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Great chapter...
I sure wish a girl would have done something like that to me when I was younger. Or even now...lol Keep those great chapters coming...
Wow! One of the most erotic chapters you've written; it certainly turned me on. You really have the gift of writing sensitive erotic material without it becoming pornographic and having it clearly relate to the story line. The tenderness expressed by both Chris and Sheri is really lovely and enhances the story beautifully. And, what can I say, the dialogue as usual is so clearly age appropriate. I wonder what will transpire between Alex and Chris since Alex and Patrick seemed to have 'discovered' each other and in Chris' suits. Thanks for a great chapter.
Part 7
As he laid awake in bed, the images of the day danced in Chris’s head. He flashed back to the afternoon on the beach, how cute Sheri looked in that tiny, near nothing swimsuit. How much she turned him on, really turned him on. How sweet she was, and how much he wanted to make love to her. Chris had never had such desires this deeply before. He had fallen for Sheri faster than he had fallen for any girl. He cold not believe that he could soon be leaving her, heading off to Europe. It would be an eternity. Chris closed his eyes, it was three in the morning.
As he slept, Chris dreamed of the afternoon. They were on the beach, alone. Sheri sat along side Chris, rubbing his chest and abdomen as they laid in the sun. He had just returned from another dip in the cool water, his only means of keeping his desires in check. He smiled at her lustfully as she told him how hot he looked. Sheri watched as his body, especially his male parts, responded quickly. He was bulging out the suit. She slid her hand down and across the front of his tightly packed Turbo swimsuit, which stimulated Chris into an erotic frenzy. “Sheri, you are driving me wild,” Chris whispered. He could not believe how erect he was. He was on full display, but for some reason it did not bother him. Maybe he just trusted her, that she would understand. He had never been this erect in front of a young lady before. “I can tell,” she said back as she bent over and kissed him. Chris wanted to roll over, on top of her and do more than just kiss. She held off his advances. She had not gone that far with a guy, and she was holding onto her values. She was saving herself for exactly right moment with the right guy. Chris was the right guy, she was sure. She just did not want her first time on a beach. “This is awesome, I love it here” Chris said, referring in part to the lake and in part to the tough of her on his body. He was thinking with both his brain and his anatomy. He was stretching the limits of his swimsuit, his anatomy trying desperately to burst from the tight grasp of the lycra, as it responded to the soft feel of her hand. He could feel the urges getting stronger and stronger. Sheri laid her head on his chest, letting her hands explore the parts of him that she found most interesting. He held back as long as he could, but he was losing the battle. “You like this?” she asked as she caressed him in exactly the right places. He was about to burst. “You look amazing right now,” she added. She thought about untying his suit, but opted not to. “Oh whoa, Sheri,” Chris said. His last words as she took him beyond just deep desire. Sheri had never watched a guy reach the final stages of arousal, at least not until this very moment. She enjoyed the feel of his muscular body as it pulsated as he got closer and closer to the ultimate climax. She felt the power of his muscular frame as he pushed through to the ultimate end. She found it all exhilarating. So did he. Chris woke from his dream, his body having relived everything, exactly like it was the beach. He was breathing hard, just as he had earlier in the day. Under the covers, he slipped off the now wet boxer briefs he was wearing. Alex laid quietly, he had listened as Chris’s breathing became deep and heavy. Alex was sure he knew exactly what Chris had done. He thought about saying something but stayed quite. Chris tossed the wet underwear to the side of the bed, Just an hour now until swimming, he rolled over and went into a fast, deep sleep. ------- “Oh crap, is it already time,” Alex said as Chris’s alarm went off. Both guys had had fitful sleep for similar, but different reasons. Chris and his wild dream about Sheri and Alex had Patrick on his mind, not to mention Chris’s erotic episode. “Sorry, dude,” Chris replied as he shut the alarm. He slid his naked body out from the bed, putting himself on full display for Alex, who was watching. Chris had not put out his swimsuit, a late night getting back to the dorm. He opened his luggage to grab one of his suits, he knew exactly the one he wanted. It was a blue and white stripe Funky Trunks brief. “What the crap?” Chris whispered to himself. His swimsuits were all tossed inside the suitcase, not the way he left them. Chris was meticulous in packing, and especially with his swimsuits. He’d never just drop them in a pile on top of everything else, not folded and laid flat. “Someone’s been in my luggage,” Chris thought. He contemplated waking up Alex, but opted not to. It looked like everything was there. He counted the suits and they were certainly all there, well at least he thought so. “That’s weird,” Chris thought to himself. Suit in hand, he grabbed shorts and a shirt to wear after. He wrapped a towel around his naked body and, swim bag in hand, headed out the door. He first would take a shower, to get the residuals of his dream washed away, then head over to the pool. “What the f would Alex be doing messing with my swimsuits,” Chris thought to himself as he headed down the hall. He wasn’t sure if he was mad or confused, maybe both. ______________ Chris was tired, and the pool was quiet and uncrowned. Sheri had the morning off, so it was really just him, the lifeguard and a couple cute girls swimming in lanes one and two. Chris did not recognize them as the flute players, Sarah and Alice, but they sure picked up on Chris. Only one of them was a swimmer, the other had come just to see Chris nearly naked in his tiny swimsuit. By how he looked it was worth getting up early. “You were right, he sure is a hottie,” Sarah said to Alice. “And that bulge is amazing.” “Told you. I wonder how many swimsuits he has, he has worn a different one every day.” Alice replied. “I really like this one, brings out the blue in his eyes.” “I’d like to bring him out,” Sarah giggled. She watched intently as Chris got in the pool. “He is awesome,” she said to herself. Chris cut his swim short at an hour. He was dragging and without Sheri there, he just didn’t have an incentive to stay. Sarah and Alice had already left, a few older folks had come in, but the pool was still fairly quiet. Chris jumped out and pulled the strings from his waist. He did a few stretches at the end of the pool. Gregory, the fill in for Sheri watched as Chris spread his legs and bent at the waist, pulling his back muscles and his leg muscles taught. “Hey, you must be Chris?” Gregory said as Chris headed toward the stand on his way to the locker. “Yeah, how did you know?” Chris asked. “Well, Sheri told me about you. Said you’d be here. She said he’s the hot guy in the cute swimsuits,” he laughed. “Anyway, I am on swim team here and she said that I should meet you.” “Oh cool, thanks,” Chris replied and extended his hand. The two guys shook. “What do you swim?” “Fly, IM and team mostly,” Gregory added. “You are really good, I was watching you.” “Thanks, yeah I really like swimming.” Chris replied. “Sheri said I was to tell you to come here and be on swim team, but she is right, you’d be awesome on the team,” Gregory answered. “You picked a college?” “No, I was going to go to a school near home for a year and figure it out.” “Cool, you should really come here. You already got a girlfriend, so that helps.” Gregory smiled as he said it. “At least you won’t be cold on winter nights.” “Ha, guess that’s a point,” Chris replied. “Hey, seriously, think about it. I am going to tell coach about you.” “Cool. I gotta get going. Nice to meet you.” Chris replied as he extended his hand again. “By the way, Funky’s are awesome swimsuits, I got a couple myself. And Sheri said you like Turbo suits, too. So do I.” Gregory added. _____________ |
7 continued
From the upper workout room windows, a guy watched as Chris chatted with the lifeguard and then headed to the locker. He had watched Chris for the past several days. He did not like him. Well, he was more jealous of him, how hot he looked. It was time to make his move. He quickly headed out the door and down the stairs toward the swim locker room. Once and for all, he’d show the skimpy swimsuit guy who was in charge.
____________ Chris entered the empty locker room. Without the urges of Sheri, Chris did not have the need to head straight to the shower. Instead he went to his locker and opened it, tossing the lock on the bench. He grabbed his towel and headed to the shower, his suit still on. He had extra time, having cut the swim short by thirty minutes. A good long hot shower was exactly what he needed. It was going to be a long day. He stopped, turned back and tossed the towel. He grabbed his iPhone and snapped a selfie of himself in the full length mirror. He quickly found Sheri in his contact list and sent the photo text message of himself in the tiny swimsuit. “Missed you at the pool, Love, Chris” he texted. Satisfied with his note, he now headed to the shower. First time he used he L word. The water felt awesome, warmth running over him. He lathered up, and watched as the suds rolled over his body. He turned and washed all sides of his swimsuit, making sure he got all the chlorine out. He spend a good fifteen minutes enjoying all aspects of the shower. Finally stripping himself free of the suit, which he hung over the water faucet. ------------- The guy from the workout room entered the locker as soon as he heard the shower. He was only in there for a minute. He had no idea how long “Speedo boy” would be so he had to move fast. He scooped up all of the clothing from Chris’s locker and gym bag. Everything else he left. He tossed the clothing in his own gym bag and quickly exited the locker. Dashing back upstairs, to the upper locker room. Completely undetected by anyone, he had everything Chris had brought to wear, right down to his 2Xist briefs. ----------------- “What the hell!” Chris exclaimed to an empty locker room as he stood there stark naked, but for the little swimsuit he had in his hand and the towel wrapped around his waist. He stared at the empty locker and the empty swim bag. Chris tuned and looked all around. The locker room was empty and his clothes were gone. “Who the…” Chris was frozen in place. Frantic, he looked in all the trash cans, and started opening empty lockers. “Surely this is a prank,” he thought. “Okay, very funny, you can come out now…” he said loudly. He was sure Alex or Patrick were up to something. When nothing happened, he started to get mad. He slipped on his wet suit and headed back to the pool. “Hey Gregory, did you take my clothes?” he asked bluntly. Gregory looked shocked. “No man, what’s going on?” Gregory replied looking perplexed. “Someone took all my clothes, everything.” Chris replied. “This sucks.” Chris said in exasperation, suddenly felling awkward knowing all he had to wear was just his tiny, tight swimsuit. From his perch above, the assailant chuckled as he rode slowly on a Lifecycle, watching Chris’s commotion play out below. Whoever he was, he had it out for Chris. “Take that Speedo boy, let’s see what you do now with no clothes,” the attacker thought to himself. He started to laugh, a mischievous laugh. Gregory called another guard over and then followed Chris back to the locker room. “Must be hidden in here somewhere,” Gregory said. “It’s weird, you are the only guy here, too” he added. The opened every locker, finding nothing. They then went upstairs to the workout area locker, doing the same thing. Several lockers were locked, but they checked all the open ones. “Crap, nothing!” Chris said. “I can’t walk back dressed like this. Who the f..k would do this!” he complained to Gregory. “Not sure. I’ve never heard of someone stealing a guys clothes.” The two guys headed back downstairs. “Seriously, how can I walk back to my dorm like this,” Chris queried. “I mean, it is a swimsuit, but it is not exactly right for walking across campus.” “Let me check lost and found,” Gregory said. “See if there are any shorts in there.” “Cool, thanks.” Chris replied. He looked at himself in the mirror, now thinking how totally naked he was. “It’s weird, whoever did this left my swim stuff, my money and my id. It’s like they wanted to make me be stuck with just my swimsuit.” Chris thought to himself. After several minutes, Gregory came back. “Sorry, man. Nothing. We clean out the lost and found at the end of the school year, and no one has lost anything since, except for a red Speedo, but that won’t help. I did bring you a pair of shoes. They are mine, but it looks like you and I wear the same size. I wish I had some shorts for you.” “This really sucks,” Chris said. “Hey, just run back and maybe no one will pay much attention.” Gregory tried to be upbeat. “Plus you will give the ladies something to look at!” Gregory’s humor was not helping. “Yeah, some dude in a freaking swimsuit smaller than underwear won’t get seen.” Chris half laughed and half whined. No other choice, he headed out the door. Without realizing it, he went right past the very guy who set him up without clothing, his very belongings held in the plastic bag he was holding. Chris kept his head down and never even saw him. All he could think about was what people must be thinking as he darted across the campus in his blue striped Funky Trunks brief. He was feeling very naked, very exposed. In some odd way, it was also kind of fun. The dorm was a ten minute walk away, he’d run it in about four minutes. Four long minutes. |
I really liked Chapter 7 because it is so multidimensional with three themes going at the same time. First, Chris' infatuation with Sheri, second, the Alex/Patrick raiding of Chris' swimsuits and their budding relationship, and third, the unknown guy who has it in for Chris. The dream sequence is so real that if you forget for a minute, you would think it was actually happening. It looks like this story will be a long one (I hope) as all these threads unfold. D67 |
Part 8
Chris dashed through the dorm entrance, flashed his ID to activate the scanner, which opened the entry gates. He was a bit sweaty from his quick run across campus. A couple college age students heading to classes were coming the other way.
“Good run?” one of them asked as the two guys sized up the situation. “um, yeah,” Chris replied, caught a little off guard by the question. “Never seen a guy run in a Speedo before,” the other guy added in. “Guess it makes sense,” Chris didn’t respond. Any time advantage he had by finishing up his swim early was completely lost. He bounded off the elevator on his floor, 14, and made a quick dash into the shower where he rinsed the tiny amount of sweat off. From there he dashed into his room, now dripping wet from his quick rinse. He was sure that Alex had something to do with his clothes, but that idea quickly evaporated. Alex was still sound asleep when Chris came through the door. “Oh crap, what time is it,” Alex asked groggily, startled by Chris’s arrival. “Just past 7:30,” Chris replied. “You better get out of bed.” “Did you wear that from the pool?” Alex asked, eying the way Chris was dressed. “Yeah, some a..hole stole my clothes.” Chris replied. “ Had no choice.” Chris stripped out of the suit as he related the story to Alex. “I’m getting pretty sick of jerks messing with my stuff, this morning my swimsuits were all messed up in my luggage, now some jerk takes my stuff…” Chris whined on. “Hey dude, wasn’t me,” Alex relied. “I mean I didn’t take your stuff.” Alex was getting defensive. He also knew he had some blame for the first part of Chris’s rant. “Sorry dude, didn’t mean to take it out on you. I am just mad. I really liked that shirt and the guy took a nice new pair of shorts, too.” “How do you know it was a guy?” Alex asked. “Whoever did it, took them while I was in the shower.” Chris replied. “Wow, and you never saw him?” Alex asked. “Not at all.” Chris grabbed a different swimsuit and pulled it on. It was a red Sporti swim brief, one he got from his favorite on line swim store. He loved the way it felt on him, with its narrow cut on the sides, the low cut front, and the lycra material just felt softer than usual, similar to the softness of his favorite Tyr suits. The sweet feel of the suit always caused him to get a little stiff, which Alex noticed as he practically drooled over the hot looking guy packing himself in the tiny swimsuit. Chris slipped a pair of fairly short nylon soccer shorts over the top and a white and green soccer style jersey for the shirt. He looked more like a guy ready to play a match than a guy ready for band practice. “What’s with the swimsuit?” Alex asked. “Oh, yeah. I wear swimsuits under my soccer shorts, keeps everything nice and snug,” Chris replied. “Don’t want anything falling out.” He smirked, a little blushing. “Oh, cool, makes sense,” Alex replied. “Plus it makes your shorts fit nicer, I think,” Alex added referring to how the bulge of the suit made a nice frontal bulge in the shorts. “Guess so,” Chris replied. Alex headed off to the shower while Chris headed off to breakfast. “You better hurry up,” Chris encouraged Alex. “The director hates when someone is late!” Chris wasn’t over his anger about the jerk who took his stuff, but he decided not to let it ruin his day. He shot another quick photo of himself and messaged it to Sheri with a cute tag line, “wanna come play ball?” he asked. His Iphone made a swoosh sound as it sent the cute picture into cyberspace. _____ Sheri smiled as she looked at the picture of Chris in his shorts and soccer jersey. He looked so darn cute. She picked up instantly on the fit of his shorts, the same bulging feature that Alex had commented on. He looked athletic, muscular and totally sexy all at the same time. “He’s a keeper,” she thought to herself, totally infatuated with him. She loved his flow of pictures, from his swim suit shot this morning to the one now. “I’d play ball anytime with you,” Sheri messaged Chris back. She attached a photo of the two of them at the beach yesterday, a selfie they took. It was mostly of her. As soon as Chris saw it he felt a tingle of arousal. He smiled as he clicked the phone back to the main screen. He would look at that pic several times throughout the morning practice. _______ Chris was just finishing up breakfast when he saw Len sitting at a far corner table eating, alone. The send off concert was later that day, a chance for the friends and family to come see their sons and daughters perform before they left for the big trip. Len’s parents were coming up that day to see the concert and take their son to breakfast. Len had not told them he quit the band. They would find out tonight. Len knew his parents, especially his father, would be really mad, so he simply avoided the conversation. He told them everything was great just last night, a complete lie. “Hey Len, didn’t think you were still around?” Chris said as he approached the table. Len’s eyes locked on Chris, the anger rising in his body. “Mind if we talk for a second?” “I really don’t want to talk to you,” Len replied. “What’s with the soccer look, you look like a total dork.” Chris let the insult roll off him. “Look, I really feel bad that you’d let some feud between us make you ruin your whole trip. Len, this is like a lifetime opportunity.” Chris forced the conversation, standing at the edge of the table. “I don’t care,” Len replied. “Just leave me alone.” “I just got to ay this,” Chris pressed on. “I think you are a great musician and we could have lots of fun playing together. I also think you’ll regret walking away from the trip and I’d hate to see you f..k it up like that. We may not be friends, that is your choice, but I would be glad to go talk to the director and see if he’d let you back in the band. I think he wants you as part of the band, really.” Chris continued. “Look, I made up my mind. Now go jack off somewhere and leave me alone.” Len replied. “Before I beat the crap out of you,” he added for good measure. “Think about it,” Chris added as he turned and walked away. Chris felt better that he tried. Len glared as Chris headed out the door. Len put his head on is hands. In his heart he knew Chris was right. “That was really pretty courageous of him,” Len thought to himself. “And pretty nice. Maybe Chris wasn’t the jerk I made him into,” Len’s thoughts added. “Maybe I really have screwed up. Now, what do I do.” On the verge of tears, Len got up from the table and headed out the door. He stood and watched as the rest of the band headed to rehearsal. He stood alone. |
I love the developing story
A great story. Continue please.
Wonderful chapter which shows Chris' anger as well as his humanity, when he tries to encourage Len to try to be reinstated in the band, even volunteering to talk to the director of the band. He doesn't allow himself to be sucked in when Len verbally attacks and threatens him, showing really strong character. The dialogue just flows naturally as usual and is bery appropriate for the ages of the characters. Keep it coming.
D67 |
***(deep sigh)***
Its such a bummer when there are no new updates to the stories!! I love the stories all of you guys write. I know it takes a lot of time and effort, and I just want you all to know how much the rest of us look foward to read what you've written. If I had any writing ability at all, I would love to contribute…but alas, that is not one of my strengths in life!! Thanks again for all the efforts you guys make!! |
Solarguy, I had never written any fiction until I decided to add to the story that Sebbie started. It's really hard for me and takes a long time for me to write a section, but I found that I could write something that made some sense, not great, but acceptable. You should give it a try - maybe add to the story STS and I are writing - you may surprise yourself. D67 |
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