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Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXI First time in a Speedo®
Shawn’s response to and experiences in being in a Speedo® for the very first time are not at all uncommon. Nor was Randall’s response to seeing Shawn struggle in that situation for the first time uncommon either. In fact, what both Shawn and Randall have just gone through might indeed be much the same for any other guys confronted with the same situation. It is apparent that this is not a gay or straight thing, that this would somehow happen only to guys who surely either knew they were gay or at least had “leanings” or a side that might be.
It is interesting to think about all of this in the context of what goes on with respect to clothing designs for men over long periods of time, even periods lasting several decades. Think about what you see in this respect relative to your own knowledge of the fact that there are things that do not involve females or any other brand of partner sex that generate feelings deep inside that you associate with a state of feeling horny. Sex between any two human beings almost invariably involves sensations emanating from the sensitive sexual organs, for guys mainly the penis, and there are specific parts of the penis that are more sensitive than others, a fact that becomes ever more apparent as arousal and erections proceed. For guys at least, these wonderful sensations keep building and building until the logical outcome is a wonderful, ejaculation involving involuntary spasms that for a brief moment in time takes over the entire body in an excitingly powerful release of semen accompanied by marvelously pleasant sensations. This is wildly interesting stuff, and stuff that forms the reason why guys are driven to find a partner for sex. However, just because a guy doesn’t have a convenient sexual partner does not mean that a guy suddenly loses all interest in all of this. Quite the contrary! Still, a lot of guys are apprehensive about getting into a situation where they are likely to get aroused in the absence of a partner for a bunch of different reasons. And things are never 100% smooth even when a guy does have a sexual partner—otherwise the divorce rate for married couples would not be as high as it is!If partner sex is the ultimate, why do guys so often seem to want to get out of a situation whereby they can and do have partner sex? This is a fascinating question. Think about the things that have gone on in the men’s fashion industry. A basic idea is that given the sensitivity of sexual organs to anything that touches them, clothing, fingertips, you name it, snug-fitting clothing is going to more likely come in contact with and rub against sexually sensitive body parts. A lot of guys worry about getting sexually aroused when in the presence of other guys and what the consequences of that could be. So the solution was to find loose fitting clothing, baggy boxer shorts covered by even baggier jeans, and loose fitting tee shirts etc etc. Surely by doing this an erection would never occur or at least would be unlikely to occur at a time or in a place that would be embarrassing. But about a decade ago men’s clothing began a trek that eventually went off into the other directions. Never mind the issues related to erections happening in unwanted places or times. I think this started with the sudden popularity of compression gear among athletes and the UnderArmour® company had a lot to do with that. College and NBA players were starting to wear compression tees under their sleeveless jerseys, and compression shorts were peeking out from under their league shorts. It was only natural for fans to want to try wearing something similar, and with it, a discovery of how neat snug-fitting compression gear felt on the body including the most touch sensitive organs. In swimming, of course, the swimmers had moved from the really tiny briefs they wore in the 1980s to larger jammers, and then to full body suits eventually mostly ruled illegally in competition, then back to still legal partial body suits, jammers and then back to the briefs worn in lots of swimming events by the young high school and college athletes. The jeans too went on a remarkable transformation from really baggy to really snug and tight in about a decade. Women had been wearing close-cut jeans for a long time using stretch denim, and at some point it became impossible for the manufacturers to come up with jeans for men that did not use the same types of stretch denim. Initially the manufacturers worried that men would reject these super skinny designs as being too “girlie” but that is not at all what actually happened. These designs first became popular with male entertainers (an “Asian” influence here?) and then with much of the public. Of course, skinny jeans and loose-fitting boxer shorts are not a good mix, and the guy needs either a snug-fitting brief or maybe underwear in which the fit that is similar to a shorter legged jammer or compression short. Somehow the problem that a guy might have an erection wearing this stuff at an embarrassing time or place got pushed aside. A guy wouldn’t want to be wearing baggy jeans when all his male buds were wearing the skinny kind and somehow dealing with any "issues" that might arise. More interestingly perhaps, the females the guys his age somehow seemed attracted to the guys who were showing off their bodies by wearing compression tees and skinny jeans. Whatever works, works! And, of course, Randall was ahead of Shawn in the stuff he was doing, fashion wise. Shawn knew that, but he was starting to catch up. Randall, of course, was very interested in seeing how Shawn’s mind and body would react to Shawn’s first encounter with a Speedo® and if he could handle the snug fit or not. At some level, Shawn was both curious and apprehensive about all of this too. So, it’s not surprising that Shawn blew shortly after he got himself in the brief, even a relatively innocuous Speedo® with three-inch sides. This might be what normally happens for most guys on first encounter like this though no one has taken a poll of guys on that. What was more than a little surprising, however, was that Randall’s mind got wrapped into seeing what was happening to Shawn facing this situation, and this led to Randall quickly ejaculating into his own new royal blue Speedo® almost like a chain effect somehow linking the two of them. Randall thought too that he was experienced enough that he could handle the situation without this happening. Turns out, he couldn’t! Once inside the royal blue Speedo®, Randall took one look at himself in the little mirror on the dorm room wall. He liked what he saw, and suddenly he also was off! Ahhh, the fun of being a guy... To be continued… |
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXII College is all about learning—about
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXII College is all about learning—about yourself!
A lot of complicated but interesting things are going on here. Let me begin at the beginning, and more or less work forward from some very basic information. Every species of animal (plants too, and even stuff the biologists claim doesn’t fit neatly into one category or another) is here today because of some form of reproduction. At some level, every living thing now present got here because of some form of reproduction. Some of this is rather banal biology, at the one-celled microorganism level, by the cell simply dividing. Not being a one-celled species, I cannot tell you for sure or not whether dividing yourself into two cells is somehow “fun” for the microorganism. But, for complex multi-cellular animals, animals more nearly like us, an element of fun associated with the first stage of reproduction is frequently present. I like to watch all the science shows, especially those that show animals reproducing. I am fascinated by the fish. Many male and female fish never come in direct contact with each other through their body parts. Some form of intercourse like that would be tough to pull off. So the female fish merely sprays her eggs into the water in large numbers and the male of the species responds by spraying his semen all over the area where the eggs were sprayed. Is this somehow sexually fun for either fish? This seems like a poor way of having sexual fun in the context that we humans and a lot of other land-based mammals are really fond of the whole idea of getting a penis inside of a vagina. Surely it must be that these mammals are dealing with sensations that mimic our own with a response to the enjoyment they get from doing this. It can’t be that different for them than us, or can it? I grew up on a farm where I raised sheep. Female sheep, the ewes, like a lot of mammals (but not us) have only certain periods of time in which they are receptive to the whole idea of intercourse with a ram. Female sheep are interesting in that there are few if any outward signs that they are in heat, which happens during the breeding season every 13 to 19 days for a ewe. The male rams, however, know exactly when the female is ready to breed. A typical ram will service about 40 ewes in a 45-day period, averaging maybe one a day but sometimes more. Breeding in sheep involves the ram mounting the sheep with his front legs over the ewes mid back, so that his rather long penis (by human standards) can shoot ejaculated semen deep into the ewe’s vagina. Some 143 days later, if all went well, a lamb or two, rarely three, pops out. Rams are enthusiastic breeders, they seem to thoroughly enjoy the entire sequence of events. I presume that the sensations are tickling the pleasure zones of the ram’s brain, in much the same way this happens in humans. Having said that, I have yet to see a ewe that seemed nearly as enthusiastic about the entire sequence of intercourse events as the rams seem to be. Indeed, sometimes they seem quite unhappy about the situation. Other times they are willing to let the ram proceed, but act as if what they are doing is more of an obligation than a highly pleasant moment in their own lives as a ewe. It is almost as if they would rather be out grazing in the pasture than “messing around” this way with the ram. Still, sex between ewes and rams happens, sheep reproduce and produce lambs. Life goes on in the sheep world too. Now you don’t see rams with hard-ons trying to lick their own penises for pleasure in part because that would be impossible to do given how rams are built. But you do see young uncastrated adolescent males playing out the strategy of getting a hard-on and mounting other sheep their age mimicking the manner that a breeding ram would do. That the sheep they are mounting if female are not in heat doesn’t matter, nor do the young males seem to pay any attention to the sex of the sheep their own age they are mounting. Learning how to get a hard-on and then mount another sheep seems to just be part of the fun things adolescent male sheep do growing up. Licking your own penis for pleasure after getting a hard- on is something non-neutered male dogs often do, also apparently for the sheer fun of doing it. Male dogs like to masturbate this way, and their anatomy allows this. The behavior is often disturbing to dog owners who discipline the dog in an (usually unsuccessful) attempt to get the dog to quit doing that. What does all of this have to do with the behaviors of Randall and Shawn? First, there is the topic of why there are human males and females and why sexual intercourse hits our pleasure centers the way it frequently does. After all, human beings need to continue on over the generations and making intercourse very pleasant is part of the scheme nature employs for accomplishing that. Still, if human sex were all about the need for reproduction and nothing else, bluntly put, why are sexual behaviors that do not involve intercourse at all so immensely enjoyable too? The sequence of events that Randall and Shawn just went through ended up being hugely pleasurable and mind-blowing fun. Is it SUPPOSED to be like that? What gives, anyway? In watching adolescent rams mounting other adolescent sheep irrespective of the sex of the sheep being mounted, at one time I thought the rams doing the mounting of other male sheep (castrated or not) would end up as adult gay rams with zero interest in breeding a ewe. The problem was that I have zero evidence to support the latter. These same rams grew up to be adult rams that seemed to very much be into and enjoy breeding the ewes, even if the ewes frequently did not appear to be so enthusiastic. As an undergraduate, I watched as a suite mate masturbated himself and then he and his roommate masturbated each other in front of several other males their age including me. I have followed one of the guys involved in this (who cheerfully seemed to know he was “grossing out” the others who were watching the entire sequence of events) after that, and he got married and raised a family. Clearly, if his behavior was consistent with a guy being gay or even having a gay side as that is not at all what happened. The male masturbation behavior seems to be not unlike the behavior of those adolescent rams mounting other adolescent males. Which leads us back to the question of what exactly is going on right now in the brains of Shawn and Randall. Are they both actually gay but haven’t admitted that to themselves, or maybe each simply has a gay side? Or, maybe not! If sexual sensations are all about the continuation of the human species, why are certain kinds of masturbation such mind-blowing fun? Are guys who like to masturbate in a Speedo® going to be willing to quit doing so if they get married to a woman? Or, nowadays, get married to a guy, for that matter. Lots of interesting questions here, for sure. To be continued… |
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXIII Shawn attempts to get it together
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXIII Shawn attempts to get it together At some level, Shawn greatly enjoyed the powerful orgasm he had shortly after getting into his brand new navy blue Speedo®. But at another level, he was more than a little bit embarrassed about what had happened to him. One of the curious “features” of male sexuality is that guys firmly like to believe that they can control with their minds whether or not they have an orgasm or even merely a hard-on, or even a semi, as easily as they are able to control where and when they pee. To be sure, sometimes guys have issues in that department too, and having a “bashful kidney” is a fairly common problem at least for guys Shawn’s age. Actually, there is a bit of basic biology that every guy should know. First, urine is deadly to semen. What this means is that if semen got mixed with urine, generally, the idea of reproducing would be out. The valves that turn stuff on and off in guys are located at or right by a guy’s prostate. If a guy is the least bit aroused as in having a semi, the prostate is going to cut off the flow of urine from the bladder completely. But this little stunt sometimes even happens when a guy does not even fully realize what has happened, and a guy gets to the urinal and lo and behold, he can’t pee no matter how much he tries. The “bashful kidney” problem, explained. This seems often to be much more of a problem for young guys, in their teen years or just beyond. As a guy gets older, the issue seems to recede. But Shawn’s “problem” was that the swimwear taught him something about himself that he did not fully realize before. Sometimes guys get into situations, even inadvertently, that lead to hard –on and even to the orgasm stage without seemingly being able to turn it all off and on. Shawn at first did not realize that this was even going to be an issue for him as he thought he was adult enough to be able to control exactly what was happening down there using his mind. But aaah his penis thought that Speedo® was sweet…the slick cloth, the snug fit. His mind seemed to have no control whatsoever once the underside of his penis came into contact with the slick feel of the snug-fitting swimwear cloth. Still, Shawn knew that he was not going to be able to resolve the problem by simply avoiding wearing the Speedo. It’s early morning, and time for Shawn to take a shower and get ready for class. The suit he ejaculated into last night was now dry, except of course for those starchy little stains on the pouch that every guy associates with dry semen. An interesting stunt would be for Shawn to get into the Speedo® this morning with the idea of wrapping his lower body in a towel and head down the hall to the open showers. He could then remove the towel and shower while still wearing the Speedo® and at the same time, wash the crusty cum stains out of the suit. After all, swimwear is meant to get wet! So Shawn quickly pulls on the suit and wraps his lower body in one of his big towels. He decides maybe the safest idea is to not even glance at himself wearing the suit in the little dorm room mirror lest that set off a sequence of events and he would lose control of the situation again. So, Shawn follows this plan, and heads off down the hall to the men’s bathroom ostensibly to take his morning shower but also to wash the accumulated cum stains from yesterday out of his new Speedo®! Meanwhile Randall is struggling with some interesting issues this morning as well. In terms of understanding how snug-fitting clothing of various sorts affects his mind and body in various ways, Randall psychologically is much farther along than where Shawn is, obviously. But Randall has been messing around with this sort of stuff for a long time, almost from when he went through puberty and even before. Randall has tried a lot of different clothing items that make him feel a little to a lot horny. Randall has dealt with all of this to the point that he thought he understood how far he could go, say in working through a normal day of college classes, where he could keep a lot of those neat feelings going but without getting to the point where he “had” to immediately ejaculate. Randall thought he had played around with himself enough to know exactly how horny he could be without getting into an “I need to ejaculate immediately” situation. Randall thought he had resolved the so-called “time and place” problem, sometimes called “ejaculatory control”. What happened yesterday was fascinating not only from Shawn’s perspective but from what happened to Randall as well. The new royal blue Speedo® Randall had purchased was not that different from the ones he had bought in the past. With three-inch sides it actually fuller coverage than Randall had gotten “used” to wearing. But, the whole idea of Shawn and Randall both getting into their new briefs at the same time somehow “got” to Randall in a place that Randall had not realized was there. True, the snug new brief did feel pretty slick when rubbed against the underside of Randall’s penis. But somehow, deep down, Randall also realized that the sweet sensations from the Speedo® along with being in a position able to watch Shawn struggle inside his own suit was somehow deeply erotic way down in “there” somewhere. Randall didn’t quite know how or why he was so affected by this. Then when Shawn got to the point where he could stand it no longer and had to blow, Randall discovered that he was essentially at the same point as well. What does this all mean, anyway? Is Randall somehow gay? Is Shawn? Or would this happen basically to any guy in a situation like this irrespective of sexual orientation known or unknown? Why did Randall think it was so much fun to take Shawn shopping? Why was Shawn so willing to go along with this? What exactly is going on here, anyway? These are important questions, all of them. To be continued… |
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXIV Shawn enters the showers
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXIV Shawn enters the showers
Shawn, once again in his now cum-stained navy blue Speedos®, has entered the showers down the hall. Shawn is OK, and this time getting into the suit was not nearly as “traumatic” an event as it was the last time. Still, Shawn is at least a bit aroused, enough to show a little if anyone were to look closely. The showers are fairly quiet, but it is currently very early, only 5:45 AM. Actually there is one other guy in the showers, the showers consisting of 6 separate heads all in a long row. There are tile walls in the long room in an innocuous color that is not a tan color, but not a gray color either. Each showerhead area has a wall hook, meant to hang whatever the guy was wearing into the shower area, bathrobe, towel or maybe a pair of shorts. The other guy in the showers Shawn did not know well, but Shawn had seen him in the dorm a few times. That guy was completely naked, and warm water was spraying over his body. It appears that this guy—Shawn thought this guy’s name was Josh but he wasn’t 100 percent certain, obviously had worn a pile bathrobe to the shower as that was hanging on the hook across from that showerhead. The two guys exchanged glances, and Shawn quickly realized that Josh had taken a very quick and furtive glance and noticed the Speedo®. Shawn hoped that he hadn’t noticed those starchy stains ON Shawn’s Speedo® but Shawn wasn’t entirely certain about that. Shawn decided to keep the Speedo® on for the entire shower, partly because it was easier to wash the Speedo® on his body than off. Secretly, Shawn also wanted to see exactly how his body felt when the suit was water-soaked rather than dry. Mentally, Josh was “taking notes” on what Shawn was doing. Suddenly, Josh started engaging Shawn in a conversation. “I like your idea of wearing a brief swimsuit in the shower rather than just being naked” Josh said. “This is the first time I have tried that” responded Shawn. But this seems to work fine. Josh then asked Shawn whether or not he was a swimmer. Shawn responded by saying “Not really. I only got the suit because I thought I might be more comfortable wearing something when I showered rather than being completely naked.” “My roommate Dylan was the one who introduced me to swim briefs. He often wears a swim brief under his jeans as underwear” confided Josh. Shawn could hardly believe what Josh was telling him. “Oddly enough, I have a roommate who likes to do that as well.” Responded Shawn. “He likes to wear a swim brief under his skinny jeans and claims this works well” All the while the shower water was pouring over Shawn’s neck, chest and lower body, and Shawn could easily see that his Speedo® was now clean and free of dastardly cum-stains as well. Time to finish up the shower and dry off, wrapping a now somewhat damp towel around his lower body and head back off to the room. But, before he left he said, “I think your name is Josh. Is that right?” “Yes” “Good to see you again.” To be continued… |
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXV Shawn returns to the dorm room
It is still quite early, and as Shawn returns from his shower wearing the towel over his now wet swim brief, Randall has just managed to crawl out of bed. Randall’s first class this morning is a 9 AM class, an hour later than Shawn’s 8 AM class, so Randall is in no particular hurry to get moving this morning.
“How did the shower go?” Asks Randall. “Very well!” said Shawn. “My body is clean and so is my Speedo.” Shawn said with a sly grin on his face. Randall couldn’t help but see that Shawn looks way cool in that wet navy Speedo. And Shawn seems to be getting “used” to wearing it as well. Shawn’s bulge, while apparent, was not outsized as it would have been had Shawn had a significant hard-on. Shawn explains “There was another guy in the shower, a guy named Josh. Anyhow he was telling me about his roommate Dylan. Josh said Dylan likes to wear swim briefs as underwear on a daily basis, under his jeans. I mentioned that I have a roommate who claims that swim briefs make neat underwear, especially when worn under skinny jeans!” Now remember that Josh and Dylan are a year older than Randall and Shawn are, and are now sophomores. At most colleges, freshmen all take a lot of the same courses, and get to know each other that way. But once a student is a sophomore, they are enrolled in more “major-specific” courses and there is less interaction with students in other majors. “I think I have met both Josh and Dylan” Randall Replies, “But I certainly did not know there were other guys who wear swimming briefs as underwear like I might do.” At this point, think about what you know about Shawn and Randall and about Josh and Dylan from last year. Those who have watched the story develop realize that the roommates Josh and Dylan learned about each other’s masturbation needs and habits early in the freshman year of college. Then there was that great moment in time when Josh and Dylan each picked out a series of swim briefs from swimoutlet.com, which in turn ended in that wonderful day when each of them tried on briefs from larger to smaller, which all ended in wonderful orgasms for both as things went from merely snug to really really tight. Shawn and Randall are relative neophytes in this regard in comparison with Josh and Dylan. The first couple of months of school, they both were committed to attempting to keep their own masturbation techniques hidden from the other. Randall, of course was a lot farther along than Shawn was in this regard, and Shawn early on sensed that there was more than he realized about Randall than he had appreciated just by watching what Randall put on as he dressed for class. Shawn fell into the category of finding Randall’s behavior as a bit curious in this regard but, well, somehow interesting. What Shawn was unwilling to admit was that Randall’s approach to dressing for class was interesting to Shawn from a psychosexual perspective. Then there was the trip to the shopping mall and buying the briefs and the other stuff at the big sporting goods store. Though neither dared say this at the time, they were both knew that they picking out stuff that could help get and keep them horny. Then, of course, all of the secrecy collapsed when the two of them decided to both try on their new Speedo® briefs. Remembering his own experience the first time he had gotten into a Speedo®, Randall suspected that Shawn might quickly get himself into some “trouble” but Randall did nmot know exactly how this was going to play out. Not surprisingly, first time out Shawn quickly had a major hard-on. Randall thought that if he tried on his new royal blue Speedo® at the same time, that might distract Shawn and help Shawn calm down a bit. Of course, that is not what happened at all. AS Randall saw Shawn struggle in his new suit, Randall started to feel really horny himself in his own new suit, and Randall quickly got to and drifted over the point of no return as well. So both of them ended up ejaculating in powerful Speedo®-induced spasms, and only a minute or two apart! So much for the idea that Randall and Shawn were going to keep their masturbation desires, events and methods secret from each other for the remainder of the school year! To be continued… |
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXVI Think about this
Being a guy can be fun! Tapping into what it means to be a guy and get the most out of all of it is often not that intuitive or easy to understand. Sure, the sheer pleasure of first getting an erection and then enjoying a powerful orgasm involving wonderfully involuntary muscle contractions that at the same time push the buttons on all the wonderful pleasure centers of the brain is something that guys all learn at puberty and shortly thereafter.
But at some point, guys may come to realize that sexual pleasure and getting the best out of one’s own body is much more complicated and interesting than that, even if an orgasm is powerful, intense and mind-blowing fun. Part of the complexity of all of this is how relationships with another person that somehow involve sexual feelings might enter in or not. One could think about this as creating a situation whereby another person is affected or impacted by what is going on with you. A dorm room situation like the one Shawn and Randall are in is actually a very complicated situation. But so was the one that Josh and Dylan have been in. In both instances, all of them considered themselves to be perfectly ordinary straight males, and perfectly ordinary straight males are only supposed to find sexual pleasure after falling in love with an appropriate female partner. Or, at least that is how the vast majority of young males are conditioned to believe is true. For gay males the story is little different, the only difference being that a gay male is expected to first find (no small task) and then fall in love with another gay male and then find sexual pleasure via that route. All of this stereotyping of proper sexual behavior is interesting but unfortunately not accurate, at least not accurate for many if not most guys. Another part of growing up for “normal guys” is the realization that all of the stuff (well, nearly all at least) that makes sex with a partner so appealing can be realized without even having a partner for sex. But guys are not “supposed” to admit this to themselves let alone confess this to anyone else lest whoever is told will think of the guy as sexually abnormal. After all, guys are supposed to be sexually-driven to find love and have sex with another person, even if they are in a situation where that is not feasible. Besides, with all the sexual openness about orientation etc., sex with yourself (aka solo sex, masturbation) still has a very bad name, something done only by people who are somehow screwed up or socially challenged because for some odd reason they lack the requisite social skills necessary to find and then fall in love with a partner which then leads to real sex. In counseling partners, sex therapists talk about something called “simmering” as a potential path to sexual happiness. Simmering involves maintaining a degree of sexual arousal along with your partner (who, with some luck, is also in the same state of mind and body) but simply staying there for long periods of time without ever getting to a point where semen is ejaculated nor any bodily fluids exchanged. Maintaining the sexual burner at the low-medium range for a significant period of time is not something that a lot of guys grow up knowing how to do—it’s a learned behavior. Think of a teenager out on a date at a drive-in movie with a pretty female. Many actual movies have captured variations on this same theme—the old first base, second base, third base, home run idea whereby both the guy and the girl are trying to maintain an arousal level that is highly pleasurable to themselves and each other but does not reach an orgasm stage where everything is quickly over. Besides, even if the guy “hit a home run” so to speak under these conditions, guys also know that afterward many females may have regrets over what they let happen and whether or not this was in any way a forced situation. So then simmering, and only getting to third base, so to speak, is still fun but with far fewer risks of various sorts. Now think about the characters in the story, and realize that a guy doesn’t necessarily need to have found a sexual partner in order to simmer. Think first about Randall and Dylan. Both Randall and Dylan like to engage in solo simmering a lot, and by that meaning getting to the point where they maintain a degree of sexual arousal that is quite pleasurable, but also can be maintained for hours if not most of a day without getting to the point where a guy’s only choice is to get off ASAP. This is what the sexual therapists mean by simmering as well, if only in a slightly different context. Somehow, both Randall and Dylan had developed some skills in solo simmering long before they entered college. At some point, both of them discovered a version of what I would call assisted simmering, meaning that they discovered that this was much easier to do with the aid of certain snug-fitting items of clothing. The sex therapists might conclude somehow that this is a clothing fetish of some sort, and in some way abnormal or somehow wrong, but the sex therapists on this subject generally do not understand this and how it works for guys and see everything in the context of the partner. Random male college roommates are normally going to pair guys with unequal understanding of this type of simmering, and given that this is all quite pleasant to do, the guy with the superior skills is not going to want to abandon what he enjoys doing just because he is stuck living with a roommate in a dorm room. So, Dylan managed to teach Josh stuff that Josh now enjoys doing very much, and Randall has taught Shawn a few things as well. For example, remember the great fun Dylan and Josh had ordering a bunch of swim briefs for each other with the idea of picking suits for the other that would clearly send the other into a really fun place to be. And Josh has been grateful to Dylan for what he was able to learn about himself. But keep in mind that Randall also enjoyed taking Shawn through a learning phase that Randall was already well aware of, and Randall looks forward to giving Shawn more information. It was fun for Randall to get to see Shawn buy his first Speedo and then to watch Shawn struggle to get himself into it for the very first time. Of course there is a lot more to the things Randall has been doing that Shawn is only vaguely aware of yet, and how Randall chooses to reveal some more of this to Shawn will be interesting to see. Randall now realizes that being the watcher is a situation whereby another guy is horny but struggling to keep his mind and body from ejaculating can be as much fun for the watcher as for the guy being watched, and further, whatever is happening to the guy being watched can be “catching” for the watcher. Is this all somehow gay? Why does the answer to this question even matter if both parties are consenting adults? I suppose one way of looking at this is that this is a weird version of partner sex without the risks associated with partner sex. Randall and Shawn are friends but not sexual partners or lovers in a gay context. Same for Dylan and Josh. The two pairs of roommates enjoy each others’ company albeit in a private way, but that is where it all ends. Complicated stuff I am telling you, all of it. To be continued… |
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXVII All strapped in
Everything is calm again. A few days have passed since Shawn and Randall had their respective encounters in their new Speedos® and what remains for both of them is the sweet memory of the wonderful sensations trying on the new suits gave to each of them. How all of this might or might not relate to each of them with respect to complicated sexual orientation issues remains an unanswered question.
But for now, these issues can be put into the background. For now at least the assortment of questions need not be answered. What Shawn and Randall ended up doing in the privacy of the little dorm room is not something that needs to be explained to or shared with anyone else. No one was harmed: no one could get pregnant. It was really pleasant sexually-induced fun without any of the classical problems and issues that guys there age often have to cope with. Shawn and Randall bought more gear during the shopping trip, gear that is still lying unopened even in the little dresser inside the dorm room closet. Randall is keenly aware of how a lot of this gear works for him, and somehow he thinks it would be fun to help Shawn along a bit in part to see if Shawn is similarly affected as Randall is. Shawn has already revealed that his ability to stay calm inside a new Speedo was very limited, but he did manage to wear one and take a shower in the men’s shower area without embarrassing himself there. Randall is still struggling why seeing Shawn struggle inside the Speedo then ejaculate got Randall so horny as well, but let me leave that question unanswered. Today Randall wants to see exactly how Shawn reacts to being inside one of those P-TEX athletic supporters they both bought. Randall knows that one of the curious “features” of an old school athletic supporter is that the pouch contains your genitals, but your butt is, well, butt-naked. Randall is “hooked“ on the look and feel of the strap, the snug pouch, the leg bands etc., but he doesn’t like the naked-butt part. He wishes there was some sort of covering there, maybe just another elastic band of some sort. Still, Randall has worked up a solution of sorts, and that involves wearing a pair of tighty whitey underwear UNDER the strap. First, the tighty whiteys go on and then the strap. Of course, Randall has always “enjoyed” wearing tighty whiteys a little on the snug side, well maybe a lot on the snug side. On any “normal” class day, Randall would be wearing his snug tighty whiteys under his equally snug skinny jeans, but this is certainly all new to Shawn even though Randall’s choice of undergarments is starting to make more sense to Shawn. How snug is snug? Well, Randall has a nominal 32-inch waist, fairly trim but fairly common for college freshmen. Tighty-whitey size wise, this would but him still maybe into a men’s SM, which is normally considered to be a 28-30 inch waist. OK, then MED would be a 32-34 although these sizes and naves vary from country to country. In Japan, for example, a LRG might be a 30-32 inches, XLRG would be 34-36” and a SM would be maybe only 24-26 inches, way too small for most adult American males. Randall some time ago decided to try downsizing into boy’s sizes. Boy’s sizes work a little differently in the US . A Boy’s LRG is sometimes called 16-18 which is roughly the same as a men’s small with about a 28 inch waist size. These would fit a guy wearing a men’s SM but only a bit snugger. Randall has several pair of tighty whiteys size 16-18. Originally, boy’s sizes were supposed to represent the AGE of the average boy. For example, size 16-18 would be worn by a boy 16-18 years old. This idea never worked very well. But before he entered college Randall discovered that he would just be able to fit himself into a Boys size 12-14, roughly equivalent to a 24-26 inch waist size. The elastic waistband will be at its near limits of stretch, but is just big enough. Elsewhere the stretch cotton tugs and pulls in various places, leaving essentially zero room for any growth or expansion. The first time Randall tried this some years ago was that his initial reaction was one of discomfort in the groin area. But all of a sudden, the situation changed as his body started to interpret the discomfort more a series of agonizingly sweet sensations, just a little erotic but certainly not uncontrollably so. Randall was suddenly “hooked” on undersized tighty whiteys and started to wear them regularly. So Randall explains to Shawn about the naked-butt problem, but that he has a simple solution that works. The solution, of course, is to wear a pair of tighty whiteys UNDER the strap. But Shawn says. “Too bad I don’t even own a pair of tighty whiteys.” Randall replies “No problem. I just opened a new package with 6 pair in it, and I will give you a pair. Of course, the package that Randall just opened is 6 of the Boys size 12-14, not a normal men’s size SM or MED. Randall tosses a brand-new pair from the package over to Shawn. Randall knows that for someone like Shawn, the idea of wearing a pair of tighty whitey under a new strap is a good one, in part because if Shawn has another “accident” the semen should mostly be contained within the easy-to-launder tighty whitey, not in the strap pouch. Besides, Randall secretly wants to find out if Shawn’s reaction to wearing the really snug tighty whiteys is the same that Randall had when Randall tried when Randall tried doing this for the very first time—apparent discomfort initially, followed almost immediately by sensations oddly both sweet and wonderful as the briefs tug and pull on Shawn’s body in interesting ways. Shawn says “I am into the briefs you gave me, but the waistband barely fit my waist, and this seems uncomfortable. Randall says “Hang tight. You need to put your new P-TEX strap on over the briefs I just gave you.” Randall is also in his tighty whitey briefs, albeit a pair that had been worn before and washed, so they did not fit quite as snug as the ones Shawn had just gotten himself into. The P-TEX straps Shawn and Randall are interesting in that they are an old school bare-butt design, but the waist band and leg straps are both made of shiny new-school elastic with the P-TEX logo. Randall slips on his strap, and so does Shawn. Shawn says “Wow, this is somehow starting to feel quite good! Amazing!” Randall says “I’m feeling pretty good over here as well” But of course Shawn and Randall also bought compression gear designed to be worn OVER what both of them are currently wearing. So far, despite the snugness, no accidents have occurred and both guys are coping all right with the situation each is in. So far at least, so far… To be continued… |
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXVIII Still OK, yet
A recent news article reported that young people are on average waiting longer to form relationships that involve living together with a partner, presumably a partner that involves partner sex regardless of gender or whether or not marriage has taken place. The article noted that young adults often are just too busy with schooling and early careers to have the necessary time to get deeply involved with a partner as a partner relationship involves dealing with issues that take a lot of time and energy, emotional and physical.
What makes this all so interesting is that everyone knows that just because a young person is very busy starting out in life as a young adult (like Shawn and Randall, for example) that does not mean that the flow of sexual hormones (testosterone for both males and females, interestingly) suddenly comes to a halt. All of this still happens, and somehow must be dealt with. In the case of Shawn and Randall, two young adult males, this means that off and on at least, they are both going to feel horny and start thinking about getting off. Both guys think of themselves as ordinary straight males who have a lot of things going on as young adults and are certainly not ready to form a successful bond with a female partner at this stage in either of their lives. Still, something has to give. Probably most guys their age somehow manage to ejaculate no less frequently than two or three days, if that. How this happens for each of them is the interesting part. Consider for a moment that this predicament that Shawn and Randall both face at this point in their lives is going on in countless male freshman dorm rooms practically everywhere and each guy finds a unique personal way to solve the problem which is kept secret, or maybe not so secret at least in the case of Shawn and Randall. This is not something guys would normally engage in talking about with other guys their age at all, and dormitories are not any different in that regard. The old “rule” learned at age 11 or 12 was that there was nothing inherently “wrong” with masturbating and that a guy would not injure himself in any way by doing it, but you must do it in private and never reveal what you are up to with anyone including your best friends male or female, and further, if word ever got out you would be teased or bullied by guys that you once thought of as even close friends who might claim you were gay. Then if females your age found out they would believe you to be weird or gay too. These unwritten but well-known rules about solo sex still apply pretty much the same way all through high school and as students enter their freshman year of college living in a college dorm double there may be even less privacy than a guy had when he was living at home. Still, as young adults, maybe these old rules about keeping secret anything that involves masturbation are not as rigid as they once were. It depends on the roommate I guess. If the roommate is one of these “raging heterosexuals” who has sex with a female 2 or 3 times a week, at least the dating hours will provide the other guy some privacy to, you know, jerk off. But neither Randall nor Shawn is a raging heterosexual like the one I described. Neither of them has a steady girlfriend, and even casual dating takes time and energy away from studies. So something really interesting has happened to these two young men. Randall has SHARED some of his “best” masturbation techniques with Shawn. Shawn has not only been learning, but he is now having fun as well. What is going on is, at least for now, a “secret” between Randall and Shawn and it may never be known by anyone else. And boy are the two of them enjoying themselves right now. Shawn now is beginning to understand why Randall always keeps stocked with pairs of tighty whiteys, and the slick-feeling strap pulled over the top of them feels really, really good. Shawn is getting hard, and he knows it. So is Randall. Shawn glances at himself in the dorm room mirror and he likes what he sees. The strap is starting to bulge outward in a most interesting way. But then Randall says to Shawn. “This is only part of it. You know we bought that compression gear. The whole idea is to pull on your compression tee over your chest, and then put the compression shorts on over your tighty whiteys and your strap.” Shawn and Randall dig out the compression shirts they both bought, Shawn's a short-sleeved in Navy blue, and Randall’s long-sleeved in silvery gray. These both involve a bit of struggle to get into, and the struggle momentarily distracts them from the sensations each of them had been feeling in the groin area. Once in, they both take another look at their bodies in the dorm room mirror. Shawn has never seen himself clad like this, and he likes what he sees. Randall tells Shawn that the final step for now is to slide into the compression shorts he bought, also in Navy Blue. These will fit snug not only in Shawn’s groin area, already under intense pressure from the undies and the strap but also put pressure on his thighs and buttocks. Meanwhile Randall bought compression running tights that go all the way down to his calves. Shawn has never before worn compression shorts and certainly not with these other garments underneath. The running tights are something Randall has sometimes wondered about and perhaps longed to try wearing, but he has never had a pair to try on. Both Shawn and Randall are now fully clad in their new gear, and both are coping as best they can with the situation. Still, for two college freshman, both filled with male hormones, things cannot remain stable forever, and most certainly something will have to give. To be continued… |
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXIX What happened next was…
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXIX What happened next was…
I hope everyone can visualize the exact situation they are both in right now. Both Randall and Shawn are wearing pairs of significantly undersized tighty whiteys, the ones Shawn is wearing were supplied by Randall from a just-opened new package he had in his dorm-room dresser drawer. Shawn is just a bit concerned about the fit, which seems almost uncomfortably snug and tight and he is wondering how Randall manages to wear them on a daily basis. Shawn and Randall have both pulled on the P-TEX straps they found at the big box sporting goods store at the mall. https://dks.scene7.com/is/image/dksc...RPXSPM?wid=425 The straps represent a second “layer” over some of the most sensitive areas of the male body along with the wide elastic waistband and elastic leg straps. The first trick in doing this is getting each one’s male body parts all in the correct position. The third element or layer so all of this is the compression gear—the long-sleeved compression tee Randall is wearing and the navy blue short-sleeved version Shawn bought. Shawn has a color-matched pair of compression shorts and Randall a longer pair of running tights that are long enough to entirely cover Randall’s calf muscles. This is a third layer for both of them, and keep in mind that with each layer, the fit and feel only gets snugger and seemingly tighter. Randall also has a pair of compression shorts that he had purchased earlier and he decides to put these on OVER The running tights, for a most interesting fourth layer. So, here is what is happening to both of them, psychologically. At some point, the sensations from the tighty whiteys that Shawn thought at first were somewhat uncomfortable morphed into some sensations that Shawn’s brain suddenly and oddly sensed instead interesting. Once this happened Shawn almost immediately started feeling that unmistakable and interesting sensation of the tightening of his penis as it was beginning to fill with blood, and that was just from the tighty whiteys. From his own experiences, Randall pretty much knew this was likely to happen to Shawn, but Randall did not know exactly what the reaction might be. Randall really “enjoys” his role as the “teacher” for Shawn in this regard. If a guy doing what Shawn and Randall are doing senses that interesting tension sensation as his penis begins to fill with blood, one interesting idea this is to pull everything down giving the penis a bit of a “break” so to speak. Or, at least that’s what guys usually believe will happen. But if a guy does this, the penis almost invariably responds to this new “freedom” by getting a little bigger still—the penis senses the newfound freedom as an “opportunity” for more growth. Then, after two or three minutes of “freedom”, the guy decides he wants to get back into the various clothing items, but given that the guy has grown, this only becomes even more difficult to do. Randall knows this: Shawn is still trying to figure out if “taking a break” is a good idea or not, but Shawn eventually concludes that he “needs” a break by getting out of everything—if only for a moment or two. Randall is thinking to himself that this might not be the wisest strategy, but that Shawn needs to learn and understand how this works for himself. So Shawn pulls everything down and takes a break. Having been naked in the groin area for a couple minutes, Shawn now decides to get himself back in. Shawn had some difficulty getting himself into the tighty whiteys the first time, but now he is really struggling in his attempt to find a position for his now quite long-and-now quite hard penis that works. He ends up in sort of a sideways position. However, jock straps basically don’t fit if a guy’s penis is when the penis is sideways, and Shawn is now trying to figure out how to fit a now oversized penis into what now seems to be a substantially undersized strap pouch. Clearly, strap pouches simply aren’t designed to accommodate a full male erection the size that Shawn suddenly has. Randall has been watching Shawn cope with the dilemma he is in with some interest of his own, and what Randall is seeing is making a psychological impact on Randall. I suspect that what Randall is seeing would have a similar impact on most guys, though most guys would never want to admit that—seeing another guy make an attempt to deal with an obvious erection is psychologically interesting and leads to a “response” by the viewer, in this case, the viewer being Randall. So Shawn finally gets back into the strap and tries to pull the compression shorts back on. What Shawn doesn’t realize that Randall in part by simply watching Shawn obviously struggle getting his oversized penis back into in his gear, himself is on the very edge of ejaculating as well. Shawn pulls the compression gear to his waist and almost immediately begins to feel that strange but endlessly present pulsating every few seconds with in his groin area. He looks down, and sees that already the front of his compression shorts are covered with a creamy white semen, having somehow made its way through both the tighty whiteys and even the pouch of the new strap. Randall sees what has happened to Shawn, and Randall immediately starts into a series of repetitive involuntary contractions as well, pushing lots semen out through FOUR layers of cover. Randall and Shawn somehow have had near simultaneous ejaculations. For both Randall and Shawn, these ejaculatory “moments in time” are filled with wonderfully delicious sensations coming from all sorts of different places. The sensations are so great that both Shawn and Randall now can’t wait to recover and then try to do it all over again. To be continued… |
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXX What next?
Every guy probably already knows exactly what am about to describe, but I will push forward anyway. After a guy gets aroused and then ejaculates in powerful spasms of involuntary multiple muscle contractions, a complex array of different emotions suddenly takes over. This happens not only in partner sex, but also in sex that does not (in this case, directly) involve a partner, either orgasms that happen while exploring your body in private, or in the case of Randall and Shawn, in the presence of another person.
I’ve long thought that this sudden shift in how a guy feels is one of the most interesting parts about male sexuality. For guys who learned the subtle techniques of masturbation under the covers at night, guys generally feel sluggish and even sleepy after masturbating to orgasm, which in itself is interesting because guys doing this in a normal fashion under the covers generally are wide awake just before the orgasm happens. When “sleeping” with a sexual partner, part of the “problem” is in figuring out a way so that where you are on this path is at least broadly consistent with that of the partner you are sleeping with. Working out the details of all of this with your partner is no small task and, though I am not a marriage counselor, I suspect that a lot of marriages have rather regularly fallen apart in instances where both partners are unable to work out a satisfactory solution to what amounts to a complicated problem involving the emotional ties along with the physical issues. At the core is the idea of both partners being “sexually compatible.” Randall and Shawn are not sexual partners if being a sexual partner is defined as involving physical contact with each other (perhaps along with the classic “exchanging of bodily fluids”) but they certainly managed somehow to have near simultaneous orgasms via the interesting techniques outlined in the previous chapters. Both Randal and Shawn could have each been in their own beds a few feet apart late at night, both touching and fondling their own sexual orgasms to the point of orgasm, and both could have gone off at nearly the same time with both certainly understanding what had just happened to the other. This probably goes on regularly in most of the double rooms in the men’s dormitory. But as it turns out both Randal and Shawn were wide awake and not in bed when the nearly simultaneous orgasms occurred, with each of them seeing exactly what was happening to the other. Do either of them have a psychosexual “problem” as a consequence of the fact that they “enjoyed” the moment? A clothing “fetish” of some sort? There must be something “wrong” with what they just did. Maybe they are both gay but they simply haven’t “admitted” it to themselves yet or to each other. These are big questions, complicated questions, tough questions. Or, maybe they both just discovered something that is really fun but does not really mean anything whatsoever from a larger perspective. So, Randall and Shawn are both at the post-ejaculation stage of feeling rather “sluggish” right now, and that is putting it mildly. This is where the really goofy part comes in. They both feel tired, as if they feel a nap coming on. But the other goofy part is that suddenly not only have they suddenly lost interest in touching their own sexual organs, they also feel like they need to discard all of the snug-fitting garments—the very stuff that they both thought was so much fun to be in only moments ago moments before the orgasm. So, the snug tighty whitey are quickly discarded in each of their laundry bags, and out comes the loose- fitting cotton boxers and sweatpants. Somehow, all of a sudden NOT wearing anything snug and tight seems to be the perfect thing to do. In male-female partner sex, guys go through a very similar stage post-ejaculation to what Randall and Shawn are now experiencing, while many women seem to wind down at a much slower pace. The guy post ejaculation rolls over in bed, not wanting anything even close to his sexual organs any more, and quickly falls asleep. Many women do not appreciate this mode of post orgasm sexuality in men and try desperately to get guys to change their behaviors in this regard. This is another one of those goofy but fascinating things that women do not understand about how men are wired sexually. For Randall and Shawn, post ejaculation, neither will be interested in sexual feelings for awhile. This calm period in that regard could last for only a few hours, overnight, or even 2 or 3 days. That depends. Are there other ideas for Randall and Shawn to pursue, once they both “recover” from all of this funky post-ejaculatory sluggishness? Maybe, just maybe! To be continued… |
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