Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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-   -   First Time in Speedos Around Pool! (http://www.MensSwimSuitBoard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2533)

cjkreitz 08-04-2019 02:41 AM

First Time in Speedos Around Pool!
Today was a big day! I finally wore my speedos all day long while around the pool with family. I always wear my speedos under my board shorts, and have always wanted to just ditch them and wear my speedo. I finally did it today! Just took my shorts off and got right in the pool. My father in law said "ayyyy speedos!" as he came outside in an encouraging tone! I know he has a speedo that he wears when no one is around....I tried to coax him into wearing his but he wasn't ready. I think with time, he will start to wear his because I am wearing my speedo.

So much better than board shorts! After the first few minutes I felt so comfotable like I've always worn them! I love how quickly they dry, and the way they make me feel (with the bulge on display, I knew my father in law wanted to rock the speedo too). He will :)

We are heading on a cruise next week, I'm going to wear my speedo! I told myself last cruise I would, and I'm going to! Exciting!

dm106 08-04-2019 11:44 AM

Hey - congratulations!!

Papadoop 08-04-2019 09:02 PM

You wont look back so snug and comfy, they look and feel great as well as being a mega turn on wearing them. Well done dude for embracing it

Torchwatch 08-04-2019 11:50 PM

Glad you had a good experience, what speedos were you wearing? Will you be experimenting with different colours, patterns, a briefer cut, front pouches or even a swim thong one day? The speedo world is your oyster now!

cjkreitz 08-05-2019 01:32 AM

I was wearing a navy Adidas speedo, seen here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/ADIDAS-Mens...r=412814062183

vega1210 08-05-2019 09:45 PM

thats a great start!!! once comfortable with those then start going with something that has less on the sides and the back. I love wearing Seobean as its more revealing but can be worn anywhere as its not a thong.

OhioSpeedoGuy 08-05-2019 10:37 PM

Do yourself a favor and don't even pack those board shorts for the cruise then you have no choice but to wear it and that's thrilling in itself.

Torchwatch 08-06-2019 12:49 AM

Get some shorter neater shorts for the trip, men have knees and thighs again this year.

need4speedo 08-09-2019 11:29 AM

Awesome! Great feeling wearing a speedo for the first time in front of people! Good for you man!

Chris997 08-10-2019 06:14 PM

Once you make it as regular habit you'll wonder what the fuss was all about.....

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