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20 continued
Dr, Hale, the band director was finishing up breakfast when Chris approached him, Len and Chris had also just eaten post swim, one of the last of the band members to get food before it was cleared away. Len headed off to his room to change. The two were still in their swimsuits under their now dry shorts.
“Sir, can we chat?” Chris asked as he stood in front of Dr. Hale “Sure Chris, sit down. What’s up?” the director asked. “How was your swim?” Chris opened, avoiding the question at hand. “A little slow compared to yours, but good,” he laughed. “You were working really hard today. I also like how you were giving Len advice, you guys seem to be past your difficult start.” “Yes, sir,” Chris replied. “It would be stupid to stay mad the whole trip,” he paused. “That is what I want to discuss.” “Something happen?” the director replied, suspicious of where the conversation was going. “No, not at all. I was thinking, I think it would be great if Len and I got to share the solo opening to Pictures,” Chris started, watching the facial reaction of Dr. Hale. “Len could play one concert and I cold play it at the next.” Chris added. “You know Chris, I like your generous heart, but I just don’t think you get to make that call,” Dr, Hale responded. “Len is a fine musician, but I want you in the lead chair,” Dr. Hale replied. He went on to explain all the reasons why he wanted Chris in the solo lead, all very complimentary to Chris’s ability. “You understand?” he finally closed. “Yes, sir, I get it.” Chris answered, a bit disappointed. “It’s just that Len is also really good, too. I thought it would be great if he had a chance to show off his ability, too.” “You’re a kind hearted young man, Chris,” Dr. Hale closed out the chat. “Don’t ever let that go. Swimming tomorrow?” “Absolutely,” Chris replied with a smile. “See you again at practice.” Len was still in his jammers sitting on his balcony when Chris dropped by. Chris grabbed the chair next to him, slipped his shorts off to reveal his swimsuit and laid back in the morning sun. “So, it did not work quite as planned,” Chris opened the conversation. “What happened?” Len asked, “Well, he said you are really great, but he said hew ants to keep things the way they are.” Chris explained. “Sorry man, I guess I should never have brought it up.” Chris had no idea how Len would react and he really did not want to go back to the mad Len. The sun glare prevented Chris from seeing the expression on Len’s face. There was a pause. “Hey, man, you tried,” Len replied. “You are a good friend,” he added as he reached over and put his hand on Chris’s knee. “We better get ready for practice.” “Yeah, wish we could just hand out at the beach.” Chris added. “What are you wearing to practice?” Chris asked. “I was just going to throw shorts on over my suit and a clean shirt.” Len replied. “Good idea,” Chris replied. “Me, too.” He headed back out the door to his own room. As the door closed Len turned and punched the pillow on his bed. He was hoping Chris would convince the director to give Len a shot. He grabbed a pair of board shorts and slipped them over his jammers. The feel of the tight lycra would make the practice fun. _________ “Hey, let’s go hit that swimsuit shop,” Len said to Chris after practice. “The one we never made it to this morning. You guys in?” Len turned and asked Patrick, Alex and Grant. “Sure, man,” Alex chimed in. The rest agreed. It was a great practice and Len was particularly happy. The guys were attired in a variety of summer looks, from board shorts to the shiny Nike basketball shorts and tops ranging from polos to tanks, some actually matched the shorts while others looked like they had grabbed the nearest two pieces of clothing regardless of whether they went together. The shop was a few blocks from the hotel. They made a pit stop at a bakery along the way, where the guys bought a variety of sweet things that their young bodies would burn off before it became fat. The swimsuit shop was small, sold only guys stuff, and it clearly catered more to guys who liked smaller and tighter swimwear that was a bit more revealing. A square cut section was the most covering cluster of suits they sold. Enrique was the shop attendant and his eyes lit up as the cluster of young, mostly handsome guys came in. He immediately scoped out Chris as the most amazing of the bunch, and clearly the one who had the most to show in a swimsuit. Enrique spoke mostly Dutch and French, with very little English. He was wearing a pair of white fashionable shorts that looked like they came from the pages of Undergear’s clothing section. He had on a clingy knit top of linen style that clung to his tight, muscular frame. He was co-owner of the shop with his boyfriend, who was out running on the beach. Enrique tried to size up whether the guys were a group of gay friends or not. He quickly concluded it was a mix. “Good morning,” Chris said, testing the language barrier. “Hello,” Enrique replied. “Not much English,” he quickly advised in a heavy accent. “We came in to look around,” Chris replied, realizing that Enrique had no idea what he had just said. The two guys smiled as Chris gestured with his hands to try to explain looking around. Enrique laughed as Chris smiled back at him. “Please,” Enrique replied, figuring out what Chris was saying. There was a great section of brief style suits, somewhat narrower than the traditional Speedo, even narrower on the sides than the Turbo suits Chris liked so much. Grant pulled out a really cool red and grey print that had what looked like a one inch side. “Guys, check this one out. This is great looking.” Grant said. He held it up in front of his body exactly where he would wear it. “Dude, that is a pretty skimpy suit,” Len replied. “Yeah, bet it would look hot on.” Grant replied. Enrique made out enough words to know he was about to make a sale. He pointed to the fitting room in the back corner. “Greta idea,” Grant replied as he headed in to try it on. Each of the guys grabbed one or two suits that they liked, showing them off to each other. Even Len, who swore he would only wear Jammers, found a 4 inch square cut with a geometric blue print that was just interesting enough to try on. The fitting room got quite a workout as the guys each slipped in and changed into their new suits, coming back out to show the gang what they looked like. For a bunch of guys, they were acting like ladies at the one day sale at Macy’s. Grant stole the show with his racy little suit. His bulge never looked so good, partly the cut of the suit, and partly his reaction to it. Even Enrique smiled and gave Grant the thumbs up. When it was all over, the guys left the store having given Enrique a great morning sale, each of them had at least one new suit, Len had two, and Chris and Grant both bought three, including a string side bikini each that they swore they would only wear in private on the balcony. Patrick and Alex each bought thongs, not for the beach, but for each other to model later that night. The guys could not wait to get back to the hotel and out on the beach. They had four hours until their concert. ___________________ |
20 continued
“Wow, love your swimsuit,” Melody said to Grant as she walked toward him on the beach. The red and grey print suit, was tiny, tight and accentuated him in every right way. His bulge was right out front, partly the suit and partly his own excitement. Grant, the once shy guy who was ready to go home was not becoming quite the daring swim fashion model, with his discovery of suits that made him feel sexy, attractive, and in some strange way, confident. They hugged, Melody feeling Grant’s suit bulge rub against her. Grant was quickly hard, and as they let go, the bulge would let the world know exactly how erect he was. Melody smiled at Grant, looking right at his bulge. “Guess that hug was a bit too long,” She added.
“Or not long enough,” Grant laughed. “Maybe I will take a quick dip in the water.” Grant headed into the surf. Melody watched, as she stood there in her own cute red and yellow one piece, with high leg openings. “Isn’t he cute,” she thought as her guy splashed in the water, bringing his body back in line. The rest of the guys were all spread out in a cluster on the beach, some on towels in the sand, others on loungers from the hotel. It was another collection of various swimsuits from low hung boardies to the new narrow cut briefs. Len had on the square cut he had just bought, feeling a little self conscious. It was the smallest suit he had worn in public, although it was far less revealing that Chris’s and Grants. Patrick and Alex wore their matching California Republic briefs. Each day, they came out more and more as an item. Everyone was fine with it. In fact, today they shared the same large towel, their bodies close. While no one really talked about it, everyone just accepted Alex and Patrick were more than just friends. The waves were really great, a storm out at sea made the water rougher than usual, but the weather on the beach was delightful. Alice and Sarah, who had been watching the guys from their balcony, joined the group. Alice immediately went right to Chris’s towel and sat down, her body almost on top of his. Today she had on a pure white bikini, her latest effort to turn him on. She wrapped her arms around him. “Great day,” she said. “Yeah, it is pretty nice,” Chris replied, setting down his iPad. He had been reading his latest book. He had just finished sending a note to Sheri, telling her about his new swimsuit and sending her a selfie photo he took of himself in it. He was still aroused from the thoughts of her. Sarah smiled at him and placed her hand on his left knee. “Good book?” she asked. “Yeah, it is, it’s a novel about…” Sarah wasn’t paying attention as Chris described the story. Instead she started to rub the inner part of his leg, a few inches at first, but then she went all the way up, coping a feel of his bulge, feeling the outline of him in the tiny suit. “Whoa,” Chris stopped his story. “Is this okay,” she asked, nodding to her hand. “Well, actually, not so far up.” Chris replied, sliding his leg somewhat away from her roaming hand. Sarah wanted Chris in the worst possible way, her own body was tingling with desire. “Actually, no. I’d king of prefer you leave my legs alone.” Chris cut the option. He was now upset, anything but aroused, and really wished Sarah would just leave him alone. He was too polite to say so. “Sorry,” Sarah replied. “Your new suit is just so cute.” she added. “Hey guys, how about some volleyball?” one of the guys called out. It was the perfect way to get away from Sarah’s lustful wandering hands. “I’m in,” Chris yelled back, standing. He adjusted the front of his suit. He slid his iPad under his shirt laying on the towel. “You want to play?” He asked Sarah, more out of politeness than any desire for her to say yes.” He was relieved when she said she would watch. As the guys started to play, Sarah reached over and slid the iPad out from under the shirt. She concealed it with her own towel. Thankfully, it had not screen locked yet. She scrolled through the messages first, reading the very erotic text exchange that led up to the night on the balcony. It was hot. This followed with a scroll through Chris’s photos where he found all sorts of pictures of “the girlfriend,” along with quite a few revealing selfie’s Chris had taken of himself. She wanted to send copies to herself, but knew she could not. She peered up, making sure the guys were still playing. “Time for the kill,” she thought to herself. She opened up the message icon again. The string between Chris and Sheri was the first one on the list. She clicked it open and began typing. |
I really liked this chapter. I especially like the continued portrayal of Chris as a good guy who is very unselfish and whose values appear to be rubbing off on Len. Likewise, Sarah continues to be just a manipulative, devious girl who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. You left us with the cliffhanger - what is Sarah doing with Chris' iPad and will she be successful in putting a wedge between Chris and Sheri. Wonderful dialogue and nice continuation of the swimsuit seeking theme with both straight and gay guys. D67 |
I have been reading this story for the past week, and have found my self just as emotional and aroused as Chris. I have gone to the internet to look at the great looking speedos your characters have mentioned, and have bought most of them. I too like Chris have 60 or so speedos and wear them as undies most of the time. I have never heard of Turbo and now own 8 of them, Thanks!!!
Another great chapter. Love how Sarah is not going to take no for an answer and is willing to do just about anything to get Chris
21: The log
my team won. Wish you could have seen it. Love, Chris.” Both would be waiting for Sheri when she woke. Chris laid back on the towel, displaying his very muscular body and awesome bulge for the world. The rest of the guys followed his lead, all laying out in the sun,. Grant was along side Melody, the only real budding romance. Sarah and Alice were off to Chris’s left. Sarah plotting her next move, eyeing her prey, and wishing she could see what he packed under the sexy swimsuit.
The tight and tiny swimsuit really had Grant feeling very aroused, more aroused than even he expected. In part because grant had built up lots of sexual energy and his attraction to Melody, the feelings in his male anatomy were really strong. When he laid out, he almost instantly got hard, and not just hard, but hard with the sensations of his body wanting more. Even with nothing more than the feel of the tight suit, he was on the edge of going all the way. He’d hold out as long as he could, but when his erection got too close, he’d venture to the water and cool off. He did this several times as Melody and he laid side by side. “I can’t believe this keeps happening,” he thought to himself as he boned up for whatever time it was. He tried to adjust with his had, but it just made the lust in his groin worse. Most guys would have already taken care of things, but Grant really didn’t like the act of taking care of himself. So, he was left to wait for his body to do it for him, mostly while he slept. It really had been a while, and now he was feeling it. He rolled over onto his erection, laying on his stomach. He looked and smiled at Melody. He wondered if she knew he was hard as a rock. She did. “Don’t go there,” Grant silently commanded his body, as he felt himself getting more aroused. He was way too close, and he knew if he let off his guard he’d be exploding right into the suit and the sand. Somehow he held it back, his own version of edging right there on the beach. Wearing the tiny swimsuit was turning out to have been such a good idea. He had no way to conceal his state, no shorts to quickly slip on. He masculinity and his male sexual response clearly displayed, hardly contained by the small band of lycra that wrapped between his legs and around his hip. He held Melody’s hand and waited for the urge to pass. It never quite did. “Dude, let’s go in the water,” Len urged Grant. “Maybe in a minute,” Grant replied, knowing he dare not roll over and get up. He knew he was way to rock hard to even attempt to show his front side. “You can leave Melody for a few minutes, man. She won’t mind.” Len insisted. “Oh, screw it, I’ll go myself,” he finally relented. “Oh, go in the water,” Melody chimed in as Len walked away. “I’ll even go with you,” she added standing up. Grant finally gave it his best effort, quickly getting up, he tried to cover himself with his left hand. He was protruding out the front of the suit. He could not believe that he was standing in front of Melody with such a massive hard on. Even standing up, the erection would not calm down. Melody grabbed his right hand, not saying thing about his situation. She clearly could see he was huge and aroused. “Let’s go cool off,” she lead him to the water. _______________ Rex had an absolutely stunning body, right up there with Chris in genuine good looks, but while Chris was lean and muscular, Rex was larger framed, more stocky, but very tight. He looked like an inside guard in the NBA, a “don’t mess with me” build. His personality was the polar opposite to his looks, a soft spoken, sweet guy who loved music over sports. To the chagrin of every basketball coach all the way through school, he never took up the sport, despite his 6’4” height. Instead he pursued his drums, and other sorts of percussion. “Hey all,” he called out as he approached the group. He was wearing a tight knit tank top and red shorts. His massive legs hardly contained by the openings. He looked like he just stepped off the cover of a muscle magazine. “Mind if I join?” “Hey Rex, welcome,” Len called out. “Pick a spot.” Rex laid out his towel and striped off his shirt. He revealed a muscular chest and broad set of shoulders. “I was hoping you guys would not all be in board shorts.” Rex continued as he untied the shorts he was wearing. He slipped them off to reveal a very tiny, very sexy older Andrew Christian swim brief in near total white with blue and green trim. The sides were narrow, and his manhood filled the front, creating a very substantial bulge. Rex quickly established that he was blessed with the biggest set of male equipment in the group, all of it barely contained in the suit. Sarah’s eyes about popped out of her head and certain parts of her own body got erect. “Hot swimsuit,” Len complimented Rex. “Thanks. I wasn’t sure if I should wear it, but I saw you guys in all your cool suits.” Rex replied. “So, I thought what the heck.” He looked absolutely amazing as he laid back, the tight white suit outlining his anatomical profile. Len was getting aroused watching him. He wondered if Rex might be interested in more than just chit chat on the beach. Len adjusted himself, his rapidly growing response was causing his tight squarecut swimsuit to bulge greatly. “I’m glad you decided to join us.” Len replied with a smile. _________________ Sheri was working when the text message arrived. She was at the front desk of the college pool. It was a quiet day. The kind of gorgeous day where the pool would not get crowded as most of the students would be at the beach or out having fun. A few hard core lap swimmers would keep a steady, but slow stream of users. None would swim like Chris. As she got to the pool, she was really missing him. It was the longing that made the message such a slap in the face. Sheri knew there was a risk that Chris would find some new girl on the trip, their relationship was just too new and too fresh. “I sure called that wrong,” she thought to herself as her mind raced from sadness to anger. “I thought he was different, real.” The tears were just starting. “I can’t believe he dumped me like that. Such a jerk!” the rage began. She called out to Gregory to relieve her, she needed the space. “What’s wrong?” Gregory asked, seeing the tears streaming down Sheri’s face. Sheri was strong. She never cried. Greg knew it was not good. “Oh, nothing,” Sheri replied, not being honest. “You sure?” Gregory asked. While he was not romantically interested in Sheri, they had built a great friendship. Gregory was a real friend and a cute guy. She always told him things she would never tell others. “Here, read what that jerk did.” she handed over her iphone, Chris’s message still on the screen. “Oh man, Sheri, I am so sorry. What a dumb s..t he is,” Gregory handed back the phone. “Why don’t you take the day off.” “No, I’ll be fine. Plus I’ve got you to keep my spirits up. Just let me go get it out of my system.” The tears flowed as she ran to the ladies locker room. Gregory felt awful for her. He could not believe that Chris had been so cold hearted. Gregory stood there in his red guard shorts, not sure what to do. He almost teared up at the sadness Sheri was feeling. He had a deep, kind heart. “What’s worse,” Sheri started as she came back from the locker room, “is he keeps sending me stuff like nothing ever happened. Look at these pictures he just sent.” Sheri handed Gregory the cell phone. On it were picture Chris shot of the beach, a frontal shot over his bulge out to the water, his bulging swimsuit displayed prominently in the center of the picture. “It’s like nothing happened.” “Mind if I scroll back?” Gregory asked. As he did he noticed the last note before the bad one was about how he missed her and was going to be alone without her on the beach. “It’s weird,” Gregory said. “Nothing Chris wrote before or after is anything like the note.” “What are you saying?” Sheri asked Gregory. “I don’t know, but something’s not right about this,” Gregory replied. He just could not put his mind around it. Too much, too fast. “This just does not sound like Chris,” his mind wandered in thought as he reflected on the message he had read and the string right up to the picture Chris sent just moments ago. _____________________________ |
21 continued
“I could not believe the whole thing,” Grant started out explaining to Chris as they walked back alone to the hotel. “You know how some days you are just all horned up. Like really bad.”
“Yeah,” Chris replied. “I think we all get that way, sometimes.” “That was me today. I was like getting a boner at everything. I don’t know if it was the skimpy swimsuit or what, but I kept getting hard,” Grant continued his guy talk. “And I mean not a little, like a full on stiffy.” “I hate when that happens. I have had days like that at swimming where even the cold pool water didn’t stop it.” Chris empathized with Grant. “I mean it really sucks.” “I kind of felt bad for him,” Melody was telling her roommate as they chatted while getting ready for the concert. “I mean the poor guy was wearing this really tiny swimsuit and I could tell he was getting all turned on, I mean you couldn’t help but see he was.” Melody added. “Wow, I wondered what happened if a guy gets a hard on in one of those suits. I mean I figured they must. My brother swims and I am sure he has had it happen,” the roommate replied. “Well, let me tell you, the swimsuit barely contained him, and I could see every detail.” Melody laughed. “I mean everything. I knew he was self conscious about it because he kept trying to adjust with his hand, but I think he just made himself more hard.” “Why didn’t you just go take care of it,” Chris asked. “You know, go to the bathroom or something.” “I am really not into that,” Grant confessed. “I feel kind of weird about it.” “It sure beats getting a boner all day long,” Chris replied. “I don’t know how you can just not do it.” “The walk on the beach was the worst,” Grant continued the story, the two guys now back at the hotel, both still wearing the tiny swimsuits. The conversation was getting them all worked up again, for some reason especially Chris. “What happened?” Chris asked. “Well, you know we went for quite a while. We got down to the far end, past the hotels. I was major hard the whole walk, I never knew you could stay hard walking that long. You know that feeling you get….” Grant trailed off. “So, we stopped at this spot where there was a giant log,” Melody continued the story to her roommate. I suggested we sit and watch the waves. It was really peaceful, we were far enough down that there was nobody around. Grant sat down first and I sat right in front of him, kind of pushed right up against him.” “Wow, sounds pretty romantic,” the roommate responded, her curling iron embedded in her blonde wavy hair. “It was, he wrapped his arms around me. I could feel him against my butt,” Melody explained. “You know what I mean, I could feel that part of him,” she emphasized with her hand motioning to the crotch. “I could tell he was really turned on.” “So Melody suggested we sit on this log,” Grant explained as the guys stepped in the elevator. “I was like okay, but I knew.” Grant continued. “I mean you know when you get that urge, like all you can feel is that part of you. I was like that.” Grant blushed a little. “Dude, what did you do?” Chris asked. “I mean all aroused and alone with a cute girl. I might have lost it right there.” “His swimsuit was so tight on him,” Melody continued. “He was kind of pressing into me, and I think he was getting really into it. I mean I could feel every inch of him against my back as he rubbed. He was breathing heavy. I kind of held his knees and rubbed his legs.” “Wow, sounds like he wanted you bad,” the roommate interrupted. “So, she is like rubbing my legs and I am against her. I started to really get carried away. I felt myself getting really turned on, I mean like I could not stop. I was so hard, I was afraid I was going to rip right out of the suit. She pressed back into my crotch, like she wanted to really give me more.” Grant continued as they walked down the hall to Chris’s room. He was getting hard just telling the story, as was Chris listening. “How did you stop?” Chris asked. “All of a sudden I could feel him start to shake. He froze. He was breathing deep, almost moaning in my ear,” Melody further gave the details of the story. “ His legs became tight. I asked him if he was alright.” “What did he say?” the roommate asked. “He said something like “Oh no,” Melody explained. “Suddenly I felt him thrust.” “I knew I had gone too far. I was shaking trying to stop, but I couldn’t. I finally could not hold it back and I had this powerful thrust. I could not believe that I was…” Grant finished the story. “He was so apologetic,” Melody continued. “I knew he felt really bad about it. In a way it was kind of cute. We both went in the water . He went up to his chest.” “He must really like you,” the roommate replied. “Yeah,” Melody ended the story. ______________________ Chris had no idea what was going on. Sheri had not replied to any of his texts, despite the fact that his iPhone said she read them. It was late and he was laying along in bed, wide awake. Something was wrong, but he had no idea what. Alex was asleep in the other bed. Chris quietly got up, he was wearing a solid blue Nike swimsuit, one he slept in often. The strings were missing, so it fit more like a pair of brief underwear. He was bare-chested. He quietly slid the sliding door open. The sound of the surf rippled into the room. It had cooled considerably, now almost perfect. He reached back and grabbed a towel. He slid the door shut and sat on the lounger on the balcony. A young couple made out in the glimmer of light far out on the beach. They were in love. So was Chris. But unlike the lovers on the beach, he had no idea what was going on in his relationship. All he knew was something was not right. “Did I say something bad?” he pondered. The indigo light of the iPad glimmered in the darkness. Chris scrolled back through all the texts, finding the start of the day. “What the hell!” Chris blurted out. Before his eyes he saw exactly what had gone wrong. “I never sent that,” he confessed to a silent balcony. “Oh no!” he exclaimed. Chris was mad, sad and confused all at the same time. He felt helpless. Lost. “What the hell do I do now?” Chris asked himself aloud. He began banging out a note…. |
Wow, what an update. Sarah is turning out to be a very bad thing for Chris. How will Chris handle this? With his usual finesse, or will it get ugly. Great chapters STS. Please continue
I agree with a speedo minded guy. Fantastic chapter with great dialogue and language. I especially liked the story Grant was telling Chris and Melody telling her friends simultaneously - it was so well executed and constructed. Can't wait for the next chapter to see how things will work out with Chris and Sheri.
D67 |
Great story and great story telling. Definitely looking forward to more!
Awesome work, STS. |
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