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I corrected that... Been watching Big Valley reruns, which included a young Linda Evans. It was Linda Gray's leg in the famous poster for "The Graduate"not Anne Bancroft's. :-)
The “Blue Swim Brief” dilemma…
The Internet photos showing Christopher Atkins wearing a royal blue Speedo® swim brief pose a whole series of interesting questions. The first of these issues relates to the fact that what you are seeing are stills from a network television show, albeit when TV was not being broadcast in HD. Still, that Atkins’ male anatomy under the shiny blue swimsuit was readily visible could not have been lost on the show’s producers.
Network television is highly regulated not only with respect to foul language, but also barring anything that would be considered a bit pornographic. Maybe the censors simply assumed that any detail here would be on the screen for just a second or two quickly gone (this is TV, for goodness sakes), or would be completely lost in the low definition of broadcast TV then. At the time the Dallas show aired, Christopher Atkins already had quite a reputation for his sexual escapades in the movie, “the Blue Lagoon”, and that movie had been very successful at the box office, largely on the looks and bodies of the two stars, Brook Shields and Christopher Atkins, marooned and cavorting in and out of their clothes on a deserted tropical island. That movie was released in 1980, and Atkins probably had just turned 18 when it was filmed (although he looked somewhat younger than that). The Dallas episodes featuring Atkins (Played as a character named Peter Richards, a fine name choice given the Speedo photos. Also, the Atkins character in the Blue Lagoon had a first name of Richard, so somehow the name “Peter Richards” seemed completely logical and fitting) aired in 1984. Atkins (Peter Richards) was probably 22 years old when the Dallas episodes were filmed. One would not have expected Dallas to hire Atkins with the idea that he would now be fully clothed in all the episodes, and the story line making Peter Richards a camp counselor who taught the young campers how to swim was perfect. Besides, Network TV is all about getting the ratings, and presumably seeing Peter Richards, clad only in a blue Speedo and a semi hard-on, would send the (mainly female) viewers into a frenzy. That had to be good for the show’s ratings. And, six years into its run, a lot of the Dallas plot lines had already been explored. J.R. Ewing, had already had affairs with most of the rest of the female cast, usually a different cast member in each episode, but the idea of Sue Ellen, JR’s wife and Linda Gray’s character, having an affair with the young and semi-erect and Speedo-clad Peter Richards was just too good to pass up. The stills of the episodes showing Peter Richards in his semi-enlarged condition on the Internet have all been captured and preserved for posterity. I have no idea whether or not females still find these photos to be sexually arousing. I would think so, but I do not know that for a fact. The other question is what do the guys think of these photos, and, in particular, do guys find them in any way interesting and perhaps even arousing? I suppose that many of my readers think that the answer to that question would depend on whether the guy seeing the photos is straight or gay, with gay guys finding them arousing but straight guys not. That would be a simple analysis, but I think that oversimplifies to the point of being inaccurate. If you have been reading my stories this far, you no doubt realize that I am very aware of the fact that the underside of a guy’s penis is almost invariably more sensitive to touch than the other sides, and as a guy gets erect this effect only increases. Second, the slick fabric of the royal blue swim brief touching the penis underside should only increase the sensations, but especially so if the guy is semi-erect, as Peter is in the photos. Finally, there is something really interesting seeing another guy in this condition and position wearing a swim brief. One might think that this would clearly be a “gay thing”. In other words, gay guys might think this is arousing but straight guys, being perfectly straight, would not This is some of the same stuff Josh and Dylan have been trying to cope with in the story. A particular item of clothing such as a bright blue swim brief, semi-hard, penis pointed up, might be sexually arousing for me, but if I know you, my buddy, in a similar condition, similarly clad, is also experiencing something similar that must be equally arousing for him, the fun for both of us is doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled. Is this just a gay male thing, or does this somehow also apply to most guys who claim to be straight? That is a fascinating question to pose. I hold the view that this is all nearly universal among all guys, but I cannot prove it. If my view is right, this is not just a gay thing at all. There is a lot more going on here than that. If I could figure this all out, I would be able to find the answer to the basic question as to why guys are often attracted to the idea of wearing a swim brief and yet very fearful. Does a guy worry that he will somehow look like Peter Richards and then what? Does this fear turn into repulsion? Women who object to men wearing swim briefs seem to really have a core objection to seeing the covered male anatomy under the brief. But are they being turned on at the same time, and is the turn-on that they find at once fun and exciting but somehow repulsive? Complicated questions, all. To be continued… |
A sweet place to be….
I was thinking of continuing on a theme focusing on Royal Blue Speedos® and the great fun a guy can have with his penis in an “up” position pressed against the slick blue cloth, but, every once and awhile I need to stop and instead try some ideas to make certain that they work as well as my stories say they do.
I have been writing at length about Dylan, Josh, Bill and Joe and the items of clothing that they have been wearing that lead to a sweet place of arousal, the kind of arousal that does not quickly culminate in an orgasm. If you stop and think about it, this is the theme of all of these stories, stories that focus on the basic idea that the longer a guy can remain aroused without getting off, the more fun the overall experience will be, and the more enjoyable the orgasm will be when the guy finally does reach that point. I guess a lot of guys do not think in these terms, I’ve noted over and over the pressure guys are under to get any masturbation over as quickly as possible so as to minimize the chance of being “discovered” doing it, and how this need for speed works against the pure enjoyment a guy should be having from being aroused Of course, a guy’s mind is very much a part of all of this. Once a guy is aroused, the urge to ejaculate does not simply remain constant or stable. Indeed, a guy’s brain is being bombarded with signals from his body of the imminent urge to ejaculate. Simply coping with all of this becomes something of a struggle, though a very interesting struggle to be sure. Now, a guy wearing a royal blue Speedo® at a pool or in another public setting, even in a semi-erect, penis-up situation, is also in a situation whereby he cannot get off without creating a potentially very embarrassing situation, and he knows that. Feeling that slick blue Speedo rubbing against the underside of your penis is terrific fun, but not the kind of fun that can be readily relieved. Somehow, the guy, while enjoying himself, still has to cope with the external situation he is in. And the mere act of learning how to cope is in itself part of the fun. Anyone who has been following my stories here realizes that while I enjoy wearing Swim briefs, this is not the only situation I find fun to be in. As you might suspect by reading about Bill and Joe, another long time favorite of mine involves a snug fitting pair of men’s thong underwear, and an athletic supporter with a little hard cup. And, of course, over the top of all of this comes a pair of compression shorts. Some of you will probably say that was the same thing Bill and Joe wore when they went to bed in their dorm room. And Dylan and Josh have been experimenting with some of these items too. What is it about these items that somehow “do it” for me (and for my story characters)? I guess I have long known that I have a “thing” for an assortment of snug-fitting clothing items. But is that all this is about, or is there more going on here? I’ve thought a lot about that. Is this just me, or would other guys likely be similarly “affected”? Well, guys do not normally talk to each other about such stuff. So, today I decided to mess around a little and run some experiments. What I especially like about thong underwear is the way the best thongs not only push my penis upward and forward, but also provide a special “kick” in the perineum area that is directly below a guy’s prostate just behind his balls. Then there is the feel of the thong back cutting between the glutes. What might seem initially more than a little uncomfortable suddenly morphs into a wonderful combination of erotic sensations—sensations not to be missed, in my view. Then, over the thong, its tough to beat a slightly undersized old school athletic supporter complete with an undersized hard jock cup. The neat thing about this is that the thong wants to push a guy’s penis forward and up, while the snug fitting cup wants to press inward and downward. The only way this can resolve itself is for the penis to press up against the largely immovable hard cup. Penises can be a little weird. They want desperately to take up whatever space is made available to them, yet they seem to somehow know exactly where the limits are. In this case, of course, the penis cannot expand beyond the walls of the hard cup. Yet it doesn’t find where these walls are without getting just big enough to find out exactly where the walls of the cup are located. Then of course, a pair of compression shorts hold everything in place co the cup can be moved around only a little in an effort to find a more “comfortable place to be. So today, I decided to run some experiments, starting with a little cotton thong, covering that with a neat Franklin® strap with a cop small enough to barely accommodate my male anatomy, just the right size in my view. Then I found my old pair of Nike Compression shorts, which nicely held the cup in place just where I wanted it to be. Then, of course, I had to go through my exercise program involving 30 minutes on a stationary rower, weights and then another 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I was feeling horny through the entire workout, but sometimes more so. The neat thing about all of this is that my overall arousal level remained high, although I did not get to a point where ejaculation was imminent. The workout time flew. An exercise workout CAN be quite enjoyable if you can figure out a way to stay horny but unrelieved through the entire workout I still have another 30 minutes to go on a different stationary rower…I’m feeling really really horny just thinking about all of this, but I want to stay with that and be unrelieved for now at least. Would you find this fun too? Good question. To be continued… |
I can tell you from my swim team days as a teen, pointing up in the speedo did to me exactly what you are describing to the tee. Very hard to maintain control but I was several years younger than these guys in your story.
Morning-After Addendum
Sometimes I don’t quite realize or appreciate what I have accomplished and whether or not what I am doing was successful or not until the next day, and such was the case for the events that transpired yesterday. I would be the first to admit that sexual arousal involves a crazy mixed up combination on the sheer physical sensations and the psychological, and without both in place it becomes difficult if not impossible for a guy to enjoy himself (his body). Now exactly what the specific combination involves is different for each guy and may involve a sexual partner, or not. I admit that I am always seeking out highly enjoyable schemes for playing with myself that do not involve all of the additional complexities of dealing with a partner for sex. I see nothing wrong with that at all, and indeed, that is part of the pure pleasure of the situation.
If the same or similar ideas work in a partner relationship, with both participants enjoying themselves and each other, I am all for that. But, I would argue that what I enjoy doing is available to every guy whether he has a sexual partner or not. I woke up this morning with my mind fixated on how much fun I had yesterday and also looking forward to doing it all again and as soon as possible. One of the issues with the whole idea is that you have to have a significant block of time where you are not likely to be distracted with non-sexual thoughts and feelings. I would be the first to admit that some days are simply too busy for me in dealing with normal issues and problems that I would be unable to focus on the sheer intensity of what I was doing yesterday. I am also a firm believer (no pun intended) that every guy should develop a routine that includes some physical form of exercise. I tend to approach this in the same manner I approach everything else. Part of what works for me is that my exercise does not involve playing in sports in competition with other guys…from the standpoint of sexual pleasure the idea of playing a competitive sport becomes merely a distraction that would not permit my mind to be in the places where I know I want it to be. So, my daily workouts nowadays involve two thirty-minute sessions on two quite different stationary rowing machines, 30 minutes on a stationary bike, plus lifting weights on a machine (only about 10 minutes of the daily workout. This steady plan day after day could easily get to be boring, except, of course a couple of things. The first idea is that I have a TV I can watch during the longer periods. But, even on cable, some of the shows can get pretty boring. That’s where the “gear” comes in. Wearing the proper gear, specifically the kind of stuff I know is certain to make me feel horny as I row and bike, my entire exercise routine is much more pleasant and non=boring. I am always on the prowl for gear that will work for my routine but will also do this to me in new and perhaps unexpected ways. Yesterday’s experiment, the thong, the strap, the cup, and those snug Nike compression shorts worked extremely well. My penis was gently pressing against the walls of the cup through the entire workout, and the thong made its presence known in delightful ways with every stroke I made on the rowing machine and every turn of the cycle. I was mesmerized. The workout proceeded as if there was no time at all, even as the TV played in the background. My mind was not on the TV at all, but on what I was sensing and feeling with each stroke of the rower and turn of the cycle wheel. The combination of machine, exercise and just-the-right clothing mix was delightful in all sorts of different ways. So, I’m fixated this morning on how much I want to go again, as in do it all over. Yesterday I accumulated a lot of pre cum in my thong and jock, and I decided to wash that out in my bathtub last night. I hung everything up and I hope it all will be dry before I am set to have at it again today. I know I have hit on something really neat if all I can think about is how much I want to do it all again. A lot of guys complain they would love to get into a rigorous and consistent exercise program, but they are unable to keep it up (so to speak). Well, maybe part of the problem only lies in finding the right gear for exercise, gear that works for your specific mind and body. It is an interesting theory, for sure. And so it goes…. To be continued.. |
Every guy is the same: Every guy is different!
Every guy goes through natural cycles that occur in which sometimes he feels quite horny and sometimes not so much. Guys start to become aware of these natural cycles around puberty, but seem to get more noticeable in the late teens, around the age of Josh, Dylan, Bill and Joe. Every guy knows that sometimes he feels more horny, that is, more easily sexually aroused at some times rather than others. There are various explanations for this, one being the idea that testosterone levels do not remain steady, but are also cyclical with peaks and valleys. Guys often blame whatever is happening to them on the basis of male hormone levels at every moment in time.
But like lots of other things, blaming arousal levels on testosterone is an oversimplification of some very complicated things---things involving thoughts and ideas in addition to the body’s own chemistry. Most guys quickly learn that they cannot remain aroused or interested in sex if the mind is in any way distracted or working on a non sex-related problem. And, of course, there are all sorts of distractions that can easily derail sexual thoughts and feelings. For a guy to be able to enjoy his own body along with his own sexual thoughts and feelings requires a degree of focus on what is happening, or might soon happen sexually. And here is the weird part: The ANTICIPATION of something that could happen with the ending being an orgasm might be nearly as enjoyable as the actual event, or the orgasm itself. That may seem like a strange thing to say, but it is true. Sexual arousal at its best takes time. A lot of guys somehow think that the faster they can get to the big payoff, the orgasm, the happier they are going to be, sexually, but quite the opposite is true. In this regard I am starting to sound like a sex therapist or marriage counselor, but that is fine. What does all of this have to do with the story line involving “aids” like shiny royal blue Speedos® anyway, and employing such items to assist during sexual arousal. Now I am perhaps beginning to sound almost too “clinical” for my own good. Let me bring this all back by getting you to think about the possibility of buying a royal blue Speedo, a basic swim brief with 3-inch sides. Perhaps you have never owned a swim brief before, but you have long admired the guys who seem to be able to wear a royal blue Speedo seemingly with confidence. Sometimes in life, the anticipation of an event occurring ends up being more difficult to deal with than the event itself. For example, suppose you got into a situation where the only swimming gear that was available was a bright blue Speedo, but you didn’t know that was going to be the case until moments before you were going to enter the pool. In other words, you didn’t have a lengthy period of time to think about what you were going to do: you just got into the Speedo and hopped into the pool. Now think about a situation where the swim coach says “all of the guys on the swim team will be expected to wear swim briefs. The correct gear has already been ordered and I will be passing this out for each of you to wear at practice a week from now.” Suddenly, this has become a very different and potentially much scarier situation for most guys. Each of the guys has a week to contemplate how the swim brief will fit and feel and how his body might “respond” on its own to the situation that will be occurring only a week away. Now, some of the guys may have worn swim briefs in the past, and may be less apprehensive about the whole situation. They know that, and so do you. A complicating factor in all of this is that part of being a guy is all about maintaining control of a situation and being in charge of what is happening no matter what. But part of what makes the male sexual system so endlessly fascinating is the real possibility that a guy’s body could “respond” (as in a growing and hardening penis) even when the guy is attempting to make a conscious effort to tell is penis to quit doing that. Just more of this autonomic sexual response and the feeling of being out of control that scares guys so much. What am I going to do if I change into a swim brief and suddenly discover I have a big hard-on? What are my swim team buddies going to think if this happens? Am I gay? How can I cope with all of this? Of course, the more a guy thinks about this and agonizing over what could happen, chances are, the more likely it is for the event to occur. So contemplating and stewing over everything that might happen for an entire week is definitely not the best strategy. Still, wearing a swim brief can generate a lot of horny fun sensations and feelings, and guys normally figure that out too, even at an early age. Having your penis in a slick=feeling and confined space such as what the swim brief provides can be a fun place for a guy to be, provided that you don’t get too horny or too aroused. Guys generally do not want to admit to that however. Still most guys would probably be at least a little curious to say the least. All of this leads back to the love-hate relationship a lot of guys have with swim briefs. The possibility that a guy would uncontrollably blow while wearing a swim brief in a semi-public or public setting is a terrifying thought. But the thought of having your most sensitive male body part confined inside of a slick, snug fitting swim brief is in itself a very enjoyable thought. So which is it? For a lot of guys, the potential for sheer terror overrides the potential for something that is pure pleasure or fun. Truly, a complicated place to be in! To be continued… |
Dylan knew this at a very early age
Dylan has known for a long time that he was “sensitive" to various kinds of snug-fitting clothing. It’s funny, because around puberty everything seems to be focused on the whole idea that a guy is likely going to start getting a real erection (and maybe an orgasm) in the presence of a girl. This is the way a guy like this is “supposed” to be. The whole idea of a guy possibly getting an erection and maybe having an orgasm too without being with a female partner is never discussed by anyone, but certainly not by Dylan’s parents or peer males in school. Everything seemed to be focused on the whole idea that the only reason there could be for a guy to get an erection is a female partner. And, of course the possibility that this could happen in the presence of another male was completely off the discussion lists.
So, Dylan has long been navigating uncertain waters entirely on his own. There was basically no one to talk about what had been happening to him with anyone, siblings, parents, or peers. What exactly had been happening to Dylan and why did this end up being such a super secret topic, anyway. Well, like any “normal" post pubescent male Dylan had been getting erections, but sometimes for what appeared to be the strangest times and reasons. These were not situations where Dylan was with a girl. For that matter, these were not situations where Dylan was with another guy his age. Dylan had pretty well convinced himself that he wasn’t gay, but he was not certain that what was happening to him was exactly what was happening to other straight guys, you know, guys who made jokes about what had happened on a date with a girl. Dylan thought of himself as being shy and nerdy, and certainly not the type to talk about what had happened to him and his body when he was in the presence of a girl. Some of the other guys semed to almost delight about providing too much information in that regard, and for Dylan this just dod not fit his personality at all. Still, Dylan got erections pretty regularly, but in situations that his peer friends might quickly label as odd, or perhaps even gay. That was part of the problem, of course, that Dylan had no one to confide in. What kind of situations? Well, I probably do not even need to explain this is detail, but just in case a few of my readers haven’t guessed about this part, there was this first time Dylan saw this picture of a guy wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, and the guy’s penis was clearly visible as an upward pointed bulge in the front of the swimsuit. The swimsuit was pretty much a standard sized brief, bright royal blue, a shiny polyester/Spandex blend. The brief was not even that skimpy, as skimpy swim briefs go. But, when Dylan saw that photo, it was like something big went off in both his mind and body. Dylan knew from that “brief” moment that this is the place he wanted for his own penis to be. Seeing the underside of a guy’s penis pressing against that slick-and-shiny material was almost too much for Dylan’s young brain to tolerate. That one photo provided an enormous amount of psychological pressure that permeated Dylan’s brain and body, and just thinking about that situation was the fodder for countless jerk-off sessions that extended all through Dylan’s high school days. The great puzzle or Dylan was whether or not what had happened to him was “normal” for lots of guys his age. Dylan had no clue, and no one to ask that question to. It was too, well, embarrassing. Dylan kept thinking that because he got an erection just by looking at a guy wearing a blue swim brief, that might mean that he was gay, but simply was not willing to come to terms with that. Now, a freshman in college, the old rules seemed to have loosened, if only a bit. Guys seemed a bit less apprehensive about fessing up to what they were doing by themselves. Particularly so with two guys packed into an undersized dorm room lacking its own plumbing. But still, this was complicated stuff. Dylan still has not quite figured out what the new rules are. Am I the only guy in the world who gets turned on by seeing another guy’s covered penis pointed up in a shiny blue swim brief, or is this commonplace? This question had haunted Dylan almost since puberty, and it was still troubling him. And with Josh, Bill and Joe, the answers to questions such as this seemed to get more not less complicated, although the other three seemed to be starting to become more open about their “fondness” for snug-fitting clothing of various sorts. If these items are an “aid” in self-pleasuring, what is wrong with that? No one is being harmed, for sure. To be continued… |
Dylan has always known
Dylan has always “enjoyed” wearing snug-fitting clothing of various kinds. Early on, Dylan didn’t fully understand what exactly was going on in his mind or his body with respect to this, but it was certainly very real, and he quickly realized that this was not something that he was somehow going to “outgrow’ or completely go away once he got older and as he got more interested in girls. Dylan kept this all hidden from everyone, of course, his parents, sibling and, most certainly, his male peers.
Of course, there were still questions bouncing around in Dylan’s mind. Many questions. The biggest question, of course, was whether or not there were other guys his age who were facing the same “problem” as he was having. Is this commonplace among young guys his age or is it rare. Dylan was not completely naïve on what his peer males were thinking and doing. He had learned that other guys his age certainly masturbate, and perhaps quite frequently. Still, any talk of this usually involves an imaginary female who is revealing herself to the guy as he strokes himself. The part that is missing is the notion that a guy might more successfully pleasure himself, fantasy female or not, when wearing a snug-fitting clothing item, an item like a shiny royal blue swimming brief with three-inch sides. That is the part that had always remained a real mystery to Dylan with respect to all of this. The other complicating problem is that Dylan was not always equally enthusiastic about wearing snug-fitting clothing items like the aforementioned royal blue brief, but his interest in doing so tended to rise and fall in cycles, or at least had its high points and low points. Plus, in addition to swim briefs, Dylan was gradually discovering that there were other snug-fitting clothing items that were real turn-ons. More interestingly, just spotting one of these items and thinking about getting to wear it could send Dylan off into this other place. Dylan discovered that he might not be thinking about jerking off at all and then suddenly he would see something or even imagine something and his mind was almost instantly focused on jerking off. Strange stuff, huh? So strange in fact that Dylan could hardly believe that anyone else might have the same “problem.” As they say in computer programming, one person’s programming “bug” might instead be a program “feature”. Maybe Dylan didn’t have a psychosexual “problem” or “issue” so much as he had a quite useful “feature” that most other guys had simply not “discovered” to be fun. After all, Dylan enjoyed himself immensely when he did these things. And, Dylan knew enough to know that what he was doing was not in any way “harming” himself, nor anyone else. Even without a sexual partner Dylan was having great fun with his “feature” and certainly faced none of the complicating problems other guys invariably have when they get involved in a sexual relationship with a partner. With masturbation in a royal blue swim brief no one gets an STD, Herpes, pregnant or anything else that can happen when bodily fluids are exchanged. And even though masturbation might not be the psychosexual equal of sex with a partner (but is that absolutely for certain?) it still is a great deal of fun. With essentially no down side, what can be wrong with that. Still, throughout Dylan’s high school years, these questions kept bouncing around in his head, over and over. Then Dylan got to college, and had that strange encounter in the dorm with Bill and Joe many chapters ago in which he encountered Bill and Joe in the men’s bathroom wearing all the snug-fitting clothing items they had recently purchased at the big-box athletic store. It was like a light went off in Dylan’s head. Here were two guys who obviously enjoyed wearing snug-fitting clothing, just as Dylan did, and they had actually “pressed the envelope” in this specific regard farther than Dylan had dared to do. One thing led to another. Bill and Joe never did quite verbalize to Dylan exactly WHAT they were doing with the various items, but Dylan had pretty much figured that out himself. The rest is history, as all of this led to the big Amazon order, the one with the swim briefs, thongs, jock straps with cups, wrestling singlets, compression gear etc. When Dylan was growing up, getting to wear any of these items was all a psychosexual “fantasy world,” but now Dylan could not only have it all, so to speak, but also get a chance to watch other guys do (struggle with doing) the exact same thing. What fun! This was a real eye opener for Dylan. Ahhh, to only be in Dylan’s shoes. To be continued… |
Funny how this all works
Dylan certainly knew at a very early age that he was always aroused by the thought of wearing snug-fitting clothing. Of course, Dylan’s first thoughts in that regard related to snug-fitting swim briefs. Dylan has known that something was up in this regard at puberty if not sooner. Dylan at first was not at all certain about exactly what it was about a even seeing a swim brief that made him feel so strange, different at least, but some little “voice” inside of him kept “calling” him and saying to Dylan that he wanted to be in there. It was almost like there was something in his unique genes—Dylan didn’t know quite what—that kept dragging his mind in that direction.
Dylan has had a somewhat tough time figuring this all out. What happened to Dylan growing up gets at the very core of who he was becoming as a sexual human male with all of the complicated issues and feelings that goes along with that. Early on, Dylan was more than “bothered” by all of this. Dylan know that he would sometimes quickly get the same funny feeling every time he even looked at or even so much as saw a photo of a swim brief that was made for a guy. And Dylan knew that he was not much of a swimmer, let alone a competitive swim-team type of swimmer who would wear such an item for, say, a high school swim meet. What in the world was going on here anyway, and why did Dylan feel this way to the point where he was always in the back of his mind looking at swim briefs whenever he could? Dylan was also bothered by the fact that he sometimes at least also liked to see other guys wearing swim brief, even in a photo, but in particular in real life. Dylan didn’t know what all to make of this interest either. Did that mean that Dylan was really more interested in guys than in girls? As Dylan grew older thins seemed to get more not less complicated. Did Dylan’s interest in observing guys wearing swim briefs mean that he was somehow interest in guys more so than girls, as in being at least a “little bit” gay not straight. Dylan always thought of himself as being a straight guy, but he was dealing with some complicated issues, feelings and sensations. Why could Dylan growing up never quite cope with the idea of wearing a swim brief? After all, growing up Dylan had worn cotton brief underwear, and doing that did not seem to have the same effect on his mind and body as the swim brief did. What in the world about the swim brief that suddenly made Dylan feel so “different” anyway? Did other guys have the same “problem” that Dylan had? Dylan often wondered about this, but he had no one he dared talk to or ask such a blunt question. Dylan did know that some of his male peers seemed to also be having some “difficulties” in not wanting to wear certain items of clothing at the gym. The biggest issue seemed to be when the phys ed instructor wanted all the guys to wear straps, but Dylan suspected that the guys who went out for swimming were somehow having trouble confronting the entire idea of wearing a swim brief as well. Dylan just didn’t know exactly what was going on, but certainly something was going on with some of the other guys in this regard as well, or so Dylan at least thought. And what were these crazy feelings Dylan was having at even the thought of being able to get and then try wearing a swim brief anyway? I guess Dylan was like a lot of other guys his age who tend to think that everything that goes on in the groin area tends to somehow stay in the groin area, and that somehow a guy’s mind is strangely powerful enough to overcome and cope with any sensations and feelings that emanate from the groin where the snug-fitting swim brief would be. But that is not the way it worked for Dylan, at least not entirely. Once Dylan started feeling any amount of tension in his groin, somehow his young mind all but immediately started to focus on the groin-area sensations as if there are heavy duty wires that link the mind and the groin. What was in charge here anyway, he brain or the sexual organs? Dylan could not figure this out, except to say that what happened even at the thought of being inside a swim brief tended to send things off into a special place that Dylan did not understand but knew that is where he wanted to be. And of course Dylan was stumped by what this all meant from the perspective of being straight, gay or someplace in the middle of it all, orientation-wise. And those sensations and feelings Dylan was having were weird in themselves. Dylan knew that guys were supposed to get turned on by females and the thought of getting inside a female body in a special way, but what was happening to Dylan was nothing like that. Dylan would just see a swim brief on a rack in a sporting goods store and he could feel pre cum forming on the tip of his penis and dampening his underwear right there. And Dylan knew that whenever this happened he suddenly felt very good in his brain as well, even though he was not anywhere near the stage of having a hard-on and surely not at the point of having an orgasm. What could this all mean, anyway? That was the puzzle Dylan was trying to cope with. Is all of this somehow connected to being straight, gay or is this something else entirely, or is this a problem that is all but universal among the younger guys at least? To be sure, a lot of swim brief manufacturers seem to almost “delight” in making this all tough on guys who are, quite frankly, struggling to cope with all of this. They tend to do this by making briefs that are small enough and snug-fitting enough to almost certainly quickly send a guy into this other world that is this curious mixture of sheer delight and total terror. How can a guy ever wear THAT swim brief without almost certainly getting a severe hard-on, not to mention an orgasm happening in a public setting like at a swimming pool? Dylan was wondering whether other guys were thinking the same thing or not, Maybe all of the other guys were so focused on having sex with a girl that this stuff caused them no difficulty at all. Maybe, or maybe not, or so Dylan was thinking to himself. This story must continue… |
How snug is snug enough?
How snug is snug enough? That is an interesting question. This is actually the first installment of a two-part series, the second part being the question “How skimpy is skimpy enough?” the latter of which I will discuss in a separate chapter. But the question “how snug is snug enough?” provides an excellent starting point for more than one essay on the subject.
What does all of this have to do with the guys in the story, but especially Dylan, whose mind tends to be often focused on such a silly “concern”? Well, that too is an interesting question. Let me start at the beginning, if I may. I know my readers would not be along with me at this point if each of them did not to at least a degree share some of the interests and feelings of the four guys in my story. Were you as a reader disinterested, you would not be looking up the latest story installment and you would have ignored all of this long ago. But, if you are still reading this after all these chapters, there must be “something” that you are able to “glean” from the discussion. That is the way it is with Dylan, who has gradually become the focus of the story, too. Dylan’s thoughts and feelings must in some way mirror the thoughts and feelings of the guys who want to read about what Dylan thinks and feels. Dylan LOVES swim briefs. But the readers here are devoted to the same thing. That in itself is, well, more than a bit curious. Maybe I shouldn’t be saying it all this bluntly, but a basic question might be what is it specifically that Dylan loves about swim briefs? I think all of you actually already know the answer to that. First Dylan loves how they look and feel on his 19-yeear old body. The look and feel is somehow special, something unique, fun or even playful. Dylan keeps wondering if other guys in the same situation wearing a little swim brief somehow manage to end up in the same place Dylan is in when he wears one. The answer to this question, though not yet certain, has been gradually becoming a little clearer. Of course there is more, much more. Dylan knows that, and he now suspects that some other guys might know that too. Dylan loves to jerk off while wearing a swim brief. Not sure exactly what it is that gets him horny, aroused and hard. Could it be the look, the feel, or something else even more difficult to ascertain. Dylan is not certain, but whatever that something is, it is certainly there, big time. Dylan suspects that other guys might be similarly “affected” but that is part of the as yet unresolved mystery. Certainly guys are usually loath to “admit” to this under all but extraordinary circumstances. So this becomes a very private “secret” that is not easy to share with anyone. There are swim briefs and there are swim briefs. Any guy who shares Dylan’s interests certainly knows that. Some swim briefs have wider sides than others. An old=school “standard” swim brief has 3-inch sides and provides quite a bit of coverage to the buttocks. Some guys might think this is the least sexy swim brief out there, as in the brief least likely to lead to arousal and “inadvertent” ejaculation, but there is more to the story than that. It is pretty common nowadays to find swim briefs with narrower sides, 2-inch, 1-inch and narrower and briefs that provide less coverage to the buttocks than a so-called standard swim brief, usually on line not in a physical store. I want to delay any discussion about whether these briefs tend to get sexier and more likely to lead to arousal and ejaculation until a later chapter. For now, I want to return to simply a standard old school swim brief like you might still find hanging on a men’s swimsuit rack at a bricks-and-mortar sporting goods store, not something briefer sold by an on-line vendor. A simple brief from a major manufacturer with 3-inch sides can be quite sexy (as in erotic leading to arousal) but especially so for a guy who has never worn one before. This is the heart of all that relating to guys being scared to wear ANY swim brief in public. How does a guy control his “urges” that he knows he will have just getting his body inside a standard swim brief? This terrifies a lot of guys. It is also a source of pure delight in a good not a bad way, but somehow it is often difficult to separate the terror from the sheer pleasure. So, guys wearing standard swim briefs in a public situation, say at a swimming pool, somehow learn to get their urges under control, and at some point end up in a situation mentally and physically where they no longer worry that the urge to ejaculate will overwhelm in a public or even a semi-public (guy’s locker room) situation. Still, at this point a guy may still be thinking that that slick feeling swim brief would be way more fun to masturbate in than by traditional ways. Not long after, the so called “urge to downsize” sets in. For now, at least, downsizing does not mean finding a brief in a different skimpier style from a different manufacturer. Downsizing merely means buying a brief a couple inches smaller in the waist than the current one. Let’s say a guy’s first swim brief has a 32-inch waist. Downsizing might mean buying one with a waist size 2 inches smaller, or 30 inches. Even more daring might be a 28-inch waist for a guy who thinks of himself as a 32. Lycra-blend fabrics are wonderful in that they are able to stretch a lot. That means that a guy who ordinarily would war garments with a 32-inch waist can pretty easily get into something smaller, perhaps much smaller. A smaller waist size means the entire brief is cut smaller overall. But it will stretch. A 32-inch brief has a certain amount of space to accommodate a guy’s male organs. As the waist size decreases, this space will become, well, snugger. Not that the fabric wont stretch, it will, but as the waist size gets smaller the fabric will need to fit snugger over a guy’s sensitive body parts. Some guys might be in agony over this, but the snug fit in the groin is actually part of the fun. And the sides of the brief, being stretched horizontally, will look as if they have become narrower (OK, and they also are in part because a 3-inch side probably for a nominal 32-inch waist, and a 28 inch brief will be below 3 inches. Plus the brief with the smaller waist is going to provide a snugger fit on the buttocks. So, all of this downsizing can be fun in a very “special way” for guys who are so inclined. The fun part comes if coach REQUIRES the swim team to downsize for a big meet on the grounds that a smaller suit means a faster time. This could cause some significant “apprehension” for some team members. Too, the outline of a guy’s gonads is going to be more obvious in the downsized brief, which provides less “room to grow.” All of this can be a bit disconcerting, but especially so if the guy is not that confident about his abilities at ejaculatory control. So, let’s assume that Dylan nominally has a 32-inch waist. That would mean that normally he would probably want to choose a swim brief with a 30-inch waist. But a first level of downsizing for Dylan would be a 28-inch brief. Depending on his “curiosity” about all of this, he might try a 26-inch brief of the same style, and if he is really adventuresome, he probably could squeeze himself into a 24-inch brief. What happens after all the tugging and squeezing is completely up to Dylan. Tucked in like that both Dylan’s brain and body will quickly be working overtime, I can assure Dylan that he is going to enjoy himself immensely just getting himself into this special place. To be continued… |
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