outside_time |
05-28-2017 10:43 PM |
New to the board, but not new to Speedos and smaller bikini suits at all! I've worn them for many years. A favorite was a Male Power suit from a number of years ago, about 1.75" sides, contoured, purple and fucia V-stripes. No problem wearing it all the time in public spaces. Then I got a somewhat smaller lavender suit with contoured front and a sort of shaping back seam. Worn to beaches and pools, no issues, literally wore it out. It was really form fitting, and I got positive comment on a beach once. Of course, it was in Jamaica, and there were guys and gals in thongs out there, so I was not radical at all.
A favorite I had a zebra-stripe "Gazelle" suit, about 1" sides, very nice shape, wore that out everywhere too, and wore it out. Lately my go-to has been custom suites by Ron at Buffed Bod. I have several, I favor the animal prints, but like others too. And yes, I've had him make several thongs. The thongs are what I mostly wear now unless there are lots of people around (don't need the attitudes), but the wife loves me in a thong, so that's what I tend to stay in at the lake home and on the boat.
I have a leopard g-string suit from Skinz, got a few years on it now, but really like it. It's one of those sliding-front ones, I keep it slid for pretty much just vertical shape.
Green is my new color this year, and I have suits from swimoutlet on the way for size by Sporti, fairly small sides, but I haven't seen one yet. They'll be the medium "conservative" ones, and I have some regular shorts/trunks to wear when concerned about anyone's attitudes. There'll be a thong underneath, though, when I want to strip for tanning.
Yeah, on tanning, the smaller the better. This summer I'm trying a couple of tan-through suits from Kiniki. We'll see. And I don't swim competitively, but just hate anything big for that. The smaller the better.
I much prefer small/tiny suits, but I am sensitive to others, so I keep the smaller stuff and thongs in semi-private situations. And that's where I get the most appreciation anyway. And I have a few years on me now, shape isn't that of a 25 year old any more, but not bad if I do say so. I don't know what people would say to an older guy in a thong, but they may just get their chance!
I get my moral support over at the Thong Wearers Message Board. We are not conservative over there at all!!! I think you'd find that many are getting positive response from wearing thongs, so I don't know what the issue is wearing a 2" side speedo.
A 1.5" or 2" side Speedo would be fairly conservative for me.