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Wonderful chapter and good to have you back. Thank you for continuing the story
Part 12
Patrick’s dorm-mate stayed with his family at the local Marriott. Alex and Patrick ventured back to Patrick’s now single room where they poured out their collection of new swimsuits onto the lower bunk. Just as they had before with Chris’s swimsuits, they lined each one of the suits up. They quickly pulled off their band uniform, thankfully taking the time to hang everything up. Alex was in a pair of red print boxer briefs, the kind that were more like sport support shorts, tight and clingy. They outlined his body in every detail. The material was a blend with just enough spandex to fit him perfectly. As he stood, he was filling out the frontal bulge quite well. Alex smiled as he looked at Patrick, Alex knowing he was sporting quite the start of an erection, well on display in the clinging boxer briefs.
Patrick wore more traditional whitey tighties. They were just tight enough to show his male bulge, but had that slightly loose fit unique to the all cotton traditional underwear of the three pack variety. Patrick had not yet ventured much to more arousing underwear, although he had the urge and desire. “I know, kind of boring ,” Patrick said to Alex. “Not hot like yours.” “No, you look cute,” Alex replied. Alex finally felt at ease expressing his affection to another guy, it was a glorious feeling. It was an invigorating to finally be free of the inhibitions and secret life. “You could wear anything and be hot in my eyes. You make everything look amazing.” “You, too,” Patrick smiled back. His eyes were moist with emotion. The two men stared deeply at each other. Patrick finally broke the trance, “Okay, what should we try on first.” “I say we save the two matching for last.” Alex suggested. His hand rubbed his erect bulge. Patrick smiled as he watched. Alex released his hand from his groin and grabbed two suits, a red and blue Nike, which he tossed to Patrick, and a green print Speedo, which he kept for himself. He paid no regard to size, since they both could wear any of the suits they picked out, the smaller 28 waist simply being tighter and skimpier. The two guys quickly striped naked, each then pulling up the new swimsuits. Patrick was in the Nike first, looking truly Olympic in the red and blue colors. He positioned down, creating a nice rounded bulge that tucked between his legs, a graceful model look. Alex was having a slightly more difficult time, his very erect state was simply not fitting into the green print. “Need some help with that?” Patrick asked with a grin. “Anytime,” Alex replied. They two guys weren’t even past their first swimsuits before the night stared turning far more erotic. ___________ Chris was beat. It had been a long day. He started to read a David Baldacci novel, his absolute favorite writer, laying on his bed in just his navy blue and gold Tyr swimsuit. He was enjoying the time alone, Alex had left a text message that he was staying with Patrick. Chris loved time alone when he could hang out in his swimsuits without fear of being discovered. He kept his love of lounging at home in swimwear a secret, at home hidden behind his locked bedroom door. Chris loved the feeling of the tight lycra clinging to his body, it was a pleasurable sensation, sometimes very sexual and sometimes just very relaxing. The dorm was quiet, most of the band members either off with family or long asleep. Chris was ten chapters into the novel before his eyes started getting heavy. He finally closed the book and rolled over onto his back. The suit clung tightly to him. Chris laid with his legs spread out to the width of his shoulders, his muscular body filling most of the length of the bed. He was on top of the covers. He rubbed his chest and belly and then down across the suit. In his mind he was replaying the opening of the concert, smiling at how well it all went. He played with the strings of his suit, which were laying untied out over the front of the suit. He tied them up, liking how the suit felt more snug against him. Finally, he reached over and turned off the light. It was quiet, Chris was alone. He was sexually aroused. His mind was wandering to lustful thoughts of Sheri and the day at the lake. He replayed the kiss after the concert, where she placed her hand, just below his most personal parts, inside his leg. She turned him on so much. He felt himself getting very rod hard inside the soft Tyr lycra. Chris loved the feel of Tyr suits, the softer feel of the lycra felt great, especially when he was feeling aroused. His eyes glanced over his chest, across his ripped abs, along the waistband of the suit and ultimately over the very protruding bulge formed by his upward pointing sexually stimulated organ. He slid his hand up and over himself. The tingling sensation of his move pulsated through his body. Chris closed his eyes and saw Sheri’s smile as his hand, the right hand continued to explore himself. His left hand rubbed his chest. He was naked but for the tight grip of the swimsuit. Chris was getting more aroused, he slowed and took his time, enjoying the feel of his body in so many ways. His legs shook with sexual desire as he let himself climb toward the climax, easing back each time, making himself get closer and closer. He loved the sensation of being so close and then fighting to hold back, each time a tougher battle. ________ The alarm rang out like a crack of thunder in a dark, silent sky. “F..k, is it 5 already,” Chris said to himself. He quickly hit the snooze to shut the alarm up. He was about to turn the whole alarm off when he remembered that Alex was not there. “Ten minutes won’t hurt,” he thought to himself as he rolled back over. He was naked, the Tyr swimsuit now tossed bedside. He did not really remember taking it off, but he recalled that once he finally let himself go all the way it was explosive. Not as good as when Sheri took him that far, but it was still a totally awesome release. Chris pulled up the covers and closed his eyes, In seconds he was asleep. Ten minutes of the deepest sleep possible. Twice. Patrick and Alex had finally fallen asleep a mere hour earlier than Chris’s alarm went off. Patrick had copped a bottle of wine from his older brother after the concert, which the two guys had fully consumed. Not a horrible amount, except that it was one of the big bottles, far more wine than two inexperienced drinkers should have. While it made them drunk, it also freed them of any lingering inhibitions. They had tried on their swimsuits multiple times over, the tags laying across the dorm floor. They had also tried things with each other that went beyond any level they had been to before. At around one in the morning the guys even paraded down the dorm hall in their matching Zumo wild print suits, luckily to an empty hallway. They were now both laying together on the lower bunk, entangled in each other and clad in their Turbo California Republic swimsuits. It would be a perfect erotic experience, except that they were both in far too deep a sleep and far too intoxicated a state to even think, let alone function sexually. Patrick’s leg rode right between Alex’s and Alex’s hand rested right on the front of Patrick’s suit. Their faces were close together, having unlocked earlier from the most erotic kiss the two guys had ever experienced. :Chris bounded out of bed. “That was stupid,” he thought to himself as he looked at the clock, now almost 5:30. He reached and grabbed whatever swimsuit his hand landed on, slipped on his shorts, commando underneath, threw his swim bag over his shoulder and headed out the door. A quick stop at the shower, where he rinsed himself clean, slipped n the suit and brushed out his hair. The suit he had grabbed was the swim team one Sheri had given him. He smiled as he tied it up. It fit him well. A fitting suit for the last morning. He raced across campus. “I was getting worried about you,” Sheri said as Chris arrived at the pool. “You look a little frazzled, buddy,” Sheri added. “Yeah, like a dope I hit the snooze. Alex was not home so I took advantage of it,” “Wait, you had the room alone and didn’t invite me,” Sheri said, teasing. Alex blushed. “Sorry, stupid on my part, I guess.” “Don’t let it happen again,” She added. “Hey, get swimming. We have to wrap up at 7:30 today. A high school group is coming in for a workshop at 8, so we need everyone out ahead of them.” “Okay. I was hoping for a long swim, but that’s my fault I guess.” “You better have on a cute swimsuit today,” Sheri called out as Chris headed for the locker room. “You’ll see,” Chris replied. Flashing down the side of his shorts to reveal just a teasing small portion of the blue background suit. Sheri laughed. _____________ |
12 continued
Chris emerged from the locker room, clad in the small and tight college swim team suit. It was a pretty narrow fit, and revealed everything. Chris really liked it, it played to his daring side. He was tying the strings as he walked across the pool deck.
“Hey Chris, how goes it?” Gregory called out from the guards chair. “Hey Gregory, last day. Feels weird, I guess. I am going to miss this pool.” “Dude, I got that same suit,” Gregory called back. “Maybe three of four of them.” “Bet you do,” Chris replied. “Sheri got it for me.” “I know, man. I helped her find it. You look like a swim team guy, now. You are still thinking bout coming here, right?” “Maybe, not sure.” Chris replied. “Let’s talk after,” Gregory yelled out. Chris jumped in the pool and began his workout. Gregory watched as the cute guy swam back and forth, graceful in the water. Gregory was sure he was straight, but Gregory really liked the look of a fit male body and Chris was exactly that. Greg found himself getting hard, his red guard shorts tenting as he grew in them. _______ “I thought he’d never show up,” thought the young guy riding the stationary bike in the window of the workout center above the pool. “Today is the day,” he thought. The rage has been percolating since that first day at the pool. He knew he had lost something he wanted the day this band dude walked in, all hot and sexy in his little freaking swimsuits. “I was sure he was gay,” thought the part time life guard and full time jerk. “He can’t just parade in here and steal away my girl.” He was getting more and more enraged. He watched as Chris raced back and forth in the pool. “Just a matter of time,” he whispered in his mind. ________ Chris swam a hard and fast workout. He wanted to stay longer, but his late arrival and the high school team messed that up. At 7:15 he climbed from the pool. Sheri was now in the life guard chair, watching as Chris’s wet, muscular body rose from the water. The suit he had on clung to him, defining every detail of his most erotic parts. Sheri loved this part of watching him get out of the pool. “Good swim,” she asked as she watched Chris stretch on the edge of the pool. He had not yet adjusted the clingy suit, which was just fine by her. “Yeah, wanted to go longer,” Chris replied. “Guess I screwed that up,” he added, finally tugging the clinging material. “You were right, I do like the swimsuit you have on,” Sheri said back. “Who gave you that?” “I don’t know,” Chris replied teasing. “Some really cute girl I met at a pool,” he added back with a grin. “She must really like you,” she replied. “Yeah, I guess so,” Chris shrugged his shoulder, which made her laugh. Chris looked up at the workout room windows. No one was up there. He turned back to Sheri. “So, you work all day?” he asked. “Yeah, it stinks,” she replied. “I wish we could spend the day together.” “Me too,” Chris replied, as he pulled out his string and untied them, twirling one of them in his finger as he talked. “Any chance we can grab lunch? I got to be at the bus at 2:30PM.” “I only get half an hour, maybe you can bring it here and we can sit out front,” Sheri replied. “Deal,” Chris said. He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. With that he turned and started to head to the locker room. Sheri reached over and rubbed his butt. Chris smiled as she did, her gesture triggering the typical male response as his swimsuit swelled a bit. Just as he got to the door a voice called out. “Hey Chris,” called a deep male voice. Chris turned, surprised by what he saw. |
Awesome chapters! Hope we don't have to wait too long for more. Dieing to see what happens next!!
You've kept us in the dark for 2 chapters now and we know only that the culprit is an angry ex-boyfriend of Sheri's. I keep on wondering what's going to happen, fearing that Chris will be injured so that he won't be able to go on the trip to Europe. Your writing pulls us in so that we are pulling for the safety of the characters who we feel like they should be protected. Great chapter.
D67 |
Part 13: The roller rack
Writers Note: Some parts of this chapter are more graphic than usual. If you prefer not to read that, skip the sections on Patrick and Alex. All characters are adult age.
Life began to stir between Alex and Patrick. Alex woke first, hard as a rock wrapped around Patrick, Alex’s crotch riding on top of one of Patrick’s legs. Alex’s eyes were adjusting to the morning light, he slid his hands our from around Patrick’s shoulders and rubbed his face. Patrick felt so warm, Alex snuggled against him, his eyes open. The feeling of Patrick in the snug Turbo swimsuit, as Alex rubbed along Patrick’s legs and stomach felt wonderful. Patrick was as erect as Alex, their suits bulging with male desire. “What time is it?” mumbled Patrick. “Almost 7:30, you were sleeping sound,” Alex replied. “You look cute.” “My head feels like a brick hit it, and my mouth is like cotton,” Patrick replied. “Dude, you guzzled that wine,” Alex replied. The guys unwrapped and laid side by side, on their backs on the tiny bed. Their hands held between them. It was a snug fit on the small single bed. Alex broke away his hand hold and placed his hand on Patrick’s stomach, just above the clinging swimsuit. He visually soaked in Patrick’s bulge, the way his anatomy push against the waistband, wanting to be free. “I need to get up, get some water,” Patrick said as he let Alex's hand rub across his most sensitive parts. “Love to stay and enjoy this, but man I have to take a piss,” he added, starting to climb over Alex. “Great idea,” Alex replied. He did a quick erotic grab as Patrick’s crotch passed over. Patrick slipped on some shorts over the swimsuit. He reached for the door to head out. Alex climbed from the bed behind him. He quickly adjusted himself, trying to make his boned state less obvious. “You coming, too,: Patrick asked. “Yeah,” Alex replied. “Want some shorts?” Patrick asked. Alex hesitated, looked down at his swimsuit, his boner now subsiding a bit. “Nah, f,,,k it, it’s a swimsuit,” Alex responded. “Bold, dude” Patrick replied. He smiled at Alex as they both entered the hallway. The showers and bathrooms were at the far end. The two guys headed down the hall, one in shorts, the other in a clinging, tight Turbo swimsuit. ________ “I knew you’d be here,” came the voice as Chris turned away from the door. The coach of the swim team was heading right for him. “I was hoping to catch you, got a few minutes.” “Um, sure,” Chris said. “Let me get changed…” The coach cut him off, “you are fine like that, I am pretty used to it,” the coach smiled. “I got someone I want you to meet in my office” “Cool,” Chris replied. “You swam great this morning. I got here early and watched. You take your pool time very serious, I like that.” The coach said as they walked the length of the pool and through a door at the far end of the dive pool. “Well, actually I was late today, hit the snooze one time too much,” Chris admitted. “Oh well, that’s it. Take back what I just said,” Coach replied teasing. They entered the office, the coach in dress slacks, a blue print shirt, Chris in a blue print swim team suit from the college. “Chris, this is who I want you to meet. This is Shelia, she is our director of student athletes. Her job is to work with all our student athletes and prospective athletes.” “Great to meet you, Chris,” Shelia reached out her hand. “I am guessing that you are a swimmer,” she smiled as she said it. “Yeah,” Chris said sheepishly. “I probably should have changed first, sorry” he replied. “It is fine, Chris. I am a swimmer, too. Your just fine.” she replied. Despite her response, Chris felt awkward, naked, clothed in nothing but a narrow band of lycra that was hardly concealing his most intimate parts. Shelia’s eyes kept wandering there, too, which made Chris feel even more on display. “Have a seat,” she offered. The three chatted for 20 minutes. Coach was very serious that he wanted Chris on the team. Thoughts of his swimsuit quickly evaporated as he listened to the proposal they outlined. Chris had already been accepted to Umaine and was planning to go there. He would swim intramural, since Maine had dropped men’s swimming years ago. No scholarship. The whole time, Shelia was checking out Chris’s bulging suit. “Gawd is he hot,” she thought as they talked. She had a thing for swimmers, and Chris met every one of her criteria, right down to the ability to really show off a well filled swimsuit. By the time all was said and done, Chris was tentatively accepted, a partial scholarship on the table, subject to talking to his parents and some paperwork. Coach stepped away while Shelia and Chris chatted. He came back with a fistful of team swimsuits from years past and an official set of team shirts. “Thought you’d enjoy these,” Coach said as he handed them to Chris. “You can wear them on your trip.” “Cool, Awesome, thanks,” Chris replied as he took them. He held at least six swimsuits and three shirts. Shelia smiled as he held the suits up to admire them. Chris had given up any hope of swimming in college. Suddenly it was a new game. _______________ Raleigh entered the locker room, certain to find it empty but for one lone swimmer. The rage inside him was at a boiling point. Instead, the locker room was filled with 30 high school boys, all in various states of undress as they were slipping into their swimsuits, a mix of briefs and jammers. Raleigh, who went by the nick name “Bo,” scanned the room, hoping to see who he had come looking for. He was a part time lifeguard at the pool and a member of the swim team. He was muscular, strong and tough. In addition to swimming, he did the other big lycra sport of wrestling, at least he had in high school. Now he just wrestled intramural for fun, when he could. His shirt was wet from the sweating of his workout upstairs. His face was red with rage, and his fists were clinched. He looked like a fight in search of a victim. “What the hell?” Bo whispered to himself as he scanned each locker row. “I could not have missed the little twerp.” Bo dashed into the shower area, looking more like a pervert than an athlete as he scanned the adolescent guys showering, but his mind was not on them, it was on finding Chris. “Damn it!” he said out loud. “Something wrong?” asked one of the high school swimmers, a really polite kid already tied up into his little red Speedo swimsuit. He was 15, bright eyes and as wholesome as the front of a Wheaties box picture. “You loose something?” “Shut up!” came Bo’s reply. The poor kid looked like he had just been slapped. Bo was also a really big jerk, most of the time. But he swam pretty good. Sheri despised him. Thought he was a blowhard and also thought he looked ugly in his swimsuits. Most of that ugly was his personality, because physically he was a pretty handsome, rugged guy. Sheri found him rude, conceited and just a total donkey. If Sheri called you a Donkey it was not good, at all. Bo shot from the locker into the pool area. Gregory was back on the stand. “Greg, where is that band kid? Tell me he didn’t leave.” “Bo, what the heck is wrong? You look like you are ready to kill someone.” Gregory replied. Gregory hated the short version of his name, but he let it go. No one argued with Bo. His hothead reputation was well established on the team. No one liked him. Everyone wondered why coach kept him on the team. “Just tell me where the jerk is and stay the f..k out of it,” Bo replied. “He is trying to take something I want.” Greg knew immediately what Bo was saying. Bo made it clear to every swim team guy that Sheri was his, and only his. “Dude, calm down.” Gregory replied. “Chris is with coach.” “That dweeb better not be joining the swim team. I’ll kick coaches a--, too if he lets that happen.” Bo replied. Just as he said it the far door opened and Greg, the coach, and Shelia emerged. BO’s eyes locked on Chris. The rage raced through him as he started to head in their direction. _______________ |
Part 13 continued
Writers Note: Some parts of this chapter are more graphic than usual. If you prefer not to read that skip the sections about Patrick and Alex. All characters are of adult age.
“Wow, look at you!” came the cat call from one of the girls in the band as Alex walked by in the hall. “Let me see, that is a hot looking swimsuit,” She reached over and grabbed Alex’s shoulder. Patrick grinned as she eyed Alex up and down. “Yeah, it is pretty cool,” Patrick replied. “I didn’t know you were a swimmer. I knew Chris was. You look great. You can wear that anytime.” Felecia added. “Yum, yum” she threw in for good measure. Felecia was a clarinet player and a very pretty girl. Any straight guy in the band would be proud to have her as a girlfriend. In young male terms, she was brick. The two guys headed the rest of the way. “Dude, good thing you are not straight, you’d probably have shot your load right there,” Patrick said as they entered the guy’s shower room. “Yeah, that would have made Chris boing for sure,” Alex added back. He checked himself out in the floor to ceiling mirror. He smiled at how naked he looked. His bulge was extra big, still showing his state of arousal, not hard but piqued with enticement. He had one string hanging out, which looked funny, even a bit sensual. Patrick grinned as he watched Alex checking himself out. It was turning Patrick on. Patrick slipped off his shorts and grabbed Alex. The two were alone in the shower room. Alex reached over and flipped the lock on the door. “You are making me want you,” Patrick whispered as the two locked arms and faces, their mid sections touching head on. The rubbed against each other. It was deeply erotic for both of them, their tight swimsuits growing with arousal. It was new territory, but they were ready for a new level. They loved the feel of their swimsuits touching in exactly the right places. “Oh man, we have to take this all the way,” Alex whispered. His heart was beating strong and hard in his chest, the sensations between his legs growing rapidly. He had held back all night, but his body could no longer hold out. The tight Turbo suit gripped him and teased his into a flurry a sexual desire. He could feel himself pressing against Patrick, and Patrick responding with the same thrusting urges. They stepped into the shower, and continued to bring each other closer and closer, enjoying the touch and feel of their bodies close, nestled in the tight swimsuits. ______________________ “Bo, don’t be stupid,” Gregory said as he watched Bo fill with rage. Everyone on the team knew Bo had a short fuse and a hot temper, he had been warned about it before. Bo did not listen as he set off toward the three, especially Chris. “Stay out of this Coach,” Bo said as his arm extended and slammed into Chris’s chest. “Who the f..k do you think you are,” Bo yelled at Chris as he pushed him backward. “And what’s with the team suit, You are not on the team!” Chris held his ground. “Calm down, man,” Chris said. “Who are you?” a flustered Chris added. Gregory blew his whistle three times, the warning call for an incident at the pool. He leapt from the stand and ran toward the commotion. “Call security,” he yelled to Sheri as she flew in the main door. “Bo just went nuts! He attacked Chris!” “Idiot!,” Sherrie said to anyone listening. She ran to the security phone. As she did, Bo went at Chris again, this time ramming him hard, knocking him off balance. “You’re a dead man,” Bo yelled. “You and your stinking swimsuits!” Chris tried to hold on, but lost his balance and started to fall backwards. He hit Shelia who broke his fall, but she fell to the ground. Chris went sideways, the side of his swimsuit catching the sharp edge of the lane line roller. Chris continued, falling sideways into the six foot end of the pool. As he did, the corner of the lane line roller ripped the side of his swimsuit wide open, stripping most of it from his body. The suit was left dangling on the upright frame of the roller, at least what was left of the suit. The remaining portion. No longer secure on him easily slid off Chris as he went head first into the pool. Chris was naked in the water. He up righted himself, not yet aware that his swimsuit was stripped from him and hanging on something other than his body and floating in the water. “You jerk!,” Chris yelled out. He gathered quickly his emotion. He saw Shelia laying on the ground holding her shoulder. “Shelia, are you okay?” Chris yelled. He started to climb from the pool when he suddenly realized he had nothing on. He dropped back down. “I lost my swimsuit,” he yelled out. “Anyone see it?” It was then that he saw part of it hanging on the roller frame. The rest of the suits and shirts he was carrying were strewn across the floor where he had lost them as he fell. The remaining piece of the suit was afloat in the gutter of the pool. Chris covered his exposed parts with his hands and quickly pressed against the wall, trying to conceal his naked frontal view. In the clear pool water, he was hardly masked. “Here, put this on,” Gregory yelled to Chris. Gregory quickly picked one of he new suits off the floor and tossed it to Chris. Gregory could see the very clear display of a naked Chris in the water. Coach swung around and grabbed Bo by his shirt. Coach was a slender, fit guy. He was also a strong and agile fighter. He swung Bo around and pushed him against the far wall. It was forceful and fast. “Bo, what the hell are you doing?” Coach demanded, loudly. “Get in my office, now. And stay there!” Bo mouthed off about unfinished business. Coach slammed him hard against the wall, now holding him up by his tightly clasped collar. “The only unfinished business you need to worry about is your swimming scholarship. Now get you’re a.. in my office and shut the hell up.” Coach released the grip. “Gregory, make sure he goes straight to my office.” “Yes, sir,,” Gregory replied. Bo knew better than to argue with the coach. The coach released his grip and Bo turned toward Gregory. Bo flipped off Chris one final time and never said a word to Shelia. It was a final move he would soon regret. Security arrived and followed Bo and Gregory into the office. Chris slipped into the new swimsuit in the water, staying frontally close to the wall. He tied the strings and then made his way to the ladder. The suit was a similar blue print to the one he had on, the one now torn hanging on the roller rack. It had the college logo on the right side front. Like the other, he filled it out well. He climbed from the pool and rushed over to Shelia. “Are you okay?” he asked. “I am really sorry about this.” Chris added. “You have nothing to be sorry about, Chris. You did nothing wrong,” Shelia replied. “I am fine, I think I bruised my shoulder, but it doesn’t feel broke or anything. Any idea why Bo was so mad at you?” “I am thinking it has something to do with Sheri and I,” Chris answered. Chris helped Shelia up. She held his shoulder and enjoyed the moment with him. Chris was not only a handsome stud, he was also polite. “Sheri is a lucky girl to have you,” Shelia added. As she said it, Sheri rushed over and wrapped her arms around Chris. “You okay, babe?’ Sheri asked with genuine concern. “What a jerk, you could have taken him out.” “It’s better this way, let coach handle it,” Chris replied. They two embraced in a long and heartfelt kiss. Sheri’s hand rubbed Chris’s butt as she took in his affection. She felt Chris grow against her. By the time they parted, Chris had really filled out the tight new swimsuit. Shelia enjoyed the view, as did Gregory. Bo never returned. |
What a powerful chapter...To think of what could happened to our hero. And he remained calm through the whole episode. Great job STS. Thank you
I for one am very relieved to know that Chris is OK. I'm also so impressed with Chris' composure and self confidence - he did not appear to be afraid of Bo, more puzzled than anything. The way you write draws the reader in so well that I could feel the pathos as I read and was rooting for the hero all the way. As a speedo minded guy said, this was an incredibly powerful chapter with great dialogue and a nice juxtaposition of the two stories - Alex and Patrick and Chris and Sheri. Keep it going. D67 |
Two simple words
Thank you. I really wrangled with this chapter. I almost scraped the whole thing. Your words of encouragement are deeply appreciated. STS PS: D67.. did you have to look up that big long word? I did...lol. Cool word. |
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