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I have always been fascinated with the exact science underlying the male sexual arousal system and how sexual arousal works in a unique way for every guy. I have often thought that if males were all attracted to exactly the same things, they would all end up seeking out and attempting to have sex with the exact same partner. But, male sexual arousal and response can’t work that way at all, nor can female sexual response, for that matter. Each of us is unique as our own fingerprints in that regard, and sexual arousal and response therefore has to be processed differently by each of us. The long term survival of humanity depends on that.
Some guys seem to think that any sort of sexual response that does not directly involve a female partner is somehow abnormal or, at minimum, a personality weakness. Still, guys fantasize about situations that involve sexual arousal all the time. Well, perhaps not all the time, but certainly most of the time. :-) Reality has a whole series of barriers as to what can and cannot be done from a sexual-arousal perspective. Oddly enough, the fantasy world has no such barriers. Guys are perfectly free to fantasize about anything that turns them on, whether what it is they are fantasizing about would be considered OK in reality or not. That is part of the fun of the fantasy world—a guy can simply just let his mind wander to wherever it wants to go. Fantasizing about stuff that is a sexual turn-on might better be called daydreaming with a sexual theme. Think about a daydream in which a guy is fantasizing about having sex with a female that he finds to be particularly sexy and attractive. Now this most often probably is not possible for any number of reasons, but that does not stop a guy from fantasizing about it. Much the same can be said for a gay guy who likes to fantasize about some sort of sexual interaction with another male he finds particularly attractive from a sexual perspective as well. There may be all sorts of practical barriers to acting this out too, starting with a real possibility that the guy he is fascinated by is straight not gay and would not be interested in having a sexual encounter with another male. MOST sexual fantasies probably are not acted on, and that is probably a good not bad thing. Guys tend to remember and carry with them the best sexual fantasies, the ones that over time seem most arousing. The less arousing ones tend to be gradually discarded. Sexual fantasies often become the raw material that guys use when they have wet dreams. Like non-sexual dreams, chunks of what might have been fantasized about in the daydream get worked into the story line of a wet dream, as the guy not only replays events in dreams that contain plot lines from what was arousing sexually during the day into a story line that keeps going into the details of what the guy would have liked to have happened in reality during the day, but of course did not. There is no real limit to how the story line develops once the guy is asleep, except to say that the best story lines will give the guy a huge hard-on while still asleep which, for a “normal” 19-year old college guy (such as the four guys in the story) concludes with one terrific orgasm. Somehow the guy USUALLY wakes up just in time to realize what is on the verge of happening. The dream content got just exactly to the point whereby the guy could no longer keep the orgasm from happening even if he wanted to. What does this all have to do with Bill, Joe, Dylan and Josh? Well, for starters the four of them are each encountering a variety of daytime experiences that each of them finds sexually arousing from their own individual perspectives. This is a very normal thing to happen for each of them. Each of them carries whatever was picked up during the day that was sexually arousing into their sleep time, and how the brain processes this stuff each night is always interesting. Actually, it’s a not-to-be-missed experience, even if it sometimes means that whatever the guy wore to bed will need to be laundered, let alone the sheets:) But what happens if the daytime sexual fantasies involve something that is not about having sex with a partner, male or female, but about something else? Suppose a guy gets aroused by what I call the “swim brief shopping trip fantasy” or the “first attempt at putting on a jock strap in the locker room fantasy”. Worse, what if the guy gets aroused just seeing another guy wearing a really skimpy swim brief? Is it the guy or the swim brief that is turning him on? Is this so intertwined that the answer to the question impossible to determine? Are guys who are turned on by skimpy swim briefs perhaps closeted and frustrated gay guys, or is it possible for a guy to get sexually aroused by the mere thought of getting to wear a skimpy swim brief and all of this has basically nothing to do with sexual orientation? Same with the jock strap story. Maybe the guy is interested in seeing the straps being tried on and worn by his peer males in the gym locker room. Do guys give furtive glances at other guys clad in their snug-fitting straps? Is this merely curiosity as in “I’m wondering if the other guys are struggling with wearing this without getting a hard-on like I am struggling with this” or is this more complicated still? Is it the tight little strap and cup that is causing me to get erect, or is it the fact that I am getting to see my peers struggling with this too that is making me hard? A tough call for sure! Guys are routinely uncomfortable in even starting to openly deal with all of this. Generally, guys have determined that having wet dreams can be really fun, and the right sexual dream can be a nearly unforgettable experience. Never mind the mess and the need to try to “explain” what happened come morning . This is more of the male sexuality stuff involving about equal parts terror and unbridled good feelings. A sexually arousing moment during the day sets a guy up for the possibility at least of having a really powerful wet dream that night. In this regard, the “arousing partner “ story line probably does not work any better than a dream replaying the “shopping trip for a swim brief” or “trying on the straps at the gym” experience. Of course, every guy is going to process the various events of the day a little differently for sure. Some guys may build wet dreams around partner-sex themes, while these other fantasies might play a bigger role for other guys. Finally, there is the issue of whole role of snug-fitting garments in channeling wet dreams in certain ways. The guy who was turned on by the swim brief shopping trip fantasy might consider, for example, the possibility of actually wearing a skimpy swim brief to bed. The guy who found the jock strap at the gym fantasy to be arousing might try spending the night in a strap and cup, the snugger-fitting the better. Guys know that during the night, the male penis goes through alternate cycles of expansion and contraction, and if the penis during the expansion phase is cofined within a snug-fitting garment, something will probably have to give as the now-activated nerves in the penis come up against something slinky smooth (the swim brief) or immovably hard (the hard cup in the pouch).These ideas could make for more frequent and better wet dreams too, leading to stronger orgasms. Bill, Joe, Dylan and Josh have figured this all out, pretty much. To be continued…. |
Nearly every guy does this, but each in his own way
It doesn’t take long after puberty for guys to learn how much sheer fun sexual arousal and then to an orgasm really is, but there are lots of issues with which to deal. But with this comes a series of issues or problems that every guy faces One of the things about this that a guy learns very early on is that the only socially acceptable time and place to get aroused and have an orgasm is in the context of a relationship with another person, usually a female, but guys are obviously doing stuff long before they are old enough to assume a relationship with another person let alone have partner sex.
All of this presents quite a dilemma for guys, with the basic problem being that they enjoy engaging in solo sex (masturbation) very much, but if anyone else should find out about this fondness for jerking off, they will be subject to teasing, bullying, being labeled as a social outcast or worse. So a guy quickly leans that whatever he does with or to himself in this regard must be done on the sly. How can something so enjoyable be treated in such a sloppy way for goodness sakes? And every guy soon determines that he is not the only male peer struggling with this same complicated is, that is, of discovering a real enjoyment playing with himself, but it must be that the other guys his age are doing things by themselves and normally not engaged in doing the very things they are comfortable bragging about relating to sexual encounters with female partners. It would be a rare instance if at all, that a guy would talk about his solo-sex activities with even a close male friend, in part because such a discussion would perhaps incorrectly imply that the guy is interested in a sexual encounter with another male. So all of what guys actually do to themselves is the deepest, darkest secret there ever was. Guys are generally not willing to admit doing any of this. All of these struggles dealing with solo sex gets carried into young adulthood and maybe into older adulthood as well. Guys in their teens (sex experts too) seem to think that as guys get into their twenties, whatever interest they had in playing with themselves will dissipate as “real sex” with a partner assumes a more and more important role. Guys often assume that when they were living at home there were huge barriers to engaging in solo sex because of the living situation they are in. one would not want to have your parents realize what you are doing to yourself, let alone siblings or male friends for goodness sakes. The problem of course is that the real world doesn’t work in this regard like the sex experts think it should, and generally most guys retain a lot more interest in solo sex activities as they move into young adulthood. Masturbation techniques that were fun at age 12 are probably still enjoyable at age 20, and without the complexities of having to deal with the host of issues relating to a partner for sex. A lot of guys assume that once they get into college, life will be a lot simpler than it was when in high school, singe the guy is normally off on his own. In the case of roommates Bill and Joe and roommates Dylan and Josh, roommates who only met for the first time at the start of the school year, there are additional issues. Living together as two college guys in a cramped 200 sq. ft. dorm room is going to pose some special challenges if a guy wants to get off on his own, to say the least. One approach for two college roommates in such a situation is to try to approach masturbation the same way they commonly did in high school. This probably means masturbating in bed at night under the covers and the darkness. Is my roommate going to quickly figure out I am doing this? Is my roommate trying to cope with the same issue while not revealing to me what he is up to? How is all of this going to work as the semester wears on and we get more familiar with each other? What issues are going to happen if my roommate discovers that I “do it” perhaps every night or two? Guys learn a variety of techniques for masturbating in bed when they are still living at home. Oddly enough, if starchy and damp spots are “discovered”, the easiest way out of the box is probably for the guy to claim he had a wet dream, and the orgasm was not something he could control as he was asleep when it all happened. Providing that explanation to your parents ordinarily seems to work quite well. But, of course, as any guy knows, most of the orgasms that happen in bed are anything but the consequence of an uncontrollable wet dream. If wet dreams are fun, encouraging an orgasm while still awake might be even more fun, depending on how horny the guy is. If wet dreams are really fun, why not simply help things along a little in the darkness and under the coves? Then, of course, there are the clothing items that might even help the process along, in particular the ones that Bill, Joe, Dylan and Josh have been experimenting with. Now, practically every young guy is going to have real issues in coming clean with the idea that certain clothing items can easily lead to sexual arousal, but perhaps most every guy by the time he reaches young adulthood, say the age of Dylan, has “discovered” a number of different clothing items that seem to do this. Usually the clothing items that do this are very slick and smooth (ie Lycra®) or fit very snuggly (such as an athletic supporter or maybe even a favorite pair of snug-fitting jeans. As a teenager guys are old enough to be left at home alone for perhaps an afternoon, and a lot of guys see this as an excellent opportunity to run some “experiments”. The guy has often stashed the items that do this to (or for) him, and out they come as soon as everyone else leaves the house. Guys quickly get into a masturbation routine in which each of the times he is left alone turn into an opportunity to run some more sexually-focused“ experiments.” Guys carry these experiments along with them into college. But things may actually be more not less difficult, as the guy waits for his roommate to “go home for the weekend” in order to have a clear path to some solo sex play without interruption. Dylan, Josh, Bill and Joe have more or less taken a step beyond that in that each of them has pretty well now determined what the other guys must be up to in the solo sex department. Watching your roommate masturbate while wearing a thong really puts a whole new view of all of this in place. Still there are the complicating issues that relate to the possibility that both Dylan and Josh have a gay side to their personalities in this regard. And what about Bill and Joe in this regard too? I guess there are two possible consequences here. Either a guy is repulsed by seeing his male roommate masturbating, and will run and hide. In which case the guy who is repulsed by this must be straight, or at minimum sees the idea of being repulsed by this consistent with the idea of being straight. The other possibility is that the guy doing the watching thinks its interesting (fun, and perhaps arousing) to see his roommate masturbate himself, especially using “helper” clothing items. This is a place most guys do not normally get to be let alone study in detail. But, does this then mean that the guy doing the watching (and likely the guy doing the masturbating) actually is gay but perhaps still hasn’t admitted this to himself let alone to others? These are complicated questions that are not at all easy to answer. To be continued…. |
Curiosity is at the core of sexual arousal
Curiosity is at the core of sexual arousal. This is true whether you are male, female straight, gay or of an as yet undetermined sexual orientation (but more about that part later).
Think of all the coming-of-age movies that you have seen in your lifetime. In a classic coming-of-age movie, the centerpiece of the storyline is often a group of guys who are obviously all feeling very horny and focused on losing their virginity, in a straight coming of age movie, usually with some female of females that they find particularly attractive. Almost invariably, the guys are still quite naïve about not only female anatomy. Lots of the movie is spent with the guys discussing exactly what female body parts they would like to touch and grope, and as the story line develops it becomes clear that some of the guys have never actually seen a naked female, or, if they had, it was only in a book or magazine somewhere. “Dirty” magazines or books recounting the details of human sexuality from a “clinical” perspective are often a key part of the plot. And the audience is drawing into the story line that “properly” ends with the shyest guy in the bunch having the greatest success on the intercourse-with-a-female front. This unexpected outcome always invariably drives the boorish, noisy guys bonkers. Now think about coming of age movies set in the present or near past. MOST coming-of-age movies are set in the distant past. Take “Summer of ‘42”, for example, perhaps the best coming-of-age movie ever. When I saw this movie for the first time in the early 1970s I thought it was the sexiest movie I had ever seen. And it was, too. A lot of the coming-of-age movies go forward to a setting the 1950s and 1960s, but movies set in the present are rare indeed unless you count some movies I do not think of as true coming-of-age movies. A proper coming-of-age movie features horny teen guys in search of their first real partner-sex conquest. Why is this plotline no longer a movie staple? Maybe its because in this modern age, there are fewer unknowns or things to be curious about in the world of human sexuality. Nowadays by the time a male reaches puberty, he has probably already been exposed to the small details of naked female anatomy if not from books, from places on the Internet or even on TV, parental controls notwithstanding. If any guy hasn’t discovered this yet, it’s interesting to go into Wikipedia with a list of words that describe parts of the male or female body that have something to do with human sexuality and the anatomy of the reproductive system, and just sit and read the articles one by one. Parents aren’t likely to complain if a guy is simply reading Wikipedia articles in his room on his computer. It’s the ultimate “cover.” Then just a simple search in Google might quickly get you into Sebbie’s writings on the subject, writings that might open the eyes of males and maybe some females in part because your author loves to write about stuff going deep into topics no other author seems to dare go. Part of what makes a coming-of-age movie fun is the discovery of ideas about human sexuality that the guy was previously unaware of. Curiosity invariably leads to the discovery of things about your own body and a potential partner’s body that you didn’t know before and it is the discovery process itself that is frequently the most sexually arousing. I know some of my readers are put off by the fact that I discuss partner sex so infrequently, perhaps even hinting that I see partner sex is in fact an inferior alternative to solo sex. I do not believe this, except to say that for having really enjoyable sex with a partner, you have to first understand the nuances of how your own body works and responds to sexual s stimuli. Keep in mind that the same idea applies to a sexual partner, male or female. The really great sex only happens when the two partners only fully understand how their own bodies, and each other’s bodies, work from a sexual arousal perspective. Somehow in a good relationship this all comes together in a bunch of different ways. In this context it’s good to know that the best solo-sex experiences can either simply be really fun as stand-alone activities, or also be the great fodder as a starting point for mind-blowing partner sex. If a partner fully understands what is really great fun when you are doing it alone. Then that is well on the way to understanding what will be mind blowing in a relationship, and guys need to get over the idea of not daring to reveal to their partners how this all works for them in a solo-sex context. So let me walk you through some thoughts about how all of this might work for guys in the story. There are four guys, each wearing different clothing items and getting horny doing so while fervently attempting to refrain from going into the full-scale ejaculatory mode. Of course, this keeps getting tougher and tougher to do. Guys are wired that way. What begins as merely a subtle version of sexual arousal many very quickly go into a situation whereby the urge to ejaculate becomes overwhelming and soon unstoppable. How is all of this going to work in partner sex? That is an interesting question. If a straight guy has not developed a degree of ejaculatory control, he is likely to explode even before his penis finds its way into a vagina. That’s no fun. For gay guys, things can get more unpredictable as I am less certain at predicting what the end game will be, except to say that a male partner would likely be sexually happier if the guy could remain aroused but delay going into a full scale orgasm for as long as possible. How does a guy lean how to do all of this? Getting yourself to the point whereby you are quickly quite aroused but can still deal with your sexual tensions without blowing is no small trick to do, Indeed, there are specific techniques for doing this, marketed in the sex therapist books clinically as “treatments for premature ejaculation.” Generally, these treatments are involved with the guy experimenting on his own (aka masturbation techniques that get a guy aroused but not quite to blowing and being able to do this for an extended period of time). If you have read my stories this far, you probably realize that certain clothing items can cause a male to get really horny in a hurry. Generally, females have no clue about this, or if they do they can’t relate to it at all. For example, what if a guy likes to masturbate while donning a slick and skimpy swim brief? What if wearing the swim brief constitutes a favorite way to get off, and the guy has been playing with himself using the swim brief since he was, say, 12 or 13? What if the guy carries this particular fondness into young adulthood? What about an encounter with a female who is seen as a potential sexual partner? When they first have sex together, what if he is still thinking about all the fun times he had with the swim brief? Does the poor guy simply discard all of that now that he has a female to satisfy him? What if this is not so easy to do? Does the guy eventually tell the female partner about what he loves to do, and how is she going to respond? This idea of jerking off while wearing a specific clothing items has no direct parallel in the female sexual world. Women primarily wear skimpy clothes primarily as an effort to first attract and then turn males on, not as aids in solo female masturbation. At least I think this is one of the key differences that separates the sexes. But what if the guy sees himself as a gay male? Perhaps then there could be at least one other gay male in the universe of gay males who loves wearing a skimpy swim brief and particularly enjoys playing with himself while wearing it. The two guys may have perhaps found partners for life. If I enjoy jerking off in a skimpy swim brief and so do you, maybe we are compatible not only in this but in many other ways. Perhaps you share some of my other interests as well, such as an interest in enjoying wearing jock straps, cups, compression gear, or even particularly snug fitting (i.e. thong) underwear or jeans. Knowing that there is but one other guy out there who shares some of the interests I have is important and all this secrecy associated with what to do with all of this in the context of trying to explain it all away to a female partner suddenly no longer applies. I keep writing chapter after chapter here in an effort to try to explain some stuff that I don’t think has ever been explained before, but I end up asking more questions than I am able to answer. I have found that wearing snug-fitting clothing tends to “stimulate” my ability to at least write on the subject. Today, I decided that in order to write I would need to first get myself into a mode that makes me a little horny as a writer. I suspect that this is a path many writers of erotic literature pursue. So, what did it for me today was a little pair of jockey briefs, a compression tee, topped by a forest green wrestling singlet, Asics, size Small. I love how shoulder straps of the almost too-tight-to-imagine singlet keeps tugging in interesting ways way down in my groin and pubic area. I hope Josh in my story at the gym has discovered that as well, and is enjoying the same experience I am having now. If what I write gives my readers some ideas for enjoying yourselves as you are reading this, so be it!:) To be continued (of course)… |
How can you know what is in my brain so well? it is like Legilimency in Harry Potter.
I appreciate your kind comments. Enjoy yourself!
A “brief” instructional manual Part 1
I have raised a lot of interesting questions for my readers to think about, often questions that have no simple or easy answers. Today I got to thinking about what I would like to tell a guy, maybe a guy about the age of the four college guys in my story, as to what advice I would give if you are just starting out thinking about all of this and how it all might work your own life.
A lot of guys, even guys who might be open-minded about a lot of things, are still very apprehensive when the subject of self-pleasuring comes up. Aside from a widespread belief that masturbation is not “real sex, and only sex with a partner can be called “real sex”, masturbation gets a bad name because of the association with social outcasts, as in people who have difficulty making friends in the real world. That issue about masturbators being socially challenged does not seem to be a problem for Dylan, Josh, Bill and Joe, however. But we still do not know if each of them might indeed have issues making friends with other individuals, male and female, who could eventually turn into partners for having “real” sex. At this point I would make the following arguments. How can a guy (how can ANY person?) possibly expect to be successful in dealing with partner sex if he doesn’t fully understand how his own body works within the broad context of sexual feelings and sensations that are possible? In this regard, I’ve often thought that gay guys ultimately have it easier than straight guys working from the basic idea that they know something about how their own body works in terms of sexual feelings, and this knowledge should broadly apply to another male in a relationship. The female body introduces all sorts of complexities that I will not go into here at this point, but many males probably spend most of their adult lives trying to figure out exactly how this complex arrangement all works. (Many just give up on this and say it’s simply beyond ANY male to fully understand what they should know in a male-female relationship!) My intent is to not go into a marriage counseling role today, but to merely help my readers who psychologically think masturbation is great fun (if not, why have you been reading this stuff, anyway?) but somehow not right within the larger scheme of things. And of course, introducing the idea of various snug-fitting pieces of clothing creates new pleasure opportunities, but probably also new pangs of guilt, as in “is this somehow not OK?” and “would my friends all leave me if they knew I did this”? What if I uncover something that is really fun but then want to get into a sexual relationship with a partner, does a guy simply discard and forget about this stuff and move on? If not, then what? For the time being, I will leave my readers to ponder these questions. What I want to discuss today are some thoughts I have been having about helping a guy who is serious about leaning advanced techniques for self pleasuring, but needs some guidance. I think a lot about the issue of why some guys seem to like to wear swim briefs and others do not. The answer to this question is either really complicated or simple to understand. Even prior to puberty, guys are not devoid os sexual feelings and sensations emanating from the groin area. They are too young to associate these good feelings and sensations with sex and all it entails, but they are still sexual feelings. I think I first started to notice the sensations and begin to appreciate this when I was only 5 or 6, perhaps even earlier. Moms buy underwear for their boys that age. The first pair of real underwear a guy gets just out of diapers is probably cotton brief, probably a brief that fits quite snug. It is not long before the guy learns that the brief touches some body parts that feel good and the mere act of dressing has some fun but unexpected elements to it. As a guy gets older, mom may buy the boy cotton briefs in a larger size, still snug-fitting, but in a larger size to fit the growing body. (It’s always fun for a young guy to put an older, smaller pair of cotton briefs in your dresser drawer and wear those instead). But then, around 11 or 12, puberty sets in, and there is the additional “problem” that any clothing item that fits snug in the groin area like a cotton brief could quickly lead to a potentially embarrassing erection (or, soon, worse). This is, of course, great fun, but also very dangerous at an assortment of levels. Some solution must be found, and that solution is a loose-fitting boxer short, something far less likely to come in contact with and stimulate the penis. A guy showing up in the gym locker room quickly discovers that all his buds have all transitioned from cotton briefs to loose-fitting boxer shorts. The next week, the one guy who was still wearing a “diaper like” childish cotton brief is now wearing a loose-fitting boxer too, and the guy has gone through a “rite of passage” with his peer males. After that, it is not likely that any growing male will wear a snug-fitting clothing item, in part because of the consequences if that item stimulates his body in the wrong (or is it right?) way. Anyhow, guys are normally quite watchful of getting themselves into a situation where they get erect in a place that is not right to be erect in, so that concern leads to a banning of any clothing item where there is a chance of something like that happening. Still, the guy’s experiences of the fun he had at an early age wearing snug-fitting cotton briefs has left an indelible psychological imprint on his brain. A small minority of guys never make the expected transition from briefs to boxers at puberty, and continue to wear cotton briefs as daily underwear. The guys who transitioned into boxers at puberty continue to steer clear of any clothing item that has the potential to stimulate the groin area, and this explains the strong preference for loose fitting swimming attire such as board shorts. The guys who somehow continued to wear standard cotton briefs past puberty and into high school probably see this as being less of an issue, and have gotten “used” to wearing clothing that fits closer to the groin and penis. Making the transition from cotton brief underwear to a skimpy Lycra® swim brief is much less of a transition for these few guys, and doing this does not necessarily get the guy wearing the swim brief into an erection issue. The guy at some level is now “used” to having clothing that fits close against the penis, having worn cotton briefs routinely all along. The funny thing about all of this is that the guys who transitioned first from cotton briefs to loose-fitting boxer shorts and then to board shorts for swimming and other recreational activities all likely have indelible early imprints on their brains where they recall how much fun it was to wear a brief that fit close to the body and accidentally rubbed on their penises in unanticipated but interesting ways. The Lycra® swim brief does the same thing the cotton brief did, except about ten times over given that the swim brief is smaller, snugger, and with smoother, slicker material. The guys wearing the board shorts have a mixture of curiosity and admiration for the one guy in the Lycra® swim brief. The curiosity comes from wondering if the guy in the swim brief will soon get a big, noticeable erection clad the way he is, or, if not, how the guy copes with the sensations his body has to be experiencing inside the brief so as to not get into an embarrassing situation. Continues below.... |
A "brief" instructional manual Part 2
So, what is today’s instructional advice? For guys who are just starting to learn how to mess around like this, if you have been wearing loose-fitting boxers since puberty, now that you are a young adult, perhaps its time to go out and buy yourself a snug-fitting package of three cotton briefs, of the same style and fit that you wore when you were only 11. A related stunt is once you get your body re-educated as to what your groin area feels like in a pair of cotton briefs you bought in your “right” size. You can see what happens if you downsize the cotton brief, one size smaller, two sizes smaller, etc. Cotton briefs stretch a lot. Or you can make another leap to transition into skimpy colored bikini briefs. Keep thinking up ways for putting more and more pressure on your mind and body at each step and purchase, and don’t let off. From there it should be an easy transition into a “real” swim brief. What happens to your body then is entirely up to you.
What happens if you end up blowing at one of these steps along the way? Do not despair. You have found where your limits are, sexually, at least for the moment. Just kick back and enjoy the fun, the very stuff you never got to try doing when you were 13. You will recover from all of this and tomorrow is another day. From the swim brief you can transition yourself into the various items Dylan has been trying in the story. Some of these items may work better for you than others on the list. That doesn’t matter. What you are really learning is exactly which of the items get you off the best, and later on, can I wear this item yet delay ejaculation for a long time? All of this is a lot of fun and many of you are probably still wondering whether any of this is useful in or could even ever be brought into a relationship with a partner. The particular concern is in a heterosexual relationship in that your partner might just think you have somehow completely lost it. Still, learning the nuances of what the male body is capable of doing and keeping from doing is always useful in any partner relationship. The techniques for doing this are, well, quite enjoyable even if they seem to be hard lessons at times. And there is always a hope of bringing the partner right along for the fun, though I admit that this will likely be easier in a gay than in a straight relationship. To be continued…. |
Curious, Sebbie, are cut vs uncut guys going to experience things differently? Very interesting work, by the way.
I don't think that would make any difference, tho each guy is unique.
Think about this, Part 1
Experiences a guy has at a very early age involving sexual feelings and sensations frequently stick in a guy’s brain like glue, even experiences that happen at a very early age.
Think back if you can remember how old you were when you first realized that there were body parts in your groin area that felt really good when they were touched, groped or fondled, and the circumstances under which you might have first taken note of this. About how old were you? What were the exact circumstances? Were you mainly surprised, pleased or apprehensive when you discovered this? It is normal to be somewhat scared and apprehensive, even if the sensations are very pleasant. A lot of guys worry that they have “broken” something. Do you recall at all what you were wearing when this happened to you? A snug-fitting item of clothing? Something else? I assume that this happened to you well before the point in time when you had your first real orgasm. How old were you when that happened? Were you surprised, pleased or perhaps terrified? What were the circumstances when that happened? Were you alone? Were you wearing a clothing item that fitted close to the groin like a swimsuit? For many guys the exact situation when your first orgasm happened is an unforgettable moment in time. Nowadays, most guys probably mature sexually (I love that term) and have their first real orgasm around age 11. Within a year or two, most guys have probably already mastered some of the finer points of jerking off in private, along with the wet dreams and all. These are learned techniques that evolve gradually. But, given the early sexual maturity, guys end up with more and more time where they are not likely to be seriously involved with a sexual partner. This, of course, presents a host of issues. Some high school students are having sex with a partner, but certainly fewer than brag about it for sure. And casual sex with a partner in high school presents a host of messy and complicated issues that go way beyond where a guy is, emotionally, financially and otherwise. The solution? Why masturbation of course. These years are excellent ones in terms of learning about yourself and your body and what makes you happy sexually, without all the additional complications of having to deal with a partner, male or female. These are learned techniques and not something a guy is going to necessarily master all at once. Some of the methods are so enjoyable that a guy might bring what he has learned into young adulthood. Take Dylan and Josh, or even Bill and Joe, as examples here. This sounds like a great solution. Male hormones keep bombarding a guy relentlessly, and keep drawing his attention back to his penis. Yet, masturbation is not exactly a topic of conversation for guys with their siblings, peer classmates or even parents. Best if this all be done surreptitiously and even under the cover of darkness, lest your parents (one level of concern), siblings (a second level of concern) or peer classmates (a third, and most important level of concern), put two and two together to figure out what you have been doing to yourself, where and when. Continued, below ============================================= |
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