Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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solarguy 05-01-2016 12:38 PM

Thanks for a great story STS! I really enjoyed reading it and following the characters. I appreciate all the hard work that goes in to putting together a story like this. Although, I think the end was a little bit flat. :)

SwimTeamSpeedo 05-02-2016 01:48 AM

It was flat because no one really responded to the last few posts.. Sebbie, I could write a kick ass ending, but it was pretty clear no one gave two shits. Like a TV series that dries up in the ratings it was time to move on.

dm106 05-02-2016 12:04 PM

Sorry more ppl didn't respond. It was an amazing story and I'd love to see a really amazing ending!

MISpeedo 05-02-2016 12:41 PM


Thanks for all of you hard work and sorry if I too wasn't there enough to let you know how interested I was in the story. I always looked forward to a new post. As others requested, I would have loved to read the ending that you referenced in your last post.

You did great development of the characters and story line. Thanks for what you did put out and would love to have you reconsider the ending.

Thanks again

singletlover 05-16-2016 12:29 PM

Just got back to the hot story. Been traveling and not a lot of time for this type of enjoyment. Plus I like to wait and read several pages at a sitting.

Thank you for your time and effort in creating a wonderful story. A lot of work I am sure.

Selfishly I hope a new idea pops into your creative mind and you share it with the rest of us.

Thanks again

SwimTeamSpeedo 08-12-2016 08:15 PM

The real final chapter part 1
It was the last full day that the band would have to themselves, no concerts, no rehearsals, no activities planned. It was a free day, in every sense of the word. Chris woke early, well before the sun was up, the slightest glow of the emerging day just breaking on the eastern horizon. He grabbed his Turbo Aces swimsuit and slipped it on over his naked body, gently tucking and positioning his still morning hard anatomy into the tight fit of the suit. He walked out on the balcony and took in the cool morning air. The hotel was silent, the pools below still, the backlighting in the water painting a romantic picture before him. As he watched, he rubbed his hand on his own bulge, enjoying the sensation he was giving himself and making himself much harder and more aroused in the form fitting suit. No one was watching and he almost finished the job, when his willpower and the lure of his morning workout pulled him away. A tiny trickle of wetness soaked into the lycra material.

“Hey, you going swimming?” Alex whispered as Chris wandered out into the sitting room of the suite. Patrick and Alex were wrapped around each other, just a single sheet covering them. They both looked content and so much in love.

“Yeah, one last good swim before the long days of travel ahead.”

“You look amazing,” Alex replied.

“Thanks, man, but I think you already have a pretty amazing guy.” Chris somewhat teased but mostly meant.

“Yeah…” Alex trailed off. The door closed as Chris left the two guys to themselves.

The fitness center and lap pool opened at 5, and just as the day before, not a person was there. Chris showered, tied up his suit, and took the last inside lane of the six lane pool. He swam a strong workout, for the next two hours, racking up 6000 meters of swimming. Shortly after seven he got out of the pool, which was still empty but for one older guy in his fifties who was swimming two lanes over. He was tall, lean, and wore an awesome print pair of Funky Trunk briefs. “Cool swimsuit,” Chris thought to himself as he watched the swimmer make his was up the pool and do a graceful flip turn to head the other way.

Chris snapped a picture of himself through the full length mirror and shot a good morning text off to Sherie. His suit quickly filled out at the thought of feeling her against him, which only made the picture that much more interesting. “Almost home,” he wrote. “Can’t wait to hold you in my arms.” He smiled to himself as he headed back to his room by way of the outer path that led to the resort pool he could see from his balcony. The tall, handsome, and very fit swimmer was catching the eye of rising guests watching from the balconies above. One cute girl from the band in particular watched Chris as he walked along the edge of the curving pool. She has eyed him all trip, but only from afar. She thought he looked so confident with himself as he would walk around in his skimpy swimsuits. He was more than just good looking, he was so sexually arousing. She tingled as she took him in, the same desire she had felt since the first day she saw him.


“Good morning,” Chris said to Alex and Patrick as he walked toward the balcony. The two were sitting together on a double lounger. Alex wore a very slight Neptune Scepter Clouds swimsuit with a mere half inch side band and just enough stretchy material to cover his very aroused manhood. Patrick wore a more conservative Speedo print suit with wider sides, but a bulge that showed as much excitement.

“Good swim?” Alex asked, not the least bit concerned about what Chris might see. It was amazing how deep their friendship had become and how accepting they all were with who they are.

“Yeah, pool to myself,” Chris replied. “I am going to miss that pool.” Chris headed back toward the refreshment table. “Anyone need coffee?” Chris asked. He returned with three cups, the guys sat on the balcony taking in the morning. Chris admired Alex’s swimsuit. It looked hot, and Alex looked hot in it.

“Most folks are heading to the beach for the day,” Patrick offered up. “Want to come along?”

“No, I think I might hang here and enjoy the pool,” Chris replied. “Maybe finish that book I’ve been reading.” In his heart Chris wanted the time alone. The Summer was over and big changes were ahead, plus he was still sorting out in his mind the urges he felt about the swimmer at the pool yesterday and some of his recent dreams.

“You going to wear those same suits?” Chris asked.

“Yeah, I think so,” Patrick replied.

“Not for me, I think this might be a little too tiny,” Alex added.

“Not at all, you look great in it,” Patrick protested. With some urging, Alex relented and agreed to wear it, which would later be a challenge as things got steamy on the beach.


SwimTeamSpeedo 08-12-2016 08:16 PM

Final part 2
After a great ab workout in the hotel fitness enter, Chris changed into a bold print Turbo suit, one he had not worn much on the trip but he really liked all the bright colors. He stood in front of the full length mirror and adjusted his placement inside the tight fitting suit, the colorful material outlining his anatomy. He was feeling a bit aroused, he contemplated taking care of the urge he was feeling, but chose to let it pass. He smiled at his look, snapping a selfie of himself and sending it off to Sherie with a sweet and romantic note about his desire for her. It was clear from the bulge of his suit that he had the desire. He grabbed his current book, a novel by Dan Brown, a bottle of water, and headed out the door for the pool.

The pool was more active than at 5AM, but with most of the band having gone to the beach it was relatively quiet. Chris’s stellar body caught several looks as he walked along the pool deck in the bright, tight Turbo. He found a lounger near the deeper end of the expansive pool. He set his stuff down, walked over to get a couple of towels. Two really cute young ladies could not take their eyes off Chris as he passed in front of him.

“Oh my, he is gorgeous,” said one, speaking in French.

“Yes, he is,” replied the other. They both felt urges of lust. Chris paid them no attention, which made him even more interesting. He spread his towels over the lounger and laid back on top of them, giving the ladies and anyone else a display of his long, lean and muscular body, his legs slightly spread, and his masculine bulge clearly profiled. He rubbed his chest and down over the suit with his right hand, as he settled back. While he was not the only guy in a brief cut swimsuit at the pool, he was by far the best looking.

A young couple were laying on a double lounger in front of a rented cabana. She was in a practically nothing pink string bikini and he was wearing an all black Speedo suit. He was packed down, but the urges being brought on by the teases of his newlywed wife were giving his bulge quite the protrusion. Chris watched as she kept teasing his, rubbing his legs up between his upper thighs, clearly touching more scintillating parts of him and enjoying the way he was responding. Today would not be the first day of their honeymoon that she had made him lose total control of himself in the tight black suit. He was already very close.

Across the pool, two guys were laying out. One was in a bright pair of board shorts that looked colorful on his mid twenties body. He was fit, but not muscular. The other guy was wearing a cute soft blue print fashion brief with very narrow sides and an outer drawstring that seemed to tease to be pulled. He was dark haired, had an infectious smile and a chiseled chin. He was very lean, well fit, with a flat stomach. A runner, Chris guessed, or maybe a cyclist. Chris smiled at the two of them. They were wearing totally opposite suits, but were clearly in love. They held hands as they laid together, side by side in separate loungers. He guessed the clear plastic glasses were Bloody Mary cocktails. As Chris watched, the brief clad guy pulled his partners hand to his lips and began kissing. Chris felt a tingle rush through him as he watched.

Chris pulled open his book and began to read, taking his mind off the urges he was feeling. From a balcony five floors up, the same cute girl from the band watched as Chris laid by the pool. She was already in her own swimsuit, a floral one piece that looked flattering on her. She headed out the door, a clear destination in mind.


Len, Grant, Aiden, along with Patrick and Alex found a nice spot on the beach. Aiden was the only one in shorts, although Len wore red and black jammers. Grant wore a patriotic USA Tyr suit with two inch sides and clinging lycra material that molded perfectly the outline of him. Patrick and Alex were still in the same suits they wore earlier on the balcony.

“Wow, not much to your swimsuit,” Aiden said to Alex. “Better be careful you don’t get a bone in that.”

“Shut up, Aiden” Alex replied. Truth was he was right, there was no way that slight little suit could ever conceal anything close to full arousal. The beach was a good mix of swimsuit types, with numerous guys in briefs and square cuts. From a guy perspective, the stimulation was abundant.

“Let’s hit the water and then take a walk,” Patrick whispered to Alex.

“Good idea,” Alex replied as he took Patrick’s hand and the two guys headed for the water. They looked adorable together as they headed across the beach. Alex already needed some cool water, he was quickly growing inside the tight grip of the suit and feeling very aware of how little he was actually wearing.

“Maybe I should have worn something different,” he said to Patrick.

“No, not at all. You look stunning,” Patrick replied.

“Don’t make me hard,” Alex warned. It was already too late.


Chris had read 20 or so pages of his book while breaking to watch the newlyweds and the two cute guys. The pink bikini wife continued to do all she could to drive her husband crazy, touching rubbing and kissing. Chris watched as he would pull away, his bulge clearly showing the impact of her stimulation. Twice he had jumped in the water, clearly an effort to hold off what was only a matter of time. Chris wondered if Sherie and he were as obvious in their teasing. They were. The cute guys across the pool had jumped in the water and were floating in the water. The brief clad guy was laying flat on his back, his anatomy outlined by the wet, clinging suit. His lover was similarly teasing him, but in a more subtle way.

Chris’s eyes closed and his mind wandered as he listened to the splashes of the pool. He began to doze off, thinking about so many things, the swimmer yesterday at the pool, the guy in the black Speedo getting stroked by his wife, and the cute guys floating in love. Of course, he also thought about Sherie, the feel of her lips against his, her warm kiss, holding her and the feeling of himself rubbing against her. His mind wandered deeper. He flashed back to the romance they had in Paris, their first time going all the way.

Chris’s suit grew tighter as his body responded to the stimuli of his dream. In his dream, he was alone at the pool, but for one other person. They were deeply in love. A hand rubbed his chest, teasing him as it slid across his nipples and felt the outline of his pecs. Lips touching his as they kissed. His suit was gripping him. He was growing more aroused, enjoying the feeling of his urge as he expanded in the tight grip of the suit.

A loud splash lifted Chris from his dream. Two guys in the mid twenties had jumped in the pool. One of them was tall, like Chris, with blonde tightly curled hair. He was wearing a print brief that Chris immediately liked. It had the drawstring on the outside and was a bold mix of colors, more of a Southwestern look. “Awesome suit,” Chris thought to himself. The other guy had dark straight hair and wore solid blue nylon shorts, the kind that cling to the body when wet. Chris watched for a while as they played in the pool, the blonde guy clearly the stronger swimmer. Chris snapped a picture of the blonde guy’s swimsuit with his iPad, a future reference point to find the suit on the internet.

As Chris laid back, he listened to the young newlyweds being affectionate. He glanced over to see that they were laying side by side, his leg slightly over hers and her hand nestled in perfect position to tease him. A tingle rushed through Chris as he watched them. He had determined that the guy’s name was Ricky and her name Kate. Chris closed his eyes and listened to them.

SwimTeamSpeedo 08-12-2016 08:17 PM

Final Part 3
Alex and Patrick wandered up the beach hand in hand until they found a somewhat private spot Patrick spread out the towel he had grabbed before they started their walk, hoping they would find just such a location. “This looks perfect,” he said .

“Totally,” Alex replied as he pulled Patrick into him, Alex standing behind with Patrick in front, the front of Alex’s body rubbing against the back of Patrick’s. “I love you so much,” Alex whispered.

“I love you, more“ Patrick replied.

“We need to figure out what we will do when we get back home<“ his eyes watering as Alex said it. “I mean we live so far apart. It was a six hour drive or an hour flight between their hometowns.

“We will figure it out,” Patrick tried to assure Alex. Truth in his heart, he worried to. Long distance relationships were hard. “For now, let’s enjoy the beach.”

The two guys laid tightly side by side on the beach towel, their respective left and right hands resting on each other’s body. Alex gently caressing Patrick’s abdomen, lightly rubbing across the waistline of his cute swimsuit. Pa trick rubbed along Alex’s upper left leg, then running his finger along the outline of the swimsuit around his left hip. The sensual touches stirring each other’s desires. Alex’s very tight and tiny suit was already stretching boldly trying to contain his rising desire.

“You feel so amazing,” Patrick said as his hand kept wandering.

“You may need to finish what you start,” Alex whispered back.

“That goes for you too,” Patrick replied. The two guys smiled at each other and rolled in to kiss. It was the next step in what was building to be a climatic interlude at the beach.


“Katie, I love you, but you need to stop,” Chris heard Ricky say. “I’m getting way too hard,” he added.

“But I love holding you, feeling you,” Katie replied, clearly not planning to listen. “Enjoy it,” she added. “I am so glad you agreed to wear this swimsuit for me.”

“I’ll try,” Ricky moaned. Chris glanced over. Ricky had rolled back onto his back. He was clearly rock hard in the tight black Speedo, his anatomy looked like a giant mound of pulsating desire. Ricky had his arm around Katy, and one leg laid out to the side. He was flexing the extended leg, a clear effort to hold back. Katy’s hand kept wandering down along his flat stomach and modestly defined chest. She would then slide slowly over the bulging suit, Ricky stiffening as she did.

“You look so handsome,” Katy whispered, just loud enough that Chris could hear her. Even Chris was getting aroused by what she was doing to Ricky, his own suit bulging as Chris’s own anatomy grew, but not to the point Ricky was at.

“Oh gawd Katie,” Ricky whispered. “I don’t think I can stop.” Ricky said. She rested her hand over the bulge.

“Relax,” she said as she squeezed him through the tight suit. She knew exactly what she was doing. Ricky was breathing hard.

“Damn,” Ricky moaned as the tight grip of the suit and the caress of Katie‘s hand took him beyond the breaking point. Ricky felt the final surge of erection grow as he reached the point of total explosion. He was in total ecstasy. Chris watched as Ricky’s mid section jolted upward, pressing into Katie’s hand. Ricky laid his head back as his pulsating anatomy thrust into her hand. The eruption was enormous, one of the longest Ricky had ever felt. “Oh gawd,” Ricky said, breathless.

“Feel better?” Katie asked with a grin. Ricky laid breathless, the final surges of release as his body started to calm.

“You need to stop doing that to me, people might see,” Ricky replied. He rubbed his right hand across the wet front of the tight black suit.

“No one was watching, and you can take care of me later,” Katie replied. They kissed.

Ricky laid back as Katie rubbed his upper chest. “I think I like Speedos,” he confided. I mean they do feel amazing on. I want to get a pair like that guy,” Ricky added, nodding toward Chris.

“I’d really like that.” Katie replied.

“Maybe I should go shower,” Ricky said as he stood to head to the men’s locker room. His suit was still well filled out as his body slowly eased back to normal.

Chris closed his eyes as Ricky walked away.


Grant was mesmerized by a trio of cute French young ladies, all wearing practically nothing. In fact, as he had been watching them, he grew more sexually aroused. The soft lycra of his Tyr red print swimsuit clung to his anatomy, creating the perfect silhouette of his maleness. The young ladies had noticed and through he was equally as cute. Their play was as much a tease to Grant as it was playful fun of three long time friends. While brief cut swimsuits on the guys was not uncommon on the beach, cute guys in such handsome suits was not as common. A great looking guy in a stunning swimsuit stood out, in more ways than just their bulge.

“Want to play?” one of the trio called out, catching Grant’s attention. It was a loaded question, for sure. “We just are, how you say… goofing off,“ she added.

“I would enjoy that,” Grant answered. Standing, he adjusted the fit of the suit, trying to conceal the aroused state he was displaying. He was beyond cute, one string hanging out of the front of the suit. They invented a game that involved a small sponge ball tossed between the four, which for some reason when thrown at Grant required these amazing jumps and bends. The girls laughed each time he made a catch, watching as his body bounced and gyrated, mostly the part inside the swimsuit.

“You are good,” the inviting girl cried out as she grabbed and hugged him, her hand coping a feel of his bulge. Grant nearly boned. “You come spend the day with us,”

“I don’t know,” Grant replied.

“No, it will be fun,” she insisted. Somehow Grant was convinced and wandered off with the cute girls, wearing nothing more than just the revealing little swimsuit., his other clothing remained on the bus. IT would be an afternoon Grant would never forget. It was every straight guys dream come true. Grant would come back a far different guy from the shy kid who almost went home so many weeks ago.

SwimTeamSpeedo 08-12-2016 08:19 PM

Final part 4
Chris had dozed off, listening to the sound of the decorative waterfall. The long swim workout had caught up with him, as his mind eased off into sleep. He was laying nearly flat out on the lounger, on his back, his feet spread about shoulder width and his one hand resting on his upper leg midway between his knee and hip. Ricky had come back from the locker room, his suit all clean and ready for more fun. Katie and Ricky ordered their first cocktail of the day. It was barely past lunch.

Chris’s high school pool was also the municipal pool for the town he grew up in, a smaller remote city in Northern Maine. It was an older facility, build in the 1950’s, not as a pool, but as a big armory or something. The pool was added later, a very functional, albeit not glamorous 25 yard lap pool with seven lanes, 25 yards, and a dive pool that created an L shape. It was all concrete, no color. Over the years, various efforts had been made to spice the pool up, but they all now looked weathered and out of date. A set of steel bleachers lined one side, broken by two gaps that ran to the various locker rooms.

Chris was a swimming sensation in these parts of Maine. He was as close to Olympic bound as these parts would ever see, although he was by no means on the level of that. Nonetheless, he was by far the best swimmer this region had ever seen. At age eight, he was swimming statewide meets in Bangor and Portland, followed by regional events in Boston and Hartford. He spend weeks every year at swim camps. This was, of course, in addition to his musical gift that brought him to Europe. Chris enjoyed swimming nearly as much as he enjoyed music. Maybe more. He sure enjoyed the swimsuits.

At age 15, Chris met his first true girlfriend. Being small town kids, they took things slow, cautious. It was as much out of fear as it was out of respect. As swim season started Chris’s sophomore year, Annie and Chris also found themselves exploring each other further and deeper. Annie had discovered that not only did Chris love swimming, but he loved wearing his swimsuits, which he did every time he could. By this point his collection was already up to 20 or more, plus his childhood swim team suits that he kept even though they did not fit. One day at his house, by the pool, she made him model every single one. It was a fashion show that she will never forget, seeing the cute tall swimmer, with his curly blonde hair, and developing muscular chest showing off in some of the slightest guys swimsuits she had seen. She liked the Aztec print Speedo the best, the colorful orange, gold and black print looked amazing as it wrapped around his body. Chris loved that swimsuit the best, even to this day.

“You look cute,” she said to him as he modeled. He’d smile glowing with pride. His swimsuit choice was not secret, he wore them everywhere, but few of his friends knew the extent of his collection.

“You are the first one to see all of them,” Chris told her. “Now you can’t tell people.”

“You are a Speedo nut,” she teased.

“Yeah, It is kind of weird, I guess,” he replied as they held hands laying out, him now in his Aztec print suit. She was wearing a one piece suit that was a combination of greens, not a competition suit, but a regular fashion suit from the local Sears. She was the prettiest girl in the world to him, at least at that time. They were both inexperienced, but the desires were lurking, especially in Chris, who kept rolling over to conceal his desiring display.

It was the first swim meet of the season. Annie was in the stands when Chris came out of the locker room. As always was the case, Chris got to the pool well ahead of the meet, usually to warm up and swim a few loose laps before the pool filled with the swimmers and made warm up swims tough. He was wearing the brand new team race day suits, a purple and gold print from Agon that was downsized so it clung to him tightly, with very narrow sides. Of all the suits he had modeled for her before, this was the tiniest of all, she knew it, and Chris did too. Some of the guys on the team were freaked out at how tiny the suits were. Chris loved it. The pool was not ready, as they were still putting out lane lines and doing some last minute prep. Chris turned and waved to Annie in the stands. She smiled back. She stood and bounded down the stands, grabbing him and giving him a big hug.

“You look amazing,” she whispered in his ear. “I mean that suit is like really tiny,” she added.

“Yeah, it is pretty small,” he replied. “Thanks for coming.”

“What, miss you kick ass in the pool,” She replied. “Not in a million years. Plus I get to see you almost naked.” As they talked Chris guided her to a secret spot under the bleachers, blocked by a supply closet it was a place they could hide, talk and maybe kiss.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“It’s a secret spot.” he replied.

“You better be careful taking me alone with you dressed like that,” she replied.

“I can handle it,” he laughed.

Well hidden from the filling pool, they chatted about the coming meet, Chris said the team from Orono was really good, going to be a tough meet. “They have a dude who can do the fly like no tomorrow,” he added. “I swam with him in AAU.”

“You can take him,” she replied, boosting his confidence. Chris felt a slight tightening in his suit as his body responded to her.

“You are sweet,” he replied. “It will be a good race,” he added.

“Don’t you worry, sweet stuff,” She reached out and pulled him into her. Her chest rubbed against him as she moved in fro the kiss, a deep and lustful embrace.

Her leg slipped between his and her upper leg rubbed against his anatomy. He grew hard instantly, stretching the limits of the tight swimsuit.

“I need to be careful,” he whispered.

“You feel amazing,” she replied. Her hands wanders across his back and over his swimmer butt, she pushed his midsection into her. He flinched. Her leg rubbed against his bulging anatomy as she enjoyed the feeling of his manhood through the suit. She had never actually felt Chris like this before. He felt so incredible, she was feeling urges of her own inside her tight jean shorts. Her hand slid down front and she squeezed between their bodies and rubbed across the front of his suit. She followed the outline of him.

“Oh Annie, what are you doing?” he asked.

“I love how you feel,” she replied. As much as he knew he shouldn’t, Chris enjoyed the feel of her touching him. He moaned and kissed her over and over again,. He grew more aroused as they continued to embrace each other. Chris felt himself going too far, but he kept goin.

“On man, Annie, I think I have a problem,” Chris treid to maintain control, feeling himself loving what she was doing, but realizing he was trapped about to let loose in nothing but the tiny swimsuit. Erections in his swimsuits were one thing, but hot this.

He pulled into her and froze. Please don’t he thought in his mind. Annie’s leg rubbed aginst him, he was so erect, he felt like a steel rod on her leg. Chris squeezed his legs around hers and held them tight. His heart was racing and she could feel him shaking “Why are you shaking baby?” Annie asked. He felt the sensation of his body starting to explode. He pushed away from her and bent over. Way over.

“Are you okay, baby?” Annie asked as she came to him. Chris pressed his legs tight together. He tried to adjust the tight suit, he was almost tearing out of the material. He rubbed himself with his had and then gripped his bulge in an effort to hold back. Annie rubbed his shoulders.

“Oh man, I can’t believe this,” Chris whispered. Annie had never seen him, nor any guy, so huge before.

“Chris, please tell me what’s wrong?” Annie pleaded.

“Annie I can’t stop it,” he whispered. “You know, like I think I might do it right now.” Annie had never seen a guy this far, Chris had never done this with a girl, and never in his swimsuit before.

“Stop what?” she asked.

“Oh no,” Chris moaned. At that moment his body jolted as a surge of release shot through the suit. Several pulsations erupted after.

The jolt woke Chris from his dream, breathing hard, just as he felt himself shooting through the wildly colorful Turbo suit. He had more than just dreamt the explosive release,, his swimsuit wet and sticky. “I can’t believe I just did that,” he thought to himself. He was still hard inside the suit, his bulge mounding up the front of the suit, as his body pushed out the final surges. Chris looked around, checking to see if anyone was watching. He felt trapped, just as he had that daay under the bleachers.

“Are you okay?” asked the cute girl from the band, who had watched the whole thing. She enjoyed the show almost as much as Annie did so many years ago.

“Um, yeah, just a dream,” Chris replied, not sure how much she actually saw. “At least all the colors must have concealed some of it,“ he thought. She saw all of it. She sat back in her chair in her floral one piece suit, smiling at the display Chris had just given her.


SwimTeamSpeedo 08-12-2016 08:20 PM

The end and Epilogue
The flight from Geneva landed in Boston ten minutes early. The Boeing 767 charter flight taxied to the gate. In the window of the gate hung a giant home made “welcome home” sign. It had been a quiet flight, most of the deep friendships formed over the eight weeks would fade away. Patrick and Alex had tears in their eyes. Grant never told what happened with the three girls, but he felt like he had fallen in love. Len sat with Chris on the flight home, a reflection of the friendship they had formed out of near disaster.

“Thanks for being a true friend,” Len said as the plane taxied into the gate.

“All is good, Man,” Chris replied.

“And thanks fro letting me dual solo with you in the farewell concert.” Len added.

“They shook hands and stood to exit the plane.

The most amazing trip of their lives was over, but they all had grown up in so many ways. They would never forget.



“Swim into the wall strong and then flip and push back, don’t slow down” Chris offered the advise to a teen swimmer back in his hometown in Northern Maine. Sherie and he broke up after two years the trip. He returned home to run the family farm and was the coach of his former swim team. He was a legend still around these parts. His collection of swimsuits now numbered 176, including his favorite Aztec print Speedo. Annie, his wife, chucked each time a new package of swimsuits arrived in the mail. She enjoyed watching him model each ne purchase, and still teased him just as she did under the bleachers many years before.

Patrick and Alex lived just outside of Richmond, VA. They remained soul mates since the trip to Europe, eventually getting married when the laws finally changed. They still wore matching swimsuits and Alex even started swimming for fitness and eventually grew into triathlons. Patrick was his biggest fan. They remained friends with Chris, spending Summer weeks up on the lake in Maine.

Grant faded away and was never heard from again.

Len was still single, very much an out gay man. He lived a venturous life exploring different parts of the world. He still loved jammers, although he would occasionally wear a brief cut suit in honor of Chris. They remained friends, Chris always marveling at Len’s adventures.

Most of the rest of the band had long faded into the sunset.

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