Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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Bede735 10-18-2014 05:47 PM

Why do older men wear Speedos?
I was off work on Friday and went to my local pool in the afternoon. Much to my astonishment, the majority of the male swimmers were in brief swimwear! However, they were all in their 50s and 60s, and I think this has become a trend.

I have two theories on this:

1. They are past their physical peak, and it would be more exacting to swim in baggy shorts.
2. They are more aware of the temporary nature of existence, and therefore don't give a damn as to what other people think!

Dooley67 10-18-2014 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Bede735
I was off work on Friday and went to my local pool in the afternoon. Much to my astonishment, the majority of the male swimmers were in brief swimwear! However, they were all in their 50s and 60s, and I think this has become a trend.

I have two theories on this:

1. They are past their physical peak, and it would be more exacting to swim in baggy shorts.
2. They are more aware of the temporary nature of existence, and therefore don't give a damn as to what other people think!

Well, Bede, I'm not sure what #1 means unless it's a typo and you meant to write that it takes more energy (more enervating) to swim in baggy shorts.

As far as #2 is concerned, being among the group of older folks, I don't think about the temporary nature of existence because I'm not really philosophical about it. But the second part of #2 holds for me, that I really don't care what others think. In addition, I wear brief swimwear because I can, simple as that.

Very good question - interested in what other guys in their 50's and 60's think.

SwimTeamSpeedo 10-18-2014 06:14 PM

I wear them because i like them and it is what I grew up wearing. I also do not get hung up on what others think and do not freak out about most guys liking board shorts.

Bede735 10-18-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Dooley67
Well, Bede, I'm not sure what #1 means unless it's a typo and you meant to write that it takes more energy (more enervating) to swim in baggy shorts.

Well it does, so I'm not sure how well I could do that at my time of life!

Bede735 10-18-2014 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dooley67
As far as #2 is concerned, being among the group of older folks, I don't think about the temporary nature of existence because I'm not really philosophical about it. But the second part of #2 holds for me, that I really don't care what others think.

Well, it was first swim since my father died, so I am currently in that mind-set. So, if I'm to gain anything from the experience, then hopefully that will continue.

Dooley67 10-18-2014 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Bede735
Well, it was first swim since my father died, so I am currently in that mind-set. So, if I'm to gain anything from the experience, then hopefully that will continue.


My sympathy to you on the death of your father. No matter what age you are it's very hard losing a parent, and when that happens, you do begin to think about your own mortality. I believe very much in living in the here and now and not putting off things that you want to do because we never know what tomorrow may bring.


50 Free 10-19-2014 02:56 PM

Because I can. I'm in better shape than most eighteen year olds by far. And I'm a swimmer and swimmers wear brief suits. And the ladies at the club enjoy seeing it, they talk about it and it got back to me through my wife who thinks it's funny. And I catch guys looking at me in jealous admiration, occasionally one will comment, not on my suit but my physical condition which begins conversation about diet and health and exercise- which I promote as a lifelong commitment to one's self and family and community.
If you got it, don't be afraid to show it off. I appreciate viewing a fine physique too.

Dooley67 10-19-2014 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by 50 Free
Because I can. I'm in better shape than most eighteen year olds by far. And I'm a swimmer and swimmers wear brief suits. And the ladies at the club enjoy seeing it, they talk about it and it got back to me through my wife who thinks it's funny. And I catch guys looking at me in jealous admiration, occasionally one will comment, not on my suit but my physical condition which begins conversation about diet and health and exercise- which I promote as a lifelong commitment to one's self and family and community.
If you got it, don't be afraid to show it off. I appreciate viewing a fine physique too.

Couldn't have said it better myself, 50 Free.


PSDave 10-20-2014 04:37 PM

Maybe its because they have worn them all their life and are secure enough in themselves that they wear what they like and are comfortable in. They don't have all the hang ups the young guys have of "are there other guys wearing them?" "what will people think?" etc Growing old (or growing up) seems to have a positive effect on independent thinking.

sebbie 10-21-2014 12:29 PM

Board shorts do not suddenly erase wrinkles on your body. In fact, they may just look silly


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