Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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sebbie 09-17-2021 12:56 PM


I am a retired college professor who has had a 40-year career in academics, and I have written gobs of stuff that is being read used and cited by other academics—students and faculty around the world. All of this is under my real name. I have been retired for some time.

I also admit that at least for some, I have an odd “hobby” of writing on all sorts of topics related to better understanding male sexuality and filling in the gaps in the books typically written by psychiatrists or sex researchers. But, the potential problem I had is that if I wrote on those topics using my real name, someone would soon do a Web search on my name and end up with a list of my academic writings in my real career mixed together with my writings on male sexuality topics. That was intolerable, and I could not pursue my hobby writing without figuring out a way to keep the two worlds entirely separate.

I quickly landed on the idea that I was in need of a “pen” name that I could use for my hobby writings, and at the same time continue to do academic writing under my real name. This idea has actually worked quite well and periodically I do some searches to check whether or not those who do searches under my pen name could find their way into my academic writings or vice versa, I can think of a few ways that someone who wanted to link the two could possibly find out, but it would not be an easy search.

In the 1990s and for some time after, I had an active Web site with some of my pen name writing for ready access. The problem I had was that someone would crawl into the site and conclude that what they read was somehow unsuitable for the general public including teenagers, to have ready access as well, yet what I was doing in my writings was never meant to be porn but merely educational and useful on topics that were seldom openly discussed by males. Some of my writings on male sexuality were very popular and quoted on other sites dealing with complex questions related to sex, relationships and related topics. But that did not stop at least one server site from banning be on content the basis of uploading pornographic content.

I even published a book on Amazon under my pen name and all you need to do to find it is to Google my pen name and up it will pop. Meanwhile you could Google my real name and you will see tons of my academic writings including several books on Amazon. But there is no way for a casual surfer to link the two. Right now I have no personal Web site dealing with male sexuality. If you want to read my latest thinking, you can usually find a new effort here at this site.

If you Google my pen name “David Sebringsil” you will get a link to my Amazon book and to various papers who have quoted papers I wrote that were on the old Web site. And if you use the Internet wayback machine, you can see a version of my old sebringsil.com site that is no longer active, along with the papers as they appeared on that site when it was active.

The papers that appeared on the old site now have some age to them. They did have some interesting titles one being “The Thonging Primer” that discussed some ways that guys could have fun once introduced to a male underwear thong with me giving “how to do it” advice that some of the server sites was too raunchy for general access. What is or is not pornographic versus merely educational in the world of sex is always an interesting issue.

So I just got through finding an original copy of “The Thonging Primer” and I thought it would be fun to ask the question “Does the advice I gave readers 25 years ago on this topic still hold, and what has changed since then that would either say “I changed my mind on some of this” or perhaps what is readily available has changed?

Some of you have probably read my recent essays on Wrangler Butts on the “Off-topic: section of this site. The interesting part when I went back to the old Thonging essay, part of it mentioned the fun a guy could have wearing a thong as underwear UNDER a pair of tight-fitting Wrangler jeans. What you see here are recurring long-term themes of mine.

Next, what I want to try and do here is present an annotated version of the Thonging Primer along with what still applies and what needs to be updated or even rethought entirely. But also expect me to be stunningly consistent, and generally what I thought was fun to do 25 or more years ago I still relish doing 25 years later.

I have other early papers that deserve the same treatment, “Spending the Night in a Cup” being my “classic” essay on straps and eroticism. So stick with me—this could be fun. And if you get a little aroused reading what I write, well that is why some people thought I should be banned from having all searchers be able to get ready access!

And also always remember that a male does not need to have a sexual partner in order to enjoy who you are as a male, and the idea of being a happy male living alone is another recurring theme in all of this, but this is especially true if your collection of Speedos is large!

sebbie 09-18-2021 09:33 PM

Wayback Sebringsil.com Internet link
If you would like to see the original papers on the Sebringsil.com site, they are available via the Internet Wayback machine.

Try this link for an index. Seems to work fine.


dm106 10-04-2021 01:10 AM

Sebbie, I have enjoyed your writings and ramblings and now you have posted links to read more. Thanks very much for doing that.

sebbie 10-18-2021 12:03 PM

What Professional Wrestlers wore
What Professional Wrestlers wore

I grew up in the 1950s and early 1960s. We got our first black and white TV set in late 1955 and I would have been only about 8 years old. Interestingly, one of the first late night shows I saw in that period was what passed for the professional wrestling of the day. Even way back then we knew a lot of what we were seeing was basically staged, and despite the theatrics the last thing the two guys on the mat wanted to do was injure themselves in taking falls. But even on the old TV sets we could see that the mat was not at all like concrete but springy, almost like a trampoline, This made the throws and falls look more dramatic.

Me? I was not much interested in wrestling the sport, but what caught my eye at that early age was the costumes the guys wore. They were like a swim brief, fit tight, but were quite high-waisted—fitting to the wrestlers’ belly buttons. Think swim brief with maybe a 6-inch side but no leg like a mid cut would have. Even at age 8 or 9 I thought these briefs were way cool and I knew I would really enjoy wearing one. Here I was, well before puberty and I still wanted to wear something like that, something that clearly outlined the shape of my package.

Pro wrestling in those days seemed to attract a female audience, who though not admitting it were attracted to seeing the guys cavorting on the mat in the tight briefs. I suppose there was a male audience—some guys interested in seeing the actual wrestling for the theatrics labeled a sport, but there no doubt was a significant homo-erotic male audience as well, maybe what could be called a gay-curious component.

The idea of wearing just a brief as a professional wrestler continued for decades, but what did change is that the industry started to see that the briefs the guys wore was part of the reason there was an audience, and the briefs started getting a lower and lower rise and seemed to keep fitting snugger and snugger, all the better for attracting an audience.

By the 1980s things had gotten really snug and while not yet quite bodybuilder posing trunks, the sides had gone to 3 inches then maybe 2 inches. This did not seem to hurt either ticket sales or TV audiences, in fact, quite the opposite—so you had all these big, muscular guys cavorting on a mat in front of a big live and TV audience in a minimal brief, with each wrestler wearing a different color.

There is a Netflix series “The Toys that made us”. Season 3 episode 4 deals with toys based on professional wrestling figures. Toy dolls were big sellers for girls, but dolls of either sex did not sell well for boys, with very limited exceptions. Girls liked dolls but boys wanted “action figures” to play with. Action figures based on military themes have been around for a long time, culminating with GI Joe who was actually a male doll in military garb but marketed to boys as an action figure not as a doll. And the toy companies were always looking for other ideas to create action figures on other themes that would be in effect a way to make dolls that would appeal to boys. One idea? Professional wrestling action figures.

And all of this happened just when the wrestling briefs had gotten quite skimpy, and so the action figures had to be made similarly, the poseable figure unclothed save the tiny brief in the color whatever the wrestler was wearing. You soon had a bunch of different wresting action figures in blister packs wearing only a snug-fitting brief in a bright color. And boys were buying these as action figures not male dolls and simultaneously learning that it was more than OK to be wearing a snug-fitting colored brief—this in a period of time when a colored brief for swimming had become popular even for young males who were not on a swim team. Mere coincidence? Maybe not! At that point in time the idea that somehow only gay guys would be caught wearing a swim brief had not yet surfaced to any degree.

It was later, and then only gradually that some wrestlers adopted more elaborate costumes that typically covered more but more individualized designs still with lightweight compression gear. Some of these were a variation based on a college-style wrestling singlet. Other wrestlers wore tights that extended to the ankles, and the poseable action figures were made to mimic whatever the popular wrestler of the day was wearing in the ring.

Still, nearly all of the early wrestling action figures were clad only in a tight-fitting brief in a bright color and boys were buying this and playing with their action figures thus clad. This was not considered homoerotic in any way, just boys engaging in action-figure play with wrestling being popular way to engage two of the action figures.

If you have a Netflix subscription, the episode to watch is season 3 episode 4 that traces the development of these early, brief-garbed wrestling action figures aimed at a young male audience. This was really popular in the late 1980s extending into the 1990s—less so today.

singletlover 10-20-2021 11:24 AM

How I remember watching "professional" wrestling. Never cared for the theatrics, or the violence, but the costumes always kept me watching.

sebbie 11-12-2021 12:46 PM

On Feeling Good in the Morning
On Feeling Good in the Morning

It’s funny how male sexuality works. I can go for days—sometimes longer--without ever thinking about my body down there. Then on one morning, as today, it suddenly hits me. I start thinking about my penis and my penis complains that it is unhappy for my lack of attention. It wants my attention and lets me know that in no uncertain terms. My brain acts like it is being forced to deal with this and it must somehow cope with the situation. “I want to be touched and fondled” screams my penis. My brain responds “OK I will deal with that!”

What happens next for guys depends on a lot of things. If a guy has a female sexual partner, the guy is hoping that she is either feeling the same way and the two of them can get off together. If the guy has a male sexual partner, he hopes that the partner is interested in the situation as well, and not off in some phase of having other non-sexual things he is worrying about.

But what if the guy is single and living alone? Like me? What to do? I guess most guys who wake up feeling horny but alone deal with it in the conventional way—deal with it by quickly masturbating to ejaculation, then simply clean up and forget about the whole thing until he gets the “urge” to do it again. Heck, that’s the way probably the vast majority of teens and other young single males cope day by day.

Me, of course, I am different, and the methods I employed as a young person no longer seem satisfactory. I am not after an experience that lasts only 2 or 3 minutes total. I want to “bask” in my sexual feelings for hours, if possible. In short, I’m into long and slow mode not let me get this over quickly mode. There are a huge number of ways a guy can enjoy himself alone, and if you have read along with me you will realize that I want to explore as many of them as possible.

Why is it, whenever I wake up feeling horny like this I get a desperate urge to pull on something really snug and tight. This morning what I wanted to be in was a way undersized pair of tighty-whiteys that just barely fit around my waist. Why am I so fond of these, anyway? Mainly because they allow me to position my penis forward and up even if it it only a little bit hard. In my condition the underside of my penis feels sooo good even with the most gentle of touches, and for me exploring this is one of the great treats of being a male. So I get into my little white briefs and start playing with myself, focusing on the underside.

What would make this feel even better? Why an old-school strap with a pouch, of course! I have a decision to make. Cup or not? The problem with wearing a cup this morning is that if I crawl into the cup, my ability to mess around by touching the underside of my penis will be blocked. So the obvious choice is an old school pouch—no cup. What makes this jock good is that I can continue to point my penis forward and up—Generally the cups for a guy into a down position with the underside buried. But the jock without the pouch is perfect layered over the tight brief. I love the sensations I am getting why playing around with the pouch over the brief.

What next? I’m in the brief and the jock and feeling great. But I have some really nice-and-snug running tights as well. It is cool today. Pull those on over. Three layers now. Undersized brief, strap and tights. How does my penis feel about all of this? The underside still feels great as I gently touch and rub myself still focusing primarily on the underside. Today is slow and somewhat boring. But I have found a way to make my day, well, quite enjoyable, and the method did not involve getting off in a hurry or deal the the complexities of involving a sexual partner.

All in all a great day! Every guy is different. This scheme may not work for you, or you may have different choices. But this is a scheme that works very well for me and the sensations I am getting from my penis is a continuing but gentle reminder. This is great!

Have a great day!

sebbie 12-22-2021 12:18 PM

As 2021 draws to a close
As 2021 draws to a close

First, I want to wish all my readers the best for the holiday season and into 2022. My fondest wish is that for each of my readers is to be able to find a path so that they are able to do things to, by and for themselves regardless of the specific situation they find themselves in.

This has been an incredible journey for me. I am now well into my 70s, and dare I admit that the things I enjoyed as a young teenager remain important and enjoyable to me now, and my enthusiasm for this particular part of life has not diminished. I can only hope that my readers find a path that works as well for them as this has worked for me. I could offer some specific suggestions on what to do based on my personal experiences but I have done that for you hundreds of times already.

I’m sure all of you know where I am going with this. Part of life is simply kicking back and having fun. And some of you may think that the only way you can have fun is to be with others (or perhaps Another), which is fine. But if for whatever reason that is not where life takes you, there is absolutely no reason to feel down or unhappy.

The human body is an amazing thing, capable on its own of taking you a whole series of strange and wonderful places. Tapping into all of this is just endlessly fascinating.

I am always awestruck by how wonderful the male penis is—but particularly the underside of the male penis. Even flaccid, feeling really great is just a light touch away—but especially if you have found the spot here to touch. One way of celebrating the holiday season is to simply kick back and explore all of this.

I know a lot of you like to mess around like this wearing a snug swim brief but that is just one option. Nothing quite like an upward-pointing penis with the underside pressed tightly against the slick snug cloth of the swim brief. Just a light touch to the underside positioned like this will send you to a wonderful place of celebration.

But, as as all of you know, I am also really fond of jock straps, running tights, and perhaps a oddly to you, really tight-fitting tighty whiteys. And today is a great day to experiment and fondle myself. First the tighty whiteys—penis still positioned forward and up, of course. Then the Duke strap. And on top of that, my Tesla running tights.

I have been wearing the same pair of running tights from Tesla for a long time, and, not surprisingly they are now wearing thin in spots. But what is interesting is that they seem to fit every bit as snug and tight as they did when I first took them out of the package over a year ago. I have been comparing the fit with pairs that have been worn only a few times and the fit remains the same.

All of this feels really great. The past few weeks I have been having some issues with a sore lower back, and have been off my usual rowing and exercising program for the past 3 weeks or so. But my situation has really improved over the past few days and I am back to my full rowing and biking schedule—but today wearing my favorite gym wear. I Feel great today and I am celebrating the day by getting myself back into my favorite gym wear.

This Afternoon

This afternoon I had another half hour of rowing to do and I wanted to mix it up a bit. I always enjoy wearing a thong when I row, as the thong rear cinches up between my glutes with every stroke. It is a great feeling. So I found a favorite underwear thong and got into it.

The other real treat is to put a strap with a cup over the top. The combination of the thong tugging away in a sensitive place with the cup pressing firmly down on me with every stroke is both interesting and great fun. A treat for every guy that is not to be missed.

I am wishing all of you the best and I am only hoping that you too can find a path that you really enjoy!


nespeedoguy 12-23-2021 02:46 AM

Great post Debbie enjoy your stories! Best wishes to everyone for a Merry Christmas and a Happy! Healthy 2022!!
I’ve got festive red briefs trunks patterns and a red solar speedo for rest of the month! Hoping Santa will bring some new jock straps. Cheers guys!

nespeedoguy 12-23-2021 02:47 AM

Sebbie! not Debbie !

dm106 12-28-2021 10:55 PM

Thanks for writing, Sebbie and Happy New Year!

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