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SwimTeamSpeedo 12-19-2014 10:16 PM

Part something... I lost count..lol
“Look at him,” Sarah said to Alice as Chris was getting out his trumpet. “OMG those shorts are so cute!”

“And so short,” Alice replied.

“Just like we like them,” both girls giggled. “Except I’d rather he wore his swimsuit from the morning,” Sarah added.

Chris was the only guy dressed in such an athletic looking outfit. The rest of the band guys had on either longer cargo type shorts or jeans. He stood out from the crowd, catching more than just Sarah and Alice’s eyes. A guy in the second row of clarinet players was also taking quite the notice. In fact, so much so that his jeans started to get very tight in the crotch.

“Look at how much he shows in those shorts,” Alice observed. “I wonder how he can keep himself contained in those.”

“Really tight underwear,” Sarah replied. Alice laughed. “No, seriously, my brother tells me that,” Sarah added.

“You asked your brother?” Alice asked, shocked.

“Well, sort of, I guess,” Sarah answered.

“Do you check out how your brother looks in shorts?’ Alice asked, again shocked.

“Well, yeah, I mean wouldn’t you? He is a guy and all. I mean we have a great relationship and he tells me everything.” Sarah replied.

“So what does he tell you,” Alice asked.

The answer never came. She as cut off by the band director calling the band to order. Truth was, she had seen her brother in his swim team swimsuits. Like Chris, she thought he sure did fill out a swimsuit well. Not as well as Chris, but she thought he was a good looking guy, even if he was her brother. Sara had asked him about lots of things, including what happens if he gets hard at a swim meet. She counted on him for honest answers, and he never let her down.


Len was outside the band hall as the band started playing. “They really do sound great,” he thought to himself. He stood at the door, trying his best to muster the courage to open the door. He heard the band stop.

“No, no no,” the director said. “Brass you must be softer, let the audience hear the beauty of the woodwinds, the elegance of the clarinets… now, we try from the top. Think about the music, feel it!” he commanded. Chris noted his ire, taking it personally, as if he was the blame. Just as the band was about to start, Len opened the door and entered the band hall. He stood silently as the band began to play, not yet noticed by most. He watched as Chris played the lead trumpet, a tinge of jealousy still rumbled in Len’s gut.

The woodwind interlude was [perfect. A balance of soft brass supporting the sweet melody of the woodwinds, especially the clarinet section. As soon as they finished the woodwind section the director stopped. He turned and saw Len standing there.

“That was perfect,” the director said, turning back to the band. “Take fifteen. Great job!” he added.


Chris made no move toward Len. It was Len’s turn to make the move. Instead, Chris exited to grab a fresh bottle of water and to text Sheri to see if she was able to join for lunch. Len stood, watching Chris walk toward the door. After several seconds, he followed Chris’s path.

“I though about what you said,” the voice came from behind as Len approached Chris. Chris was mid text to Sheri. He stopped and turned toward Len.

“And,” Chris replied, flatly.

“Well, I was hoping you were serious about talking to the director,” Len asked with a quiver in his voice. The mean outbursts now replaced by a strong dose of humility.

“I never go back on a promise,” Chris said. Chris look the lead. The two young men headed back in to see if they could get some time with the director.

The director and his assistants listened as Len asked to be let back in the band. They nodded as Chris offered that he had talked to Len earlier and that he felt like Len had made a big mistake and that Chris was happy to support Len in coming back. “I can learn a lot from him,” Chris added.

“You know, Len, I don’t appreciate when people walk off stage on me. I have never let someone come back after that. It is not an insult to me, it is an insult to your fellow musicians. Young man, none of us is better than the other, we come to play and whether we are first chair or last chair, we are all musicians. It is kind of like swimming, right Chris?” The director looked at Chris and smiled. “You see, Chris said he could learn a lot from you, but in truth you could learn more from him. Start with that he is willing to aid your return despite how you acted,”

“Yes, Sir,” Len replied.

“Now go sit out in the hall. I am going to ask the band what they want to do. After all, it is they you walked out on,” the director instructed. As Len walked back toward the door the director turned to Chris, “I really admire that you stood here with your fellow musician and supported him. I don’t know if I could have done that. You are a fine young man, Chris.”

“I think you are right about swimming being like the band,” Chris replied. “Every swimmer has a place on the team and despite how fast or slow we swim, we are all swimmers. I never thought about it that way.”

“Len needed a little dose of humility.” the director replied. “Maybe you can take him to the pool and teach him a lesson or two along the way.” the director smiled as he said it. “Now, let’s see about is readmission.

“Sir, may I have one more minute? I was texting my girlfriend about lunch when Len came over. I’d like to finish that.”

“Sure, Chris,” the director replied.

“How about lunch at noon, maybe we can find a nice place outside to eat,” Chris texted.

“I thought you’d never ask,” Came her immediate reply. “Meet you at the band hall.”


“I think he’s got red tight underwear on,” Alice said to Sarah as Chris sat in his chair, his legs spread just enough that one could see up his shorts from the right angle. The two cute young ladies were at exactly the right angle. “At least he’s got something red on under those shorts.”

“OMG, yes he does,” Sarah replied. “I wonder if he knows we can see his privates?” Sarah stated more as fact than question. Not really his privates, but certainly the red swimsuit was visible to them, although that it was a swimsuit was not clear, which made it even more of a discovery.

“Darnn he is so cute,” Alice replied. She was getting all tingled with excitement. “I’d love to see him in just those red undies.” she added. The two girls gave each other a look, knowing exactly what each was thinking. It would have drove Chris wild.


Band wrapped up at exactly noon. “Okay ladies and gents, you are free to go until five,” the assistant director stepped in and instructed. “Be back here at 5 for a quick warm up and then we have our concert at 6. Be dressed for performance.”

“Chris, I really appreciate what you did,” Len said. He was third chair trumpet, a concession he had to give to get back in.

“Yeah,” Chris replied. “Just never forget that I went to bat for you. As they say, don’t ever screw with me again, okay.” Chris added. It was not the response Len expected and it knocked him back a bit. It was, however, exactly the response he needed. He had to know that Chris had fangs and could bite if needed. That became abundantly clear. Chris headed out the door. Len stood in silence, not sure what to do next.

The second row clarinet player, Steve, watched as Chris walked by, his short and bulging shorts giving Steve quite the twinge of arousal between his own legs. Steve had not admitted his own sexuality, in fact he fought to deny it, but in secret he knew what he was attracted to, and today it was the cute guy in the short soccer uniform. Patrick and Alex watched, too. They were not the only ones.

SwimTeamSpeedo 12-19-2014 10:16 PM

something continued
“Wow, you look way cuter in person that in your pic, and that looked pretty sexy!” Sheri called out as Chris emerged from the music hall. Sheri had on really cute jean shorts that had virtually no inseam. They were tight and form fitting, a cute yellow belt and a very stimulating tiny knit top that stopped exactly at her waist. Her eyes checked out his bulge, and she liked what she saw. “Those shorts look great,” she added.

Chris grabbed Sheri and gave her a tight, long hug and a deep and affectionate kiss. She felt him push his crotch into her leg as he kissed her, feeling his anatomy against her. She could feel that he was aroused, a feeling he felt also. He wanted to make love to her right there, but he couldn’t. He let his body grow into her as they kissed. He knew he’d show his arousal once they broke apart, but he let the sensation and the pleasure he was feeling continue, throwing caution to the wind. He almost went too far, feeling the real urges escalate within him.

“I missed you this morning,” she said.

“Me too,” Chris replied. They kissed deeply again. He was fighting the sensation to let himself go, it was a close call. His self control nearly losing out.

When they finally broke apart he was rock hard inside the shorts and the swimsuit. His bulging anatomy pushed the shorts forward, the protrusion of his erection on clear display. “Looks like someone got excited,” Sheri teased.

“Yeah, you do that to me,” Chris replied, as he tugged at his shorts. Thankfully the tight red Sporti suit was holding all of his stimulated parts tightly inside the shorts. Chris took her hand and they headed off to the dining hall. The urges still very potent, the desire to do more than just kiss very much alive within his masculine body.

“What do you have in mind?” Sheri asked.

“Lunch and maybe we can hang out for the afternoon. I have until five to be back.”

“Perfect,” she replied. She rubbed his butt with her hand. “I have a good idea what else you might like,” Sheri added. Chris smiled at her as they headed off to lunch. She was reading his mind well.

Dooley67 12-20-2014 12:25 AM


This is part 9 and what a good chapter it is. I'm really glad that you didn't make is easy for Len to return to the band because people like him need their comeuppance every so often. And Chris didn't let him off the hook either, letting him know that he isn't a pushover. My hunch is that out of this conflict a good friendship will develop over the next six weeks. I'm also interested in what Sarah and Alice have planned and also how things develop with Alex, Patrick and Steve. You've left us with a cliffhanger until the next chapter. Thanks for your writing.


solarguy 12-20-2014 01:10 AM

Ahhhhh….I've got my story fix!!! Thank you!

SwimTeamSpeedo 12-23-2014 11:10 PM

Part 10 - the walk to town
“Man, Chris was really pissed this morning,” Alex said to Patrick. “Some jerk stole all his clothes at the pool, he had only his swimsuit to come back in. He was stoking mad when he got back.”

“Someone took his clothes, really?” Patrick replied. “I’d be mad, too. Probably want to kill somebody.”

“I think he wanted to. But that’s not all. He knows we messed with his swimsuits. He ripped on me about that. He said he was fed up with jerks messing with his stuff.” Alex continued. “I felt like a total dip wad. I know he knows it was me.”

“How did he know?”

“I guess he noticed how they were not the way he left them.” Alex answered. “Anyway, I think he’s really pissed at me.”

“Did you give back the one you messed up?” Patrick asked.

“Not yet. I washed it out and all, but it is still hanging in my closet,” Alex replied.

“You think he knows it is missing?” Patrick asked.

“He did not say, maybe he was just too ripped.”

“All right, I say we get back to your dorm and you put that suit back with Chris’s stuff.” Patrick answered. The two young men dashed back to the dorm.

“What do you want to do for the rest of the day?” Alex asked as they crossed the campus.

“I don’t know, but I sure don’t want to do any music.” Patrick replied. “I’m all done with practice,”

“Maybe walk into town and just hang out.” Alex replied.

“Sounds cool,” Patrick answered.

Inside the room, Alex grabbed the swimsuit off a hangar in his closet. He felt it and it was dry. He held it up to make sure that it was all clean. It was. “Alright, let me get this thing back in his bag,” Alex said.

“Still is a hot looking swimsuit,” Patrick answered. “I want to see Greg in it during the trip.” The two guys grinned at each other.

“Dude, look at this,” Alex exclaimed as he pointed at Chris’s luggage. “He really is mad, he freaking locked it up. Now what do I do?” Alex queried.

“Oh man, you are right, he must be really mad or he doesn’t trust you anymore, or both.” Patrick replied. “I don’t know, man.”

The two guys stood there, perplexed.

“Hey, what if you just stick it under the suitcase. Make it look like he just missed it.” Patrick finally offered a solution.

“Yeah, but what if he knows it wasn’t there?”

“Dude, how is he going to know? Just do it and then don’t say a word.” Patrick explained. Alex finally decided it was the best option. He picked up the suit case just enough to throw the swimsuit under. Dropping the case back on top of the suit, the two guys quickly headed out the door.


“Those shorts are really short,” Sheri said as they walked to the dining hall. “I mean I love you in them, you look cute.” she added.

“You really think they are too short?” Chris asked.

“Not too short, just short.” Sheri answered.

“They are just soccer shorts, but more like what the international teams wear,” Chris added. “I guess maybe they are shorter than normal.” Chris said with a bit of resignation.

“I love a guy in real shorts,” Sheri added. “I mean what is the point of some of those shorts that go too your knees?” She added.

“Now you hot me worried that maybe they are too short,” Chris replied.

“Stop it! You are so funny,” Sheri giggled. “They are fine, perfect, forget I said anything.”

“Okay,” Chris replied. “My day has sucked so far and now you think my shorts are skimpy!” he teased her.

“Not as skimpy as your white Turbo swimsuits,” she teased. “Now, those are SHORT!” she exclaimed.

“Just the way I like them,” Chris replied, poking her. They walked quiet for a while, just enjoying each other’s pleasure. “I’ve got so much to tell you about,” Chris finally broke the silence.

“Oh yeah, I want to hear about this morning. Your texts were crazy about the locker room.” Sheri replied.

“That is just weird,” Chris said with exasperation. “Why would someone steal just all my clothes. Thankfully I kept my swimsuit on!” He added.

At lunch, Sheri ordered a Southwest chicken salad and Chris got a cheeseburger and fries. They walked back outside to a table on the patio area overlooking the grassy expanse of the gorgeous campus. The view was great, they could see the athletic complex and the glass windows of the pool, to the right was the old campus with its red brick and stone buildings. The sun was bright in the sky and the weather was warm, but not hot.

“I would love to have seen your face when you realized your clothes were gone,” Sheri laughed as she said it. Chris was finally able to seethe humorous side of the situation.

“Yeah I guess it was pretty funny. Here I was naked, holding my wet swimsuit and I had nothing to wear. I was pretty freaked out.”

“I bet you looked cute when you were being mad,” Sheri replied.

“You should have seen me running across campus in my swimsuit!” Chris exclaimed, getting caught up in her excitement. “It was priceless.” Chris ended in a loud, contagious laugh that got Sheri laughing, too.

“I bet you shocked a lot of students, zooming around almost naked like that. Didn’t people run across campuses naked back in like the 1970’s or something?” Sheri asked. “I bet you were like that, well almost.” Chris smiled at her. “Who do you think did it?” She asked, getting more serious.

“No idea. I thought maybe Len, but now I am not sure.” As they talked Sheri’s hand rubbed Chris’s leg, each time up she went closer and closer to his shorts. Finally, she slid her hand up his shorts a bit, which was driving him wild. With the not quite three inch inseam, it didn’t take much more attempts before she was rubbing him in exactly the right spot to create excitement inside. Chris boned up almost instantly. She felt the tight grip of the smooth red lycra material.

“Sheri, if you keep doing that I won’t be able to stand up,” Chris softly said, changing the subject.

“I can’t help it. I love your legs.” She replied.

“Remember, My shorts are pretty short,” he said back. He was serious. She chuckled.

“Okay,” she said reluctantly, sliding her hand back to his knee. It was really too late, he was rock hard and getting way too aroused. Thankfully, they were alone at the far corner of the outdoor seating. His shorts were bulging wildly as his anatomy raged with desire inside. He was close.

“You sure know how to make a guy horny,” he confided. His face was flush with sexual desire. She admired his lustful expression.

“You are sweet,” she whispered. She wanted to kiss.

They were not really alone. From afar eyes watched as the couple teased each other between conversations. They watched as she played with his leg, knowing she was making him erotically stimulated. The rage rose inside. Chris was certainly a really cute guy, the kind of guy that stole the show wherever he entered. He was muscular, handsome and clearly well equipped in the male anatomy department. His hair always looked slightly jostled, just a bit off from perfect, model like. His smile showed his pure white and perfectly aligned teeth. If Chris was in a swimsuit he made even the straight guys take notice. He had clearly commanded Sheri’s attention and she was deeply fallen for him, as he was for her. Yes, Chris had to be dealt with. Finally, done with his meal, the watcher from afar took the empty tray and walked back into the dining hall, completely undetected. He rubbed the crotch of his tight fitting jeans, the adrenalin rush had given him the same arousal as what happened to Chris, or maybe it was Chris that gave him the arousal.


Patrick and Alex walked into town. They took a shortcut campus bicycle path, a popular walk or ride for students that cut the trip to town to a short mile. It was peaceful, quiet and very private. The two guys were both wearing bold print board shorts, the kind that had no elastic in the waist, and hung low on the hips, held on only by the tied strings in front. They were both commando underneath, enjoying the freedom of being loose in the shorts. They wore matching band T-shirts that hung loose over the top of the shorts. As they got deep in the wooded portion of the walk, Alex reached over and took Patrick’s hand. It was a first. Patrick accepted the hand and smiled. It was a rare moment where they could share their affection for each other. They stopped and kissed. A quick kiss, never knowing when a cyclist might race along the winding path and catch them. They felt each other’s interest as they held together.

“It is peaceful out here,” Alex said.

“Especially together,” Patrick replied.

They parted and continued the journey to town, hand in hand and growing more deeply attached. Love was not yet the right word, but clearly heading that way. They were both finally accepting who they were, and privately each wondering if the world would accept them.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just be out,” Patrick asked as they walked.

“Not sure I am ready for that, yet,” Alex replied. “But yes, I wish it was easier.” he added softly.

“One day,” Patrick replied. “I am so glad we met, I was worried about being stuck alone for eight weeks.”

“Me, too,” Alex clasped his hand tighter around Patrick‘s.

As the path opened to the town, they separated their hand hold, resuming the persona of two straight guys. They found a Five Guys burger place and stopped to grab lunch. They quickly melted into the male dominated crowd, chowing down on over-sized burgers and fresh cooked fries, along with chocolate shakes. They smiled at each other as they ate, their eyes and their hearts secretly showing their attraction. They knew, and for now that was all that mattered.

Dooley67 12-24-2014 02:17 AM


This is really a wonderful chapter, full of pathos, energy, sexual eroticism, rage, attraction, etc. The story lines are really so well presented and as usual the dialogue is so typical of the age group. At first I thought the guy who stole Chris' clothes was Len, but after the reconciliation in the last chapter, Imdon't think so anymore. My hunch is that the stalker is a former boyfriend of Sheri who is so jealous that he can't contain his rage.


SwimTeamSpeedo 02-15-2015 12:58 PM

Part 11
The small sporting goods store was a hold over of days past, not yet done in by the big box stores or the internet. The sign out front, “Harold’s,” was new in 1950, but it gave the store the charm of having been a town staple for years. In truth the store wasn’t making any money, but the passion of its owner kept it alive, stringing along as best it could. Harold, the original, was long passed on, his son was the new Harold, a retired insurance executive who had no thoughts of shutting the store. He had run it since his early retirement from the global monster company he slaved way at for decades. Owning the store was too much fun, and he liked helping the kids in the community, even if it meant most of the money keeping the store afloat was actually out of his pension and not the cash flow.

Patrick and Alex were lured in by the swimsuit display in the window. Swimwear was a big part of the store’s business, supporting the local swim teams and other swim enthusiasts. A really cool print brief cut swimsuit pinned to one end of a sign the said “Swim Team Specialists” brought a smile to Alex’s face. “We got to check this out,” Alex told Patrick as he reached for the door. The door squeaked as the guys entered,. The store smelt musty, its wood floors showing the wear of years of similar entrances.

“Hey there,” came a voice from the back as Hank, Harold’s nick name, walked to the front. “How are you two today?”

“Good,” came the reply.

“What brings you in?” Hank asked.

“We saw the swimsuits in the window, thought we’d check them out,” Alex answered. Patrick nodded.

“Got a pretty good supply, some on clearance, too” Hank directed the pair to the far corner of the store. What it lacked in merchandising the store made up for in functionality. Four giant bins were lined up along the floor, plastic tubs with signs for sizes from “under 28” all the way to “36 up.” Four shelves of boxed swimwear filed the wall, above were suits on hangars, every color and print the guys could think of. “So, the deal is the boxed stuff matches what is hanging.” Hank added.

“Wow, you got lots of cool suits,” Patrick chimed in, his eyes wide with excitement.

“Yeah, I always buy too much swimwear, probably because I am a swimmer myself and like all the swimsuits, especially the prints. Fitting room is over there,” Hank said, pointing. “Yell if you need help.” He walked away, leaving the guys to shop the rack.

“Alex, the suits down here are like $10, at least some of them. How much money you got?”

“I got $50, but I also got a credit card. I’d say this is an emergency.” Alex replied.

Hank watched as the guys pulled suit after suit out of the bins. He hoped they’d also buy some of the boxed suits, where he still had a chance to make some profit. He smiled as Alex finally started going through the hanging swimwear.

“Dude, this one is hot!” Alex exclaimed to Patrick as he held out a really cool multi colored print. It was a Zuma swimsuit brand. The only one of that brand.

“Those are great suits,” Hank called out. “I ordered just one style, and I took one for myself. Love it!” Hank added. “Plus the print is unique.” The suit was pricy at $45.

“Look, he’s got two that will fit us,” Patrick said pulling out a 28 and a 30 waist.

Hank secretly wondered what the story was with the two guys. They were far more animated than most of the guy swimmers, and they got way too excited about having matching suits. He was sure they were gay, and he was fine with that, accepting. Hank’s oldest son was also gay. Hank smiled as he watched the guys having so much fun.

“Dude, let’s be smart about this. Let’s only get one matching pair, but the rest we can get all different and then share them.”

“Patrick, cool idea. Okay here is the deal, we get the matching cool print one,” Alex held up the boxed set. “Then we get one each of our favorite next six.”

“Well, maybe, but I also really like this one for both of us,” Patrick held up a really awesome Turbo brand “California Republic” suit. “It is like the one Chris has.” The suit was $39.

“Man we got like $200 in swimsuits here,” Alex laughed.

“Yeah, so. You will look so cute in them.” Patrick smiled as he said hit, rubbing Alex’s chest. Alex blushed. Hank also smiled. For sure these two were an item. They were really handsome together, too. Hank enjoyed watching their passion about the swimsuits.

“Tell you what, guys. If you buy the four of the boxed suits and the six clearance, I’ll give you another 10% off.” Hank came back over. “You got some really great swimsuits picked out.”

“Deal” they both said in unison.

“This is so freaking cool,” Alex said the Patrick as they thanked Hank and headed out the door. Hank smiled as the two guys walked out. Reminded him of his own son.


Sheri and Chris snuck off to the lake for a few hours of alone time. They had the beach to themselves, bur for a couple of open water swimmers doing a perimeter swim of the lake. Sheri convinced Chris to wear his white background Team USA Turbo swimsuit, she loved how cute he looked in it. The patriotic colors looked really sweet on Chris’s muscular swimmer body. She rubbed his chest as the two of the laid on the beach. Chris’s swimsuit was filled out well with his aroused manhood. He enjoyed the attention.

“I am really going to miss you,” Sheri said as she ran her hand along Chris’s abs.

“Me, too. I am so glad I met you,” Chris replied. The two rolled into each other and embraced, Sheri in a sweet yellow bikini that was driving Chris totally wild, Chris pressed against her and took in very inch of her soft and sensual body. She felt him against her, as he wrapped his legs against hers and pressed his erection into her. She lover the feel of him, he was masculine, yet gentle and wholesome. “I love the feel of you against me,” Chris whispered. He wanted so bad to take their relationship to the next level, his body was ready and so was he.

“You feel so strong,” she whispered back. They kissed deeply. The couple entangled themselves on the beach, arms and legs wrapped tightly around each other. Sheri whispered erotically into Chris’s ear as they kissed and fondled each other. Her body was so soft and warm, Chris wanted to soak all of her in. She allowed him to get ever so close to taking the next sexual step, but she held him back. Sheri wanted to wait, to not spoil what they had. She preferred not to rush.

“Sheri you are making me wild,” Chris whispered. “I love you,” he said. The words just flowed out.

“I love you, too,” she said back. They kissed even deeper. He hand wandered. She held that part of him, her soft hand cupping him and gently caressing. The feel of his swimsuit holding him in, the huge mound of maleness in her hand. They two stayed this way, deeply in love, for several minutes. Chris gently broke away, rolling onto his back. She smiled at him and leaned over to kiss his chest. He was stimulated to the point of no return. Sheri slowly worked him the rest of the way.


SwimTeamSpeedo 02-15-2015 12:58 PM

Part 11 continued
The send off concert went perfectly. It was at the college auditorium. It was also broadcasted across the internet for families, like Chris’s, who could not make the trip. After intermission, the band opened with Pictures at an Exhibition. Chris had the lead trumpet solo. He played it powerfully, breaking the silence of the auditorium with the enticing sound of a single trumpet. His solos was answered by Len, who was stationed in the back of the auditorium, creating the true effect of music surrounding the audience. It was fantastic. Sheri beamed with pride as she watched Chris play. He was now dressed in blue pants, a white shirt, and a red jacket, with a red white and blue striped tie. “The same colors he had on today,” she smiled. He looked stunning. He played even better.

“You were amazing,” Sheri told him as she gave him a hug in the lobby afterwards.

“Thanks for coming,” Chris replied. It meant so much to have you here.”

“I would not have missed it,” Sheri answered. They hugged again.

“We don’t leave tomorrow until three,” Chris told her.

“I am at the pool all day, but maybe we can have lunch,” Sheri answered. “You will come swimming n the morning, right.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” he replied with a smile.

“Wear something sexy,” she replied.

“I have just the suit picked out, already.” They kissed as she said her goodbye and headed off.

The band had all mostly departed. Chris was alone heading back to his dorm. It was dark, the walkways lit only by the lanterns spaced every 50 feet or so. For some reason, Chris felt totally alone.

“Hey,” a voice broke the silence from behind and Chris heard footsteps approaching fast. His heart started racing. It was a stern voice. Sounded like it meant business. Chris stopped and turned. A tall man, older, in his fifties approached.

“Chris, I am Len’s dad. He told me about what you did. I just wanted to thank you for going to bat for him.”

“Len’s a great trumpet player. We can really do some cool stuff together,” Chris responded. His heart started to slow. He was relieved it was only Len’s dad.

“I love my son, but I keep telling him he needs a bit more humility, He can be a real jerk sometimes. When he told me about you, I told him he should learn from what you did.”

“We are fine now, Chris replied.”

“You played great tonight. Have a great trip.”

Chris turned to continue his journey. Len’s dad headed back toward the auditorium. Ahead of him a younger guy, about Chris’s age headed the same direction. The younger guy’s plan foiled by the unexpected visit from Len’s dad. Time was running out.

“Maybe at the pool,” thought the lone stranger.

Dooley67 02-15-2015 04:21 PM


I was very pleasantly surprised to see the continuation of the Summer in the Band story. This was a really good chapter as we began to see relationships solidifying - Sheri/Chris, Alex/Patrick and likely (I'm predicting) a solid relationship between Chris and Len. Len now knows that Chris isn't a pushover and it seems like he respects that. Nice touch having Len's father compliment Chris on what he did for Len. I fear what the stalking stranger might be planning as he appears to be hell bent on hurting Chris in some way. Thanks for deciding to continue the story.


solarguy 02-15-2015 09:35 PM

I'm with Dooley…thanks for continuing! It's a great story and I love the way you're developing the characters and adding a bit of suspense!

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