Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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sebbie 04-19-2019 06:30 PM

Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXXI A Speedo® Story
Speedo® is a brand name—a registered trademark for a company as used both in the US and internationally. It is easy to find documents explaining the history. The Speedo® (as in swim brief) was the result of efforts to develop swimwear for competitive male swimmers that would allow them to move faster through the water, perhaps about as fast as swimming naked, while still providing a cover for the male body parts. As I understand the story, Speedo® developed a brief made of materials suitable for swimming that followed the basic design idea that Jockey® had for simpler, briefer, men’s underwear. Jockey® claims to have invented the first brief-style underwear for men, though Jockey shorts (briefs) had been around for many years before Speedos® as swim briefs came out.

Some companies have a complicated relationship with their own trademarks. They dare not let their trademark fall into too common usage to describe similar products or they can lose their trademark. Instead of calling a box of soft paper handkerchiefs a box of “facial tissues”, instead it would be referred to as a box of Kleenex®. But Kleenex is just a single company’s brand name for facial tissues. If everyone else is making what people call Kleenex, the value of the brand name was lost.

And Xerox®. At one time not that long ago, making a photocopy of printed material was called Xeroxing a copy, regardless of the brand of machine being used. Xerox® even become a verb., as in “could you Xerox a copy of this for me”.

Even Kodak®. Some time ago Kodak-branded cameras and film were so popular that people referred to taking any camera as a Kodak, and picture taking was “Taking a Kodak”. That one never stuck around and the use was lost as other camera brands increased in popularity.

Meanwhile, as the popularity of swim briefs made by Speedo® increased, people started to refer to any brief style swimwear for men as a Speedo no matter who made it, and there soon became serious competitors in selling that style, as in briefs by Tyr®, Arena® Dolphin® and others that were all styled like a Speedo® but not made by Speedo® the company.

But, it is also well known that Speedo-style swimming briefs have gone in and out of fashion over the years, as has the fashion as made by companies other than Speedo®. So to survive the company had to develop a product line that included much more in the way of clothing with a sports theme than just the swimming brief—as in Speedo-branded shorts, board shorts, tee shirts and other Speedo-branded clothing for the upper body, etc. But no one would refer to a Speedo-branded pair of board shorts as a Speedo®. Generically used, a Speedo is a somewhat skimpy swimming brief regardless of who made it. Speedo® attempts to legally protect its trademark in part because if the term becomes too widely used to describe any brief-style swimwear for men, they could lose the trademark.

Every male teenager post-puberty has an interesting connection to the whole idea of wearing a swim brief, regardless of the specific brand. I suspect that this situation perhaps began way back when Speedo® introduced the first product. Granted, the brief did cover the male body parts that needed to be covered, but the whole idea of covering the male body parts with only a minimum amount of cloth, quite frankly, scared a lot of guys.

Any male knows that certain body parts, day or night, often do not remain the same size all the time, but go through very natural cycles getting larger and then smaller both day and night. And arousal can happen in unexpected places and times. The idea of wearing a garment that is brief enough to clearly show the size of a guy’s genitals in outline moment-by-moment scares a lot of guys to the point where they say “I would never wear one of those”.

Not only that, many females seem not only upset but also even angry about seeing even the outline of male body parts in such a garment. Besides, a guy wearing a swim brief could easily be teased and bullied. Further, there is the gay connection with all of this—that swim briefs are worn only by gay guys are interested in “showing off” what they have, at least in outline, to other gay guys.

While much of this is really scary for a bunch of different reasons, young males at the same time are drawn to swim briefs. I suppose that there are guys who learned to swim wearing a brief that see all of this as no big deal at all post puberty, but the more commonplace situation is the guy who has never worn a swim brief and discovers that this is a requirement if he is going to be on a high school swim team. What happens if I suddenly start to grow, even by a little.

There is also this little matter of fit and feel. The best briefs for competitive swimming fit, well, quite snug, and are made of fabric that is quite slick and smooth. By this time young guys are probably well aware of how sensitive their penises are not only to touch, but also to anything that fits snug, slick and smooth. And a guy starts to at least contemplate the idea that perhaps a snug and slick swimming brief might be an ideal garment for jerking off. If so, the guy starts to long for the possibility of owning at least a single swim brief if only for this purpose, in private.

Think now about Randall and Shawn. Randall obviously went through this part of growing up and into young adulthood much earlier than Shawn did. Bluntly put, Randall thought up a way to get a hold of a swimming brief shortly after puberty, and he used as an aid to jerking off from the time it arrived and he made first contact, so to speak. As a young adult, this has morphed into daily wear of swimming briefs as underwear under skinny jeans.

Obviously, Shawn had also been thinking about how he might look and feel in a swim brief from a very early age as well, though he never figured out how to get a hold of one to try until he met up with his dorm room mate, Randall, who was obviously wearing these a lot. Then the trip out to the Mall sporting goods store with Randall, where Shawn finally got to purchase a Speedo® as Randall picked out a new one for himself.

Once the guys got back to the dorm room, the end result was, well, predictable, and maybe similar to what would happen for any two male buddies who were in a similar situation. Given where the dorm showers are located, Shawn now had an “excuse” to own a swim brief, something he had longed for back to his early teen years. The rest of it, well you know! Even Speedo® has to know that some of its product line in briefs has uses other than for competitive swimming. After all, a sale of a product is a sale.


With this chapter, I conclude my story, at least until I dream up some more adventures. I realized I have raised a lot of questions and issues, while answering only a few of them. I hope that my readers had as much fun reading my story as I had in writing it, and I would be especially pleased if at least some of you felt compelled to try out some of the ideas I have suggested for yourself. You will not really know how you will react to a particular situation unless you try it for yourself. As I write this I am wearing just a simple old-school strap along with a slightly undersized black asics wrestling singlet. The weather has turned very warm for the first time this spring, and I am really enjoying myself in this combination. This might not be a long story writing break for me, but for now I need to take a little time off to kick back and enjoy myself. And as a final reminder, always enjoy your Speedos® no matter what the particular brand name of the ones you own!


swim suit eddie 06-24-2019 04:05 AM

What to wear?
It was a good thread by Sebbie and I really enjoyed it. As what to wear, I'll wear my favorite snug denim playtime overalls with sexy bright colored leotard and tights underneath to the doctor's office during the cold winter months. They feel so warm, snug and soft. My doctor is a female and both her and the nurse like my snug winter attire. My visit is usually for a yearly physical examination. Of course I'll bring a change of clothes, loose fitting underwear and trousers for a quick change of clothes after the physical examination. She will always have me completely undress for these physical exams. I'll have to wait a while before being called in by the nurse and am very aroused from the warm, snug and secure feeling in my winter outfit, knowing, They will soon be all off, while being totally naked for the doctor. As what to wear, those warm snug overalls with leotard and tights are the best type clothes to wear for my upcoming medical plight. Once called into the exam room, the doctor goes over my medical records, while I'm still dressed, then when leaving the room, she tell the lovely nurse to have me all undressed and gowned for my physical exam. Those snug overalls and leotards are giving me quite an erection, when the nurse would close the large privacy curtain and asking how many layers I'm wearing under those cute snug overalls. I know what to wear to the doctors savoring the warm snug feeling while still in my winter outfit and helping to keep my medical anxieties and fears in check. The nurse then gives a nice smile, saying "it's time, everything has to come off now", then helps me strip it all off. It's a long slow, yet somewhat enjoyable process, helping me to undress, as she unfastens the overall snaps, then unzipping the side leg zippers, and slowly pulls them down and off my blue colored leotard and tights clad decent shaped body. Suddenly the lady doctor returns, seeing me still in leotard and tights that well outline my full erection. The doctor would say " don't feel embarrassed, having an erection, as we'll have all those tight sexy winter clothes off you". Soon, I was completely naked and very erect, when both the doctor and nurse began doing my physical exam, the whole works, blood tests, being weighed nude and then the dreaded DRE. Finally my physical exam was completed and receiving a good bill of health from the doctor. I missed putting my snug winter outfit back on, but was able to get dressed quickly in the baggy underwear and loose clothes, as they had to see one more patient for the day. Like I've said, wearing those snug warm denim kiddie overalls, long sleeve button up flannel shirt with leotard and tights underneath to the doctors and being helped taking them all off, keeps medical fears and anxiety in check during my physical examination.

sebbie 07-29-2019 05:21 PM

Onward (and upward) http://www.mensswimsuitboard.com/for...ead.php?t=2495

sebbie 06-04-2020 12:45 PM

On arousal cycles "What to Wear" Updates
On arousal cycles

I go through periods of time when I do not feel horny at all, but other periods of time when my mind seems to be focused on the sensations in my groin area. I guess other guys have to deal with these same issues, that sometimes a guy feels that he is focused on his sexual organs, but other times not so much if at all.

If what I am learning from videos on the net, these cyles occur naturally, and part of this has to do with how long it has been since a guy had his last orgasm, perhaps with a partner, but quite often and maybe more often, alone.

As I have grown older, I have also discovered that it takes me a lot longer to “recuperate” from an orgasm, and as I got into my 70s, we are talking days, not hours or even minutes as some of the young guys seem to be able to accomplish. Another thing I have learned is that young guys frequently like to engage in much the same “edging” techniques I enjoy so much, that is, forcing themselves to get really aroused and hard, but then suddenly stopping cold, to pick up doing the same thing the next day. A young guy who can do this for a few days is considered good, but why not try for a week, or maybe even two weeks of bringing yourself up to the very edge of having an orgasm, then stopping for another day. The orgasm a guy eventually has will keep getting more and more powerful the more days you can go, but refraining from going into orgasmic convulsions keeps getting to be more and more of a challenge. Still, I recommend that every guy try edging as it is hugely fun to do, even if you fail at the early stages.

I had an orgasm on Sunday night and it is Thursday today. Monday I did not feel like playing with myself at all. Tuesday I felt a little better but I had some other things I was doing and did not seem to be able to focus myself as I knew I needed to. By Wednesday evening I was feeling pretty good again. I took out my trusty old vibrator and started massaging the underside of my penis with it. I was starting to feel pretty good again and once again I started to grow and ooze precum drops. But then I stopped and got into my vacuum penis pump. The penis pump seems to be more fun if I am already a bit aroused and the vibrator serves that purpose quite nicely. So I applied the penis pump and then pulled it off.

Then the trick is to apply some gel soap or other lube and just start messing around with yourself using hand and fingers. The idea is to take yourself to a higher level than the penis pump left you but then stop before you can’t stop voluntarily. Then, at least for me, I pull on a swim brief, position my still semi erect penis “up” and crawl into bed. Usually I fall right to sleep. If I wake up I may check on my condition down there, but last night I slept soundly through the night and awoke at 6:30 AM. I checked on my prenis as soon as I awakened, and it was still pointed up, and if anything, a bit harder than it was when I went to bed. Clearly, it had a fine night.

But I awaken and I am still feeling horny. I seem to want to spend the day semi aroused in something snug and tight but I have other work to do outdoors. I pull on a favorite pair of undersized tighty whiteys, but over that I find a really old pair of compression shorts, ones I bought maybe 25 years ago. They never were roomy and they still feel really snug and tight. Over that I simply pull some sweat pants so I can do my outdoor work and not distract my neighbors either.

The compression gear will likely keep me feeling rather horny all day long as it is doing right now. Tonight I will be able to pick up with the same techniques I employed last night or something very similar, again stopping moments before I go over the edge. As you can probably tell, I am feeling quite good down there as I write this. I write these stories better assuming I can work from actual events in my life. These same options are open to every guy.


sebbie 06-07-2020 12:05 PM

A New Day
I’d ordered these leather-look short shorts last December, but other than to try them on, I had never actually worn them for any length of time. Last night, I was feeling pretty good both physically and psychologically and decided that this was the night to try wearing them as bed wear. If you can imagine, thin faux leather, not a brief but a short short that fits really snug and low in the back, with a distinct pouch for the penis made of the same material.

Turns out these do feel pretty good and I had to periodically check on how I am doing during the night.

I woke up this morning still feeling pretty focused (if you know what I mean but I am sure you do). I decided on removing the shorts it would be fun to clean up the last remnants of my pubic hair. I like how I look not buried in a sea of curly grass. I have a little manscaping razor. I don’t know if you have observed this, but it is far easier to do a quality job of pubic hair shaving if you have at least a semi-erection going on. Coming out of wearing the faux leather shorts all night long, that was not a problem.

So I am now as clean as a baby’s butt down there and I decide to do my usual morning things completely in the nude with the idea of pulling on an old 2x(ist) thong I really like that has a T-shaped back and tugs in all the right places between my glutes. The neat thing about this thong is that it pushes everything I had just been playing with front and forward. So, after I finish brushing my teeth I put on the thong and it feels really good too, plus I like how I am looking in the mirror—a little hard but not THAT hard. Perfect!

I am not going to go the rest of the day clad only in the thong. I have this old pair of purple compression shorts I had purchased years ago when Undergear was still in business. They are called BOA shorts, which translates into “Built On Athletics” and still fit like a purple second skin.

Now the thong is pushing me out in the pouch even as the shorts are pressing down in the same area. This is not only psychologically interesting but feels really good too. When I get myself into this situation both physically and psychologically almost invariably I start to ooze. The cotton pouch of the thong poses no barrier to small wet spots seeping right through to the outside of the purple shorts. Not too noticeable, but I certainly know what is going on. This is fun to watch, both mentally and physically. There is some truly neat stuff going on, and I am enjoying it immensely.

On top, I pulled on a worn old, loose-fitting lime green A-shirt which interestingly, somehow fits nicely with the tight purple compression shorts. I’m feeling great!

The leather-look shorts felt erotic last night. The shaving this morning was erotic. The really snug thong was erotic. The purple shorts are erotic. It’s a great day to be alive. I’m looking forward to my daily workout, with that thong T-back crawling up my butt on every stroke of my stationary rowing machine and every turn of my stationary bike.

Why do I do so much exercise? The answer, I think, is clear. But only if you know what you are looking for.

Happy oozing!

PS I had forgotten how much sheer fun that old 2x(ist) thong with the T-back is to wear. It crawls way up between my glutes and applies steady pressure throughout the area. I have been oozing nearly nonstop ever since I got into it this morning. Just great fun!

sebbie 06-12-2020 01:21 PM

Thoughts on life as a single guy
Thoughts on life as a single guy

Every guy likes to enjoy himself in a host of different ways, both sexual and otherwise. It is part of who we are as human beings. I have long thought about the role that relationships play in a guy’s life. Some guys seem to exist mainly because they enjoy being with other people. This is not an issue of sexual orientation as such. A lot of guys who are partnered with females still enjoy having time to simply hang out with other guys—male friends—in nonsexual ways. This continuing interest drives some females—not all—bonkers.

Women generally grow up to believe that the female must be the sole source of sexual pleasure for a guy, and that if this is not the case, then at minimum, she picked the wrong guy to be with or perhaps she is somehow doing something “wrong”. At some point for her, having sex with her guy may become a burden not a source of pleasure in the relationship. And the relationship begins to crumble.

For guys, however, the situation can be even more complicated. Growing up to be a young adult, every guy learned dozens of ways to enjoy himself often without anyone else being around. By the time a guy becomes a young adult and is about to marry, he has built up a long list of techniques that he enjoys for jerking off. This list is pretty much “off limits” to the new wife, who believes that she will now be the the path by which guy will ever again be able to enjoy his own body.

What kinds of things are on this list? If you read through all of what I have written, you have been introduced to a host of different techniques that I regularly employ for self-pleasuring. I have added a few things over the years, but a basic problem remains. I have this large collection of swim briefs, jock straps, compression gear etc that I really “enjoy” wearing. If I get into a relationship, surely the sexual partner at some point will start to think that this stuff interferes with the partner part of the sexual relationship. Other guys seem to be concerned that if they are not in a relationship that they will not be sexually happy. But I keep thinking that the only real way for me to be sexually unhappy is to be stuck in a relationship doing only the things my partner thinks are OK and is an important part of. I have never found a satisfactory positive answer as to why I should be sexually happier in a relationship than not in a relationship.

That may sound crazy to some, but at some point and with practice a guy gets so good at “self abuse” that a relationship with a sexual partner becomes unimportant. I have developed for my readers long essays on the specifics of how to do that. For a lot of guys, even in adulthood, the specific techniques one uses in self-pleasuring is as closely a guarded secret as is possible. I suppose the Internet and video porn sites have opened to window a bit on how guys masturbate and exactly what happens. These sites generally have no solo-sex section. Presumably the straight section shows videos of guys having sex with a female partner, and the gay (male) section should show guys having sex with a male partner, usually oral or anal or both.

How two partners engage in sex is not really that interesting to see. We all pretty much know how that is done. But the really interesting videos are the ones that show the techniques guys employ while masturbating. The videos provide a window on this area of being male that for most guys is kept as a huge and dark secret.

The male masturbation videos with only a guy in them are all in the “gay” section. I suppose the reason is that it is assumed that gay guys are interested in seeing other guys masturbate. But why should this only be of interest to a guy who thinks he is gay? Straight guys masturbate too and are interesting in delving into the answers to the question guys never dare ask as teenagers. Do other guys my age like doing this as much as I do and if so, have they learned some methods I have not yet uncovered?

Once a guy enters a sexual relationship, the list of things the guy enjoys doing with, to and by himself is still there, and the ideas on the list are still as much fun as they always were. How to proceed? Will the partner-sex activities be so enjoyable that the list will somehow recede, psychologically, and gradually no longer be important to the guy? Can some of the fun things on the list be incorporated in some way into the relationship sex? And how will the partner feel about that. Does the partner enter the relationship with her or his own list, and, if so, can the lists be somehow shared and merged into one?

These are important (critical) questions that must get resolved in any relationship that involves regular sex with a partner. But even relationships may not last forever. Guys divorce, quite frequently. A sexual partner may die, leaving a guy alone once again and without a regular sexual partner,

But the list is still there, and with luck, once a guy is alone again he can fall back on doing some of the same things he enjoyed by himself long before he had a sexual partner. Fun things! Things that make life as we know it for guys once again whole. Maybe this is a better strategy than trying to quickly start a new relationship. That is worth pondering.

As single guy living alone my entire adult life I can say that I have enjoyed myself and my life tremendously. I have watched as my peers struggled with relationship issues and constantly been happy with respect to not having to deal with that. If my friends think my life has somehow been sexually unsatisfying that is their problem not mine. They are making assumptions that are simply not true. I probably do have a larger collection than most guys have that is labeled “garments I ‘enjoy’ wearing” but each of those is there for a purpose. What I do by and with myself works for me, and that is really all that matters.

sebbie 05-07-2021 01:21 PM

What to Wear...
What to wear….

I’m retired now, living single as I always have. Over the years I have built a large collection of clothing items that I enjoy wearing. There are underwear in every imaginable shape and size, swim briefs in all sorts of cuts and sizes, thongs both those designed to be worn as underwear and as swimwear. Then there are the Lycra items, the tees, the running tights, the compression shorts, the jammers. Not to mention a huge collection of straps some with cups and some without. And my collection of jeans from semi skinny to supper skinny with a running tight-like fit would boggle the mind.

The year of Covid has meant that mostly I have stayed indoors at my house. With no one around this has been an excellent chance to enjoy wearing some of the items I have accumulated over the years. I have been on a rigorous exercise program for 40 years or more, involving weightlifting, stationary rowing and bike riding, and I have an excellent TV setup that allows me to keep this up on a daily basis without ever getting bored with the half hour jaunts on the rowing machines (two of them) while wearing a different set of gear every day. And many of the items in my collections mesh well with the things I am doing exercise wise.

As a young kid I became very fond of wearing tighty whiteys in part I think because I saw other boys my age all wearing them back then even though my mom tended to favor me wearing the slightly longer boxer briefs. As soon as I was able to make my own underwear purchases I switched over to the briefs, and started picking up a few swim briefs as well like I also saw the other guys wearing and was fascinated by. And it was not long after I decided I needed to own a strap even though as something of a non-athlete I was not participating in any sport that required one. The one I bought was really very undersized but so far as I was concerned there was no point in owning a strap that did not fit really snug and tight.

Today, even in the collection of tighty whiteys I own, there is a large variety of sizes and even styles. Over the years I discovered that a tighty whitey worked really well to give my butt a little extra padding when working out on the rowing machine or stationary bike. But then there is the question of sizing. Loose, snug, or really snug? Tighty whiteys come in various shapes and sizes from full cut to not so full cut and from XXL Adult to small sizes designed for young teen boys but maybe will fit an adult seeking a snug fit.

The weird part for me is that each day I get up thinking about what I am going to wear as underwear in going about my active exercise routing for the day, starting with the undergarment that goes on first. I find that some mornings I wake up preferring a relatively full-sized tighty whitey with a looser fit, but other days I pull out an undersized garment in a “youth” size. I have not quite determined why this varies day-by-day but somehow this morning I want very much to be wearing the undersized one.

On other days I long for a strap over the tighty whiteys, sometimes with a cup and sometimes not, but somehow not today. I have no real explanation for this either except to say that what I want to be wearing varies day by day including whether or not I have a strap on.

And my “Tesla” running tights along with a long-sleeved compression tee goes on over. And finally today over the running tights I decided my pair of vintage white “Bike” brand football pants were perfect over the black running tights. I can go the entire day this way. It’s cool here today but supposedly turning warmer by noon. I may swap the vintage Bike football pants for maybe a still snugger blue jammer over the running tights or maybe not. I will see how I am feeling around noon. For now the combo I have on will work fine.

So far as my jeans go for getting out and around, something similar happens there. I have jeans that are merely skimpy but several pair that fit what I would call really skin-tight. In essence the cloth appears to be denim but the fit is very similar to a running tight because they have Lycra in them. Same deal. Some days I wear something merely skinny, but other days I want the tightest fit possible.

At one point in time I wondered if I was the only guy in the world who had these “hang-ups” but I have gradually learned that there are others out there who chose various items of clothing based on how they are feeling on any given day. Among swim brief wearers there are swim briefs that vary from relatively big and loose-fitting all the way down to those that fit really snug and tight, and I suspect that choices there may vary as well on a daily basis. Some days a guy might wear a brief that is rather large and loose-fitting while other days really snug and tight rules. And I am thinking that the daily choice here is driven by some of the same stuff that causes me to want to wear a specific size and cut of a tighty whitey on any given day.

To be sure, any garment a guy wears that is a covering in the groin area is going to affect how a guy feels “down there” The resulting effects can be subtle and perhaps even inconsequential or not subtle and even demanding a guy’s attention on a continuing basis. Generally I find that if I am working on solving a problem that has nothing to do with how I am feeling in my groin area moment by moment, I tend to wear loose-fitting briefs as my undergarment choice during the day. However, if I am trying to make time pass quickly during exercise, there is nothing quite like a tight-and-snug undergarment to speed everything up and make what I am doing really enjoyable in other ways.

A lot of exercise equipment nowadays seems to be directed at using computer programs designed to capture the attention of the person working out with trainers and travelogue-style video. I prefer a good TV show that has nothing to do with watching a trainer or with viewing scenery on a bike ride. In making time pass the regular TV I watch works better than that.

But I would also argue that a continuing exercise program really works the best if you are wearing the correct undergarments and outergarments, in particular, one that keeps drawing attention to your body in such a way that you cannot help but feel horny while you are exercising. A lot of people start exercise programs like mine and soon quit after getting “bored”. It is very difficult to feel bored with any exercise routine if you are also feeling really good and horny down there. I think a lot of people miss that one entirely, or don’t realize exactly how they can take advantage of all of this.

If I had a partner for sex maybe I would feel differently about this. Or maybe not, as the first thing I would want to do is explain to the partner the lucid details of all why all of this works so well for me and what is really going on with my body and inside my head during a workout.

What I have just told you is some way fun stuff to try. Maybe some of you knew it already.

sebbie 05-10-2021 01:27 PM

How much tension can a guy tolerate?
How much tension can a guy tolerate?

Once a guy reaches puberty, one of the first problems he faces is the possibility of getting an erection in a situation that seems unconnected to the idea of being in a sexual relationship of one sort or another. An event like this seems to come on at nearly random occasions and sometimes when a guy is trying to be thinking about something else. This is weird. Really weird. And, of course the worst-case scenario is for the erection to head straight into a full-blown ejaculation. And double or quadruple that if something like this happens when there are others around. This is supposed to be a private thing, happening in private and certainly without anyone else staring at what exactly is going on.

I suspect that nearly every guy as an adult has images of situations that did not go as planned in this regard when the guy was in school or even as a young adult. The male body is quite active in this regard and does not let any guy off the hook without having gotten into a few scary incidents of this sort—incidents that somehow get firmly burned into the guys head for the rest of his life. I realize that while a lot of guys tend to go over these incidents on a regular basis, this is not something most guys would ever be comfortable with talking about to any other person male or female, under any circumstances.

These incidents are part of the psyche of nearly every male but get buried deep in the mind of who a guy really is. Still, in a strange sort of way, reliving these episodes can be not only interesting but may even play a key element in making a guy once again “feel horny”. But then, guys who regularly engage in partner sex keep a virtual memory bank of things they got to do that were particularly enjoyable with a sexual partner as well. And many guys no doubt like to replay the videotape in their brains involving one or more partner-focused sexual encounters that were particularly interesting and arousing. Whether the psychological videotape involves a current sexual partner or some past encounter with a different person is only known to the guy. Still, reliving past experiences of this sort, whether alone or with a partner, is an important part of who a guy really is from a sexual perspective.

As for me, I really like feeling horny. It is a critical part of who I am as a person and as a human being. It is a part of life that may seem all but trivial even though it is very important to me. Maybe oddly from the perspective of some guys, I am so fond of feeling horny that this part frequently overwhelms the whole idea of proceeding to a full-blown orgasm. I love the simmering part, so to speak. I am so overwhelmed by this that I admit that I haven’t quite figured out the guys who seem to enjoy proceeding to a full-blown ejaculation as quickly as possible whether they are alone or with a partner. To me, ejaculation is a great release of tension that is incredible fun but only for a fleeting moment or two, followed by, well, nothing. Instead I want to spend an entire afternoon or a whole night feeling good down there about my body and who I am as a guy.

For most guys, a key part of growing up is getting confronted by clothing items that they have not worn before, and items that the guy thinks deep down fit in such a way as to be a sexual turn-on unrelated to being in a sexual situation with another person. Often this might involve an article of clothing that fits a little too snug or much too snug in the groin area. For a young teen, maybe a pair of jeans that somehow got pushed to the back of a closet and haven’t been worn for a couple years and now they fit really snug. Or a pair of brief underwear that got pushed back into a dresser drawer and has lain there for a couple years. What was merely snug before is really tight-fitting now.

I do not know how widespread this is, but if I did this then other guys probably did it too. Some guys (maybe many or even most guys) gradually develop a “collection” of clothing items that they use as an aid to masturbation. These are often items that fit properly two years ago but are way undersized now. The ultra-snug fit is where the fun is. And the guy can feel perfectly free to masturbate to ejaculation in each item because the item gets returned to a safe place in the back of the drawer or closet and only comes out when the guy is alone and wants to do it again. Of course, gradually the starchy semen stains build up over time, but the stains themselves easily become part of the subsequent-turn on.

Growing up I had this thing for undersized jeans and swimwear that fit me right but a few years earlier, stuff that would have been discarded had my parents known the items were still there. When my parents left me alone for any length of time, I would dig out one of the items and have a freewheeling masturbation session followed by a powerful ejaculation. By the time my parents returned the soggy item was back in a safe place again. Weird huh? Or maybe not so weird or uncommon!

Guys all but universally enjoy feeling horny. Take jeans, for example. Why are there jeans with a so-called regular fit but then skinny jeans, ultra skinny jeans and even super skinny jeans? Well guys may “prefer” a certain cut. But deep down the whole idea is probably rooted in the notion that while a new pair of skinny jeans with a snugger fit than what a guy had been “used” to wearing might make a guy feel horny, then the even snugger fits will work even better in this regard. How snug a fit depends on how far a guy wants tp press his luck so to speak in not getting a visible erection while wearing the jeans or get himself into a situation where an unwanted and embarrassing ejaculation occurs. But some guys are looking to press luck so to speak by wearing skinnier jeans that they think their male buds could tolerate.

There is a new Jockey underwear commercial out that is really interesting. In it the wife shows a guy a new pair of silver Lycra blend jammer style underwear and the guy says that is my new “go to” underwear.(Even “normal” guys like the “snug fit”) Then she shows him a male thong. And he says something to the effect that he would never wear underwear that skimpy and the fit must be like wearing dental floss. I gather that the ad is designed to get guys interested in owning both the Lycra-infosed jammers, AND for the daring, maybe even a thong to see whether or not the fit is like wearing dental floss or has something else interesting going for it. Clearly the woman wants to see him wearing the thong.

So, teenagers are often confronted with situation where participation in a sport requires them to wear a strap often with a cup, and many guys are wary about that as to what putting something like that on is going to result in an immediate and embarrassing hard-on. At some level they are scared, and maybe even scared stiff. But a critical part of this is learning how your male peers are “coping” when confronted with the same “problem”. A strap might be a fine thing to wear for masturbation in private, but can a guy be expected to participate in a sport while wearing one? Good question.

The same with the classic swim team swim brief. I suspect most guys would love to take a swim brief home, put it on in private, and watch in the mirror as to what happens to his body in it. Getting into and wearing one in the presence of peers, maybe at first the other male swimmers but at some point females as well, is a completely different matter entirely. The latter issue is the big problem.

A similar issue applies to other kinds of snug-fitting athletic wear. Even swim jammers but especially wrestling singlets, the latter being the bane of many student wrestlers for (what could easily be) obvious reasons.

Ahhh, the fun of being a guy….

sebbie 05-11-2021 01:13 PM

Jus’ strapped ‘n cupped
Jus’ strapped ‘n cupped

I have often talked about how much fun a snug-fitting jock strap is to wear, and that the fun can easily be doubled or tripled of a guy combines that with a hard cup of just the right shape and size. This is one of those real “treats” about just being a guy that no guy, whatever his age or athletic ability should ever miss out on. Furthermore, it is one of those things a guy can do alone without the “help” of a sexual partner. If you are at all like me you may find yourself quickly getting “hooked” on adding this to your list of things you really enjoy doing with, to and by yourself.

A core problem for guys who want to pursue this as an activity is that the old-school straps are becoming harder and harder to find. It used to be you could pick up a decent one for a few dollars at any Walmart or other discount store, but now you only find them on line. Finding one with a pouch that holds a cup can be another problem. It used to be that the hard cups were all quite small and flat—then came the era of the big “banana” cups with banana being a trade name for a strap and cup sold by a particular company that somehow thought that the older cups were too small and too snug. The problem is that while the banana cups may work well to protect from sports injuries and make a guy look a whole lot bigger than he really is, they are not nearly as much fun for doing the activities I am encouraging guys to do. It is no fun at all to simply flop around inside a giant cup that may be roomy enough to easily contain a full erection. Snug and tight is a lot better.

I have lots of old-school straps and a collection of the small flat cups that were designed in the olden days as well. These are still available on line but you will have to do some digging and the straps are no longer cheap. The comparative rarity of the old designs now have raised prices for those still available. For a really good cup, I have also found that the cups marketed as Youth size fit snugger than the so-called adult size cup, even in the old school shapes.

So, here is what goes on. And this is also an explanation as to why young athletes have long been wary of participating in sports that required a strap and cup. The old-school cups were designed to fit flat rubbing directly against a guy’s groin area and not move around to provide the needed “protection” from injury during the sports activity. Guys all knew that in any situation where the cup was stuck firmly against such sensitive body parts that there was no way to simply ignore the fact that a guy was wearing the cup. There would be a constant tension or pressure from the presence of the hard cup on some of the most sensitive of body areas, and the body would “respond” to let the guy know the exact situation he was facing.

In a team sport this quickly leads to at least some guys wondering if the other guys are dealing with the same issue and if so, how were they “coping” with it. An interesting puzzle for sure.

So, for a guy this may start out simply feeling a bit uncomfortable down there. But penises are anything but inanimate objects, and is a penis is nearly surrounded by a hard but immovable object, and something has to give. The penis quickly communicates to the guy that there are certain aspects of the situation it kinda sorta maybe even likes. What starts out as being uncomfortable suddenly morphs into being interesting and blood flows into the penis making the situation even worse (or maybe better). A “feedback” loop gets set up in which the guy can no longer simply ignore what is going on down there. In a weird way this is rather fun, especially if the guy is trying to focus him efforts on the sport that called for him wearing the strap and cup. Being sexually turned on at the same time is a distraction despite being fun.

Given the circumstances, I suspect that most guys in this situation would start to ooze drops of precum, and that precum will collect inside as a familiar sticky glob inside the strap pouch. And mentally, the guy feels, well, quite horny. Guys will generally be embarrassed about revealing any of this for an assortment of reasons.

But if this is weird fun for young males engaging in a sport requiring a strap and cup, doing the same thing can be equally fun for adult males of any age using straps and cups maybe as regular wear without being involved in a team sport. My readers know I have written a lot about wearing a strap and cup in combination over a snug-fitting thong, and maybe even as nighttime wear. While I have written a lot on the subject I haven’t been wearing straps and cups that much in recent years.

Still, wearing a cup is a special fun in any activity in which a guy has to move in his groin area, and my stationary rowing and biking is a good example of that sort of thing. Why not strap and cup myself in prep for my usual daily exercise, and then pull on my favorite pair of running tights. What a great look and feel, and I am really looking forward to my morning exercises as the old-school cup presses against my body in some really interesting places. Why not do this? Why not?

The combination of the strap, cup and really snug running tights is very much a treat this morning, a treat that ups the sensations quite a bit. I know I am going to enjoy my exercise very much this morning. My cup has already been “talking” to me this morning letting me know how “happy” things are down there.

But, that is only one possibility. If I were wearing a swim brief I would seek out a snug cup that would fit right inside the pouch of the brief—one that would make me look bigger down there without revealing that it was really there. Jammer swimwear would work well too.

Another possibility is a wrestling singlet. From what I have read there is no real consensus among wrestlers as to what if anything should be worn under a singlet. Most photos I see appear as if the guy wears nothing or maybe just street underwear. It seems to me a strap would be logical and maybe even a cup. I guess the rules in wrestling have large penalties if a wrestler attempts a wrestling hold that might injure the genitalia, but something like this could easily occur accidentally and if I were a wrestler I would want to have some protection down there, maybe just an old-school strap and cup!

sebbie 05-11-2021 04:35 PM


I made it through my rowing and riding workout wearing the strap and cup this morning inside my skin tight Tesla running tights. That was very enjoyable and I felt horny through the entire workout. That is a “mean” thing for a guy to do to his own body. But in this case it is mean in a very positive and enjoyable way! All the best to those of you who want to try something similar.

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