Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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Lap Counter 02-25-2015 05:15 PM

What a chapter!

singletlover 02-26-2015 11:15 AM

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please PleasePlease Please Please Please Please Please Please PleasePlease Please Please Please Please Please Please PleasePlease Please Please Please Please Please Please Please


Dooley67 02-26-2015 12:35 PM

I'm not sure I read it correctly, but I think singletlover wants more...lol


Captain.Jammer 02-26-2015 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dooley67
I'm not sure I read it correctly, but I think singletlover wants more...lol


LOL! Love it!

SwimTeamSpeedo 02-28-2015 09:24 PM

Part 14: The journey begins
“Those are really cool suits,” Chris said to Alex as Alex showed him the collection Patrick and he had bought. “I love that Zumo one, that is wicked looking.”

Alex laughed at Chris’s use of wicked, a Maine term that was synonymous with “cool.” “Yeah, it is really cool, want to try it on?” Alex asked, extending his hand with the suit to Chris.

“Yeah, sure. Thanks,” Chris replied, taking the suit. He striped off his shorts and quickly slipped the suit on. It fit him perfectly and he really looked awesome in it. He displayed a fantastic bulge, which immediately excited Alex. “This is a really cool swimsuit, pretty narrow sides, and it fits kind of low in front,” Chris added. It did fit low, just barley containing the well equipped young man. It was as if Chris was getting hard, but he actually wasn’t.

“Chris, that suit looks awesome on you,” Alex replied. “I mean really hot.” Alex added.

“You ever worn one of these type suits before?” Chris asked. “I mean you are not a swimmer, right?”

“No. I hadn’t thought about it until I saw you getting ready for swimming.” Alex confided. “I thought that you looked so coo…” he trailed off.

“Yeah, well, it is kind of different than wearing board shorts and stuff,” Chris added. “I mean they are really great for swimming and you feel almost naked in the pool, which is awesome.” Chris paused, watching as Alex was checking Chris out intently. Chris watched Alex’s eyes scanning his body, especially fixating on Chris’s man parts. “Any way, you are also like right out there. I mean you are showing every girls exactly what you got. Not much if a way to hide your dick and balls. You better be ready for that.” Chris added.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Alex replied sheepishly. “I mean I think they are cool and all, but I can see where you are all on display and stuff.” Alex replied. “But you seem to like them. Does it ever bother you?”

“Well, maybe sometimes, but I am pretty used to it. I’ve been wearing swim team suits for my whole life. But some guys on the team really get bothered by it.” Chris replied. “I mean, I figure I can’t help that I am a guy and well, you know we got balls and stuff.” Chris laughed as he said it.

“Lots to think abut, I guess,” Alex replied.

“So let me look at your other suits, again,” Chris asked. “Where did you say this place was?”

“Right in town. He has got tons of swimsuits, some on sale for ten bucks.” Alex replied. “You should go there. Want to? I can go with you.” Alex added.

“Yeah, maybe,” Chris replied. “I mean big confession, I really get off buying new swimsuits. I know it is kind of weird, but I think they are cool. And the girls seem to like them, too.” Chris replied. He quickly shed the suit he had on, handing it back to Alex. The two guys slipped back on shorts and shirts, heading out the door. Packing could wait, they had swim shopping to do.

“Hey Chris, can I ask you something?” Alex asked as they walked along the path toward the town. For some reason, the secluded path brought out the most intimate parts of Alex.

“Sure, man. Anything,” Chris replied.

“I have been thinking about what you said,” Alex started. “Have you ever, you know, gotten like all turned on when you were just wearing your swimsuit?”

“Every guy has, Alex.” Chris replied. “I mean more than once, too. Mostly I just jump in the pool or just do something to hide it, like roll over or something. Or I just ignore it.”

“Wow, can you really just ignore it?” Alex asked. He didn’t wait for an answer. “What was the worst time it ever happened to you.”

“Oh man, I have a really tough time once,” Chris started out. “It was high school swim team, at this meet and there was this hot girl that I really liked…” the story began.


“How many suits did you get?” Sheri asked Chris as they sat at the small table near the entrance of the swimming and sports complex. “You are so funny. You are into swimsuits like a girl is into shoes,” she added.

“Six, I could have bought ten, they were such a good deal.” Chris said. He held up the bag. “Hank, the guy at that store is a big time swimmer. When I told him I was probably going to swim for the team here, he got all excited.”

“Oh yeah, I know Hank. He swims here all the time. He is really good, especially for an old guy. Now, let me see these hot swimsuits.” Sheri grabbed the bag and began pulling the suits out. She held each one up and examined it closely. Chris blushed as she did so. He never got hung up about his swimsuit thing, except when he got called out on it. Now it just seemed funny, even to him.

“I really lie that one,” Chris said. “I wanted one when they first came out, but didn’t get it. It was a Croatia swim brief by Turbo that he thought looked really hot. “It was only $25. That is a steal for Turbo swimsuits.”

“You would look sexy in that,” Sheri replied. “I wish I got to see you swim in that at the pool.”

“I’ll send you a picture when I do.” he promised.

“You better,” Sheri replied. She pulled out a solid white Speedo and really grinned as she held it up. It was actually a special design that had silver wings right on the front where Chris’s bulge would be. “Interesting, those wings will draw my eyes right to your best spot,” she teased.

“Stop it,” Chris replied, teasing back.

“You better be careful, this white will get see through.” Sheri warned.

“No, it is lined in black. Hank said it turns grey when wet. I thought about that.” Chris replied.

“That must be pretty neat,” Sheri added. She continued to methodically go through the rest of the swimsuits. “So, how many swimsuits are you taking on the trip?” she asked.

“I think like 24,” Chris replied. “I brought twelve with me, coach gave me five, you gave me three, and I bought six. Guess that makes it 26,” Chris laughed as he finished. “Kind of excessive, I guess.”

“Unless you plan to swim a lot,” Sheri replied and poked him.

“Well, we are there thirty six days, so I got pictures to you covered for most of them…” Chris gave her a sensual grin as he said it.

“You better,” Sheri replied. She reached over and grabbed him and drew him in for a kiss. It set off a lustful final session as the two new found lovebirds tried to take in every ounce of each other.


SwimTeamSpeedo 02-28-2015 09:25 PM

14 continued
The KLM jet was massive, the largest plane Chris had ever seen. The 200 band members took up most of the first half of the coach section. It was two seats along the windows, four seats center,. Chris was glad to have snagged a window seat. Alex and Patrick sat right in front of him. A guy from the percussion section sat next to Chris. Grant was a drummer, a quiet guy who didn’t say much. He was from Meadville, PA north of Pittsburgh. Like Chris and many of the guys on the flight, he had never been away from home this long. Unlike Chris, who was confident and ready for the adventure, Grant was nervous and already missed home. Chris wore loose fitting nylon swim team pants, underneath he had on a square cut Funky Trunk swimsuit. It was a looser fit than his briefs, he liked the feel of it on him, the front configuration giving him more room than a traditional brief. He wore on of his new swim team shirts. Grant had on flannel pajama type pants, a polo shirt. Both were ready for the six hour red eye flight to Amsterdam. It was nearly 11PM, long day, and the guys were beyond tired.

Chris snapped a picture on his iPad of the plane and a selfie of himself. He quickly sent both pics to Sheri with a note that he already missed her. Sheri quickly texted back a row of hearts and kisses.

“Hey Grant, ready for this flight?” Chris asked.

“Ready as I will ever be,’ Grant replied.

“Come on, man, this is going to be a blast,” Chris encouraged Grant. Grant nodded, but said nothing, Chris decided to leave him alone and began reading his David Baldacci novel, the one from the night before. Grant closed his eyes, but was hardly able to sleep. Minutes later, the security briefing came on as the giant A330 Airbus taxied out to the far end of the runway at Boston Logan airport. Chris marveled at how big the plane was. The pilot finally came on and advised they were ready for departure and “For our young musicians on board, I will broadcast our route along the way on channel 2 of your in-flight entertainment.” With that the engines came to a roar and the enormous jet rolled out for takeoff. Chris watched as the city dropped below them and they climbed out over the islands of the harbor. The plane banked to the left and followed the coast north. Chris watched as they crossed Cape Ann and then headed out toward Maine. One final text to Sheri for the night.

Up front one row, Alex and Patrick sat nestled against each other. Alex had one of the new swimsuits, a crazy red and blue print Speedo on underneath his cotton blend warm up pants. The tight fit was driving him wild, or was it Patrick’s hand resting on his leg. Either way, he was already sexually aroused and rock hard. Patrick knew it and was enjoying teasing his friend.

“What are you wearing under there?” Patrick whispered.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Alex teased back. “How about you?”

“Commando,” Patrick lied. Instead he has on a brand new Tyr suit that he had snuck back to the sporting goods store to get, barely missing running into Alex and Chris while there. That made their secrets even, both guys had snuck in a few extra swimsuits, a treat they would share with each other later. The flight leveled off at 41,000 feet and the pilot advised they were just south of Bangor, Maine heading across to Nova Scotia. Patrick grabbed a blanket from the flight attendant and opened it up across both of them. Underneath he slid his hand across Alex’s warm-up pants, feeling his bulging, aroused state underneath.

“Don’t start anything,” Alex whispered. It was just the dare Patrick needed to hear as he let his hand wander underneath the blanket. It wouldn’t take long before Alex had to slip out to the rest room, his loose sweat pants concealing more than just a tight swimsuit.

The journey had just begun…..

Dooley67 03-02-2015 12:04 AM


Really good chapter. I especially liked the interplay between Chris and Alex with Chris being like the older, more knowledgeable brother when it comes to the subject and experience of swim briefs and Alex asking questions that show he trusts and respects Chris. It's good to see that the potentially rocky relationship because of Alex having worn one of Chris' suits has mellowed out. And personally, I'm glad that Bo was taken care of in the last chapter so I don't have to worry about Chris' safety...lol.


SwimTeamSpeedo 03-02-2015 07:54 PM

Part 15
“Good morning, we are about 45 minutes from landing. It is a glorious day in Amsterdam, clear skies, calm winds and the temp today will be 76 fare height. We will have hot coffee shortly, welcome to Amsterdam.” Chris felt the plane begin to head downward, the throttle pulling back and the air brakes created a rumble on the wings.

“Hey Grant,” Chris whispered. “You don’t want to miss this.”

“uh, what….” Grant answered half asleep.

“We are about to land.” Chris said. The giant plane was rumbling as it made its way down. Out the window was pure blue ocean. Chris was amazed that he could actually see the current of the ocean, the waves and swells made squiggly lines across the vast expanse of blue. Not a cloud in the sky, and the pilot advised an unusually warm day on scope, highs in the upper 70’s.

“Let me sleep,” Grant replied, closing his eyes. Alex and Patrick one seat up were awake, and like Chris taking it all in.

“You two lovebirds watching this,” Chris whispered between the seats. He meant nothing by the remark, other than a poor attempt at humor, but Alex and Patrick both looked at each other in shock. They said nothing to each other, but the expression on their faces was one of wonder if Chris had figured them out.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool,” Alex replied.

The plane touched down softly and rolled along the runway. It was a picture perfect landing and the start of a great day.


“We will have a short rehearsal at 3 in the hotel ballroom, followed by dinner and a canal cruise,” the assistant director said as the band members gathered in the hotel lobby. “Until then you are free to get some sleep and hang out in the hotel. If you leave, remember you must check in with us. Amsterdam is a free zone for us, so you do not need to be chaperoned during the day. Welcome to our first day abroad.”

Chris and Alex were assigned a room on the 12th floor of the hotel They were in center city Amsterdam. Despite it being only 8am, the hotel had agreed to let them all check in early. Patrick was on floor 8.

“Hey dudes, they have a pool!,” Alex exclaimed with excitement. “What do you say we get on our suits and check it out!,” more of a directive than a question. Despite having only four or so real hours of sleep, as best as one can in a plane, the guys, in fact the whole band was ready for some fun.

“I say we hit the pool for a while, then lets see if we can check out some sights,” Chris replied.

“Plan,” Patrick replied. The guys all headed off to their rooms. They would be in Amsterdam for three days, two concerts. The first was tomorrow night and then an outdoor concert the following day before they departed for a smaller town, Oostvorne for a short two day stop.

“Damn, I wish I had brought my Netherlands Turbo suit,” Chris exclaimed as he came out of the shower, naked and wrapped in a towel. The shower felt great, and they guys had started a small pot of coffee in the little coffee maker in the room. Alex watched as Chris rubbed the bulging part of the towel with his left hand. “Glad to be free,” he said as if his balls were a living being.

“That would be awesome,” Alex replied. “Do you really have a Netherlands suit?”

“Yeah, it is really cool. I also have France. Don’t know what I was thinking.” Chris chided himself.

“Well, maybe we’ll find a place and you can get one,” Alex replied as he headed into the shower, still wearing the same swimsuit he had washed out in the plane’s restroom shortly after the take off. A good long and soapy shower was what both Alex and that swimsuit needed.

The hotel phone rang. Chris was startled and wondered if he should answer it. On the third ring he picked it up. “Chris here,” he said.

“Good morning, Chris. It is Dr. Hale, I am going to go swim laps at eleven for an hour. Want to join me?”

“Oh wow, that would be great, Sir,” Chris replied. “I was just thinking about how I would get my swim in,” Chris replied all pumped up.

“Okay, meet me in the lobby at quarter of. It is just a block away,” Dr. Hale continued. “Oh yeah, and Chris, you probably already do, but you have to wear a Speedo type swimsuit, no shorts or jammers. It is a funny rule. If you need one, I have a few pair you can borrow,”

“I am good, Sir. I only wear race style swimsuits when I swim.”


The hotel pool idea was not unique to Chris, Alex and Patrick. Five other band members were already there when the three guys walked in. Chris immediately grabbed a lounger and striped out of his blue soccer shorts to reveal his California Republic Turbo swimsuit. The three guys already there were in board shorts. The two females were in bikinis that left little to the imagination.

“Cool swimsuit,” one of the young ladies said immediately. “I think Speedos rock,” she added. As always, the suit was fitting Chris perfectly, his above average size giving the suit a bold display of male bulging. He was not hard, not even close, but his bulge gave him an aroused appearance. Just the way he liked it. Chris carried his maleness with absolute confidence.

Alex started to remove his shorts, but he hesitated. “Maybe I’ll just leave them on,” he said as he sat down on the lounger next to Chris. Patrick was more bold, quickly shedding his shorts to reveal the print Zumo suit. It looked fantastic on him, and he immediately got looks from the same Speedo loving young lady. While not as muscular as Chris, or as well equipped in the man parts area, Patrick still filled the suit out well and his anatomy looked proportionate to his body style.

“Dude, take the shorts off,” Patrick said to Alex.

“Chris was right, I feel naked,” Alex replied.

“Alex, if you leave the shorts on now, you can’t take them off later. It will look weird,” Chris replied. “Now just do it, plus Abby thinks Speedos rock, what more do you need to know.”

Alex mustered the courage and ripped the Velcro fly of his boardies open to reveal a bold print Nike splatter paint swimsuit with a black background and orange splashes all over it. It was a fun, hot looking suit. He yanked the board shorts off, displaying his lanky, slender body in all its glory wearing the flashy swimsuit. Alex was not a muscular young man, looking more like a long distance runner whose bone structure made up most of his weight. What he lacked in physical stature he did make up for in the way he made the suit look, his bulge the largest mass of muscle on his body, and against his slight frame the bulging manhood stood out. The young ladies immediately sparked an interest in the three guys, more than a casual glance, much to the despair of the three boardies guys who were now getting no looks.

“You guys look great,” Maryjo said as she walked over to them. “Such good taste in swimwear, and you are all so fit,” she added, eyeballing Chris’s clearly displayed abs and broad shoulders. “Are you swimmers?” she asked.

“Chris is,” Alex replied. “He is on swim team and get up at 5 every morning to swim,” Alex added, playing the proud roommate card. “He’s really good, too.”

“I can see that,” Maryjo added. Her friend snickered at the not so well hidden come on.

Chris laid back in the chair. He let Alex and Patrick garner all the attention, while he closed his eyes. The fitful night of travel was rapidly catching up with him. As he laid back and spread his legs a bit, he gave the girls the most impressive display of his anatomy wrapped inside the white background Turbo swimsuit. Off to the side, the growing group of boardies guys, now up to seven speculated about the three skimpy swimsuit guys. Most of the comments revolved around inappropriate stereotypes of what kind of guys would wear such revealing swimsuits. Chris could hear the banter as it grew louder. He smiled to himself, he had heard it all before. “Watch this,” he heard one of the voices say.

SwimTeamSpeedo 03-02-2015 07:54 PM

15 Continued
Alex and Patrick finally broke free of the two ladies who were hot after them and grabbed some time in the pool. Chris heard someone next to him and opened his eyes. One of the board short guys, a Trombone player named Jaime was sitting sideways on the lounger next to Chris. He had on a bold print pair of Op brand board shorts, the kind sold at Wal-Mart. They were cool looking. Chris knew Jaime because he sat nearby in the band. Jaime was a cocky guy, a bit overweight, and his young belly was already hanging over the waist of his shorts. He probably had not worked out in months, maybe years. Whatever the “watch this,” was about, it was clearly happening now.

“So, what is with the Speedo?” Jaime bluntly asked, typical of his cocky demeanor. It was the opening shot in a testosterone filled dialogue that had all the making of a full on brawl.

“Well, it’s not a Speedo, it’s a Turbo,” Chris replied. “Cool shorts, by the way.”

“You like flashing dick in front of everyone?” Jaime continued to push. “You and your gay friends.”

Chris held back any indication of rage. “Look, Jaime, I have no idea what your problem is, but I happen to like my Turbo swimsuit, just like you like your shorts. What’s the big deal, man?”

“I just don’t feel like I want to look at your junk,” Jaime replied. Jaime was clearly out of control and was way beyond where his buddies expected him to go. One of them came over and suggested he just drop it. He didn’t.

“Maybe you don’t get it. I swim and these are the suits I like to wear. You are going to see me in them all the time, so you probably need to just get used to it.” Chris said as forceful as he could. “Now, I really don’t want to start off our trip like this, let’s just say we end this discussion.” Jaime’s fist was clenched.

Len came into the pool area. He was wearing a pair of black and red Nike jammers. They looked really awesome on him. He saw the commotion going on between Chris and Jaime and headed straight over. “Chris, everything cool here?” He asked.

“Hey Len. Yeah, Jaime and I were just complimenting each other’s swimsuit choices, right Jaime,” Chris replied.

“F..k you,” Jaime replied. “You and that boner holder swimsuit of yours,” Jaime added.

Len put up his hand. “Shut up Jaime. You are way out of line. Plus,. Look at Chris, he could kick your butt if he wanted to. Probably best you just get out of here.” A couple of the other guys came over and pulled Jaime away.

“What the crap are you doing, man” one of them said as they dragged Jaime back to the far end of the pool.

Alex and Patrick missed the whole thing. They were way to into each other’s company in the whirlpool to notice the commotion. Len sat down next to Chris when Jaime finally walked away. In the background they heard some of the guys tell Jaime what a jerk he was.

“Thanks Len, but really he was just jealous that some girls were giving Alex, Patrick and I more attention than them,” Chris said. “Some folks get all hung up about Speedo type swimsuits.”

“Well, it sounds like his friends are mad at him now, too,” Len replied. “After what you did for me, least I could do is save you,” Len added. “Not that you need saving, you are the most fit guy in the band.”

“Jammers, huh.” Chris said to Len. “You like to swim?”

“Actually, yeah. Not on a team, but I started last year for fitness. I am not nearly as good as you, but I got fed up with shorts. These work good.” Len answered.

“Cool, we should go swimming sometime,’ Chris replied. “I could give you some tips.”

“I’d like that,” Len replied. The two guys sat side by side chatting for the next hour. They had come a long way from the first day of band practice. Chris snapped a selfie of the two of them and shot it off to Sheri.

singletlover 03-07-2015 11:29 AM

Being originally from Pittsburgh, I was stunned to have you use Meadville as a location. May I ask how you came to use this towns name?

Oh, and yes the story is fantastic, thanks for the time and effort.

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