Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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sebbie 05-10-2018 12:56 PM

Super tight! Super snug! Super fun!
I do not want to leave any of you with the impression that you need to somehow be able to go shopping for esoteric and perhaps expensive garments, nor garments that are going to attract undo attention to what you are doing from anyone, be it peers, college roommates, parents or siblings. One thing a guy learns at a very early age is to how to enjoy his own body without attracting attention with respect to what he is doing with and to himself from anyone else. This is rather neat, actually.

In these stories I have examined some neat ideas that Josh and Dylan pursued—you remember the initial orders that Dylan made with the help of Bill and Joe containing all sorts of “fun” garments to try wearing. For those guys, everyone knew exactly what they were “up to” in terms of identifying the specific items that were bound to make each of them quickly feel horny, and part of the fun of all of this is that the guys could be more open with what they were planning on doing with the garments and why than they ever would have been at an earlier age—say in high school.

But it is also true that there are a lot of guys out there who would like to be better “equipped” to enjoy themselves, but lack the privacy of being a college dorm freshman like the four characters in the story, and perhaps lack the funds or credit card to create an Amazon order containing all of the interesting stuff. Guys are sometimes stuck in the situation of having to do this all with very limited funding and “under the radar” so to speak, for a variety of reasons.

The first advice I would give a guy who finds himself in this situation would be to not feel alone. Other guys out there have the same or very similar thoughts and feelings, and are dealing with the same or very similar issues. This is one of the most complex aspects of male sexuality, but in many ways is also one of the most interesting parts as well. Some guys probably thought at one time that this was only an issue for guys in the initial stages of a relationship with a potential sexual partner, but they quickly discover that, well, penises often have a “mind” of their own about what constitutes a potentially arousing situation. A lot of guys are probably more than a little scared once this dawns on them, but there is really nothing abnormal or to be afraid off (other than being “discovered” enjoying yourself, I suppose.)

Next, I would say that for any guy, his own body provides useful ‘signals” as to what might work in one’s own specific situation. I have discussed at length the role of the cowpers gland and glistening drops of precum forming at the tip of a guy’s penis as a great clue as to whether or not a guy is entering a situation that is arousing. This signaling mechanism works in all sorts of potentially arousing situations involving a potential sexual partner, but is also useful for guys who feel the need to enjoy themselves but are without a partner.

With respect to items of clothing, items that I have discussed at length such as swim briefs and athetic supporters but other, less obvious items, any item in which the thought of being able to wear elicits drops of clear glistening precum, are probably worth pursuing. This list includes most clothing items that you believe will fit snug enough to put pressure on various parts of your sensitive groin and buttocks. The tricky part is not that no items exist (they do!). If you look in the standard underwear section of one of the discount houses, you will see many brands of popular underwear with pouches. I often think that a lot of these are marketed to guys who realize that the pouch design makes it much easier to gently stroke the sensitive underside of a guy’s penis that a garment without a pouch, and if these are made with a stretchy, slick fabric, all the better as that will make this whole procedure still more fun. So these garments are there for a reason—the manufacturers know that some guys will buy them in order to give themselves a nice “workout” in front of the mirror, watching the neat little drops of ooze form at the tip of the penis as the guy strokes away.

But, even this idea may be too difficult for some guys to do. Growing up, I was getting bigger, overall and “down there” at the same time. The clothes I wore kpt getting bigger and bigger, but I always liked to keep cotton underwear I had pretty much grown out of around anyway. I quickly discovered that even an undersized pair could send me off into places I hadn’t been before. I made do with what I had available to me.

To this day, I still enjoy very much wearing a pair of cotton briefs that size-wise would be way to small for me (say a boys size 10-12) Armed with this, it is simple to relive and reenjoy the old feelings and sensations I had when I was still learning about all of this. This morning, I did just that, topping it all off with a somewhat undersized (28-inch waist) Tyr jammer. Once in, I got to thinking about how really good this all felt—the brief fitting really tight with the jammer gripping my buttocks and thighs as well.

I love just being a guy!

…To be continued

sebbie 05-10-2018 07:18 PM

The old approach still works quite well
Having fun by (and with) yourself always presents some most interesting opportunities (and challenges). I have tried many different ideas in this regard, and sometimes the old ideas still seem to work at least as well, if not better than, the new one.

Anyone who has read my stories to any degree know that I am a big fan of men’s thong underwear but it seems to me that it is becoming more and more difficult to find then with the proper fit and feel that over the years I have enjoyed so much. I’m not certain as to why this is so, but perhaps manufacturers have decided that many guys would be, well, fearful of a thong that provides what I believe to be the correct fit like thongs that have a bit of spandex in them. The best thongs have a quite narrow, elastic back that fits quite snug between the buttocks. The attachment of the elastic back to the pouch is critical as well, because if this is made correctly, this will put quite a bit of pressure on your perineum area, just behind the scrotum while pushing your balls and penis—contained in the pouch—upward and forward.

The combination of the elastic back cutting between the buttocks, the upward pressure on the nerves in the perineum, plus the forward pressure on the balls and penis can feel, well, a touch uncomfortable at first, until things start to settle in. But this tends to settle down fairly quickly, and you should start to feel really good fairly quickly. Your penis might respond by producing a few glistening drops of precum at the tip of your penis. If that happens to you, you will know that you have found a properly fitting thong that will be a lot of fun for you.

The next step, of course, is to add a strap and cup. Again, finding just the right strap and cup seems to be becoming more difficult. I really prefer those old school cups that are triangular and quite flat rather than the banana-shaped cups, but those have gotten hard to find. The neat part about this is that even as the thong pushes key body parts up and forward, the right cup will try and push everything in the opposite direction. Your penis should sense the dilemma, and it will try and fill as much of the available space as it can. You penis will try and do the best it can with the space that is available, and you will quickly sense the hard cup pressing downward.

Finally, I like to put a wrestling singlet, slightly undersized over the top of all of this. The neat thing about a wrestling singlet is that in order to get the shoulder straps in place, the singlet has to be pulled up into your crotch, the same place that has got all the other stuff with the thong and strap. A properly-fitting singlet will bear down and hold the jock cup firmly (in place).
So, you body faces an interesting dilemma. The perineum is being stimulated by the thong. You penis quickly realizes that it is in a snug place and wants to expand. In addition, your penis being contained within the hard cup, cannot be stroked or even touched directly. Ordinarily, a guy facing this situation will be trying to get some “relief” perhaps by moving the cup around a bit or pulling it back from the body for a few seconds, but the cup is being held firmly in place by the singlet. Great fun! Attempts to get control over the situation seem to only make matters worse.

Finally, I like to do some strenuous exercise while wearing all of this either on an indoor rowing machine or exercise bike. This is really fun with the thong cutting between the buttocks. Exercise moves along quickly.

At some point, most guys will probably have had enough stimulation and get out of all of this perhaps getting off. Don’t feel badly about this. Indeed, quite the opposite. The pressure that has been building should send you off into a most powerful orgasm. Kick back and enjoy yourself to the maximum extent possible.

To be continued…

sebbie 05-25-2018 02:26 PM

What to pack?
For Dylan and Josh, school is out for the summer. Summer is a key time for travel. Guys are always guys. Sometimes, perhaps often, a guy feels horny even in a situation that does not in some way involve another person. I think every guy understands completely what I am saying here. Circumstances vary from one day to the next, even one moment to the next. Sometimes a guy is more interested in what he is feeling down there than other times. Sometimes this seems to happen almost randomly. A guy gets up in the morning and somehow he can’t get his mind off of what seems to be happening down there.

This can all happen at a convenient time. Or at what might be an inconvenient time. But the issues get more complex when a guy is traveling for a complex but interesting set of reasons.

Think about it. (yes, THAT!) Part of growing up and becoming a young adult involves developing a schedule (perhaps better called a scheme) whereby you can regularly enjoy all the sensations you body has to offer without creating for yourself situations that could be potentially embarrassing or impractical. Take plain old jerking off (POJO). Guys vary. Some guys engage in POJO just after getting into bed and under the covers. The tricky part here (I’m sure all of you remember!!) is that a successful POJO means that you will end up spending the night in whatever you were wearing when POJO happened. All that damp semen, plus the precum unless you can figure out a way to discard the garment and put on something clean and dry. That becomes tricky to do if there is another person in an adjoining bed. Maybe another guy who is rooming with you.

Another option is to engage in POJO just before you get out of bed in the morning, in which case when you crawl out of bed you will still be wearing a garment with a nice wet semen spot on arising. If there is another male sleeping in the room in another bed, the tricky part is figuring out how you are going to get up without awaking your roommate. Good luck with that. Say you are college roommates, you can at least console yourself with the knowledge that your roommate probably faces the same or very similar issue and probably is searching for a workable scheme himself. The idea of not engaging in POJO is a non-starter. Sometimes It’s just too much fun to pass on. And sometimes a guy’s body tells a guy he needs to POJO whether the situation is convenient or not. That’s part of the “fun” of being a guy. Sometimes your body tells you that you have no real choice in the matter.

A travel situation presents a host of other issue. If you have been living in a situation where you have a degree of privacy, say with a private bedroom, you have probably come up with a POJO system that serves you pretty well and your public persona, so to speak, around other implies that you never jerk off. Yah sure, practically every guy would like to maintain that “I never engage in POJO” image around others, family members, friends, etc, and so long as these others are not privy to what you do when you are alone, in private, that image can be maintained.

Traveling presents a potentially unique set of circumstances. First off, even business travelers sometimes end up doubling up in order to cut back on travel costs, especially if the travel involves being in a place where rooms are expensive. Rooming alone presents POJO opportunities that doubling up does not present, at least until the night main wanders in on you with fresh towels. But the business traveler doubling up faces the same issues male college roommates face, if only for a much shorter period of time.

Then, the issue comes up as to what to pack along on your trip. That in part depends on whether you are going to be rooming alone or in a “double room” with another guy. Baggage gets screened at the airport. Some of the stuff you have in your collection to assist you in jerking off you may not want a screener to see. So this suggests that the ideal items might be tamer stuff, extra pairs of tighty whiteys, a standard swim brief, maybe a strap you are particularly fond of. Not sure about a cup. My concern is that the screener might want to pull that out and stare at it. What about thong swim briefs and underwear? That more or less depends on whether you will have a place to wear these once you get to a destination or not. More bluntly put, will you be sleeping in a single or a double. Compression tees and shorts are probably OK, since these are commonplace wear among people who like to keep in shape.

I’m traveling right now. This morning I put on a pair of tighty whiteys, and thought to myself that I am feeling pretty good down there. I’ve often thought that tighty whiteys are often underrated in this specific regard. Who am I to offer advice on what to wear? But I felt still better by pulling a little strap (this time without a cup) over, and a pair of just loose-fitting shorts over. I can go along feeling a bit horny all day. What happens at the end of the day, I will see exactly how I am feeling by then!

Best of luck in navigating all of this!

To be continued…

sebbie 05-25-2018 02:26 PM

What to pack?
For Dylan and Josh, school is out for the summer. Summer is a key time for travel. Guys are always guys. Sometimes, perhaps often, a guy feels horny even in a situation that does not in some way involve another person. I think every guy understands completely what I am saying here. Circumstances vary from one day to the next, even one moment to the next. Sometimes a guy is more interested in what he is feeling down there than other times. Sometimes this seems to happen almost randomly. A guy gets up in the morning and somehow he can’t get his mind off of what seems to be happening down there.

This can all happen at a convenient time. Or at what might be an inconvenient time. But the issues get more complex when a guy is traveling for a complex but interesting set of reasons.

Think about it. (yes, THAT!) Part of growing up and becoming a young adult involves developing a schedule (perhaps better called a scheme) whereby you can regularly enjoy all the sensations you body has to offer without creating for yourself situations that could be potentially embarrassing or impractical. Take plain old jerking off (POJO). Guys vary. Some guys engage in POJO just after getting into bed and under the covers. The tricky part here (I’m sure all of you remember!!) is that a successful POJO means that you will end up spending the night in whatever you were wearing when POJO happened. All that damp semen, plus the precum unless you can figure out a way to discard the garment and put on something clean and dry. That becomes tricky to do if there is another person in an adjoining bed. Maybe another guy who is rooming with you.

Another option is to engage in POJO just before you get out of bed in the morning, in which case when you crawl out of bed you will still be wearing a garment with a nice wet semen spot on arising. If there is another male sleeping in the room in another bed, the tricky part is figuring out how you are going to get up without awaking your roommate. Good luck with that. Say you are college roommates, you can at least console yourself with the knowledge that your roommate probably faces the same or very similar issue and probably is searching for a workable scheme himself. The idea of not engaging in POJO is a non-starter. Sometimes It’s just too much fun to pass on. And sometimes a guy’s body tells a guy he needs to POJO whether the situation is convenient or not. That’s part of the “fun” of being a guy. Sometimes your body tells you that you have no real choice in the matter.

A travel situation presents a host of other issue. If you have been living in a situation where you have a degree of privacy, say with a private bedroom, you have probably come up with a POJO system that serves you pretty well and your public persona, so to speak, around other implies that you never jerk off. Yah sure, practically every guy would like to maintain that “I never engage in POJO” image around others, family members, friends, etc, and so long as these others are not privy to what you do when you are alone, in private, that image can be maintained.

Traveling presents a potentially unique set of circumstances. First off, even business travelers sometimes end up doubling up in order to cut back on travel costs, especially if the travel involves being in a place where rooms are expensive. Rooming alone presents POJO opportunities that doubling up does not present, at least until the night main wanders in on you with fresh towels. But the business traveler doubling up faces the same issues male college roommates face, if only for a much shorter period of time.

Then, the issue comes up as to what to pack along on your trip. That in part depends on whether you are going to be rooming alone or in a “double room” with another guy. Baggage gets screened at the airport. Some of the stuff you have in your collection to assist you in jerking off you may not want a screener to see. So this suggests that the ideal items might be tamer stuff, extra pairs of tighty whiteys, a standard swim brief, maybe a strap you are particularly fond of. Not sure about a cup. My concern is that the screener might want to pull that out and stare at it. What about thong swim briefs and underwear? That more or less depends on whether you will have a place to wear these once you get to a destination or not. More bluntly put, will you be sleeping in a single or a double. Compression tees and shorts are probably OK, since these are commonplace wear among people who like to keep in shape.

I’m traveling right now. This morning I put on a pair of tighty whiteys, and thought to myself that I am feeling pretty good down there. I’ve often thought that tighty whiteys are often underrated in this specific regard. Who am I to offer advice on what to wear? But I felt still better by pulling a little strap (this time without a cup) over, and a pair of just loose-fitting shorts over. I can go along feeling a bit horny all day. What happens at the end of the day, I will see exactly how I am feeling by then!

Best of luck in navigating all of this!

To be continued…

sebbie 05-30-2018 02:02 PM

Getting control of your feelings…
Has this ever happened to you? It’s happened to Dylan and Josh on a frequent basis. At first, what happens seems maybe just a little “weird”. But then, the focus becomes that of what to do about it under the circumstances.

Let’s suppose you are in a deep sleep and suddenly the alarm rings. You have been in what is commonly referred to as a rather deep sleep, and when the alarm goes off it it, well, alarming. It’s already fairly late in the morning. You had expected that you would wake up in the morning minutes if not a half hour before the alarm went off, but somehow that didn’t happen. Now you somehow need to get ready to go for your day’s activities in something of a hurry.

But, you have a “problem” of sorts. Well, not a “growing problem, so much as just something that is tugging away for your attention despite all the things you need to do. All the nerves in your penis seem just super sensitive this morning, despite the fact that you don’t have a serious erection going on. This seems like a strange thing to be happening, but it is not uncommon at all. Your penis is clamoring for your attention this morning.

You think how wonderful it would be to just give in and have a really nice jerk-off session instead of what you need to be doing instead this morning, but if you don’t get moving on the other tasks nothing is going to go right all day long. Still, your penis seems to “like” to put you in a predicament like this. It’s one of the combinations of things that penises do that sometimes seem to happen to guys. But no one has ever talked about it, at least up until now.

The question is, how to deal with this and somehow still make it through the day. The neat sensations you are experiencing this morning are so much fun even without an erection that you feel compelled to at least try to keep them going. But you also are concerned that things could quickly escalate out of control and result in something embarrassing happening. Say an erection or even an orgasm in an embarrassing time or place during the day. Not good, for a host of different reasons.

Still, you are enjoying the sensations you are experiencing immensely, and you keep thinking that maybe, just maybe, you can keep experiencing a little of this all day long, without getting a full scale erection or going into full orgasm mode.

But, what to do about all of this in an effort to achieve the objectives, or, more directly, “what to wear?” Somehow, today in not a day for loose-fitting boxer shorts. OK, I suppose a pair of loose-fitting cotton boxers would tend to reduce the sensation level. Your penis seems to “want” to be in something snugger and tighter.

Now guys on encountering their first pair of tighty whiteys, quickly discover that the snugger fit has its,well, advantages. This learning experience extends right into adulthood, or, if a guy is fortunate enough to be in the situation that Dylan and Josh have been in, there is stuff that feels even better than cotton briefs, because it fits, well, tighter and snugger. Somehow tight and snug seems to make those active nerve endings feel really great.

So, guys need to have in their wardrobes a variety of undergarments each of which will help “deal” with whatever “situation” they happen to face in the morning. Maybe a couple pair of loose fitting boxers for those days when a guy is feeling not horny at all. But stuff better suited for coping with other days specific to how a guy feels that day. Dylan and Josh have done very well in developing wardrobes that work in a variety of circumstances irrespective of how each of them is feeling on any given day..

There are complicating factors, interestingly, one of them being the increasing popularity of really snug-fitting jeans for guys young and old. When jeans were baggy and loose-fitting, guys could wear baggy and loose-fitting underwear, but the new jean styles call for, at minimum, underwear that fits snugger and tighter. How snug and how tight, that is the question.

Then there is the swim brief issue. It appears that far more swim briefs are being sold than appear at the pool or beach. One theory is that an increasing number of guys are opting to wear slick, snug-fitting swim briefs as underwear under their new skinny jeans, as Dylan has been wearing to class.

The real beauty of a swim brief for guys over a pair of cotton brief underwear is that the swim brief feels slick and smooth on the body and in particular, to the penis, especially on the underside. I guess the guys reading this have likely figured this out, long ago. And, of course, if you penis is really sensitive some mornings, it will “love” being contained inside the slick and smooth swim brief. And for guys who have not tried this before, wearing a snug-fitting swim brief under snug-fitting jeans can keep you going all day long.

Another possibility is an old school strap. For guys who don’t quite want to “go commando” this is the alternative. Straps have become tough to find in bricks-and-mortar stores, but are still easily found on line. A strap paired with a pair of really snug Lycra-infused skinny jeans provides some sensations that can only be described as unique and wonderful.

Then there are all the other options, say a pair of men’s thong underwear or even the possibility of fitting a wrestling singlet under a pair of skinny jeans, which will look just like a sleeveless top tucked in. (The tricky part with this one is figuring out how to use a restroom during the day wearing this combination!)

Lots of options are available for sure! But the search for finding the best combination for you on any given day can be fun in itself.

To be continued…

sebbie 06-05-2018 02:41 PM

Pondering deep thoughts
When you see another guy wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, what are the first thoughts that race through your mind? Perhaps is it interesting questions about what the guy might be feeling while having himself confined in the snug-fitting brief? For me, the extra sensitivity of the underside of a guy’s penis has always been something that “gets” to me. Not only does the underside seem to have more and more interesting nerve endings, at an early age I learned that the underside is more sensitive to the feel of slick-but snug-fitting fabric. So seeing a guy wearing his penis in the “up” position inside a tight swim brief always sends off alarm bells of sorts for me. Does the guy “know” what he is dealing with? (Of course he must!) I have sometimes labeled this the so-called Christopher Atkins effect, after those famous scenes from “Dallas” episodes where Christopher is wearing a tight blue Speedo® with his penis “obviously” up (and, perhaps a bit hard). Christopher must have been enjoying himself in doing those scenes. How could he not?

I have no clue as to whether my interest in this could be labeled as gay or straight, nor do I much care about that. The only part that I am curious about is whether an interest in seeing another guy with his penis in such a “predicament” is all but universal among guys or not. A related question is whether females in any way, shape or form like seeing a guy in this “condition” as well. Deep questions, all of these.

Another curious thing about being a guy is that on some days a guy wakes up feeling especially interested in his penis and other body parts in the groin area. This often is just a slight degree of horniness. Some guys clearly wake up fully aroused and nearly fully erect, and getting off is the immediate “order of the day”. Sometimes, however, I guy can’t just do that. He may not be in a situation private enough to do so right then, or he may be on a rigid time schedule where he needs to be at a particular place at a particular time, and simply has not got enough time to enjoy his body.

So the question then becomes how to manage your horniness. Part of this depends on exactly how horny you are feeling. Are you semi-erect, or just wake up thinking about your penis? What to do?

I like to have a variety of options available to me when I get up in the morning, and then even if I am not in a situation where I must immediately get off, I still have ways to “keep the embers burning” perhaps all day long.

Maybe I’m just too “old school” in this regard, but simple cotton “tighty whitey” briefs have long been my go to brief day in and day out. I’m always interested in something slicker and snugger, but oftentimes these options are impractical for daily wear. I like to keep packages of cotton briefs in a variety of sizes. They are cheap, readily available in packages of 3-6, and if you anticipate getting into situations where other guys might see what you are wearing, they wont attract undo attention, which can be a plus.

Nominally I’m a 32-inch waist which means that a men’s Medium would be the “right” size for wear on days I am not feeling at all horny or aroused. But if I get up feeling even a little bit aroused, I like to downsize just a bit to Men’s Small, which is a nominal 28-30 inch waist. Everything just fits a little snugger all around. But I’ve also discovered I can wear cotton briefs in still smaller boys sizes. These typically are sold as 18-20, 14-16, and 10-12 sizes. The 18-20 is all but equivalent to a Men’s Small. The waists on these keep getting smaller, but for me its fairly easy to get into the 14-16 size and even the 10-12. So the key is to keep a package in each of the sizes Men’s Small and Medium along with boys 14-16 and, if you want to be daring, 10-12. Which size I choose depends on how horny I am feeling after I get up and if I am feeling really horny I will downsize to boy’s 10-12.

There are a lot of options as well, such as men’s bikini style underwear briefs, the basics in cotton (often flyless), but also in fabrics such as stretch nylon. The stretch nylon feels a lot like a basic swim brief. Part of the appeal here has to be that a guy can probably find something labeled as underwear that fits and feels almost like a swim brief but technically is not a swim brief. So a guy who claims that he would never wear a swim brief can find out how a swim brief would fit and feel without ever actually doing that.

Then there is the men’s thong underwear. I love thong underwear and I have ever since I saw one for the first time. The only comment I want to make on this at this point in time is that a properly-fitting thong should keep your mind focused on your groin area all day long, if that what you want to do. And by wearing a thong all day long without any chance for relief, you will probably want to get off as soon as you get home from work, and you will likely have a really strong orgasm as a consequence of “doing this” to yourself all day long. At least that is the way it often works for me.

Finally there is the subject of wearing either a strap or a real swim brief at least on some days. Each morning, your body will give you signals as to whether either of these options is something that you “want” to do on that particular day. Don’t ignore the messages your body is trying to send you in this regard. A strap is very different from a swim brief, but both are fun, each in their own special way. Whether or not your body “likes” that you are doing this to yourself, you should quickly know.

All of these options represent excellent underwear choices under the new, snug-fitting super skinny jeans, clothing that would not work very well with loose-fitting boxer shorts. Some guys may be apprehensive about all the “quirky” stuff I have just explained. But don’t be. In experimenting, you will learn a lot about your own body and how your body can respond in very special ways. Dylan and Josh have been running very similar experiments as college freshmen all year long while each creating a growing wardrobe containing the different options!

To be continued…

dm106 06-05-2018 03:11 PM

Sebbie, I have been wearing Jockey Brand microfiber briefs. I have them in 2 sizes as you describe. I love the slick feel of them, similar to many of the swim briefs. And they seem to hold up well, too. To me they are much sexier than the tighty-whities.

sebbie 06-18-2018 03:02 PM

Just enjoying myself a little bit
As I have indicated dozens of times before, guys learn at a very early age that certain body parts are sensitive to touch. For the most part, these body parts are located somewhere in the groin area, though there are of course exceptions to this rule as well. Learning about all of this in detail is a basic part of growing up and becoming an adult. The only catch is that guys frequently are in situations where they might not be able to get the privacy that they need to engage in the “lessons”.

Another rather complicated part of the problem is that once guys discovers the details of what works for them, a lot of what has been learned carries right on into adulthood and oftentimes through a guy’s adult life. Finding a partner for a relationship and then partner sex does not really change the parameters of what was learned. It is frequently a struggle for guys to quite know what to do with the accumulated knowledge that they have about how their own body responds to touch, and in particular whether or not to share this information with a sexual partner, particularly if what a guy really enjoys doing doesn’t necessarily require a partner.

As a basic illustration, take for example, a guy who, probably secretly, enjoys putting on and wearing a swim brief. The guy probably discovered this at a very early age, but is uncertain about what to do about his fascination with the idea. The guy feels really good when wearing a swim brief in all sorts of special ways, and looks forward to recreating those sensations as frequently as possible.

A basic question that the guy has is whether or not there are other guys, male peers, who feel and respond in the same way. He dare not admit what happens to him every time he puts on a swim brief. Worse, he realizes that if others, perhaps the same male peers, see him and he is only a little bit aroused, they are probably going to notice that. After all the “right” swim brief is designed to go fast in the water, and that often means minimal coverage along with maximum potential for getting one’s self in a potentially embarrassing situation, and perhaps a situation that could lead to teasing and bullying. So the sheer pleasure that arises from wearing a snug-fitting swim brief is accompanied by the fear and sheer terror of a situation that could get out of control quickly. What a dilemma!

Guys entering adulthood often long for being in a situation where they are nearly certain that they would have a degree of privacy for pursuing solo interests when they wanted to. In college, my dorm room situation was a little different from that of Josh and Dylan in that I was in a suite of rooms consisting of two doubles and a single room that shared a common bath and shower. Naturally, I managed to figure out a way to get the single. Mainly, I was in search of a setup that would allow me to pursue my solo interests without any fear of another guy walking in and disrupting me. What happened in the doubles in this suite setup I occasionally learned about, and my young self found that part most interesting. My suitemates had feelings and needs as well, and they were just a little more open about the whole thing. Me, I kept all this stuff all to myself, and I could, given the near ideal setup I was in. I was not a swimmer in HS or in college, though somehow I managed to get a few items such as my first snug-fitting swim brief to be able to wear jerking off, and no one else was the wiser!

The trickiest part about all of this for me has always been that once a guy discovers something, say a snug-fitting article of clothing, that he enjoys wearing while playing with his own body, that is something that may very well last a lifetime, and whether or not a guy is in a relationship with a partner that involves sex or not. I’ve often thought that openly gay guys are better situated in dealing with this than are straight guys. Admitting to another gay guy that you enjoy wearing a swim brief in a special way would be easier than trying to explain to a female partner exactly what is going on in your mind and body in this regard. With luck, a guy will find a gay partner who also has the same ‘hang up” as well and life will be kind for both.

Where to begin on all of this with a female partner is tricky as all get out, given that so many women have been conditioned (usually by their moms) to erroneously believe that a female is the only person or thing that can get a guy aroused and give him sexual pleasure. So this other world where a guy gets off in a completely different way employing stimulation the female doesn’t even believe exists is just too complicated to imagine. Where does the skimpy swim brief fit into all of this, anyway?

But look at the external evidence. Guys are falling into and out of relationships all the time, and the divorce rate for married heterosexual couples is usually well over 50 percent. Do you really think that the guys who have fallen out of a relationship never retreat to pleasuring themselves, using some of the same skills and techniques that worked long before they entered their first relationship?

Finally, think about Josh and Dylan, two guys living in a tiny men’s dorm room double with essentially zero privacy. What is it, anyway, about Dylan’s mere knowledge that Josh is having fun in that skimpy little thong that makes what is going on with Josh so arousing for Dylan? From Dylan’s perspective, this mere knowledge is sexually exciting in the extreme, even though there is no physical sexual contact between the two of them. Oddly enough, Josh gets the same way just thinking about Dylan pleasuring himself in that little swim brief.

Does this somehow mean that Dylan and Josh are actually two gay guys who once thought they were straight? Or is this just two young college students having fun in ways they never dreamed of doing when they were still in high school? At one point, Dylan was naïve enough to think he was the only guy in the world who got turned on by wearing snug-fitting clothing, but then he ran into Bill and Joe both wearing their gear in the big men’s bathroom down the hall and from that night onward he knew that he was not the only one.

Josh seemed more than a little shy at first, but just watching what Dylan was up to when he got his first Amazon order suddenly made a big difference. Something ‘clicked” in Josh’s head and body too, and both Dylan and josh are where they are right now, comfortable being around each other is ways that they might not been comfortable had this all happened but a few short years ago.

To be continued…

sebbie 06-21-2018 02:07 PM

Just being a guy: another curious thing
One of the most interesting of all the aspects of being a guy is how the triggering mechanisms work to get a guy aroused. The triggering mechanism in any particular situation can be very simple or quite complicated. If a guy were simply watching TV or the movies, he would think that the only acceptable triggering mechanism would involve in some way another person, traditionally a female, but gay relationships in recent years in movies have become accepted as well, an practically no one give the entire subject of a gay relationship in a movie as being anything odd or different, and, this is as “normal as sunshine.” The public has come a long way on the entire subject in the last 25 years, but particularly so in the past 5 or 10 years. There are still remnants of the older perspectives on the subject, but these only occasionally pop up.

If you have been following what I have written over many chapters, you no doubt realize that I have a keen interest in what goes on inside a guy’s mind and body during the very initial stages of sexual arousal. Another way of looking at this is to better understand what exactly happened to a guy when a guy says “I’m feeling horny”. The movies seem to be fine with a guy feeling horny in any number of situations involving a sexual partner, female or, nowadays, male. If you watch movies as your sole source of information, you would think that a partner is the only path to feeling horny.

But, if you have been following the story line here, you probably now realize that a situation involving another person is not the only path to feeling horny. Heck, every guy past puberty knows that there are instances where you can feel quite horny without anyone else being present. Any guy who masturbates (all guys?) is thinking about SOMETHING during this time. I suppose it is more socially acceptable masturbation if a guy claims he is thinking about having “real sex” with a girl when he does it. That puts male masturbation firmly in the class of second-tier something or another, not real sex and certainly not as desirable as having real sex with a female partner, but perhaps just OK for now until a better opportunity involving a real sexual partner comes along.

I’ve long thought that this was a rather dreary view of solo sex. If the poor guy were not socially challenged he would not be doing this stuff to himself all alone, and certainly not on a regular basis. I fully realize that male masturbation, if discovered, could lead to teasing and bullying by male peers (and perhaps females too). However enlightened we have become as a society on matters such as gay relationships, sex and gay marriage, male masturbation remains still way in the backwaters from the perspective of societal understanding and acceptance. By definition, solo sex is sex in the absence of another person. If another person is present, even if not an active participant, that is not solo sex by definition.

Then there is the challenging area of dealing with various items of clothing, say a slick little swimming brief, something that quickly makes the nerve endings in a guy’s penis feel really, really good. Must the guy keep that inside as a deeply-buried secret? This is certainly not something a guy would dare admit to even close male friends, unless of course the friend or friends have the same “problem” as well. But then, is this triggering mechanism a problem or maybe an opportunity in disguise. Figuring all of this out in a specific situation a guy might face becomes really complicated. If I am enjoying myself wearing the brief, are the other guys doing the same thing somehow “brain dead” to all of this. How much about all of this dare I reveal and if I do reveal anything how do I go about doing that? Of course, if the arousal leads to a full-scale erection obvious to others, I have got a different (and more serious) problem to cope with than if I am only slightly aroused and occasionally dripping a few glistening drops of precum on my swim brief.

It’s interesting if the other guys are coping with the same problem when they put on their swim briefs too, and maybe the entire set of events is part of the male bonding process that swim teams undergo. Surely, this is not a subject that will come up in the movies or on TV.

Think about Dylan and Josh and what they have both been through in their dorm room at college. Josh bought a bunch of snug-fitting clothing items that he never dared to own when he was still in high school. But Josh quickly got dragged into doing the same thing. As things started out, each of them had the intent of trying out some new ways to masturbate involving slick-feeling and/or extremely snug fitting items. And the various items, swim briefs, straps, thongs, compression gear, singlets etc worked beautifully.

What neither of them counted on was the discovery that messing around in this way is a lot more interesting, psychologically, if there is another guy in the room who is experimenting in the same way. Dylan loved it when he realized that Josh was getting really horny wearing that little thong while playing with himself, and Josh was equally enamored with Josh’s struggles inside that little swimming brief. Is this a gay relationship of sorts or just two guys who together are having fun with their bodies? Good question.

Or, think way back to Bill and Joe who both went to bed wearing straps with cups and compression gear top and bottom. The fact that both of them were doing this over an entire night was more than a little bit interesting. And the idea that wearing such garb resulted in crazy versions of wet dreams made the entire sequence of events even more interesting for both. Part of the fun here is that it is not easy at all to get to the ejaculation point if you are wearing a hard cup in a strap, but even more difficult if snug-fitting compression shorts are holding the cup firmly in place so that it can’t move around a bit.

Try this stunt some time if you have not already. This sets you up for desperately wanting to get off but being unable to quite get where you can complete the task. Your penis will “know” the cup is present. This will drive you bananas but especially so if you drift into a light sleep and then start to have an erotic dream. Double bananas if there is a roommate in the bed next to you who is also trying to cope with the situation as best he can and facing the same set of problems. Wild stuff to mess around with for sure. Crazy, goofy fun. Fun that is not to be missed. I love just being a guy.

To be continued…

sebbie 07-02-2018 02:10 PM

Understanding ourselves
As my longtime readers may know by now, I am fascinated in very real ways by various kinds of snug-fitting clothing, starting with swimming briefs but extending to a range of other items, many of which have been discussed at length here. Interestingly enough, the characters I have created over the many chapters, Dylan, Josh, Bill and Joe, have this in common with me, and have been placed in situations whereby they are 19-year old college students, roommates in cramped dorm rooms, and are struggling with how to deal with who they each are in this regard.

A lot of my readers have been following their exploits over the many story chapters here. I guess, if the “problems” faced by the characters in dealing with what might be seen as issues were not somehow of interest to my readers, my readers would have disappeared a long time ago. I’m never quite sure what to call what I write. I realize that some of the writings discuss stuff about guys that has not been put on paper before. The Internet is filled with all sorts of stuff related to human sexuality ranging from drab papers by medical doctors all the way to what can only be called hard-core pornography.

On top of that there is no shortage of writings dealing with various kinds of abnormal sexual behaviors ranging from pedophilia and other sexual predators, various kinds of sexual harassment in the workplace etc, not to mention discussions of sexually-motivated serial killers and very serious stuff.

Then, for “normal’ people there are all sorts of discussions related to sex and relationship issues and what is right versus wrong in that department, plus the most puzzling question of all, which is why if engaging in sex with a partner is the most wonderful thing ever, why do so many sexual relationships fall apart over the long haul?

Finally, there are the complexities of gay versus straight relationships, and the most fundamental question of why some people prefer to be sexually engaged with a person of the same sex while other people find this all to be repulsive? Why and when do individuals reach a solution in their specific situation, anyway? For that matter, what of those who think sexual relationships with a partner of either sex are not worthwhile, but prefer solo sex over the long haul?

In my mind there are basically three kinds of sexual behaviors. The first category consists of any activity that does harm to another person and could get the perpetrator into trouble with the law. This is sometimes referred to as abnormal sexual behavior and includes the sexual murderers, rapists, pedophiles plus a broad group of individuals in the class of sexual predators who are doing things that others in society might deem wrong. A masturbator who exposes himself at work would fall into this latter group under category 1.

The second category includes all of those who engage in sexual activities that society deems normal, historically heterosexual sex after marriage, but nowadays it’s a lot more complicated than that, and societal norms in this regard have been changing over time, often rapidly.

The third category includes all activities which create sexual feelings but do not involve another person of either sex, at least not directly. Since that is true, these activities do no harm to another person. Some might wonder how something that does not involve another person can possibly be sexually interesting, and I will let my readers think about that one for awhile.

I have been doing some reading on these subjects. Deep down I have long been wondering if there could be an explanation as to why some guys seem to get aroused by simply wearing a swimming brief but this doesn’t seem to affect many other guys necessarily in the same way. Wearing a snug-fitting swim brief and getting aroused by doing so is completely harmless fun, except of course if a guy gets himself in a situation whereby his situation gets noticed by others, often guys his same age. Do other guys face the same problem? If not, why not? Then I get myself thinking about complicated questions such as if you passed out swimming briefs to 10 (or 50) guys, what percentage of them would get noticeably aroused just putting the briefs on? And the even more complex question would be whether seeing the other guys facing the same dilemma would make the entire situation even more erotic. Given a choice, would most guys want to be in that room of other swimmer-guys where this is all happening, or not? Watching how other guys cope or not with the situation is interesting in itself.

Continues, below…

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