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Life goes on for Dylan and Josh…
Both Dylan and Josh are getting “lessons” on why it is so much fun to be a guy, and, in particular why it is so interesting to be a 19-year old college freshman. Sexual pleasure without a partner is frequently seen by many as a second- or even third-rate form of sexual activity, if it is considered to be a sexual activity at all. A lot of 19-year old guys, maybe guys of any age, are really hung up on this notion. Real sex only happens when penis goes into vagina. Of course, gay guys accept a somewhat broader definition here, but still it all boils down to the idea that the only real sex happens with the active participation of another person.
Dylan and Josh are both in a unique situation right now, with Josh merely watching what Dylan has been doing to himself. Is this a form of partner sex or not, since another guy is present in the dorm room while Dylan is pleasuring himself? That is an interesting question, a question that surely has no simple answer. As Josh watches Dylan play with himself, surely his mind and body is not oblivious to the fact that Dylan is having fun in this sort of play. In fact, what is happening right now is that Josh, as he merely watched Dylan fool around with his penis, Josh is starting to experience his own feelings in his groin area. At one level, Josh wishes that he wasn’t there at all. Yet, at another level, Josh is fascinated by what he is observing, and Josh’s body has been picking up on this. Now Josh isn’t ready to get off himself, at least not yet. At the same time he is thinking that deep down he would like to be mimicking for himself what Dylan is doing, and the psychological “pressure” is starting to build within Josh’s young mind and body as well. Josh knows all the sensations and feelings in that after all he is 19-years old. Josh doesn’t know quite what to make of all of this. After all, Josh has always thought of himself as being perfectly straight. Yet the situation at hand is really starting to gnaw away at Josh both mind and body. Dylan too. In his short life, Dylan does not recall an instance in his life where he got up horny in the morning and then stayed as horny as he has been for as long as he has been this morning without getting off. For young Dylan, this is an all new life experience. First off, Dylan was not aware that a guy could even do this for that long. This of course in part was related to the whole notion that when he was younger, he had to find a way to jerk off to orgasm quickly, lest the “nefarious” activity be “discovered by a peer classmate of family member. Younger guys quickly learn to get their bodies adjusted to the notion that they need to jack off quickly. But this is now different, totally different. It’s like riding a giant wave in the surf, edging closer and closer to being upset, but then regaining stability just a moment before the “wipeout” What Dylan is doing to himself is very much like that. Josh too knows that Dylan has been riding along right on the edge of a huge and powerful orgasm. Everything Josh is observing supports that. Josh is really beginning to wonder how long Dylan can keep this up. Josh has never tried anything quite like this himself, either, and he has concluded that Dylan must be having a fabulous time of it all, mind and body. Josh is fully aware of how good he feels all over when he is at the very edge of orgasm, but thought that there was some “rule” that “required” him to ejaculate immediately after he got to that point. Dylan is teaching by demonstrating to Josh all sorts of stuff about Josh’s own body and mind. A basic rule here is the longer a guy can remain on the edge of ejaculation without going past the point of no return, so to speak, the more fun the finality will be. The same rule holds in partner sex as it does in solo sex, and whether or not another person is in the room with you. Dylan this morning has gotten quite an “education.” That tiny little thong Dylan is wearing is a useful aid for Dylan and his “journey” this morning. Among other things, the skimpy thong helps him get access to the most sensitive areas of his body, in particular the underside of his penis and his perineum that is chocked full of sensitive nerve endings. And, if Dylan takes a break by stopping the stroking for a bit to regain stability, the thong helps maintain his erection so that he doesn’t go too far in the other direction. That little thong is quite a masturbation tool in this regard. Dylan knows that and appreciates what it does for him and his horny mind and body and figures that Josh has noticed this too. To be continued... |
Dylan comes…finally
Dylan, in his young life of only 19 years, does not recall any instance where he has been able to maintain an arousal and erection for as long as he has been able to this morning. At some level, Dylan is beginning to see what has been going on as something of an accomplishment. As a younger teen, he would have been embarrassed, at least primarily so. He would have also had a lot more difficulty with the whole situation whereby another guy his age, in this case Josh, is standing right there observing Dylan in all his “misery”.
Of course, Dylan fully realizes that the events of the past few hours have not been miserable at all, but a wonderful, yes even beautiful thing, something that Dylan had not fully realized until this day. The only embarrassment comes from the whole idea that not everyone else may see this all in quite the same way Dylan is now experiencing for himself. Dylan thinks to himself that male sexuality is a marvelous thing in its own special way independent of all the partner stuff that seems to overwhelm most guys his age. Dylan wonders how many guys out there can see and experience what Dylan is experiencing this morning. It seems to Dylan that maybe too many guys spend too many of their waking hours chasing down and then having sex with a partner when at age 19 they would be better served by just kicking back and enjoying themselves and their bodies. This may not be the most popular way of looking at life, but who cares? If a guy enjoys himself and appreciates his own body, who are all these others to say that what Dylan is doing to himself is in anyway either wrong or abnormal? Guys are constructed the way they are constructed, with all that this entails, Dylan thinks to himself. Indeed, the “risks” associated with what Dylan has been doing are all but nonexistent save the possibility of being teased or bullied should all of this somehow be revealed to the wrong person or in the wrong place or time. Getting horny then becomes much more of a burden than a source of joy and pleasure, and for Dylan right now that seems what is wrong not the self-pleasuring that is wrong for a lot of guys. Then there is Josh who has been quietly watching as Dylan has been pleasuring himself in that skimpy thong in the little dorm room. Josh is now fully fixated on wanting to be himself in the place Dylan is now in, and if that means going out and shopping for his own thong, so be it. But in the entire sequence of events that have transpired, Josh is also getting a new understanding of what it means to be a male and all the joys that come from being just that. This is stuff that Josh has never ever fully thought about before. Josh had simply assumed that getting aroused without a sexual partner (in Josh’s case, a young woman) was, if not abnormal, certainly inferior to having “real” (partner) sex. I have a roommate who really gets into enjoying himself even without a partner! What is wrong with that, anyway? Every horny guy is going to ultimately seek out a way to have a full-blown ejaculation, and Dylan is certainly not an exception to this “rule” Dylan is on the very edge of the point of no return. His penis is as big and as hard as Dylan can ever recall it being in his young life. Biologically there is a basic reason for this. In essence, what Dylan has been doing to himself is only a slight variation of the so-called “stop-start” method, often prescribed by sex therapists working with couples in which the male partner is struggling with what is referred to as premature ejaculation. The whole idea behind the stop-start method is that when the guy thinks he is on the edge of no longer being able to delay an orgasm, he quickly stops whatever the physical stimulation is at the moment, until things settle down and his body can “take” a little more stimulation without immediate ejaculation. Dylan has been teaching himself this method even as Josh looks on, at least somewhat mystified by it all. Male arousal is a fascinating subject in all sorts of ways. Initially, the arousal seems disconnected, diffuse and easy to deal with. The guy feels an initial moment of tension in the groin area, without the penis being in any way turgid. This initial moment of tension very early on is usually accompanied by a few tell-tale drops of pre-cum, and the guy can usually sense this has happened because he feels the telltale drop on his underwear at the very tip of his penis. At this point a guy can easily get distracted again and everything goes back to normal. The drop or two of pre-cum is generally not sufficient to create a noticeable damp spot on the guy’s jeans. Dylan, sitting in class this morning, was weaving in and out of being somewhat aroused versus not so much. If a guy wants to settle down, all he has to do is distract his minds from the initial sensations from the groin area, in other words, just think about anything else other than his body. But, of course, it’s a lot more fun to just keep going, even with the “dangers” involved. If the guy just keeps going, chances are the size of his penis may very well start to increase. And depending on what the guy is wearing, this could become an “issue”. Dylan was wearing his tightest skinny jeans to class, and that choice was certainly not in keeping with a selection that would keep what was going on a secret. But for Dylan, this had become part of the “fun” in concert with his decision to wear that skimpy little thong he had gotten at Amazon ® to class this morning. Any guy starts out handling initial arousal pretty well, realizing that anything that lead to a few initial drops of pre-cum could be stopped merely by getting distracted, but once an erection gets underway, it has the tendency to cause the poor guy’s mind to increasingly focus on what he is feeling in his groin area. Soon enough, whatever a guy was using to distract himself, such as a boring college lecture, begins to feel less and less important even as the sensations now emanating from the guy’s groin area vie for the guy’s attention. Snug-fitting clothing, in this case together the tight fitting jeans and thong, only make matters worse. Somehow, Dylan got through all of this in class this morning and managed to make it back to his dorm room. And in the dorm room is where we find Dylan now, along with his roommate Josh who has been watching all of this with a great deal of interest and increasingly starting to feel interesting stuff himself. Enough is enough! Too much is too much! Dylan now breaks over the edge and finds himself in a situation where he can no longer put off ejaculating. Like a surfer going into a wipe out, everything happens all at once. His young body can no longer delay ejaculating the large quantity of semen it has been producing. Dylan’s mind is focused not on where he is or even that Josh is standing there. Dylan’s mind is telling Dylan that the semen must be ejaculated. Every nerve ending in Dylan’s penis now seems more sensitive than Dylan has ever experienced before. Mind-wise Dylan feels as if he is going to go into full scale convulsions. The thong is tugging away and putting upward pressure on his perineum, even as the thong pouch encapsulates every nerve in his penis. The sensation of having the thong back cut between his cheeks is adding to the sensations from another place, a place Dylan before had not realized was as sexually active as it is. Guys 19-years old experience powerful ejaculations, and Dylan is no exception. Dylan’s young body courses with multiple muscular contractions, each one more interesting and exciting and enjoyable than the previous one. Dylan’s prostate is contracting over and over too, with each contraction pushing more liquid out, and these contractions are only adding to the pulsating pleasure of what is going on. The tiny thong of course is nowhere near big enough to contain all the semen that Dylan is ejecting from his body. The thong pouch is unable to contain the huge penis and ejaculate ends up shooting across the room in those great bubbles of that wonderful creamy-white and sticky fluid. Dylan feels almost as if his entire body is now contained within his sexual organs. In a word “Wow!”. This experience is unlike anything he has ever experienced as a teenager, not that he would have ever had the opportunity to try something like this. Of course, what Dylan did to himself by maintaining his arousal but delaying orgasm was directly responsible for the outsized orgasm he has just experienced. At some level, Dylan now understands this, at least more of this than he did. Dylan now feels a bit “bushed” as things settle back and Dylan now fully realizes what has just happened to him. Dylan has an entirely new appreciation for how much fun it is to be a guy. Meanwhile, Josh is still standing there, unsure of exactly what to say after all of this. He blurts out the only thing he can think of which is “Wow that must have been fun, Dylan!” Then one other thing comes to mind. Josh suddenly blurts out “Our dorm room is now quite a mess. Do you want me to give you some help cleaning it up?” Of course, my readers all know that Josh has other thoughts as well, for now left unsaid. To be continued… |
One thing is for certain, if Dylan had any previous doubts in the matter, Dylan has learned today that solo jerk-off sessions can be fun, as in really, really fun. Dylan no longer thinks that solo sex as an inferior, second-rate method for sexual play. The orgasm Dylan just had was a first-rate, top tier orgasm, and not something that is easily forgotten.
Some guys like to think back and compare orgasms that they have had in the past, and maybe even assign a numerical score from 1-10, with 1 being not that good to 10 being absolutely first rate. Dylan thinks to himself that this one had to rate at least a “9” on a 10-point scale. Some time ago, Dylan decided that he would reserve the full 10 point rating to an orgasm that he had with a female partner. The problem for Dylan is that in his young life he has not yet had an orgasm that he felt merited a “10” on a ten-point scale. Dylan is more than a little perplexed by all of this—a lot perplexed. “Is this the way it is SUPPOSED to be for guys”, Dylan thinks. It is tough to know, very tough. All sorts of interesting stuff has been going on in the last few weeks. Dylan knows that from his perspective, this all started that night Dylan ran into Bill and Joe wearing their straps and compression gear in the dorm hallway. From that very moment in time, Dylan somehow knew that something was up, but he was uncertain with respect to exactly what that something was. I guess every guy is familiar with that feeling. Something happens, often visual, and the guy feel this funny sensation of tensing in the groin area. Only as guys get older do they start to associate this initial tensing in the groin area as the very initial point of sexual arousal. The sensation is not unpleasant, in fact it can be quite pleasant. This initial tensing is frequently followed almost immediately by the release of a drop or two of pre cum. Many guys are surprised by this, thinking that any release of liquid is associated with a full blown erection followed by an ejaculation. Young teens are particularly mystified by what is going on. At age 19, Dylan knows what is going on, at least he thinks he knows. He is still more than a little uneasy. At that very moment in time, just looking at Bill and Joe in their straps and compression gear, Dylan knew where he wanted to be as well—that is, wearing the same type of gear Bill and Joe had. That , in turn led conversations with Bill and Joe and ultimately to the Amazon® order and the various items in it, each one designed to do something to a guy’s psyche. Dylan has been “messing” with Josh, thinking up ways to reveal each of these items to Josh slowly, or one at-a-time. Initially, Dylan was quite uncertain about how Josh would react to all of this. Maybe Josh would conclude that Dylan has some mental problems related to sex and sexuality, as in operating “a few fries short of a “Happy Meal”. To the great relief of Dylan, that has not been Josh’s reaction at all, so near as Dylan can tell. Dylan wonders now if Josh is unique among guys their age, but then he thinks back to Bill, Joe, Tony and Donovan and their various “antics” that all seem to have sexual overtones. Indeed, Josh seems mesmerized when watching what Dylan is doing to himself. Not mesmerized enough to yet say “Dylan, I would like to join with you. You are just having too much fun to be doing this all alone!” But Josh is clearly not in any sort of misery, either. Think for a moment about each of the items in Dylan’s order. Each item was specially selected to generate feelings of arousal, and the various items accomplish this objective very well. Granted, today’s demo was conducted using that little thong, but that by no means suggests that the other items would not be at least as much fun for a guy who wants to try this. Josh knows that there is more to this, much more, and so does Dylan. There are also lots of concerns as this all goes along. A basic problem is that Dylan is having too much fun to stop, and Josh is getting dragged in as well. To be continued… |
Dylan and Josh engage in a “frank” conversation
The necessity to clean up the dorm room after Dylan’s powerful ejaculation while wearing the thong underwear has turned into something of a conversation starter between Dylan and Josh. Dylan is learning some things about himself and how his body responds to different situations it finds itself in for sure. But Josh too in just observing Dylan as Dylan pleasures himself has learned some new things about himself and how his mind and body interact.
I guess that most guys end up being more than a little bit unnerved by the whole situation of getting to observe another guy in self-pleasuring and especially right into ejaculatory mode, as Dylan just did. But wait a second. On line, there are tons of videos that are easily found (and usually free) that show guys masturbating to ejaculation. In this day and age, a male college student would have to be a technology fool to not have uncovered and watched some of these. But what does this all mean? Is any guy who does this gay not straight? What about the guys who watch these but still claim to be arrow straight? Are they just not being truthful to themselves about their gay or perhaps bisexual feelings. In short, what is going on here? Further, according to sex surveys, a lot of guys who claim to be straight admit to the fact that at some point in their lives, often as a teenager, they engaged in either male mutual masturbation or a so-called circle jerk involving more than two guys their age. Sex therapists usually say that if these represent basically isolated events, they mean almost nothing in terms of whether a guy will ultimately turn out to be straight or gay. In short, a young guy’s interest in seeing other young guys engage in masturbation is not a good predictor of whether or not a guy is ultimately straight or gay. But then, all of this hinges on an outdated and largely discounted view of sexuality, that guys easily fit into only two rigid categories either entirely straight or entirely gay. No one who is serious about that subject sees sexuality is such simple, rigid terms any more. Whatever the implication of Josh being OK with even being in the dorm room when Dylan was pleasuring himself, too much should not be implied. Dylan was clearly enjoying himself and so was Josh as an observer. No one caught a VD or was otherwise harmed in any way in the process. As a young teen, had this happened to Dylan, Dylan would have worried a lot about being teased and bullied, but both of them are now college students. In trying to determine what is going on in Dylan’s head, Josh is also trying to figure out what is going on in his own mind and body. The conversation goes something like this: Dylan: “I see now why some guys like to wear thong underwear. The design is really fun to wear.” Josh: “I noticed that!” Dylan: “It’s really a combination of interesting stuff all hitting me all at once, the snug fit of the pouch, the upward pressure just behind my balls, and the feel of the elastic back cutting my butt. The combination overwhelms” Josh: “That is fun? I’m being serious now.” Dylan: “I know that you are. Well, at first I was apprehensive. I put on the thong and it felt uncomfortable in various places. But, strangely enough, my attention was drawn to my groin area, and the funny part is that almost immediately I started to feel tense, and before I even realized it, I was starting to get hard. But I needed to go to class. I pulled on my skinny jeans and sneakers and headed off to class. I thought the skinny jeans would settle me down some, but they didn’t help one bit. . In fact, they made matters worse. I spent the entire class period thinking about how good I felt in my groin area…Not sure what the lecture was about as my attention was not on the class.” Josh: “Really? So this has been going on for some time?” Dylan, looking sullen and staring at his feet: “Unfortunately, yes.” Josh: “I’m beginning to feel sorry for you and the dilemma you got yourself into.” Dylan: I ”I’m congratulating myself for making it through the entire class and then walking back to the dorm without ejaculating. But by the time I got to the dorm room I knew that I was desperate to get off, so I quickly stripped off the skinny jeans and started stroking the underside of my penis still inside the thong pouch. I thought I would have some time to do this before you got back from class. That is when you wandered in, back to the dorm for a class that let out early. But I was too far along to stop.” Josh: “I am beginning to understand how this all happened now.” Dylan: “I guess at this point that I need to confess to you that I have had this “thing” for various kinds of clothing, especially stuff that fits really snug in the groin. You can see the jeans I like to wear, but there is more.” Josh: “If getting off this way is that much fun, what really is the harm enjoying your clothing items?” Dylan:” I used to think that I was the only guy who did this, but then I ran into Bill and Joe, and then Tony and Donovan. All four of them were choosing clothing items that could be errr… erotic at least under some circumstances. So what I do to myself can’t be that uncommon for a lot of guys my age. I keep noticing that more and more bricks-and-mortar retail stores are stocking items that might work, and that guys must be buying it or it would not be in the stores. You can find stuff on line, but, interestingly, also in department stores, even places like Wal mart” Josh: “You have got my attention. My mind is starting to wander into the same places yours has been. Maybe we need to go on a shopping trip to some stores just to see what is out there, just for fun.” Dylan: “You got it. I might find some new stuff that I would enjoy wearing too!” To be continued… |
How will I know when I have found something I like? (pt 1)
Dylan and Josh agree that they are going to go on a shopping trip this weekend that in part will be a search for clothing items that might prove useful in pleasuring themselves. On line shopping can be interesting in this regard, but there is no substitute for seeing the particular items up close before buying them. Too, Dylan, in his shopping trips, has been noticing some things that seem to be drawing attention to this. Increasingly, items have been showing up in retail stores in recent months that have attracted his attention.
Of course, this isn’t entirely new for sure. Not that many years ago, it was possible to walk into not only a sporting goods store, but also into many mass market retailers and find entire racks of stretchy swimming briefs in a host of different colors and sizes. For guys who found stretchy swim briefs to be a real turn-on, just SEEING these racks of briefs hanging there in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors was a fun turn-on. It was not even necessary to make a purchase, but just being able to look at the snug briefs hanging on the racks in a row and maybe touch a few of them was enough to send a guy’s pre cum making factory into high gear overdrive. Guys knew this Now, the vast majority of guys who wear swim briefs either as an outer garment or even as an inner garment under board shorts make their purchases on line, and it is rare to find a bricks-and-mortal retailer, even a sporting goods store, that stocks a selection of any number of options, if at all. Usually the selection is limited to branded Speedos ® with 3-inch sides in black or navy blue, if that. Customers who ask for anything more (or less) are usually routed to the on-line version of the store, but in order to make a purchase there, guys would at least need to be old enough to have a credit card, or be secure enough to explain to their parents what they are doing and why. Usually, given the fact that a guy normally likes to keep his interest in such things deeply hidden, the latter probably isn’t going to happen. Also, not that many years ago, men’s thong underwear was very popular for a short period of time. But at least outside of big urban areas, this has largely disappeared as well. Again, guys who want to wear thong underwear are pretty much dealing with on line retailers. Not that many years ago, Jockey ® carried a line of very brief thong underwear for men, some all cotton but a lot of them made from a very stretchy cotton-Lycra ® fabric in a design that touched all the ‘right’ places. These were readily available at any retail outlet that stocked the jockey brand, and were very fun to wear in all the right (or wrong) ways. Alas, these disappeared from the Jockey ® line a number of years ago. The same is true for guys who think they might enjoy wearing an “old school” athletic supporter (jock strap) with or without a hard cup. At one time these were most commonly sold at drug stores and sporting goods stores. Drug stores typically sold this gear along side other ‘protective’ gear that stretches, such as elbow, knee and ankle supports. And the sporting goods store would have an entire wall devoted to the items in all sorts of shapes and sizes. A bevy of teen agers convinced their parents that they needed a strap and maybe a cup because the school coach was requiring that they wear one for some physical activity that they were engaging in at school, perhaps as part of a team sport. Perhaps more than a few young guys may have simply made up a story like this simply because they were turned on by the prospect of wearing the gear. Not only that, the young guy’s peers were probably telling ‘funny’ stories about what might happen if a guy got an erection while wearing a strap, but in particular a strap with a cup too small to hold an erect penis. While these stories may have terrified some young guys, they were also a source of fascination, as guys wondered if their own bodies would react in the specific ways their peers were describing in detail. The poor guy was scared but in an odd way also aroused by the entire prospect of getting to be in a strap and cup. Besides, if it were true that the coach was actually requiring that guys wear these at school, best to run an ‘experiment’ to check this all out at home, alone, in the privacy of your own room to make sure your mind and body can ‘handle’ the situation without something embarrassing happening when you get out and get into this gear with your buddies present. Same deal with swim briefs being required for guys who want to be on the school swim team, exactly. On the other hand for guys with an interest in snug-fitting clothing of various kinds, the situation has improved in an assortment of ways. Only a few years ago, guys all wore jeans that were very roomy in the crotch and fit baggy, perhaps very baggy, from thigh to ankle. Finding jeans that fit snugger in the butt and crouch and tapering in the thigh to the ankle was very difficult, if not impossible. The narrowest jeans available tapered to 15 inches at the ankle. Anything that fit snugger than that, with a narrower leg was referred to as a ‘girly’ jean and not something that any ‘real’ guy would ever be caught wearing. Really skinny jeans really got their start in women’s fashion, as women seemed to like the body-accenting look of a slim and tight fit. Women started wearing thong underwear with slim and tight jeans over. For women, slim and tight soon became even slimmer and even tighter. Manufacturers soon discovered that they could only get the look that women wanted and make it possible for women to get in and out of the jeans if they added Lycra® to the denim blend. So, ordinary denim quickly became stretch denim. Manufacturers making men’s jeans discovered that there might be male customers out there who wanted a slimmer and snigger fit, despite the “girly jeans” issue. The big jeans maker Levis® first introduced the 511® design, with a much slimmer and snugger fit than a traditional Levis 505® design. This was followed by the discovery that there will guys out there who wanted to wear something even snugger and downright tight in the legs, much closer to women’s jeans in cut. A few adventuresome guys had already started to buy women’s jeans to get that fit, although since guys are constructed quite differently from women, this was not a satisfactory solution. The 511® tapered to an approximate 14-inch ankle. Super Skinny for men was born. In the Levis ® line this was introduced as the 510 ® tapering to only about 13-inch ankle with a still snugger fit in the butt, crotch and thigh as well. These were not that easy to get in and out of because the denim had no stretch. Initially however, US jeans manufacturers were reluctant to take the step that they had done in women’s designs, specifically, put Lycra ® in the denim blend so it would stretch for a skin tight body fit. But many guys were wearing Lycra® blend skin tight tights for things like running in cold weather, and they did not seem bothered by the argument that what they were wearing was somehow girly. So maybe some guys would accept skinny jeans denim that stretched. It was the guys in many parts of Southeast Asia that really set the new styling trend for guys in other parts of the world. They liked super skinny jeans very much, and had no reservations about the idea of using a stretch fabric to get the skin-tight look they wanted tapering to a 12-inch ankle (or less). For much of Southeast Asia, super-skinny stretch jeans have become not only a fashion trend but almost a required uniform for young guys. For guys elsewhere who like the look these jeans can be ordered direct from Asia via online retailers like Aliexpress.com (search on ‘men’s skinny jeans’) [A word of warning; These are made for Asian guys who are typically smaller and skinnier than most American guys, and expect the same size to fit way snugger than if you were buying from an American retailer.] Increasingly, however, western retailers big and small, on line and retail stores, are stocking more and more men’s skinny jeans that are made from denim that contains Lycra. The Asian look in jeans has caught on elsewhere. Dylan likes the skinny jeans he wore to class, very much it seems, and he thinks it would be fun to introduce Josh to them. The problem is that guys, even 19-year olds are not supposed to talk to each other about this stuff. There is more to this story, much more… |
How will I know when I have found something I like ? (pt 2)
Dylan, to Josh: “I’ve never said this to anyone before, but I’ve always ‘enjoyed’ wearing clothing with a really snug fit.”
Josh: ‘Errrr… I had kinda sorta figured that out already :-). You actually have not been that good about keeping your ‘secret’ with me.” Dylan, (sheepishly looking down at his toes and avoiding eye contact with Josh): “Josh, I was afraid you were gonna say that.” To be sure, Josh didn’t seem the least bit upset about what he had just heard Dylan say. Indeed, Josh was wearing a broad smile as Dylan has just revealed one of his deepest secrets. Dylan: “The first time I saw the compression gear that UnderArmour ® was selling, I was about to go bananas. I wanted to get my body into that gear sooooooo much.” Josh “You know what? I kinda got turned on when I saw that for the first time too…I kept thinking how much fun it would be to jack off in gear that fit that fit my body that skin tight. Even the thought of getting into the UnderArmour tee shirt seemed to be exciting. …And the shorts…” Josh’s voice suddenly trailed off. He swallowed hard, and he could feel a slight tensing in his penis just thinking about this all… Dylan: “Exciting? Even a tee shirt?” Josh:“ I think you must pretty well know what I am talking about” At that point Dylan did not dare say anything more. But Dylan had learned something really important: That Dylan was not the only guy in the universe who had thought about such things. Of course, Dylan had pretty much determined that Bill and Joe “suffered” from a similar hang up….and then there was Tony and Donovan…the collegiate rowers he met in the gym… Maybe what Dylan struggled with for most of his young life is actually fairly commonplace, and many guys his age suffer from the same or very similar “problem.” Dylan had already figured out some stuff. He knew that a lot of his peers in high school wore loose-fitting boxers in high school. He had observed that in the high school gym locker room. But, if guys get turned on by wearing stuff that is snug and tight, why do so many teen guys seem to try and avoid wearing anything that does this? Dylan pondered that thought for a minute or two. Perhaps these guys were not affected the same way Dylan was when wearing clothing with a snug fit. That was certainly possible, but somehow that explanation did not seem to make a lot of sense. Was Dylan just super sensitive in his groin area? But now Josh was telling him that Dylan was not ‘unique’ in that regard. Dylan thought some more. Dylan started to think that maybe the answer was that his high school buddies were really fearful of getting into a situation where an erection, or even worse, happened at an inopportune or inappropriate time. What could be worse and more embarrassing than to get a roaring erection when you are with your male buds in the high school locker room? But, wearing snug and tight stuff is sooooo much fun, Dylan thinks. Were my high school buds just ignorant of all of this? To be continued… |
Dylan thinks back…
As the Christmas holidays approach, Dylan invariably starts to think back to when he was a much younger teenager and what his Christmas presents might hold. Ever since puberty, maybe before, Dylan had this affinity for snug-fitting clothing of various sorts, and sometimes he would get pleasantly surprised when he opened his Christmas gifts.
Not that Dylan was somehow different from other boys that age. Dylan loved getting stuff to play with for Christmas, often something in the electric gear category. When Dylan was growing up, this gear was typically all about playing music. The iPod was the one thing many of the boys Dylan’s age most wanted. And one Christmas, Dylan got exactly that. It was a very memorable Christmas for sure. Boys Dylan’s age also wanted their own laptop computer, and one year that happened as well. Thinking back, Dylan had some very good Christmases, from a gear-wise perspective. It did not take the young Dylan a lot of time to figure out that his Laptop computer could be used to see guys who were wearing various kinds of snug-fitting clothing, guys clad in tight-fitting jeans, swim briefs and stuff that fit even tighter and snugger and more revealing. Dylan basically knew that his peers were using their laptops to get to see the unclothed female anatomy in all its detail. Dylan, however, was not that interested in pursuing that, in part because he didn’t want to upset his parents, but, oddly enough, he wasn’t really that interested in exactly what seemed to be of such interest to his peers. Dylan didn’t quite know what, if anything, that all meant. It was one of those little mysteries that followed Dylan around in his youth. If Dylan had any interests in “forbidden” Web sites as a young man, it was in getting a chance to see exactly how other guys pleasured themselves. Dylan was particularly attracted to any images that showed exactly how guys played with themselves, in particular guys who were not naked, but instead wearing snug-fitting clothing. Is that somehow weird or oddball? Dylan often wondered about that. Unlike other guys his age, Dylan never objected to the whole idea of getting clothing instead of stuff to play with for Christmas. But Dylan just being Dylan, of course, hoped for something that would fit him really snug and tight. Somehow, Dylan’s parents figured out what Dylan would like and also not like in this regard. Parents sometimes develop a “sixth sense” in this regard. I don’t know that Dylan’s ‘rents ever put two-and-two completely together, as in figured out that Dylan like to use snug clothing items when he pleasured himself alone, in his room, but that didn’t really matter in the larger scheme of things. Dylan got to thinking back to that one Christmas when his parents bought him a very narrow-cut pair of jeans. Dylan’s normal underwear was tighty whiteys, FOTL or Hanes® brand, 3-packs in plastic bags. But this year, somehow his parents decided to mix it up and gave Dylan a 4-pack of stretch nylon no-fly bikini briefs. How his parents figured out that Dylan would enjoy a present of that sort is still a great mystery to Dylan, and Dylan has never dared ask them. Dylan’s parents knew that for young people, getting underwear for Christmas was something of a “standing joke” for an “unsuccessful Christmas,” and Dylan was always stumped by why his parents had “did what they did” that Christmas. Dylan somehow knew that the new bikini briefs was not something that he would want to wear on gym days at school,..he wasn’t sure what his male classmates would say or do if they saw him wearing them when he was dressing for gym in the locker room. But there was no gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so he could “safely” wear them to school on those days. Of course, what Dylan really wanted to do was see how his penis felt inside those slinky new stretch nylon briefs…somehow the mere thought of slick cloth rubbing against the underside of a guy’s penis can quickly send a guy into self-pleasuring heaven. Dylan remembers this Christmas with very fond memories. Those tight jeans were fun to get into too, especially with the bikini briefs under. In retrospect, Dylan was not at all unhappy that he did not receive a lot of gear to play with that year, not at all upset. To be continued…. |
Dylan ponders a lot
Whether or not he has some sort of sexual hang-up, Dylan has been gradually coming to terms with himself and his own body. Some days it almost seems as if Dylan’s groin area has a separate “mind” of its own that is leading him to do some wild stuff in certain ways, in large measure entirely for the pure pleasure of it all.
Dylan is a deep thinker. Dylan thinks that this could be part of his own “problem”. Dylan was basically a “good” kid In high school he was never that much interested in doing a lot of the “dumb” things his classmates that age seemed prone to do. This was often the stuff that got his friends and peers into trouble, as in deep trouble. The most obvious example was teen-age drinking that in turn led to really bad things like the night a couple of his classmates got picked up for DWI. Boy was that a mess. They got themselves into a small fender bender accident, after having only recently receiving their driver’s licenses. Thankfully, no one got injured or worse, but they got their licenses taken away from them for 180 days. Their parents were pissed, royally pissed, and vowed to make the 180 day court decision into a one-year suspension. Then there was the boy who got caught smoking marijuana. That ended up being a big mess too. Then a number of boys that got caught trying to buy cigarettes and beer using faked IDs at a local convenience store. That was a really dumb move because the clerk knew their parents pretty well. Fortunately the clerk didn’t call the police but instead made a quick call to their parents, who immediately came down to the convenience store not being happy at all in getting the call. Then there was the boy who somehow managed not only to have teenage sex with a girl in the class, but ended up getting her pregnant as well. The funny part about this story is that the two people involved in this were what Dylan might have expected the least likely classmates to end up doing something “dumb” like this. Both the boy and the girl were quiet and shy people, and the boy in particular was definitely not the boisterous athletic type who was into bragging about making sexual conquests. Rather, these were the children of parents who were considered very decent, even noble families in terms of personal behavior. They were quiet conservative churchgoing families, and both families were highly regarded within the community for being both sane and pretty straight-laced. Then there was the boy in class where rumors had circulated for some time among other classmates that he could be gay, or if not that, at minimum being more interested in other guys than is “normal” for a boy that age. Somehow, these rumors start. Then, one day, interestingly, in that same stupid convenience store-gas station that the guys were trying to buy cigarettes and booze with the fake IDs, this boy, then a 16 y/o Junior and High school got picked up for soliciting sex in the men’s bathroom of the convenience store. Turns out, the guy the boy was soliciting was actually a young cop from a neighboring town, posing undercover as a gay guy after there had been complaints that the convenience store restroom was on occasion being used for that purpose. Wow, this is deep stuff, Dylan thinks, especially from a social perspective for this boy, because no longer will he be able to feign to his classmates that he is actually straight. At some level, Dylan felt for the predicament this classmate had inadvertently gotten himself into. Tough stuff, Dylan thinks. The boy’s parents were appalled that this not only happened but involved their son. Parents often worry that would their kids do will affect their own reputations in the community, and that was a major issue here in this instance. Again, what a mess! However uncertain Dylan is with respect to his interest in dealing with his fondness for snug-fitting clothing and his penchant for enjoying himself by jerking off wearing something really snug and tight, Dylan realizes that what he is doing to pleasure himself has not gotten him into any of the trouble of the sorts that brought down many of his classmates. Dylan has not done anything wrong or illegal: maybe a little silly, perhaps, at least as viewed by some of his College classmates, but certainly nothing that would that would ever present a legal issue of one sort or another. I suppose if Dylan actually started stroking himself obviously in a public place, he could end up in trouble with the law for public masturbation, but Dylan knew better than to do that. So far, at least, the most “trouble” Dylan has gotten himself into is jerking off in his own dorm room with the door closed, but not as privately as if he had been completely alone. The twist here is that his roommate Josh had also been in the room for some of this, and had actually seen Dylan ejaculate into the pouch of that skimpy thong Dylan had gotten in the Amazon® order. For Dylan, and interestingly, Josh didn’t seem the least bit concerned about what he was observing up close. Dylan thinks that just maybe Josh kinda “enjoyed” watching Dylan himself, but Dylan is not certain about this at all. Dylan now keeps wondering to himself if what he did is actually a form of “gay male” behavior, and that if he had done the same thing exactly but in private that this would be a perfectly ‘straight” thing to do. But since Dylan kept stroking himself even after Josh was in the room did that mean that deep down Dylan is either gay or maybe now has a latent gay streak? Indeed, what are the so-called “rules” here with regard to sexual orientation? These are really deep questions, Dylan thinks, and not easily answered. This all gets really complicated. In high school, Dylan was simply not that much interested in girls or dates, like many of his peers were. Of course, he had been on a few dates, most notably the junior and senior year proms, but he more nearly survived these events than really enjoyed either of them. So for a long time, Dylan has been jacking off as a sexual release necessary because male hormones have been bombarding his body, relentlessly, and without a release every couple days, this can quickly get overwhelming for a guy Dylan’s age, indeed Dylan thinks maybe for a guy of almost ANY age. The snug-fitting clothing becomes something of a pleasant-and-always-there “retreat” for dealing with the testosterone overload without getting into any difficult social situations. Dylan could of course, go out and find a girl, go on one or more dates, and then make a way for his penis to get into her vagina if he is lucky. A lot of male college freshman pursue that course, relentlessly too. But Dylan keeps thinking that if he tries this, with all the stumbling blocks along the way, Dylan could quickly end up in a situation that he doesn’t want to deal with, at least for now. The girl invariably will want more of a lot of stuff, much more, and at this point Dylan is not at all prepared to deal with that. So, at this point, jerking off in snug-fitting clothing becomes a convenient way of dealing with life from a sexual perspective. Relative to heavy dating, it’s way cheap, just the one-time cost for the various items. Dylan has all this stuff he got on Amazon® right in his little dorm-room dresser drawer. Dylan starts to think about not only using each item individual to assist himself in jerking off with each item adding its own element in making him feel ”hot and bothered”. Way cool. Dylan starts to daydream. For example, what would happen if he layered each item one over the other. Start with the little Desmiit ® thong that was so much fun. Over that goes the bright compression shorts and tee. Then over the compression shorts goes the strap. Then insert the cup. Dylan is starting to feel like he is getting hard just pondering what might be fun to try. Dylan thought the super skinny jeans he wore to class over the thong added something really special to all the fun. These fit tight. But recently super tight jeans have started to become available. The super tight jeans have lots of Lycra in the denim blend. A standard super skinny jean tapers to an ankle opining of about 13.5 inches. If they were skinnier than that, a guy would never get his foot through the opening. But with the addition of Lycra, the leg opening can taper to only about 12 inches as the denim stretches like a running tight. This same denim will cling to the calves and thighs almost like a second skin. Not only that, the newest designs are what are called jogging jeans that fit really tight through the calves and thighs and then pull up without a belt but with an elastic waistband like a snug-fitting sweat pant. These can also be worn with a belt and it’s possible to make them appear like an ordinary pair of jeans in every way except one. These jogger jeans have only a fake fly and if a guy wearing them were standing at a urinal, he would have to pull them down to pee. Of course, Dylan, if layered like this is going to have other critical “barriers” in just standing at a urinal to pee. First, the jogger jeans have to come down since they have no fly. Then the strap and cup. Then the compression shorts. Finally, he has to “coax” his penis to come out of the little thong pouch. At minimum, just “unlayering” oneself at the urinal will take time. But it also might attract some attention if other guys wander into the restroom who will wonder what exactly Dylan is doing with all that stuff, at minimum. Continues below ===================== |
Dylan ponders a lot.....continuation
Dylan decides that he might be smart to get the peeing over before he heads to class and before he gets all his gear in place. Dylan is also convinced that what he wants to add to his collection of jerk off stuff is a pair of those ultra snug-fit jogging jeans. An interesting experiment will be to see if he can wear the jock and cup under the jeans, and, if so, how noticeable the bulge from the cup will be. Then, what of Josh? Dylan wants to shop for some high-Lycra jogging jeans. Josh could go along on the shopping trips and Dylan could help Josh find some things similar to at least some of the items Dylan got on Amazon. But is Josh really also interested in what Dylan is doing to and for himself? Good Question! Still, Dylan thinks that Josh’s behavior in the dorm room indicates that Josh is indeed more turned on than turned off by what he saw Dylan doing to himself. But Dylan thinks that he needs to approach the entire subject with Josh very carefully. If there is talking to be done, just let Josh do most of the talking. After all, Josh too seems to be struggling with inner feelings that reside deep down. And Dylan is still trying to figure out how he would deal with a situation where his roommate suddenly discovers that he enjoys pleasuring himself in a similar manner to what Dylan so much enjoys doing to himself. What a dilemma! To be continued… |
Dylan thinks some more,… maybe a bit too much!
Dylan’s extraordinary experience masturbating in the thong stuck to his brain as if it were glued in place. Dylan had fun doing this, the most fun he ever recalls having with his own body, and that includes a few close encounters with two different girls his age. None of those encounters ended as Dylan had hope, and somehow, Dylan has pushed the experiences back into a now-dark corner of his brain.
The first thing running through Dylan’s mind is how much he enjoyed merely getting his body parts into the skimpy thong. Now thongs designed as male underwear generally are made to take advantage of the fact that guys have more to contain there than a female does. Still, a correctly-fitting thong should fit snuggly in the pouch. An oversized, loose-fitting pouch would probably work less well than a pouch that is a bit undersized. Ahhh, but the real fun begins when the pouch is of the correct size for the guy, just big enough to fully hold and contain the penis and balls of a guy who at the start at least is completely flaccid. Of course, that is better said than done. A thong that fits correctly will require some hand adjustment in order to get into the proper position. Dylan did not fully appreciate this until he tried the thong on for the first time. And a guy would have to be brain dead to not get at least a semi-erection as all of this adjusting is going on. Then there is the matter of the stimulation of the perineum area, that neat little spot just behind the balls. A correctly-fitting thong will tug at that area with an upward pressure, pushing the balls upward and the penis forward. Dylan quickly found this out too. Indeed, just this sensation of the thong pressing firmly against the perineum area taken alone can be a quite enjoyable. Finally, there is the matter of the thong back, which in a men’s thong, can be as simple as a band of elastic, typically sewn to the thong pouch right at the point that hits the perineum. So, as arousal proceeds, the guy’s penis is going to grow somewhat in size and strain against the walls of the pouch. As this is happening, something will have to give. As the guy starts to get hard while still inside the pouch, the only reasonable place for the elastic band to go is to stretch up in the buttock crack, bombarding the guy with interesting sensations from yet another “arousal-active” area of his body. At this point Dylan takes a deep breath and notices that he is pre cumming profusely. Whatever is happening to Dylan right now feels soooo…good. What started as a dime-sized spot of pre cum on the pouch right at the tip of Dylan’s penis has morphed into a quarter-sized wet spot of ooze. And the spot gives every indication of getting still bigger. Already, Dylan has found in a place best called pre cum ”heaven”. Dylan’s entire body is awash with pleasant sensations. Funny how just a little piece of cloth and some elastic can do that to a guy. The last time this happened, we all know the story of how Dylan found orgasmic ecstasy by simply stroking the underside of his penis from base to glans with his penis still inside the pouch, and that roommate Josh got to watch him do this and coming in a wonderful orgasm of both mind and body, an orgasm so powerful that Dylan thought he was completely losing control over what was happening to him and starting to convulse…terrific fun, even if the who experience was a little scary too. Some of life’s experiences can be both extraordinarily memorable but scary at the same time, and this was one of those. This time, however, Dylan has the entire dorm room to himself, and wants to try layering some of his duds over the top of the thong. Dylan’s mind is wandering and he is starting to think about layering that little strap and hard cup over the top of the thong. Penises are wonderful pieces of human engineering. They are capable of expanding a good deal, and even stranger, they seem to be happiest doing this if the guy is not trying to direct the activity from his brain. Well, maybe that is not quite what happens. Dylan’s thoughts right now are most interesting. He’s starting to think that the strap and cup, if worn over his thong, penis and balls, is set up to press inward and downward on his penis just as the thong is pressing upward and forward in the opposite direction. What an interesting dilemma for his body parts to be in, Dylan thinks. How will his body react to the dilemma it is in? Penises can and do expand under a variety of external conditions, and what Dylan is setting up is one of them. The funny thing is that when the male penis is inside something, it seems to somehow “know” that it is in a confined space, even though it may not be physically in contact with whatever is confining it, at least not yet. So this becomes both a psychological and a physical thing that is taking place. The penis somehow understands that expansion inside a jock cup, while possible may be stopped as soon as it comes in firm contact with the walls of the cup. Dylan pulls the strap and cup over the thong and suddenly becomes aware of what appears to be happening to his body. Finally, there is the compression gear, both the tee and the compression shorts. Dylan loves the fit and feel of the tee and how he looks in that, how the positions of each of his his upper body muscles are apparent with the tee in place. Dylan pulls the tee first, and then tugs himself into the compression shorts. The compression shorts hold the jock cup firmly in place, limiting Dylan’s ability to pull the cup off the top of his pouch-contained penis, a penis that now desperately wants to get bigger as well as harder but is limited because the walls of the jock cup are firm and hard and only a tiny distance from the now nearly electric condition of the skin of his penis. At this point, Dylan’s mind is telling him that he is desperate to get off, to get out from under the sensations his body is being bombarded with from a bunch of different locations. At the same time Dylan wants for all of this to be over, he is once again in a thrilling situation, again a situation unlike anything quite like he has ever experienced before. And, of course, given where Dylan’s penis is, he cannot easily rub himself directly enough to speed ejaculation. Dylan is more or less stuck! Might as will just kick back and enjoy all the interesting and wonderful sensations. Dylan suddenly thinks about that crazy night that he ran into Bill and Joe in the hall restroom, and it now occurs to him that Bill and Joe were wearing all of the gear he is now wearing, or at least very similar gear, layered like Dylan has now layered his own gear. It now becomes obvious to Dylan exactly what Bill and Joe were doing that night dressed that way, and, more importantly, why they were doing that. Of course, Bill and Joe had yet another scheme, that was crawling into bed and trying to sleep with all the gear in place, with each realizing that the roommate also attempting to sleep only a few feet away was in the same psychological and physical predicament and struggling with the exact same issues. Would Josh ever get to the point where he would like to try the same thing Bill and Joe were doing, Dylan wonders. The intensity of the entire experience seems to magnify with the knowledge that there is another guy in the room with you who is facing the exact same “problem”. For now, however, its time for Dylan to just kick back and enjoy the entire experience solo. To be continued… |
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