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Bill's immediate dilemma
Bill is now awake, lying in bed, wondering how he is going to get out of the predicament that he has managed to get himself in without embarrassing himself or adversely affecting his currently decent roommate situation with Joe. Bill comes out of the belief that jerking off is best done at night, and under the covers, and between the age of 12 and 18 at home, he honed his skills in surreptitiously jerking off without drawing the attention of others, specifically, his parents, his older sister, but in particular his younger brother, to what he was doing on a regular basis nearly every night.
He had honed his skills at using a facial tissue much like a condom, to catch semen before it messed up his bottoms or got on the sheets in significant amounts. He had actually gotten pretty good at the techniques, as in reading his mind and body as to almost the exact moment he was going to ejaculate, and then collecting nearly all the semen in the tissue. The only real clue was the little plastic waste basket that had somehow migrated from the opposite corner of the bedroom to right next to the upper left hand corner of the bed, and the tissue box sitting right there too. Bill never worried a lot about this, however, because if anyone asked he could always plausibly say that sometimes he needed to blow his nose and clean out stuffy sinuses during the night. Sometimes his sister helped his mom with the cleaning, and on occasion the boys got dragged into this work too despite their distaste for a lot of it. The convenient thing was that the tissue containing the semen looked almost exactly like a soiled tissue containing whatever you call the flemmy stuff you blow out of your nose. Neither his older sister nor his younger brother were going to try and unravel that. Frankly, it did not even dawn on them that the soiled tissues could contain something a lot more interesting. It was all just soiled tissue that needed to be put in the trash. So the tissue condom was a near–perfect under-the-cover-jerk off cover,…except that…. Except that the wet dreams did present something of a problem, being so unpredictable. If the wet dream ended with a full-scale orgasm and ejaculation while the dreamer was still fast asleep or even awake but drowsy, there was no time whatsoever to get the tissue in position for collecting the semen. So would then end up with cum-stained pajama bottoms (he did not sleep in just boxer shorts at that age) not to mention cum-stained sheets too. This created quite a mess, at least until the cum from the jerking off had thoroughly dried. When Bill was 13, he initially thought that the only real strategic issue was to wait until the wet semen dried, which usually took a few hours of laying in bed. But Bill quickly learned that dry cum stains leave a very odd starchy patch on his pajama bottoms when dry. Odd not only because these patches felt like a little area that appeared like a small patch of laundry starch, but also because they stained the pajama bottoms with off-colored yellow stains. You could see a pattern on the pajamas where every drop of cum landed. Bill had actually heard the terms, cum-tracks cum-stain trails or even penis tracks. Even worse, there would be similar stains on the sheets. Starchy little discolored patches landing here and there about a third way down on the bottom sheet. All was ok so long as the bed wasn’t being stripped, but if the bed were opened up, there would be all these stains that clearly indicated that something involving a liquid had happened while Bill was in the bed. Bill never did figure out a plausible explanation that he could use except to say that whatever it was that caused the stains must have happened while Bill was fast asleep. Mom seemed to get used to the notion that the sheets from Bill’s room were always going to be soiled within the week. Pajama bottoms too. If mom had figured out what was really happening and how much Bill was involved in creating these stains, she had the good sense to never confront Bill or even say a word about te laundry issue. Bill always thought that was to his mom’s credit for sure. Were other guys so lucky? Bill brought all of these teen-age jerk-off and wet-dream experiences and cover ups right along with him to college. Obviously he knew that some of this could easily be an issue with a male roommate sleeping right next to him in a tiny dorm room. But what was he to do, just not go to college? That wasn’t an option. So, at this point we have Bill still under the covers, still wearing the same pair of boxer shorts he wore to bed, but now the boxer shorts are covered with big spots of wet cum, ejaculate from that wild-ass funchball wet-dream sequence that he just awoke from. Bill THINKS Joe is still fast asleep in his own bed, and knows nothing. Bill NEEDS to get the cum-stained shorts into his laundry bag in the closet in the other corner of the room, and Bill would like to put on a clean dry pair from the drawer in the chest in the same closet. How to pull this all off without awakening Joe? The sheets have cum on them too, and that is a problem as well, because it is Tuesday and laundry pickup day is on Friday. What a mess! Bill decides that with respect to the sheet issue, the best strategy is to just let the cum stains dry to their starchy spots of discoloration. Live with the cum-stained sheets until Friday. After all this isn’t the first time in Bill’s life that he has ended up sleeping in sheets stained with cum! Bill then decides that what he really needs to do is get up in a hurry, quickly drop the soiled, cum-stained boxers he is still wearing to the floor, and then make a fast dash to the opposite side of the room stark naked, grab a clean pair of boxers out of the drawer there, and pull them on as quickly as possible. At that point Bill can nonchalantly carry the pillow-case laundry bag back to the bed edge and stuff the cum-stained shorts into the pillow case. Finally put the laundry bag back into the closet. Bill thinks no one will be the wiser and he implements the strategy. Bill thinks Joe is still asleep. Of course Joe is not asleep. In fact, Joe has one eye open but only pretending to still be asleep. Joe sees Bill making this wild dash naked cross the room and gets a glimpse of Bill’s naked butt moving in a hurry. Joe is starting to wonder about this, in part because Bill was not exactly completely quiet during the funchball game dream. Bill actually talked, or at least mumbled, in his dream sleep, cheering the opposing teams out loud and making what sounded like nothing so much as like somewhat lewd comments about the uniforms both the guy and the girl funchball players were wearing. What really confused Joe is that he heard Bill mutter what sounded like F@#kball! F@#kball! Several times during the night. To Joe, Bill seemed to be having, at best, a confusing night or a really wild dream. Bill pulled off his boxer sacking maneuver thinking that Joe knew nothing at all. Shortly thereafter Joe got up and dressed for class. bill did not say anything to Joe about what had happened during the night, nor did Joe mention that he thought Bill was behaving a bit “odd’, to say the least. Both Joe and Bill quickly dressed and were off to their early morning classes. ……..To be continued |
Off to Class, but...
Bill went on to his classes, but, quite frankly, his mind was not very much on the class contents. Bill was thinking about stuff, weighty stuff. He was still replaying the funchball dream over and over in his mind. Bill started thinking about stuff. Really weighty stuff.
The part of the dream sequence that kept going over and over in Bill’s head was about the costumes the funchball teams were wearing. The girls looked really cute in the snug Spandex shirts and shorts. But Bill’s dream focus had been on the hunky guys dressed out similarly, and he was particularly focused on seeing those jock straps clearly outlined under the guys’ tight compression-jammer shorts. Funchball was nothing if not sexy fun, appealing to “arousal central”. If Bill was really this ruler-straight guy, why did the dream head off in such an unexpected direction? Was this an indication that Bill had a gay streak and a special interest in and appreciation of guys he didn’t fully appreciate or even realize was there? Bill was starting to struggle with what all the stuff that happened in the dream sequence really meant for his real sexual orientation. Until the dream took place, he thought sexual orientation was rather simple to understand. Sexual orientation basically divided human beings into two groups, straight or gay. Whether you were straight or gay, as in one or the other, depended entirely on who you engaged with for partner sex. Straight guys always had partner sex with women. Gay guys always other men. This, Bill had always thought, was all very simple. Bill got to thinking, however, that if this were true, what of all the people floating around that did not seem to be having partner sex with anyone? Are they neither straight nor gay? But then Bill concluded that sexual orientation was not determined by the gender of the person you are having regular sex with. But rather by the gender of the person you would most want to have sex with if you were in a relationship. So a lot of people not having partner sex with anyone at the present time could be classified as being either straight or gay simply based on the gender of their primary sexual longings. That seems straightforward, at least at first. Of course there are asterisks and footnotes. With sexuality, there always seems to be asterisks and footnotes. For starters, what about those who claim to be bisexual, as in attracted to, desiring, and perhaps even engaging in partner sex with people of both genders, perhaps over a period as short as a few months or even days? These people must fit into a third category of those who are neither straight nor gay, but somewhere in the middle place between the first two categories. But then what about what is sometimes called asexual people, people who seem not to be interested in having partner sex at all? Even this gets complicated. We all have met spinsters and single males who claim to be completely disinterested in sex at all. These are the men and women who cannot remember the last time they had a sexual orgasm, alone or with a partner. Bill is not sure he wants to toss this group of people into the space with the people who claim to be bisexual if the bisexuals are regularly engaging in partner sex with people of both genders and the asexual are not engaging in sex with anyone. This gets more complicated still. It suddenly occurs to Bill that some people (Sebbie maybe as an example?) seem to enjoy solo sex immensely to the point of continuously dreaming up new and interesting ways to jerk off. This thought had never occurred to Bill before. But these solo-sex episodes almost invariably end up being private, solo sessions, not sessions with a partner of either gender. Bill gets to thinking that there are plenty of people who do not have a sexual partner, and plenty more who are of the mindset that they are no longer even interested in having a sexual partner. Are these people somehow denied orgasmic pleasure simply because of their relationship status? Bill thinks about this. He considers himself heterosexual, but for right now a regular sexual relationship with a certain girl could create more problems for him (and her) than it resolves. The girl might soon get to thinking because Bill’s actions with his penis that she is the one for eternity, and Bill is not ready for that, at least not yet for sure. Probably not the relationship for ANY 19-year old to get into, regardless of how much he thinks he is “in love.” So, what is the other option? Bill certainly does not want to deny himself the pleasures of having powerful orgasms at age 19, but, without a female partner, Bill is back to jerking off, in private. Finding a place to jerk off in private under the circumstances has become quite a problem still to be resolved. Bill thinks that in a few ways things are better in college than they were at home, but in other ways the current situation is far worse in this regard. Bill cannot go into a jerk-off session in front of his roommate, Joe, or he might have to rethink his belief that he is a straight-as-an-arrow heterosexual. Joe too! But the hormones are raging, and Bill thinks jerking off is great fun, maybe almost as much fun as real partner sex. The orgasm Bill had at the end of the funchball wet dream, Bill thinks, was the most powerful of any that he has ever had. What gives? There was no partner. Only a strap, a cup and a bellicose coach. ……..To be continued. |
Planning the shopping trip
Sebbie is a “mean” writer. He doesn’t intentionally set out to twist his readers’ heads in all sorts of different ways, but sometimes he ends up doing that, inadvertently. Well, maybe not so inadvertently.
Bill has gone to a lot of hero-and-villain movies. In some of these movies, the hero is captured by the villain. The villain then attempts to gain control over the hero, and then to help the villain in his wrongdoing. An interesting way of accomplishing this involves having the villain inject the hero with a brain-controlling microchip, something that looks halfway between a little insect and a mechanical beast containing a microchip. This mechanical insect then goes in and migrates to the hero’s brain, and starts to force the hero to do the villain’s biding. Bill is starting to think that Sebbie’s papers seem to work on him much like a mechanical insect microchip would. On first reading, these seem innocuous enough, and hardly even that sexy. Certainly they contain no descriptions or videos of raw partner sex like so many of the Internet porno sites do. The stuff Sebbie seems to like to write about seems pretty harmless and even a little boring at times. When Bill read “Spending the night in a Cup”, something must have clicked in his head. Bill was not even aware of what was happening to him. But then he went to bed, and the funchball dream almost immediately started up. The funchball dream plot by no means followed the plot of the “Spending the Night in a Cup” paper, not anything close. But some of the ideas contained in Sebbie’s Cup paper showed up in different contexts in the dream. It was almost as if Sebbie had inserted an insect-like microchip into Bill that then traveled into Bill’s brain and took over during sleep to then write the dream script. And here Sebbie was just having fun writing about his experiences in wearing a strap, cup and compression shorts to bed. Interestingly, a combination much like the funchball uniform in the dream, the storyline that got Bill so hot and bothered. Bill did not quite know how to deal with all of this. He was suddenly in a strange place. He loved the funchball uniforms, all the slinky Spandex, the tight straps, the look and probable feel of a snug hard cup bearing firmly down on his penis. He was struggling to not keep thinking about all of this. Bill was in a different place now, psychologically and sexually. Sebbie had crawled into Bill’s head. Bill knew well what he wanted to do. He wanted to go out to a real sporting goods store, a store that had a wide selection of snug-fitting compression tees and shorts all in bright-and-sexy colors. He knew maybe he couldn’t find exactly what was in the dream costumes, the triple vertical stripes in a contrasting color. Old Gold compression wear was going to be tricky to find too, but probably not Navy Blue or Steel Gray. Those would be easy. Another issue would be to find the right strap and cup to wear underneath. Sebbie provided some guidance on that, but some of what Sebbie said is clearly out of date. This will take some serious research for sure. Bill decided that what he really wanted to do is find the pieces he needed to look as close as possible to the male funchball players he thought were so sexy in the dream. So he decided that as soon as classes were done for the day he would take a quick trip out to the big-box sporting goods store in an effort to come as close as he could to what the guys in the funchball game were wearing. Bill still has a potentially big problem. At some point Joe is going to see some of what he is up to, and will start asking questions about what is going on with him, which even Bill thinks has gotten bizarre. Intensely aroused guys sometimes do bizarre things. What is Bill going to say? Is Bill going to reveal to Joe why he is behaving in such an awkward way? What details does Bill tell Joe and what does he leave out? Does Bill tell anything to joe about his seemingly sudden infatuation with solo sex methods? What will Joe think once he sees the costume Bill bought? Will Joe react by angrily putting in for a different roommate concluding that Bill has suddenly gone completely “off the ranch” so to speak? There is a lot more going on here than Bill merely needing to get his cum-stained wet dream sheets picked up in the Friday laundry pickup for sure! These are all interesting questions and questions that surely deserve an answer. How does the shopping trip go? Does Bill find any clothing remotely similar to what he saw the funchball players wearing in the dream? My readers surely deserve answers to all of this. But, quite frankly, I do not know the answers to any of these questions right now. I am as confused about what is happening with Bill as Joe is. Well, almost as confused. I can relate to Bill and know what Bill must be feeling right now. Sexually, Bill is being tugged in all sorts of different directions at once. I am hoping to figure out where this is all going from here by tomorrow morning, and in the meantime you will just have to wait. At this point you think that what is about to happen is that Bill gets his funchball uniform purchased and then crawls into bed wearing it, with Joe wondering what in the world is up with his roommate. For now, that is a good place for my readers to be. If you want to jerk off while reading all of this, that is quite OK with Sebbie and approved too, but you might need your own funchball uniform to make that work for you. As I said at the start, Sebbie can be a “mean” writer in messing with his readers. I dare you to try keeping from reading the next episode with Bill, Joe and the new funchball uniform. I think you are having trouble staying away. Something is calling for you to read on as Sebbie is setting you up. …….To be continued. |
It’s off to the big-box sporting goods store!
Classes are over, and Bill has spent the entire day just thinking about how much fun the wet dream last night was. He had never had an orgasm that powerful before. And Bill is starting to get the entire sequence of events back into perspective. He feels fine all over, in fact kinda warm inside, in a way that he had never quite felt before. It is just a little more confused than he was before about sex, and maybe a few more unanswered questions about his own sexuality and sexual identity as a human being, questions that had never even occurred to him before.
Bill was still deeply engaged in the funchball game dream but especially the uniforms the guys were wearing that showed jockstraps and even the outline of a hard cup under the skin-tight compression shorts and shirts. Truth is, Bill was much more a pointy-headed student than an athlete in high school. What this meant was that he had never even played in a sport where straps were required equipment, let alone a contact sport that would require a hard protective cup. But then Joe hadn’t either, but we will get back to that part of the story line a few chapters from now. Still, Bill as a non-athlete, was always curious about, and perhaps just a bit envious of, the guys in high school that wore straps and cups to play their sports. That meant the football players and the baseball players in Bill’s school. Secretly, he always wondered how being in a strap felt, particularly a strap that held a protective cup. In particular, he wondered what happened if a player should accidentally get an erection while wearing a strap and cup, Where would the erection be able to go? That could be painful. Just thinking about having your penis in a confined space seemed to be at once a bit scary but also in a strange way, erotic and stimulating. Bill could feel his penis stiffen just a little even as he thought about all of this. Just thinking, he suddenly nearly had a real “semi” coming on, complete with a few drops of precum, and he was not even thinking about sex as such and not the least about sex with a partner. That was certainly unexpected, but in an odd way, a little bit fun too that Bill’s body was “messing” with his head that way. After all, Bill was still wearing just boxer shorts under his jeans, not exactly something erotic, and it was only the images in his mind that were doing this to him. Bill was always quite curious about how jock straps would feel on his body, but he had no reason to own a strap given his non-athlete status in high school. He could not just go out and buy one for no particular reason. How would he explain this to his parents? Now Bill was in college, on his own more or less, and he was free to own any clothing that fit his college-student budget, including stuff that could best be classified as athletic garb he wanted. His parents were no longer looking over his shoulder with respect to every detail about how he spent his money. He still had to figure out an explanation if he planned to put on the athletic-looking garb right in front of his roommate Joe, but coming up with that seemed simple relative to explaining exactly what he was up to to his parents. Bill decided not to worry about the excuse he would make, for now. Bill’s reaction to the funchball uniforms in the dream seemed to indicate that Bill ‘liked” practically anything that would grip his penis and nads and provide a sensation of containment. Some of this is psychological and some of it is physical, as Sebbie had said. Bill sensed the same thing when thinking about stuff surrounding his penis. It was only partly the physical sensations of your penis being contained inside something, but it was also the psychological knowledge that this was the case that was so interesting, and, at least to an extent, driving him bananas. Sexual feelings can be loopy in that regard. Loopy maybe, but in an odd way, also terrific fun. Of course, a strap and cup is not a real female vagina, nor even close to that. Bill knew that only too well. He wasn’t fooling himself in that regard at all. Still, for a 19 y/o single college student not in a sexual relationship of any sort with another person, the combination still apparently provides something that is sexually interesting and stimulating. At least that is what Sebbie said in the cup paper, and it seemed to be verified by the male funchball players in the wet dream. Maybe being a high school jock rather than a pointy-headed know-it-all had its advantages, too. And for a horny, single freshman college student not in a partner relationship, what was wrong with that? He wasn’t going to get VD, HIV or a girl pregnant from just wearing a jock strap for goodness sakes. This seemed like completely safe, cheap, at least mildly erotic fun. An in human sexuality, given the alternatives for horny 19-year old college freshmen, the other options frequently cannot say that. So it’s off to the sporting goods store as Bill pondered all of this, while replaying the funchball wet dream over and over in his head! …….To be continued |
Picking out the "merchandise"
Bill was still thinking about the colorful details of the funchball uniforms in the dream. He was also thinking about the points that Sebbie made in the cup paper about selecting straps and cups for the best self-pleasuring results.
First off, Bill decided to locate a compression tee and compression shorts as close as possible to what was in the dream. He knew old gold would be all but impossible to find. But he did find a rack of compression tees, some in navy and some in steel gray, and a few racks over the matching compression shorts in the same two colors. Bill settled on the steel gray. The shorts came in two lengths, one came nearly to the knee and the other cut off closer to mid-thigh. Everything was labeled Small, Medium or large. Sebbie in his paper said it is best to undersize the shorts a bit to make sure the strap and cup is held securely to the groin and the cup cannot move around 'too much'. Just a little, maybe? Bill had about a 32-inch waist. The small shorts said 30-32 and the medium ones 34-36. Bill decided that the Small shorts were the better choice for what he was going to be doing. In the case of the tee, however, Bill went with the medium which was technically a 38-40 size not 34-36. Bill worried that he would not even be able to get into the smaller tee. Even the medium looked pretty small and tight. Bill put the steel gray shorts and matching tee in his shopping cart. Then it was off to find a suitable strap and cup. Sebbie explained that the smaller and snugger fitting the cup fit around the flaccid penis the better the sensations, and it was helpful in getting a tight fit if the strap itself was a little undersized too. What Sebbie described looked amazingly just like the straps and cups the funchball player were wearing in the dream. A lot of cups in the store looked way oversized and not at all liked the funchball cups in the dream. Bill thought his penis would just flop around loosely inside any of those. These were actually all “banana style cups”. Finally Bill spotted what he thought was what we wanted, an old school “Flarico” brand strap with a smaller, somewhat flatter cup. And one size was adult SM. Bill threw that cup and strap into his cart and went to the counter to check out. He was too embarrassed to go to the checkout counter with a girl, but a guy was at the other counter, so Bill checked out there, looking somber. And Bill was back off to his campus dorm room mulling what if anything he was going to tell Joe. …….To be continued |
Thinking Up the Excuse
Bill drives back to his dormitory from the sporting goods store, still trying to figure out how he is going to come up with a plausible explanation to Joe with respect to what he just did. He needs a story line that is at least a little bit believable, at least a line that Joe does not burst out in uncontrollable laughter at the outrageousness of it all.
Bill really wants to try Sebbie’s stunt using the pieces that he just bought at the big-box sporting goods store. In short, Bill wants to try spending the night in a cup while dressing as the funchball player that he saw in the wet dream experience and run an experiment of sorts in an attempt to see exactly how his body reacts to the new “predicament” that it is in through the night. This sounds like wild and crazy fun, something a College freshman might try but probably not a high school senior. But while this is the unvarnished truth certainly that is not an explanation that would work with Joe as to why he is wearing all the equipment he purchased to bed that night. At least that is not today’s explanation. Maybe Bill can clue Joe in a bit more as to the unvarnished truth tomorrow, or the net day. Bill needs to come up with something that at least has an element of plausibility and sanity to it, and certainly not that he wants to see if he can still successfully jerk off while wearing a strap, a cup and a pair of really snug fitting compression shorts. The truth is just too blunt. Naw, Bill needs a subtler excuse. Bedtime is nearing. Bill is thinking. Joe is in the room thinking bedtime is nearing too. Maybe a simple explanation is the best approach, even though it stretches the truth “just a little”. OK, well maybe a lot. Bill finally concocts an explanation. Here it is. “I have been thinking that I want to do some workouts at the College gym for students. The gym is only a half-block away from the dormitory. I decided I did not bring any clothes to campus suitable for that. Mostly my closet is filled with several pairs of jeans plus some colored shirts. I was out to the big box sporting goods store this afternoon, and they had racks of tee shirts and shorts on sale. Turns out, they are both made of this new Lycra blend suff. But since that stretches so much it might be just what I need for my new student gym workouts. The only problem is, after I got this stuff home, I decided that the size looks as if the fit is going to be rather snug. I thought maybe if I wore the shorts and compression tee to bed for several nights, that would loosen them up a bit when I use them at the gym.” That sounded plausible at least, not laugh-in-your face silly. Joe seemed just listen and to take all of this in stride. Joe was a bit surprised in that Joe had never shown any interest in being an athlete or even working out in the gym before this. But if Joe had issues with Bill’s explanation, he did not show that in his facial expression. Joe just took this all in. …….To be continued |
the tags come off
The tags still need to come off the tee and shorts, but a nail clipper in Bill’s desk drawer works fine for this. Bill has a bigger problem, however. The strap and cup came packaged in what they call a blister pack, and the blister pack has to be cut or ripped apart to get at the contents. How does he do this in front of Joe in the tiny dorm room?
Bill says “Oh, and I decided to buy a strap too. I decided that could provide some support when I am working out.” Bill doesn’t mention the cup, but Joe can see a cup inside the blister pack, too. Joe says nothing about what he says. Bill says “I think I am going to try the strap on and see if I got he right size” He proceeds to do that. After that he slips the cup in the little pouch, saying nothing more to Joe. But Joe is quietly observing all of this. Next Bill struggles a bit as he pulls on the tee. This compression wear really does fit snug. It has to, to do its job, Bill thinks. Finally, Bill pulls on the shorts, the ones he bought that were SM when Bill actually thought he was a MED. Man, are these snug, Bill thinks to himself, but he says nothing at all to Joe, who has been watching all of this in silence. Yup, Joe is watching all of this with some interest of his own. Joe is not sure what is happening to him. Was that really a couple drops of precum forming at the tip of his penis just watching as Bill struggles to get into his gym garb? Joe doesn’t know, but something was going on down there. Joe did not want to even think about that. So Bill says “I think I am ready for bed now. I hope this idea works and these clothes are going to be easier to get in and out of when I do go to the gym. Bill never makes the point with Joe that he was ready for bed with the strap and hard cup still in place, but certainly Joe must know that, Bill thinks to himself. Oh well, no reason to raise that point at this stage. So, Bill crawls into his twin bed wearing all of this garb, and Joe quickly lands in his own bed. The lights are off. Tomorrow is Wednesday, and both Joe and Bill have only one late class in the afternoon. In the morning they can both sleep in. In spite of all of this, Bill quickly falls into a deep sleep, all this stuff Bill is wearing is there for sure, but for right now it doesn’t seem that uncomfortable. Indeed, it feels quite nice, not erotic nice, but nice to sleep in, at least for the time being. Joe is having problems getting to sleep, however. In his mind’s eye, he is playing over and over what he saw and what Bill was doing. Joe thought that there must be more going on here than Bill had told him. Joe was wondering what Bill was feeling as he got into all this stuff. Remember, Joe was no more of a student athlete than Bill was and was perplexed as to what could happen if HE were to get into garb similar to what Bill had worn to bed. As a teenager, Joe had messed around more than Bill had ever done using articles of snug-fitting clothing as jerk-off aids. That is what Joe often did at home when his parents were off running errands and his older brother was at his part-time job. By the time he graduated from high school Joe had a short list of items that he “enjoyed” wearing and sometimes masturbated into. He never admitted that to anyone and kept these items secret from his family. These items did not include straps, cups or compression wear, but somehow Bill had hit some buttons in the stuff he had brought home today in the sporting goods store. As Joe thought about this over and over, he was starting to get a little aroused just replaying what he had seen Bill just do. The basic question was his understanding of what Bill was feeling as he “tried on” the new clothes. At some point Joe got to thinking that he would really like to be in Bill’s shoes right now, so to speak, even though Bill was not wearing shoes. Joe could feel a little blood flowing into his penis as he thought about what he had just seen and that Bill was sleeping wearing this stuff right next to Joe. Joe could sense a tiny spot of precum forming on his boxer shorts just at the tip of his penis. This was in some ways exciting, but in other ways, more than a little scary. Finally Joe just drifted off thinking about what he had just seen his roommate do and wondering how it was all going with Bill in the twin-size bed just a few feet away. ……..To be continued |
Where are we now?
This is getting to be a long and complex story line. Bill and Joe, both who believe themselves to be ruler- straight 19-year olds, by accident ended up as roommates in an old school men’s college dormitory that offered little if any privacy particularly for jerking off. Only 6 weeks into their freshman year, the pressures of competing in college classes along with being constantly horny but seldom able to find the privacy necessary to get relief, the unfortunate combination of conditions are taking a toll.
Bill ended up surfing the Web and ended up reading Sebbie’s “Spending the night in a Cup” Web paper. At the time, Bill thought the paper was interesting but innocuous but hardly erotic. But then Bill went to sleep and had an erotic dream involving a coed funchball competition in which both the guys and girls together were playing a crazy game with some elements of softball and some elements of soccer. Bill’s dream eye was first attracted to the women, but he was surprised in the dream when his attention suddenly turned to the guy’s uniforms, colorful, snug fitting, skin-tight spandex that looked as if the players had been poured into them. Not only that, it was clear that the guys had neat little straps on underneath and hard cups too. Bill got turned on by all of this even tho he was asleep and ended up with a big erection. He ended up with a powerful orgasm that spread cum everywhere in his bed just as he awoke from the dream. Bill was talking in his sleep, too, and that captured the attention of Joe in the other little dorm-room bed. Bill had a real mess to clean up but he also thought the orgasm he had was nothing short of amazing as to how it felt. The next day, after cleaning himself up, Bill decided that he needed to get himself a real funchball outfit at a local sporting goods store. Today he found something very close and he decided to try the uniform on and then crawl into bed wearing it, much as Sebbie’s paper had suggested. Keep in mind that neither Joe nor Bill was a high school athlete and neither had ever even worn a strap, let alone a hard cup. Joe watched Bill get into his new purchases and, to Joe’s surprise, got a little aroused as he was watching. Not a big-penis arousal, but he could feel precum forming at the very tip of his penis as he watched Bill struggle to get into and adjust his new clothing to his body. Joe was surprised by this because he had always thought he was perfectly straight and not at all interested in or attracted to othe men, even men who might be sexually excited, as Joe suspected Bill might be under the circumstances. Actually, Bill was a bit disappointed. Initially he did not know how his body was going to “respond” to the clothes and snug-fitting little strap. He thought he might quickly end up with a big erection that would not even fit inside the cup, but that was not the case. Bill had no difficulty fitting his male member inside the cup, and did not notice any significant degree of discomfort as he crawled into bed. Bill was perhaps even thinking that what Sebbie had written was all wrong, or at least did not work for Bill. Joe, on the other hand, was rather turned on by what he observed even though he had no new clothes like Bill had. This bothered Joe to a certain degree at least, because never before had he gotten himself aroused just by looking at another guy. Bill fell asleep wearing the funchball uniform garb. But Joe laid awake in his dorm room bed still thinking about all of this and what it might mean for Joe and his future. ……..To be continued. |
Bill learns about himself in college
Getting to go to college can be a marvelous experience. Most of the constraints imposed on you by teachers in high school are suddenly gone. Professors seem to not really care what you do except they like it when you show up for class. Parents are back home not watching your every move, and the professors are clearly not locus parentis. The dorm has a resident counselor, but he seems like a very mild-mannered junior psychology/social work major of all things, there only because he has two years of college under his belt.
Colleges give students a lot of latitude to study subjects on a wide range of topics in as much depth as each student wants to go, indeed, the deeper the better. And no subject is more interesting to study than human sexuality now without any constraints imposed by parents or high school teachers. And with the Web now completely lacking adult/parental controls, Bill was ready to do some serious reading up on all the topics he wanted to know more about. Have other guys discovered the same things Bill had discovered under the covers? How do other guys deal with all of this? A lot of the Web sites Bill has managed to read at some level sound very scientific, sometimes using terms unfamiliar to Bill. Bill had hung out with peers in high school, and any reference to sexual parts or function always was in slang. Penis sometimes came out as dong, for example. Testicles were balls or sometimes ‘nads. Bill had always wondered where the term nads came from, but on line he soon learned that nads was really a slang shortening of gonads, which could refer to either the male or female sexual organs. Nads were like ‘rents were to parents as in I really wanted to go to the party, but my ‘rents wouldn’t let me out of the house! I was really feeling horny and my ‘nads were aching to blow. Ahh, for the vernacular peer slang language of the teen-ager. Bill had gotten into some really interesting reading when he searched on the terms frenulum and perineum. Both searches led to some well laid out Web sites that explained some details of human sexuality Bill was not aware of, with even line anatomical drawings and an occasional photo too. These were the kinds of materials the adult firewall Web controls were blocking in high school. That seemed strangely unfortunate to Bill, because the sites he was pulling up were designed to be educational about sex and sexuality but not pornographic as such. The topics addressed some of the same issues in the high school sex and socialization class, but in far greater detail. This whole issue of slang versus scientific term got more complicated as Bill kept digging. Bill knew that jerk-off was slang for masturbation aka solo sex. The guys in high school would say that they were horny and needed to jerk off, on occasion, but never that they needed to masturbate. In the world of high school teen boys with raging hormones, jerk-off was considered at least somewhat socially acceptable, but masturbation was done only by non-athletic, socially-insecure teen males who were uncertain of their own sexual orientation. Some difference! And then, the guys routinely referred to a peer whose behavior was in some way out of line derogatorily as a jerk-off. This was confusing, to say the least. But then guys would also refer to the misbehaving person as a dong. It was never clear whether a dong referred to any penis in any stage of erection, or only an erect penis. Then sometimes a guy would say “you penis-breath” to another guy, but usually only in jest when the other guy did something considered dumb or stupid. What exactly a penis-breath meant was not totally clear either. Teen male vernacular and insults done in jest with no serious ill will using sexual slang can quickly become very complicated. I do not want to lose track of the story line here nor write as if I have forgotten where I left Bill in his college, sleeping in a twin bed across from Joe, but Bill’s interest is seeking out information about sex and sexuality plays right into the situation Bill is currently in sleeping in the dorm room. Bill knew that on the Web, he was seeing not only masturbation as the correct term for jerk-off,but also erection for the slang term hard-on. No teen would ever say he was getting an erection, the proper vernacular was that he was getting a hard-on. Then there was the physiology of all of this, as in why and how does the penis get hard and erect. For a teen male, this can be an incredibly complicated subject in part because of the loopy mixture of physical and psychological invariably going on. Some of what is going on seems to be in the head and some in the body, but what is driving and controlling what? Is sex really about the sex organs or the brain? Well, Bill was starting to realize that the simplest answer to that question was some of both, but that does not really resolve the matter at all, and in fact that explanation makes understanding even more difficult. Sebbie, in his papers that Bill read, seemed to delight in messing with his readers in this regard, taking over the reader’s brains in a funny way. And this is what led directly to the funchball game and the wet dream that was so much fun for Bill last night. But the control did not stop there as evidenced by the fact that Bill raced out to the sporting goods store after classes to pick out his own funchball uniform like the one he saw in the dream and now was sleeping in it, of all things. ……..To be continued |
Bill continues to read....
Bill continues to read:
“During sleep, It is normal for the male penis to repeatedly fill with blood and become turgid, and these cycles may occur multiple times during an ordinary night’s sleep. With each cycle, the penis fills with blood, becomes sensitive to the touch and then finally drains and shrinks. No one knows exactly why males are built this way and why nature did this, but this same process seems to occur in many other animal species as well. The extra blood supply from a biological perspective seems to keep the penis healthy and ready for partner sex. Sometimes, the tumescence is enough to cause the guy to ejaculate spontaneously during sleep, but sometimes not. Of course, this filling and draining has a psychological component as well. In sexual excitement for the male, the tiny valves that allow blood to go out of the penis contract and close, while the valves letting blood in open at the same time, so a penis getting stiff or hard is all about the position of the inflow versus the outflow valves. The psychological component of this is the most interesting part, particularly the interaction between the brain and the sex organs. If it the blood flow and erection of the penis that triggers the erotic dream that may end in ejaculation, or does the wet dream as it evolves trigger the blood flow and erection that might at some point during the dream end in ejaculation? A good question for sure that no one fully knows the answer.” So, Bill now knows that during sleep, his penis is likely going to go through normal cycles of erection and draining, perhaps several times during the night. Bill had not thought about this cycle before, except when it accidentally led to a nocturnal emission. But now there was a new twist, the funchball uniform, the compression shorts and tee, but most importantly the athletic strap and cup. Bill realizes that if his penis is going to be able to go into its normal night-time cycles of filling and draining, it is going to need some space to go into when it is larger in the fill cycle. But the combination of the strap and the cup held tightly against the groin during sleep is going to seriously limit the expansion space for the erect penis during the normal nocturnal cycle. Blood is flowing into the penis during tumescence, but the penis has almost no place to go except to press more tightly against the walls of the cup. The cup that would fit fine in the daytime over the penis and ‘nads while playing in a sport could pose a barrier. As the penis presses against the walls of the hard cup what is going to happen? Will Bill end up quickly ejaculating INSIDE the cup? Or not? Bill is about to find out. ………….To be continued |
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