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a speedo minded guy 02-18-2015 12:16 PM

Wonderful chapter and good to have you back. Thank you for continuing the story

SwimTeamSpeedo 02-20-2015 12:03 PM

Part 12
Patrick’s dorm-mate stayed with his family at the local Marriott. Alex and Patrick ventured back to Patrick’s now single room where they poured out their collection of new swimsuits onto the lower bunk. Just as they had before with Chris’s swimsuits, they lined each one of the suits up. They quickly pulled off their band uniform, thankfully taking the time to hang everything up. Alex was in a pair of red print boxer briefs, the kind that were more like sport support shorts, tight and clingy. They outlined his body in every detail. The material was a blend with just enough spandex to fit him perfectly. As he stood, he was filling out the frontal bulge quite well. Alex smiled as he looked at Patrick, Alex knowing he was sporting quite the start of an erection, well on display in the clinging boxer briefs.

Patrick wore more traditional whitey tighties. They were just tight enough to show his male bulge, but had that slightly loose fit unique to the all cotton traditional underwear of the three pack variety. Patrick had not yet ventured much to more arousing underwear, although he had the urge and desire. “I know, kind of boring ,” Patrick said to Alex. “Not hot like yours.”

“No, you look cute,” Alex replied. Alex finally felt at ease expressing his affection to another guy, it was a glorious feeling. It was an invigorating to finally be free of the inhibitions and secret life. “You could wear anything and be hot in my eyes. You make everything look amazing.”

“You, too,” Patrick smiled back. His eyes were moist with emotion. The two men stared deeply at each other. Patrick finally broke the trance, “Okay, what should we try on first.”

“I say we save the two matching for last.” Alex suggested. His hand rubbed his erect bulge. Patrick smiled as he watched. Alex released his hand from his groin and grabbed two suits, a red and blue Nike, which he tossed to Patrick, and a green print Speedo, which he kept for himself. He paid no regard to size, since they both could wear any of the suits they picked out, the smaller 28 waist simply being tighter and skimpier.

The two guys quickly striped naked, each then pulling up the new swimsuits. Patrick was in the Nike first, looking truly Olympic in the red and blue colors. He positioned down, creating a nice rounded bulge that tucked between his legs, a graceful model look. Alex was having a slightly more difficult time, his very erect state was simply not fitting into the green print.

“Need some help with that?” Patrick asked with a grin.

“Anytime,” Alex replied.

They two guys weren’t even past their first swimsuits before the night stared turning far more erotic.


Chris was beat. It had been a long day. He started to read a David Baldacci novel, his absolute favorite writer, laying on his bed in just his navy blue and gold Tyr swimsuit. He was enjoying the time alone, Alex had left a text message that he was staying with Patrick. Chris loved time alone when he could hang out in his swimsuits without fear of being discovered. He kept his love of lounging at home in swimwear a secret, at home hidden behind his locked bedroom door. Chris loved the feeling of the tight lycra clinging to his body, it was a pleasurable sensation, sometimes very sexual and sometimes just very relaxing. The dorm was quiet, most of the band members either off with family or long asleep. Chris was ten chapters into the novel before his eyes started getting heavy. He finally closed the book and rolled over onto his back.

The suit clung tightly to him. Chris laid with his legs spread out to the width of his shoulders, his muscular body filling most of the length of the bed. He was on top of the covers. He rubbed his chest and belly and then down across the suit. In his mind he was replaying the opening of the concert, smiling at how well it all went. He played with the strings of his suit, which were laying untied out over the front of the suit. He tied them up, liking how the suit felt more snug against him. Finally, he reached over and turned off the light. It was quiet, Chris was alone.

He was sexually aroused. His mind was wandering to lustful thoughts of Sheri and the day at the lake. He replayed the kiss after the concert, where she placed her hand, just below his most personal parts, inside his leg. She turned him on so much. He felt himself getting very rod hard inside the soft Tyr lycra. Chris loved the feel of Tyr suits, the softer feel of the lycra felt great, especially when he was feeling aroused. His eyes glanced over his chest, across his ripped abs, along the waistband of the suit and ultimately over the very protruding bulge formed by his upward pointing sexually stimulated organ. He slid his hand up and over himself. The tingling sensation of his move pulsated through his body. Chris closed his eyes and saw Sheri’s smile as his hand, the right hand continued to explore himself. His left hand rubbed his chest. He was naked but for the tight grip of the swimsuit. Chris was getting more aroused, he slowed and took his time, enjoying the feel of his body in so many ways. His legs shook with sexual desire as he let himself climb toward the climax, easing back each time, making himself get closer and closer. He loved the sensation of being so close and then fighting to hold back, each time a tougher battle.


The alarm rang out like a crack of thunder in a dark, silent sky.

“F..k, is it 5 already,” Chris said to himself. He quickly hit the snooze to shut the alarm up. He was about to turn the whole alarm off when he remembered that Alex was not there. “Ten minutes won’t hurt,” he thought to himself as he rolled back over. He was naked, the Tyr swimsuit now tossed bedside. He did not really remember taking it off, but he recalled that once he finally let himself go all the way it was explosive. Not as good as when Sheri took him that far, but it was still a totally awesome release. Chris pulled up the covers and closed his eyes, In seconds he was asleep. Ten minutes of the deepest sleep possible. Twice.

Patrick and Alex had finally fallen asleep a mere hour earlier than Chris’s alarm went off. Patrick had copped a bottle of wine from his older brother after the concert, which the two guys had fully consumed. Not a horrible amount, except that it was one of the big bottles, far more wine than two inexperienced drinkers should have. While it made them drunk, it also freed them of any lingering inhibitions. They had tried on their swimsuits multiple times over, the tags laying across the dorm floor. They had also tried things with each other that went beyond any level they had been to before. At around one in the morning the guys even paraded down the dorm hall in their matching Zumo wild print suits, luckily to an empty hallway. They were now both laying together on the lower bunk, entangled in each other and clad in their Turbo California Republic swimsuits. It would be a perfect erotic experience, except that they were both in far too deep a sleep and far too intoxicated a state to even think, let alone function sexually. Patrick’s leg rode right between Alex’s and Alex’s hand rested right on the front of Patrick’s suit. Their faces were close together, having unlocked earlier from the most erotic kiss the two guys had ever experienced.

:Chris bounded out of bed. “That was stupid,” he thought to himself as he looked at the clock, now almost 5:30. He reached and grabbed whatever swimsuit his hand landed on, slipped on his shorts, commando underneath, threw his swim bag over his shoulder and headed out the door. A quick stop at the shower, where he rinsed himself clean, slipped n the suit and brushed out his hair. The suit he had grabbed was the swim team one Sheri had given him. He smiled as he tied it up. It fit him well. A fitting suit for the last morning. He raced across campus.

“I was getting worried about you,” Sheri said as Chris arrived at the pool. “You look a little frazzled, buddy,” Sheri added.

“Yeah, like a dope I hit the snooze. Alex was not home so I took advantage of it,”

“Wait, you had the room alone and didn’t invite me,” Sheri said, teasing.

Alex blushed. “Sorry, stupid on my part, I guess.”

“Don’t let it happen again,” She added. “Hey, get swimming. We have to wrap up at 7:30 today. A high school group is coming in for a workshop at 8, so we need everyone out ahead of them.”

“Okay. I was hoping for a long swim, but that’s my fault I guess.”

“You better have on a cute swimsuit today,” Sheri called out as Chris headed for the locker room.

“You’ll see,” Chris replied. Flashing down the side of his shorts to reveal just a teasing small portion of the blue background suit. Sheri laughed.


SwimTeamSpeedo 02-20-2015 12:04 PM

12 continued
Chris emerged from the locker room, clad in the small and tight college swim team suit. It was a pretty narrow fit, and revealed everything. Chris really liked it, it played to his daring side. He was tying the strings as he walked across the pool deck.

“Hey Chris, how goes it?” Gregory called out from the guards chair.

“Hey Gregory, last day. Feels weird, I guess. I am going to miss this pool.”

“Dude, I got that same suit,” Gregory called back. “Maybe three of four of them.”

“Bet you do,” Chris replied. “Sheri got it for me.”

“I know, man. I helped her find it. You look like a swim team guy, now. You are still thinking bout coming here, right?”

“Maybe, not sure.” Chris replied.

“Let’s talk after,” Gregory yelled out.

Chris jumped in the pool and began his workout. Gregory watched as the cute guy swam back and forth, graceful in the water. Gregory was sure he was straight, but Gregory really liked the look of a fit male body and Chris was exactly that. Greg found himself getting hard, his red guard shorts tenting as he grew in them.


“I thought he’d never show up,” thought the young guy riding the stationary bike in the window of the workout center above the pool. “Today is the day,” he thought. The rage has been percolating since that first day at the pool. He knew he had lost something he wanted the day this band dude walked in, all hot and sexy in his little freaking swimsuits. “I was sure he was gay,” thought the part time life guard and full time jerk. “He can’t just parade in here and steal away my girl.” He was getting more and more enraged. He watched as Chris raced back and forth in the pool. “Just a matter of time,” he whispered in his mind.


Chris swam a hard and fast workout. He wanted to stay longer, but his late arrival and the high school team messed that up. At 7:15 he climbed from the pool. Sheri was now in the life guard chair, watching as Chris’s wet, muscular body rose from the water. The suit he had on clung to him, defining every detail of his most erotic parts. Sheri loved this part of watching him get out of the pool.

“Good swim,” she asked as she watched Chris stretch on the edge of the pool. He had not yet adjusted the clingy suit, which was just fine by her.

“Yeah, wanted to go longer,” Chris replied. “Guess I screwed that up,” he added, finally tugging the clinging material.

“You were right, I do like the swimsuit you have on,” Sheri said back. “Who gave you that?”

“I don’t know,” Chris replied teasing. “Some really cute girl I met at a pool,” he added back with a grin.

“She must really like you,” she replied.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Chris shrugged his shoulder, which made her laugh.

Chris looked up at the workout room windows. No one was up there. He turned back to Sheri. “So, you work all day?” he asked.

“Yeah, it stinks,” she replied. “I wish we could spend the day together.”

“Me too,” Chris replied, as he pulled out his string and untied them, twirling one of them in his finger as he talked. “Any chance we can grab lunch? I got to be at the bus at 2:30PM.”

“I only get half an hour, maybe you can bring it here and we can sit out front,” Sheri replied.

“Deal,” Chris said. He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. With that he turned and started to head to the locker room. Sheri reached over and rubbed his butt. Chris smiled as she did, her gesture triggering the typical male response as his swimsuit swelled a bit. Just as he got to the door a voice called out.

“Hey Chris,” called a deep male voice. Chris turned, surprised by what he saw.

solarguy 02-20-2015 07:47 PM

Awesome chapters! Hope we don't have to wait too long for more. Dieing to see what happens next!!

Dooley67 02-20-2015 09:30 PM

You've kept us in the dark for 2 chapters now and we know only that the culprit is an angry ex-boyfriend of Sheri's. I keep on wondering what's going to happen, fearing that Chris will be injured so that he won't be able to go on the trip to Europe. Your writing pulls us in so that we are pulling for the safety of the characters who we feel like they should be protected. Great chapter.


SwimTeamSpeedo 02-22-2015 09:01 PM

Part 13: The roller rack
Writers Note: Some parts of this chapter are more graphic than usual. If you prefer not to read that, skip the sections on Patrick and Alex. All characters are adult age.

Life began to stir between Alex and Patrick. Alex woke first, hard as a rock wrapped around Patrick, Alex’s crotch riding on top of one of Patrick’s legs. Alex’s eyes were adjusting to the morning light, he slid his hands our from around Patrick’s shoulders and rubbed his face. Patrick felt so warm, Alex snuggled against him, his eyes open. The feeling of Patrick in the snug Turbo swimsuit, as Alex rubbed along Patrick’s legs and stomach felt wonderful. Patrick was as erect as Alex, their suits bulging with male desire.

“What time is it?” mumbled Patrick.

“Almost 7:30, you were sleeping sound,” Alex replied. “You look cute.”

“My head feels like a brick hit it, and my mouth is like cotton,” Patrick replied.

“Dude, you guzzled that wine,” Alex replied.

The guys unwrapped and laid side by side, on their backs on the tiny bed. Their hands held between them. It was a snug fit on the small single bed. Alex broke away his hand hold and placed his hand on Patrick’s stomach, just above the clinging swimsuit. He visually soaked in Patrick’s bulge, the way his anatomy push against the waistband, wanting to be free.

“I need to get up, get some water,” Patrick said as he let Alex's hand rub across his most sensitive parts. “Love to stay and enjoy this, but man I have to take a piss,” he added, starting to climb over Alex.

“Great idea,” Alex replied. He did a quick erotic grab as Patrick’s crotch passed over. Patrick slipped on some shorts over the swimsuit. He reached for the door to head out. Alex climbed from the bed behind him. He quickly adjusted himself, trying to make his boned state less obvious.

“You coming, too,: Patrick asked.

“Yeah,” Alex replied.

“Want some shorts?” Patrick asked. Alex hesitated, looked down at his swimsuit, his boner now subsiding a bit.

“Nah, f,,,k it, it’s a swimsuit,” Alex responded.

“Bold, dude” Patrick replied. He smiled at Alex as they both entered the hallway. The showers and bathrooms were at the far end. The two guys headed down the hall, one in shorts, the other in a clinging, tight Turbo swimsuit.


“I knew you’d be here,” came the voice as Chris turned away from the door. The coach of the swim team was heading right for him. “I was hoping to catch you, got a few minutes.”

“Um, sure,” Chris said. “Let me get changed…”

The coach cut him off, “you are fine like that, I am pretty used to it,” the coach smiled. “I got someone I want you to meet in my office”

“Cool,” Chris replied.

“You swam great this morning. I got here early and watched. You take your pool time very serious, I like that.” The coach said as they walked the length of the pool and through a door at the far end of the dive pool.

“Well, actually I was late today, hit the snooze one time too much,” Chris admitted.

“Oh well, that’s it. Take back what I just said,” Coach replied teasing.

They entered the office, the coach in dress slacks, a blue print shirt, Chris in a blue print swim team suit from the college. “Chris, this is who I want you to meet. This is Shelia, she is our director of student athletes. Her job is to work with all our student athletes and prospective athletes.”

“Great to meet you, Chris,” Shelia reached out her hand. “I am guessing that you are a swimmer,” she smiled as she said it.

“Yeah,” Chris said sheepishly. “I probably should have changed first, sorry” he replied.

“It is fine, Chris. I am a swimmer, too. Your just fine.” she replied. Despite her response, Chris felt awkward, naked, clothed in nothing but a narrow band of lycra that was hardly concealing his most intimate parts. Shelia’s eyes kept wandering there, too, which made Chris feel even more on display. “Have a seat,” she offered.

The three chatted for 20 minutes. Coach was very serious that he wanted Chris on the team. Thoughts of his swimsuit quickly evaporated as he listened to the proposal they outlined. Chris had already been accepted to Umaine and was planning to go there. He would swim intramural, since Maine had dropped men’s swimming years ago. No scholarship. The whole time, Shelia was checking out Chris’s bulging suit.

“Gawd is he hot,” she thought as they talked. She had a thing for swimmers, and Chris met every one of her criteria, right down to the ability to really show off a well filled swimsuit.

By the time all was said and done, Chris was tentatively accepted, a partial scholarship on the table, subject to talking to his parents and some paperwork. Coach stepped away while Shelia and Chris chatted. He came back with a fistful of team swimsuits from years past and an official set of team shirts. “Thought you’d enjoy these,” Coach said as he handed them to Chris. “You can wear them on your trip.”

“Cool, Awesome, thanks,” Chris replied as he took them. He held at least six swimsuits and three shirts. Shelia smiled as he held the suits up to admire them. Chris had given up any hope of swimming in college. Suddenly it was a new game.


Raleigh entered the locker room, certain to find it empty but for one lone swimmer. The rage inside him was at a boiling point. Instead, the locker room was filled with 30 high school boys, all in various states of undress as they were slipping into their swimsuits, a mix of briefs and jammers. Raleigh, who went by the nick name “Bo,” scanned the room, hoping to see who he had come looking for. He was a part time lifeguard at the pool and a member of the swim team. He was muscular, strong and tough. In addition to swimming, he did the other big lycra sport of wrestling, at least he had in high school. Now he just wrestled intramural for fun, when he could. His shirt was wet from the sweating of his workout upstairs. His face was red with rage, and his fists were clinched. He looked like a fight in search of a victim.

“What the hell?” Bo whispered to himself as he scanned each locker row. “I could not have missed the little twerp.” Bo dashed into the shower area, looking more like a pervert than an athlete as he scanned the adolescent guys showering, but his mind was not on them, it was on finding Chris. “Damn it!” he said out loud.

“Something wrong?” asked one of the high school swimmers, a really polite kid already tied up into his little red Speedo swimsuit. He was 15, bright eyes and as wholesome as the front of a Wheaties box picture. “You loose something?”

“Shut up!” came Bo’s reply. The poor kid looked like he had just been slapped. Bo was also a really big jerk, most of the time. But he swam pretty good. Sheri despised him. Thought he was a blowhard and also thought he looked ugly in his swimsuits. Most of that ugly was his personality, because physically he was a pretty handsome, rugged guy. Sheri found him rude, conceited and just a total donkey. If Sheri called you a Donkey it was not good, at all.

Bo shot from the locker into the pool area. Gregory was back on the stand. “Greg, where is that band kid? Tell me he didn’t leave.”

“Bo, what the heck is wrong? You look like you are ready to kill someone.” Gregory replied. Gregory hated the short version of his name, but he let it go. No one argued with Bo. His hothead reputation was well established on the team. No one liked him. Everyone wondered why coach kept him on the team.

“Just tell me where the jerk is and stay the f..k out of it,” Bo replied. “He is trying to take something I want.” Greg knew immediately what Bo was saying. Bo made it clear to every swim team guy that Sheri was his, and only his.

“Dude, calm down.” Gregory replied. “Chris is with coach.”

“That dweeb better not be joining the swim team. I’ll kick coaches a--, too if he lets that happen.” Bo replied. Just as he said it the far door opened and Greg, the coach, and Shelia emerged. BO’s eyes locked on Chris. The rage raced through him as he started to head in their direction.


SwimTeamSpeedo 02-22-2015 09:03 PM

Part 13 continued
Writers Note: Some parts of this chapter are more graphic than usual. If you prefer not to read that skip the sections about Patrick and Alex. All characters are of adult age.

“Wow, look at you!” came the cat call from one of the girls in the band as Alex walked by in the hall. “Let me see, that is a hot looking swimsuit,” She reached over and grabbed Alex’s shoulder.

Patrick grinned as she eyed Alex up and down. “Yeah, it is pretty cool,” Patrick replied.

“I didn’t know you were a swimmer. I knew Chris was. You look great. You can wear that anytime.” Felecia added. “Yum, yum” she threw in for good measure. Felecia was a clarinet player and a very pretty girl. Any straight guy in the band would be proud to have her as a girlfriend. In young male terms, she was brick.

The two guys headed the rest of the way. “Dude, good thing you are not straight, you’d probably have shot your load right there,” Patrick said as they entered the guy’s shower room.

“Yeah, that would have made Chris boing for sure,” Alex added back. He checked himself out in the floor to ceiling mirror. He smiled at how naked he looked. His bulge was extra big, still showing his state of arousal, not hard but piqued with enticement. He had one string hanging out, which looked funny, even a bit sensual. Patrick grinned as he watched Alex checking himself out. It was turning Patrick on. Patrick slipped off his shorts and grabbed Alex. The two were alone in the shower room. Alex reached over and flipped the lock on the door.

“You are making me want you,” Patrick whispered as the two locked arms and faces, their mid sections touching head on. The rubbed against each other. It was deeply erotic for both of them, their tight swimsuits growing with arousal. It was new territory, but they were ready for a new level. They loved the feel of their swimsuits touching in exactly the right places.

“Oh man, we have to take this all the way,” Alex whispered. His heart was beating strong and hard in his chest, the sensations between his legs growing rapidly. He had held back all night, but his body could no longer hold out. The tight Turbo suit gripped him and teased his into a flurry a sexual desire. He could feel himself pressing against Patrick, and Patrick responding with the same thrusting urges. They stepped into the shower, and continued to bring each other closer and closer, enjoying the touch and feel of their bodies close, nestled in the tight swimsuits.

“Bo, don’t be stupid,” Gregory said as he watched Bo fill with rage. Everyone on the team knew Bo had a short fuse and a hot temper, he had been warned about it before. Bo did not listen as he set off toward the three, especially Chris.

“Stay out of this Coach,” Bo said as his arm extended and slammed into Chris’s chest. “Who the f..k do you think you are,” Bo yelled at Chris as he pushed him backward. “And what’s with the team suit, You are not on the team!” Chris held his ground.

“Calm down, man,” Chris said. “Who are you?” a flustered Chris added.

Gregory blew his whistle three times, the warning call for an incident at the pool. He leapt from the stand and ran toward the commotion. “Call security,” he yelled to Sheri as she flew in the main door. “Bo just went nuts! He attacked Chris!”

“Idiot!,” Sherrie said to anyone listening. She ran to the security phone. As she did, Bo went at Chris again, this time ramming him hard, knocking him off balance. “You’re a dead man,” Bo yelled. “You and your stinking swimsuits!” Chris tried to hold on, but lost his balance and started to fall backwards. He hit Shelia who broke his fall, but she fell to the ground. Chris went sideways, the side of his swimsuit catching the sharp edge of the lane line roller. Chris continued, falling sideways into the six foot end of the pool. As he did, the corner of the lane line roller ripped the side of his swimsuit wide open, stripping most of it from his body. The suit was left dangling on the upright frame of the roller, at least what was left of the suit. The remaining portion. No longer secure on him easily slid off Chris as he went head first into the pool. Chris was naked in the water. He up righted himself, not yet aware that his swimsuit was stripped from him and hanging on something other than his body and floating in the water.

“You jerk!,” Chris yelled out. He gathered quickly his emotion. He saw Shelia laying on the ground holding her shoulder. “Shelia, are you okay?” Chris yelled. He started to climb from the pool when he suddenly realized he had nothing on. He dropped back down. “I lost my swimsuit,” he yelled out. “Anyone see it?” It was then that he saw part of it hanging on the roller frame. The rest of the suits and shirts he was carrying were strewn across the floor where he had lost them as he fell. The remaining piece of the suit was afloat in the gutter of the pool. Chris covered his exposed parts with his hands and quickly pressed against the wall, trying to conceal his naked frontal view. In the clear pool water, he was hardly masked.

“Here, put this on,” Gregory yelled to Chris. Gregory quickly picked one of he new suits off the floor and tossed it to Chris. Gregory could see the very clear display of a naked Chris in the water.

Coach swung around and grabbed Bo by his shirt. Coach was a slender, fit guy. He was also a strong and agile fighter. He swung Bo around and pushed him against the far wall. It was forceful and fast. “Bo, what the hell are you doing?” Coach demanded, loudly. “Get in my office, now. And stay there!” Bo mouthed off about unfinished business. Coach slammed him hard against the wall, now holding him up by his tightly clasped collar. “The only unfinished business you need to worry about is your swimming scholarship. Now get you’re a.. in my office and shut the hell up.” Coach released the grip. “Gregory, make sure he goes straight to my office.”

“Yes, sir,,” Gregory replied. Bo knew better than to argue with the coach. The coach released his grip and Bo turned toward Gregory. Bo flipped off Chris one final time and never said a word to Shelia. It was a final move he would soon regret. Security arrived and followed Bo and Gregory into the office.

Chris slipped into the new swimsuit in the water, staying frontally close to the wall. He tied the strings and then made his way to the ladder. The suit was a similar blue print to the one he had on, the one now torn hanging on the roller rack. It had the college logo on the right side front. Like the other, he filled it out well. He climbed from the pool and rushed over to Shelia.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “I am really sorry about this.” Chris added.

“You have nothing to be sorry about, Chris. You did nothing wrong,” Shelia replied. “I am fine, I think I bruised my shoulder, but it doesn’t feel broke or anything. Any idea why Bo was so mad at you?”

“I am thinking it has something to do with Sheri and I,” Chris answered. Chris helped Shelia up. She held his shoulder and enjoyed the moment with him. Chris was not only a handsome stud, he was also polite. “Sheri is a lucky girl to have you,” Shelia added. As she said it, Sheri rushed over and wrapped her arms around Chris.

“You okay, babe?’ Sheri asked with genuine concern. “What a jerk, you could have taken him out.”

“It’s better this way, let coach handle it,” Chris replied.

They two embraced in a long and heartfelt kiss. Sheri’s hand rubbed Chris’s butt as she took in his affection. She felt Chris grow against her. By the time they parted, Chris had really filled out the tight new swimsuit. Shelia enjoyed the view, as did Gregory.

Bo never returned.

a speedo minded guy 02-22-2015 09:46 PM

What a powerful chapter...To think of what could happened to our hero. And he remained calm through the whole episode. Great job STS. Thank you

Dooley67 02-22-2015 10:12 PM


I for one am very relieved to know that Chris is OK. I'm also so impressed with Chris' composure and self confidence - he did not appear to be afraid of Bo, more puzzled than anything. The way you write draws the reader in so well that I could feel the pathos as I read and was rooting for the hero all the way. As a speedo minded guy said, this was an incredibly powerful chapter with great dialogue and a nice juxtaposition of the two stories - Alex and Patrick and Chris and Sheri. Keep it going.


SwimTeamSpeedo 02-22-2015 10:22 PM

Two simple words

Thank you.

I really wrangled with this chapter. I almost scraped the whole thing. Your words of encouragement are deeply appreciated.


PS: D67.. did you have to look up that big long word? I did...lol. Cool word.

Lap Counter 02-25-2015 05:15 PM

What a chapter!

singletlover 02-26-2015 11:15 AM

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please PleasePlease Please Please Please Please Please Please PleasePlease Please Please Please Please Please Please PleasePlease Please Please Please Please Please Please Please


Dooley67 02-26-2015 12:35 PM

I'm not sure I read it correctly, but I think singletlover wants more...lol


Captain.Jammer 02-26-2015 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dooley67
I'm not sure I read it correctly, but I think singletlover wants more...lol


LOL! Love it!

SwimTeamSpeedo 02-28-2015 09:24 PM

Part 14: The journey begins
“Those are really cool suits,” Chris said to Alex as Alex showed him the collection Patrick and he had bought. “I love that Zumo one, that is wicked looking.”

Alex laughed at Chris’s use of wicked, a Maine term that was synonymous with “cool.” “Yeah, it is really cool, want to try it on?” Alex asked, extending his hand with the suit to Chris.

“Yeah, sure. Thanks,” Chris replied, taking the suit. He striped off his shorts and quickly slipped the suit on. It fit him perfectly and he really looked awesome in it. He displayed a fantastic bulge, which immediately excited Alex. “This is a really cool swimsuit, pretty narrow sides, and it fits kind of low in front,” Chris added. It did fit low, just barley containing the well equipped young man. It was as if Chris was getting hard, but he actually wasn’t.

“Chris, that suit looks awesome on you,” Alex replied. “I mean really hot.” Alex added.

“You ever worn one of these type suits before?” Chris asked. “I mean you are not a swimmer, right?”

“No. I hadn’t thought about it until I saw you getting ready for swimming.” Alex confided. “I thought that you looked so coo…” he trailed off.

“Yeah, well, it is kind of different than wearing board shorts and stuff,” Chris added. “I mean they are really great for swimming and you feel almost naked in the pool, which is awesome.” Chris paused, watching as Alex was checking Chris out intently. Chris watched Alex’s eyes scanning his body, especially fixating on Chris’s man parts. “Any way, you are also like right out there. I mean you are showing every girls exactly what you got. Not much if a way to hide your dick and balls. You better be ready for that.” Chris added.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Alex replied sheepishly. “I mean I think they are cool and all, but I can see where you are all on display and stuff.” Alex replied. “But you seem to like them. Does it ever bother you?”

“Well, maybe sometimes, but I am pretty used to it. I’ve been wearing swim team suits for my whole life. But some guys on the team really get bothered by it.” Chris replied. “I mean, I figure I can’t help that I am a guy and well, you know we got balls and stuff.” Chris laughed as he said it.

“Lots to think abut, I guess,” Alex replied.

“So let me look at your other suits, again,” Chris asked. “Where did you say this place was?”

“Right in town. He has got tons of swimsuits, some on sale for ten bucks.” Alex replied. “You should go there. Want to? I can go with you.” Alex added.

“Yeah, maybe,” Chris replied. “I mean big confession, I really get off buying new swimsuits. I know it is kind of weird, but I think they are cool. And the girls seem to like them, too.” Chris replied. He quickly shed the suit he had on, handing it back to Alex. The two guys slipped back on shorts and shirts, heading out the door. Packing could wait, they had swim shopping to do.

“Hey Chris, can I ask you something?” Alex asked as they walked along the path toward the town. For some reason, the secluded path brought out the most intimate parts of Alex.

“Sure, man. Anything,” Chris replied.

“I have been thinking about what you said,” Alex started. “Have you ever, you know, gotten like all turned on when you were just wearing your swimsuit?”

“Every guy has, Alex.” Chris replied. “I mean more than once, too. Mostly I just jump in the pool or just do something to hide it, like roll over or something. Or I just ignore it.”

“Wow, can you really just ignore it?” Alex asked. He didn’t wait for an answer. “What was the worst time it ever happened to you.”

“Oh man, I have a really tough time once,” Chris started out. “It was high school swim team, at this meet and there was this hot girl that I really liked…” the story began.


“How many suits did you get?” Sheri asked Chris as they sat at the small table near the entrance of the swimming and sports complex. “You are so funny. You are into swimsuits like a girl is into shoes,” she added.

“Six, I could have bought ten, they were such a good deal.” Chris said. He held up the bag. “Hank, the guy at that store is a big time swimmer. When I told him I was probably going to swim for the team here, he got all excited.”

“Oh yeah, I know Hank. He swims here all the time. He is really good, especially for an old guy. Now, let me see these hot swimsuits.” Sheri grabbed the bag and began pulling the suits out. She held each one up and examined it closely. Chris blushed as she did so. He never got hung up about his swimsuit thing, except when he got called out on it. Now it just seemed funny, even to him.

“I really lie that one,” Chris said. “I wanted one when they first came out, but didn’t get it. It was a Croatia swim brief by Turbo that he thought looked really hot. “It was only $25. That is a steal for Turbo swimsuits.”

“You would look sexy in that,” Sheri replied. “I wish I got to see you swim in that at the pool.”

“I’ll send you a picture when I do.” he promised.

“You better,” Sheri replied. She pulled out a solid white Speedo and really grinned as she held it up. It was actually a special design that had silver wings right on the front where Chris’s bulge would be. “Interesting, those wings will draw my eyes right to your best spot,” she teased.

“Stop it,” Chris replied, teasing back.

“You better be careful, this white will get see through.” Sheri warned.

“No, it is lined in black. Hank said it turns grey when wet. I thought about that.” Chris replied.

“That must be pretty neat,” Sheri added. She continued to methodically go through the rest of the swimsuits. “So, how many swimsuits are you taking on the trip?” she asked.

“I think like 24,” Chris replied. “I brought twelve with me, coach gave me five, you gave me three, and I bought six. Guess that makes it 26,” Chris laughed as he finished. “Kind of excessive, I guess.”

“Unless you plan to swim a lot,” Sheri replied and poked him.

“Well, we are there thirty six days, so I got pictures to you covered for most of them…” Chris gave her a sensual grin as he said it.

“You better,” Sheri replied. She reached over and grabbed him and drew him in for a kiss. It set off a lustful final session as the two new found lovebirds tried to take in every ounce of each other.


SwimTeamSpeedo 02-28-2015 09:25 PM

14 continued
The KLM jet was massive, the largest plane Chris had ever seen. The 200 band members took up most of the first half of the coach section. It was two seats along the windows, four seats center,. Chris was glad to have snagged a window seat. Alex and Patrick sat right in front of him. A guy from the percussion section sat next to Chris. Grant was a drummer, a quiet guy who didn’t say much. He was from Meadville, PA north of Pittsburgh. Like Chris and many of the guys on the flight, he had never been away from home this long. Unlike Chris, who was confident and ready for the adventure, Grant was nervous and already missed home. Chris wore loose fitting nylon swim team pants, underneath he had on a square cut Funky Trunk swimsuit. It was a looser fit than his briefs, he liked the feel of it on him, the front configuration giving him more room than a traditional brief. He wore on of his new swim team shirts. Grant had on flannel pajama type pants, a polo shirt. Both were ready for the six hour red eye flight to Amsterdam. It was nearly 11PM, long day, and the guys were beyond tired.

Chris snapped a picture on his iPad of the plane and a selfie of himself. He quickly sent both pics to Sheri with a note that he already missed her. Sheri quickly texted back a row of hearts and kisses.

“Hey Grant, ready for this flight?” Chris asked.

“Ready as I will ever be,’ Grant replied.

“Come on, man, this is going to be a blast,” Chris encouraged Grant. Grant nodded, but said nothing, Chris decided to leave him alone and began reading his David Baldacci novel, the one from the night before. Grant closed his eyes, but was hardly able to sleep. Minutes later, the security briefing came on as the giant A330 Airbus taxied out to the far end of the runway at Boston Logan airport. Chris marveled at how big the plane was. The pilot finally came on and advised they were ready for departure and “For our young musicians on board, I will broadcast our route along the way on channel 2 of your in-flight entertainment.” With that the engines came to a roar and the enormous jet rolled out for takeoff. Chris watched as the city dropped below them and they climbed out over the islands of the harbor. The plane banked to the left and followed the coast north. Chris watched as they crossed Cape Ann and then headed out toward Maine. One final text to Sheri for the night.

Up front one row, Alex and Patrick sat nestled against each other. Alex had one of the new swimsuits, a crazy red and blue print Speedo on underneath his cotton blend warm up pants. The tight fit was driving him wild, or was it Patrick’s hand resting on his leg. Either way, he was already sexually aroused and rock hard. Patrick knew it and was enjoying teasing his friend.

“What are you wearing under there?” Patrick whispered.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Alex teased back. “How about you?”

“Commando,” Patrick lied. Instead he has on a brand new Tyr suit that he had snuck back to the sporting goods store to get, barely missing running into Alex and Chris while there. That made their secrets even, both guys had snuck in a few extra swimsuits, a treat they would share with each other later. The flight leveled off at 41,000 feet and the pilot advised they were just south of Bangor, Maine heading across to Nova Scotia. Patrick grabbed a blanket from the flight attendant and opened it up across both of them. Underneath he slid his hand across Alex’s warm-up pants, feeling his bulging, aroused state underneath.

“Don’t start anything,” Alex whispered. It was just the dare Patrick needed to hear as he let his hand wander underneath the blanket. It wouldn’t take long before Alex had to slip out to the rest room, his loose sweat pants concealing more than just a tight swimsuit.

The journey had just begun…..

Dooley67 03-02-2015 12:04 AM


Really good chapter. I especially liked the interplay between Chris and Alex with Chris being like the older, more knowledgeable brother when it comes to the subject and experience of swim briefs and Alex asking questions that show he trusts and respects Chris. It's good to see that the potentially rocky relationship because of Alex having worn one of Chris' suits has mellowed out. And personally, I'm glad that Bo was taken care of in the last chapter so I don't have to worry about Chris' safety...lol.


SwimTeamSpeedo 03-02-2015 07:54 PM

Part 15
“Good morning, we are about 45 minutes from landing. It is a glorious day in Amsterdam, clear skies, calm winds and the temp today will be 76 fare height. We will have hot coffee shortly, welcome to Amsterdam.” Chris felt the plane begin to head downward, the throttle pulling back and the air brakes created a rumble on the wings.

“Hey Grant,” Chris whispered. “You don’t want to miss this.”

“uh, what….” Grant answered half asleep.

“We are about to land.” Chris said. The giant plane was rumbling as it made its way down. Out the window was pure blue ocean. Chris was amazed that he could actually see the current of the ocean, the waves and swells made squiggly lines across the vast expanse of blue. Not a cloud in the sky, and the pilot advised an unusually warm day on scope, highs in the upper 70’s.

“Let me sleep,” Grant replied, closing his eyes. Alex and Patrick one seat up were awake, and like Chris taking it all in.

“You two lovebirds watching this,” Chris whispered between the seats. He meant nothing by the remark, other than a poor attempt at humor, but Alex and Patrick both looked at each other in shock. They said nothing to each other, but the expression on their faces was one of wonder if Chris had figured them out.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool,” Alex replied.

The plane touched down softly and rolled along the runway. It was a picture perfect landing and the start of a great day.


“We will have a short rehearsal at 3 in the hotel ballroom, followed by dinner and a canal cruise,” the assistant director said as the band members gathered in the hotel lobby. “Until then you are free to get some sleep and hang out in the hotel. If you leave, remember you must check in with us. Amsterdam is a free zone for us, so you do not need to be chaperoned during the day. Welcome to our first day abroad.”

Chris and Alex were assigned a room on the 12th floor of the hotel They were in center city Amsterdam. Despite it being only 8am, the hotel had agreed to let them all check in early. Patrick was on floor 8.

“Hey dudes, they have a pool!,” Alex exclaimed with excitement. “What do you say we get on our suits and check it out!,” more of a directive than a question. Despite having only four or so real hours of sleep, as best as one can in a plane, the guys, in fact the whole band was ready for some fun.

“I say we hit the pool for a while, then lets see if we can check out some sights,” Chris replied.

“Plan,” Patrick replied. The guys all headed off to their rooms. They would be in Amsterdam for three days, two concerts. The first was tomorrow night and then an outdoor concert the following day before they departed for a smaller town, Oostvorne for a short two day stop.

“Damn, I wish I had brought my Netherlands Turbo suit,” Chris exclaimed as he came out of the shower, naked and wrapped in a towel. The shower felt great, and they guys had started a small pot of coffee in the little coffee maker in the room. Alex watched as Chris rubbed the bulging part of the towel with his left hand. “Glad to be free,” he said as if his balls were a living being.

“That would be awesome,” Alex replied. “Do you really have a Netherlands suit?”

“Yeah, it is really cool. I also have France. Don’t know what I was thinking.” Chris chided himself.

“Well, maybe we’ll find a place and you can get one,” Alex replied as he headed into the shower, still wearing the same swimsuit he had washed out in the plane’s restroom shortly after the take off. A good long and soapy shower was what both Alex and that swimsuit needed.

The hotel phone rang. Chris was startled and wondered if he should answer it. On the third ring he picked it up. “Chris here,” he said.

“Good morning, Chris. It is Dr. Hale, I am going to go swim laps at eleven for an hour. Want to join me?”

“Oh wow, that would be great, Sir,” Chris replied. “I was just thinking about how I would get my swim in,” Chris replied all pumped up.

“Okay, meet me in the lobby at quarter of. It is just a block away,” Dr. Hale continued. “Oh yeah, and Chris, you probably already do, but you have to wear a Speedo type swimsuit, no shorts or jammers. It is a funny rule. If you need one, I have a few pair you can borrow,”

“I am good, Sir. I only wear race style swimsuits when I swim.”


The hotel pool idea was not unique to Chris, Alex and Patrick. Five other band members were already there when the three guys walked in. Chris immediately grabbed a lounger and striped out of his blue soccer shorts to reveal his California Republic Turbo swimsuit. The three guys already there were in board shorts. The two females were in bikinis that left little to the imagination.

“Cool swimsuit,” one of the young ladies said immediately. “I think Speedos rock,” she added. As always, the suit was fitting Chris perfectly, his above average size giving the suit a bold display of male bulging. He was not hard, not even close, but his bulge gave him an aroused appearance. Just the way he liked it. Chris carried his maleness with absolute confidence.

Alex started to remove his shorts, but he hesitated. “Maybe I’ll just leave them on,” he said as he sat down on the lounger next to Chris. Patrick was more bold, quickly shedding his shorts to reveal the print Zumo suit. It looked fantastic on him, and he immediately got looks from the same Speedo loving young lady. While not as muscular as Chris, or as well equipped in the man parts area, Patrick still filled the suit out well and his anatomy looked proportionate to his body style.

“Dude, take the shorts off,” Patrick said to Alex.

“Chris was right, I feel naked,” Alex replied.

“Alex, if you leave the shorts on now, you can’t take them off later. It will look weird,” Chris replied. “Now just do it, plus Abby thinks Speedos rock, what more do you need to know.”

Alex mustered the courage and ripped the Velcro fly of his boardies open to reveal a bold print Nike splatter paint swimsuit with a black background and orange splashes all over it. It was a fun, hot looking suit. He yanked the board shorts off, displaying his lanky, slender body in all its glory wearing the flashy swimsuit. Alex was not a muscular young man, looking more like a long distance runner whose bone structure made up most of his weight. What he lacked in physical stature he did make up for in the way he made the suit look, his bulge the largest mass of muscle on his body, and against his slight frame the bulging manhood stood out. The young ladies immediately sparked an interest in the three guys, more than a casual glance, much to the despair of the three boardies guys who were now getting no looks.

“You guys look great,” Maryjo said as she walked over to them. “Such good taste in swimwear, and you are all so fit,” she added, eyeballing Chris’s clearly displayed abs and broad shoulders. “Are you swimmers?” she asked.

“Chris is,” Alex replied. “He is on swim team and get up at 5 every morning to swim,” Alex added, playing the proud roommate card. “He’s really good, too.”

“I can see that,” Maryjo added. Her friend snickered at the not so well hidden come on.

Chris laid back in the chair. He let Alex and Patrick garner all the attention, while he closed his eyes. The fitful night of travel was rapidly catching up with him. As he laid back and spread his legs a bit, he gave the girls the most impressive display of his anatomy wrapped inside the white background Turbo swimsuit. Off to the side, the growing group of boardies guys, now up to seven speculated about the three skimpy swimsuit guys. Most of the comments revolved around inappropriate stereotypes of what kind of guys would wear such revealing swimsuits. Chris could hear the banter as it grew louder. He smiled to himself, he had heard it all before. “Watch this,” he heard one of the voices say.

SwimTeamSpeedo 03-02-2015 07:54 PM

15 Continued
Alex and Patrick finally broke free of the two ladies who were hot after them and grabbed some time in the pool. Chris heard someone next to him and opened his eyes. One of the board short guys, a Trombone player named Jaime was sitting sideways on the lounger next to Chris. He had on a bold print pair of Op brand board shorts, the kind sold at Wal-Mart. They were cool looking. Chris knew Jaime because he sat nearby in the band. Jaime was a cocky guy, a bit overweight, and his young belly was already hanging over the waist of his shorts. He probably had not worked out in months, maybe years. Whatever the “watch this,” was about, it was clearly happening now.

“So, what is with the Speedo?” Jaime bluntly asked, typical of his cocky demeanor. It was the opening shot in a testosterone filled dialogue that had all the making of a full on brawl.

“Well, it’s not a Speedo, it’s a Turbo,” Chris replied. “Cool shorts, by the way.”

“You like flashing dick in front of everyone?” Jaime continued to push. “You and your gay friends.”

Chris held back any indication of rage. “Look, Jaime, I have no idea what your problem is, but I happen to like my Turbo swimsuit, just like you like your shorts. What’s the big deal, man?”

“I just don’t feel like I want to look at your junk,” Jaime replied. Jaime was clearly out of control and was way beyond where his buddies expected him to go. One of them came over and suggested he just drop it. He didn’t.

“Maybe you don’t get it. I swim and these are the suits I like to wear. You are going to see me in them all the time, so you probably need to just get used to it.” Chris said as forceful as he could. “Now, I really don’t want to start off our trip like this, let’s just say we end this discussion.” Jaime’s fist was clenched.

Len came into the pool area. He was wearing a pair of black and red Nike jammers. They looked really awesome on him. He saw the commotion going on between Chris and Jaime and headed straight over. “Chris, everything cool here?” He asked.

“Hey Len. Yeah, Jaime and I were just complimenting each other’s swimsuit choices, right Jaime,” Chris replied.

“F..k you,” Jaime replied. “You and that boner holder swimsuit of yours,” Jaime added.

Len put up his hand. “Shut up Jaime. You are way out of line. Plus,. Look at Chris, he could kick your butt if he wanted to. Probably best you just get out of here.” A couple of the other guys came over and pulled Jaime away.

“What the crap are you doing, man” one of them said as they dragged Jaime back to the far end of the pool.

Alex and Patrick missed the whole thing. They were way to into each other’s company in the whirlpool to notice the commotion. Len sat down next to Chris when Jaime finally walked away. In the background they heard some of the guys tell Jaime what a jerk he was.

“Thanks Len, but really he was just jealous that some girls were giving Alex, Patrick and I more attention than them,” Chris said. “Some folks get all hung up about Speedo type swimsuits.”

“Well, it sounds like his friends are mad at him now, too,” Len replied. “After what you did for me, least I could do is save you,” Len added. “Not that you need saving, you are the most fit guy in the band.”

“Jammers, huh.” Chris said to Len. “You like to swim?”

“Actually, yeah. Not on a team, but I started last year for fitness. I am not nearly as good as you, but I got fed up with shorts. These work good.” Len answered.

“Cool, we should go swimming sometime,’ Chris replied. “I could give you some tips.”

“I’d like that,” Len replied. The two guys sat side by side chatting for the next hour. They had come a long way from the first day of band practice. Chris snapped a selfie of the two of them and shot it off to Sheri.

singletlover 03-07-2015 11:29 AM

Being originally from Pittsburgh, I was stunned to have you use Meadville as a location. May I ask how you came to use this towns name?

Oh, and yes the story is fantastic, thanks for the time and effort.

SwimTeamSpeedo 03-07-2015 11:49 AM

Hi SL: glad you like the story and thanks for the post. A guy on my college swim team, a diver actually, was from Meadville. A really fun guy with an amazing willingness to try anything. We were great friends in college. I have been to Meadville a few times, long ago though.


NE_OH_thonger 03-07-2015 03:40 PM

Small world. I'm close to Meadville, but across the line in Ohio. Great to see the area well represented in the story, and on the board

zentaiskeleton 03-08-2015 02:43 PM

Great story and glad it is continuing, its what prompted me to finally sign up to thank everyone who writes.

a speedo minded guy 03-09-2015 02:24 PM

STS, your stories are getting better with time. Please keep up the great work!!

SwimTeamSpeedo 03-15-2015 11:58 AM

16: Alex gets a gift
The pool complex was impressive, with two pools, one only for lap swimming and a second for family swimming. A diving pool was adjacent to the lap pool. It was busy, with at four people in each lane, the limit allowed by the pool, so there was a waiting queue with six guys and one lady. The eight lanes were divided into four groups, from slowest to fastest. Jimmy and Mr. Hale stood and watched the swimmers, trying to decide which lanes to use, before sitting in the line, which took the bench at the end opposite the starting blocks. There were mostly guys using the pool, only a few ladies. Because of the no shorts rule, they were all wearing briefs or square cuts.

“It moves really fast,” Mr. Hale said to Jimmy as they sat down. “By the way, when we are swimming you can call me Ian,” Ian was sporting a Jaked swimsuit, one of several he had picked up on a previous trip. It was a print suit not sold on-line. Chris had never even heard of Jaked swimsuits before, but he really liked the one Ian was wearing. He was also impressed how fit Ian was. He was very athletic looking, and had not an ounce of fat on his lean body. He was not as tall as Chris, two inches shy of six feet. He also was well packed into the suit, a feature that even Chris could not miss. The two guys clearly shared in the gifted equipment category.

“That’s a cool swimsuit,” Chris said. “I have never seen that brand before.”

“Thanks, I was thinking the same about yours,” Ian replied. “You like colorful swimsuits I am guessing,” Ian continued.

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“Me too,” Ian answered. “I have a bunch with me, so you will lots of different ones.”

“That’s so funny,” Chris replied. “I brought more swimsuits than underwear,.”

Two guys in the middle lanes got out, so the guys slid down. A third guy in the slow lane got out, but no one wanted that lane.

“They have a great swim shop here, but wait until we get to France,” Ian offered. “We can stop at this really cool swim shop in Paris, you will love it.”

“Cool,” Chris replied. Suddenly a whole set of openings came up. Chris took the second to last lane on the left, in the fast category. Ian took the next one to the right, in the medium speed lane. Chris had already captured the eye of the lifeguard and at least one of the swimmers in Chris‘s lane. They both found his swimmers body to be incredibly attractive.

“Goedemorgen,” said Reid as he stopped to welcome Chris to the lane. Reid was wearing a solid red swimsuit, a square cut. He was blonde, as tall as Chris, and he was a really good swimmer, even if he did open turns rather than flips.

“Hi,” said Chris.

“English?” Reid replied. Chris nodded, expecting a language barrier. “No problem, I speak English.” Reid added on. Two swimmers flipped past the talking guys. Ian was already into his swim. “Let’s chat after we finish,” Reid offered. “Get to know each other,” a feeble attempt at a come on.

Chris pushed off the wall, accepting Reid’s offer to go first. Chris quickly established that he was the strongest swimmer in the lane, nearly catching the other two in the first lap. Next to him, he watched Ian who was keeping a solid pace, not as fast as Chris, but certainly showing he was a very good swimmer as well. Reid watched Chris’s long lean body cut through the water like a hot knife in soft butter. Reid was mesmerized by the smoothness of Chris’s strokes, and the way his muscular body looked flat in the water, his endowment hanging lower than his agile frame, showing the gorgeous bulge that was part of what made Chris so attractive.

An hour later Ian was standing at the end of his lane, watching as Chris powered to the wall and flipped. Chris caught the outline of Ian’s body standing and he quickly stood. Reid was already out of the pool and now only two swimmers were in the lane and there was no longer a wait.

“Time to go?” Chris asked.

“For me, yes. You can stay if you want?” Ian replied.

“No, I am good.” Chris said back. “I swam long distance today, good swim.” Chris added. Ian lifted himself out of the pool, watching with envy as Chris just popped right up on deck. “There was a time…” Ian thought to himself.

Chris stretched his back, his wet suit clinging to him, just as it always did. He slipped his fingers inside the waist and pulled the strings out. Reid watched him from the bench. He was waiting to chat, just as he promised, but he was also getting very aroused by Chris in his wet, tight swimsuit. The form fitting, low cut Turbo looked daring and teasing on the handsome young man. Reid guessed Chris was five years younger than his own 25, his guess just slightly off.

“Looks like you made a swimming friend,” Ian said as he nodded in Reid’s direction. Reid was motioning to Chris to come over.

“Yeah, he was in my lane,” Chris replied. “I’ll catch up to you in the locker room, I want to check out the swim shop before we leave, too.” Chris replied.

“Okay, it was great swimming with you, Chris. I’ll see you at practice.“ Ian headed to the locker room. Chris walked over to Reid.


Alex and Patrick finally left the pool about thirty minutes after Chris. Len had joined them in the hot tub for a while and turned out to be a far more interesting guy than the initial impression. The three guys has a great discussion about swimwear, Chris, and who was hot looking, guys and ladies. Len stayed back at the pool as the two guys left. He was laying on his stomach on one of the loungers. Truth be told, he had to lay that way, his jammer suit outlining his erect manhood. Len had become turned on while wearing his jammer, but all the cute guys and all the talk about Chris. It just happened. Len was a bit freaked out about his predicament, especially since his arousal was not letting up. In fact, he was getting even more aroused by the feel of the tight swimsuit and the thoughts he was having in his head.

“Len was pretty fun,” Alex said as the two guys laid side by side on Alex’s bed. “I never would have guessed.”

“Yeah, and he looked pretty great in that tight swimsuit, too.” Patrick replied. “I think I want to get a suit like that.”

“I think you look just fine in the ones you have,” Alex replied. Alex reached over and rubbed Patrick’s chest and nipples, causing him Patrick to immediately respond.

“Don’t start what unless you will finish,” Patrick said to Alex with an alluring smile. . Within seconds the two guys were all over each other, their tight and bulging swimsuits touching frequently. They embraced chest to chest, package to package. The feel of their parts connecting was beyond erotic. They continued to stimulate each other, enjoying the feel of their aroused bodies rubbing, touching and feeling the other. The swimsuit were being stretched well beyond their limits.


“Did you have a good swim?,” Reid started out the conversation.

“Yes, a bit sluggish but it felt great to swim,” Chris replied.

“How long have you been swimming?” Reid asked, his hand motioning Chris to sit down. Chris remained standing directly in front of Reid, giving Reid a perfect view of Chris’s swimsuit frontal attributes. Chris’s legs were spread a bit wide, his stance very athletic and strong. His legs were muscular and tight, and his abs looked solid and firm. His scrumptious face had a cute smile. Reid practically boinged in his swimsuit just looking at Chris.

“Gosh, since I was five I think.” Chris replied, his tight legs flexed a little. “How about you?”

“I started in college, not on a team, just for fitness.” Reid replied. He rubbed his own legs with his hands and spread them a bit, giving himself more room to grow between them. Reid was fascinated with Chris and it was reflected in both his hormonal response and in how his eyes marveled at the handsome, sculptured body before him. Reid especially liked the way Chris filled out the Turbo swimsuit and he wondered what he looked like underneath the tight colorful swimsuit. “Plus I really like the swimsuits,” Reid added. “I have about thirty swimsuits in my collection.”

Chris smiled. “Me too. I have maybe sixty swimsuits, might be more. I love Turbo’s best.” Chris had no idea he was sending certain cues to Reid .

“I’d love to see your collection, maybe we could model for each other.” Reid replied.

“Ha, yeah that would be fun,“ Chris thought the statement was a bit bold, but he played along. Reid’s was now sure Chris was also into guys. Reid was more intrigued and excited over his new friend.

“Hey, I need to get changed and then I want to swing by the swim shop on my way out,” Chris broke the conversation.

“Yeah, I guess we should get going,” Reid replied standing. He reached over and touched Chris’s shoulder as he stood. It felt as muscular as it looked. Reid wanted to touch more, but left it at a quick feel of Chris’s deltoids.

SwimTeamSpeedo 03-15-2015 11:59 AM

16 continued
The two guys headed toward the locker together. Reid tried to conceal the arousal he was showing, his bulge about to burst with desire. Chris had no clue. In the locker room, both guys showered . Their lockers were in separate areas, so they changed privately. Chris simply slipped his shorts over his damp swimsuit, which he had air dried in the swimsuit dryer. A little moisture seeped into the shorts, giving his crotch and butt a wet lock, almost as if he had pee’d himself. Reid had slipped into a pair of white pleated shorts and a purple polo top, looking like he just stepped out of a photo shoot for DNA. Underneath Reid wore a tight and erotic pair of N2N briefs that helped position himself for a nice bulge in the fashionable shorts.

“Hey Chris,” Reid said as he walked over to Chris‘s locker row. “You want to go out sometime?” Reid asked. “There are some pretty good hot spots I can show you,” Reid added. Chris knew Reid meant something more than just hanging out. Chris had no idea how to respond.

“You know, Reid, I’d love to, but I don’t know what our schedule is yet. Not sure I can.” Chris answered trying to wiggle back out of any budding relationship.

“Let’s exchange phone number and email, we can message later and work it out,” Reid persisted. “One more thing, can I take you picture?” Reid asked.


“Dude, got you a surprise,” Chris said as he entered the hotel room. Alex was laying on the bed in just a pair of boxer briefs. Patrick was back in his own room. Chris tossed a Turbo Netherlands swimsuit at his roommate. Size 30. In his other hand he held up the size 28 he bought for himself. The sizes were actually European, so Chris had bought the equivalent. “We both got one.” Chris smiled.

Alex jumped up and gave Chris a big hug. “Man, you are the best,” he said. “This is so cool.” Alex quickly proceeded to rip himself out of his underwear and slipped the suit on. It looked and fit perfect. “Patrick will be so jealous,” he beamed.

“Glad you like it,” Chris replied. “I was sure you would.”

Dooley67 03-15-2015 04:42 PM

Absolutely terrific chapter, STS. You introduced several new levels in this chapter, the generosity of Chris in buying the Turbo for Alex, the more relaxed relationship with Chris' coach as they swam together, and the realization, finally, that Reid was actually hitting on him. And true to form, Chris just kind of accepted it, albeit uncomfortably, but made no disparaging remarks and no put down of Reid's orientation.

I have a question I want to pose to the forum. As a straight guy, Chris was clueless that Reid was hitting on him until Reid asked about going out sometime. That's when Chris finally realized Reid was hitting on him.

Here's the question: are most straight guys unaware when another guy is hitting on them? As a straight guy who also sees certain guys as attractive, I had one experience in a hotel hot tub when a guy who was effeminate and flamboyant was hitting on me and I knew it. But I don't know if I'd recognize it with some guy who wasn't flamboyant. So, what do you all think?


Captain.Jammer 03-24-2015 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Dooley67

I have a question I want to pose to the forum. As a straight guy, Chris was clueless that Reid was hitting on him until Reid asked about going out sometime. That's when Chris finally realized Reid was hitting on him.

Here's the question: are most straight guys unaware when another guy is hitting on them? As a straight guy who also sees certain guys as attractive, I had one experience in a hotel hot tub when a guy who was effeminate and flamboyant was hitting on me and I knew it. But I don't know if I'd recognize it with some guy who wasn't flamboyant. So, what do you all think?


I believe I would be totally clueless. My wife has pointed out to me rare occasions that women have been flirting with me, and I am like, "What? Really?" So, I am certain that I would not notice a guy doing a similar thing.

Captain.Jammer 03-24-2015 05:42 PM

Fantastic Story
I wholeheartedly concur with the many praises given to this story.

You are doing a fantastic job, SwimTeamSpeedo! Love it.

I am looking forward to the many more chapters headed our way detailing this Summer in the band!

NE_OH_thonger 03-24-2015 10:55 PM

I'm coming from the opposite side. I'm a Gay man, and if I found someone attractive, but wasn't sure of his orientation, I would proceed cautiously. Given how oblique the reference may be, it would not be surprising if a Straight person would be completely oblivious to my efforts to determine what team they play for (so to speak).

50 Free 03-25-2015 02:17 AM

I know i have been hit on and thought it was funny. But a friend present thought I should have been pissed and confrontational. I can't be angry about that, I don't see why I should have been. It was a compliment, actually. Wasn't rude or obscene, just observant and opinionated...LOL. So I guess caution is prudent. Great story, BTW

Dooley67 03-25-2015 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by 50 Free
I know i have been hit on and thought it was funny. But a friend present thought I should have been pissed and confrontational. I can't be angry about that, I don't see why I should have been. It was a compliment, actually. Wasn't rude or obscene, just observant and opinionated...LOL. So I guess caution is prudent. Great story, BTW

50 Free,

I don't think I've ever been hit on except for the experience I referred to in my earlier post. I'm pretty sure I would be flattered too if a younger guy was hitting on this 68 year old, but I'd have to know it was happening first...lol


SwimTeamSpeedo 03-29-2015 11:46 AM

Part 17: Something Red
“I never realized Belgium had a coastline,” Alex said as the band boarded the bus to head from Oostvorrne to Ostend, Belgium. The left shortly after morning practice, leaving no time for a morning swim workout. However, on the bright side, since they had no events to attend, the dress was summer casual, meaning shorts were allowed. Many of the guys wore board shorts and bright colored shirts. The all looked beachy and ready for the two day stay in the resort town. They had a concert planned for the second night, giving them a full day to explore the beach.

“Yeah, many people don’t realize it, but Belgium has about a 40 mile coastline,” Len chimed up as they all boarded the bus. Len had found a circle of friends that heavily included Alex and Patrick. Even Chris had become a best friend, despite the stormy start. Len wore a pair of Khaki style cargo shorts, underneath he had on a sleek pair of jammers that almost poked out from under his leg opening. It was a tight fit, but the sensual grab would make for a fun and arousing bus ride.

Patrick and Alex climbed in the fifth row, Alex near the window, Patrick on the aisle. Len was directly behind, sitting next to Kevin, a drummer they all hooked up with at the pool the prior night. Kevin was a muscular guy with a strong physical build. Len was sure he was straight, but he did think Kevin was hot. In fact, Kevin made Len respond in very arousing ways. Chris sat across the aisle from Patrick. The window seat was empty. Chris wanted to sit there, but he also wanted to be close to the conversation of the other guys.

“I’m gonna sit next to Chris,” Sarah whispered to Alex as she saw the empty seat. “See if I can get his attention,” she laughed.

“Good luck with that,” Alice replied.

“Mind if I sit there?” Sarah asked, pointing to the empty seat next to Chris.

“Sure,” said Chris. He got up, his white boardies clinging a little too tightly to his bulging anatomy, making Sarah smile. Chris never even noticed. As he sat back down, Sarah’s eyes watched as the bulge of his manhood rested itself between his legs. Despite her certainty he had a boner, he was actually just normal. Well equipped, but very much soft.

“So cool we got tow ear shorts,” Sarah said as she kept gawking at Chris’s crotch. She so badly wanted to feel him, but she knew better. It would be a long bus ride. What she did not know was that underneath those sexy shorts, Chris was sporting a very hot looking Tyr swimsuit, it’s red color ever so slightly showing through white nylon of his boardies.

“Don’t start,” Alex whispered to Patrick as Patrick slipped his hand onto Alex’s upper leg. Patrick smiled coyly, but eased back. “I know you got that Netherlands suit on,” Patrick whispered.

“Yeah, love it,” Alex replied.

“Me too, or you in it,” Patrick responded back.

All accounted for, the two ultra modern busses wheeled away from the hotel. They were off on another adventure. Chris snapped a selfie and shot a text to Sheri “Leaving Belgium, one country down, six more to go.” It was middle of the night back home. Sheri would see it when she woke up. Chris wanted to see her so bad.


“How long have you been a swimmer,” Sarah asked as the bus rolled south toward the border to Belgium.

“ Since I was five or six,” Chris replied. “How did you know I swim?”

“Well, you smell like chlorine,” Sarah replied straight faced. Watching as Chris blushed.

“Seriously?” he asked. “I mean I guess it makes sense.”

Sarah stared laughing. “No, not really, just kidding. Alice and I saw you at the pool.”

“Oh, yeah, I think I saw you both there, too.” Chris replied. “After my swim workout.”

“Yeah,” Sarah replied. She wanted to add that she thought he looked stunning in his tiny swimsuits, that she wanted to tackle him and have her way, make him want her, but she left that stuff out.

“You swimming in college?” Sarah finally asked after an awkward silent moment.

“Well, I wasn’t going to, but then the coach at pool saw me and now he wants me to swim for the college we stayed at. So maybe.” Chris added. “I mean, yes, I am. I can’t really believe it yet.” he smiled.

“That is so awesome.” Sarah added.

“What about you, do you swim?” Chris asked.

“No, not really. Truthfully, I just came to see you that day,” she finally confided. “You looked so hot after you swam, it was worth it.”

“Oh, thanks.” Chris replied.

“So, you have a girlfriend?” Sarah asked.

“Yes, I do. She is a lifeguard at the pool.” Chris answered, not really specifying what pool.

“That’s great. I bet she enjoys watching you swim,” Sarah replied.

“How about you, a boyfriend?” Chris asked.

“No, not really,” Sarah replied.

The two sat in silence after that. Sarah felt a bit let down that Chris was spoken for. He was so hot looking. “Surely, he will want to have some fun on the trip,” she thought to herself. In an instant she decided not to give up. “By the time this trip is over, I am going to get him in bed,” she proclaimed in her mind.

“Hey, can I ask you something.” Sarah finally reopened the conversation. Chris was reading his newest Baldacci novel on his iPad.

“Sure,” Chris looked at her.

“So, if you go to the beach, do you wear shorts or a swimsuit like what you wear swimming?” Sarah asked boldly. “I mean like the one you had on at the pool?”

“Well, sometimes I wear shorts, like board shorts and sometimes I wear a swimsuit, maybe mostly I wear a swimsuit.” He answered, looking a little perplexed.

“Maybe we can go to the beach together in Belgium,” she answered.

“Maybe,” Chris replied. Clearly he had left the door open, whether he intended to was not as clear. Sarah eyed his crotch, hoping to see him in a greater state of arousal. Despite the reality that he still not aroused, she was convinced he was showing attraction to her. Surely he wanted to get to know her, she convinced herself.


It was absolutely wonderful weather when the busses rolled into a restaurant for the lunch break. The sky was a perfect shade of blue, a few scattered clouds, but virtually clear. The temps were warm and the wind was virtually nonexistent. Too bad they would be cooped up in the bus for a few more hours. Alex and Patrick just wanted to go have fun with each other somewhere. Chris was ready for a good swim and maybe some time in the sun. Len wanted to make a connection, explore his inner most feelings with someone, maybe find himself. The busses emptied as everyone headed to get some lunch. Chris slid out of the seat and stepped back to allow Sarah to go out before him. As she slipped by, Chris adjusted his shorts. She smiled at him and thanked him.

“Want to eat lunch together,” Sarah asked,

“I was going to sit with the guys, but you are welcome to join me.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I promised Alice I’d eat with her, I guess,” she replied. “See you back here?”

“Yeah, for sure.” Chris replied with w smile, which she took as attraction. Sarah quickly hooked up with Alice.

“Dude, I think she likes you,” Len said from behind. “I mean she really likes you,” he added slowly with emphasis on the really.

“Ho, she is just being nice.”

“No way, she made a point to sit with you and the whole ride she was checking out your equipment, I mean her eyes were on your crotch the whole ride.” Len continued.

“Yeah, I think Len is right,” Patrick chimed in. “and what were all those questions about your swimsuits? I think she likes you naked.” All the guys laughed.

“Well, can you blame her? I mean I am the best looking of the bunch,” Chris replied in jest.

“Yeah, if you like goody guys,” Len teased back.

“And you win that one,” Patrick said to Len giving him a teasing shove.

“I think he had a boner the whole trip,” Sarah said to Alice. “I mean either that or he is huge!”

“What, did you look at that the whole time?” Sarah asked.

“I couldn’t help it, his bulge was like in my face.” Sarah replied. “I wanted to do more than look.”

“I think he is just well equipped,” Alice replied. “I mean you have seen him in his swimsuits at the pool. Those pretty much tell the story, right?”

“Want to know something funny?” Sarah whispered.

“What?” Alice asked back.

“He is wearing red underwear or maybe a red swimsuit under his shorts.” Sarah replied, blushing a bit.

“How do you know?” Alice asked.

“Well, his shorts are white. When he was sitting, I could see the red coming through right around his bulge and then when he stood, I could see it around his butt, whatever he has on under there, it is way more sexy than boxers.”

“You are bad,” Alice replied.

“Not yet, but I will get bad with him before the end of this trip.” Sarah replied.


SwimTeamSpeedo 03-29-2015 11:47 AM

17 continued
The guys found a table at the far end of the picnic area. Most of the folks around were speaking either Dutch or French, Alex and Patrick sat on one side. Len and Chris on the other. Grant was alone, so Chris called him over. Grant took a seat next to Chris. Kevin had gone off to lunch with the rest of the percussion section. Len was disappointed that Kevin did not stick around, but they really were not hitting it off as well as he hoped.

“So, we have today free after the trip. I say we hit the beach if it is still nice.” Alex announced. “I could use a swim.”

“You just want to show off your new swimsuit,” Patrick teased.

“Wait, what new suit?” Len chimed in.

“Someone got a new Netherlands swim suit.” Patrick replied. “He thinks he’s hot stuff in it.”

“You two are weird,” Len replied. “Funny, but weird.”

“Well, maybe he can show it to you. He has it on under his shorts.”

“I like the beach idea, I am game,” Chris chimed in. He was answering between texts to Sheri. He held up the ipad and snapped a group picture of the guys, which he shot off to her. “Grant, are you in?” Chris turned to the quiet, shy young man next to him.

“Maybe,” Grant said back. “But I didn’t bring a swimsuit or shorts with me.” He added. Grant was one of the few guys in long pants, actually dressy long pants.

“Dude, Alex has got you covered.” Len chimed in. “He is the king of swimsuits.”

“Me, you should see Chris’s collection. He only has one pair of pants, bet he has a whole store of swimsuits in his luggage.” Alex replied.

“Anyway, Grant, we can square you up with any kind of swimsuit you want.” Chris answered back . He felt bad for Grant, who seemed sort of lost amongst the crowd.

“All right, so lets see this hot new swimsuit.” Len demanded teasingly. “Strip down, dude!”

“No way, not here.” Alex replied. That started a chant amongst the guys encouraging Alex to show his new swimsuit. After enough peer pressure he finally relented and slipped down the side of his shorts to reveal the new Turbo Netherlands suit. That got him a round of cheers from the guys.

Patrick laughed. “I can’t believe you actually fell for that!” he said. “We should have had you stand up and model it.”

“Don’t even go there.” Alex replied.

The guys finalized their plans for the rest of the day. The lead chaperon started calling everyone back to the busses. Sarah was already in her seat when Chris climbed in. She smiled as he slid into the seat next to her. She could not help but scan his crotch both to see if his bulge as any smaller, it wasn’t, and to scan the red outline under his shorts. He looked so hot, and her conversation, a very hot and erotic conversation with Alice has made Sarah all worked up.

Dooley67 03-29-2015 07:20 PM


This is a really exceptional chapter because it is so driven by the excellent dialogue with very little description or narrative. It will be very interesting to see how Sarah's plan works out to get Chris into bed by the end of the trip. The comraderie among Alex, Patrick, Len, and Chris is very appealing and I wonder if Grant will allow himself to be drawn into it. I love the idea of this being a 7 country trip because that means the story can go on longer.


SwimTeamSpeedo 04-05-2015 12:02 AM

Part 18: Meeting Melody
The band arrived at the hotel at 2:30PM. The rest of the day was free time until dinner and band meeting at 6PM. Within thirty minutes the guys were in their rooms, same room assignments as in the past. Chris and Alex were on the top floor facing the beach, Patrick was one floor below, They all agreed to grab their beach stuff and meet back downstairs. Grant was on floor six.

“Grant, why don’t you drop your stuff and then come up to our room and we can get you set up with a swimsuit,” Chris suggested.

Grant nodded, a man a many words.

Alex was ready in as long as it took to get outof the shorts. “Can’t wait to show this off on the beach,” he exclaimed. “Love this suit!” He stood there bare-chested in just his Netherlands swimsuit. Chris smiled at him.

“Yeah, it does look pretty awesome on you,” he replied. “Maybe I’ll wear mine,” Chris added as he shed his boardies to reveal the red print Nike that had been driving Sarah wild with curiosity. “Plus I am ready to get out of this one." .

“Cool!” Alex replied as he walked to the door to answer the knock. “Must be Grant.” Alex opened the door to see Grant standing there still in his long pants and button shirt. “Hey G-man, how’s it hanging?” Alex greeted the guest.

“I was thinking maybe I’ll just stay in my room and read a book,” Grant said. “Not really a beach guy.”

“Hey man, whatever floats your boat,” Alex replied. “It will be fun, though.”

“See you guys,” Grant replied as he turned to head out.

“Whoa, Grant, wait a second,” Chris chimed in, now changed into his own Turbo Netherlands swimsuit. As usual, he looked stunning, muscular and masculine. He was the perfect specimen of a swimmer in the tiny, well form fitting suit. “Alex, go catch up with the guys. I’ll meet you in a few on the beach. Let me talk to Grant, alone.”

“Whatever,” Alex replied. “Don’t be late,” Alex grabbed a towel, threw on a T-shirt from a band event back home and headed out.

“Grant, you doing alright?” Chris asked with genuine concern. The two guys were now alone.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Grant replied.

“Well, in Amsterdam you never went out, I don’t think, and we never saw you in that small town, and now you want to hang out alone.” Chris paused staring at the lonely guy standing in front of him. Maybe he should just leave it alone, he thought. Chris felt bad that grant was clearly not having a good time. “We are in Europe man, I just hate to see you miss out.”

Grant’s eyes watered a bit. He was almost on the verge of tears. Chris had hit something in him. “I feel kind of lost,” Grant finally said. “I mean all you guys are good friends. I don’t know anyone.” Grant continued. He wiped a tear from his cheek. “I think I’d rather just go home.”

“Grant, come here and sit down,” Chris replied. He waited as Grant sat in the chair opposite Chris, who was sitting on the bed. It was a contrast between the Turbo clad Chris and the fully dressed Grant. “I think you are just homesick, man, “ Chris continued. “And staying in your room is just going to make you feel more alone.”

“I was thinking of asking the director to let me leave when we get to Brussels.” Grant continued. Now the tears were flowing. “I just am a small town kid, I’ve never been any place else. It is not easy for me to make friends.” Grant wiped more tears onto his sleeve.

“Grant, you don’t get smaller than Northern Maine where I am from,” Chris laughed as he said it, breaking some of the tension. “Look, none of us knew each other before we got to Boston. You just have to join in and it will all be cool.” Chris added. “Let’s make a deal. You hang out with me for the next several days and then if you still hate it, go home. But let me at least help out. I can introduce you to guys and maybe even a few girls.” Chris proposed.

“You’d do that?” Grant asked.

“Sure man, and that whole homesick thing is just between us. Now let’s get you a swimsuit. You can leave your clothes here.”

Grant felt better already. At least he was willing to give it a go. “I really like blue, if you got one blue,” he chimed up.

“Blue it is,” Chris replied, throwing Grant a blue and gold Nike swimsuit. “I know you probably never wore a suit like this before, but it is all I have.”

Grant held the suit up. “No, but it’s fine.” he said. He went into the bathroom to change.

“Girl’s like guys in swim team suits, so you might really make a new friend,” Chris said as Grant closed the bathroom door.


Patrick, Alex, Len and two other guys all had found a good open spot on the beach. Alex was in his Netherlands suit, Patrick wore one of the Turbo suit’s the guys had bought back at the sports store, the California Republic print, and Len was in a pair of blue splice jammers with red white and blue panels on the side. The other two guys were in board shorts, one in Hurley brand and the other in a pair from Pac Sun. No one made a comment about any of the suits. They all tossed their stuff on the sand and headed to the water.

Sarah and Alice watched from their top floor balcony as the guys headed into the surf. “Wow, lots of speedo guys in this band.” Alice said to Sarah. Their room was actually right next to Chris and Alex’s, a reality that had not figured out.

“Yeah, just the way we like it. Show us what you pack,” Sarah responded, the girls both laughed.

“Let’s go crash the party,” Alice suggested. “Maybe that sex machine Chris will show up,” she added. They had already given him a secret desirous nickname. Within minutes they were both in tiny bikini swimsuits, the kind with string sides and hardly enough material to cover their private areas. Sarah’s was yellow, a very bright yellow while Alice had on a red bottom and red flower top. They were so scantily dressed that any straight guy would have a hard time not exploding at the sight of them.

“Hey guys,” Chris called out as he approached the gang, now all wet and laying in the sun. “You all know Grant, right. Trombone player.”

“Did you say bone player?” one of the guys teased.

“Very funny,” Alex replied. “Just not yours.”

Grant smiled at the jokes. Chris was relieved to see Grant find the humor.

“Hey, what’s with the matching speedos?” Chad pointed out the Alex and Chris. “Aren’t you two a cute couple.”

“Yes, we are,” Alex teased back. “Got a problem with that, Chadster?”

“Just call them like I see them,” Chad replied. That set off a fake wrestle between the two guys.

Grant actually looked pretty hot in his blue Nike suit. Once he uncovered, he was actually fairly muscular, a nice chest and modest abs that showed definition. His legs were pretty strong looking, too. Not that everyone was looking, but he also filled the suit out almost as well as Chris filled his out. Grant was ripe for getting the attention of the ladies.

“So, Chad, are you a swimmer?” Len asked. “Cool swimsuit.”

“No, I run and play baseball, but not swimming. It’s Chris’s,” he said referring to the suit he was wearing. “I was a dope and did not pack any swimsuits.”

“Cool,” Len answered. “Hey, you are really good with that T-bone.” Len added setting off a conversation between the two.

Three more guys joined the group. A mix of boardies and one Funky Trunks swimsuit. The collection of guys would grow as the afternoon went on.
“Hey guys, mind if we join the fun,” Sarah called out as the two very cute girls approached the group. They looked practically naked in their very slight bikini swimsuits. Chad almost popped a boner right there, his board shorts starting to tent.

“Not at all,” Chad replied. A big smile on his face, his hand pushing down the front of his shorts. He wasn’t erect, but he was getting there very fast, as were several others. Even Grant was swelling a bit, his tight blue suit showing a more prominent bulge. “In fact, you can share my spot,” he said to Alice in particular, her cute red bikini was making him very aroused and very lustful.

“Aren’t you the gentleman, Chad,” said Alice back, making her way over to his towel laid in the sand. Chad sat down, spreading his legs a bit, his shorts now fully tented up from what was now a true erection. Alice took notice, the pop tent look was clearly on display. “Cute boardies,” she said. “But, why aren’t you in a speedo like your buddies?”

“Probably a good thing I am not,” Chad laughed. “Not with you too in your itsy bitsy bikinis.”

“Maybe…” Alice faded off. She wasn’t really all that interested in Chad, he was more beefy and not really her type. She liked her guys leaner, but she was having fun teasing him a bit and watching him fuss with his boner, trying to conceal it any way he could. “Hey, want to go walk in the surf?” she finally asked. “Maybe get a little wet?”

“Good idea,” Chad jumped at the offer. He tugged at the ends of his shorts as he stood. She slid her hand on his butt. He could not get to the water fast enough, his shorts sticking a good seven inches in front of the rest of him.

“I think Chad likes her,” Alex whispered to Patrick.

“What ever gave you that idea?” Patrick replied in jest.


SwimTeamSpeedo 04-05-2015 12:02 AM

18 Continued
Grant was actually having fun. He joined a game of beach Frisbee and while he was horrible at it, the four guys carried on with each other. Melody, a cute brunette who played the bassoon of all things, watched as Grant would leap in the air, his muscular legs and tight blue swimsuit looking sexy as he was airborne. He never caught anything, but in her mind he looked darn good trying. She was convinced he was the cutest guy on the beach. He rocked the speedo, and from her that was quite the compliment, she usually thought speedos were gross on guys. Grant’s magical body was quickly changing her mind. Melody was finding herself tingling in places that a tingle only meant one thing.

The guys broke off the play. It was time for a dip, at least for three of them. Grant walked back to the gang, now some thirty strong, and sat down on his towel. He was sweaty, and the sun was taking its toll on his virgin skin. He laid back on his hands, his lean muscular frame on total display on the khaki color sand of the North Sea beach. He slid his right hand down and adjusted his crotch, for some reason he was kind of turned on, not erect, but he was aroused enough that he could feel himself in the tight swimsuit. He liked the feeling. He closed his eyes, leaving his hand resting next to his bulge. The sound of the beach absorbed into him. He was glad he took Chris’s advice.

“You were so fun to watch, Grant,” said Melody as she stopped and took in the cute male body on display before her. “I loved when you jumped way high (extended arms) to catch the Frisbee,”

Grant opened his eyes and saw the cutest girl looking at him. Suddenly he felt so naked, but in a very strange way he felt cool about it. He just stared at her pretty face, a round face with hair cropped at her ears and neck. She had the prettiest smile. He slid his hand from his groin. “It was fun,” he replied, the best he could muster.
“I am Melody, but my best friends call me Mel.” she responded to his delightful smile and crystal clear green eyes. “I play flute, and I know you play Trombone, right?”

“Yeah,” he replied, man of many words.

“Mind if I sit?” she asked.

Grant was awkward when it came to girls. Heck, he was awkward when it came to anything social. He meant well, but he was just clumsy and way too shy. “Um, yeah, sure” he finally replied.

Melody sat right next to him. Grant about passed out right there. He had never been this close to a girl, and his body was responding with the exuberance of a teenager on his first date. His swimsuit showed his biological response. She didn’t care, she just wanted to get to know him.

Grant smiled. His eyes locked onto hers. He reached out and touched her hand. She took his. Melody smiled back.

SwimTeamSpeedo 04-05-2015 11:05 PM

Part 19: Moonlight
Patrick and Alex went for a long walk along the water, just the two of them. As they got past most of the hotels, the beach began to empty of people, leaving the sand and surf to the two of them and the random cluster. They looked cute walking side by side, both in colorful brief swimsuits. They didn’t say much, just enjoying the peaceful solitude of the moment. The waves were not as fierce as the beaches back home, making the surf gentle and pleasurable

“I am glad we have some time alone,” Patrick said as he reached over and took Alex‘s hand.

“Me, too, You look cute, really cute,” Alex replied. “I love you in that swimsuit. You make that suit look handsome.”

“Funny, I was thinking the same for you, I wish I had a suit like yours.” Patrick said with a bit of envy.

“Well, not matter what, we both got some hot looking swimsuits,” Alex answered.

They were now pretty far up the beach and at a point where it was really just the two of them. Anyone else was far enough away to be aware that they were there, but not close enough to be really on display. Patrick stooped walking and twisted Alex around to face him. He took Alex around his shoulders and chest and pulled the two of the together. The surf wrapped around their ankles, the cool water a nice contrast to the heat of the moment. They held each other together, closer for several minutes. Their bodies touching at every connection point possible, especially the one between their legs.

“You feel awesome,” Alex whispered. “I love when you hold me.” Alex tightened his grip, his left hand rubbing Alex’s butt and gently pushing their mid section together. Alex could feel Patrick’s physical response, the growing bulge and the feel of his anatomy. It stimulated the same response in Alex. Patrick said nothing in reply, he couldn’t. They had locked into the deepest, sensual kiss they had ever had. It was the kind of kiss that said they wanted to take their relationship to a deeper level, to go further with each other. It was the kind of kiss that made them both erect, created sensations and stirrings that felt amazing. A runner came by them, appearing quickly, but they did not care. He passed.

Alex slid his hand down front and felt Patrick right where he was feeling the most vulnerable. Patrick was so aroused, his masculine parts felt strong, steel like. Alex followed the outline, driving Patrick wild. “Oh man, don’t do that, you’re making me want to explode.” Patrick whispered, a pleas that he really did not want Alex to obey. The two gently massaged against each other, bringing themselves close to the edge. They pushed the limits, the erotic feelings in each of them growing with each passing second. The tight lycra grip tantalized their desires, the smooth swimsuits rubbing together.

“Oh no,” was the final exchange between them as they felt each other’s bodies tense with urges that they could no longer contain. They so wanted to take it all the way, but they were on a beach. They stayed still, together, gentle kisses. The beach at Belgium would be a forever memory. Finally, the broke apart, their very erect bodies now no longer concealed by each other. Patrick went into the water first, followed by Alex. Holding hands again, they let the cool water calm them. They would continue the adventure later.


Sarah came up behind Chris and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rubbed his chest. It was shockingly forward move and it caught Chris off guard. “Hey hottie,” she said. “Love your swimsuit, it looks cool,”

“Thanks,” Chris replied. He pulled away, sending a clear response to Sarah, but she took it as a deeper challenge. “Look, I like you and all, but I really have a girlfriend back home,” Chris said in very clear terms.

“Yeah, so what. She’s back home. We can have fun here.”

“I have no problem with hanging out, and having fun,” Chris replied. “But that is as far as it gets. Okay?”

“Whatever you say sexy, don’t want your girl to get all jealous and stuff.” She sounded about as sincere as she was, not much. “Friends?”

“Yeah, of course, friends” They shook hands. For Sarah it was a start, not what she hoped for, but if she got a handshake today, she was sure she could get a kiss tomorrow.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Sarah asked. “Let’s explore the beach.”

“Hey Len, Grant, Alice, guys, anyone up for a walk on the beach?” Chris called out, having no desire to be alone with Sarah. The gang all rose and headed up the beach, the same direction Alex and Patrick had taken earlier.


It was a warm night, humid actually. The moon was near full and shining bright over the water. The waves were crashing onto the sand, creating the peaceful sound of surf. The beach was empty, but for the rare couple walking along the surf, usually hand in hand and very much in love. Chris was sitting in the lounger on the balcony, his iPad in hand. He was still in his Netherlands’ swimsuit, he had changed back into it when the guys went out for a dip in the hotel’s hot tub. Patrick and Alex were in Patrick’s room for the night, Patrick’s regular roommate was off with some girl and had shacked up with her for whatever a guy and lady did alone in a hotel room. Chris was fine with having some alone time, in fact he was enjoying the peace of the night.

He grabbed his iPad and facetime requested Sheri. With the time difference, it was still early back home and he did not actually expect to reach her. He was surprised when she accepted his call and her picture came alive on his screen. He smiled at her pretty face.

“Hey babe,” she said. “I was just thinking about you.”

“Sweet,” Chris replied. “I miss you,” he added. He gave her his best sad face.

“What are you doing, why aren’t you in bed?” Sheri asked.

“I was feeling lonely and wanted to see you,” Chris replied. “I was at the beach today and really wanted you to be there.”

“What did you wear?, wish I was there to see you.” Sheri replied.

“I wore my cool new Netherlands’ suit,” Chris replied. “The one I told you about when we were in Amsterdam.”

“I bet you looked cute,” Sheri replied. “What are you doing now?”

“Well, I am just laying in the lounger on the balcony, Alex is with Patrick all night so I am all alone,” Chris replied. “Hey want to see the Sea?” he asked. Not waiting for an answer he held the iPad up so she could see the view from his balcony.

“What are you wearing, sweetie?” she asked.

“I am still in my swimsuit,” Chris said, feeling a bit awkward. “It’s the new one.” he added.

“Let me see,” Sheri requested. Chris panned down to his swimsuit, giving her a close up view of his bulging features. Sheri snapped a picture as he held the camera, she could see every detail of her most favorite part of his gorgeous body. Chris was feeling the excitement of talking to his first true love, his suit was showing the rise of his sexual desire. Sheri loved the look, she knew he was turned on.

“I love your new swimsuit!” she exclaimed. “ Very nice,”

“How about you, what do you have on?” Chris asked. “Anything you were looks amazing.

“You are so sweet,” Sheri replied. “But, just some old flannel jammies,” she added. “But hold on, let me change into something more like what you have on,” Sheri proposed. She slipped into a pink knit bikini that was erotic as anything Chris had ever seen. For the next hour she teased him with her scantily clad body, and he stimulated her with shots of his rising desire and growing erection covered by the tightest, sexiest swimsuit of his collection.

“I wish you were here to hold me,” Chris exclaimed as he was about to finally release the desire he had built up for a solo night with Sheri. His right hand rubbed the tight fitting Turbo swimsuit and he felt his body move closer to most powerful release he had ever felt as a singular act. Sheri was doing the same, listening and feeling Chris, picturing him in his sweet little swimsuit all stimulated and erect.

Chris woke naked, but still on the lounger as the sun came up, not really sure how much was real, fantasy or dream. The Netherlands’ suit was laying just inches from the lounger on the floor of the balcony. He was still erect, but not really aroused. His iPad was on the table next to him. He awkwardly got up and slipped back into the suit, which showed no signs of the nights events. Most of that evidence was on his chest and face and other places. Sheri would sleep five more hours, knowing the answers. She enjoyed watching her guy in ways she never thought possible 3000 miles and a whole ocean apart. She loved him so, and he loved her.

The hot shower felt refreshing. It was a brand new day.

Dooley67 04-06-2015 01:12 AM


These chapters are so incredibly erotic and beautifully written. You have painted Chris as a very thoughtful and kind guy but also one who is amazingly sexy yet morally upstanding. The transformation of Grant from a tearful and homesick kid to a more confident one is based largely in his trust of Chris. Great dialogue, great story. Thanks.


SwimTeamSpeedo 04-26-2015 12:04 PM

20: Sarah's play
“So here is what I know,” Sarah started telling her best friend, Alice, as the two ate breakfast in the special dining room set up for the band. “Chris is definitely straight, so that concern is off the table.”

“Shhh, keep is down, people can hear us.” Alice replied. “How did you confirm that?” Alice whispered. They were in a far corner. Grant, Alex and Patrick were eating across the room. Chris and Lens had gone with the director to swim laps at the nearby pool, an outdoor lap pool a short cab ride away.

“I’ll tell you later, but there is more.” Sarah answered. “This girlfriend he has, her name is Sheri and he just met her at the college we rehearsed at in Boston. I guess he fell in love, and the two of them well, you know, any time they could.” She laughed. “I guess he is really into sex.” She added. Some information pure hyperbole and factually flawed, but Sarah liked it better that way.

“How did you get all this?” Alice asked again.

“I have my sources,” Sara answered smugly. “And they are reliable.”

“You are really mean,” Alice replied in jest, but it was mostly true.

“So, I looked her up on face book. She had some pictures of him on her page, one really cute one of him at some lake, I guess they must have snuck away while we were rehearsing. Anyway, he looks hot. She called him her handsome man.” Sarah continued, almost sarcastic, even caustic, in her description. “Any way, it was clear he had a boner when she took it, you can see everything outlined in the swimsuit. It is one he has not worn here, yet. She really should change her security settings”

“You need to back off on him. You’d be pissed if someone scoped you out like that.” Alice replied. Unlike most of the band, Sarah and Alice were friends from way back, both having been selected for the international band tour. “I know you!” Alice added with emphasis.

“Why? I have not done anything. Just scoping the competition.” Sarah replied. “If it makes you mad I will just not tell you about his face book page.”

“I didn’t say that,” Alice replied, taking a big chunk of the delicious waffle into her mouth.

“Well, Chris is really a farm boy. Must be how he got so hung, all that work on the farm. He has pictures of him on the tractor, he looks amazing in his dirty farm jeans. He was on swim team back home and man does he have some cute swim pics of himself. He is the hottie on his team.” Sarah spilled out her story. “He has this one pic of him in some really skimpy swimsuit standing among some cows in the barn. It is hot. I wondered who took it, it is not a selfie.”

“Any girlfriends?” Alice asked, now more into the juicy gossip.

“Not one,” Sarah replied. “Some other farm boys, I guess, maybe friends. Nice house.”

“Wow, you did your research.” Alice complimented her, half heartedly. “So what are you going to do.”

“I don’t know yet, thinking that through,” Sarah answered.


“Great swim,” Chris said to Len as the two climbed from the pool. It was almost 9, they had both been in the pool for two hours. The pool was an older pool, all cement, no wave control, so it was choppy, even with the small number of swimmers. With its ten lanes, it was built for swim teams, but clearly not many others used it. It was 25 meters, Chris knew by his swim times. “You are doing great as a newer swimmer,” Chris added, complimenting Len.

“Hey, thanks for the coaching, especially the last half hour.” Len replied, eying Chris in his tight and tiny Tyr print suit, red and black. Len was in black and red jammers, which looked cute on his frame. Luckily the suit was wet and cold, keeping his response to Chris’s physique in check.

“So remember, keep pushing water all the way on your strokes,” Chris added. He demonstrated for Len. “It will really help. Look at all the water force you give up,” Chris said as he showed Len what he was doing.

“Got it, Coach.” Len said with a smirk. “Did you ever think I’d be taking coaching tips from you?” he added with a poke to Chris’s side.

“Yeah, I really did. I knew we’d be friends once you stopped being a jerk,” Chris replied, part teasing buy mostly truth.

“Hey guys,” the life guard called out in perfect English. They two turned. “Your older friend said he’d see you back at the hotel. He gave me this to give you to cover the cab ride back, but honestly you can walk, it is not even a mile.”

“Great, thanks.” Chris accepted the money.

“You really swim well,” the guard said to Chris. “You must be on a team.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Chris replied.

“Where are you from?” the guard asked, a guy about the same age as Len and Chris.

“Top of Maine,” Chris added. “Oh yeah, United States.”

“I figured that part out,” the guard laughed. Len chimed in his hometown. “I am from Goodyear, Arizona,” the guard replied. “Out here for a year on international studies. My name is Mark. You guys here for long?”

“No, just one more day,” Len answered. The guys introduced themselves. The guard was clearly eyeing Chris, but Len was cute, too.

“Too bad, we could have fun, I’d show you around.” Mark answered.

“Hey come to our concert, it is at 6 at the band shell,” Len chimed in.

“Maybe I will,” Mark replied, “It would be fun.”

“Well, guys, have fun. And hey, Len, remember if you come tomorrow, you need to wear a swimsuit like Chris has. I cut you a break today because your jammers were not really shorts,” Mark explained.

“What is that rule all about?” Len asked.

“I don’t know, some Europe thing,” Mark replied. “Maybe just so I have cute swimsuits to look at,” he laughed.

“Cool,” Len replied.

The guys slipped on their shorts and headed out. It was a glorious morning, so they opted to walk, their wet suits soaking their shorts as they headed down the pathway towards the beachfront. Mark smiled to himself. Two hot guys at the pool so early. It was a great start to the day.


“You know, Len, I have been thinking,” Chris started talking as they walked.

“Oh no, that’s scary.” Len replied.

“No, I am being serious,” Chris replied. “What if we asked the director to let us trade off the opening to Pictures. I mean we are both awesome playing it and it only seems fair,” Chris stopped walking and looked at Len. “What do you think?”

“Wow, you’d do that for me?” Len opened his response. “I mean you earned it fair and square.” Len’s eyes were watering.

“Well, I think it would be cool,” Chris added.

“You’re the best. Now I feel like a total jerk for how bad I was to you back then.” Len replied. He reached out and put his hand on Chris’s shoulder. “Thanks, man!”


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