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Now it’s Josh’s turn (But wait!)…(part 1)
Whatever Dylan’s complaints about getting off sooner than he had hoped when trying on the suits in sequence, Dylan knows for sure that this has been maybe the most fun episodes he has ever had as a college student when enjoying his own body. Some orgasms are good, some are very good, and some are well, mind-blowing, and Dylan knows that this one clearly needs to be placed in “category 3” as in orgasms that are so profound that they only rarely happen.
What made the experience so profound, anyway? Well think of the lengthy sequence of events that led up to all of this..thinking up the idea in the first place, picking out and ordering the suits while staying within the often limited budget of a college freshman student, waiting for the order to arrive, opening the package, unwrapping each suit, feeling the material and studying the sizing, cut and color, and then finally getting to the point where the suits are tried on in size sequence from largest to smallest. This really goes back to the old idea of a young guy wanting to buy his first swim brief and then take it to his room, close the door and immediately pull it on and jerk off in it. This likely happens a lot, and guys frequently agonize over being in a situation where they are wearing a swim brief in public and somehow can’t keep from shooting with lots of people around, male and (holy terror) female being able to see exactly what is happening. These thoughts probably deter a lot of guys from ever buying a swim brief even though they might deep down long for the opportunity to jerk off in one in private with no one else knowing that is what the real motive was all about. The related issue is that if a guy thinks of himself as otherwise perfectly straight, if the other guys ever figure out what he was doing he might very well be teased and bullied about being a closeted gay-boy, and it doesn’t help that in the minds of a lot of guys, a swim brief is something only a gay boy or perhaps a competitive swimmer or diver would ever wear. So what is this guy who is not even a good swimmer doing wearing one unless he is a gay boy who has not yet come out to others as such? The seeming near anger many females express about the whole idea of a guy wearing a swim brief doesn’t help the situation either. Guys are usually quite OK with women being scantily clad, but apparently, many if not most women are less than OK with that as applied to guys , or so it seems at least. What rules apply here anyway, in a world where the guy is trying to build social bonds and relationships with others his age? The idea of being seen in public in a swim brief is simply “over the top” in a period in one’s life that is socially difficult with others the guy’s age or similar, both male and female. All of this is really complicated stuff. Guys seem to learn at a very young age that the only sexual experience that matters is sex that happens when two willing partners bring their bodies together and exchange bodily fluids. At least that is how it is taught in a lot of sex education classes. Enjoying one’s own body is really all about finding a partner who willingly wants to do likewise. Everything has progressed now to the point where the notion of the partners being of the same sex or a of different sexes is at least acceptable in the mainstream, but where does that leave what has just happened to Dylan. In fact, if Dylan were to appear in a book dealing with understanding sexuality how would his situation be characterized anyway? Some of the so-called experts might categorize Dylan as someone with an illness or abnormality best described as a fetish for snug-fitting swim briefs if he enjoys trying on and getting off in them. And that taken alone is abnormal. Another group of sex experts might characterize Dylan as being not abnormal so much as being social and psychologically immature, and it’s about time for him to grow up and form bonds with someone else who will, under the best of circumstances, be his sexual partner, and then he can exchange bodily fluids with her (him?) hopefully for the rest of his life. For the moment, however, Dylan is more-or-less stuck in the activities that he liked as a younger teen, when the opportunities for forming significant bonds with others his age were fewer and, sexually at least, inappropriate. In short, Dylan may have a problem but it mainly to do with not yet being grown up enough to have fully appreciated why it’s important to get close enough to another person so that a real sexual relationship can occur between two people. Wait a second here. If what just happened to Dylan is abnormal, immature or otherwise somehow bad, it is difficult to see exactly what is wrong with all of that. If this is somehow not right for a guy to do how come it was so much sheer fun? Is it somehow wrong for a guy to simply enjoy his own body to the fullest without being involved directly with a sexual partner? And what if a skimpy swim brief simply “helps” this all along? And, given that no bodily fluids were exchanged the risks in that department were essentially zero. Is this up to Dylan to determine whether what just happened is OK or not, or have the so-called sex experts simply not figured out the obvious yet? Think about that. Taking on a sexual partner for life can be fun, but it can also be an enormous burden in a host of different ways. What are the tradeoffs here, anyway? Dylan can enjoy himself on his own in a special way with no strings attached, or he can enjoy himself with a sexual partner directly in what the experts would call a mature sexual relationship with all sorts of strings, asterisks and footnotes. Which of the two makes more sense? For a guy Dylan’s age, is this really any question at all? Oh, and what of Josh in this situation? This may be even more complicated than it is for Dylan. As a younger teen, many guys are terrorized by the thought of their peers seeing them masturbate, and the so-called fear of discovery looms large in how a guy goes about coping with powerful urges that keep occurring practically on a daily basis. A general statement is that nearly every guy loves to jerk off at that age, but at the same time terrified about the prospect of being discovered doing so. The first level of terror is when the guy’s parents find out. But most guys (and most parents) work their way through that one. The second level of terror is the siblings, but mainly the younger siblings and especially the siblings who have not yet gone through puberty. This chapter continues in the next post.... |
Now it’s Josh’s turn (But wait!)…(part 2)
This chapter is a direct continuation from the previous post...
Older male brothers may be less of an issue because the guy soon realizes that the older brother probably faced or is still facing the same problem. Older sisters are a complete “wild card” in this respect except that mothers keep teaching their daughters that anything a guy does to his own body without a female actively involved is somehow abnormal and that females should steer clear of any guy where there is reason to suspect that the guy can get off on his own without a female present. Crazy stuff, I know, but this silliness is frequently passed down from mother to daughter through the generations. Moms simply do not want to think about a hypothetical Dylan or Josh who can get off in a snug fitting swim brief and have a powerful orgasm. These guys must have real “problems” for sure, problems that should be avoided in the relationship department at all costs. The third level of terror and the most difficult of all to deal with of all is what if some of my classmates male of female discover what I am doing, and what if this happens when they accidently see me inside a skimpy swim brief? The terror here occurs on several different levels. The guys are probably the biggest problem, keeping in mind that every guy about the same age is coping with the same set of urges to ejaculate and attempting to find ways to deal with these urges surreptitiously and for the same reasons, it is just that some guys have been more successful—or just plain lucky—in covering their tracks than others, so far at least. A lot of guys who claim that they are perfectly straight seem to have a propensity to assume that if a guy is discovered masturbating he should immediately be labeled as being a closeted gay boy, and further, they are fine with telling everyone within earshot what they saw and what they concluded upon seeing it. I’ve never quite understood what exactly motivates all of this except to say that some guys seem to think that their own straight sexual orientation will be less in doubt if they publically call out the discovered masturbators in the class and then labeling each of them somehow as gay boys. Of course, if the guy is discovered jerking of in a swim brief, that pretty much cements the idea that the guy in so doing is clearly gay not straight, or so the apparent reasoning goes. Some peers who claim to be straight seem to take great pride in outing anyone that they think a gay case could be made, and if this involves teasing and bullying about the swim brief—a swimwear style often associated with gay guys—so be it. This is messy and unfortunate stuff for practically any young guy, but especially so young guys caught wearing swim briefs. So, both Josh and Dylan managed their respective ways through high school and are now college students. Some old left-over issues remain. Think about it. What should a guy do if he inadvertently wanders in on a guy who is in the process of pleasuring himself ? At this age, most guys have probably learned that calling the guy out for being a gay boy doesn’t have the “sting” that it perhaps did in high school, and that most college students are generally more accepting of people who are not necessarily completely straight than seemingly was true in high school. Plus at 19 and staying in a cramped double room with limited privacy, roommates for the most part are going to realize that sometimes guys just need to deal with their urges. The two of them are both 19 not 14. But, Josh has inadvertently discovered something else about having a male roommate in close quarters. It is, well, interesting to see up close how another guy his age—Dylan—copes with his male urges. Josh did not immediately exit that first day he accidentally walked in on a masturbating Dylan. Even more interestingly, Dylan did not immediately attempt to “hide” what he was doing from Josh, indeed he kept masturbating right there for Josh to see in stark detail. So here is the most interesting part. Josh almost immediately discovered that watching Dylan play with himself was a turn-on for Josh. And Dylan almost immediately discovers that having Josh there watching him does not shut things down, but instead makes it even more fun. Same deal as when Dylan was trying on the suits with Josh there watching every step in the process. OK so Josh was turned on just by looking at the three suits he got in the order. At some point, Josh thought what Dylan was doing was a little goofy , but he sort of played along. However, as Josh watched Dylan in various stages of delicious agony trying on suits that kept getting smaller and smaller, Josh has been getting more and more aroused himself. The pre cumming for Josh that started as he was merely examining the suits has all but stopped now, but Josh is still feeing increasing tension in the groin area. And, Josh now knows that he is getting semi-erect even without actually trying on even the first suit in the pile. Josh has quickly moved from feeling somewhat horny to feeling really horny and he has not as yet even stripped. The suits now pose a special challenge for Josh as well. Josh realized that Dylan thought he was the more experienced of the two in confronting this challenge, but by getting only about half-ways through the pile has meant that Dylan still has his own barriers to cope with. And Josh knows that Dylan will be watching every step Josh makes, just as Josh did for Dylan. Dylan is curious about how Josh copes too. What this all means for both Dylan’s and Josh’s sexual orientation is unclear at this point, but maybe that is not the real point of all of this at all. Just two guys having goofy fun with their own bodies in a special way—there is no harm in that. Josh will have to be pleased if this all works half as well for Josh as it already did for Dylan. So, now Josh can start to try on the suits. More to come, so to speak… |
A side note by the author
[A note by the author: Part of the fun in writing these stories is the entire process of thinking up situations that the characters in the story might logically find themselves in as young males, and to not only create what I believe to be realistic situations that college students might confront. At this point I don’t know if Dylan and Josh should both be categorized as gay, straight, or somewhere in that vast space in between. I have read a lot of stuff that both promotes the idea that being gay is determined in the genes, and that guys have no control whatsoever about this element of who they are. I’ve also dug into the claims that being gay (or straight, for that matter) is a “learned” behavior and that what a guy likes to do sexually is in part determined by the array of options that are available. All I can say is that none of this is clear cut. I have watched guys who marry, have kids, then divorce their wives and go off to live with another guy. I have found this to be interesting, to say the least. I am close to concluding not only that many but perhaps even most guys who claim to be straight have a gay side to their personality that might appear out of nowhere under the right (or perhaps some would say wrong) circumstances, but the possibility that this could somehow appear out of nowhere scares the sh**t out of a lot of guys. Would Dylan and Josh have discovered all of this had they not been tossed into a close-quarter dorm room and run into Bill and Joe that time way back? Both Dylan and Josh are very good, polite, young college students, and neither has any interest in doing things that would otherwise disrupt their normal living.
Still they both are carrying around the normal male urges that 19-year old college freshmen have. They may have found a way to deal with their urges that is interesting, but has no larger meaning than that, or perhaps not. In my story I have introduced you, my readers, to three pairs of guys. This all started off with Bill and Joe (remember all those wild wet dream sequences and chapters). Then Bill and Joe met up with Dylan. Then they all went off to the college gym, where the three of them met the more athletic pair Tony and Donavan which the three of them surmised were more than just buddies but possibly also a gay couple, though there was never any real “proof” of that (not that there necessarily should be proof). Then Dylan’s roommate Josh came on the scene. Dylan knew he and his roommate were in close quarters and that he was going to have a rough year in college if he didn’t let Josh in at least a little as to why he had all those snug-fitting clothing items, and you know a lot of what has happened as a consequence. We haven’t heard from Bill and Joe in a long time nor anything from Tony and Donavan other than that encounter at the gym, but some of that could change again as the story proceeds. I hope that my readers are enjoying reading about all of this as much as I have fun writing it. On an even more personal note, I would feel uncomfortable writing story lines for these characters that got them into doing certain things with themselves that actually didn’t work very well if at all or accomplish the objectives. At some point on occasion, I feel the need to personally “test out” an idea for a possible story line before I write it up in detail. I want to assure my readers that at least most of what I write about doing I have personally tested out myself even before any word hits the page. What you might do (or not do) with that knowledge is entirely up to you. (But isn’t that what is at the heart of what good writers do—write about the stuff they know about from personal experience?)I am delighted if these stories get a lot of guys to thinking about human sexuality and sexual orientation in new and different ways—ways that they have never had the courage to think about before. In this case the courage Dylan had to try on suits with Josh right there, and the courage that Josh must now muster to do the same thing with Dylan standing there. What does this all mean, anyway? That is part of the fun puzzle that is happening. That is as candid I can be with all of you. I am pleased that some of my readers are comfortable with the knowledge that you are gay; others of you are perfectly fine being straight, but perhaps more than a few of you are wandering around in that vast place somewhere in the middle. And that is more than OK too. I want every guy to be happy in his own skin, being who he really is, and enjoying himself to the fullest extent possible.] |
Josh tries on his briefs
When Dylan first suggested to Josh that they both try this, Josh’s initial reaction was that the whole idea was no big deal. Josh of course knew that Dylan has long had this “thing” for snug-fitting clothing of various sorts, but Josh didn’t necessarily think that this was something that necessarily happened to him at all, let alone to the extent that Dylan seemed to be affected. So Josh, perhaps only a bit reluctantly, went along with Dylan’s “idea’ about ordering the swim briefs in various sizes and cuts. “No big deal” Josh thought. “I am not hung up the way Dylan is for sure in this regard.”
Events of the last 30 or 40 minutes watching Josh struggle as he did his best to cope with briefs that were getting smaller and smaller has suddenly changed Josh’s mind on all of this, perhaps forever. Josh secretly wonders if this is something that only affects a few 19-year old guys, or if nearly any guy placed in a similar situation would likely “respond” in that special way. This is certainly stuff that Josh did not learn anything about in his high school sex education class, which instead seemed to be fixated on telling guys how to avoid getting girls pregnant and not much else. I guess seeing how to put a condom on a banana is useful. Josh always thought the banana-and-condom thing was hilarious, as bananas aren’t guys and guys aren’t bananas. All right, the course did include a short reading on masturbation but it treated the whole subject as just a temporary thing that boys (and girls) occasionally do or did when they were young, and that it would be replaced with real (penis-in-vagina) sex as a guy got older (but, hopefully sex while wearing a condom). Other than that the entire course was something of a joke, Josh thought. And why would the course basically ignore the one safe sexual activity that guys can do and enjoy (solo masturbation) while focusing instead on strategies for keeping guys from getting underage women pregnant. But for Dylan to just watch struggle with the suits and with his own erection while still attempting to get into each suit has changed everything for Josh. I guess straight guys often wonder why for gay guys being with another person with the same body parts every guy has could possibly be as interesting as being with a female with a different set of body parts, body parts carefully engineered to contain a guy’s penis in such a wonderful way. The key here is that there is something beautifully erotic for a guy about getting to see another guy gradually getting an erection that soon leads to a full-blown orgasm, and it is probably not just perfectly gay guys who find this appealing—at least for the guys who do not claim that this whole thing is revolting. Strange, huh? Guys are constantly thinking about if they somehow accidentally got themselves into a situation like Josh was just in watching Dylan grow and then explode in a powerful orgasm, could they remain completely unaffected by it all, or would they find the whole situation to be somewhat or a lot erotic. And is the revulsion that some guys express for seeing this is merely an indication that the guy who claims this is revolting not erotic merely a cover for the guy’s fear that if placed in this situation he would find it interesting too, and, horror of horrors, does that mean there is a gay side to my personality? These are very tough questions to answer. So, here is the situation. Guys always like to turn things into competitions, and this is a competition of sorts to see that which of them can get through the pile of suits without shooting. Seems tame enough, and Josh has fewer suits to go through than Dylan had. Josh has three suits: Dylan made it through, well about 2 ½ suits. Josh thinks that it shouldn’t be THAT much more difficult to hang on through the three suits without blowing off. Except for one thing. Watching Dylan in his delicious agony affected Josh in various ways, some ways psychological, but also in some ways that are now physically quite apparent. Bluntly put, Josh is now going to try this when he already has a serious hard-on even before he pulls on the first suit. I perhaps shouldn’t tell you this, but Josh came close to ejaculating already at one point just watching Dylan struggle with the suits. Of course, Dylan has noticed that Josh already has quite an erection going. Maybe getting through 2 ½ suits was not such a bad effort at this after all, thinks Dylan. So Josh strips down and now is standing in front of Dylan, nude. There is only one problem, and it is a big problem, so to speak. As Josh stands there Josh is now nearly 6-inches long, and worse, his penis is sticking nearly straight out horizontally. Josh suddenly has empathy for all those swim-team guys who are in a gym locker room putting on a swim brief for the very first time. The first brief in the sequence Josh faces is a 30-incher, a bright red iSwim brief. This is going to fit snug, but it should provide a little more space than would have been the case if it were a 30-inch Sporti Euro brief, or so Josh thinks. Still there is no significant pouch space, and even the 30-inch waist fits pretty tight. Josh wishes he had more room, but it’s too late now. The only practical position for Josh’s penis to go in that brief is “up”. But Josh’s penis definitely “wants” to be horizontal right now not vertical, and is not happy in the “up” position. All this adjustment can quickly take a toll on a guy. Josh is suddenly feeling that he is nearing the point of no return, orgasm-wise. The entire sequence of events both with Dylan and now with his own effort is at the very edge of being too much for Josh to contain himself any longer. Once Josh gets in and gets his penis pointing upward inside the brief, Josh takes one quick look at himself in the mirror and then quickly pulls down the red brief before it is all over. Once nude again, Josh calms down just a bit though that horizontal erection that has been building has not subsided at all. Josh is now just calm enough so that he wants to continue the challenge. The next suit in the Josh’s pile is also an iSwim, but this time a Royal blue one, size 28Y. Now the waist size on a 28Y (Youth) size is the same as on a 28 designed for adult males, but the sides are narrower and the back has less full coverage, as a younger male would likely hve smaller glutes than an adult male in any given waist size. Josh has still more difficulty getting his penis to behave pointed up. Josh desperately wants to go off, and NOOOOOOOWWWW In what can only be described as a herky-Jerky motion, Josh suddenly ejaculates all over himself and on the spanking new bright red iSwim suit, while making repeated quiet “groans” of pleasure. Josh now is able to experience exactly what Dylan was going through with his own mind and body only 30 or 40 minutes ago…Dylan, of course, is watching Josh ejaculate all over the place as well. This is not “bothering” Dylan quite so much because Dylan is still “coming down” out of his own post-ejaculatory phase. Still, Dylan thinks that it is a lot of fun just to see Josh struggle in dealing with his own body as well. These experiences are the stuff for the content that make wet dreams so much fun, sexual experiences that need to be relived over and over for sure. So, already the suits have been a lot of fun, and have paid for themselves in pure enjoyment even though neither guy has gotten to the smallest suit before ejaculating all over. Surely, other attempts will be made after Dylan and Joe have “recovered” sufficiently. Will there be other “visitors” to the dorm room next time as well…Bill and Joe, perhaps? What an idea! thinks Dylan. To be continued… |
Author's note
[Author’s note for the season: All of the events that you have been reading took place just before Dylan and Josh were ready to go back to their respective homes on the college Christmas (winter)break, which extends just past New Years day. Many of my readers have no doubt experienced first hand the post-orgasm “sluggishness" that seems to occur just after a guy experiences a super-strong orgasm.
This is another part of being a guy. Post big orgasm, a guy doesn’t really want to think about sex or his penis any more, even though images are still; popping around in his head related to what just happened and how wonderful the entire experience was. Still, it takes some time for a guy to “recover” from the experience of having a super-strong orgasm, in the meantime a guy’s interest in feeling horny once again is likely minimal. This seems to be built not only into a guy’s physical being as well as in his emotions psychologically. It’s one of those really interesting things about just being a guy. So, for right now, it’s a good time for Dylan and Josh to take a short break from running experiments with their bodies and instead just spend some time with both of their families. And the author needs a break to better compose the story line as to what will happen next to both of them. I have already hinted that the next sequence of events might involve Bill and Joe too, remember the two guys who early in the story were so fond of straps, jock cups and compression gear. In the meantime, I will let my readers imagine what might happen once the four of them get together. I will see you all after the holidays, and presumably Dylan and Josh will both have gotten rested up enough from their experiences to make another attempt at the swim briefs without jerking off too soon. ] To be continued… |
Like if you were reading my mind! Thoughts never shared yet written down. Cool.
Josh and Dylan return from Christmas Holiday (Winter Break) AND exchange gifts
Josh and Dylan return from Christmas Holiday (Winter Break) AND exchange (belated) gifts
The time that both Dylan and Josh ad with each of their families, unfortunately, has come to the end, and Josh and Dylan are both back at the College dorm in preparation for classes that will resume in the coming week. Dylan and Josh both enjoyed the break from the daily routine of a college freshman, but being so close to their families meant that there was little time to mess around at all, if you get what I am saying. Nearly every guy knows that it is often far easier to feel horny, and that “horny-feeling” bouts normally happen more frequently in the warm summer months that in the cold winter months. That is all just part of the curious things about being a guy. Bluntly put, a guy will feel less like jerking off in cold weather than in warm. Then too, being with your own family often has an odd way of shutting down a guy’s interest in getting off. Perhaps it is merely the idea that getting horny in a situation like this is unrealistic because there is simply not enough sustained privacy to make this possible, but there might be more going on than that. Anyhow, at some level both Dylan and Josh are happy top be back to college where they both have a bit more latitude in this regard. Still the two-week break from ejaculating (if that is indeed what happened) has its way of taking a “toll” on a guy’s psyche in some odd if not wonderful ways. A guy who somehow gets “stuck” in a situation where they are uncomfortable about not having real opportunities to get off sometimes does strange and powerful things once he senses that he is back into what he regards as something of a more normal situation from a frequency-of-jerk-off perspective. To, Dylan hadn’t forgotten about what had happened during the fall semester, nor had Josh somehow forgotten about what Dylan was up to during the same period. These ideas were left on both of their brains like indelible ink, ideas that could resurface in strange but interesting places. The day AFTER Christmas, Dylan was out wandering around the local Walmart store not just for fun, and not necessarily in search of a clothing item that might be helpful in a jerk off session. But as he was wandering around and noticed what looked to him like Russell® branded compression shorts. They were not advertized as compression shorts. They were over in the underwear section. What made them unique is that they were made of a stretch polyester spandex blend. You can tell Dylan was feeling more than a little horny given his interest in this particular item. Dylan was not clear as to whether the short but jammer-style shorts were intended to be worn as underwear, as compression gear under a looser pair of workout shorts, or worn without anything over simply as gym wear. The shorts did not have a fly, though they did have a sewn semi pouch.not anything “drastic” in that regard though the fact that the guy has a male anatomy would be at least somewhat apparent, if you know what I mean. These came in a variety of patterns and styles, the most common being what might be called a “modern camouflage” pattern, not like the somber tones of an old-style military camouflage, but a modern camouflage in assorted bright colors, blues, greens, yellows, even black and white. Dylan quickly decided he wanted a pair for himself. But what size? Medium would work, but Small would fit snugger and tighter. Not any real choice, is is. Dylan took one of the ones labled SM or CH off the rack and put it in his cart. Then he got to thinking “I bet Josh would enjoy a pair of these too. Same style and size, but a different color”. So, Dylan came back to school carrying a pair of these shorts for Josh and a pair for himself. The ones he bought for Josh he had put in one of those ubiquitous gray plastic Walmart bags. So, after Dylan and Josh had gotten themselves moved into the dorm room, Dylan said to Josh “I have bought you a little gift for the season the other day when I was wondering around Walmart—a pair of camouflage stretch shorts you might like. Amazingly, Josh said “Dylan, Amazingly I was doing the same thing when I was on vacation. I was wondering around Walmart and found this really interesting pair of Russell ® running tights. The ones I found were nearly solid black polyester/spandex blend, but faded into a bright yellow-green color down at the ankle. I got a pair in Small, and have tried them on, and in that size they fit really (really) snug. I like them a lot and I figured that size would fit you too (grin). And, so that is how Josh and Dylan traded “gifts” this year, both little “reminders” to each of them of what they both REALLY enjoyed doing! https://www.walmart.com/ip/Russell-M...ight/162754413 https://www.walmart.com/ip/Russell-M...rief/161024194 To be continued… |
This could be fun, maybe
One of the interesting parts about getting new clothing that is snug-fitting is that guys generally are uncertain about what they are getting into, both literally and figuratively. This applies to lots of different clothing items, each with a potential to “get” to a guy in a “unique” way. I have often thought that penis are rather interesting in that they all seem to have a “mind” of their own in this regard, almost as if they are somehow “disconnected” at times from a guy’s brain. Whatever it is that happened, it occurs in some place where the guy doesn’t seem to have any direct control.
Take the new “dilemma” that Dylan and Josh now find themselves in as an illustration of what might or might not be going on. Dylan and Josh individually were just wandering around Walmarts in their hometowns. Dylan ran into the Russell running tights that he thought looked neat—and VERY snug. Josh was wandering around and saw the equally snug-and-tight new-camo shorts. Seeing something like this set off subtle alarms in both of their brains. Dylan immediately senses that the running tights would be something that could be fun to wear, and that in the purchase he would be doing something that he could thoroughly enjoy. In the store, Dylan imagines what his body might look like in a mirror wearing the tights—the snug fit through the thigh and in his calves right down to his ankles. Dylan of course is curious as to how his penis will look in them to. Do these present a similar “problem” as a swim brief where a guy has to position his penis up, down or sideways? The running tights are lightweight material. What will Dylan look like in them with his penis positioned “up”? Will that sensitive underside show much like it does in a snug-fitting swim brief? How does all of this feel, anyway? Another problem is what, if anything does a guy wear UNDER something like this? Maybe nothing at all, but there are many other possibilities as well. A strap would be interesting, but so would thong underwear, a swim brief, or even a pair of old-school “tighty whiteys” Then Dylan thinks of Josh. Josh MIGHT enjoy this too. Indeed, Josh might enjoy experimenting with all of this the same way Dylan does. If Josh sees Dylan experimenting with this he might feel “left out” without his own pair. In looking at the Russell shorts, Josh went through much the same analysis that Dylan went through. Josh liked the apparent very snug fit of the shorts, the “modern camo” pattern, the overall look and feel. There were all these interesting questions of course, involving issues such as just how a guy’s penis fits in them and in what position does it go. Does a guy wear something else under these, and, if so, what? Josh imagines himself wearing these staring at himself and the various bulges and protrusions of his own manhood. Fun things to explore, Josh thinks to himself. The odd thing is that Josh is starting to realize that he has quickly become just as hooked on experimenting with all of this as his roommate Dylan obviously has. And Josh thinks about Dylan as well. Would Dylan truly like to be a part of this? Well, that almost goes without saying given all of the events that have happened in recent weeks and months. And so that is how Dylan and Josh each ended up with new clothing items to explore and ended up exchanging gifts. To be continued… |
Snug ‘n tight
Part of what is fun here is that Josh and Dylan are playing “games” of sorts with each other, games that relate directly to who each of them are as sexual human beings. This is curious stuff that they are both engaging in, to say the least.
Every guy, Josh and Dylan included, goes through a period in adolescence where he learns about himself and his body in unique and special ways. Part of this learning experience involves a gradual realization that certain parts of their bodies are more sensitive to touch than other parts of their bodies. How this all works is a gigantic mystery at first. I guess most guys at some point develop a realization which suggests that some of this must somehow have something to do with another person, but that part is frequently deeply confusing, at least at first. A basic question is how a guy can somehow suddenly start to feel horny and even get an erection when there is no touching involved at all. Let alone another person. There is a physical component to all of this to be sure, but also a mental component, and the mental component can sometimes go off in seemingly goofy, yet ultimately strange and wonderful ways. Take the experiences Dylan and Josh just had trying on swim briefs that kept getting smaller and snugger with each successive brief. At some point, their strained bodies (and minds) simply couldn’t “take” the combination of physical and psychological pressure they were under, and both of them simply “had” to ejaculate even before even getting into the snuggest and tightest brief. What makes this more amazing, is that this did not in any way involve what might be called a sexual relationship with a partner (or in some strange way, did it?). Merely two guys having some interesting fun with their own respective bodies, attempting an experiment to see what their limits were in this regard. Certainly this says nothing about the ultimate sexual orientation for either of them, or does it somehow? Just two guys who have discovered an interesting jerk-off method. And guys almost invariably are fond of the discovery process for uncovering new and unique ways to jerk off. It is more-or-less built into a guy’s genes (and maybe his jeans as well) to be interested in uncovering this. But still, Josh obviously enjoyed seeing Dylan struggle with his predicament, and Dylan likewise. Josh might not want to admit it, but just watching Dylan struggle coping with his growing erection was quite a turn-on. Same for Dylan watching Josh attempt to cope with the situation at hand. Does this mean that Josh and Dylan are actually two closeted gay guys? Well, maybe it is best for now to not to even attempt to answer that. Except maybe I should say that there are probably far more guys who would be interested in being part of a situation Josh and Dylan gpt themselves into than there are guys who claim to be gay. If being straight or gay is not a 0-1 either-or kind of thing, but rather a 0-5 continuum, then maybe Dylan and Josh can claim to be somewhere in the middle of the scale. But wait, as a practical matter, is there ANY guy out there who would not like to be either Dylan or Josh in such a situation if he could do so without somehow getting “labeled” as “being gay” in so doing? A most interesting question to be sure. What I am hinting at is that the vast majority of guys if not all might be interested in changing places with Dylan or Josh if the opportunity presented itself, no strings or sexual orientation labeling baggage attached. This is deep stuff for each guy to think about, really deep, complicated stuff at the core of who each of them is as a person and as a human being. But, for now, back to the presents Dylan and Josh bought for each other. Neither Dylan nor Josh would be in the mindset they were in had they both not thought that their shopping would lead to some new “situations” to uncover and to struggle with. But snug-fitting running tights and what amounts to compression shorts masquerading as underwear are both a little different from swim briefs of various sizes. Each of the items provides a fit and feel that is unique. The running tights are most interesting given how they fit really snug through the calf and ankle; the shorts fit really snug in the thigh area. Neither of these areas would not be considered sexually “active” pars of a guy’s body, or would they? Something “drew” Dylan and Josh to these items and to the conclusion that they might be “sexually active” Not in the way the really tight-fitting swim briefs were, but active nonetheless. What happens next is entirely up to Dylan and Josh. There is some reason why even Walmart carries this stuff, even though Walmart may not fully understand what is going on. Hey, if guys are somehow buying it, then Walmart should be selling it! A lot of “goofy stuff” is going on right now. More swim teams are back to wearing briefs at least the top swimmers are. Walmart is selling underwear that looks more like compression gear than underwear. Loose-fitting boxer shorts are. apparently losing favor with guys, and Walmart and other places that do not specialize in sports gear are selling running tights. Jeans for men contain Spandex® and are nearly skin-tight. SOMETHING is going on relative to only a few years ago for sure, but what? To be continued… |
Already, it is starting to happen…
Given what Dylan and Josh have already been through, you wouldn’t necessarily think that these latest items (gifts) that Josh and Dylan are exchanging would be any big deal at all. Think back on all the stuff that Dylan and Josh have been through already and the various situations each has found himself in already. The straps, the cups, the super-snug wrestling singlets, the thong underwear, not to mention the most recent “failed” attempts by each to try on swim briefs of decreasing sizes. Combine that with the incidents whereby each of them has watched the other guy simply jerk off in some type of gear to the point where he couldn’t “take” the pressure any more and “had” to shoot semen, and you start to realize that this has been a most interesting “journey” for both of them a journey that has taken each of them to “places” that as guys they had each never been before.
What kinds of places, anyway? On the surface this all appears to be rather tame stuff that Dylan and Josh are doing compared with the situations some college freshmen males get themselves into---too much alcohol, experimentation with drugs, sex with girls that might or perhaps might not be totally consensual, a pregnancy, an STD, perhaps serious or not-so serious. The list of possible ways that male college freshmen can get themselves into real trouble quickly is quite long indeed. But, both Dylan and Josh are good kids, and neither of them are the kinds of individuals who are seeking to make a mess of their lives with a bad decision or two that might be made in only one or two reckless moments. Think about that as you read this. Dylan and Josh are both smart-and-capable students who are not prone to attempting to fulfill reckless urges at the drop of a hat. At first, that may seem like a silly thought, but it is not. Dylan and Josh remain who they each are, capable and somewhat shy, sensitive young men. I think it is important to recognize that even smart, capable, shy and sensitive young men still have “normal’ male urges, urges that simply cannot be ignored for significant periods of time. Pretending that guys like Dylan and Josh somehow “escaped” having such urges is a rather silly idea too. Most guys know that male urges sometimes pop up in unexpected ways, places and times. I’m not sure exactly what was going on with Dylan and Josh over their winter break, but something really interesting was triggered when each of them was rather nonchalantly wandering through their respective local Walmart stores over the break. It is relatively easy to understand why each of them might be “interested” upon seeing some snug-fitting clothing items just hanging there on a clothing rack. At this point I think most of my readers realize that there is something going on in both of their brains that has “programmed” both of them to be “on the watch” for such items. Whatever that is, it is programmed way deep in the psyche. Not something that either of them would care to share with anyone (other than, perhaps, each other). Certainly not something a guy would share with his parents, siblings or most any other peer, male or female. So this gets to be complicated stuff to for a guy deal with, really complicated stuff. What makes this all most interesting is that both Dylan and Josh know enough about each other that each of them at least suspects that the other one would be interested too. I think all of my readers know exactly what I am attempting to communicate here. For guys who share the “problem” that Dylan and Josh have, it is somehow reassuring to be at a point where there is (at least) one other person who you are comfortable sharing your problem with. Oddly, enough for guys, this other person is probably not going to be a person of the opposite sex, as in a female. Why this is normally true gets into some complicated stuff as well. The short version is that there is nothing in the female psyche that works quite the way certain items of snug-fitting clothing work for many males. Soon I am into some really deep stuff about whether Josh and Dylan’s “behavior” in this regard is commonplace or relatively rare among young males as a group. Then I start asking myself if there are a lot of guys out there who deep down would like very much to be in the place and time where Dylan and Josh are, or few, if any. Of course, the big elephant in the room is still the issue of where Dylan and Josh each fall on the scale depicting sexual orientation. Is their fascination with snug-fitting clothing along with seeming enjoyment of seeing each other masturbate to ejaculation simply an indicator that both Dylan and Josh are simply closeted gay guys who by accident ended up being roommates? Right now, I do not know the answer to that question. Maybe if I keep writing chapters I will eventually find the answer. For now, let me say that it has taken both Dylan and Josh some courage to get to the place where they are right now. It is not every college freshman who would feel comfortable with the whole idea of buying his roommate such a personal gift, let alone a gift that each of them suspected might lead to a situation whereby each might get to watch the other jerk off in the new item. For now, I will stop with all of this deep analysis and let my readers contemplate what the future for Dylan and Josh might hold. How would YOU, me reader, feel if YOU were the recipient of one of these gifts, and all that implies? To be continued (of course)…. |
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