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What happened over the winter break, anyway?
As most of you probably already realize, Dylan and Josh were off for about two weeks winter break extending from just before Christmas to just after New Years’ day. What college freshmen do during this winter break is always a rather interesting topic. For Dylan and Josh, the winter break coincides with the break between fall and spring semesters. The week just before the break is always a very busy time for college students, as they are ordinarily being tested on all the things they supposedly learned since classes began in late August.
Students ordinarily have their grades sent to their permanent address. Of course, Dylan and Josh ordinarily get mail in boxes at the dorm, but colleges normally like to send grades out to the student’s home not dorm address, which means that final grades for the semester ordinarily are going to be obtained during the winter break at the home address. Turns out, both Dylan and Josh did quite well. The college grades on a 5-point scale. Dylan’s average over all the courses he took turned out to be 4.78. Josh’s overall grade point average was only slightly lower, at 4.54. So, both of them did quite well. Not that Dylan and Josh did not have an assortment of “distractions” during the semester, but the distractions did not appear to affect either student’s grade point average. That is good to know. The parents of both Dylan and Josh had to be quite pleased with respect to how this all turned out, and normally are willing to give more “rope” or freedom in any instance where the child is doing well grade-point wise. Still, these two-week long breaks can be boring times for college freshmen. They are stuck living with their parents and siblings even if for only a limited period of time. What does a guy do? One possibility is to look up peer high-school grads also home on winter break and do some things like going to movies etc. What happens here is probably linked to whether the classmate is male or female. Did either Dylan or Josh have female “flames” in high school? Well, yes and no. Both of them had certain female friends they liked better than other female classmates, but neither “went steady” in high school. And things change, particularly as first-semester freshmen for both the guys and the young women. Reestablishing these old connections may or may not be that easy to do. Then there are other complications to being back home with your parents and siblings for two full weeks. Old complications like the same old problem of figuring out ways to jerk off without being detected or noticed. Male hormones keep “acting up” even on winter break. How to cope with this, anyway? Neither Dylan nor Josh packed home their favorite jerk-off clothing items. To be sure, that would be too obvious and cause issues if parents or siblings somehow discovered them, even inadvertently. So both of them basically have to revert back to surreptitious night-time jerking-off. Not as difficult as not being able to jerk off at all, but given where Dylan and Josh have been in this respect, not the most exciting way for a guy to deal with his male urges, either. Still, I found it interesting that both Dylan and Josh managed to work in Walmart shopping trips involving purchases for the other intended for use during a jerk-off session. And once they got back to the dorm they certainly weren’t talking (bragging) about intimate encounters with females during the break, not that either Josh or Dylan would be prone to do that. The big question of course is exactly how profound these dorm room mutual jerk-off sessions have been for each of them relative to what they might have found themselves doing or not with females they might have interacted with during the winter break back home. To be continued… |
Time out to contemplate
Changes in clothing design for men and boys have been rather drastic over the past 5 years or so with this happening on a bunch of different levels. Take denim jeans for example. Not that long ago, guys were all wearing very loose-fitting jeans through the butt; thigh and leg, with very wide leg openings, 17 inches and larger, often much larger, and practically everything said “Relaxed fit” on it. Same with shirts. Nothing was labeled as form-fitting or athletic fit, and all the shirts you could find seemed to be designed to accommodate a guy whose waist size was bigger than his chest size, often far bigger.
Then take the subject of adding Spandex® to denim, so that the denim stretched a bit and as a consequence became more form-fitting. Not that long ago, the discussion centered on the notion that only women would “accept” that idea and it was a “girly” thing to do. But as jeans got slimmer and snugger for men, this taboo was lifted as well. And it is now commonplace to find men’s skinny jeans with leg openings as narrow as 11 inches,,,just big enough to pull over your feet! So, why am I writing all of this here? I got to thinking about what works or doesn’t work as an undergarment UNDER jeans that fit so snug and tight. With loose-fitting jeans, it was commonplace for guys to wear loose-fitting boxers underneath. This wasn’t any real problem. But try to wear that style with snug-fitting skinny jeans and you can see the potential problem. You don’t want to be able to see the outline of whatever you are wearing underneath as clumps of lumpy cloth. So, where I come out on all of this is that snug-fitting jeans go hand-in-hand with undergarments that are much more form-fitting than before. I know a lot of jokes are made about the old school “tighty whitey” briefs, but in many ways they are a whole lot more suitable for wearing under skinny jeans than the loose-fitting cotton boxers. But there are other snug-fitting possibilities as well, maybe even leading to resurgence in the popularity of men’s thong underwear. What about a swim brief worn as underwear under skinny jeans? A swim brief would actually work quite well for that purpose. We are seeing a resurgence in the appearance of swim briefs as the appropriate garb for swim teams, again something that only a few years ago would have been all but unheard of. Maybe even an “old school” jock strap, though that may be pushing it just a bit. Form-fitting clothing seems to be once again becoming commonplace for guys irrespective of age or sexual orientation. This is a good thing for a host of reasons, starting with the idea that it was probably unwise to attempt to discern a guy’s sexual orientation based solely on the fit of his clothes. But there are other subtle effects. For example, there is a lot of concern over the fact that people of both sexes over a long period of time have been becoming less fit with poor high fat and sugar-laden diets and a lack of exercise. If wearing the latest clothing styles also entails improving one’s fitness and diets, there could be some positive psychological benefits. For that matter, looking good in a swim brief probably entails focusing on much the same diet and fitness goals. I don’t mean to suggest here that swim briefs are for only the fittest among us, but merely to suggest that if one chooses to follow a better diet and fitness program in order to look better in a swim brief, that is certainly a positive psychological incentive to make the necessary lifestyle changes, And then there are the other kinds of gear, the compression tees and shorts, the running tights etc, the gear that Dylan and Josh are messing with right now. Same deal, pretty much. The recent increased popularity of skinny jeans has perhaps set off a host of changes not only what many guys ordinarily wear as jeans, but also possible change is what guys ordinarily wear UNDER their new jeans. And, to the extent that these trends tend to move guys into a “let me try and be fitter” mode of thinking, that can be good as well, not to mention mixing up the antiquated ideas about what a guy’s sexual orientation might be based on the clothes he chooses to wear. To be continued…. |
Sebbie, that isn’t pushing it, even a little bit. Back when old school jockstraps were still common, I don’t think wearing one under jeans was that unusual. My college roommate started wearing one daily under his Levi 501s midway thru our sophomore year. Of course, that inspired me to give them a try, too. I wore one daily for about 6 months, but that eventually evolved into only doing it on days when I rode my bike to school. The jock kept everything centered in my Levi’s, preventing “snake down the leg”, while presenting a nice package. Wearing a jock made me feel quite studly and well protected. But I wasn’t into hearing the “Are you wearing a jock? Why?” comments when the waistband accidentally popped over the top of my jeans when I bent over. I knew another guy who grew up on a ranch and wore a jock under his Lee Wranglers while working the spread. (in Colorado, farmers and ranchers wear Lees and scoff at Levi guys as being city kids). More recently fashion jock straps have become common, probably at least in part because of the trend towards skinny jeans. |
It’s tight in here! I like it! I like it!
Every guy goes through puberty in a slightly different way, and yet shares a lot with his peers males the same age. Sometimes it is thought that of the two, the process of going through puberty is generally more difficult for girls turning into young women than it is for boys in the process of becoming young men. But puberty is at best a most difficult time for both boys and girls.
Guys quickly learn that having an erection is something that happens when you are connected with a female, and any other circumstance is weird, abnormal, or worse. Of course all of this is a myth. Guys get erections for all sorts of reasons only one possibility being a visual, psychological or physical connection with a female. But, the myth makes guys feel really embarrassed if an erection occurs under any other circumstance or even for what seems to be no reason at all. It’s bad enough to be in this situation in private, but what if my male peers somehow discover what is happening to me? Will they tease and bully me? Will they label me a queer? Will they call me a jerk-off? Will they tell the girls what they observed? All of this is holy terror for a young guy psychologically and socially. The complicating part of the problem is about the same time guys discover that there is nothing quite like a strong erection a sheer physical (and mental) experience is way up there on the list of things that are fun to do. And erections are fun whether or not another person—female or male—is present. The only thing that tops the feel of a strong erection is a powerful orgasm that follows. Part of going through puberty is discovering all of this and realizing that what a guy has discovered is going to follow him doggedly throughout his life. As a guy gets a little older, but still in high school, he gradually learns techniques for enjoying all of this while navigating ways to cope with the hornet’s nest of interpersonal and social issues he has to face. This is no simple task, and is something that requires both careful planning and foresight. Perhaps the shyest and what seems to be the most socially awkward boy in the class is also the guy who has managed to come up with ways to enjoy himself that go beyond where the outgoing and seemingly socially secure guys are. That is all a very interesting question for sure. So what about Josh and his roommate Dylan? Both Dylan and Josh seem to be less than outgoing. They are not “party animals” in the usual ways we think about the characteristics of college freshmen who are party animals. At times, they seem to be outwardly a little shy, and dare I say it, socially awkward. But that hasn’t stopped them from being quite comfortable around each other (surely that is an understatement) as well as coming up with ways to enjoy their own (and each other’s??) bodies. Already they have done some stuff that neither would have dared when still in high school. What does this all mean in the larger scheme of things, anyway? Dylan and Josh on their own have discovered lots of interesting places for their penises to be that are not listed in any textbook on human sexuality. Of course, each of them gradually learned some of this at a much earlier age, but it is just that instead about just dreaming about some of this, they can actually do some of it without fear of being teased, bullied, called names, or worse. The idea of having one’s penis and perhaps even balls in a snug and tightly wonderful place will create sensations and feelings that are both interesting and enjoyable is something that learned at a very early age, and most guys probably also understand that these feelings and sensations are not only linked to a relationship with another person. It is not surprising, however, that each guy finds his own way in this regard and no two guys see this in exactly the same way. You may be starting to think that just maybe what Dylan and Josh are up to in this regard might not me as interesting and arousing, as say, trying on those successively smaller swim briefs from that SwimOutlet order. The stretch fiber running tights and compression shorts are going to be fun to get into, but as much fun as the swim briefs were? This is a question that can only be answered with an empirical “experiment”. The new gear might be more exciting with the right garment underneath. A strap? A thong? A swim brief? All of these are possibilities perhaps worth trying. Game on! To be continued… |
Exactly the same, but different as well
Dylan and Josh both now have quite a collection of items that could be called snug-fitting clothing of various sorts. My readers all know exactly what is going on with each of them, and least my readers think they do, but let me step back for a moment to make sure my readers are all on the same page with respect to what is actually going on each of their minds and bodies.
Guys at a very early age learn that the “official” method of creating sexual sensations and tensions involves bringing in another person or sexual partner, and if a guy is to be “safe” from teasing, bullying or worse, that person had better be a female about his own age. Any other person as a possibility, say a peer male is strictly off-limits. This “official” view of how male sexuality works accompanied with the idea that anything a guy does inconsistent with the official view, with a partner other than female or alone, is somehow unnatural, sick, abnormal or childish, and these are only some of the kinder words to describe stuff that doesn’t follow the official view. All of this “official” explanation of how male sexuality must work is one giant myth that keeps getting perpetrated over and over. And of course, for a teen-ager, behaving in a manner consistent with this official view can bring on a host of really complicated issues and problems (can you say intercourse with an underage female?). Guys can pursue females sexually but they had better not go “too far” or they are going to end up “in trouble”. But exactly how far is too far? How does this all work with respect to specific “rules”, anyway? And nowadays what happens if thirty years later a girl a guy played around with sexually accuses the guy of sexual harassment or worse for something that happened sexually when we were both only 15? Crazy, weighty stuff for a young guy to worry about at age 15 or at age 45 for sure! If there is only one view of how male sexuality is supposed to work for guys, then there are certainly a lot of footnotes and asterisks. Where is this official list of what a guy can safely do or not with a girl his age, and what if a guy’s mind deviates from this official list even a little bit. It doesn’t help that guys, and particularly guys at a young age, are experiencing sexual sensations and feelings on what some might regard as even more frequently than they are able to comfortably “handle.” In this kind of world it is no wonder that the vast majority of guys quickly become very fond of solo masturbation, in private, as a release. Male hormone levels are high and SOMETHING has to give, for goodness sake. One cannot reasonably expect that ANY guy is going to navigate all of this without regularly engaging in some kind of release not involving a conveniently-available similarly-aged female partner. (I’m always amazed that young women often thing that if a guy has access to a vagina on a regular basis that guys will completely lose interest in masturbation when this couldn’t be further from the truth for the vast majority of guys.) So, Josh and Dylan have found some clothing items that for each of them make masturbation more fun than without the items. Is this fascination somehow abnormal or even sick? Does this somehow mean that because of this they are both gay and only interested in other guys? Guys, particularly guys who do not have a steady partner, are going to figure out some way to masturbate regardless. What’s the big deal if they masturbate in the nude or instead do so while wearing some snug-fitting clothing item like a swim brief, jock strap or snug-fitting compression gear, anyway? If masturbation is more fun that way that doing so naked, so be it. No one is being harmed by doing so. Since I am exploring “what ifs?” today, let me mention the biggest what if of all. A lot of guys, perhaps most guys, find it most interesting to observe how another male copes when he is in a situation of being sexually aroused and still attempting to refrain from ejaculating for as long as possible. For any guy, this is a most interesting situation to be in. And to see another guy struggle with this for a lot of guys has got to be sexually arousing as well. But merely observing another guy coping in this way is definitely not gay partner sex, or is it? How many guys out there could reasonably hope to cope with a situation of simply observing another guy deal with his own arousal and attempting to delay ejaculation for as long as possible without getting turned on himself? Maybe Dylan and Josh both understand some stuff many of the rest of us fail to comprehend or admit. Suppose that I am wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, and you, my college dorm roommate is doing likewise. I observe that you are feeling quite horny just by wearing the brief and your “condition” is readily apparent just by casual observation. How long is it going to be before me, who started out as just an observer, is going to start to feel quite horny as well just observing and then thinking about the predicament you have gotten yourself into? Does what is happening mean that you are gay and not interested in being sexually involved with women? For that matter, does the fact that I am getting turned on by watching you struggle mean that I am gay as well? Or is this merely two horny college guys thinking up fun ways to enjoy themselves and alleviate the boredom of being a college freshmen who somehow have no convenient way to get their rocks off with a female partner? Now imagine Josh and Dylan both trying on their newly obtained gear in the presence of each other. What could happen, under these circumstances? And are Josh and Dylan “normal?” To be continued… |
That is really fun to do!
Dylan and Josh have both managed to pull together quite a collection of clothing items that might be fun to wear. The running tights and the new compression underwear/shorts are just the most recent addition to the piles of stuff. Dylan and Josh are both thinking that one of the more physically and psychological “experiments” was when each of them attempted to get into and wear successively smaller swim briefs that they had gotten in the big order. The 32- and 30-inch briefs weren’t that “bad”, but things really started to “happen” at the 28-inch size.
I’m not quite sure why this experiment ended up being so relentlessly erotic. If I understood what was going on here, I would have a far better understanding as to why a lot of guys are so “sensitive” to and apprehensive about wearing a swim brief . It’s as if the swimming brief switches on something hidden deep within a guy’s brain and body. A “sexual triggering mechanism” of sorts. Getting a guy’s body into a swim brief is only one aspect of how this all works. I admit that just thinking about getting into a super-snug brief can be a problem for any guys, but if a guy could somehow come up with a way to do this without looking at himself in a mirror maybe this would be easier to do without getting overly aroused. What “does this” I think is the furtive glanc(es) that a guy can’t resist taking of his groin and butt areas once he is in the brief…If he was OK, erection-wise, up until that point, the glance in the mirror is what really gets things going. At least, that is how it seems to work. If a guy is with another guy who is experiencing the same “problem” things can “escalate” in a hurry. And of course, just seeing another guy in the throes of the same “predicament” tends to have a strange psychological impact that cannot very easily be overlooked. Difficult stuff to understand, but difficult in a most interesting way for certain. Guys seem to be able to connect under such circumstances even if they are not physically “connected.” I used to think that this was an issue for only gay guys but in recent years I have been thinking that this is largely universal among guys regardless of actual or claimed sexual orientation. And, given that, it is probably something that guys shouldn’t either fear or try to avoid no matter what. Dylan and Josh are each wanting to make one more attempt at getting themselves into their new 28-inch briefs—the very briefs that they were not able to get into last time without ejaculating. These briefs do fit tight—really tight because they are about a 2-inches smaller waist than they “should” be wearing. But this time, they are not going to go through the sequence of downsizing. That should help—at least a little. But there are two other twists this time. First, both Dylan and Josh are going to at least attempt to refrain from looking at themselves in the mirror, or for that matter, at each other once they are in. This should reduce the anxiety level and with it the erection level, at least to a degree. This doesn’t sound too tough, or does it? The other twist is that immediately after pulling on the briefs, each of them are going to pull on one of the new items right over the brief either the running tights or the compression underwear. At THAT point each of them can take a gander in the mirror at how they look, and also look at each other. Exactly how the running tights and compression shorts affect the outcomes for each of them is an empirical “experiment” with an outcome that can only be tested by actually trying this and seeing what happens. Are the running tights and compression shorts more erotic or less erotic than just the swim briefs alone? Why does this experiment get a guy aroused at all, if it does? Lots of questions need to be answered and are still to be answered, for sure. Or will Dylan and Josh be essentially “brain dead” to this experiment. I think not, but there is no substitute for simply trying this and seeing exactly what happens. To be continued… |
Experiments can be fun for guys in the right mindset
Guys can have a great time just kicking back and enjoying themselves if they pursue this all with the right mindset. The right mindset can be a growing experience that can be most pleasant, even its very early stages. Josh and Dylan both understand this now to a far greater degree than they did even twelve or even six months ago. A basic key involves not getting too much in a hurry over anything. Indeed, a path of restraint is most often ultimately more enjoyable than what might be termed an aggressive stance.
To some guys, what Josh and Dylan have been learning alone and by being stuck in their small college dorm room together seems all but counterintuitive. After all, isn’t the “big prize” for guys just a powerful orgasm, and the faster a guy gets to that point the better it is, all around, or is it? Therein lies the dilemma. Guys usually grow up thinking this and then reality sets in. Maybe the guy who finishes first isn’t always the ultimate winner in this game of life. As I said, some of this seems quite counterintuitive. And what of Josh and Dylan’s clothing purchases and gifts to each other? Well, maybe, but maybe not. Both Josh and Dylan seem to be gravitating toward snug-fitting clothing of various sorts, and they would each have to be “brain dead” to not realize that what they have been messing with has arousal overtones. Part of the fun of getting into a clothing item that is snug fitting, is that, well, things might start to happen. Things that a guy might not soon feel he has complete control over. This aspect has always posed a deep-seated dilemma for guys—the old swim brief problem as in “I would like to wear a swimming brief but what do I do if I start to get a hard-on and the other guys see that." The mere act of getting a hard-on can be most interesting and quite enjoyable, but not if the end result is getting teased and bullied about it, or worse. It’s this mixture of pure pleasure along with dread and fear that whatever develops will quickly get out of control that causes the issue. So, at this point Josh and Dylan have some new snug-fitting clothing items and an interest in trying them on. Both of them are secure enough in their respective bodies, and interestingly, with the company of each other that if something does start to happen or even get somewhat out of control, the entire sequence of events will not be a significant problem. That says something about how te two of them interact with each other and enjoy rooming together. So be it. Besides, both Josh and Dylan are “messing” with each other when they picked out the gift items. Indeed, that was the underling motivation. The only remaining question is how to get the most out of the items. I’m sure you understand what I am trying to communicate here. Neither the compression shorts nor the running tights are probably going to work very well without wearing something else underneath. They might work for guys who lack any experience at all with this kind of stuff, but for more experienced guys like Josh and Dylan, something else is probably needed. What something else, anyway? Basically I think there are three choices for improving the situation. This largely has to do with the nuances of a guy’s anatomy, and in particular the idea that the underside of a guy’s penis is considerably more sensitive than the top side. The issue becomes one of finding an undergarment that puts the underside of the penis in a location where it is rubbing against the garment and can be easily touched and massaged. There is something really special about the nerve endings on the underside of the penis. They seem to be wired such that they almost immediately hit the brain’s primary pleasure center, even when a guy is only just starting to get erect. This is fun to play with and run sensitivity experiments. Many of you who have followed my writing over the years realize that I am a big fan of athletic supporters, aka jock straps, both those with cups and without. The ones with cups can be a lot of fun, but don’t underestimate the sensations that can be easily obtained from an old-school strap with a pouch made of coarse-textured, rubbery elastic material. Sizing is everything here, as the pouch should be snug enough so the penis stays in an “up” position with the underside rubbing against that grainy elastic pouch. Cover this with stretchy compression shorts or running tights, and a mere glancing finger at that particularly sensitive spot just beneath the glans of the penis should send pangs of erotic pleasure coursing through the guy’s body. This is terrific fun, and only gets to be more fun as the erection proceeds making the strap feel ever still snugger and tighter. The second option is male thong underwear. I’ve already written at length about the idea that a properly fitting thong presses on the perineum, and the penis up and forward, once again constraining the penis so the underside is easily accessible and touched. Whether or not this experience is ultimately more satisfying eroticism than the strap is in essence an “empirical” experiment with results only to be determined by trying both. The third and final option is a snug-fitting swim brief with the penis again placed in the up position and the compression shorts or running tights over the top of everything. A guy might find that his penis in this configuration is even more sensitive to touch than with just the brief. Again, this is an empirical experiment of sorts. Then there is the issue involving the realization that your roommate is experiencing much the same thing you are experiencing with largely the same results. Josh and Dylan wouldn’t both be doing this without being quite comfortable in the company of each other. How this realization affects what each of them is experiencing is another one of those interesting empirical experiments that is now underway. Being a guy is a real treat, to be sure. To be continued… |
Precumming and Pavlov’s dog
I was listening to a news broadcast this morning about how researchers have discovered that hearing your phone go off elicits a response in your brain not unlike what happens in the classic experiment by Pavlov involving a dog, a bell and food. Once a dog becomes aware that the sound of a bell indicates that food is coming, the dog soon finds himself drooling just by hearing the bell, without even seeing the actual food. The dog can’t keep from drooling once the bell sounds and the response by the brain in setting off the initiation of the drool. This has always been one of the most interesting and widely referenced experiments in psychology.
What does any of this have to do with male sexual response and, more broadly, all of human sexual response, anyway? Well, if there is any part of being human (or being almost any animal, for that matter) that is filled with signals of various sorts that occur prior to what I will term, the “main event” yet signals that the main event could occur, it is the signals surrounding sex and sexuality in all its forms. I suppose we could go directly into a case where a guy is watching a porn video or reading a pornographic book or magazine, perhaps with photos, and is jerking off while doing so, but let’s try to be more subtle than that. This is science, pure science. I was thinking that a closer analog to the dog-bell-food-drool experiment would be what I would call a precum experiment. One might think of precum as a form of drool, given the physical similarity involving tiny droplets of clear liquid. I’ve talked to guys who claim they “never precum” and my normal response is “maybe you are not paying attention”. Guys learn at a very early age that they normally (but is anything truly “normal” about sexuality at a very early age? Every guy thinks he must be the only guy his age facing “problems”) start to precum at the very initial stages of sexual arousal. What sets this off could be any number of things—for a heterosexual guy, merely seeing a beautiful, sexy woman could do it. For a gay guy merely seeing another attractive, well-built, sexy male. In this regard, the term sexy is really a code word commonly used by guys to communicate that what they just observed “set the precum flowing” without admitting that there was a direct biological response to a situation at hand that was happening outside a guy’s direct control, as in oozing drops of clear, viscous precum. The entire porno movie industry as directed toward a male viewing audience involves creating situations that quickly elicit an uncontrolled precum response as soon into the movie as possible. No point in being subtle in this situation. This is all enormously interesting in part because this is a response that is outside the direct control of the individual, yet a clear “signal” that the event could lead to significant arousal and maybe even ejaculation. Generally, guys are very fond of being in this situation. Like Pavlov’s dog with the bell and the drool, most guys are keenly aware of when something has happened that is making them ooze, if even only a drop or two. A guy feels the distinct moist droplets accumulating inside his clothing at the very tip of his penis. Yet, normally there is not enough precum to make this visible to others. So, what does this have to do with Dylan and Josh and clothing items such as swim briefs and athletic supporters? I’ve thought about this a lot. Another aspect of growing up as a young male is the discovery that precum production can be tripped via other than the standard mechanisms involving observations involving a sexy person. Sometimes an article of clothing will do it, but especially an article of clothing that fits snuggly in the penis and groin area. An athletic supporter, perhaps? A swim brief? Guys discover the “triggering mechanism” involving the item of clothing, and that precumming at the very initial stages of arousal can be, well, extraordinarily enjoyable, and usually is. But guys worry a lot when faced with a “new” situation that could quickly lead to precumming, say coach telling them that they must wear an athletic supporter or swimming brief for the very first time. And nearly every guy that age theinks that he is somehow the only class member who is having this “problem” and therefore this is an indication that he is somehow weird or even gay and what if that should be generally known within the school? What the guy doesn’t know is that his peers are nearly all coping with the same uncontrollable precumming problem as well, and they are doing their best to hide their apprehension and anxiety about the whole situation. Will merely putting on a swim brief or athletic supporter quickly lead to a serious out-of-control arousal with ejaculation being the natural outcome for all the guys to see? This prospect is terrifying for a lot of guys. Of course Josh and Dylan are older and more experience, and they think theyt are too grown up to not have a better degree of self-control. Further, they are both more comfortable in their own skins with respect to the idea that having an enjoyable sexual experience need not necessarily involve the active participation of a partner of either sex. A guy can have a very enjoyable time just being himself at least for now. And they are both comfortable picking out clothing items in which the underlying urge to own is tied to the question as to whether or not the item will act like Pavlov’s bell with respect to precumming. The entire sequence of events involving trying on successively smaller swimming briefs just to find out how far each of them could go without ejaculating was an excellent example of the kinds of physical enjoyment each of them could have with all of this even without directly involving a partner. But more fun for Dylan watching Josh struggle with basic male urges, and more fun for Josh watching Dylan struggle to keep his male urges under control. What could that mean in the larger scheme of things, anyway? Every guy is probably going to respond a little different, and yet we are all most interesting sexual human beings seeking pleasure. To be continued… |
A blessing or a curse?
At puberty, guys really begin to become keenly aware of the sensitivity of certain body parts, and, in particular, how a mere rubbing or even touching can set off a chain of events that trips the pleasure centers in the brain. Thus begins a “journey” that may very well last a lifetime and affect nearly every aspect of what a guy thinks about and does. The importance of all of this cannot be underestimated. Obviously this affects a guy’s most intimate relationships with other people and who a guy chooses to be with or not and engage in intimate relationships throughout life.
Both the complexity and the importance of all of this learning and experimentation cannot be overestimated. Sometimes guys think that what they are doing and learning as teenagers will soon be replaced with more “grown up” adult type feelings and desires (whatever those are) but this is not really the case. In other words, the fun a guy has while engaging in solo sex (aka masturbation) will somehow be replaced with something far better as soon as the guy is old enough to be comfortable in an adult-type relationship with another person. Human sexuality frequently has a component devoted to a continuing search in which the participant(s) are on a journey to find something new and unexpected beyond where the participant (s) was (were) the last time. There are both positive and negative aspects to all of this. For example, think about the guy who marries what he thought was his “dream girl” with respect to sex but then within a short period of time discovers that what he thought was a dream sexual relationship was not that and he “strays” outside the marriage. The high overall divorce rate confirms the fact that a lot of relationships sexually do not turn out to be the long term nirvana they were once thought to be by both participants. In this regard, we have the backdrop of men in all walks of life sometimes engaging in behaviors they apparently believe that in some manner “cope” with their sexual drives, but are regarded by another person or persons as some obvious type of sexual harassment. The courtship process is never an easy time for either men or women. Even in the very early stages the man is trying at some level to determine if the woman would make a good long-term sexual partner while going through a series of steps that do not address the core question. If the guy asked the questions that were really on his mind, he could easily be accused of some form of sexual harassment if the answers do not turn out to be what the guy hopes. Too, being too blunt at this stage can shut down a budding relationship in a heartbeat. So a guy walks a fine line here as to what is deemed needed information and appropriate versus inappropriate courtship behavior. Bluntly put, getting involved in a relationship with another person whereby sex will be involved is a messy, uncertain process, a road with many ruts and potholes. That doesn’t keep people from trying to form intimate bonds. And for that, the human race somehow continues on. What does this have to do with our two college roommates Josh and Dylan, anyway? Like so many other young college age students, their bodies are both bursting with male hormones and they are constantly thinking about (well, nearly constantly anyway) how enjoyable it would be to get an erection and ejaculate. Yet, at the same time, neither of them feels comfortable getting involved in a situation with another person right now that could turn into a long-term relationship. They both have a lot more college courses to take—that is there is a bunch more stuff best tackled and completed as a single person than as one involved in a relationship that could quickly turn into something that would be difficult to stop or even slow. . Still, both Dylan and Josh have really gotten “hooked” on the pleasant sensations their bodies are able to produce, and they both want to enjoy those sensations whenever possible over and over. This is male (and human) sexuality at its very core. Nature surely “rigged” this system to ensure survival of humanity. Of course, at an early age Dylan discovered that there were certain items—a swim brief, an athletic supporter, even just a particularly snug-fitting pair of favorite blue jeans—that had the crazy (nasty) ability to get him aroused and at least headed in the direction of wanting to ejaculate more-and-more. A favorite fantasy of Dylan’s growing up was the thought of just getting into a snug-fitting swim brief and “examining himself” in the mirror, touching his growing swim-brief covered penis bulge as his penis became more and more erect and he could see what was happening to him in the mirror. But, actually engaging in this fantasy was a difficult thing to do when Dylan was still living at home, in part because he was not a swimmer or what one would call a high school athlete, so thinking up an excuse to buy one of these turn-on items (such as a brief or strap) was going to draw “suspicion” on the part of his parents or siblings as to what he was really “up to,” anyway. Deep down, Dylan always admired the high school athletes engaging in sports that “required” either of these, as they would have an excuse to own these without potential embarrassment. But Dylan also wondered if the guys who participated in these sports didn’t also sometimes (maybe often) get aroused wearing them. Once in college, Dylan figured that there would be opportunity to buy some of these clothing items himself that turned him on, but the tricky part was that he was going to have a male roommate Josh who he didn’t know at all. Josh had taken a somewhat different path, growing up. A simple explanation is that growing up Josh was not as “aware” of these methods for self-stimulation involving articles of snug-fitting clothing as Dylan was. Josh was somehow all but naïve in that regard. Via some “accidental” incidents, Josh became aware of some of the things Dylan was up to arousal-wise. Seeing all of this first-hand, it didn’t take very long for Josh to get “hooked” on trying this as well. Dylan was relieved on two fronts: First, that he no longer had to closely guard what he regarded as a dark “secret” about his sexual interests and behaviors, and second, that Dylan quickly realized that he was not the only guy who liked to experiment with his own body by employing these techniques and methods—Josh was quickly doing the same thing as Josh quickly got hooked too. The more complicated part came when each of them realized that the pleasure of the arousal leading to orgasm for each of them only increased when each was able to observe close-up the other guy having fun with himself in the same way. What exactly this could mean, however, quickly becomes really complicated, as recognizing this detail could quickly be turned into the early stages of a gay something-or-another but not yet at least a relationship. Perhaps not a budding gay relationship as such, but something that is unique and still enjoyable and worthwhile? Maybe a label is not needed. There are all sorts of complicated questions. How much fun is doing this, anyway? More fun sexually than a close relationship with a female that also is not yet an intimate relationship? Something interesting to do that will simply be discarded and forgotten once Dylan and Josh each find appropriate female partners for sex? This all gets into some messy, complicated stuff that is at the very core of human sexuality, how guys get aroused, and who is gay or straight or somewhere in between. To be continued (of course)…. |
Options, alternatives and consequences
Dylan and Josh each have a number of options, alternatives and consequences. Think about the various articles of clothing that they both have at this point, the new running tights and compression shorts, plus all the other items, swim briefs, athletic supporters, thong underwear etc. Maybe the best thing to try at this point is to just play it cool, and wander off to class. But, what to wear?
Dylan is very fond of his snug-fitting jeans, and they do fit him really snug. Usually he puts on a tee shirt, frequently a compression tee, and then simply pulls a nondescript gray sweatshirt over. But Dylan is thinking about whether or not it would be possible to wear a pair of running tights underneath the jeans. The net effect of that would be to make the jeans feel as if they are fitting even snugger and tighter, assuming he can get the jeans pulled over the tights. But Dylan also needs to think about what he is going to wear UNDER the running tights. Three options that occur to him are a swim brief, an athletic supporter and an underwear thong. Dylan can’t help but relive over and over in his mind exactly what happened the day he tried to get himself into the swimming briefs that kept getting smaller and smaller in size. The 26-incher might be too much, but perhaps just get into the 28-incher and quickly pull the running tights over before his mind had too much time to think about it all. Too much thinking or dwelling on what a guy is doing could result in problems and a path that is difficult if not impossible to reverse. So Josh pulls on the swim brief as fast as he can, and then quickly pulls the running tights over. On top goes his favorite pair of skinny jeans –maybe better described as super-skinny. Josh goes a slightly different route. Josh has become “very fond” of that little underwear thong and how it fits and makes interesting body parts feel. He likes the fit and feel a lot, almost “too much for his own good,” perhaps. Josh also goes with a gray compression tee, and has a dark red, actually burgundy sweatshirt to wear over. The interesting question is what Josh will opt to wear over the little thong that is nibbling at him in many different places. Josh chooses his pair of compression underwear he got at Christmas. Josh has skinny jeans although his are not quite as skinny as the ones Dylan has. At some level Josh understands why Dylan is so fond of that particular pair of jeans. Still with both the thong and the compression underwear underneath, Josh is starting to feel pretty good in some interesting ways. The interesting test at this point for both Dylan and Josh cope with wearing these items all day long as they go though their normal class schedule. As you might expect, both of them are feeling somewhat excited. In particular, the only way for Josh to place his penis is upward and forward in the thong. That is part of the fun of wearing a thong. But that means the underside is outward, putting not only a telltale bulge in the compression underwear, but making it readily apparent that Josh is indeed a “man” even with the jeans on over everything. Penis bulges sometimes do that. Josh and Dylan exchange glances at each other and what the other is wearing. They also take a quick look at themselves in the dorm room mirror. They both certainly look OK to head off to class. The tricky part here is that even though both of them are more than a little aroused, neither of them is past the point of no return, nor even close. That is good, because the experiment can thus continue. Still, all the snug-fitting items are going to continue to put pressure on them both in mind and body. This creates a tension of sorts. The tension level will be lowered if each of them can keep his mind on the classes at hand, but only if the lecture doesn’t get too boring, in which case their minds may start to wander with respect to the predicament each of them is in, and, while fun, that might not end well. Nearly every guy has probably been in a classroom situation where he has developed a strong “need’ to ejaculate, but the vast majority of guys probably manage somehow not to bubble over, at least until a rest room stall can be found. But still, this sets up an interesting situation for Dylan and Josh to explore. As the day drags on, the clothing items keep reminding the two of them that they are horny young guys. By the time classes have ended the urge to ejaculate has gotten quite strong, and that is putting it mildly. It’s that steady knowing away that the various items did to the guys over an entire day that does this. Sensations vary in both the mind and body—stronger, weaker and then stronger again—seemingly cycling up and down nearly moment by moment as the day drags on. The bodies have been in an extended “prep phase” and the only event that is going to end this is, well…??? To be continued… |
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