gave her a tight, long hug and a deep and affectionate kiss. She felt him push his crotch into her leg as he kissed her, feeling his anatomy against her. She could feel that he was aroused, a feeling he felt also. He wanted to make love to her right there, but he couldn’t. He let his body grow into her as they kissed. He knew he’d show his arousal once they broke apart, but he let the sensation and the pleasure he was feeling continue, throwing caution to the wind. He almost went too far, feeling the real urges escalate within him. “I missed you this morning,” she said. “Me too,” Chris replied. They kissed deeply again. He was fighting the sensation to let himself go, it was a close call. His self control nearly losing out. When they finally broke apart he was rock hard inside the shorts and the swimsuit. His bulging anatomy pushed the shorts forward, the protrusion of his erection on clear display. “Looks like someone got excited,” Sheri teased. “Yeah, you do that to me,” Chris replied, as he tugged at his shorts. Thankfully the tight red Sporti suit was holding all of his stimulated parts tightly inside the shorts. Chris took her hand and they headed off to the dining hall. The urges still very potent, the desire to do more than just kiss very much alive within his masculine body. “What do you have in mind?” Sheri asked. “Lunch and maybe we can hang out for the afternoon. I have until five to be back.” “Perfect,” she replied. She rubbed his butt with her hand. “I have a good idea what else you might like,” Sheri added. Chris smiled at her as they headed off to lunch. She was reading his mind well. |
This is part 9 and what a good chapter it is. I'm really glad that you didn't make is easy for Len to return to the band because people like him need their comeuppance every so often. And Chris didn't let him off the hook either, letting him know that he isn't a pushover. My hunch is that out of this conflict a good friendship will develop over the next six weeks. I'm also interested in what Sarah and Alice have planned and also how things develop with Alex, Patrick and Steve. You've left us with a cliffhanger until the next chapter. Thanks for your writing. D67 |
Ahhhhh….I've got my story fix!!! Thank you!
Part 10 - the walk to town
“Man, Chris was really pissed this morning,” Alex said to Patrick. “Some jerk stole all his clothes at the pool, he had only his swimsuit to come back in. He was stoking mad when he got back.”
“Someone took his clothes, really?” Patrick replied. “I’d be mad, too. Probably want to kill somebody.” “I think he wanted to. But that’s not all. He knows we messed with his swimsuits. He ripped on me about that. He said he was fed up with jerks messing with his stuff.” Alex continued. “I felt like a total dip wad. I know he knows it was me.” “How did he know?” “I guess he noticed how they were not the way he left them.” Alex answered. “Anyway, I think he’s really pissed at me.” “Did you give back the one you messed up?” Patrick asked. “Not yet. I washed it out and all, but it is still hanging in my closet,” Alex replied. “You think he knows it is missing?” Patrick asked. “He did not say, maybe he was just too ripped.” “All right, I say we get back to your dorm and you put that suit back with Chris’s stuff.” Patrick answered. The two young men dashed back to the dorm. “What do you want to do for the rest of the day?” Alex asked as they crossed the campus. “I don’t know, but I sure don’t want to do any music.” Patrick replied. “I’m all done with practice,” “Maybe walk into town and just hang out.” Alex replied. “Sounds cool,” Patrick answered. Inside the room, Alex grabbed the swimsuit off a hangar in his closet. He felt it and it was dry. He held it up to make sure that it was all clean. It was. “Alright, let me get this thing back in his bag,” Alex said. “Still is a hot looking swimsuit,” Patrick answered. “I want to see Greg in it during the trip.” The two guys grinned at each other. “Dude, look at this,” Alex exclaimed as he pointed at Chris’s luggage. “He really is mad, he freaking locked it up. Now what do I do?” Alex queried. “Oh man, you are right, he must be really mad or he doesn’t trust you anymore, or both.” Patrick replied. “I don’t know, man.” The two guys stood there, perplexed. “Hey, what if you just stick it under the suitcase. Make it look like he just missed it.” Patrick finally offered a solution. “Yeah, but what if he knows it wasn’t there?” “Dude, how is he going to know? Just do it and then don’t say a word.” Patrick explained. Alex finally decided it was the best option. He picked up the suit case just enough to throw the swimsuit under. Dropping the case back on top of the suit, the two guys quickly headed out the door. _______________ “Those shorts are really short,” Sheri said as they walked to the dining hall. “I mean I love you in them, you look cute.” she added. “You really think they are too short?” Chris asked. “Not too short, just short.” Sheri answered. “They are just soccer shorts, but more like what the international teams wear,” Chris added. “I guess maybe they are shorter than normal.” Chris said with a bit of resignation. “I love a guy in real shorts,” Sheri added. “I mean what is the point of some of those shorts that go too your knees?” She added. “Now you hot me worried that maybe they are too short,” Chris replied. “Stop it! You are so funny,” Sheri giggled. “They are fine, perfect, forget I said anything.” “Okay,” Chris replied. “My day has sucked so far and now you think my shorts are skimpy!” he teased her. “Not as skimpy as your white Turbo swimsuits,” she teased. “Now, those are SHORT!” she exclaimed. “Just the way I like them,” Chris replied, poking her. They walked quiet for a while, just enjoying each other’s pleasure. “I’ve got so much to tell you about,” Chris finally broke the silence. “Oh yeah, I want to hear about this morning. Your texts were crazy about the locker room.” Sheri replied. “That is just weird,” Chris said with exasperation. “Why would someone steal just all my clothes. Thankfully I kept my swimsuit on!” He added. At lunch, Sheri ordered a Southwest chicken salad and Chris got a cheeseburger and fries. They walked back outside to a table on the patio area overlooking the grassy expanse of the gorgeous campus. The view was great, they could see the athletic complex and the glass windows of the pool, to the right was the old campus with its red brick and stone buildings. The sun was bright in the sky and the weather was warm, but not hot. “I would love to have seen your face when you realized your clothes were gone,” Sheri laughed as she said it. Chris was finally able to seethe humorous side of the situation. “Yeah I guess it was pretty funny. Here I was naked, holding my wet swimsuit and I had nothing to wear. I was pretty freaked out.” “I bet you looked cute when you were being mad,” Sheri replied. “You should have seen me running across campus in my swimsuit!” Chris exclaimed, getting caught up in her excitement. “It was priceless.” Chris ended in a loud, contagious laugh that got Sheri laughing, too. “I bet you shocked a lot of students, zooming around almost naked like that. Didn’t people run across campuses naked back in like the 1970’s or something?” Sheri asked. “I bet you were like that, well almost.” Chris smiled at her. “Who do you think did it?” She asked, getting more serious. “No idea. I thought maybe Len, but now I am not sure.” As they talked Sheri’s hand rubbed Chris’s leg, each time up she went closer and closer to his shorts. Finally, she slid her hand up his shorts a bit, which was driving him wild. With the not quite three inch inseam, it didn’t take much more attempts before she was rubbing him in exactly the right spot to create excitement inside. Chris boned up almost instantly. She felt the tight grip of the smooth red lycra material. “Sheri, if you keep doing that I won’t be able to stand up,” Chris softly said, changing the subject. “I can’t help it. I love your legs.” She replied. “Remember, My shorts are pretty short,” he said back. He was serious. She chuckled. “Okay,” she said reluctantly, sliding her hand back to his knee. It was really too late, he was rock hard and getting way too aroused. Thankfully, they were alone at the far corner of the outdoor seating. His shorts were bulging wildly as his anatomy raged with desire inside. He was close. “You sure know how to make a guy horny,” he confided. His face was flush with sexual desire. She admired his lustful expression. “You are sweet,” she whispered. She wanted to kiss. They were not really alone. From afar eyes watched as the couple teased each other between conversations. They watched as she played with his leg, knowing she was making him erotically stimulated. The rage rose inside. Chris was certainly a really cute guy, the kind of guy that stole the show wherever he entered. He was muscular, handsome and clearly well equipped in the male anatomy department. His hair always looked slightly jostled, just a bit off from perfect, model like. His smile showed his pure white and perfectly aligned teeth. If Chris was in a swimsuit he made even the straight guys take notice. He had clearly commanded Sheri’s attention and she was deeply fallen for him, as he was for her. Yes, Chris had to be dealt with. Finally, done with his meal, the watcher from afar took the empty tray and walked back into the dining hall, completely undetected. He rubbed the crotch of his tight fitting jeans, the adrenalin rush had given him the same arousal as what happened to Chris, or maybe it was Chris that gave him the arousal. __________ Patrick and Alex walked into town. They took a shortcut campus bicycle path, a popular walk or ride for students that cut the trip to town to a short mile. It was peaceful, quiet and very private. The two guys were both wearing bold print board shorts, the kind that had no elastic in the waist, and hung low on the hips, held on only by the tied strings in front. They were both commando underneath, enjoying the freedom of being loose in the shorts. They wore matching band T-shirts that hung loose over the top of the shorts. As they got deep in the wooded portion of the walk, Alex reached over and took Patrick’s hand. It was a first. Patrick accepted the hand and smiled. It was a rare moment where they could share their affection for each other. They stopped and kissed. A quick kiss, never knowing when a cyclist might race along the winding path and catch them. They felt each other’s interest as they held together. “It is peaceful out here,” Alex said. “Especially together,” Patrick replied. They parted and continued the journey to town, hand in hand and growing more deeply attached. Love was not yet the right word, but clearly heading that way. They were both finally accepting who they were, and privately each wondering if the world would accept them. “Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just be out,” Patrick asked as they walked. “Not sure I am ready for that, yet,” Alex replied. “But yes, I wish it was easier.” he added softly. “One day,” Patrick replied. “I am so glad we met, I was worried about being stuck alone for eight weeks.” “Me, too,” Alex clasped his hand tighter around Patrick‘s. As the path opened to the town, they separated their hand hold, resuming the persona of two straight guys. They found a Five Guys burger place and stopped to grab lunch. They quickly melted into the male dominated crowd, chowing down on over-sized burgers and fresh cooked fries, along with chocolate shakes. They smiled at each other as they ate, their eyes and their hearts secretly showing their attraction. They knew, and for now that was all that mattered. |
This is really a wonderful chapter, full of pathos, energy, sexual eroticism, rage, attraction, etc. The story lines are really so well presented and as usual the dialogue is so typical of the age group. At first I thought the guy who stole Chris' clothes was Len, but after the reconciliation in the last chapter, Imdon't think so anymore. My hunch is that the stalker is a former boyfriend of Sheri who is so jealous that he can't contain his rage. D67 |
Part 11
The small sporting goods store was a hold over of days past, not yet done in by the big box stores or the internet. The sign out front, “Harold’s,” was new in 1950, but it gave the store the charm of having been a town staple for years. In truth the store wasn’t making any money, but the passion of its owner kept it alive, stringing along as best it could. Harold, the original, was long passed on, his son was the new Harold, a retired insurance executive who had no thoughts of shutting the store. He had run it since his early retirement from the global monster company he slaved way at for decades. Owning the store was too much fun, and he liked helping the kids in the community, even if it meant most of the money keeping the store afloat was actually out of his pension and not the cash flow.
Patrick and Alex were lured in by the swimsuit display in the window. Swimwear was a big part of the store’s business, supporting the local swim teams and other swim enthusiasts. A really cool print brief cut swimsuit pinned to one end of a sign the said “Swim Team Specialists” brought a smile to Alex’s face. “We got to check this out,” Alex told Patrick as he reached for the door. The door squeaked as the guys entered,. The store smelt musty, its wood floors showing the wear of years of similar entrances. “Hey there,” came a voice from the back as Hank, Harold’s nick name, walked to the front. “How are you two today?” “Good,” came the reply. “What brings you in?” Hank asked. “We saw the swimsuits in the window, thought we’d check them out,” Alex answered. Patrick nodded. “Got a pretty good supply, some on clearance, too” Hank directed the pair to the far corner of the store. What it lacked in merchandising the store made up for in functionality. Four giant bins were lined up along the floor, plastic tubs with signs for sizes from “under 28” all the way to “36 up.” Four shelves of boxed swimwear filed the wall, above were suits on hangars, every color and print the guys could think of. “So, the deal is the boxed stuff matches what is hanging.” Hank added. “Wow, you got lots of cool suits,” Patrick chimed in, his eyes wide with excitement. “Yeah, I always buy too much swimwear, probably because I am a swimmer myself and like all the swimsuits, especially the prints. Fitting room is over there,” Hank said, pointing. “Yell if you need help.” He walked away, leaving the guys to shop the rack. “Alex, the suits down here are like $10, at least some of them. How much money you got?” “I got $50, but I also got a credit card. I’d say this is an emergency.” Alex replied. Hank watched as the guys pulled suit after suit out of the bins. He hoped they’d also buy some of the boxed suits, where he still had a chance to make some profit. He smiled as Alex finally started going through the hanging swimwear. “Dude, this one is hot!” Alex exclaimed to Patrick as he held out a really cool multi colored print. It was a Zuma swimsuit brand. The only one of that brand. “Those are great suits,” Hank called out. “I ordered just one style, and I took one for myself. Love it!” Hank added. “Plus the print is unique.” The suit was pricy at $45. “Look, he’s got two that will fit us,” Patrick said pulling out a 28 and a 30 waist. Hank secretly wondered what the story was with the two guys. They were far more animated than most of the guy swimmers, and they got way too excited about having matching suits. He was sure they were gay, and he was fine with that, accepting. Hank’s oldest son was also gay. Hank smiled as he watched the guys having so much fun. “Dude, let’s be smart about this. Let’s only get one matching pair, but the rest we can get all different and then share them.” “Patrick, cool idea. Okay here is the deal, we get the matching cool print one,” Alex held up the boxed set. “Then we get one each of our favorite next six.” “Well, maybe, but I also really like this one for both of us,” Patrick held up a really awesome Turbo brand “California Republic” suit. “It is like the one Chris has.” The suit was $39. “Man we got like $200 in swimsuits here,” Alex laughed. “Yeah, so. You will look so cute in them.” Patrick smiled as he said hit, rubbing Alex’s chest. Alex blushed. Hank also smiled. For sure these two were an item. They were really handsome together, too. Hank enjoyed watching their passion about the swimsuits. “Tell you what, guys. If you buy the four of the boxed suits and the six clearance, I’ll give you another 10% off.” Hank came back over. “You got some really great swimsuits picked out.” “Deal” they both said in unison. “This is so freaking cool,” Alex said the Patrick as they thanked Hank and headed out the door. Hank smiled as the two guys walked out. Reminded him of his own son. ________ Sheri and Chris snuck off to the lake for a few hours of alone time. They had the beach to themselves, bur for a couple of open water swimmers doing a perimeter swim of the lake. Sheri convinced Chris to wear his white background Team USA Turbo swimsuit, she loved how cute he looked in it. The patriotic colors looked really sweet on Chris’s muscular swimmer body. She rubbed his chest as the two of the laid on the beach. Chris’s swimsuit was filled out well with his aroused manhood. He enjoyed the attention. “I am really going to miss you,” Sheri said as she ran her hand along Chris’s abs. “Me, too. I am so glad I met you,” Chris replied. The two rolled into each other and embraced, Sheri in a sweet yellow bikini that was driving Chris totally wild, Chris pressed against her and took in very inch of her soft and sensual body. She felt him against her, as he wrapped his legs against hers and pressed his erection into her. She lover the feel of him, he was masculine, yet gentle and wholesome. “I love the feel of you against me,” Chris whispered. He wanted so bad to take their relationship to the next level, his body was ready and so was he. “You feel so strong,” she whispered back. They kissed deeply. The couple entangled themselves on the beach, arms and legs wrapped tightly around each other. Sheri whispered erotically into Chris’s ear as they kissed and fondled each other. Her body was so soft and warm, Chris wanted to soak all of her in. She allowed him to get ever so close to taking the next sexual step, but she held him back. Sheri wanted to wait, to not spoil what they had. She preferred not to rush. “Sheri you are making me wild,” Chris whispered. “I love you,” he said. The words just flowed out. “I love you, too,” she said back. They kissed even deeper. He hand wandered. She held that part of him, her soft hand cupping him and gently caressing. The feel of his swimsuit holding him in, the huge mound of maleness in her hand. They two stayed this way, deeply in love, for several minutes. Chris gently broke away, rolling onto his back. She smiled at him and leaned over to kiss his chest. He was stimulated to the point of no return. Sheri slowly worked him the rest of the way. ______ |
Part 11 continued
The send off concert went perfectly. It was at the college auditorium. It was also broadcasted across the internet for families, like Chris’s, who could not make the trip. After intermission, the band opened with Pictures at an Exhibition. Chris had the lead trumpet solo. He played it powerfully, breaking the silence of the auditorium with the enticing sound of a single trumpet. His solos was answered by Len, who was stationed in the back of the auditorium, creating the true effect of music surrounding the audience. It was fantastic. Sheri beamed with pride as she watched Chris play. He was now dressed in blue pants, a white shirt, and a red jacket, with a red white and blue striped tie. “The same colors he had on today,” she smiled. He looked stunning. He played even better.
“You were amazing,” Sheri told him as she gave him a hug in the lobby afterwards. “Thanks for coming,” Chris replied. It meant so much to have you here.” “I would not have missed it,” Sheri answered. They hugged again. “We don’t leave tomorrow until three,” Chris told her. “I am at the pool all day, but maybe we can have lunch,” Sheri answered. “You will come swimming n the morning, right.” “Wouldn’t miss it,” he replied with a smile. “Wear something sexy,” she replied. “I have just the suit picked out, already.” They kissed as she said her goodbye and headed off. The band had all mostly departed. Chris was alone heading back to his dorm. It was dark, the walkways lit only by the lanterns spaced every 50 feet or so. For some reason, Chris felt totally alone. “Hey,” a voice broke the silence from behind and Chris heard footsteps approaching fast. His heart started racing. It was a stern voice. Sounded like it meant business. Chris stopped and turned. A tall man, older, in his fifties approached. “Chris, I am Len’s dad. He told me about what you did. I just wanted to thank you for going to bat for him.” “Len’s a great trumpet player. We can really do some cool stuff together,” Chris responded. His heart started to slow. He was relieved it was only Len’s dad. “I love my son, but I keep telling him he needs a bit more humility, He can be a real jerk sometimes. When he told me about you, I told him he should learn from what you did.” “We are fine now, Chris replied.” “You played great tonight. Have a great trip.” Chris turned to continue his journey. Len’s dad headed back toward the auditorium. Ahead of him a younger guy, about Chris’s age headed the same direction. The younger guy’s plan foiled by the unexpected visit from Len’s dad. Time was running out. “Maybe at the pool,” thought the lone stranger. |
I was very pleasantly surprised to see the continuation of the Summer in the Band story. This was a really good chapter as we began to see relationships solidifying - Sheri/Chris, Alex/Patrick and likely (I'm predicting) a solid relationship between Chris and Len. Len now knows that Chris isn't a pushover and it seems like he respects that. Nice touch having Len's father compliment Chris on what he did for Len. I fear what the stalking stranger might be planning as he appears to be hell bent on hurting Chris in some way. Thanks for deciding to continue the story. D67 |
I'm with Dooley…thanks for continuing! It's a great story and I love the way you're developing the characters and adding a bit of suspense!
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