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Which door would YOU choose?
Let me set up a hypothetical situation for Dylan and Josh, and in the process you can think about how YOU would respond to the same set of circumstances. Three doors, and your job is to decide which door you would select (and maybe why). I’ve been thinking a lot lately about self=pleasuring, particularly under a specific set of circumstances. Those circumstances are self-pleasuring with an observer.
From the perspective of the story, the two observers are the two guys in the story are Dylan and Josh. The three doors are actually three booths, just tall enough for a guy or lady to stand in. Each of the doors has a large glass window with a venetian blind on it. Except for door number 3, which is the same as the other two but with no venetian blind. Looking in the third door, Dylan and Josh can see that this booth is completely empty. The venetian blind is opened on Door number 1, and Dylan and Josh could watch a rather attractive young woman who is scantily-clad but not completely nude. Furthermore, it is obvious that she is playing with herself and enjoying what she is doing to herself immensely, if the gentle moans coming from the booth are any indication. She sounds like she is about to go into an orgasm, but she is not quite there,…yet. When the venetian blind is opened on door number t, it is obvious that there is a rather good looking guy with a swimmer’s build who is struggling to get into a swim brief that is at the very verge of being too small to fit him. His problem is that even as he struggles to make his body deal with the situation, he is increasingly getting a hard-on, and worse, the more he struggles the more difficult the task becomes. Will he ultimately get himself into the suit? Will he ejaculate before he gets there? These are unknowns, and to be determined. Behind door number 3 there is nothing. Those who choose door number 3 are those who are put off, perhaps revolted, by any of the activity occurring behind doors 1 or 2. Now keep in mind that that everything that is happening (or not) is taking place behind the doors with the glass windows. And, interestingly, at least doors 1 and 2 are locked, so there is absolutely no touching or physical contact possible at all…this is all about self-pleasuring with an observer. So, if you were Dylan or Josh, which door would you choose? Some of you might be saying “This is easy, if a guy is strictly straight, he would choose door 1. If a guy is gay, door 2 would be the choice. But is it that simple? And what about the possibility of a female as an observer? Would females all be repulsed by the goings on behind either door 1 or door 2 and instead choose door 3? Good question. I’ve heard estimates that range from 5-10 percent as the percentage of the male population is actually gay. This in itself is a complicated puzzle. If you had a bunch of guys of undetermined sexual orientation would a larger percentage, say 15%, 20% or more show up in front of door 2? Do some guys who really want to watch what is happening at door 2 go instead to door 1 so as to not upset their purportedly heterosexual friends? And what about the unlocked door 3? Would one of the guys (or even a woman) who was an observer really like to get in the booth with the door with the glass window and make his or her own “presentation” instead? To be continued… |
Complicated questions, complicated issues here
I guess, in theory at least, straight males are supposed to flock to watch what is going on behind door number 1, and would be comfortable if there were other males who were there with them watching and enjoying the same thing. At least that is what everyone is “taught” to believe. I suppose the same case could be made that the audience in front of door number 1 could include females who like women aka lesbians. Again, that is how we are all “supposed” to understand how human sexuality works in theory and practice. Still, I wonder if this is that simple.
Door number 2 poses some even more interesting questions. Given what I am hearing in the news media, I am becoming less and less convinced that most women have an interest in seeing a guy coping with a situation whereby he is gradually getting more and more erect, or, if they do have any interest in such, they would expect this to occur when the woman is alone with a man not in a situation as I described in the previous chapter. Besides, this is getting into some tricky stuff, as in the seeming “anger” many women seem to have at the mere THOUGHT of a guy putting on a swim brief, erection happening or not. As I think about this it becomes more and more confusing to me. Would the “audience” for the guy at the second door consist entirely of guys who are openly gay, or is their more going on here than that? It is my view that the guys hanging out around door 2 might very well consist of far more than those who consider themselves to be gay. That is the part that gets really complicated to think about, because some guys might really want to watch the guy struggle getting into his swim brief but are worried that if they watch, they will quickly get labeled as gay. This gets into the really complicated issue of who is gay and who is not. Does a male’s interest in seeing this guy struggle to get into his skimpy swim brief somehow “prove” that the observing male is gay or not? And what of the guy attempting to get into the swim brief? Is this a turn-on in part because he thinks that what is happening to him as he struggles will attract straight women, or is he primarily interested in attracting males who are sexually interested in other males? And what of door number 3. Any person in the audience, male or female, could go into door number 3 and do his or her own “show with the idea of getting aroused and attracting men or women who find the show to be sexually exciting. Is this more of a turn-on than merely watching the individuals behind doors 1 and 2? And, what of Dylan and Josh in all of this? Would they likely be found standing in front of door 1, door 2, or would one or both of them be thinking about how much fun it would be to be doing their own show at door 3. And, if 3 is the choice what would be the sex and sexual orientation of the expected audience. Now Dylan has already done some of this in front of Josh in the privacy of the college dorm room. As a consequence, Dylan and Josh remain good friends and roommates and the entire world did not stop spinning on its axis. I remain convinced that if I could find the answers to all of these questions, I would have a far better understanding of how sexual orientation determination really works, answers to some questions that the sex researchers have never been able to answer either. But then, I am still struggling with trying to answer the question of whether or not Josh’s willingness to simply watch Dylan struggle with his own arousal and Dylan’s seeming comfort in doing it openly in front of his roommate Josh says anything about either Josh or Dylan’s ultimate sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is actually on a sliding scale that has many more than only five or six categories, and that is part of what makes questions like these so interesting to analyze. To be continued… |
All sorts of interesting things to think about
Neither women’s nor guy’s bodies are completely smooth and shapeless. Both women and guys have all sorts of different bumps that even when covered with an item of clothing are readily apparent. Many if not most of these bumps and protrusions have, or potentially could have, a sexual connotation to another person. The most obvious example is a woman’s bosom. The female genitalia are less obvious than male genitalia under cover of cloth, for the most part, but that in no way means that the female anatomy is not still present underneath.
The women’s fashion industry seems to be fixated on developing items of clothing that put the protrusions of the female body on display. The fixation of Muslims on covering the female body to the extent to which the entire female anatomy is hidden by cloth can be thought of as simply a reaction to all of this—that any public display of the female anatomy, intentional or unintentional, even as seen under clothing is unacceptable. But for most other women, playing with this in various ways is all part of the fun of being a human female. With sexual harassment issues in the forefront nowadays, we could get into a long discussion on the entire subject of what is appropriate versus inappropriate female attire in the workplace that contains both men and women, and how far a working female dare stretch the bounds without bringing on situations that they might not want to face. But it is no wonder that guys often get confused as to exactly what is going on. Take swimwear attire for females, for example. Many females have long been known for pushing the boundaries of attire from the standpoint of body coverage, both top and bottom. Why do they do this? Are they seeking out an available male for courtship? Are they already tied and attempting to make their husband or constant companion sexually exited and happy? Or maybe some other reason? The ongoing feminist movement seems more or less repulsed by all of this display of the female anatomy in this way. Not all feminist women are sexually interested in other women but certainly some are. The stereotype for lesbian clothing is something that looks rather “boyish”, say a flannel shirt and blue jeans. Certainly this is a stereotype not all lesbians dress like this but some do. And there doesn’t appear to be the interest among lesbians in the type of clothing items that a sexually-active straight woman might wear if the goal is to attract an eligible male. I’ll bet at this point you are wondering what all of this has to do with guys and guys who wear swim briefs. Think about it. One reason swim briefs are not popular with guys is because of the association of the design with gay men. A guy who is wearing a swim brief might be straight, but the ODDS of the guy being gay are higher than if he were wearing board shorts (or even a jammer). So in some ways the swim brief becomes a non-verbal cue that a guy could be gay even if that is not generally known. Most females have no partnership interest in guys whose sexual orientation is uncertain let alone gay. So, why take the “risk” of making a pass at a guy when there is this non-verbal cue going on that he could be gay or at least uncertain about his sexual orientation. Then there is the whole subject of what does wearing a swim brief communicate to other guys your age about who you are and, perhaps, your sexual orientation? Many straight guys may have the same concern that many women appear to have about the swim brief being a nonverbal cue that you are gay or uncertain about your sexual orientation, and this concern gets magnified the fewer the number of guys wearing swim briefs and the more in board shorts. Then there is the entire subject of protruding body parts hidden by cloth in the male versus female anatomy. The vast majority of males would not automatically decide that a female is perhaps a lesbian if she were wearing a tiny bikini barely big enough to cover up key body parts. Indeed, perhaps quite the opposite. But male bulges are somewhat different in that regard,…very different. There is a degree of discomfort apparently carried by many if not most heterosexual females and males that a male bulge in the groin is an indicator of sexual orientation whereas a female bosom bulge has nothing at all to do with female sexual orientation. Then there is the issue that heterosexual men are fascinated by female bulges and protrusions, but many females not so much when applied to men. I think that is where much of the pent-up anger we hear expressed by women about guys wearing Speedos® comes from. I guess many women find the male anatomy even covered by cloth to be something they do not want to have to deal with if at all possible. A related issue that a guy’s bulge wearing a swim brief might vary in size even from moment to moment and everyone knows that this could indicate the degree of sexual arousal at any point in time. Best to leave all of this covered under loose-fitting board shorts. Complicating this is the fact that at least some (many? even most?) will likely start to grow somewhat even getting themselves into a swim brief. What is THAT all about, anyway? Guys getting hard even without a sexual partner present. Surely, that is weird if not scary. So what about Dylan and Josh then, who just placed this big order for swim briefs in various sizes, all snug-fitting and chosen to be difficult to put on or take off? Why would they do such a thing? Do they intend to wear any of these in a situation where they might be meeting young women their age or are these briefs simply for self pleasuring in the privacy of the dorm room? Are young women the age of Dylan and Josh OK with either one of them wearing a swim brief or is this a big turn-off for them? These are complicated questions, all of them. To be continued… |
Boys to men
Once I made the transition from boy to man, I thought that I had discovered something in arousal and ejaculation that was absolutely marvelous. I guess that like many other guys my age, I wondered over and over whether or not my situation was somehow unique, and whether or not my peer males were dealing with and trying to cope with the same feelings and sensations that were happening to me. Like most guys my age, my first orgasms combined feelings of unresolved terror accompanied by sensations of pure joy and unbridled pleasure. What a strange deal to have two things so different from each other to be happening essentially at the same time! To this day I still keep wondering about how guys manage to navigate this part of their lives without getting into more difficulty than they do, at least most of the time.
Why is this happening to me? What does this all mean, anyway, in the larger scheme of things? It was not long after that I learned that a guy did not need to wait until stuff just more-or-less happened in order to enjoy himself (Can you say “nocturnal emission”?). Indeed, a guy could purposely play with himself in an assortment of different ways that would more-or-less “help” the process along, and that a lot of the fun part was not the orgasm itself, but the entire process of getting to the orgasm. I’ve often thought about this as it applies to other guys—guys that are so fixated on getting to the orgasm part that they fail to enjoy getting there as much as they could if they were not so much laser-focused primarily on the end result. And furthermore, guys may be missing out on experiencing the strongest and most profound orgasm by being in a big hurry to get there, and that a far better strategy is to stop enjoy each moment of arousal along the way. I’ve long known that every arousal sequence is different and each one has special moments that can (should? must?) be savored and enjoyed to its fullest. And, I’ve always struggled with how best to bring in another person or partner into all of this. In a partner situation, guys frequently end up focusing most of their attention on whether or not the other person in the relationship is enjoying him or herself. Finding a place where both individuals are equally engaged and enjoying both themselves and each other is no small task, and a task that needs to be undertaken with a great deal of care and thought. In heterosexual relationships, this can and often does drive guys bananas, as they never seem to be doing exactly the right thing to please their partners. I’m not certain if gay relationships are less complicated in this regard either. Besides, if having one’s penis inside a vagina is absolutely the greatest place for a guy to ever be, then how is it that the divorce rate for married couples is so high? For that matter, is the situation any different for gay couples, male or female? Maybe partner relationships of any sort are not all that they are cracked up to be, at least for a lot of people. What is going on here anyway? If this were simple why does it all seem so complicated? In heterosexual relationships, the fear of pregnancy for unmarried couples has long held guys back from guys doing what they think they would like to do to and with each other. (Is she on the pill? Will her birth control work? Should I be wearing a condom?) Traditionally, male gay relationships were about activities that were always described as “activities involving the exchange of bodily fluids” (which was just a nice way of saying either oral or anal sex). HIV in large measure severely limited if not put a stop to casual sex involving an exchange of bodily fluids as the risks suddenly were too high. The outcome of all of this has meant that gay men who want to still engage with a partner casually have become creative in finding ways to accomplish this without engaging in risky behaviors. It’s been reported that HIV infection rates and deaths from HIV have plummeted and this has been largely attributed to better and better drugs, but in fact this probably has as much to do with finding new ways for gay men to sexually relate to each other without exchanging in risky activities. What does this all have to do with Dylan and Josh, two 19-year old college guys stuffed as roommates in a snug dorm room with little privacy? While both of them consider themselves to be straight, and still probably thinking about long-term relationships with women, neither of them are at a point in their lives where this is imminently feasible. After all, they are both still freshmen, with a lot of stuff to do before they can really think about this in front of them. Dylan and Josh both struggled in high school with all the issues outlined here with respect to their changing bodies and urges. Guys sometimes think once they are in college, they will have more freedom to do as they want, including being able to be at least a little less secretive when they feel the need to cope with the urges that happen to guys. Both Dylan and Josh are dealing with the exact same issues and problems, with the key now being how can they each move forward while remaining as roommates and good friends. Of course, Dylan and Josh have already gone a certain ways in this regard. Is what has happened so far somehow common to many college freshmen males stuffed into dorm rooms that essentially provide no privacy. There are the issues surrounding the clothing items in the collection that Dylan’s already has, and Josh’s apparent willingness to “join in on the fun” in wearing some of the items of Dylan’s collection. Then there is the swim brief order that both of them put together and are still waiting on arriving. Dylan and Josh were both pretty candid with each other. Indeed, the way they did this is that they were trying to pick out swim briefs of a style, cut and size that would almost ensure that each of them are not going to remain flaccid for long. What is going to happen when the order arrives? Is each of them going to try on their items in private somehow? That may be difficult to do given the dorm room situation. Furthermore why shouldn’t they share with each other the experience? Guys are normally naturally curious about how other guys cope with a situation such as this. And what of Bill and Joe? Are Dylan and Josh going to invite them to their room to show Bill and Joe the “loot”? Deep down, Dylan and Josh no doubt realize that Bill and Joe could be “interested” in what they are doing with the collection of swim briefs. And if Bill and Joe do get invited, how far is this likely to go, anyway? Does nearly every guy over time collect items of clothing that are useful for jerking off? What does a guy do with these items if he gets into a serious relationship with another person? To be continued… |
The big order (finally) arrives!
Dylan and Josh made their big order for swimsuits of various sizes and brands as the holiday season was approaching, and the package carrying services are always very busy this time of year. Despite the best efforts on the part of the vendors, packages always move more slowly than they would in non-peak times of year. But, the day is here, and the package has arrived.
I’m sure my readers all know what was in the order, five swim briefs of various brands and styles for Dylan and three for Josh. In days gone by, Dylan and Josh might have gone out to one of those big sporting goods stores at the mall and picked out some swim briefs on the rack. However, except in a few areas of the US this is a difficult if not impossible to do. From the spring through the height of the summertime swimming season, these stores may carry a few swim briefs, but only in limited colors and brands (commonly traditional 3-inch Speedos® in solid Navy and Black) but it would be very rare to see a long row of briefs in brighter colors and patterns, and the skimpier designs would likely not be there at all. That business has basically all gone on line, and particularly to the large vendors that specialize in swimming gear. That is where the on line order came in. The disadvantage to all of this is that guys don’t get to touch and feel the fabric of the designs they chose, but that is all part of the fun. So, Josh and Dylan open the order with a degree of anticipation as to what might be inside. Dare I mention that both Dylan and Josh are starting to feel a little horny just thinking about what they are about to do, just examining the items in the order. Already, both Dylan and Josh’s bodies are starting to provide clear signals that this day and event is special in a unique way. Most guys know that whenever they get into a situation that could ultimately lead to an erection, their bodies quickly respond in a unique way by suddenly creating a few drops of clear, viscous pre cum, and that this pre cum has a way of making itself known by a sensation of a tiny damp spot on a guy’s underwear right at the penis tip. Already, once this happens, Dylan and Josh are realizing that they must have done the “right” thing by making the big order. Nearly every guy has probably experienced this and felt this way, but few ever reveal this, particularly is a situation that does not ultimately lead to sex with a partner. This is subtle but fascinating stuff to ponder. Would other guys, faced with the same situation, respond in the same way, or are Dylan and Josh unique in this respect? That is an interesting question to ponder for sure. For now, just take note that even as the order is unpacked, Dylan and Josh are already “enjoying” themselves in a special way. So, the procedure now is to carefully check out each item in the order, one at-a-time. First, separate the pile of five suits that belong to Dylan from the pile of three suits that belongs to Josh. Then the logical way to proceed is to go through each pile from the biggest to the smallest suit. Keep in mind that as they arrive, each suit will be in a separate plastic bag each with an adhesive-backed sticker containing the waist size, brand and color. So to actually see the size and style of the suit the plastic bag has to go. Start with Dylan’s five suits from biggest to smallest. The biggest suit in that pile is the Speedo® Grab bag brief, size 32”. Dylan separates that suit from the others in the pile, and tears open the plastic bag. Now keep in mind that with these grab bag briefs, there are going to be colors and patterns that for whatever reason did not sell well at full price. And, ordering late in the season in a popular size 32, these are liable to be patterned suits in bright colors the more conservative swimmers would have stayed away from The color in this particular suit is a bright, almost neon, aqua blue mottled with splashes of darker and lighter blue as well…definitely not an unassuming suit on a guy. Indeed, the color and pattern nearly screams “I’m a guy in a Speedo®! Take a look at my bod!”. Dylan is already thinking, at least to himself, that had he been able to pick a color and pattern himself for a 32-inch Speedo® brief, this would not have been his first choice. Still, ANY Speedo® brief is fun to get into and wear. Now a standard Speedo brief with 3-inch sides is sometimes not thought of as the sexiest male swim brief, given all the skimpier designs with narrower sides and lower rises out there. Still, there is something special about the “traditional” Speedo® brief that has stood the test of time. For want of a better explanation, I call this the Royal Blue Christopher Atkins effect from the old Dallas TV show. The realization is that a guy’s bod can look really really good in one of these. It’s tough to determine exactly why this is true but it’s part of the reason why Speedo® has succeeded as a company over the years. I’ve observed that the traditional Speedo® cut fits and when new at least feels really snug even in the “correct” size. The cut just grabs a guy’s butt and holds it and caresses it. On top of that, Speedo has never been keen on building pouches with extra space for a guy’s ‘nads, like some manufacturers are prone to do. Pretty much, this means that, at least when the suit is new, a guy’s going to be in there pretty tight even when wearing the “right” size Speedo®. The only place for the (growing) penis to go is up, and that means that the guy will create his own “pouch” as a bulge where none existed before. This may not be as apparent in a suit with wild pattern such as the one Dylan got, but it’s still going to be there. This is a great “opportunity” for Dylan to enjoy himself. At some level, Dylan knows that. And we haven’t even begun to look at the other suits in the pile. To be continued… |
Dylan works through his suits in order
First off, both Dylan and Josh are interested in determining if the orders for the suits they picked out on line came through as if they planned. Oddly, enough, both Dylan and Josh are both feeling rather horny as they do this. Every guy knows the feeling, more or less, a funny sensation that started just after a guy realizes that something big is happening inside his body. Early on, guys learn that the big payoff in being a grown-up male is the ability to have an orgasm. But this sensation seems different entirely. Josh and Dylan aren’t near uncontrollable ejaculation, and both of them know that.
Still, they know that something is going on given that their bodies are responding the way they are. This is odd stuff. How should simply looking through a bunch of swim briefs get a guy going like this anyway? Subtle as all get out, those cowpers glands are! They have this way of letting a guy know that he is venturing into uncharted territory, so to speak. What kind of territory anyway? Well, fear of the unknown. Exactly how are Dylan and Josh’s bodies going to “react” when they try to get into these suits, one at-a-time? Right now, their brains and their cowpers glands are merely sending signals back and forth, and the cowpers glands are responding by slowly producing those wonderful glistening drops of pre cum. Not that Dylan and Josh are unhappy that this has all caught them up. They might be scared or nervous about it all if they were in a gym locker room with several other guys their age for fear of what could happen next and that things could quickly gt out of control, so to speak. But for now, it’s just the two of them, horny feeling but not erect, sorting through the suits in order. I’ve often thought that the Speedo® people has built its brand over many years simply by messing with guys and what happens to a lot of them when they simply CONTEMPLATE the whole idea of getting into a Speedo®. In this regard Dylan and Josh are probably no different in how they respond to that idea than tons of other guys, at least guys who have not normally worn a swim brief but at some level think they might want to try and see if they could “deal” with the situation. This is also where the so-called “fear of Speedos® comes in. Besides, Speedo® likes to make briefs that works well for swimming fast, which says snug fit even if the brief isn’t that skimpy and purportedly is the “right” waist size, in this case a 32 W. they should loosen up somewhat after a guy wears them a few times and maybe swims in them for a few weeks. But then, what of right now? If Dylan can successfully tolerate a brand new Speedo® in his “correct” waist size without anything happening he can then experiment with penis position, which for Speedo is often “up” since Speedos aren’t known for having pouches but instead attempt to “flatten” a guy’s anatomy. Of course, that doesn’t hide anything, and Speedo guys rather know that. More of the “Christopher Atkins look” if you know what I mean. And we haven’t even begun to look at the other suits in the pile. The next brief in the pile is the Sporti Euro brief in that bright Kelly green color. The Sporti Euro brief is really more of an Asian than Euro cut. Now the green is a beautiful color if a little attention-grabbing. It screams “I want to be seen in a swim brief” and some guys are really into that. Of course, Josh chose the Euro design for Dylan specifically to see whether or not he could deal with the situation. The Euro is cut narrower in the sides than the Speedo by far, maybe 1 ½ inches in the 30-inch waist size. But the other thing is that the Euro is shorter, a good deal shorter, which means that with Dylan’s body, even in a 30-inch waist size, it’s going to be something of a struggle to make sure his butt crack is completely covered. American guys wearing swim briefs often worry that a little of their butt crack could be showing in the rear with the skimpier suits. This is not an issue with a standard Speedo, and doesn’t seem to concern the Asian guys one bit---it’s all just part of the look when wearing a skimpy swim brief. So guys wearing a Euro brief initially want to keep tugging at the rear to ensure full coverage of their rear. But in doing so, this means the space for your ‘nads is going to keep getting less available. So the tradeoff becomes whether your ‘nads aren’t crunched up versus having a bit of butt crack show in the rear. The reviews on the Web site selling these briefs seem to indicate, first off, that a lot of guys really like these suits, and that they have found ways around the “problem” I have outlined. These are not pouch briefs either, and the only practical way is “up” The Sporti Euro briefs are a “Best Seller” on line. But, what happens if a guy “downsizes” a Euro just a bit, to a 28-inch waist? The sides are going to get narrower and the brief will be shorter too. What will happen to Dylan then, do you think? To be continued… |
Great story, Sebbie. Can't wait until they start trying them on and see what happens between them.
Dylan continues to examine the items in the order.
The next suit is Dylan’s “collection” is another Sporti Euro brief, one that appears to be identical in every way except for a different color—royal blue rather than the bright Kelly green of the previous one. Of course, there is another difference, a difference that may appear to be subtle—or not. The waist size on the Royal blue Euro brief is 28 inches rather than 30 inches. This may not seem like much, but it may make a big difference in both how the suit fits and feels on Dylan. And Dylan knows that.
I’ve already mentioned the potential “problem” with the Euro briefs. Basically, it’s not the width of the sides so much as the fact that they are cut quite low—lower than most Americans are “used to wearing. Now if Dylan were Asian, this probably would not be such a big deal. But Dylan knows that if he has trouble “covering his butt” in the suit with the 30-inch waist, things are only going to get more “difficult” for him to cope with the situation when he gets into the 28-incher. “Won’t know unless I try the two suits on in succession” Dylan thinks to himself. “but this COULD get errrr interesting for sure!” Of course we all know exactly what Dylan was thinking when he said “interesting”. Somehow Josh figured that what seemed pretty subtle a choice when picking out the suits might “affect” Dylan in this way. Perhaps I should mention a little bit about Dylan’s physique and what happens size wise when he picks out clothing for himself. Ostensibly, Dylan considers himself to be a 32-inch waist. When he buys jeans he would nominally pick a pair 32 W x 30 I, a very common size for a reasonably-fit 19-year old. But sometimes Dylan thinks the 32 W 30 I Jeans fit a little “loose” and are not quite right for him and his body. He has been known to downsize just a bit to 31 W x 30 I and has one pair of 30W x 30 I This particular pair just big enough around the waist so Dylan can get himself into them without too much trouble, and he likes the way he looks with the snugger fit. He doesn’t openly admit these, but he likes the way he feels in the snugger jeans too. In swimwear, Dylan figures that a 32-inch waist in a swim brief should fit with no problem at all. The 30-inch Euro brief might be a bit more difficult but still should be quite doable without too much of a struggle. But Dylan also is thinking that even the 28-inch Euro might be pushing it a little. Of course, as the waist size comes down, whether or not the next smaller size fits or not in part depends on the “condition” he is in going into the next smaller size. Let’s face it, the 28-inch brief might be easier to get into right away if a guy had not previously tried on a 32-inch brief and then a 30-inch brief, already somewhat horny and at the verge of growing, and then as one brief comes off and the next one gets pulled on the guy ends up having more and more that needs to be covered by a series of briefs that keep getting smaller and smaller and more and more difficult to get into. At some point, in order to continue, something may have to “give.” Of course, the 28-inch Euro is not the end of the “challenge” Two more much smaller briefs await. The first one is a bright red iSwim “Youth” brief in size 26Y. Why isn’t this a plain ordinary men’s brief size 26? The “Y” indicates that this is a brief designed for “Youth” rather than an adult male. A 26” would be approximately equivalent to a boys size 14. Swim briefs stretch horizontally though some more than others Dylan thinks it might be possible to get the brief to fit on his waist, but the fit might be more than a little confining with respect to the body parts contained within. The difference between a brief labeled 26Y from a 26 is not in the waist size, but the fact that the sides are narrower than a standard 26 incher and that the amount of cloth covering the butt is less than on the adult size. Dylan looks at the brief and notes are almost as narrow as those on the Euro brief and that is without any horizontal stretching. The severe undersizing is going to only make this brief look even more skimpy on Dylan, if he is able to get himself into it at all. Dylan lays the iSwim brief over the top of the 28-inch Sporti Euro brief. It not only has a smaller waist, but it is about ¾ inch shorter top to bottom as well. This could get most interesting to say the least. But there is still one more brief in Dylan’s briefs—a Sporti Piped Youth brief in black with gold piping, size 24Y. This looks like something sized for a beginning swimmer in a youth swimming group. Dylan will never be able to get himself put into such a way undersized suit, or will he? Next up, it is Josh’s turn to take the briefs Dylan picked for him out of the packaging, and check out the sizes and colors. To be continued… |
Now it is Josh’s turn
Now it is Josh’s turn to remove the swim briefs Dylan picked for Josh from their packaging and examine the color, sizing and feel. Keep in mind that even though Josh and Dylan share a mutual interest in snug-fitting clothing, Josh is much less experienced at doing this than Dylan is. After all, Dylan messed around with this surreptitiously when he was still in high school. Josh, on the other hand, had neither the thoughts nor the opportunities to do some of these things at that age, even with the tamer stuff.
Josh’s one “big” experience was the day Dylan lent him Dylan’s Desmiit® Thong to wear under his wrestling singlet. You remember, the day Dylan and Josh went along with Bill and Joe to work out at the student gym just down the street from their dorm room. To be sure, Josh thought that all of this was a lot of fun, but also that he might be uncovering a “darker” side to his own person as a sexual human being—at once a fun place to be that Josh was more than a little unsure about whether or not he wanted to visit again at all let alone on a more-or-less “regular” basis. Still, these sexual feelings and sensations exert a powerful influence over who a guy is and where he wants to go at any point in time, often varying moment by moment. Dylan has grasped all of this, but Josh is still, well, a bit uneasy about what he might be getting himself into here. When Dylan first explained the idea to Josh about buying a series of swim briefs each one smaller than the last and then trying each one on until a guy reached a point where he could no longer deal with the tension and had to uncontrollably ejaculate in order to cope, Josh thought Dylan might have simply gone out of his tree. This might be a turn-on for Dylan, but Josh was more level-headed that that. And besides, this couldn’t be as “tough” a test of ejaculatory control than wearing that Desmiit thong Dylan borrowed him was. What would make just trying on swim briefs of various sizes be so difficult for even a horny 19-year old guy to deal with, anyway? That should not be so tough to deal with, or is it? Still, if the Desmiit thong was an all-new experience for Josh, keep in mind that Josh has had only very limited experience in wearing swim briefs of any size or cut, and that Dylan was not going to make this all “easy” on him. Dylan “hand selected” swim briefs for josh that Dylan thought might do it. So here we have the scene: two horny 19-year-old college guys posing a challenge to both themselves and each other to see who can work their way down swim briefs of various sizes without by trying them on one at-a-time without getting so hard that ejaculation is inevitable. Seems easy enough for a guy to do, huh? As college stunts by freshmen in a dorm room go, this one SEEMS rather tame. Just a “contest” of sorts, a contest in which the guy with the most control of his mind and body wins the top prize. Unlike Dylan, Josh as but three not five briefs to work through, and Josh’s smallest brief is two inches bigger than Dylan’s smallest brief. So, Josh’s briefs in sequence are: Brief 1 an iSwim regular brief, size 30” Waist, in bright red. Now this is a low-dollar competitor to a standard Speedo swim brief in a solid color. The sides are fairly wide on this brief, a little over 2 ½ inches in the 30-inch waist size. iSwim is the successor to the no-longer used ClubSwim brand name. There is a front panel liner in a very dark navy blue color. Now iSwim briefs are intended to be workout briefs guys who swim regularly. The $5.99 price is low enough so that they can simply be tossed if they fade from the chlorine or start to get loose fitting. Interestingly, the cut on these is pretty low, A 30-incher should be tall enough to cover Josh’s butt crack completely, but without any real room to spare. And there is the constant problem that without a pouch as such, even a somewhat horny 19-year old is only going to fit if he goes “up”. A guy’s state of erection should be pretty obvious in this position. The next brief size wise is also an iSwim, but this time size 28 inches and labeled as a “youth” brief, and in bright Royal Blue not red. Josh now has the opportunity to see exactly how the size of a youth brief compares with same brand in the adult brief in size 30. The waist is obviously smaller. Indeed the sides are narrower too, Josh thinks maybe under two inches. And the brief has less cloth in the butt than the adult brief does, but, most importantly, the measurement from top to bottom is shorter by nearly an inch. Josh wonders if he will be able to cover his butt crack wearing this brief, and if so, how will he manage that especially if he is semi erect. The third brief should be the biggest challenge of all, a 26 incher labeled “Y” from Sporti, this one black but with a red piping. Josh wonders if this brief will stretch enough so that he would be able to get into it at all, but that is all part of the fun. If he can get in, so to speak, how he looks wearing the seriously undersized brief is another matter entirely. With the snug fit, every male body part is probably going to be straining under the tension, and Josh will somehow have to deal with that. Still, Josh is thinking to himself that he managed to obtain all three swim briefs for just under $20, about the cost of a single grab bag Speedo®. So if one or even two of them can’t be worn as a real swim brief for workouts at the gym, not a lot is lost for goodness sake. And, as Josh sorts through the brief he is starting to fel pretty good in a bunch of different ways. If Josh’s body is happy and his wallet is still in good shape, why shouldn’t he simply be happy as well? And Josh is seriously wondering how Dylan will cope or not. Those thoughts merely add to the overall tension Josh has been feeling. And Dylan is wondering the same about the less experienced Josh. As goofy stunts by male college freshmen roommates go, this is an interesting one with few is any risks—at least relative to the kinds of risks college male freshmen often take. To be continued… [Author’s note: I’m sure some of you are thinking that this story is proceeding very slowly, perhaps painfully slow. Why are Dylan and Josh taking all this time to merely examine the items in the swim brief order? Why can’t they get to the “fun” part of trying the suits on in order, size-wise. I almost hesitate to explain this, but this is sometimes like a little boy waiting to unwrap his Christmas “gifts” and the holiday is still three or four days away. As Dylan and Josh examine each suit, they can’t help but thinking about how the suit is going to fit, and whether they will each have any chance at all in getting their penises and balls inside even as each successively smaller suit gets tighter and snugger. It’s this “fear of the unknown right now that is making them both feel so horny. And as they sort this out they keep getting hornier and hornier just thinking about what could (will) happen. The pre cum that started out as an occasional drop of glistening viscous fluid is flowing more steadily now, even though neither of them for the moment have a significant hard-on. There is tension brewing in the groin area even without trying on a single suit, and this tension is going to get only more difficult to deal with as they start to actually try on the suits. Other things might start to happen too, and part of the fun in doing this is that the other things may not be under direct control of a guy’s brain. At some point, a guy’s body starts “playing” with his conscious being. Doing exactly what Josh and Dylan are doing would be a fun thing for almost any guy to try. In the process you will learn something about yourself as a sexual human being. You may struggle with the idea of whether or not it’s OK to try this with a friend or partner present, or whether this is something a guy might want to try or should instead do in private. Dylan and Josh have been struggling with this same issue, but they now seem at least OK with the whole idea of doing this with the other present without getting bogged down in the issue of what that means for their underlying sexual orientations. This, of course, is a variation on the stuff that goes on in a guy’s mind and body when a guy gets into a situation where he needs to wear a brief for the first time in a PE class (PE equals Physical Education), and worse, he is somehow going to have to do it with the other guys in the gym locker room present. There is fear (well, terror perhaps) accompanied by the feeling in the pit of the guy’s stomach that announces that there could be something really fun going on here. So stay tuned. It’s not a question so much of whether or not Dylan and Josh will eventually ejaculate given what they are doing to themselves, but instead when (which suit?) this will happen, and we won’t know that until they both at least start the process of getting into the suits one at-a-time.] |
Dylan (Finally) gets to try on the suits in order
The psychological pressure on both Dylan and Josh has been building and building, from the moment they realized that the box of swim briefs they had ordered has arrived. To be sure, they have both been playing with each other’s sexual psyche, in part relating to the fact that Josh got to pick out Dylan’s suits and Dylan, the suits for Josh to try on (attempt to wear).
Of course, getting into a brand new swim brief—even one of the “right” size is always an interesting moment for guys. For starters, new briefs are designed to fit quite snug, with the whole idea that they will stretch and fit looser once worn in the pool a number of times. Guys who regularly wear swim briefs know this and are used to having to deal with this. But for guys who are not frequent swimmers—and that includes both Dylan and Josh—this is one of the more interesting parts of getting nto a new brief for the first time. And this all works into the various fears guys frequently have about wearing swim briefs even though at some level they might be quite interested in doing so. Now, if all a guy is going to do is get himself into a properly-sized Speedo® without have any time to think about it, this might be a comparatively easy thing to do. The problem is that both Dylan and Josh HAVE had time to think about what is to transpire and we know already that they are both feeling pretty horny even if neither is having any significant erection, yet, it’s certainly trickier to crawl into a new swim brief when a guy is already in a significant, horny-feeling state. So, here is the scene: Dylan goes first, but Josh is right there watching, observing actually, as Josh is fully aware that his turn will be coming up soon. Dylan strips and pulls the bright turquoise blue patterned Speedo® next to his body. The brief looks big enough to fit, should be no problem at all, and Dylan is able to get himself into the brief without serious difficulty. The rear of the suit is cupping Dylan’s buttocks—a “cool sensation”, Dylan thinks. Even basic Speedos® tend to “work” on a guy in interesting ways. No wonder the brand is so popular. The next step is for Dylan to find a comfortable position for his anatomy. Basic Speedos ® do not have a significant pouch. The design seems to want to flatten a guy’s anatomy instead of allowing it the space it needs to grow. Dylan is looking at himself in the mirror now, and it is quite apparent that Dylan IS starting to grow. Now Dylan in no way thinks that he is near the point where the body takes over from the brain. Dylan is still in control, or at least he thinks he is still in control. But seeing his own penis as a gradually lengthening cylinder just beneath the front of his suit is having a subtle effect on Dylan—and Josh who is just standing there watching all of this and wondering what is going to happen next to Dylan. Dylan actually looks pretty good in that suit in the condition he is in, or so Josh thinks. Let me just say that it is already pretty obvious that Dylan is a guy. What next? Dylan thinks that it is time to get himself out of this suit and into something skimpier and snugger-fitting. The next suit is the Sporti Euro brief in Kelly Green, two inches smaller. Now here is one of the more curious aspects of how a penis behaves when it is coming out of a confined space still erect and hard, and something a lot of guys may not realize. Dylan is certainly got bigger and harder just looking at himself in the mirror wearing the Speedo even though he was not near ejaculating. Dylan thinks that by getting himself out of the suit that will take some of the pressure on his penis and help him calm down a bit, making it easier for him to get into the Kelly Green Euro Sporti. But penises in such a situation do not always follow the rules. Once the “pressure” from the turquoise blue suit is off and Dylan is nude again, sometime penises feel that they can now “take advantage” of the fact that the space is no longer confining, and they grow a little in length and girth, not become smaller or not as hard. And this “problem only becomes greater as Dylan thinks about the fact that the green Euro suit is going to be snugger and skimpier than the Speedo® was. So, Dylan pulls on the second suit, the Sporti 30-inch Euro brief in Kelly green. The first thing Dylan notices is that if the growing space in the first suit was limited, this new green suit is even more limited in the space that is available. In fact, with Dylan’s penis placed in the “up” position, the suit is so short top to bottom that Dylan is in real danger of popping out over the top of the waistband of the suit. Josh is quite mesmerized now seeing Dylan struggling with all of this, in part because he knows that he might soon be dealing himself with some of the same issues. Dylan checks his rear side and discovers that his but crack is covered, if just barely so. The basic problem is that a guy gets bigger in front, it becomes more and more difficult to keep the rear fully covered. And if he finds a comfortable penis position in the front so it doesn’t pop out over the waist band, his butt-crack starts to show in the rear. So there is a tradeoff involved. So far, Dylan has only tried on two suits from the five. What to do now? Well turn up the screws some more so to speak. Dylan gets out of the green Euro and starts to put on the Royal blue one with the smaller waist size 28. Dare I mention that as all of this is happening Dylan is getting closer and closer to the point of no return where he can no longer keep his need to ejaculate under control Dylan is rapidly moving toward the very edge, and certainly getting there faster than he had hoped. Dylan does pull the suit on to his waist, but given his enlarged anatomy, psychological and physiological condition, there is no way that Dylan can calm down and bring himself back without ejaculating. All it takes for Dylan to burst is one look at his penis tip peeping out over the waistband of the bright blue suit and that the rear of the suit is riding way low on his butt, and Dylan can cope with the tension he is experiencing no longer. Dylan screams “Oh Sh**********t, I’m coming!!! even as Josh watches the uproar with a newfound fascination. Dylan thinks to himself that this might just be the most powerful orgasm he has ever experienced. Semen seems to have shot out everywhere, though the bright blue Euro suit is relatively clean because when Dylan burst, most of the semen went right over the top of the waistband of the suit. And Dylan got through only three of the suits before this all happened (maybe only 2 ½). The last two, probably the most difficult ones with the Y sizing, are still waiting to be tried on. Dylan enjoyed the orgasm immensely, even though he discovered that he doesn’t have quite the degree of control over his own body that he thought he had. What next? Dylan is probably going to need a day to recover before making another attempt to get through the pile of suits. Josh has been quietly watching this, but seeing Dylan’s attempt to cope has only made him feel hornier. Josh already has a nice semi hard-on going on, and he has not even tried to put on a single suit. Josh realizes that Dylan will be right there trying to help and advise the less-experienced Josh. This is going to be tough for Josh, tougher than Josh had realized for sure when he agreed to get involved with the scheme. More to come…. |
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