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Forecast: Steady horniness with intermittent light precum today
So, both Dylan and Josh went off to their classes wearing some of their favorite items of clothing plus a few more that might make each of them take notice all day long. It is helpful to think about the situation that each of them are in right now, and why they both might be in a bit of a predicament of sorts, but perhaps a predicament that is quite enjoyable.
Think about it for a moment: The last time Dylan got himself into that Sporti® royal blue euro brief, size 28, he ejaculated almost immediately, but when that happened he had been trying on new briefs in successively smaller sizes, 32, 30, then the 28-incher which quickly “got” to him after doing that downsizing in succession. This time, when he pulled on the little blue euro brief, he went straight to that one, without as much chance to think about what he was doing. Then he immediately pulled on the running tights over the brief, without even looking at himself in the mirror. After that, he quickly pulled on his skinny jeans over the top of everything, with his mind mostly focused on getting off to class. So, at least momentarily, a little of the urges and pressures could be off as Dylan has more things to think about that the predicament his penis is now in, and the other stuff that is going on during the day will make it all a little easier for him, maybe. Josh, of course, is in a bit different situation, wearing that little thong he is so fond of not a swim brief. The combination of sensations from the thong is pretty-mind blowing, and Josh now knows about all of them and how they affect his psyche in such a positive way. The upward pressure on the perineum(the area loaded with nerve endings between the scrotum and the anus can quickly become mind blowing, as this also puts tension on the prostate gland. Then there is the unique sensation of the thong strap cutting between the glutes that feels, well, horny. Then there is the position Josh’s penis is in, pushed upward and forward with the underside being easily touched. Then Josh pulled on those Russell® compression shorts, which do have a pouch of sorts. Josh quickly discovers with his penis in that position in the thong, he can touch and rub the underside through the Russell shorts and the sensations that result are most interesting. It would not take very much stroking to go past a point of no return and josh knows that. Still he loves the predicament his odby is in. Josh thinks to himself “What guy wouldn’t be very fond of doing this!” Josh decides that he had better get his jeans on over all of this before he gets too carried away. Perhaps the jeans covering it all will help him calm down a bit. This all could quickly get out of hand, otherwise. The jeans Josh is wearing aren’t cut quite as snug as the ones Dylan has on. Josh likes how Dylan looks in his jeans and wishes that he had a pair of his own that fit as snug in the thighs and butt as the one’s Dylan is wearing. Dylan’s are a pair from Pac Sun® must be their super skinny cut. Josh’s jeans are Levis 511® which are skinny, but not quite the PacSun® super-skinny cut. So, the two of them, both feeling horny, and emitting light intermittent drops of crystal clear precum—easily felt as a dampening at the very tip of their penises, are off to class. How will the day go, anyway? Will they make it through the day without having an uncontrollable urge to ejaculate at some point during the day? That is the only “test” each of them has to take today. To be continued…. |
Part of the fun of being a guy is…
Part of the fun of being a guy is not knowing quite how your body will react to a situation that it has not been in before. If you stop and think about it, the whole idea of dealing or coping with the unknown or unexpected is at the very core of getting a firm grasp on what makes sex with a partner in all its forms so compelling and interesting. Surely in a relationship there are new experiences to be savored or enjoyed every day, or at least that is the key driving force that brings human beings together. An interesting question to ponder is where humanity would be were it not for all of this.
In this regard, Dylan and Josh are barreling down a side road with respect to human sexuality. On this side road, there is still an assortment of activities that can be savored and enjoyed, yet the trail does not quite lead to the same place as the main road leads which involves direct sex with a partner. Of course, this in fact is the part that makes the situation so interesting for each of them, and the part that is not discussed in any textbook that includes chapters on male sexuality, or if the topic is addressed even in a cursory fashion, it is usually addressed in a derisive fashion. This goes back to the old-school 1950s and earlier belief that masturbation in general is something of an inferior form of sex if it can be called a form of sex at all, which is a related debate, and that real sex must somehow always involve the interchange of bodily fluids between two people. Then some statement is normally made that one a guy “discovers” real sex, that is, two bodies connecting , that the guy will suddenly lose all interest in solo masturbation and move on with his life to more fulfilling partner sex. Of course, we could get into a discussion here as to what various authors have said with regard to whether or not gay sex between two males however defined in terms of specifics is real sex or not either. The modern politically-correct view seems to be that any sex involving two individuals is now classified as real sex and that intercourse between a male and female partner is not some higher form of sex than, say sex between two males or between two females. But, if the world has largely come around to that enlightened view, and that it is responsible to think of sex from that frame of reference, then it might also be appropriate to start thinking about solo sex (aka masturbation) from an newly enlightened perspective as well. It is not long after puberty that a guy begins to realize that there are any number of triggering methods that under the right or perhaps wrong circumstances can lead to sexual arousal, and that a lot of the triggering mechanisms that seem to work quite well. What is generally more disconcerting is that many of these triggering mechanisms may seem to have little if anything to do with partner sex as traditionally defined by the books on the subject and experienced. Here we have walked through these a lot of these experiences dozens of times through the eyes and bodies of Dylan and Josh. For that matter, the same or very similar for Bill and Joe. Guys learn at an early age that their bodies might respond in interesting ways to various kinds of snug-fitting clothing, swim briefs, jock straps, thong underwear, wrestling singlets, compression gear of various sorts, even particularly snug-fitting jeans. For the most part, as high school students guys generally do not have the opportunity to act on what amounts to an understanding about themselves that for whatever reason they think they need to keep hidden. But once in college, many of the rules seem to change. The four guys knew exactly why they were purchasing various items of clothing, and what the consequences for their minds and bodies might be, never better illustrated that the recent swim brief orders by Dylan and Josh. These purchases were made not with the idea that these items were going to be easily worn without any arousal at all—in fact, quite the opposite. The orders would have been meaningless had they NOT had these “impacts” and their minds and bodies. And, what happened as a consequence for all four of them, happened. Indeed, it is all happening as I write this, with Dylan and Josh struggling to keep it together in the face of tremendous pressures and urges to ejaculate in the process of simply attending their college classes. The classes of course might be helpful in distracting each of them enough so that they are able to make it through the day without a potentially embarrassing situation developing in which things get out of control. Still, the whole sequence of events, however potentially embarrassing, is really fun, interesting, not to be missed, and all that stuff. And then there is the realization on Dylan’s part that Josh must be really struggling to keep in control of the situation, and Josh’s realization that Dylan too must be undergoing being in a tough situation for certain—a fun place for sure but also a difficult place. Ahhh male sexual arousal is fun…great fun, blow me away fun. Are Dylan and Josh somehow connecting in what might be deemed a weird mind but not physical bonding embodying partner sex of some sort? Somehow the books on male sexuality missed that chapter entirely! To be continued… |
Such sweet sensations
I’m certain my readers long ago have concluded that despite these stories being told through the eyes, minds and bodies of four male college freshmen, Bill, Joe, Josh and Dylan, they are loosely based on my own experiences growing up and as a young adult as well. A few of the stories go outside the realm of my own personal experiences, but they represent activities that I would have liked to have happen had the situation arose. The four guys are a bit more daring than I would have been with respect to what they would have attempted under the various circumstances. But still, for college-age youth, a lot of young adult males quickly get themselves into various kinds of “trouble” brought about in part because being a college student away from home presents opportunities to do things a guy might not have dared do when still living at home with his parents watching every move a guy makes. Too, some of the fears that guys have when they were younger about getting observed with an erection for no apparent reason, or being seen masturbating by another guy or even ejaculating gradually become less of a fear at least for many guys.
I have thought about all of this a lot over the years. There is a lot of discussion about bullying in grade school and high school, and how this can be a major problem or issue for many young people. I suspect, but cannot prove, that a lot of bullying incidents involving males involve some event related to masturbation, perhaps a guy inadvertently being discovered masturbating by one or more other males and then being teased or bullied about it. Sadly, the bullying becomes some guy’s response to how they are attempting to deal with their own sexual feelings and sensations at that point in their lives. Translated, this means that the guys doing the bullying of another guy who was accidentally discovered jerking off are likely also “chronic” masturbators as well, but it is just that they have been lucky enough to not yet having been discovered doing so! Heck, every guy does it, it is just that some guys quickly figure out ways to cover their tracks more successfully than others are accomplishing at the time. Then too, there is the complexity related to how solo sex might or might not relate to whether a guy is ultimately going to be straight or gay. Less masculine looking guys (however that is defined) of smaller, less athletic stature and interests probably face greater challenges in that regard, than say, the star high school football player. Now the star football player could ultimately be gay, too, but will face fewer open challenges of this sort than the small-statured, non-athletic guy. All of what is going on poses an array of challenges. Most guys, regardless of where they might ultimately land on a sexual orientation scale, would probably find it interesting and even (if only a bit) arousing, to get to observe another guy masturbating and would not be repelled in the least by observing this (indeed quite the opposite) but would be very uncomfortable about the possibility of other guys knowing that they were simply an observer and not even actively engaged themselves. It might help to think of Dylan and Josh in this regard, and their experiences over the course of these many chapters. Think of what YOU would have done if faced with a similar situation. Josh and Dylan cooped up in a tiny men’s dorm room with little if any individual privacy. Josh comes home from class that let out a little early, and pops into the room using his own key only to see Dylan playing with himself and (obviously) enjoying himself immensely. Had you been in Josh’s shoes, would you have been repelled by what you were seeing, and attempt to leave as quickly as you entered, or would you have stayed in the room to watch? If you were in Dylan’s situation, would you have immediately stopped doing what you were doing and tried to cover your erection or would you have kept right on going and eventually completing the task. This is an endlessly fascinating puzzle in male sexuality for which there is no obvious scripted answer. Perhaps if you were Josh, you would also become quickly aroused by what you were observing first hand and quickly attempt to start masturbating yourself. Or would your own actions as Josh be constrained by the possibility that what you and Dylan were doing (mutual masturbation) was actually the first stage of gay sex and being gay? Maybe, but maybe not. The puzzle whose answer is unclear is not how two guys, Josh and Dylan, dealt with the situation at hand, but rather the question of how MOST guys out there might have responded in a similar situation. I guess one response could be that the only guys who would not be repelled by seeing their roommate obviously masturbating would be guys who are either gay or at minimum have a significant gay/bisexual streak in who they are. But really, is there any scientific basis for this claim? No one is being harmed here. Just sweet sensations that makes being a guy such a great experience. To be continued… |
Extra snug! Extra tight! Extra sweet! Extra Fun!
A lot of guys have something of a love-hate relationship with the entire idea of wearing a swimming brief. Initially at least, this is probably a natural consequence of not knowing exactly how their male body will respond in such a situation. By the time guys are old enough to be able to contemplate all of this, they are probably aware that sometimes penises have a way of doing stuff on their own, seemingly without any conscious overt control from a guy’s brain. It would have been much easier and simpler for guys if they could simply send marching orders to their penises to tell them what to do from above, but penises often act as if they are not under such control, and this alone can nearly drive a guy out of his wits, sometimes.
As in, what if I put on a swim brief, perhaps for the first time, and I quickly get a powerful and quite obvious erection that is close to being completely out-of-control? Now this seldom happens, or at least not quite that quickly, but guys still worry that such an embarrassing event could happen. Then what? Are the other guys going to simply ignore my predicament? Act as if nothing is “wrong”? Laugh it off? Tease or bully me? What then, for goodness sakes? Why get oneself into such a situation in the first place? Another concern that a lot of guys apparently have is that a swim brief, as seen worn by real swimmers, seems way too snug and tight. Apparently, a lot of guys seem to think that they will be better off if their penises (balls too, perhaps) have plenty of “room” to expand. But this seems to run counter with what the real swimmers are doing by wearing really snug-fitting briefs while being totally nonchalant about it all. That in itself is a bit of a puzzle, at least initially. Aside from all of the discussion on side width and glute coverage, one way of looking at all of this is that there are two basic styles of swim briefs, briefs that are basically cut flat in the front, and briefs that are sewn to provide a pouch for holding the male anatomy with presumably more space to hold the penis and balls. The latter seems at first glance to be something of a solution to the problem that guys might face. After all, if things inadvertently start to grow there will at least be some space for that to happen. The catch, of course is that the guy’s growing situation immediately is going to become more obvious to the casual observer with the pouch brief than with the flat-front brief, so merely wearing a brief with a pouch in front is not likely to resolve the problem. Some dilemma for sure! Briefs designed for athletic and competitive swimming from the various major manufacturers do not normally have pouches, at least not large pouches. In part maybe this is because a large front pouch if filled out could inadvertently impede movement and speed in the water. Most pouch briefs are probably sold mainly to guys more interested in tanning, hot tubbing and perhaps casual wear in the pool, not to guys interested in really fast lap times. So then the dilemma for the first-time brief wearer occurs. How do I position my penis inside of these briefs, anyway? Most guys probably figure that straight down would be the position that would provide the greatest hiding power. The problem is, if the guy is endowed at all, even flaccid, squeezing one’s penis downward and pressing against the balls can quickly become more than a little uncomfortable—not a position that a guy would want to remain in for 20 minutes, let alone an hour or an afternoon. Another obvious possibility is off to the side, left or right, and some guys seem to be OK with this. The problem with this position is that it makes a guy’s weenie look like it is a lopsided sausage laying there but only on one side of the brief. The male anatomy is obvious, even if flaccid. The third option is up, the position probably ordinarily favored by most competitive swimmers. I call this the “Christopher Atkins” position, after the 1980s “Dallas” episodes where Atkins was see cavorting around the pool in a blue Speedo® and clearly placed up. The careful observer can easily see how erect a guy is when he is in this position as the outline penis and its glans is likely clearly visible under the brief. Still, a lot of guys do not appear to have any “problem” being in this position/condition. Of course, with the penis up, there are other side (well, underside, anyway) “benefits” to the swim brief wearer. With one’s penis in that position, it will be pressing against the smooth stretchy fabric of the brief or the nylon liner. In that position Just a simple glancing pass of one’s palm across that area should feel pretty good. I would say “sweet”. What is it anyway? Oh THAT is why so many guys do this! It’s a great way to have fun with yourself without even admitting to what you are doing. I wonder if the other guys know about this. Oh, I’m sure they must! How could they NOT know! Oh that’s one reason why they like to wear swim briefs! I would have never guessed until I had tried it myself. A snug and tight fit makes the sweet sensations all the better. Extra snug and extra tight makes it all feel extra sweet and extra fun! To be continued… |
But I want a strap! Oh how I want a strap!
Many guys have the same sort of “love-hate” relationship going on with athletic supporters (aka “jock straps”) that they have with swim briefs. Guys quickly learn that there is something “really special” about having their male body parts within a confined space of practically any sort, and that conclusion also applies to articles of snug fitting clothing as well.
Then there is always this goofy “fear” a lot of guys have about getting into a situation where their brain does not seem to be in control of what is happening to them, that a guy’s penis has suddenly gone off on its own, responding to stuff that the brain seems to be largely reacting to rather than controlling. To be sure, this does represent a goofy but interesting dilemma that creates fear at the same time, but a fear that in other ways is quite enjoyable. Take the guy who is in a situation here he needs to wear a swim brief—or a jock strap---for the very first time. Questions arise. How will my body respond to this new and novel situation? Will I be able to cope without ending up with a massive erection that could lead to an embarrassing ejaculation that is completely out of control? How am I going to COPE with all of this? The same holds true, or at least much the same, in the case of the old-school athletic supporters. Don’t even need to think about a supporter with a cup. The old school straps are “dangerous enough” in this regard. The old rubberized elastic straps have always fascinated me in an assortment of different ways. Who ever thought up this design, anyway? The 3-inch wide elastic waistband? The pouch made of this crazy textured rubberized material that has me and my body climbing the walls just looking at it? Those goofy leg straps that seem to pull backward on my testicles and scrotum putting them in places they were never meant to be? Where am I supposed to put my penis, anyway? (up or down?) And I am going to engage in a sport where the coach insists I wear one of these? The sheer HORROR of it all! And these straps supposedly are designed to “protect” my male body parts in case something should happen while I am engaged in the sport. But can only elastic material actually DO that? And why is my entire butt left completely uncovered same the leg straps? Doesn’t my but deserve some “protection as well? All good questions to ask, for sure. Then, there is the precum issue. Many guys, with their first encounter in actually getting into and wearing a strap, probably discover that the penis produces drops of sticky wet precum, and a lot of guys have no understanding of why this is happening to them on top of everything else and whether or not this is a clear indication that an erection and an ejaculation is imminent? A lot of guys fear the worst and perhaps for good reason. What will happen if I inadvertently ejaculate inside one of these straps? Will what has happened be obvious even though I have a team uniform on over the strap? And how will I deal with this? What will others say or do if they observe what has happened to me? Am I going to be teased or bullied? It’s not easy to find an old school strap inside a bricks-and mortar-retailer any more. The big sporting goods places may carry a few of them, but the mainstream general merchant retailers no longer seem to do so. They are still available on line and there are even a few retailers on line that specialize in selling athletic supporters. I wonder sometimes whether the main buyers are athletes who “need” these for some obscure sport, or merely guys who think it is fun to experiment with them to see exactly how their bodies will react. Athletic coaches no longer seem to be hung up on guys wearing these, and new options have become available—say compression gear with a pouch that can hold a cup—instead of a goofystrap. Bike® used to be the major manufacturer of these, but as I understand the story they have quit manufacturing them entirely, cups or no cups. Personally, I still like the look, fit and feel of an old-school strap, but particularly one that is undersized a bit and as a consequence fits really snug. I wear these often when working out on my rowing machine and exercise bike, and when I am lifting weights. I am not so fond of the bare-butt idea, so I usually slip one on OVER a pair of old-school tighty whitey briefs. I like the fit and feel of the combination. My body likes the fit and feel too--the elastic pouch, the three-inch wide waistband--and my body likes to precum its approval of the situation. I don’t know if I am especially sensitive in that regard, but it is all in good fun for sure. Somehow my workout time seems to move along somewhat faster when I wear a snug-supporter under my sweatpants. And that can’t be bad. Indeed it is all quite good! I’m off to my workout! Don’t worry! I’m completely “strapped” in! To be continued… |
It’s tight in here, maybe a little uncomfortable, but in a strange way, fun too.
A simple athletic supporter without a cup provides a challenge for many guys in terms of how to cope with the various tugs and pulls that athletic supporters are famous for. It’s natural for a guy to be, if not a bit scared, at least somewhat apprehensive about the entire idea. It is perfectly normal for a guy to feel this way about the situation at hand, and certainly nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. With the right mindset, a the snug grip of a jockstrap can be a quite enjoyable experience, even though most guys probably do not think about this in that way, at least not at first.
New “challenges” develop once a cup is added to the strap. The apprehension most guys face with a strap without a cup ends up getting magnified when a cup is in the mix. I suppose nearly every guy gets a little uneasy, perhaps, at the mere thought of a snug-fitting clothing item against the sides of a guy’s penis. Guys would not be human males if this prospect did not “bother” them a bit. But if this is what being bothered feels like, I why do I want so much to be bothered? Add a cup into the mix, however and a guy soon realizes that the cup, unlike just a pouch of elastic, is not going to get at all bigger should a guy enlarge a bit. Penises can be quite interesting. A fascinating structure for sure. They seem to sense when something is nearby even if whatever it is not in direct contact with the skin. The mere knowledge that if a guy grows even slightly, his penis could come in direct contact with a hard, rigid immovable cup is enough to put many guys into a strange but also oddly wonderful place. Penises seem to somehow know how to expand exactly enough so that the guy is keenly aware of the presence of the cup and where it is, but not enough so that the cup causes discomfort in that regard. It’s a strange place to be, in a region of the mind and body that is neither here nor there. If I am aroused why has everything stopped in this crazy place, anyway? Maybe the why questioned is a question best not answered, other than to recognize that the strange-and-wonderful place assuredly exists. Meanwhile, the strap manufacturers seem to have huge disagreements with regard to how a cup be shaped. It’s difficult to believe that the entire issue of how a guy feels inside a cup must have come up, so to speak. Imagine a room full of cup designers, trying to come up with an idea for the design of a cup that will sell. Years ago, cups were rather flat and, err, not roomy at all. I guess the assumption was that guys were likely to stay small cup on or off. An interesting assumption about males, to be sure. Then the so-called banana cup was invented which typically was much larger and claimed to provide better male “protection”. Many of these cups were giant-sized, apparently made for guys who were really big even flaccid. The penises of normal sized males just flopped around inside the cups. Not a great feeling, either. Recent designs use the banana cup shape but can be found in substantially smaller sizes. A lot of these cups are quite narrow, which means, well, you know. The bottom line on all of this is that there is an endless array of cups of different shapes and sizes. Each one is going to “hit” on a guy a little differently, and there is no substitute for trying on several of them to see what exactly works and doesn’t work for you. I’ve always found doing this research on various cup designs can be quite enjoyable. I’ve often wondered if the strap makes realize that there is what I would call a “recreational demand” for their products—that some guys buy straps and cups not for sport, but simply because they are fun to wear. For me, they help speed me through my workout. I love wearing a cup, and do so in a lot of situations where male protection is not necessary. I got up this morning and said to myself “That is what I want to do today, and then write a story about how I enjoy myself doing this.” I wonder if Josh and Dylan know about this. Of course they do! To be continued…. |
Every guy may be wired a little differently
Every guy, although sharing a lot in common with the other guys, may be wired a little differently. There is no better example of this than the entire issue of wearing (and enjoying wearing) snug-fitting items, whether that item be a skimpy swimming brief, an athletic supporter (with or without a cup), compression gear or even thong underwear.
Furthermore, nearly every guy probably goes through a variation of the same dilemma at some point in their lives—that is, thinking that he is the only guy out there with this “problem” and that all the other guys, typically fascinated by members of the opposite sex, carry none of this problem along with them. It’s this feeling that “maybe I am the only one who gets this way” that drives guys goofy. Furthermore, all of this seems to be a deeply hidden secret for guys who have the problem. There is no way a guy would reveal to his peers that he has, say a problem with wearing swimming briefs, unless of course, an “accident” happens, and, well perish THAT thought. But the urges feel good. These same feelings and sensations contain much of what it means to be a guy, and while guys like these sensations and feelings very much, they sometimes wish that the sensations and feelings wouldn’t show up seemingly on their own in such inopportune times and potentially embarrassing ways. Ahhh, this is a struggle for many if not most males in young adulthood. And what does a guy “do” with all this complicated stuff on entering a relationship with another, perhaps special person, anyway? Take Josh’s situation as an example. He has “discovered” that he really likes the fit and feel of certain men’s thong underwear. Josh probably fully realizes that some guys might think that this is more than a little “abnormal”. But just thinking about getting into a snug-fitting thong make Josh suddenly, uncontrollably, start precumming in anticipation. He reacts like Pavlov’s dog to a bell that signals he is going to be fed a steak. Josh would like to think he somehow can have overt control over whether or not he precums, but merely THINKING about getting into the thong sends him off to this crazy other place, making copious drops of clear ooze. Josh can’t help himself. The thong is acting much like a triggering mechanism, the bell to the dog, and what happens after that is out of control. Fun, but a little scary too, like driving a car very fast that has no brakes. Dylan’s fascination with all of this “stuff” has taught Josh a thing or two about how his own body behaves and reacts, the scary part being the lack of overt control over the situation. As much as they enjoy the sensations, a lot of guys get really uncomfortable if they sense that they are no longer running a command-and-control operation. The gonads have taken over, instead. Still, where would Josh be today were it NOT what he has learned from Dylan? In the process, Josh has learned stuff about himself and his body he might not have encountered in any other way. Put on the thong, top that off with an equally snug-fitting pair of compression shorts, maybe a pair of those Russells that are right there at Walmart. You know, the ones with the pouch. Now the thong is going to push up on the perineum and press the penis into the pouch. The penis can easily go up, not down, which makes the underside press against the pouch as well. Josh has discovered that being in this position is a lot of fun. He gets a little hard just thinking about the situation, and starts making little drops of precum. Dylan quickly senses that Josh is struggling and watches as Josh tries his best to cope. Dylan quickly starts to feel horny as well. For a moment, Dylan secretly wishes he were Josh. All the sensations Josh is feeling right now combine. The fit and feel of the thong strap cutting sharply between his glutes. The steady upward pressure on his perineum that seems to be making him aware that his prostate is being “accidentally” stimulated by the thong at the very point where the strap attaches to the pouch. His penis pressing up against the pouch in both the thong and the snug compression shorts. It’s all these sensations in combination that are working in concert on Josh’s mind and body. The fact that Dylan seems to like watching Josh deal with this seems to add to Josh’s pleasure. As he watches, Josh notices that Dylan has started to stroke himself, though he seems to be trying to not make that appear too obvious. Dylan thinks to himself that maybe being gay is not a somehow inferior form of male sexuality after all, though that is but a fleeting thought. Maybe both Josh and Dylan have gay sides to their personalities even though both claim to be straight. If what they are doing is completely “normal” then what does this all mean, sexually, anyway? How can something so enjoyable be bad for anyone? Why do the clothing manufacturers make all this stuff that works so well for self-pleasuring and seems to be designed to make a guy struggle? Aren’t a lot of guys buying this stuff with the same intent as Josh and Dylan are using it for? Dylan is asking himself the question as to why he feels horny just watching another guy get horny. Is that normal? But then, what is normal in the bigger scheme of things? To be continued… |
Building an enjoyable personal collection…
Anyone who has followed this story through its many chapters and is still reading each new installment must have found something of interest to them. Exactly what my readers find interesting enough to keep reading on is not always clear:-) . This story is not filled with the old story staples of sex and violence. (Well, at least not partner-sex). Maybe it is because of this that guys keep reading on.
I have been repeatedly trying to explain some really complicated but also extremely interesting stuff about guys and how their minds and bodies work. Guys like to think that their brains are always in complete control of everything and that includes what happens with regard to sexual feelings and sensations. But most guys seem to quickly realize that is not always the case, and sometimes the male genitalia seem to want to take over and establish control of the situation. The trickiest part is the stuff that determines when a guy is feeling horny, as in turned on or not. Purportedly, this should only happen when a guy is thinking about being in a situation where he will actually engage in “real” partner sex. But most guys soon realize that what seems simple is often not. Guys start to feel horny for a host of different reasons, only some of which involve a “real” sexual encounter. Younger guys at least frequently have wet dreams that may end in a 2 AM ejaculation. There are countless storylines for these dreams, only some of which may involve actual partner sex with a female. Even for straight guys, there may be gay encounters, or even (ahem) situations involving various kinds of snug-fitting clothing items. Maybe even a story line where a guy is put into a situation where he has to put on a swim brief or athletic supporter in the presence of male peers. You know the plot: the guy gets horny, the guy is clearly getting bigger, and the wet dream ends with the guy ejaculating into the strap or brief with his athletic peers all watching intently seemingly very much humored by the situation the guy finds himself in, but also starting to feel something “down there” themselves. As I said, this gets really tricky as in why do I start to feel horny when I suddenly realize you are feeling horny? The guy wakes up and the next day in the back of his mind is the story line of the wet dream. If this was so much fun in the dream, and the ejaculation so powerful, why not play some of the key elements of the dream out in real life? Of course, the guy is too scared or nervous to even think about inviting male classmates over to watch, but seeing exactly what happens with a real item of clothing. And so the search begins for finding a swim brief, athletic supporter or both the play around with, usually in private. These are probably the first two items a guy would like to own but thinks that simply going out and buying them would attract attention to what he is doing assuming these are not “needed” for sport. Of course, the younger guys can always fabricate stories for their parents about “needing” these items for a gym class. But there are plenty other items that just might work as well. I have always been a fan of traditional “tighty whitey” cotton briefs. These stretch a lot and its possible to wear these even if they are considerably undersized. In fact, I like them better that way. And a guy could purchase a package of these (preferably a size or two too small) without attracting a lot of attention. Then there are the stretchy compression shorts. I’ve discovered that these work best worn over a pair of tighty whiteys. The tighty whiteys add padding to your butt when working out, plus they do a neat job of absorbing any precum you might be oozing, keeping the compression shorts immaculate. Indeed, you will know for sure whether you have pushed the “right” buttons if you feel yourself starting to ooze precum. All the new skinny and super skinny jeans on the market provide more interesting possibilities. The newest and snuggest ones are all made from stretch denim, which tends to grip a guy’s thighs and calves in interesting ways. A neat combination is a pair of tighty whities with a pair of snug-fitting compression shorts over, and with super skinny stretch denim jeans over that. The look and feel, as I am discovering myself this morning, is most interesting. The stretch denim jeans even work on the gym equipment. So there you have it, a basic collection of items consisting of one or two swim briefs, a package of tighty whiteys, a nice pair of snug fitting compression shorts, and a pair of the new stretch denim super skinny jeans. This would get any guy started down the path. Later on, you might add items such as successively smaller swim briefs, a pair or two of thong underwear, and so on, but this is plenty of stuff to play with for now. What a guy actually does with these items is of course a matter that is very personal, and might vary a little. But suffice it to say that there is a lot more to male sexuality than just plain ordinary partner sex. One key, of course is getting aroused and staying aroused for long periods of time, through an entire gym workout perhaps, but not getting quite to the point where you are so turned on that you can delay ejaculation no longer. This is tricky stuff, and may take more than a little practice. But the collection of items should be helpful in learning how to do just that—enjoying yourself but at the same time asserting a degree of control over your male urges, just as Dylan and Josh have been doing. To be continued… |
Making yourself happy, no matter what you are doing…
Finding just the right stuff to make you happy no matter what you are doing takes a little effort and research on your part, but should prove neither expensive nor difficult. As I have indicated many times before, the necessary “research” can be quite enjoyable even if it may seem a little odd or strange to others who do not fully understand or appreciate what you are doing to and for yourself.
I’ve often thought to myself that guys are wired this way for a reason however obscure that reason might be. If guys were somehow only supposed to get turned on in the presence of a partner, we would all be wired exactly that way. But any guy quickly figures out that this is not the case, or at least that being wired that way is indeed quite rare. Never mind that a lot of females learn from their mothers that guys are supposed to be wired so that they only get aroused in the presence of a female sexual partner, and that if anything else occurs that does not quite “fit” this idea, it must mean that the guy is either weird, hopelessly immature, or otherwise abnormal. But, so be it. Guys who think they must conform to sexual stereotypes like this probably have issues of their own. Why can’t guys simply enjoy being aroused for the sheer joy of it, without getting hung up on whether or not the method of arousal conforms to some female stereotype of what should or should not be happening. Many gay guys, in relating to how they themselves feel at times, perhaps are more open minded about what to expect from or about others, and perhaps become more understanding partners in this regard for dealing with all of this than many females are able to do. They may see the bigger picture or at least can relate to it better. Each day brings something new and different. Some days are work or school days, but others are largely for leisure and recreation. If I have to deal with the pressures and distractions of work or school, I likely will be dressing differently than would be the case if I was planning on ending up at the gym or pool. What works for me clothing wise will vary based on the situations I will be in, day to day. Quite frankly, some days there is too much going on externally to be able to worry about how I am feeling sexually. Distractions at school and work matter, and perhaps this is not the time or place to be distracted by what you are wearing. Take a basic swim brief, for example, a “fun” garment in all sorts of possible ways. I’ve heard of guys who are required to wear dress suits at work wearing a swim brief as daily “underwear”, something that reminds a guy periodically during the day that he is a guy. It seems to me that a lot more swim briefs are sold than can be seen at swimming pools, beaches or other recreational areas. This must mean that some guys are wearing these instead of conventional underwear. Then too, there has been an increasing trend toward skinnier and skinnier jeans for men. Somehow, the loose-fitting boxer shorts don’t work very well as the jeans get skinnier. This would suggest a trend back to brief-style underwear or perhaps a swimming brief worn as underwear as a more suitable garment under the jeans, like Dylan is doing when he goes off to class. Dylan has discovered that the smooth texture of the swimming brief works very well with his skinny jeans and the sensations he gets from the combination of the two make the class move along more rapidly for him. There is nothing at all “wrong” with doing this: if Dylan is happy, the rest of us should be happy too. Workout wear is interesting in this regard as well. I was going to do my usual workout (as soon as I finish writing this) and I got up this morning thinking about what I was going to wear. The springtime temperatures are starting to rise a bit, though the house is still a little cool. I have been wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, usually with a brief of some sort underneath. But this is starting to seem a little warm. Today I pulled on a tattered long-sleeved compression tee, with another short-sleeved compression tee over that. But what to wear “down there”? Always my puzzle for the day. Of course, I am also very fond of tighty whiteys. But, I like them really tight! Really really tight. By simply going with a “youth” size 10-12 I end up getting the fit and feel that I really want, at least as tight as a skimpy swim brief, but with a coarser texture and feel. But that is not enough. I can “handle” still more, it seems. How about a way undersized jock strap over? Initially, my penis doesn’t know whether it can quite “tolerate” the two in combination, but it soon settles in. The only way it seems happy is “up” not “down”, but that is OK. Over that I pull a snug-fitting pair of running tights. I’m all set. My penis, strangely enough, it telling me this morning that it is happy, that the combination works well. If my penis is happy, I am happy, and ready for my workout, suitably clothed for exercise. To be continued… |
Getting the most out of your body while being completely safe
For those of you who have been reading all my chapters, you certainly realize that the information contained in them is directed toward ways that guys can find to enjoy being guys to the maximum extent possible without harming themselves or in any way harming or hurting another person—someone either male or female.
The news media are filled with stories of sexual encounters gone bad and doing harm. That bothers me a lot, because I am very aware of the possibilities for guys that are quite enjoyable and yet do not create the psychosexual messes that we keep reading and hearing about day after day. A sobering thought to think about is if a sexual relationship is such a wonderful, life altering thing, why are there so many divorces and why do men suddenly become so unenthusiastic about what was supposed to be a mind-and-body-focused relationship? I’ve looked for a basic answer to this question for decades but I keep coming away concluding that sometimes male-female relationships work for a variety of reasons, occasionally sexual but most often the partners simply enjoy each other’s company, and getting laid is not the centerpiece that holds the relationship together at all. I am not certain that the gay world is all that different from the straight world either. In some ways a gay male relationship starts out on firmer ground in that because guys understand how their own body works, they can more easily understand what might make another guy happy sexually. Women are like suddenly landing in a foreign country where you speak none of the language. Eventually you might figure some of it out but only if you work at it real hard. So be it. So, every time I start engaging in deep thought on how partner relationships—gay or straight—work or don’t work, I keep thinking about myself and my own body. All of you must know by now that I am truly fond of my sexual being, and I am always trying to come up with new ways for enjoying myself. Of course, I am saying that euphemistically but I’m sure by now you all know what I mean. Now, this does not mean that what I write is somehow useless in a real partner-based relationship. It might very well be. Some of what I write about you might get the courage to share with a partner, although it is important to keep in mind that 1. Specific masturbation techniques are still regarded as among the most “taboo” topics in human sexuality, but this is particularly true for many if not most males. Guys typically don’t share this information with each other at all. Of course, gay males may handle this a little differently from guys who think of themselves as straight. 2. Masturbation techniques that involve articles of clothing in any way (swim briefs, compression gear, athletic supporters etc.) are considered several notches more taboo than plain ordinary stroking oneself to orgasm. Most guys might admit on occasion that they occasionally stroke themselves, but fessing up to the idea that they put on a swim brief to make the sensations more intense would be simply going “over the top” in terms of taboo topics. 3. Still, no one ever got pregnant or an STD while stroking oneself while wearing a swim brief. It’s a sexual outlet that is 100% safe assuming a guy does it in private and does not get charged for masturbating in public. That is saying something important for sure. There are readily available sexual releases for guys that do no harm to anyone. They are of course a little different than “real” exchange of bodily fluids partner sex. Maybe if guys weren’t all so wary and potentially embarrassed about accidentally getting “discovered” pleasuring themselves in this way, society as a whole would be better off as well. I got to thinking about my own sexual being as a male and the extreme enjoyment my body has given me over the years. It has been, and continues to be a terrific “ride” so to speak. My penis is a wonderful organ, always sensitive to my touch, but also telling me that the underside is far more sensitive and capable of producing really exiting sensations even when I am only a little bit aroused and erect. I presume most other guys have figured this out as well, perhaps a long time ago. The only issue with this when masturbating is that if you focus entirely on the underside, you may end up getting off far faster than you really want to. The nerve endings on the underside are so sensitive that they may send you into a convulsive like orgasm much quicker than you wanted to go. Of course, the glans area is more sensitive still and it takes some research to determine exactly what you can and cannot do stimulating the underside of the penis without almost immediately going off. A small vibrator can of course add to the fun. Those same nerve endings on the underside that are readily stimulated by just the fit and feel of the swim brief go into overtime with any sort of vibrating stimuli, even just a bit of it. A first attempt at doing this will likely have you blowing almost immediately, and you will need to study carefully the entire puzzle as to exactly when to stop and restart the vibrating stimulation so that you don’t blow almost immediately. Just the sound of the vibrator can be like a bell ringing for Pavlov’s dog in terms of getting you quickly to an orgasm. Finally, think of the things Dylan and Josh have been doing in private in their little dorm room. Josh’s fondness for that little thong, Dylan’s love for skimpy swim briefs. Now think of a situation where both of them are enjoying themselves and their favorite item of clothing while watching each other jerk off as well. Now let’s think about introducing a vibrator into the situation whereby they are watching each other jerk off too. The vibrator is there so that each of them can use it on themselves or each other. Dylan wants to feel the vibrations on the underside of his penis now pointed up in the swim brief. Josh’s penis is pushed forward in the thong pouch with upward pressure on the perineum. That perineum area is a wonderful place, just wonderful. Josh would like to better understand how he would feel if the little vibrator shifted alternately between stimulating his perineum area just behind his scrotum, and the underside of his pouch-contained penis. Should Josh try this maneuver with the vibrator himself? Dare he let Dylan apply the vibrator? Dylan is wondering exactly the same thing. Perfectly safe fun here,,,,of course! But both Dylan and Josh are really climbing the walls right now, so to speak. To be continued…. |
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